Download Documentation Passage CMS v . 0 Configuration Manual

August 2008
Jasper Goertz
Robert Lukkenaer
Rainer Keizer
Lotus Domino is a registered trademark of IBM
Passage is a trademarks of Your Passage B.V., The
Your Passage B.V.
Karperstraat 48
1432 PA Aalsmeer
T +31 (0)297 364001
Kamer van Koophandel 34293054
Rabobank 1366.52.670
[email protected]
9(56,21,1* ,1752'8&7,213$66$*(&21),*85$7,21 1.1
AIM ................................................................................................ 6
RELEVANT LITERATURE .................................................................... 6
THE STRUCTURE OF THIS MANUAL .................................................... 6
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ................................................................ 7
PASSAGE CONFIGURATION DOCUMENTS ............................................ 9
3$66$*(&21),*85$7,2129(59,(: *(1(5,&(/(0(176 3.1 ADMINISTRATION DOCUMENT .......................................................... 13
:KDW¶VQHZYLHZ,FRQVVSHFLDO,PDJHVWRUHGRFXPHQW 3.3 KEYWORD LIBRARY ........................................................................ 21
3.4 DOCUMENT TEMPLATES ................................................................. 21
3.5 MASTER/SLAVE CONFIGURATION .................................................... 23
'(),1,1*7+(6&5((1/$<287 4.1 FRAMED SITES ONLY ...................................................................... 24
6WDQGDUG)UDPH$UFKLWHFWXUH 3DVVDJH)UDPHGHILQLWLRQ $GGLWLRQDO)UDPH'HILQLWLRQV 4.2 PASSAGE ACTIONS......................................................................... 27
4.3 LAUNCHING PASSAGE FROM THE WEB-BROWSER ............................. 28
1$9,*$7256 5.1
BUTTON DEFINITION DOCUMENTS .................................................... 30
BUTTON IMPORT / EXPORT FACILITY ................................................. 33
GENERIC FIELDS ON THE LAYOUT DEFINITION .................................. 34
HTML LAYOUT OF THE PAGE .......................................................... 37
/$<287'(),1,7,21 Passage CMS v3.30
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Configuration Manual v1.0
Your Passage B.V.
&217(;7'(),1,7,216 7.1 GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................. 41
7DEOHEORFN3ODFHKROGHU 7DEOHEORFN$GYDQFHG 7.5 CONTEXT OBJECT “VIEW” 1 - 10 ..................................................... 49
7DEOHEORFN3ODFHKROGHU 7DEOHEORFN$GYDQFHG 7DEOHEORFN&RPSXWHG7H[W 7.8 CONTEXT OBJECT “IFRAME” 1 - 5 ................................................... 58
7DEOHEORFN3ODFHKROGHU 7DEOHEORFN$GYDQFHG 7DEOHEORFN,)UDPH 7.9 CONTEXT OBJECT “IMAGE” 1 - 10 ................................................... 60
CONTEXT OBJECT “SITEMAP” ...................................................... 62
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Your Passage B.V.
CONTEXT OBJECT “SEARCH RESULTS”......................................... 64
TABLE BLOCK - OVERVIEW OF USED OBJECTS .............................. 68
PASSING PARAMETERS TO CONTEXT OBJECTS ............................. 69
:(%)5217(1')250$77,1* 8.1 JAVASCRIPT LIBRARY .................................................................... 71
8.2 CSS DOCUMENTS.......................................................................... 72
&HQWHULQJDSDJH 8.3 JAVASCRIPT VIEWS ........................................................................ 73
0$,/,1),/7(56 9.1
INTRODUCTION .............................................................................. 75
DEFINING MAIL-IN FILTERS ............................................................. 76
STRUCTURED MAIL IMPORT ............................................................. 76
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Configuration Manual v1.0
Your Passage B.V.
Table 1: Versioning
Version Date
Passage CMS v3.30
Initial version Passage CMS 3.30
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Configuration Manual v1.0
Your Passage B.V.
This m anual aim s t o provide a solid know ledge base for t he configurat ion and
m anagem ent of a Passage sit e. I t has been w rit t en for all t hose involved in t hese
act ivit ies, like graphic designers, syst em m anagers, inform at ion brokers and syst em
int egrat ors.
This m anual is not int ended as an inst ruct ion m anual for an int ra- , ex t ra- or int ernet
end- user s. A cust om ised em ployee educat ion program w ill need t o be dev ised for each
part icular organisat ion. The m anual is not int ended for cont ent m anager s eit her.
Cont ent m anagers are referred t o t he end- user m anual. The st ruct ure of t his m anual is
based on t he sequence of operat ions involved in configuring Passage. We are
assum ing t hat Lot us Not es, t he Dom ino serv er and t he Passage Dat abase( s) have
been inst alled. Readers are expect ed t o have basic know ledge about w ork ing wit h t he
I nt ernet and som e basic HTML know ledge.
Chapt er 1
General int roduct ion about Passage
Chapt er 2
Passage configurat ion overv iew
Chapt er 3
The sit e’s adm inist rat ive docum ent . This
docum ent is used t o predefine a num ber of
t he basic feat ures of an I nt ernet or I nt ranet
sit e, like whet her it w ill be possible t o or der
brochures v ia t he sit e and all t he keyw ords
t o be used in t he pull- down list s.
Chapt er 4
Defining t he screen layout
Chapt er 5
Nav igat ors/ But t ons. How do users navigat e
Chapt er 6
Layout : How t he cont ent of a Passage
dat abase is present ed on t he Web.
Chapt er 7
Web front end form at t ing issues
Chapt er 8
Mail- I n filt ers
Chapt er 9
Docum ent life cycle m anagem ent
Chapt er 10
Cust om fields in Passage
Chapt er 11
Dat abase ACL set t ings
Passage CMS v3.30
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Configuration Manual v1.0
Your Passage B.V.
An alt ernat iv e source of inform at ion is t he Passage support w ebsit e:
ht t p: / / w w passage and Passage end- user and adm inist rat ion
m anuals.
Passage CMS v3.30
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Configuration Manual v1.0
Your Passage B.V.
The Passage configurat ion det erm ines t he funct ionalit y of t he dat abase. Configurable
it em s of t he Passage dat abase are:
/#0'1325476893: 2;0<9>=@?A;B
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L54AMBDAM098*93: 20
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Y AFGZ547: 93=B@A'9[93: 0'K'B
+,"* -. Definit ion of cont ent st ream s, k eyw ords,
funct ions, m ainly done on t he
Adm inist rat ion docum ent
Definit ion of t he navigat ional st ruct ure of
t he sit e, m ainly done in fram edefinit ions
and navigat ors ( but t on docum ent s)
The present at ion of t he dat abase t o t he end
user s is defined by:
Layout definit ions
Cont ex t Definit ions
CSS pages
I m age st ore docum ent s
Workflow set t ings are done on t he
dat abases access cont rol list ( ACL) , as w ell
as groups in t he NAB
Access right s, read/ w rit e, creat e/ delet e
set t ings are done on t he dat abases access
cont rol list ( ACL) . The delet e right s for w ebedit ors is set on t he Adm inist rat ion
docum ent .
Passage CMS has m any opt ions on how t o present t he dat a t o t he End user. The basic
split can be m ade bet ween "Fram e" and " Fram eless” sit es.
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The Passage configurat ion has t he follow ing dat a m odel:
Each dat abase has one or m ore fram eset s
Each fram eset has up t o 4 fram e cont ent definit ions ( red, green, blue and
Each fram e cont ent definit ion r elat es t o 1 cont ent t ype ( docum ent , v iew ,
but t on navigat or, URL)
Each cont ent t ype has it ’s own layout definit ion
Passage CMS v3.30
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Configuration Manual v1.0
Your Passage B.V.
Each layout definit ion links it ’s own JavaScript and CSS definit ion docum ent s
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The Passage configurat ion has t he follow ing dat a m odel:
The screen layout is defined by split t ing t he Screen in one or m ore < DI V>
t ags. The < DI V> t ags are posit ioned using CSS.
Each cont ent t ype is connect ed t o a lay out definit ion t y pe ( docum ent , view ,
but t on navigat or, URL)
Each layout definit ion cont ains t he < DI V> set , and link s t o t he corresponding
CSS Definit ions and JavaScript files. Frequent ly, addit ional JavaScript Pages
are added t o creat e m enu effect s based on But t on & Library docum ent s.
