Download USER MANUAL - GA.IA Vibroacustica

The vibroacoustic perception
The vibroacoustic therapy in Europe and the Kriscak Studies
Treatment against the muscolar tension
Use-method for the customer
Use-method for the operator
Technical sheet
Applied norms and certification
Security procedure and maintenance
Vibroacoustic couch GA.IA
The vibroacoustic perception
The story goes that, in the last years of his life, almost totally deaf, Beethoven
asked to cut off the legs of his piano, so that, laying on the floor, he could
“hear” to the music through the vibrations.
For those who plays the cello or the double bass, the perception of the
vibrations that the instrument spread to the body is a familiar feeling and
someone can affirm that the quality of the sound is influenced from the
“sympathetic” vibrations that go through the body of who’s playing.
It is quite easy to see how any sound could inspire a mood or any emotions,
through the auditory canal, that gets the sound message across the brain.
What maybe, could be not so easy to get, is how the sound can get to the brain
also through the skin , the bones and the inner organs.
The vibratory perception is less clear that the sound, but the effects of the low
frequency in particular, are likewise important, maybe also greater.
Just think about a running train or about the “pumping up” of the music at the
disco. We get these sound through our hears, obviously, but also our whole
body get the same message.
The Norwegian researcher Olav Skille assumes: “Life is vibration, Matteri is
vibration. The Iotas vibrate, the Univers vibrates. Sound is vibration. Light is
vibration. Temperature is vibration. Massage is vibration”.
The only difference between all these vibrations is given just from every single
pulse-cycle speed (that means from the frequency).
In the last years we tried to make systematic the therapeutic effect of the
sound vibrations.
After several hours of studies, we could finally point out that at specific
frequency some parts of our body resonate and produce in this way a kind of
self-massage, that spread from the inside to the outside.
The technology of GA.IA, discovered and patented in Italy, thanks to the studies
of Diego Kriscak, has find its pace in the European research, that has led to the
discover and the verify of the positive effects of the low-frequency vibrations
on our body.
Vibroacoustic couch GA.IA
The vibroacoustic therapy in Europe and the
Kriscak Studies
The vibroacoustic is a discipline that has found very important therapeutic
applications, most of all in the Anglo-Saxon lands, starting from the seconda
half of 1900s. The inventor of VAT (Vibro-acoustic therapy) is the Norwegian
Olav Skille (1939), who has studied together with Juliette Alvin the use of the
vibrations for therapeutic use –between 30HZ and 120Hz- at the beginning of
the ‘70s. The vibro-acoustic therapy is a kind of sound low-frequency massage,
that can reduce aches and unease and deeply improve life’s quality. The
vibroacoustic rises from the consideration that the human body can get the
sounds not only by means of the hear, but also with other parts of it. The
scientific principle at the base of its operation is that, the sound vibrations that
our body get let the sound to be transformed into energy. By receiving sound
vibrations, the human body is exposed to an “internal massage” that revitalize
it, by producing energy that has to move the tissues involved from the
vibrations. This process has been initially calles “Music Bath”, to be than
changed in “Low-Frequency sound Massage”. You can connect this “Inner
Massage” to a resonance effect. If we let a tuning fork vibrate nearby another
tuning fork, also the second one will start to vibrate, thanks to the effect of the
sound resonance. The same is for our body which, by receiving sound
vibrations, resonances itself and produces a self-massage, produces energy
which give vitality to the cellular tissue of specific part of our body. The studies
has shown that, the more important frequency for the VAT goes from 40 to 80
Hz. Le lowest frequency, from 40 to 55Hz, produces a resonance in the lumbar
area, the pelvic one, to the hips and legs. By raising the intensity, the sound has
resonance effects in the upper part of the chest, in the neck and in the head.
