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〓 ∷ 艹〓艹 〓 ≡ _△ ∷ 序言 业 ,x・ 歆迎逃眦新朗乾衣锱。本 l/i品 !安 装使用瀚明普屮包括有安全注意4r项 、女坡彬t明 .‘ 伙 瑚言 H,以 lTll能 狗正滩仗川、保赘 用瀚明、清漯舆保耨等重耍信息,艄 要普保管本笥t明 及耕肃Π 乾衣槛,延 良使用静命。 ∷ l娅 玟 牧使川静1明 l型 琥:cD6 汹川应‖ 本册中使用到了÷下固揲 褊 ∵ : 害 耍信息和避 雀籴 耋垂潜蓍 1损 耍 京 瞰 示 ∴ 婴 柳亨 婴 屮:| ∷ |∶ I:∶ ∶ ∶ I ∶ i| ⒋ ∶∷ |∶ { ˉ— 丨 ¨ \∶ 物雠 澌 婚 晨 | ∷ 〓 ∴板 面 制 ~〓 ∷狴一 ∷〓亠一 一 ∷〓 〓 ∷≡ 〓∷〓 ~≡ 嘁 首次使用 瀚有昔迎缶鼋路 ●耩取出滚简内Ⅱ所有物品 … ●首次使用前我佴建懿您放一些隰布在滚筒内烘屹 30分镟;囚 新栅祖可能龠有 些灰 麈 ;褊 :: ∷ 日常使用 翩 接通雹溉 ∶ ∶ 艹袖槭 南 (如 右圊〉 |将 衣物置於桶 内,一 弥 一件 ,肃 可能摇助均勹 。 ● ll上 ∶ ",榆 } l’ l骺 查nl/l保 衣物没有被卡在罔和趟洫勰上 ∶ i ∶ Ⅱ i 避择您需要品程序 0将 租序旋钮扭至所需的程序位置 start/Pause(阳 始/哲 停)勰 田 始阴燠 ,如 呆没有按 广任何键 ,10分 镟後将 自勋劂栅 。 g刂 扌 乱 晷 (桂 诤 丨 丨 泱缸 nis。 ec浣 rd饴 9 , C° 0"h宫 K吹 凤 ),End(箱 束 ), ⑦伽 尊Ii\ 湘 : ∶ | ∶ 租序 送攉旋钮分杓 以下 部份 :● cottons(棉 sped钔 (特 送衣物筲壮 "∶ ∶ 磁 |钾 i({|i|{∶ :u岱 )● synthe刂 c“ 合 成物刈 )● Ⅱmel峙 田)● ∷∶ ∶∶ — ∴ ∶ ∷ ∶ ∶ ∷ I∵ ∷ ∶ ∶ ∶ :∶ ∷ ∶∶ ∶ | 用 ∷— 〓 ∷ 使 ∷|∶ I・ ∷Ⅱ∶ I∷ | | ∷ ∶ ∶ ∶∶ : 讳 :∶ ∶ ∶∶∶ ∶∶ |∷ ∷∷ ¨ ” 擞 磁 邀挥 咂 彀 嬷 “ ” I预 彀 她可 以最 多预彀 12小 峙版助程序 ,此 逃项必须在邋攉Tll序 之後和I在 妆下 ” 峙鲍围内可逖 ,暂 之前迪行。预徇 H3h/6h/12h小 璁阴始 T9序 时卩 停 始 J访 lil稔 ‰ 嚣甬 亻 舶摭豳 癞 餮 盖 晕 扌 峨 以 : ll i各 i孛l帚 人造 ll刈 30 在拿出衣物 避 序 捭 键 ∶ ∶ :谰 隹 甘甘 匕有砬令l。 ll。 但皋宓笮挛溢捭了需耍的程序铭 和在 ∷_● 枞拟逃J睾 的租序 不同Ⅱ功音 营道些按铋按 F卅 /lH您 的戤示煅臂亮,严 按一烬就鲁熄诚。 皙 停觌 。 