Necessary docum ent s in a clean ( new ) Passage dat abase:
Correct access set t ings
R56f: 0*: BM934g8.9[: 20254 O A;0.A;4P8*W
'R 25F@Z56fA;0.9
h;4P8*6fAR'AM13: 0*: 93: 20'B
8'=525Z*9R5A;13: 0*: 93: 20'B.i*i
1 always necessary , cont aining dat abase
w ide cat egory and k eyw ord definit ions
1 definit ion w it h t he nam e MAI N m ust be
present ( w it h Fram e Sit es, in Fram eless
Sit es no fram e definit ions needs t o be
present )
The follow ing layout definit ions m ust be
present :
- Default for docum ent s Depending on t he Passage elem ent s used,
t he follow ing layout definit ions m ust be
present :
- Default for navigat ors - Default for view s –
Library View
Search result s
When using Passage for a fram eless
w ebsit e t he use of a “- Default for
docum ent s –“ and a “Library ” layout
definit ion is sufficient .
Passage CMS v3.30
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Your Passage B.V.
2;09[A j9klAM13: 0*: 93: 20'Bi
mG8JG8 Y F47: ?9i
I f no cont ext definit ion is available t he
funct ionalit y is ignored and w on’t be used.
JavaScript s are used for effect s on t he
screen, m enu's, view form at t ing, err or
check ing et c. t here is a large num ber of
JavaScript funct ions t hat can be used in
Passage sit es.
Lim it at ions of Javascript s are t he poor
debugging possibilit ies, and t he fact t hat
all processing is done in t he client side.
/ / JavaScript s delivered in t he Passage
dat abases or Tem plat es are delivered AS
I S. You are obliged t o r espect and act in
accordance t o t he Copyright st at em ent s of
previous users.
Depending on t he Passage elem ent s used,
t he follow ing t ext pages need t o be
present :
· 00 ( ret urn page aft er m ail subm ission)
Thank you, your m essage has been
r eceived
· 01 ( ret urn page aft er a Response is
subm it t ed) Thank you, y our response has
been received
· 02 ( ret urn page aft er a Request is
subm it t ed) Thank you, y our request has
been received
· 03 ( ret urn page aft er a Present at ion is
uploaded) Thank you, y our present at ion
has been received
· Access Denied ( w hen accessing a page
w it h a non- published st at us) - This
inform at ion can not be accessed from t he
w eb!
· Not Available ( page is not available) Not
o^85BM9[A;4.p Y W 8JDA
F 250'1>: KZ54P893: 2;0
I n Large Passage I m plem ent at ions usually
t he configurat ion is st ored in a cent ral
r eposit ory dat abase ( t he Mast er) and t he
Cont ent Dat abases ( t he Slaves) depend on
t he m ast er. This decreases t he am ount of
configurat ion t im e enorm ously.
* Only necessary if cert ain funct ionalit y is used
* * I t is possible t o creat e one layout definit ion t hat is eligible for all t ypes m ent ioned
Passage CMS v3.30
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Configuration Manual v1.0
Your Passage B.V.
2;0*1>: K.Z'4P8.93: 20
To change t he st ruct ure or t he appearance of t he I nt ranet or w ebsit e
you need access t o t he advanced configurat ion m enu.
This access is given
t$ o you
_ em
f *inist
at he
right role ( q^rlsft
The configurat ion m enu is show n in t he bot t om left of t he m enu.
} o^85BD9[A;4 }
F 250'1>: KZ54P893: 2;0
Users obv iously require
$ cert
.! ain
._ s t o""access
;f *tvhe
_ a
navigat or ( qzrsft
All configurat ion possibilit ies ar e display ed w hen t he m ast er m enu is
act ive:
Warning: changing t he configurat ion changes y our sit e. Beware. Creat e
back ups before doing t his.
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Configuration Manual v1.0
Your Passage B.V.
} Y W 8J@A }
F 250'1>: KZ54g8.93: 2;0
A subset of t he configurat ion funct ions is displayed wit h t he Slave
configurat ion m enu:
Passage CMS v3.30
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Configuration Manual v1.0
Your Passage B.V.
The configurat ion of t he Passage cont ent m anagem ent sy st em can be div ided int o 2
part s, generic elem ent s and specific elem ent s.
This chapt er describes t he generic elem ent s, being:
Adm inist rat ion docum ent
The dat a- m odel of t he Passage Cont ent Managem ent
syst em , specifying infor m at ion t ypes, keyw ords, general
set t ings, et c .
I m age st ore
Docum ent s cont aining generic im ages, t o be used
anyw here in t he sit e.
Keyw ord library
Docum ent s cont aining k eyw ords, t o be used by cust om
developm ent s, library docum ent s, m et a- inform at ion, et c.
Tem plat es
Pre- defined docum ent s t hat can be past ed int o rich t ext
fields, w hile inherit ing st yles and layout definit ions.
Snippet s
Pre- defined pieces of cont ent t hat can be past ed int o rich
t ext fields.
The Passage cont ent m anagem ent syst em has a very rudim ent ary dat a dict ionar y. The
cont ent t ypes in Passage are pre- defined ( except for t he cust om subform s t hat can be
m ade by very advanced users/ developer s w it h a Lot us Not es developer client ) .
Select ing t he Adm inist rat ion docum ent from t he Passage advanced configurat ion m enu
displays t he follow ing I m age:
The dat a- dict ionary is m anaged v ia t he Adm inist rat ion docum ent , t his docum ent
cont ains:
key words per dat a- t ype
Passage CMS v3.30
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Your Passage B.V.
w hen applicable, m ail- addresses for users handling specific event s ( m ailform s)
dat abase language, enable w eb- edit ing
Mast er / Slave set t ing
Hide w orkflow elem ent s
Web Edit ing set t ings
Ot her general set t ings: e.g. Google sit em aps, Favicon, et c.
A special dat a- t y pe in Passage is t he library docum ent t y pe. The configurat ion can
define a num ber of inform at ion cat egor ies ( t his used t o be 31, but t his lim it at ion is
rem oved, do not use m ore t han 50 library cat egories for realist ic usage) .
For each inform at ion cat egory t he configurat ion can specify a set of keyw ords in t he
general docum ent ( k eyw ord 1 & 2) . This funct ion is present for backw ard
com pat ibilit y, it is bet t er t o use separat e Keyw ord docum ent s.
All funct ions on t he Adm inist rat ion docum ent are " self explanat ory" and w hen
applicable accom panied by a Helper t ext .
The basics t ab of t he adm inist rat ion cont ains a num ber of set t ings t he influence t he
appearance and available funct ions all t hrough t he Passage dat abase.
Passage CMS v3.30
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Configuration Manual v1.0
Your Passage B.V.
The follow ing set t ings are m anaged on t he t ab:
~. ";
Dat abase t y pe
Choose “Mast er” for a st andalone applicat ion or w hen t he design
of t his dat abase m ust be reused by ot her dat abases ( slaves) .
Choose “Slave” when t his dat abase should deriv e it ’s lay out , and
ot her funct ions, from a different ( m ast er) dat abase.
File nam es of
Passage CMS
Slave dat abases
I f t here are dat abase t hat reuse com ponent s from t his dat abase
( slaves) t here file nam e and pat h need t o be placed here.
Language Passage
Choose t he language for t he labels and m enus in/ for t he edit
env ironm ent . This also det erm ines t he language of t he labels of
t he default digit al form s on t he w ebsit e: cont act , forward t o a
friend, vacancy.
Opt ional set t ings
Hide t hese
elem ent s ( Not es
client )
Opt ional set t ings. Det erm ines which funct ions ar e available in
t he Not es client .
Hide t hese
elem ent s ( Web
brow ser)
Opt ional set t ings. Det erm ines which funct ions are available in
t he w eb brow ser.
Passage CMS v3.30
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Configuration Manual v1.0
Your Passage B.V.
Prefix w ebsit e t it le
Opt ional set t ing. Can be used t o provide a prefix t o t he w ebsit e
t it le shown in t he brow ser t it le bar.
E- m ail address( es)
t o send not i….
When docum ent s expire or need t o be revised, an e- m ail
not ificat ion w ill be sent t o t he filled in e- m ail addresses.
€xu'_ Allow w eb edit ing
Choose “Yes” t o enable web edit ing ( using t he w eb edit ing
env ironm ent via t he w eb brow ser) .
Addit ional CSS t o
load when edit ing
Opt ional set t ing. When needed, an ext ra CSS st y le sheet can be
defined t hat is used w hen a docum ent is in edit m ode in t he w eb
brow ser. The CSS st yle sheet chosen here ext ends/ overw rit es all
ot her ( on t he lay out definit ion and/ or cont ext definit ion used)
chosen CSS st yle sheet s.
To Do list opt ions
Choose w hich docum ent s t o show in t he To Do list of t he
w ebedit env ironm ent .
Edit orWebDelet e
Everyone w it h t he role Edit orI C is allow ed t o delet e all cont ent .