Olav Skille has found the physic and mental problems on which the VAT has
positive effects. These are: stress conditions; depression; autism; asthma;
aphasia; bedsore; cerebral palsy; flow of blood unease; cystic fibrosis; diabetes;
pulmonary emphysema; fibro-myalgia; alcoholism; headache and migraine;
immune system unease; insomnia; kidney stones; backache; menstrual unease;
Bechterew disease; multiple sclerosis; muscular spasm; myalgia; edema;
constipation; Parkinson disease; rheumatisms; spasm; sport-accident traumas;
varicose vain; whiplash unease.
In the last years Diego Kriscak, one of the main Italian researcher of this
subject, has found other positive applications of the sound vibrations, creating
a specific vibro-acoustic technology for them. It’s about the vibro-acoustic
couch GA.IA for the reduction of the adipose tissue and cellulite. The couch
GA.IA can be used also for relaxing massage in the cervical, thoracic and
lumbar areas of our body, most of all when these areas are submitted to
stressful conditions.
Diego Kriscak is the inventor of GA.IA and the scientific responsible of the
technical staff DIREDI SRL, the company that produces GA.IA. Highly creative,
with a solid humanistic and musical culture, has studied “music-therapy” until
he gets the degree of “music-therapist” at the university Jean Monnet in
He is registered to the college “Specialistes in Disciplines Psychologiques” in the
Federation Europeenne des Ordres Professionnels.
He is a member of Isva (International Society for VibroAcoustics) and of IIAV
(International Institute of Acoustics and Vibration).
Has been in the past researcher to the Center for Advances Reseacher and
mental Aid of Mailan (Centro Carma) in convention with the “Università
Cattolica”, where he started to test the new technology he invented for GA.IA,
for the emission of the sound vibrations, of which he is in Italy one of the most
The experimentation on several patients and the studies of the factors together
with other researcher led to the final creation of the couch GA.IA. During the
years has been printed some publications on specialized magazines and has
been organized several conferences. The innovation made on GA.IA has been
recognized from a national and European patent.
D. Kriscak, Musicoterapia e Vibroacustica, in "Braining", 2, 2007
D. Kriscak, Vibrazioni che guariscono, in “BioGuida. Trimestrale di ricerca
olistica", 2008.
D. Kriscak, Musicoterapia e vibroacustica, in "BioGuida. Trimestrale di ricerca
olistica", 2009.
D. Kriscak, A. Raffaelli, “Le ultime frontiere per il trattamento del dolore: realtà
virtuale 4D e lettino vibroacustico”, in AA.VV, Psicologia clinica del dolore, a cura
di E. Molinari, G. Castelnuovo, Springer 2010.
D. Kriscak, “Percezione sonora e vibroacustica”, in AA.VV., Le voci del corpo, a
cura di C. Furlanetto e C. Tondo, Mimesis, Milano-Udine 2015.
O. Skille, Il suono a bassa frequenza nella terapia musicale, Aracne, Roma 2010.
Vibroacoustic Couch GA.IA
Treatment against the muscolar tension
GA.IA is a precious wood couch, born from a very careful artisan job, covered
with a soft mattress, which uses the healthy effects of the acoustic vibrations in
order to produce a restful massage all over the body, which creates a relaxing
effect on contracted and rigid muscular areas. This characteristic make it a
great instrument for the body care in the specialized SPA center.
The GA.IA couch produces in a natural way some acoustic harmonious
vibrations whit whom our body resonate. Laying on GA.IA is like diving your
body in a bath of reinvigorating sound vibrations. The main effect is a deep
muscular and mental relax. By acting on a specific part of the body, that
resonate with a specific acoustic vibration – the most suitable to reproduce this
resonance – you can get important relaxing effects.
The acoustic vibration penetrates through the skin and creates a massage,
according to the frequency used, on specific body’s parts, from the lower limb
to the cervical, going through the thoracic and lumbar area, with instant and
long lasting effects for the muscular relaxing.
The sound vibrations are specific for each part of the body: the head, the
cervical, shoulders, the back, the chest; the lumbar, abdominal area and for the
lower limb.
It has to be clarify that they are not mechanic vibrations, but sound, so they are
not invasive and have no side effects on the articulations and on the bonesstructure, that, on the contrary, take advantage from this acoustic massage.