终 峒∷ -前 , ” 器 甚涫 :龃磕 ∶ ∷ ∶ =叩 f蜂 tf・ ∶ 寺 | ∵∶| ∷ ∶∵ 拟共他按趔Ⅱ |行 租 /H束 後驳山铕束旋徘 ; ∷ ∷ ∶ ∴∷ ∶ ∶∶ 峥岫71田 敕後,再 J女 一下峰唣母唧埤箪呷阴蜂嗝器0∶ ∶ ∶ ∶ ∷ ∶ ∴ ∷ ∴ ∶ ∶∷∷ r怏 榭指示熳 : ∶ “ “ ● 花衣 指示婿 : 孩燔亮表示本鹕蔗庞於虼衣状惩。 ∴ ● “吹风 “指示媸 t段 。 铉嫦亮表示本栅原於在吹风然魅。在乾衣铕末後,龠 有¨佃 5或 10分 蛀的吹 △ . t器 ” ∶∶ 子|都 可苡 IIq敬 或 9Hl圉 。接矬陶漱J峰 唁器後 ,相 您 的 :|“ 脉 。 按龃在行程延 行或 俘 止 Ⅱ ∷ 姑弼兑 业螽∫|吣 锉△臀 ,一 下操作 岫拎耻 舍菝出眸音 |∶ 1 ” 蹁撺 速 ∶ 键 “ 常您按下 罔始,|暂 停?趔 後,相 胨的指示 k/O鲁 亮。倒败剖畸 ,Fl始 。在选掸行租和杖式 之前或者在邀摞行租俱式之弪,敲 置预徇畸田都可以;LED烃 以小 卟衤1芈 位颡示剩然n寺 Ⅲ。 ” “ 翩 遇释 脚娜 替停 谥 勹 被打 lIl r, 迪辉了程序和逃坤後`恢 此矬微tlJ本 锱 。如呆在程序迎行迪租屮乾衣搠的卩 ” 刂 始,Ll停 在明脚阴之後必须重薪按此涎,程 序舍徙中断旎觯触迦行。在谊fF怙 沉下,“ 阝 链的指示瞪禽囡燥以l/L示 您孺按下漱勋矬。 ∷|∷ . ∷ ” ″ ∶∶ ∷ 在超蚀忱,强 忱,棵 芈程序中∴可以钥溆 f快 速 趔|疼 t怏 速 趔後,乾 衣峙肉鲁黼 ” l,J熊 起llll用 。 。Ⅱ邋填赤熊和Ⅱ粘徊 姗 ,lF恋 的燧愈亮∷ 卜 疝:垂 哆 △ 碰∷ 〃 “ 口铕床 指示烃| ll・ ∶ 此烃在吹夙z.束 後的防撇阽段和租序铕束亮 o细 漉辋 ”指示烃 : 本栅每仗用一次後,此 膛龠亮,捉 示你要清漯迅滤稠 序箱 束後: ∶ 籼程 所有的乾衣租序孺束後祁畲有一佃 5或 10分 碰的吹凤阽段。如l梁 吹lJll铕 束後衣物邀波 “ 花衣搠禽迮入防搬睹段 (持 貘畸H∶ 最艮30分 镟),防 瞰旋蜱到 0” ,所 有l扦 示烃龠 拿Ⅱ ∶ ∶ 脚掉。 | i 1。 豳每次 馊用後I | 本锱每次使川後,∶ 萧清漯通滤勰 . 蒯 涮 嘣 俨 毗 吉赢 就耍iJL蝻 蛳 肼 跚 安删 霁藁霁霪每糸 “ "段 遣棣 nl以 避免在衣物在撅内聚热。首先膪盥蚋到 0” 位蚩 .然 後螂 ∷ 孺束馐再将衣物移出。 “ ” 到 晾乾 位置,亚 按下m筋 踺。 熏新避樟程序: ∴ ∶ 推衣遇程中,如 果想重新遇捭程序n勺 肃 ,首 先将租序旋钮帕△l到 程序业按下阴始勰 ,就 可以了 . ∶ Ⅱ : : 7 “0” 位甘,逃 辉新n勺 乾衣指南 髭最大乾衣量| ∶ 髯窳 顼 ∷△∷ _ 建敲的花衣量芊,Hu袒 序表 ∷股规定 ∷ ∶ ●纯棉,亚 麻;膊 内桶啦满但不能太满 一 |合 成衣物:衣 叨鼻不铧超退内llr的 般 0繇 绸镪物及羊毛1衣 物壁不能趔klnl四 分之一 : 漪罄提示 ∶ 本li/l乾 本量。因洵装载小容炅衣物llL行 妙k乾 ,不 觚泌寅怼 ・萧壶可能装 【 吃衣量。 