Som e im plem ent at ions dem and t hat Edit orI C’s need t o be able
t o publish and archive all cont ent in t he dat abase, but w on’t
allow t he delet ion of all docum ent s. The ACL “delet e” propert y in
t he ACL is ignored. Therefore an ext ra role w as added. I f you
use t he Edit orWebDelet e docum ent s can only be delet ed by
persons w ho have t his role.
\ *v "5
Fav icon pat h and
filenam e
Opt ional set t ing. Adding t he full pat h t o a favicon file ( * . ico) w ill
show a fav ourit es icon in t he address bar of t he br owser, et c. I f
em pt y , t he field is ignored.
 ‚' #-
Mail URL
The Passage cm s aut om at ically generat es an XML sit em ap. I n
order for t he t o w ork correct ly, t he syst em needs a full an
absolut e pat h. I t is possible t hat your w ebsit es can be reached
using m ult iple URL’s, choose t he m ost im port ant URL.
URL t o use in
server configurat ion
I f t he m ain URL is filled in, t he syst em w ill show an URL t hat can
be copied t o t he server configurat ion.
Passage CMS v3.30
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Configuration Manual v1.0
Your Passage B.V.
Each inform at ion t ype ( specified below ) , except for t he library docum ent s, has specific
fields t hat det erm ine t he funct ionalit y. These fields are:
key words
m ail- addresses
som e keyw ord dependent t ypes
These keyw ords are m anaged on t he adm inist rat ion docum ent .
Passage CMS v3.30
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Configuration Manual v1.0
Your Passage B.V.
On t he Adm inist rat ion docum ent t he library cat egories can be defined. I n versions
prior t o 3.00 t his was lim it ed t o 31, current versions do not have t his user lim it .
The num ber of specific view s ( by nam e / by key word) rem ains lim it ed t o 31.
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Library cat egories are defined by num ber and by nam e. When defining library
cat egories, it is very I MPORTANT, t hat you do not change or renum ber t he library
cat egories, since t he v iew s use a nam e/ num ber conversion t o select docum ent s ( done
for perform ance reasons) . Renum bering t he library definit ions w it hout t ak ing
precaut ions w ill definit ely result int o j ibberish. I nst ead of m aking t he values blank,
replace t hem w it h dum m y values. All values need t o be unique!
I f you do not use t he predefined Library view s t he abov e can be ignored. Changing t he
values is no problem .
Passage CMS v3.30
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Configuration Manual v1.0
Your Passage B.V.
Passage offers t he possibilit y t o configure t he navigat ion of t he Passage dat abase in
t he Not es client . On t he t ab “Menu Configurat ion” you’ll find t he code t hat is used t o
cr eat e t he m enu in t he edit environm ent .
The “Reset m enu” w ill creat e but t ons for all t he default cont ent t ypes as w ell as t he
specific configured library t y pes. Clicking “Updat e m enu” w ill replace t he exist ing
but t ons w it h t he but t ons defined by clicking t he “Reset m enu” but t on. I t is possible t o
rem ove cert ain but t ons from t he code before clicking t he “Updat e m enu” but t on,
hereby rem oving t hem from t he m enu.
I n Passage CMS 3.0, a m inim al ACL access level of “Designer” w as needed t o
successfully execut e t he act ion. From v ersion 3. 10 and up t he act ual updat ing is done
by an agent in t he backend, t he m inim al ACL access level of designer is no longer
Passage CMS v3.30
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Configuration Manual v1.0
Your Passage B.V.
The im age st ore is used t o archive all graphic elem ent s. The im ages are st ored in
several im age st ore docum ent s ident ified by nam e.
For exam ple ’drem pels weg’ funct ionalit y im ages are st ored in t his im age st ore:
Each docum ent has a field called “I cons”. The field m ak es it possible t o select im ages
from a special im age st ore docum ent w it h t he follow ing k ey: PASSAGE_I CONS. This
docum ent is a regular im age st ore docum ent but has a reserved nam e.
The im ages chosen in t he “I cons” field can easily be used is view s, on docum ent s, et c.
t here is a special what 's new view t hat allow s adding im ages or icons t o t he docum ent s
show n in t he w hat 's new view .
Passage CMS v3.30
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Configuration Manual v1.0
Your Passage B.V.
The keywor d library is used for st oring ext ra set s of key words. This can be useful for
cust om ising Passage.
Met a k eyw ords for t he sit em ap funct ionalit y and relevant docum ent s are also st ored
here. Met a keyw ords m ay not cont ain any spaces. Replace a space by an underscore.
Using a docum ent t em plat e is t he only way docum ent s can be creat ed in Passage CMS
( using t he Lot us Not es client ) . Tem plat es are pre- defined docum ent s t hat guide t he
edit ors t o cor rect out put t hat guarant ees perform ance and consist ency.
You can creat e your ow n t em plat e using t he t em plat e funct ionalit y. Tem plat es are
sy nchronized w it h t he Passage configurat ion at creat ion t im e.
Passage CMS v3.30
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Your Passage B.V.
Using t he cust om field’s funct ionalit y, you can creat e your own, advanced t em plat es,
using evaluat ed @form ulas.
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Configuration Manual v1.0
Your Passage B.V.
I n t he Mast er/ Slav e configurat ion ( from Passage 1.83 and higher) , m ult iple Passage
dat abases are specially configured such t hat t hey share configurat ion and design
elem ent s. The follow ing t able show s t he difference bet ween Mast er and Slave.
Adm inist rat ion docum ent
But t ons
I m ages
Tem plat es
Mail- I n filt ers
Keyw ords
Fram eset s
Layout s
JavaScript s
Adm inist rat ion docum ent
But t ons
I m ages
Tem plat es
Mail- I n filt ers
Keyw ords
Mast er Slave configurat ion is cont rolled on t he Dat abase Adm inist rat ion Docum ent ,
j ust set t he DB t o slave, and specify t he Mast er nam e and t he syst em is funct ional.
‰ # $
When using JS view s t he rout ines need t o be changed t o specify t he Slav e dat abase
( t his is done by changing t he variable DBNam eHTML int o DBNam eHTML_C) .
Only one t y pe of fram eset out of all fram eset s can be used.
Easy configurat ion and m odificat ion
Speed since few er docum ent s are used ( caching is opt im ised) .
Available from : Passage 1.83 ML
Top of your adm inist rat ion docum ent where you have t o select if y ou want a m ast er or
a slave dat abase.
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Configuration Manual v1.0
Your Passage B.V.
To use fram es t he Passage fram e definit ion m ust be configur ed. I f you choose t o
cr eat e a fram eless sit e, configurat ion of t he Passage fram e definit ion is not necessary.
Passage uses a m axim um of 4 fram es t o st ruct ure t he w ebsit e. The Passage fram e
archit ect ure organises nav igat ion elem ent s hierarchically . There are t hree different
nav igat ion elem ent s:
Top nav igat ors ( com parable w it h chapt ers)
Clust er navigat ors ( com parable w it h paragraphs)
Ext ra or generic But t ons ( always available, for exam ple: ’search’, ’w hat ’s new ’
and ’m ail’) .
The fourt h fram e in Passage is being used t o publish t he cont ent .
„E.Š!#‹v. ŒŽw  -*x> ‚a{>
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Any num ber of fram edefinint ions can be defined in t he Passage dat abase. Norm ally
one or 2 fram edefinit ions are sufficient .
I n a Fram ed Passage sit e t here m ust be one fram e definit ion w it h t he nam e:
This fram edefinit ion is used in t he but t ons.
\ # <
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Your Passage B.V.
Defining t he Fram e cont ent s can be done using t he colour ident ificat ion. The elem ent
t op open is helped.
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Your Passage B.V.
;‘.";a $
HTML Code can be inj ect ed in t he Fram e set . This creat es m any possibilit ies, but you
need t o have HTML Know ledge.
 †-.. x 
The Fram eset generat es code t hat is accept ed by Google ( nov 2005) for indexat ion.
This feat ure can change obv iously.
