Download NEC OxyGen Cubed

The only solution that
guarantees a 100%
protection against theft
Breathe easy, your notebook is safe
Three times the protection for your notebook
Oxygen Cubed : a complete package that brings insurance, marking and Internet
hardware tracking together with a unique identification number for your hardware.
Three-year insurance :
In association with AGF, Oxygen Cubed
repays the price as new if your computer is
stolen within three years. Your guaranteed
repayment means hardware can be replaced
paridly, without rapidly, without business
Indelibly marked hardware :
Oxygen Cubed uses an exclusive, internationally-patented system for marking
hardware. For immediate recognition, a number plate with your unique identification code
is bonded in place with ultra-strong adhesive that withstands up to 400kg pulling force. In
case of removal, it reveals the indelible message : "Stolen hardware". Simply marking
your hardware deters theft by making re-sale harder.
Internet hardware tracking system:
Once connected, Oxygen Cubed's Internet software keeps track of your hardware from a
central server by recognising its unique identification number. Thanks to this international
search, your hardware can be pinpointed and recovered in co-operation with the police.
Technical Specifications :
Anti-theft marking :
Anti-theft insurance :
Oxygen exclusive patented marketing (1)
Fixed in 30 seconds
Resists 400kg pull
Indelible under-print in case of removal
Tube of super-acrylic glue
3 Years Guaranteed from date of
Worldwide cover with AGF Allianz Group
As-new value applies if stolen within the
first two years, 50% the 3rd year.
No additional cost, no discount for use
Professional use only
Internet tracking software :
Minimum configuration required(2)
Windows 95, 98, 2000, or XP compatible laptop or desktop
Minimum 8Mo RAM
4Mo space available
Phone, ADSL or cable modem connection to Internet
Identification of ISP code, IP address, connection date and time
Forwarding of information from CLI server
(1) from registration in the Oxygen database. New purchased
hardware must be registered within 60 days.
(2) tracking software incompatible with Mac OS
Revision Date : March 2005