封於易褶 Rltn勺 衣 肖诚少刂 ・ 抑 ,静 开 F・ . 鲢 :∶ 靓物 寥考如下 浴 l冂 -熨 Jl"针 '曹 衣物装I± 。 通常-些 多屠折叠的衣 安全金⒈̀ 刖 针等等 )。 |∶ ∷ ∷ ∵ ∴ Ⅱ ∷ ∷∴ ∶ ∷.∷ ∴∶ |∶ ∷ 1200g 200g Ⅱ 亚lLJ 餐 巾 卜内 Wl i 女△ 100g 被套 ]∶ 伯11艮 600g 床驵 500日 男士 llll衫 桃套 200g 男士 lll衣 英布 背心 毛巾 L内 男二 抹布 ″ 丿 效 ‰翩饷 在 到 衄缶 雯 ⒋乞 逻 盖乾 蓬 七 黠饧滞J莓 豁铖卩 甚 乾 衣 的 蜃 槛 器 耿 化 ∶ 茔 提 岩 詈 笠 缮 浊谓 雀 裳 岩 哭 棱 缶 奋 ‖ 饵 窑 舅 w岁 蝥 】 宙 封 : 200g 枷 500g 100g llf ∷ 序 ∷ 赣 表裎 ∶ =溺 陧序 行翟 础 〓 :° ∶ 描述 浴衣,厚 毛巾,牛 仔槭,工 作服 浴衣,厚 毛巾,+仔 栅,工 作服 ∷ 枷衣,T棚 衣,棉 裥 ∶ 俪饿颓,棉 硼颊 最大食载量 超强 强 楞:芈 0kg ∴ 噙 漯涸 吃 熨‘ 合成衣物 △ ∵△△ 〓 △△△〓 △〓△△ ^〓∷μ一〓 〓 ∷特刖逖项 ∷ ∷ ∷ 漂芈 ⒊kg :合 熨乾 3烛 新渤 烦 ,硼 衣 6kg 多屑的繇钺品,浴 巾`抹 布 △ =∷ f∷ ∶ (5k宫 防撇 βkg |味 吃 片 2κ 繇铡颊 :∶ 息̀ ∶ 骶槲谛漯 | ∶ 儆期衣物 胡性内衣,幼 兄服,厚 寒冬gll 骰茼 幺 糸Ⅻ订 身 清 溜: ∶ 溺槭 ∷ 只能使用肥皂俞水迪行清漯,然 後馓底擦乾。 重要提示:带 勿使用酒精和稀濯液及烦似的物I钴 沽漯鹕身外部。 扔性内衣,棚 衫 |另 性 内衣 ,概 衫 ,T棚 衫 ,棉 栅子 . En勺 钺毛。 除迪滤碉用围明链衽 定llll清 漯栅闸内部 耦 漉 清 漯: ∶ 斓遇 呷 ↑ 碹 鼻 揩 鳘 毳 牿 膺 牿 罗 矍 誓 集 暹 蝥 蟛 收 猥 亳呆 彳 暴 淼 彗 f誓 属 濑 纂 曩 荔 崭 查 撂 社莴 疆 蓄 谡 澹 榀 霞 紧 '去 :譬 葑 Ξ ∶ ∶ ∶ ; :∶ 〓 亠 一∷ 彐〓 〓^一△△一△ — — ∷ ;〓 \ 甘 磁 营 奋皙 搔 、 蘸 i奋 ∴|10 ≡ ∶∶ =∶ 舞 ∶∶ :∶ :~ !焐 通遇遇滤艄将追些拔毛 l收 集涎 来 。常遣桠现象出现时 。荫刖 刷子i憔 浓水洗潞遇滤赃 (如 右固所示 ) 打脚槛卩 日,取 迪滤勰。(饮 n下 圊所示 ) 錾 |∷ ∶ ∶ :∶ ∷ |::∶ : ∴ ∷ ∷∷ ∷ |0∷ ∷ ∶∶ l」 3【 j| 1清 漯之前,静 您一定婴llUl田 布源。 封本槛迤行任何的徕饕不 裉 跟 `枕 套 ,餐 布 ,遇 浆的衣刀艮 ∶ 床孰,桌 而,合 戤颂衣物 g 特弛 r1寸 F卩 4J 和 湖 婴犟 啪 跏 耐 `斋 棰 酬 棚 。 