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< ! DOCTYPE HTML PUBLI C " - / / W3C/ / DTD HTML 4.01 Tr ansit ional/ / EN" >
< ht m l>
< head>
< SCRI PT language= "JavaScript 1.2"
src= "/ passage/ part ner/ iw/ iw_w eb.nsf/ PassageJSLibrary.j s?OpenPage"
t ype= "t ext / j avascript " > < / SCRI PT>
< SCRI PT language= "JavaScript " t ype= "t ext / j avascript " >
DBNam eHTML= "/ passage/ part ner/ iw/ iw_w eb.nsf" ;
DBNam eHTML_C= "/ passage/ part ner/ iw/ iw_w eb.nsf" ;
< / SCRI PT>
< !-Creat ed using Passage CMS
< TI TLE> I nt raw or ks< / TI TLE>
< META NAME= " descript ion" cont ent = " Welkom bij I nt raw orks! " >
< META NAME= " keyw or ds" cont ent = " Cont ent Managem ent , Passage Proj ect s, I nt ranet , I nt ernet ,
Lot us Not es, Lot us Dom ino, Lot us, Not es, Dom ino, groupware, Passage, Proj ect s, ASP,
Consult ancy, Consult ant s, Kennisover dr acht , Nieuw e Media, Nieuw e, Media Com m unicat ie,
Sam enw erken, Am st erdam , Nederland, Training, Coaching, Advies, CLP" >
< / HEAD>
NAME= " BLeft " SRC= "/ passage/ part ner/ iw/ iw_w eb.nsf/ v01013/ TT_Blank! open" >
SRC= "/ passage/ part ner/ iw/ iw_web.nsf/ fram edefinit ions/ m ain! OpenDocum ent " >
NAME= " BRight " SRC= "/ passage/ par t ner/ iw / iw _w eb.nsf/ v01013/ TT_Blank! open" >
š›{œž5Ÿ ¡¢'£¤¥G¥ ¤5¦'§5¢5£5¤'¨[©#ª5§'¨7¢*« ¬¢*« ¬y­.¬`§'®*¯ ª5¥°7¢D±²M³'´²Mµ¶ ·*£;§5ª±*« §D¬¡@¸›¹ ¹;º'·5»@¼*½¾§'ª;©7¥E°g·.¨
»@¨g¤;¬¹ §*¨š¢;›l¸
< / HTML>
< ! - - < / SCRI PT>
< SCRI PT LANGUAGE= " JavaScript 1.2"
src= "/ passage/ part ner/ iw/ iw_w eb.nsf/ p0002JVS3?OpenPage" > < / SCRI PT>
Your Passage can develop addit ional fram e layout s on request . Please cont act your
represent at iv e for det ails.
Passage Act ions are ex ecut ed from w it hin a fram e or but t on docum ent . Each
act ion perform s a specific act ion on a not es/ passage dat abase or ont o anot her
sy st em . Act ions are:
ˆ ¿_"*
Show s a docum ent from a view.
Opens a docum ent from t he specified
dat abase t hat is locat ed in t he specified
view. I n t he second row you now need t o
ent er w hich dat abase and view t he
docum ent com es from .
Passage CMS v3.30
Creat es a specific docum ent in a Not es
dat abase
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Configuration Manual v1.0
Your Passage B.V.
ˆ ¿v .
ˆ ¿
*v .a
À tEs
‚ #
! Show s a view from a not es dat abase.
View opt ion: Expand ( Feat ure t hat
expands any addressed view s) and
collapse ( Feat ure t hat collapses any
addressed view s)
Show s a but t on nav igat or ( w it hin
Opens a dat abase w it h t he default
dat abase launch opt ions
Anyt hing t hat can be addressed fr om t he
client ’s syst em
Opens t he users own not es w eb m ail file
( only in Passage I nt ranet version! )
The Passage program handles t he correct t ranslat ion of t he abov e act ions int o HTML
com m ands.
The Passage dat abase needs t o be configured t o perform t he right act ion w hen t he
dat abase is opened from t he w eb- brow ser. The only correct act ion for Passage used t o
be t o open t he MAI N fram e definit ion w hen t he dat abase is launched.
Nowadays t his is no longer necessary. Passage can open any cont ent elem ent and
posit ion a fram eset ( if required) around t he cont ent .
w-7aÁ *."; $
This is configured as follow s:
Open t he Passage dat abase.
Right click on t he fram eset , t ex t page or ot her docum ent .
Choose “Copy as doclink”.
Open t he dat abase in t he Lot us Not es designer client .
Open t he “About t his dat abase” ( can be found under “Ot her” ) docum ent . Past e
t he doclink in t he “About t his dat abase” docum ent . Make sure it is t he first
Save t he “About t his dat abase docum ent ”.
Select t he dat abase propert ies box, and select t he launch t ab ( see im age
below ) .
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From t he dat abase launch opt ion “When opened in a brow ser”, select launch
first Doclink in "About dat abase". The dat abase w ill now launch t he m ainfram e
definit ion w hen t he dat abase is opened from t he w eb.
PS: y ou’ll need Designer access t o perform t his operat ion.
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Passage nav igat ors are used t o navigat e a Passage sit e. Navigat ors est ablish t he
hyperlinks requir ed t o access new navigat ors and ot her funct ionalit y.
Wit hin Passage, navigat ors are creat ed by grouping but t on docum ent s by keyw ord
( but t ons are ex plained in t he follow ing paragraphs) . Using t hese keywor ds, passage
nav igat ors can be addressed from Fram e definit ions or fr om ot her but t ons docum ent s.
The follow ing pict ure shows t he but t on select ion and t he represent at ion on our
w ebsit e.
But t ons are a very flexible w ay of creat ing a navigat ion st r uct ure in your I - net .
Passage Proj ect s is cont inuously developing new m et hods t o increase t he usage of
but t ons. Please cont act Passage Proj ect s on a regular basis for new developm ent s. On
each but t on you can define t he follow ing variables:
Posit ioning
Act ions
Audience ( in Passage int ranet version only)
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.-."* g$
~. ";$
r‰ # ;a
@ $ $ The clust er cont aining t he but t on. Clust ers group but t ons
‰ . I$ t is possible t o creat e a hierarchy from but t ons for easy posit ioning
The ordering of t he but t on. Various sequences can be creat ed by
m anipulat ing t he values.
Must t his but t on be show n
Type: t he present at ion of t he but t on, t he CSS t o be used, if it is a graphic but t on or
not et c. Your Passage recom m ends: Text but t ons w it h CSS Posit ioning. This offers
m axim um flexibilit y.
Tex t propert ies: “CSS: class nam e”. Give t he but t ons a “class nam e” which can be
addressed form a CSS st yle sheet .
But t on Text : t he t ex t on t he but t on.
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q Àz+ — u„ r u
The audience opt ion is part of t he I nt ranet version of Passage. This opt ion set s t he
readers field of t he but t on. I f t he reader is in t he specified group or role ( list ed in t he
Server’s cent ral Nam e and Address book) , t he but t on is visible from t he Web.
Ot herw ise t he but t on is hidden. I n t his way t he user is offered relevant inform at ion
q^r — …¾„ ˆ
The act ion t o be perform ed on t he but t on. This is ident ical t o t he act ions in t he
‰ es.
t hat if you use but t ons t o feed m enu’s, for exam ple TI GRA m enus, you
need a j avaScript view and connect or . Only t he first act ion is export ed in t he
JavaScript view .
I t is possible t o define special graphical effect s on but t ons w it hout t he creat ion of
special GI F im ages for each st at e ( for exam ple m ouse- over, m ouse- dow n and st eady
st at e) .
The m aj or advant age of t his t echnique is t he speed ( no downloads, rendering by t he
w eb- brow ser) . A class is select ed from t he but t on docum ent :
Defining an CSS St yle t hat gov erns t he display of t he but t ons ( for exam ple
.but t ons)
Creat ion of a CSS definit ion page in t he Passage configurat ion m enu
Linking t he CSS definit ion page ont o t he but t on navigat or using t he layout
definit ion
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Your Passage B.V.
Frequent ly used exam ple:
Define a graphics + t ext but t ons, using a m ouse- over effect ( t he im age is a
generic but t on im age)
The Cascading St yle posit ions t he t ex t on t op of t he but t on, for exam ple using
t he follow ing css definit ion:
.But t ons
{ posit ion: relat ive;
left : - 100px;
t op: - 17px;
font - fam ily: arial,verdana;
font - w eight : bold;
font - size: 10pt ;
color: # 1D3854
Where t he t ex t norm ally is posit ioned at t he right - bot t om of t he im age, t he relat ive
posit ioning places t he t ext over t he im age.
t he
$  .^ples,
Çx ion exam
w- .onour
This funct ion no longer w orks in t his version of Passage CMS.
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Configuration Manual v1.0
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Passage uses Layout definit ions t o det erm ine how various elem ent s ( navigat ors,
docum ent s and v iew s) are present ed.
Passage st ores cont ent and ’web present at ion of t his cont ent ’ in separat e locat ions.
Cont ent is st ored in various docum ent t ypes, t he lay - out is st ored in t he Configurat ion
m enu.
Passage Layout definit ions ar e used t o define t he layout for t he w eb- brow ser. When a
nav igat or, docum ent or view is accessed on t he w eb, t he layout definit ion is added t o
t he docum ent . Because cont ent and present at ion are st ored independent ly it is easy t o
change t hem .