The GA.IA couch allows a treatment of total ease for the client. The vibrations
that it perceives with the body produces a rolling effect and relaxing massage
(some patients fall asleep). The noise of the vibration can be muffled with a
music studied appropriately to integrate with the noise leading of the vibration,
that becomes similar to that of the backwash of the sea on the beach.
The studies done by the researcher of DIREDI SRL, coordinated by Doct. Diego
Kriscak, led to the realization of a National and European patent, that recognize
the innovation of GA.IA. The GA.IA couch has got a EC type-examination
The applications of GA.IA are connected to the research of Olav Skille in the 70’s
in Norway, which led to the development of the Vibroacoustic Therapy (VAT),
amply used for medical reasons in the Anglo-Saxon lands.
The scientific principal at the base of the relaxing effects of GA.IA has been
deeply studied from the physics, and is the one of the acoustic resonance: if we
let a tuning fork vibrate nearby another tuning fork, also the second one will
start to vibrate.
The sound wave produced by GA.IA penetrate through the skin and envelop the
muscles, on which will be created sympathetic or reflexed resonance, that
together produce a deep massage, that spreads from the inside to the outside.
The client is stretched onto the GA.IA couch and perceives the sound through
the thin mattress and the pillows. The operator starts up the program. The
client remains on the couch for half an hour in a comfortable position and if
they want they can listen to the relaxing music headphones.
The scientific efficacy of GA.IA has been step by step combined with the design
studies, rigorously Italian, that have led to the aesthetic creation of an
harmonious product, elegant and functional together.
GA.IA is the new and perfect instrument for any well-advanced beauty center
that want their customer to dive in a sound bath with deep and real relaxing
effects, both muscular and mental.
In case of following deseases it’s raccomanded to consult a doctor before to
submit to the treatment:
Hemorragie (menstruation excluded).
Acute inflammation.
Low blood Pressure.
Head or neck lesions after accident.
Kidney deseas.
Pacemaker patient.
Vibroacoustic couch GA.IA
Route for one treatment
1. Before to submit the treatment with GA.IA, please fill the informed
conset, which gives to the client the informations about the few, but
anyway possibile, controindications.
2. Lay on GA.IA.
3. Once you are laying, you can feel the effect on your body of the
vibrations that the operator chooses, and you decide for the one more
intensive for the area that has to be treated.
4. You have to wear stereophonics earphones to hear to a specific music,
studied to relax and accompany the positive effects of GA.IA.
5. You can now totally relax and leave yourself to the vibrations of GA.IA.
6. The treatment lasts 30 minutes.
7. At the end of the treatment the operator reduces the volume of the
vibration and of the music.
8. Just wait some seconds on the couch.
9. You can now stand up.
10. Tell, please, the operator your sensations and impression about the
Vibroacoustic couch GA.IA
Route for the correct use for the operator
The controls of GA.IA have been studied in order to be used with the best
facility possible; with just a few hours of trainings the operators are able to use
in the best way the functionality of the couch.
Get the treatment started, describe with a few words the main
characteristics of the couch GA.IA and advise the customer about the possible
contraindications. If the customer belongs to the treatment, please let him
subscribe the informed consent.
Switch on the whole couch, after you have connected it to a system
compliant with legal standard. Before to let the treatment started, please check
that the volume of the program that creates the frequency has to be to the
minimum. The volume of the amplifier is set up from the technician of DIREDI
and must not change.
Let the customer lay on GA.IA and suggest the use of a cotton cloth or
towel in order not to waste the body’s heat during the treatment.
Verify the real frequency of the application, through ranges of the
frequency, with light volume’s variations, until you reach the requested effect,
that means the perception of the customer of the resonance effect in the
body’s area that has to be treated.
Switch the music in the headphones on, so to make the customer more
comfortable during the treatment.
Set again the parameter to the minimum and reach gradually (in 1
minute) the requested volume (fade in).