牮 技衍寥数 常冕故障 J常 冕故障 ●某些故障只是由於缺乏简覃的保蕃和榆查所致 ,不 需要通遇雒修人景也可即峙郦鬏解 法。 ,在 致鼋第一鼋桨雒修服膀中心前 ,薷 仔钿圃葫下文所列出的常旯故障及解泱瓣 泱 工作。富 有正常 ,此 表示本槛没 ●使用槛器的峙候可能畲出琨阴始 ,暂 停踺指示澄因燠 ,罔 题依然存在 。萧 lbl 罔题解泱了 的峙候 ,按 下阴始 ,暂 停踺 以重舣程序 。如果检查了之後 卩 习的客服中心。 罂我亻 解泱瓣法 可能的原因 故障 ●将插硕插上插座 ● 通鼋 插螈没有 檎器不 工作 ●嗣阴鹕罔 ●槛 明阴著 ●再次按下嗣始踺 ●您碓定您按下了F,,g始 ,暂 》■ 停踺 》I嗝 乾衣效果令人不潲意 。 ●程序邀耀错禄 ●遇 滤勰堵塞 ●乾衣量不正碓 ●在隰度感悠片有沉澉物 ■ 技衍寥数 乾衣糠型虢 CD-6 最大烘乾容量 (kg) 鼋源 (AC v/Hz) 220-240V/50 烘乾蝥热功率 (w) 1800 浮重 (kg) 栅器尺寸 (竟 深高 )(mm) 595小 555半 850 ▲ 任何不过循就明瞢或者款圃更改廑 品本身的行榻都是危阪的 。 ▲ 薷漪必不耍将本栈放在供鼋冤腺上 ▲ 本槭鼋路的安装工作必绠由合格或寡桨鼋工完成 Δ 重耍提示:本 裰糨封不可以嵌入榆壁 ●下次乾衣峙迭挥一 佃不同的程序 (寥 旯程序 介留部份) ●清洗乾浮遇滤耦 ●查看建螽乾衣量 ●清洗潺度感悠片表 J脲 包 涣一佃新澄泡 ●送耀更高的乾衣稞 使用本桷前,必 须拆除所有包裴。 面 滚筒指示澄 不亮 u严 ,斡 程序逗行峙罔遇畏 ●乾衣量不足或肴封所遥 程序而言 ,放 入的衣服本身 已铿 比蛟乾 ●乾衣量太大 弹 强 程序 F,Ig始 后 ,乾 衣遇期 很快铕束 。箱束蹬亮 ●蹬泡有罔题 例如 :邀 择特斡代替 ●减少乾衣量 衣 槲 您 的 乾 下 ,萧 您 琵 鼋 萧 前 茎 阝 罨 靠 昊 嘿 濯 篌 銎 磊 F甚 柔 筚 替 冕 霞 叠 髦 赝 螯 鸶 翕 蟊 ,此 ,但 重要提示 :R卩 使您的槲器仍虎在保修期 内 将不被保用 。 J附 件 打阴附件袋,清 由於使用或安装不正碓引起 的罔题 Qn「 袋中的附件 附件 附件名硒 畋量 辶 锕 排氟管 1 用卢手lm 1 槲 ▲ 如果需要移SHJ本 栅 ,薷 垂直搬遇 . ■ 安装排氛管 ■ 安装位置 一 习 建螽您将本榴lya放 在靠近洗衣鹕 的地方 。乾衣畸 ,本 栅鲁崖生 定 卩 舄了您的方便 ,我 亻 Fol或 通夙 良好的房 。 槛器如果槲放在 ,以 防止凝箱 的热量和潺氟 ,您 需要锰快使之散去 槛乾 者靠近窗卢的地方 ,自 然或容易防止水汽凝穑。然而 ,通 常爽瀚 ,用 排氖管把乾衣 。 衣遇程中麈生的氟艘排到室外 ,将 乾衣槛的排氟裴置放在外面效果鲁更好 ,如 舐 阻碾物 迪夙孔附近没有任何 ,必 须碓保本槛背部 一佃乾浮的地方 本槛必须安放在 震 娠 ,碎 屑等 。