Layout definit ions are t he Glue bet w een t he cont ent , t he nav igat ion and t he
present at ion. There are m any way s t o creat e layout definit ions. Please be reluct ant in
building new layout definit ions, t here m ust be a sm art er w ay t o reach your goal t hen
t o m aint ain 100 layout definit ions for a single sit e.
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I t is possible t o inj ect HTML code in t he HTML Head of t he Page.
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I t is possible t o inj ect HTML code in t he HTML Page pr ior t o t he Tit le. I n t his exam ple
w e use a Fram eless sit e w it h Dr em pelsWeg ( disabilit y) im plem ent at ion.
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*d, ‰ .{•D’l‡
*7aE –
Aft er t he t it le but before t he not es rich t ext it em cont aining all cont ent
*d, ‰ .{•D’l‡
Closing st at em ent s at t he end of t he page
\ CSS Files t o be bound t o t his page can be defined on t his part . CSS Files are st ored in
t he CSS St ore in t he Configurat ion.
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Ê *v ." !>-. \ ˆ
JavaScript Files t o be bound t o t his page can be defined on t his part . JavaScript Files
are st ored in t he JavaScript St ore in t he Configurat ion.
.!. { *v x Ê *v ." -.
Specific docum ent inform at ion can be m ade available t o t he end- user ( i.e. browsing
t he w ebsit e) . This is done by opt ionally m aking t he docum ent info ( or m et a dat a)
available t o JavaScript . Via a specific funct ion, t his info can be placed everyw here on
vE SËÐ];…^;"y„z ‘; ]@Ï
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„E{ d"; v 5._#$
You should specify a background im age for t he BODY elem ent in your CSS definit ion
inst ead.
Åf"; s
You should specify link colors for all elem ent s in your CSS definit ion inst ead.
As explained, Passage facilit at es adding HTML t o t he present at ion of t he page on t he
w eb. This is done by inj ect ing HTML on t he Page.
Not es and Passage don’t change t he HTML in any w ay. I n addit ion, alr eady ex ist ing
HTML code from exist ing lay out definit ions can be int egrat ed in new definit ions.
Passage ~docum
_ ent s are alw ays present ed in t he brow ser using t w o fields, t he
and t he
. I n t he Layout Definit ion HTML code can be insert ed in front of t he t it le,
bet w een t he t it le and t he body and behind t he body field. The Webserver generat es
t he desired screen layout .
An exam ple of how HTML code can be used t o det erm ine t he lay out of a docum ent .
Allow pass- t hrough ht m l t o be placed in t he ht m l- head part of t he HTML docum ent .
This is necessary for specific JavaScript funct ions t o w ork .
Also a gener ic variable called DBNam eHTML ( DBNam eHTML_C in Mast er/ Slave
configurat ions) is m ade public on t his page.
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Dy nam ic HTML
JavaScript View s
Brow ser specific issues ( by put t ing self m odify ing code in t his field)
~.#‚‚ This field can be used t o define a t able w it h t hree colum ns, for exam ple, placing t he
next and previous but t ons in t he first cell, and t o defining t he layout of t he t it le. The
roll down m enu ( click available JavaScript funct ions) show s t he available JavaScript
funct ions .
',9LG FUDZO9LHZ!%5!$
',9LG 723!
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',9LG 0,''/(!
',9LG 0,''/(1DYLJDWLRQ!
',9LG %27720!
',9LG 7R3ULQW!
7aE‚ q
[ I MAGE] This opt ion is oft en used t o go t o a new row / cell of a t able.
q 7aE<
_, .
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When debugging a Passage w ebsit e, it is possible t o det erm ine w hich layout definit ion
is used. Follow t hese st eps:
Load t he page in t he browser
View t he HTML source
Search for t he t ext “Layout Definit ion info” or “Lookup Key ”
I n t he HTML source, y ou’ll find som et hing lik e t his:
< !-Layout Definit ion info
LookupDB: / passage/ personal/ t ainsh.nsf
LookupKey: Text PageTEST
For db: non- db specific
Where * layout definit ion* st ands for t he used layout definit ion docum ent
I t is possible t o open a docum ent w it h a different layout definit ion t hen configured.
Creat e a link or but t on w it h a url t o t he desired docum ent . Then add t he code
“&lookupkey= < keyOfThe Layout Definit on> ” t o t he url. Result ing in opening t he
desired docum ent but w it h t he layout definit ion passed in t he URL.
Keep t he follow ing in m ind:
Passing a key in a ur l overrules t he pr edefined layout definit ion for t he
docum ent
I f t he in t he url passed layout definit ion does not exist , t he docum ent w ill be
opened w it h a layout definit ion, it does not fall back on t he pr edefined layout
definit ion.
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A Context Definition enables documents to incorporate dynamic content, such as
navigation, views and relevant documents, that will be ‘injected’ into placeholders present
on the Layout Definition.
The various types of dynamic content will be referred to as “Context Objects”.
Each time a page is requested from the browser, the “PageBuilder” agent is run. This
agent will try to look up the Context Definition for the document – either the one specified
on the document, or the default one (if existent). If it has found this Context Definition, the
PageBuilder will initialise all the Context Objects on the definition that have been enabled,
and will try to find special placeholders on the Layout Definition that’s loaded, to
substitute those with the HTML generated by the Context Objects.
This means that only enabling a Context Object is not enough to actually show the object
on the web page; it is also necessary to put a placeholder on the Layout Definition that is
used to display the document, otherwise the object will be initialised, but there is nothing
to write the results to.
Below is an example of four placeholders on a Layout Definition:
<DIV id="ctxNavigation1">%ctxNavigation1%</DIV>
<DIV id="ctxNavigation2">%ctxNavigation2%</DIV>
<DIV id="ctxNavigation3">%ctxNavigation3%</DIV>
<DIV id="ctxNavigation4">%ctxNavigation4%</DIV>
The placeholders in this example are the string surrounded by the percent signs:
%.......%. These will be substituted completely by the HTML-code from the various
Context Objects.
If a placeholder has been specified on the Layout Definition, but there’s no matching
Context Object on the Context Definition, the PageBuilder will replace the entire
placeholder with an empty string. This means it’s possible to include many placeholders
on a Layout Definition, even though not every placeholder will be actually used by the
Context Definition.
In this example, the id’s of the DIV tags are the same as the placeholder names.
Although not mandatory, it makes exchanging CSS style sheets that describe the looks of
the objects much easier.
To help determining which Context Definition is used by the Passage CMS web page
that’s opened in a browser, the source of each page contains information about this.
Open the HTML source of the document, and you’ll find the following string near the top
of the document.
If Context Definition "Default" is in use, you’ll see the following:
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<!-- Context Definition="Default" -->
If QR Context Definition is being used, you’ll see the following in the HTML source:
<!-- Context Definition="No Context Definition found" -->
There are only two situations in which you’ll see the message "No Context Definition
1. No Context Definition has been specified on the document, and Context Definition
"Default" doesn’t exist
2. A Context Definition has been specified on the document, but it doesn’t exist.
Sites that don’t use Context Definitions will always have "No Context Definition found" in
the HTML source code.
Mandatory fields have their field description in EROGW\SH. These fields are only
mandatory if the Context Object which the field is in, is enabled (checked field
“Placeholder name”).
Fields that can also take @Formulas as field values have a red asterisk * next to the
description. Field values starting with an “@”-sign, will be evaluated as an @Formula.
That first “@”-sign itself will be ignored.
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Field "3ODFHKROGHU" has a unique value for each Context Object. If a Context Object has
been enabled by checking the checkbox, the PageBuilder will initialise the object when a
page is requested, and will try to find the appropriate placeholder on the Layout Definition
to replace it by the generated HTML-code.
The fields "6FULSW/LEUDU\" and "&ODVVQDPH" are a pair. They can be used to override
the ‘standard behaviour’ of each of the Context Objects, so they can be implemented in a
customer specific way.
This is the unique name of the Context Definition. There is QR checking whether this
name is unique or not.
To make a Context Definition that will be used for all documents, use “Default” as a
Document Key.
The contents of this field is visible to Editors when they choose a specific Context
Definition on a document.
Use this field to give a detailed description of the functionality that you have configured on
the Context Definition. The contents of this field are visible to Editors when they choose a
specific Context Definition on a document.
Always make sure you give your Context Definitions an accurate description of
what they do, because after a while chances are that it’s not so clear anymore
what each one does if the description is too short.
This field allows you to load an additional CSS style sheet for documents that use this
Context Definition, should the need arise.
The CSS style sheet specified here will be loaded after the style sheets from the Layout
Definition have been loaded.
