Download Department of School & Mass Education, Govt. Of Odisha
Department of School & Mass Education, Govt. Of Odisha in 4000 6ovt. & GoW. aided Schools of Odisha This is to certify that the following items/Human Resources have been duly delivered and installed/deployed in our school and all equipment/items are in proper condition for implementation of ICT lab with following details. Please tick whichever is applicable lL&FS Education & Technology Services Ltd. Telecommunication Cosultants lndia Ltd X86 Architecture 3.2 Ghr or higher processor wlth 4 dedicated cores, RAM 4GB or hither expandable to l6GB, 500 GB HDD, lg-inch o; Higher LED Monitor, Built-in audio, 3(x, Watt Desktop Speaker, DVD Writer,lolloo/t(xro8aseT Ethernet, 104 Xey Keyboard and Optical Mouse With at least 2 Free Full Helght pcl slots, xt6 Archltecur€ 3.2 Ghs or hrgher whh 4 dedlcated .orEs, RAir 4GB or hi8fier e$andable to 18c8, S(xf cB HDD, lglndr or Hlgher lID Monltor, Bulh_tn eudto,:l(n Watt Desktop Speaker, DVD Wrltcr,t0/10/100BasGT Etharn.t, 1(t4 fey Xry6oa.d and Optlcal Mou$ wlth .t least 2 Fr€e tull HeEtrt pcl slots )- U DISC CODE Shared Computint Device N-computing 2 o I U m v-l I ) RZ- ) o Two Shared computing Devlces per Desktop. Multlbox devlce whlch allowr 6 useE to share a single hort PC throu8h a sharG @mpdlna Pc-sharlhg klt (whlch lncludei on. lull heltht PCI card, Vlrtuallzatlon softvar., ..ce$ devlces wlth rpe.ker outpm, Ps/z Mouse and PS/2 Keyboard output. SVGA Monltor output and RJ45 Connestlon Port. wlth 5 cAT6 cables (e..h of 5 meters length)), Powe. consumptlon of each acess devlce should not exceed more than 1-2watts. The access dcvlce should be lntetrated wlth Ho3t PC vla CAT 6 @ble wlth support up to lomtr/32ft. Each uer should havc lndependent d.sktop environment. User experlencc on shared termlnal should be subiantlally th. sam. as on the host PC (Boot tlme, Logln ExpGderce, Retponslv.ness (Mousc, Kcyboard, appll@tlon start-up and axecutlon), Gr.phl6/Multlmedla, Logout. 19-lhch or hlghcr LED Monltor wlth rtatlc contrast 1OOO|1, re3olutlotr of 1441, x 9(X) end VGA connectlvlty wlth matt black tlnkh, b.lghtness 25O cd/mz, vlewln! .ndc 17O delrcet/ 16{, degrccs (horlront.l/vertlell, w.ll mountlnt port VOl, wlth wlndos C.rtlfietlon wlth EPEAT Monltor GoLD / TCO /Eneriy Star Ccrtmetlon Serlal no. Pls. M 1 o M 2 ^4 9 ^4 4 6 n4 n4 o -l 3 4 L2 il 3 Y 6 5 v t 1 0 s o I 6 5 s F 6 5 v 6 -1 u e: e s rY L v € 5 ^4 L M n4 O 1 E ^4 L M n{ t 6 t h4 M 1 6 L 10 C 9 9 v 1 LZ I WCb Cam lzebrontc I y' lwtDrc | 1 6 / B 5 s 5 S 5 s s I 5 5 B C L I 1_ F 6 o M M L 0 1 -D M dl L 11 mu I 5 6 o 1 9 3 9 \ I 3 9 3 ,.1 3 Y I 0 t L I 3 I ) o o 4 q 3 U A Y a o t .JL A v 4 2 9 L 8 5 .-9 o O L 9 o p I D T 3 o I 5 I q 9 5 q 9 U 3 I 3 Ll 3 9 3 .f o D L T o 5 3 o 4 g L 0 s s I 3 L{ U 5 Y J I 3 5 I 0 4 4 8 v e 5 .eductlon 6 HCadphones 40 He.dphona wlth Mic 7 Headphone Sharer 10 s-Way 3.5-mm Headphone Splitter (., I J. 4 I 9 5 t/ v 6 5 s o 4 q o 8 3 f 8 a 5 4 o 9 (PEddl 5 5 12 Monlto6 ?+ e L n4 a 5 6 .ll thc /1 1 6 Y no.s of 9 9 C I 5 L o L Y 6 E 3 o 1 E o 9 F I 5 ! o 9 7 L L o 5 9 M n, M 5 1 L flll the scrlal k-fr \.. / Io + 2-l U DISE CODE Specitication: I q o C k L 2 0 Pleas€ Ti.k Projection System: D[P Technoloty; Brightness: 2500-ANSt tumens (Short Throw) Resolutlon: SVGA (8fl)x500); Contrast Ratio: 25OO:1 lntetrated Computer 1 P.oiector K.YAN Sedal no, Computer System : X86 archltecture, 3.ZGHz or higher with 4 dedicated Cores, Minimum 4MB L3 Cache, Compatible chipset with HO graphics, 4GB ODR3 RAM erpandable to lG 68, 50O GB Se.aal SATA tt 72(xl RPM HDD, Optical Orive OVD RW, wireless Keyboard & optical Scroll Mouse, OS: DOS; lnput: pS/Z Mouse & Keyboard, RF -in for W, USB ports,; Output : lnternal 30 watts Audio Output, LAN: lx Gbps LAN, lntegrated analogue cable W tuner. 