Text by Mimi Zagarriga
Illustrations by Robin
32 pages
Format: 145 x 168 mm
Hardback with foldable flaps throughout
Price France: 12 Euros
Published in March 2014
Age group: 4+
The new babysitter has arrived and wants to make sure the children she is looking after are polite.
Because in fact, what does being polite imply? A lot of things! Thanks to 12 lessons, children will learn what is
permitted and more importantly, what is strictly forbidden! This humorous book will be produced with foldable
flaps throughout which the children will take great pleasure in handling. Indeed for each good manner taught by
the babysitter there will be a flap showing the said manner… from the children’s point of view! And surprisingly,
it differs quite a bit! Giggles are guaranteed!
12 lessons
1) One puts his hand in front of his mouth when he sneezes;
2) One uses polite vocabulary such as “thank you” and “please”;
3) One knocks on the door if it is closed;
4) One never attacks smaller ones;
5) One never walks around naked;
6) One says he is “excused” and looks for a toilet rather than peeing anywhere;
7) One sits at the table properly;
8) One never looks under a girl’s dress;
9) One never says “What?”, one says “Pardon me?”;
10) One never picks his nose;
11) One always says “Thank you” when receiving a present;
12) One never whispers to another in the presence of others.
Also known as Robin, Pascal Gindre was born in 1969. He studied at an Art school and now works as
Artistic Director for Bayard press all the while pursuing his illustrator work for several publishers (Bayard,
Nathan, Gallimard, Sarbacane).
Éditions GLÉNAT | 39 rue du Gouverneur Éboué | 92130 | Issy les Moulineaux | France
Foreign Rights | James Elliott | [email protected] | Phone: + 33 (0)1 41 46 09 72
Key points
- The importance of basic manners reminded with humour.
- Children will enjoy the contrast between good and bad manners.
- Nice picture book with foldable flaps throughout.
An example:
1) One puts his hand in front of his mouth when he sneezes;
Flap of the corresponding double page:
Éditions GLÉNAT | 39 rue du Gouverneur Éboué | 92130 | Issy les Moulineaux | France
Foreign Rights | James Elliott | [email protected] | Phone: + 33 (0)1 41 46 09 72