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Allows you to incorporate up to 5 Navigation elements on a page.
The standard Script Library and Class will show all documents on RQH level of the
navigation path only. It uses the “Document as Button” fields from the current document
to determine what that path is. If a document hasn’t specified something in the
“Document as Button”-fields, no navigation will be shown for that document.
The styling of the output of objects of this type is entirely done by CSS.
Below is an example of HTML output for a Navigation context object:
<DIV id="ctxNavigation1">
<LI class="first on"><DIV><A
<LI class=""><DIV><A
cument">News overview</A></DIV></LI>
<LI class="last"><DIV><A
ocument">Products overview</A></DIV></LI>
Combined with a CSS style sheet, this will be rendered like this in the browser:
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Some sites may require a navigation that is also known as “tree-style” navigation. An
example of this is the way folders are shown in the Windows Explorer interface.
Example “tree style” menu
To use this type of navigation, choose “sl.iw.iwPassageCMS.CTXNavigationMulti” from
the pull-down list in the “Script Library” field. The field “Class name” will automatically be
filled out with the pre-defined matching Class:
NB: It is possible to use this alternative even for navigation that only needs to show one
level (fields “Level from” and “Level to” set to the same number); however, this script is
slower than the default one that is specially tailored to that purpose.
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When checked, this Context Object will be used when generating the web page.
Optional. A description of the view navigation on this tab.
The standard LotusScript library that is used if this field is left empty is:
The following value can be chosen from the pull-down list:
The standard Class that is used if this field is left empty is:
The value for this field will be automatically set to “FO&7;1DY0XOWL” if field “Script Library”
has "VOLZLZ3DVVDJH&06&7;1DYLJDWLRQ0XOWL" as value.
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This field specifies from which level the navigation should be retrieved. Level 1 is the
lowest level possible.
For example:
if you specify “1” in this field, all documents/buttons that have the same
navigation path as the current document up till level 1 will be included in the
If you specify “3” in this field, the documents/buttons that have a matching
navigation path up till level 3 will be included.
The default value for each ctxNavigation object is the same as its’ object number.
NB: this field is only used if field “Script Library” is not empty, for example when the “treestyle” navigation is desired.
It defines up till which level the documents/buttons should be included in the navigation.
Level 1 is the lowest; theoretically there is no highest level. To make sure all levels are
included, choose “End” from the list, or type “0”.
The default value for each ctxNavigation object is the same as its’ object number.
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Enables you to show a navigation trail on your documents, so users can see a clickable
‘trail’ representing the navigational hierarchy in which the document is located.
An example how this might look in a browser:
When checked, this Context Object will be used when generating the web page.
Optional. A description of the navigation trail defined on this tab.
The standard LotusScript library that is used if this field is left empty is:
The standard Class that is used if this field is left empty is:
Public Class clCTXNavigationTrail
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Enables you to include up to 10 views on a page.
When checked, this Context Object will be used when generating the web page.
Optional. A description of the view defined on this tab.
The standard LotusScript library that is used if this field is left empty is:
The standard Class that is used if this field is left empty is:
Public Class clCTXView As clCTXBaseView
Specifies the database to get the view from.
The choices shown are from the Database Administration field “Passage CMS Slave
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Your Passage B.V.
The name or alias of the view that you want to show. The list of choices is a selection of
views that are present in every Passage CMS database. It is however also possible to
use any view name or alias here. It is also an option to use @Formula, e.g. for retrieving
the view name from an URL parameter.
An @Formula can be used if the first character is an “@”-sign.
When used, restricts the documents to be shown to only those that have this value in the
first view column. This only works if the values in that column are of type “string”.
An @Formula can be used if the first character is an “@”-sign.
When used, restricts the documents to be shown to only those that have this value in the
second view column. This only works if the values in that column are of type “string”.
An @Formula can be used if the first character is an “@”-sign.
When used, restricts the documents to be shown to only those that have this value in the
third view column. This only works if the values in that column are of type “string”.
An @Formula can be used if the first character is an “@”-sign.
Can be used to restrict the number of documents shown.
Leave this field empty or specify 0 to show all documents.
HTML code that will be shown above the actual view, for example an opening <DIV> tag.
An @Formula can be used if the first character is an “@”-sign.
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Your Passage B.V.
All fields from the current document are available, as well as the following variables:
Number, the total number of
documents in the view
Number, the number of documents
per page
Number, the counter from which the
documents are shown
Number, the counter to which the
documents are shown
String, buttons for navigating view
HTML code that is used for every entry in the view.
An @Formula can be used if the first character is an “@”-sign; in this field, this will always
be the case.
All fields from the document being processed are available, as well as the following
String, UNID of the current document
(handle to the document that is
opened in the browser, not to the
document in the collection)
String, URL of the document
String, Master database path
String, Current database path
String, number in the view
String, "Odd" or "Even"
You can use the following @Formula to show a view entry:
#^',9!$KUHI `'RF85/^!`7LWOH^$!',9!`
HTML code that will be shown below the actual view, for example a closing </DIV> tag.
An @Formula can be used if the first character is an “@”-sign.
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Your Passage B.V.
All fields from the current document are available, as well as the following variables:
Number, the total number of
documents in the view
Number, the number of documents
per page
Number, the counter from which the
documents are shown
Number, the counter to which the
documents are shown
String, buttons for navigating view
Determines wether the current document should also be shown in the view, should it also
occur that it is listed in that view.
The following URL parameters can be used for this type of Context Object:
Amount of documents to be shown. Overwrites any value specified in
field “Lines per view page”.
View row from which the view contents should be shown.
Please refer to “7.13 Passing parameters to Context Objects” for more information about
passing URL parameters to specific Context Objects.
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Your Passage B.V.
Enables you to include a maximum of 3 lists of documents that are relevant to the current
document, based on various criteria.
When checked, this Context Object will be used when generating the web page.
Optional. A description of the relevant documents defined on this tab.
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Your Passage B.V.
The standard LotusScript library that is used if this field is left empty is:
The standard Class that is used if this field is left empty is:
Public Class clCTXRelDocs As clCTXBaseView
To use this Context Object, it is necessary to specify what the criteria are that should be
met to include other documents that are ‘relevant’ to the current document.
This field provides two options from which to take the values:
1. The values to be used will be chosen on this Context Definition:
Specify the “Metakeyword list” and the “Metakeyword” that will be used to look up
relevant documents. All documents that have the same values, will be included in
the view.
2. The values to be used will be on the current document:
Specify which document field (Metakeywords 1 or Metakeywords 2) should be
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Your Passage B.V.
Can be used to restrict the number of documents shown.
Leave this field empty or specify 0 to show all documents.
HTML code that will be shown above the actual view, for example an opening <DIV> tag.
An @Formula can be used if the first character is an “@”-sign.
All fields from the current document are available, as well as the following variables:
Number, the total number of
documents in the view
Number, the number of documents
per page
Number, the counter from which the
documents are shown
Number, the counter to which the
documents are shown
HTML code that is used for every entry in the view.
An @Formula can be used if the first character is an “@”-sign; in this field, this will always
be the case.
All fields from the document being processed are available, as well as the following
String, URL of the document
Master database path
Current database path
String, "Odd" or "Even"
You can use the following @Formula to show a view entry:
#^',9!$KUHI `'RF85/^!`7LWOH^$!',9!`
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Your Passage B.V.
HTML code that will be shown below the actual view, for example a closing </DIV> tag.
An @Formula can be used if the first character is an “@”-sign.
All fields from the current document are available, as well as the following variables:
Number, the total number of
documents in the view
Number, the number of documents
per page
Number, the counter from which the
documents are shown
Number, the counter to which the
documents are shown
Determines wether the current document should also be shown in the view, should it also
occur that it is listed in that view.
The following URL parameters can be used for this type of Context Object:
Amount of documents to be shown. Overwrites any value specified in
field “Lines per view page”.
View row from which the view contents should be shown.
Please refer to “7.13 Passing parameters to Context Objects” for more information about
passing URL parameters to specific Context Objects.
Enables you to include a maximum of 5 blocks of HTML/JavaScript/Text/etc.
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Your Passage B.V.
When checked, this Context Object will be used when generating the web page.
Optional. A description of the Computed Text defined on this tab.
The standard LotusScript library that is used if this field is left empty is:
The standard Class that is used if this field is left empty is:
Public Class clCTXIFrame
Specify the value for you want placed in the named placeholder. It is possible to use
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Your Passage B.V.
Enables you to include a maximum of 5 IFrames on your documents.
When checked, this Context Object will be used when generating the web page.
