Download Sandisk Cruzer 4GB

SanDisk’ Cruzer USB flash drive
= Take it all with you—an reliable
USE flash drives
- Transfer with confidence—
wien moving mages and other
Files from FC to PC or other
consumer électromée devices
« deal for vides—the Baty Way
to sore share ano play your
Favorite video Tiles
= Trust the minds Behind flash
Memory Lo keep vour files safe
andl secure with a Two-year
lImitec!”* Алам гаги у
Experience reliable, portable storage with a SanDisk” Cruzer” LSE
flash drive
Why leave your photos, ides and music at home vien then E TIE am yr pocket | est
the minds Behind Nash memory to make il dasy to store, transter ano share your digital
les wherever wou do, Ywith up to 5206" of storage, Hhesae drivas ana Built to handle Eme
real workds bumps and tums=55 yGt can count on them bo help vou share plenty of ple.
hx and chiar digital favorites wherever you go,
Ho thät USE ports papper up in More plazos, SanDisk USE flash drives make il easy
Lo share sour videos, pdvalos and muse vhercser you go. You mosses around, your
EU can Loë.
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