7 9 L G Lclzlolo ll lz o ? d lAcuvc She: Mlnlmum Z'diatonal Area: Minimum active ar.a 156 cm W x llTcm H R€solution; Digitizint resolution is lAcdw approrlmately 32757 x?2767 I -6 Phae fkk Fretlo: 4;3.Board Surface: Durable Hard{6ted steel surface, optimired for proiection, maintlnance fre€, compatible wlth dry€rase markers and easily clcared with whiteboard cleaner or lsopropy' alcohol (lPAl,Operatlng System: Wlndows Xp Sp3, Wlndows Vista. Sp2 or Windows 7 opehtlnt system and Linux,wrltint Tools: Both finger and pen touch without any special tools, supporls rnultl touch and use o{ non mechanlcal and battert fre€ obiects. power options: power consumption is less than 0.5 w (100 mA at s vl. Must obtain power from the computer throuth the lAspccr USB cable for windows'and unur'computers. Technology: Touch technology. No interterence from Electromatnetlc sourcG/sunlitht and other enernal infl u€nces Data Ports: 12 Mbrt /s usg connection (tull-speed usB 1.1 or usB 2.0). storaF: saying of fires ln lnteractlve tirhlte Eoard Smart I Pqsoftwar€: Must lnclude a complete yeEion ofth€ whlte boardint software application on a cD or DvD. softwar€ must also be available online for download. user3 must be able to access the software without having to redst€r for an online community. softwa.e must be ayailable for updat€ via a product updating serylc€ that can automatically scan tor new updates and alert use6 to their avallablllty. Must support wlndows'/ unux. opeEtint systems.should haye lnteractive features like palm touch, image gallery image enlarte; snap shots, rccording lectures, reveal option, focus to speclflc parl of content, room €tc. Must supply addltional software to collaborate external content and facllltate teach€E to create n€w content and manate and deliver other content ,Must suppry an applicadon for remote collaboration to work on the same content simultaneou3ly and wft€ directly lnto eech othe/s documenB. Mrnlmum roo to maximum 5oo user en concurrentry use the hcility.Accessorles: stylus/ Pens, usB cable, software cD, user manual etc. to be a part of standard supply. Werranty: 5 years wirrranty. -v 6 Serlal no. ? Multi Function Prlnter 10 B.and HP 1 {Pls. tick} Ricoh B q o d 2_ N F I F I q I ! Delta 6 3 Pl€.c Tkl o lso 9001 certified. onllne ups of 2KvA with 30 minutes power backup, output weve Fo.m Pure sine wave, Efficiency q) ,6 or better on rated full load, lnput power Factor > 0.90, Battery type : s€eled. Maintenance Fre€, Micro controller Based Double conyersion online On Line UPS Ph.E Tkl and Gbling. Wlth DG Set compatlbilities, frequency range S0+/- 6% hertr, operating temperatur€: 0 to 50 degrces cercius,noise rever: as per the goyernment norms. output: pure tine wave output UPS I a Serial no, 2 S L 3 { o o 6 q o (, 3 16 Port Unm.nagablc G|GABIT swhch wlth CAT-6 abltng (ln caslnt Gpintl for all the nodes, Mutll fucrtlon prlnteB, prore€tlon systcm. Networklnt 12 G .q serlal no. Flrc Extlntulshar 5 r-l \ o t3 o 0 3 L o Podable C.rbon Dioxide Handheld fire ertintuishers as per tS specifiGtion 1 Expiry Oate C 5 Serial no. 13 o Mode: Up to 18 ppm, Print technology: Laser, print quality black {bestl: Up to 60o x 600 dpi (1200 dpi effective}, Display: at least 2line tco, Processor sp€edt Mlnimum 400 MHz, Connectivity, ;ta;dard: Hi-Speed USB 2.0 port, 10/100Base-T Ethernet network poG RJ-11 Telephone port, Duplex printing: Automatic Scanner type: Flatbed, ADF, Scan file format: JpEG, TIF (compressed and uncompressed), pDf, GlF, BMp, Scan resolution, optical: Up to'{Od.