The standard LotusScript library that is used if this field is left empty is:
The standard Class that is used if this field is left empty is:
Public Class clCTXIFrame
Specify the value for HTML attribute "NAME" here. This is only useful if you need to
address the IFrame from a script.
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Your Passage B.V.
Optional. A description of the iframe defined on this tab.
Specify the value for HTML attribute "ID" here. This is only useful if you need to address
the IFrame from a script.
Specify the URL for the IFrame here.
An @Formula can be used if the first character is an “@”-sign.
This is a standard HTML property of an IFrame, and included here for completeness.
In most cases setting this to “No” is best, especially because it’s possible to style the
border using CSS style sheets too, in a more precise way.
Defines wether scroll bars should appear within the IFrame.
Scrollbars will only appear if the content of the IFrame exceeds the dimensions of the
- if the content is too wide, a side scrollbar will be shown
- if the content is too high, a bottom scrollbar will be shown
Scrollbars will always appear.
Scrollbars will never appear.
The CSS class for the IFrame.
The inline CSS style for the IFrame.
This can be used to specify the dimensions and other aspects of the IFrame, for example:
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Your Passage B.V.
Enables you to include up to 10 images on the page.
When checked, this Context Object will be used when generating the web page.
Optional. A description of the image defined on this tab.
The standard LotusScript library that is used if this field is left empty is:
The standard Class that is used if this field is left empty is:
Public Class clCTXImage
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Your Passage B.V.
The URL of the image can be either selected on the Context Definition itself, or be
specified by an @Formula. The latter enables you to use document values for the URL.
This field provides two options from which to take the values:
1. The image URL will be selected here, from the Image Store documents:
2. The image URL will be composed by using an @Formula:
Specify an optional URL link for the image, making the image clickable.
An @Formula can be used if the first character is an “@”-sign.
Specify an optional URL target for link on the image.
The CSS class for the image.
The inline CSS style for the image.
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Your Passage B.V.
Enables you to incorporate a Sitemap on your page, showing all documents/buttons in
the site in a hierarchical way, including links to each document.
The Sitemap is generated using <UL> and <LI> tags and styled exclusively by CSS style
sheet definitions, of which an example is included in the “Default” style sheet present in
the Passage CMS template.
A typical implementation of a Sitemap would be:
Create a Context Definition with Key “Sitemap”
Enable the Placeholder for Context Object “Sitemap”
Create a Text Page with Key “Sitemap”
On that Text Page, set the value of field “Context Definition” to “Sitemap”
To open the Sitemap, create a link to the Text Page, e.g.:
When checked, this Context Object will be used when generating the web page.
Optional. A description of the sitemap defined on this tab.
The standard LotusScript library that is used if this field is left empty is:
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Your Passage B.V.
The standard Class that is used if this field is left empty is:
Public Class clCTXSitemap
Specify which Cluster should be used to build the Sitemap.
An @Formula can be used if the first character is an “@”-sign.
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Your Passage B.V.
Enables you to show search results on a page, based on parameters passed in by the
When checked, this Context Object will be used when generating the web page.
Optional. A description of the searchresults defined on this tab.
The standard LotusScript library that is used if this field is left empty is:
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Your Passage B.V.
The standard Class that is used if this field is left empty is:
Public Class clCTXSearchResults As clCTXBaseView
Defines which view will be used to perform the search on. Default is "Web Searchview".
Can be used to restrict the number of search results that are returned.
Leave this field empty or specify 0 to return all search results.
HTML code that will be shown above the actual view, for example an opening <DIV> tag.
An @Formula can be used if the first character is an “@”-sign.
All fields from the current document are available, as well as the following variables:
String, the search query
Number, the total number of
documents found
Number, the number of results per
Number, the counter from which the
search results are shown
Number, the counter to which the
search results are shown
String, buttons for navigating view
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Your Passage B.V.
HTML code that is used for every entry in the view.
An @Formula can be used if the first character is an “@”-sign; in this field, this will always
be the case.
All fields from the document being processed are available, as well as the following
String, URL of the document
String, Master database path
String, Current database path
String, number in the view
String, search score
String, "Odd" or "Even"
You can use the following @Formula to show a view entry:
#^',9!$KUHI `'RF85/^!`7LWOH^$!',9!`
HTML code that will be shown below the actual view, for example a closing </DIV> tag.
An @Formula can be used if the first character is an “@”-sign.
All fields from the current document are available, as well as the following variables:
String, the search query
Number, the total number of
documents found
Number, the number of results per
Number, the counter from which the
search results are shown
Number, the counter to which the
search results are shown
String, buttons for navigating view
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Your Passage B.V.
The following URL parameters can be used for this type of Context Object:
Amount of documents to be shown. Overwrites any value specified in
field “Lines per view page”.
View row from which the view contents should be shown.
The search query
An example of a URL that performs a search is:
This URL will perform a search for “cms systems” and will show the results from
document 1 up till the 4 document.
Please refer to “7.13 Passing parameters to Context Objects” for more information about
passing URL parameters to specific Context Objects.
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Shows which Context Objects are in use, along with their corresponding
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Your Passage B.V.
It’s possible to pass parameters to specific Context Objects through the URL with which
the page is opened.
The format for these parameters is as follows:
placeholder name of the Context Object
name of the 1
value for the 1
name of the 2
value for the 2
Example - a search query URL:
This URL will do the following:
search for query “cms systems”
show the results from the 1st document
show the results up to and including the 4th document.
Not all Context Object types have parameters. Refer to each specific Context Object for
parameter listings.
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Configuration Manual v1.0
Your Passage B.V.
The functionality of each Context Object is coded in it’s own LotusScript Library, in an
Object Oriented way – each object has it’s own class. These LotusScript Libraries are
copyrighted by Your Passage; they are an integral part of Passage CMS en may not be
altered in any way.
It is however possible to override their behaviour, by creating your own LotusScript
Library which contains your own Class-definition, that overrides methods of the standard
The field “Script Library” can be used to specify the LotusScript Library that should be
used instead of the standard script library. Use field “Class name” to specify the name of
the custom class within that script library.
To make sure that this custom class complies to the requirements of the Context Object,
it should always use the script library that the standard class was in, and the Class
definition should always be declared as being of the class type of that original, for
Use "sl.iw.iwPassageCMS.CTXImage"
Private Const CURRENT_MODULE="sl.iw.iwPassageCMS.CTXImageCustom"
Public Class clCTXImageCustom As clCTXImage
Inside this class, the method that is always used to return the HTML code for the Context
Object is:
Public Function getHTML( ) As String
In most cases, this will be the only method that you will override.
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Your Passage B.V.
The JavaScript library is used t o st ore generic JavaScript r out ines. The advant age of
t his is t hat t hey are linked t o t he brow ser relat ively, w hich m eans t hat t hey are
included in cache m echanism s of brow ser s. Obviously t his creat es m ore light w eight
sit es and pages, t hus im proving response t im es and reducing dat a- t raffic.
ÕÖ'×<Ø7ÙÚ,Û ÜÝ ÞßÙà'áâÖãÛ
ÖÞ;à.Ú!Ýå.Û Ý Ùã
×ÙáÛEßÖ*Ø!ÝãÝ Û Ý Ùã
â åë ÖáÞ ÖfØÙÚí
à*ÚÝå.Û#Þ Ú#Öð
é5ê è {
The key by w hich t his JavaScript docum ent
is referenced.
General descript ion of t he funct ions.
The JavaScript rout ines being used.
The JavaScript rout ines being used
obviously need t o be included on t he
pages. The so- called binding of t hese
pages is done in t he Layout Definit ion
( m ore relevant inform at ion can be found in
t hat chapt er) .
View form at t ing w it h cust om sort rout ines
Sit em ap creat ion
Menu cont rol
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Configuration Manual v1.0
Your Passage B.V.
The CSS documents, short for Cascading Style Sheet, are used to store CSS style
sheets. The advantage of this is that they are linked to the browser relatively, which
means that they are included in cache mechanisms.
To center the entire page, you can use the following CSS definition:
text-align: center;
width: 700px;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
text-align: left;
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Configuration Manual v1.0
Your Passage B.V.
I n Passage CMS it ’s possible t o build up v iew s in t he brow ser. The Dom ino server
generat es JavaScript com m ands, w hich refer t o JavaScript com m ands t hat are st ored
in a JavaScript library ( linked t o t he view via t he layout definit ion) .
For exam ple each view ent ry t riggers a v E funct ion t hat appends t he passed dat a t o an
array. I n t he 'aft er t he body'HTML field of t he lay out a finish com m and in JavaScript is
í tÞ5heà*Údat
Ý å.Û a Ý isÖ.ñwÞ rit t en Ýtë o t he
ë Ö brow ser.
given, and
è*îè èò
The follow ing view s are current ly av ailable:
1.Library JS
è òè
2.What ´s new JS ó
The source is no longer visible, previous
Ùñãë Ù ß,ð
ä nextè but t ons w ill no longer w ork.