Please, ensure that the customer doesn’t need anything and leave him
alone in the room. The treatment must not last more than 30 minutes; in this
time the operator can get into the room again once or twice, to verify that
everything is going on well and if the customer needs anything (if he is cold, if
he can hear good to the music…). In the last minute the operator has to reduce
to zero the volume of the program (fade out); after that the amplifier will be
switched off.
Let the customer lay a minute on the couch.
10. Collect eventually the sensations and feelings of the customer about the
Vibroacoustic Couch GA.IA
Technical Sheet
MAX 100 WATT; SUPPLY 220 V/50 HZ
800 W
C 12 VOLT 6 AMP – INPUT: 100-240V, 5060 HZ – OUTPUT: 12V, 2A
2,20 m x 0,84 m; h 0,80 m
120 Kg
220 VOLT 50 HZ
CLASS (CON RIF. EN 60335 - 1)
Applied norms and certification
The equipment follows what forseen from the DL 110 of 15 th May 2011
d) Electric oscillating vibrators
Rule CEI EN 60335-1:2004 Security of the use of electronic devices for domestic
and similar use.
Rule CEI EN 60335-1/A1/A11 2006
Legislation 2006/95/CE of the European Parliament and Council of the 12 th
December 2006, concerning the rapprochement of the Member States, about
the electric material that has to be used within certain potential difference
Legislation 2004/108/CE of the European Parliament and Council of the 15 th
December 2004, concerning the rapprochement of the Member States, about
the electromagnetic compatibility, that abrogates the legislation 89/336/CEE.
You have to read carefully the instruction before to use the device
The producer
The name of the device; for any contact with the company, please, ref. to this name
Device’s serial number. For any contact with the company, please, ref. to this number
Potential difference used
Device branded CE, as per legislation 2006/95/CE
Information for the device’s end-life.
Pursuant to art. 13 DLGS 25 July 2005 n.151 “Affect of the legislations 2002795/CE and
2003/108/CE, about the reduction of dangerous materials in the electric or electronic
devices, and about the removal of residues, the symbol on the device indicates that
this product should be group apart from other garbage.
The recycling of this product, at the end of its life, is organized from the supplier. The
user that wants to eliminate it should take contact with the producer or with an agent
of it, in order to support the recycle of this device.
Security and Maintenance Methods
Before to use the device, please, read carefully the instructions and respect all the
– Ask for all the necessary informations, during the installation of the device, before to use it
for the first time.
– The incorrect use of the device is not contemplated.
– Kids, disabled persons or unfit to plead persons should not approach to the device alone.
– The device should be used with the operator, who will control time by time the correct use.
– Please, check that the potential difference is 220 Volt 50 Hz and that the electrical system is
compliant with legal standard.
– Periodically check the power cable and the plug; both of them should be in perfect
conditions: if not, please contact the Technical Service DIREDI.
– Plug and unplug correctly the power cable, without pulling when disconnecting the plug.
– Protect the cables from oils, hacks and heat.
– do not put the device nearby heat source.
– The device could not be used in spaces where flammable gas are present in the air.
– The devise should be submit to inspection, maintenance and test, pursuant to the legislation
in force.
– Keep the electrical parts of the device in a ventilated ambient for a correct circulate of the
– Don’t keep switch on the electrical parts of the device if not necessary, especially the
– In case of malfunction, not mentioned in this manual, please, abstain from any intervention
or reparation temptation. The reparation has to be done only from a technician DIREDI or
from a company mentioned from DIREDI SRL.
– The device could be used from specific operators and from music-therapists, and also from
qualified personnel of DIREDI SRL.
– The couch doesn’t need a particular maintenance: the wood parts have to be clean with a
damp cloth non-abrasive and the electronic part should only be dusted.
The product is delivered complete with all the accessories mentioned in the technical sheet,
already packed and is tested from our technician before the use.
The product must be use away from heat source and not near water.
Produced and distribuited from:
Piazza Libertà 39 – Azzano Decimo 33082 (PN) ITALY
[email protected]
P.I. 01753950938