{g, Grtified by tDC. q_ 11 E I v @ d )- @ Z I V d )2t U DISE CODE Seryo t lzir Llo Serial no. Silent Generato, S€t Champ ISO 9OO1 I serial no. C€rtlfied, Mlnimum 3 KVA Petrol/Diesel besed silent tenerator set with Safe 6 1 ? 18 Llghtlna (lsl marl() Ceiling q o Tube Lltht with Electronlc Choke (lsl ma.k) 4 4OW 08" blade wlth retulator, 3 Blade lndlEtlve EEndr: Phillps /C.ompton Greaves /(haitan /BalaJ/ Havells / Wall mounted fans (lSl marki 2 20 Exhaust fans (lsl mark) 2 3(Xrmm seep, Usha 45 Watts, Sp€ed 1330 RPM 5 A- 24O V swltches 2 ln 1 5A and 15A Sockets 15 skets (lsi ttJ / Wiprc/ lndlcative Brands: Phlllps / Wlpro/ Ush./Crompton Greaves /Khaitan /Baiaj / Havells ts Swltches and 1 Copper plate earthlng stations making earthing wlth copper earth plate 19 21 I ql r le rc t3j ilal mete. readint of the Silent Generator set Earthlng (as lEr lS speclflcations) ig lo lt lqlo cabling and lnstallatlon 15 t7 hsH {adiustable), earthing terminals, overloed cutoff, output protection th.outh MC8, F.equency .ange: 5O+/- 3% hertr, Oper.tlnt temperature: O to 50 degrees celslus. Protect 74 16 o * 5KVA (1 Pha* Seryo Motor Operated Lire Voltage Co.recto.!, lnput Rante: : 5OV-27OV (Si^gre Phasei, Mountjnt: On Wheels. Output rante:22O\ll2lOVl24OV singl€ phase Markl 2 15 A - 24O V socket with shutter ndac.iive Brands: - Ancho. / H.vells / crabtree /Wipro /Phlllip5 / Legand Swltches and sockets ir to be provlded for all elect.oni.s/lT equipfientr lncluding prlnte. and P.oiectlon System to be placed at lab techniclan table. 22 Compute. T.ble Talpurla 23 Uma Plastlc/Modama 24 25 13 Dlmensionr Width lz(Xrmm x Oepth 6o9mm x Helght 75omm 18mm pre lamlnated particle board conformlng lS: 12823. Pretreated & powder coated steel frame. G@d quality PVC ed8e bending to be provided on pre laminated board. No Sharp coheE, smooth edtcs aae €ssential. tets frame made of 1.5 inch square pipe, 16 gaugeg. Table rests on good quallty glide screws. Full length footrest ls to be provided. One 65mm diam€ter hole for drawlng €bles is to be p.ovlded , thls hole has to be covered with steel cover Good qu.lity telescoplc sllder along wlth full width keybo.rd with :locm proJected depth panel, keyb@rd tree space ls 10 cm. Table must have a modesty panel of 2OOmm heltht to be provlded.End 6ps to be p.ovlded. BIFMA Certified 41 Armless Moulded Chai6, Cream colout; 65tandad Compllant chah q9 Electrical metet lnltlal readint The surrace ot Wall and Celllng to be painted, shall be to the satisfaction of OKCL / OMSM and shall be lpplied with 2 coats of primer and then wlth 2 coats of dist€mper paint of standard make as approved by OXCL / OMSM. Painting I Dusting cloth, hand held vacuum cleaner, Dust cloth covers tor all the lT equlpments and one F@t mat 25 Lab Cleanllness Kii 27 Cufrains 2E wall clock I lsl Mark, Wall ClGk 29 Notice Board I tfeet x 3Ieet, P/F 15 thk Plnup board with fabric w?apped all a.ound 30 White Board 1 I ftx3 ft minlmum 18mm thickness white board "' Please note that all the three are mandetory ""All fields are to be filled up mandatorlly. set Full lab fo malntain proper darkness ln the Lab / Classr@m during P.oiection on all the sheets. Signature of OKCL Representative with Seal ichoc rj