JavaScript files t hat form at view s can be
downloaded from our sit e w w
Sam ple JS View :
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Configuration Manual v1.0
Your Passage B.V.
$!)217!)217FODVV 6XPPDU\!%!HPDLO%!
Please not e:
JavaScript is a program m ing Language. You do need Program m ing Skills t o m odify
JavaScript code. When using JavaScript v iew s you do need ext ensive k now ledge on
j avaScript . Num er ous resources are available on t he Web.
The exam ples prov ided are as is and are no part of t he Passage CMS product . Support
on JavaScript can be giv en by Your Passage based on hourly rat es.
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Configuration Manual v1.0
Your Passage B.V.
Dom ino is a plat form t hat allow s you t o send e- m ails t o a dat abase. This m eans t hat
you can also send e- m ails t o your Passage CMS dat abase.
The handling of t hese e- m ails is t aken car e of by an agent in Passage CMS t hat uses
“Mail- in Filt er docum ent s” t o cat egor ize and publish t he e- m ails t hat have been sent .
See it as “convert ing an e- m ail t o a Passage CMS docum ent ”.
Each Mail- in Filt er docum ent has rules t hat you can define yourself – if t he rules
m at ch, t hat Mail- in Filt er docum ent w ill be used t o process t he e- m ail.
The e- m ail w ill alw ays be convert ed t o a “Library” docum ent . All fields t hat are present
w hen creat ing a Library docum ent by hand, can also be set on t he Mail- in Filt er
docum ent , so e- m ails t hat are processed w ill be t urned int o Library docum ent s w it h
t he values as set on t he Mail- in Filt er.
For each Mail- in Filt er you can define:
Filt er nam e, order and rules
Docum ent cat egorizat ion set t ings
Not ificat ion set t ings
Miscellaneous set t ings – add t he dat e t o t he t it le, behaviour w hen a docum ent
w it h t he sam e t it le already exist s
Ther e are t w o t ypes of m ail- in, filt er ed m ail- in and st ruct ured m ail- im port .
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Your Passage B.V.
ÙãØ!Ý áÚ Û Ý Ùã
ì è
õ ö*÷fø
ùÝúë û ÛaÖø ú Úzüláë Ö.Þ
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Fill in t he nam e of t he m ail- in filt er
Order num ber, w hich one m ust be handled at first
I t can consist out of m ore t han one filt er r ule.
Fields t hat can ident ify t he inform at ion source ar e:
- Sender
- Subj ect
- To fields
The m ail- in filt er can aut om at ically fill in several passage fields.
Here you can specify t he audience by clicking t he nam es of Persons
and Groups exist ing in t he Address Book.
Choose t he Library I nform at ion Cat egory you want t his e- m ail t o be
st ored in
Choose a keyw ord as defined in t he keyw ord libraries docum ent at
Library level
Choose a icon from t he im age st ore "Passage icons"
This w ill set t he docum ent int o t he chosen st at e.
The validit y chosen here w ill occur in t he library docum ent in t he
bot t om field
A Mail- I n filt er cont ains t he funct ionalit y t o send not ificat ions. I t can
send a m ail t o an e- m ail address. Also it can send not ificat ions t o t he
Next edit or v ia Passage.
( in t he " Not ificat ion address" and set " not ificat ion by e- m ail" t o
Fill in t he " Next edit or"
The nam e of t he form or view t o w hich t he definit ion applies.
Alw ays prepend Prepending t he dat e t o t he t it le can m ake it easier t o see w hat ’s new
t he current day in a view
t o t he t it le
Ü ÛdÞ*ÜÙáë ß ‚
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è Ý ÞÛ Ý ã ßè Ùà*áâÖãÛ.- è
The w ord ’slow er’ behind ’Keep exist ing docum ent ’ and ’Delet e ex ist ing docum ent ’
m eans t his t ask ask s a bit m ore perform ance from t he server com pared t o t he
’Not hing’ opt ion.
Not hing’ m eans: publish t he docum ent t he w ay it is, so t here w ill be t w o different
docum ent s w it h t he sam e nam e in t he sam e Library I nform at ion Cat egory.
St ruct ured m ail im port is used in proj ect s where t he sender of t he m ail is under cont rol
of t he Passage dat abase ow ner. Using t his funct ionalit y, t he sender can be
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Configuration Manual v1.0
Your Passage B.V.
program m ed in great det ail on how t he m ail should be form at t ed, and w here t he em ail is st ored in t he Passage dat abase.
I t em s t o be program m ed in t he m ail are:
Library cat egory
Keyw ords
Validit y
Workflow st at us
Sender id
Current and Next edit or
Target body field ( e.g. rich- t ext or t ext )
Tit le
Ov erw rit e funct ion
Special fields
Please cont act Your Passage for addit ional inform at ion on t his funct ionalit y.
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Configuration Manual v1.0
Your Passage B.V.
Passage has an agent t hat per iodically searches t he dat abase for expir ed and
revised docum ent s. This agent generat es an e- m ail m essage t o all edit ors in
chief of t he dat abase. Please ask y our syst em adm inist rat or t o enable t his
agent .
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Configuration Manual v1.0
Your Passage B.V.
Nev er alt er t he design of t he Passage dat abase wit hout wr it t en confirm at ion
of Your Passage. You ar e in v iolat ion of copy r ight laws if you m odify Passage
Aft er aut hor isat ion it is possible t o cust om ise Passage, for exam ple t o:
St or e ext ra k eyw ords on a docum ent , and do som e calculat ions
Creat e cust om search screens on t he web Modifying Passage design
will m ean t hat aut om at ic upgrade becom es pr oblem at ic. To pr ev ent
t his, cust om code can be put int o subform s loaded on t he docum ent s.
Creat e relat ed docum ent s or input / order / ... for m s t o have a cont ent
cent r ic exper ience
Cust om Subform s t hat you are allow ed t o change ar e:
Cust om Fields - Address book | s5001BBA1
Cust om Fields - Brochur es | s5006BBA1
Cust om Fields - Ev ent s | s5007BBA1
Cust om Fields - FAQs | s5004BBA1
Cust om Fields - Library Bot t om | s5000BBA1
Cust om Fields - Library Top | s5000BBA2
Cust om Fields - News | s5002BBA1
Cust om Fields - Phot ographs | s5003BBA1
Cust om Fields - Pr esent at ions | s5009BBA1
Cust om Fields - Test im onials | s5010BBA1
Cust om Fields - Text Page | s5008BBA1
Cust om Fields - Text Page Top | s5008BBA2
Cust om Fields - Vacancies | s5011BBA1
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Configuration Manual v1.0
Your Passage B.V.
Passage work flows ar e configured using t he ACL ( access cont r ol list ) of t he
dat abase. The Adm inist rat or ( dat abase m anager) assigns roles t o em ployees
in t he ACL
I n t he ACL t hese roles should exact ly be spelled as t he below im age. Not ice
t he use of capit als! I f t he roles ar e not spelled cor rect ly som e of t he Passage
funct ions w on’t w or k. The default access lev el for t he Passage dat abase in
Not es is $XWKRU.
The 0$;,080 access lev el for t he Passage dat abase for w eb access is
The Configurat ion Edit or ( &RQILJ(G) has access t o t he Passage dat abase
configurat ion set t ings and t he aut hor it y t o change t hese. The access level for
t his role m ust be (GLWRU
Passage CMS v3.30
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Configuration Manual v1.0
Your Passage B.V.
Configurat ion Edit ors can change t he configurat ion of t he
Passage CMS dat abase.
Edit ors ( (GLWRU) can cr eat e docum ent s and concept
versions and for ward t hese t o t he Edit or in Chief.
The Edit or in Chief ( (GLWRU,&) can approv e docum ent s,
publish t hem and “unpublish” t hem .
(GLWRU:HE'HOHWHExt ra Edit or r ole t hat can be used ( act ivat e on t he
adm inist rat ion docum ent ) t o lim it t he delet e funct ion in t he
web edit env ironm ent .
Mail Edit ors ( 0DLO(G) ar e aut horised t o r ead incom ing m ail
and t o forward it t o ot her Edit ors.
People w it h t he r ole of Hum an Resource Manager ( +50)
are aut hor ised t o read j ob applicat ions t hat com e in and t o
process t hem .
For addit ional serv er set t ings, please refer t o t he Passage
Adm inist rat ors Manual.
Passage CMS v3.30
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Configuration Manual v1.0
Your Passage B.V.