本概悠嬲放在一 佃里固而又平整的地方 ,遣 可以使本槛在使用时麈生的 ▲ 氍 牒 晏甚鲞霍掼 骺 崔晶糇 缶搌 扌 饕 蚕百俣隼坌髦霖蔷謇黛 昆 乍 (A),使 其舆排氟管搀 繁,然 後牢 固地放在您叠得方便的排氛 口位置上 。没用上的排氛 口 可 以用三通排夙管盍 (B)盖 上 。 勤和噪音 降至最低 。 Δ 警告 如果地面不平 ,薷 调校脚部 ,不 要把木屑或者其他物艚放在脚底 ■ 水平嗣铈 一旦本栅的位置固定下柬 ,一 定要在水平儒的莆助下榆查是否平衡 ,如 果不平 ,可 以通 遇调整底部的嗣整脚使其水平 。 ●榆查在铟郜脚舆地板 Fgq是 否有罔隙 ●嗣整铜铈脚 ,使 乾衣槲没有 晃勤 ,使 其 保持水平 ●拥整後 ,锖 扭繁嗣铈螺母 以使乾衣桷 保持水平 。 ^ 建羲 如果氛管较 艮而室内温度又较低的萧 ,潺 氟可能畲凝箱在氟管 上。遣是一棰不可避兔的自然琨象 。舄了防止遣些水留在氟管桠 或 (直 径的 3亳 米 ), 溜回乾衣槛 ,我 亻建箫您在氟管最底部钴一佃小孔 F习 I估 ∷ ●嗣茚螺 母,嗣 茚脚部 Δ 皆告 嗣邰完成後 必须扭 繁铜茚螺母 如 果鬏勤愈引起震勤和噪音 , 薷找合脊格的技工提供安装建螽或服捞 。 , ●底部槛脚一 定不可随意拆卸 一 ●不耍用深叠的毛毯或麻觚放在地板 上,遣 可能鲁麈生一些熟量 ,封 穰器的工作廑生 些干援 。 傀 亚放一佃容奇换水。(如 右圊 ,B黯 ) 营排氛管和乾衣锱逗接好後 ,镛 将排氛管放在您湔意的出 口虚 一 蒋鳟不要超遇雨次。至於出 口,如 果您泱定修 道墙或一佃窗卢 要提示 地面上 。 本檎 工作崖生的郯氟漯度可 以连到 60℃ , 因此本锱不能安裴在姬法抗高温的 。 工作效率 本 耧的室内工作温度必须不低於 5℃ 且不超遇 35・ C因 舄潺度畲影警本槛的 , - 安装 杰 重要提示 薷勿将排氛管和炊具 ,娌 囱等燃料器具接蠲 。 舄了避兔水蒸汽凝黯 的罔题 ,本 槲必须使用一根至少耍 比蔚房更 艮的敢管爽排氟 ,最 好 是畏到超遇窟房 ,可 放置在外面 。 局防止本槛遇熟 ,不 能有任何障碾物阻碾蒸汽排氛装置 。 如果您将乾衣榴安置在蔚房隔壁 ,薷 碓保排氯管不鲁受到拇墼 。如果排氟管部份受到搪 ●如材料上觜有 亻b檩 懿表明可 以再循擐利用 。 >PEc聚 乙烯 >Ps(=聚 苯 乙烯 >PP<=聚 丙烯 习 扔到逋营的垃圾箱中即可 。 卩 谊些物瞀耩成的材料可再循碌利用 ,您 只需将它亻 塑 ,鲁 降低乾衣效率 ,延 艮乾衣峙罔 ,业 增加能耗 。 本锱的室内工作温度须不低於 5℃ 且不超遇 35℃ , 因抽温度畲影警本 +的 工作效率。 ▲ 警告 ,高 温 。 菖锱器 薷将您的营槲器放置在指定的回收虎理站 ,以 保持葺圃的礞境整漯 。 l・ ■ 可反擗 " 舄使您装衣取衣更加 方便 ,本 槲罔揉用可反鳟彀静。其安裴必须由尊桨人士完成。 Ⅱ 鼋路遵按 警告 本锱 必须接地 如果您没有睬取 上述安全措施 ,本 代理不承搪任何黄任 。 乾衣前 ,锖 碓保您所虎的供 鼋鼋墼舆本概铭牌上的鼋里一致 。 本栅锷有一佃 16安 安培的安裴插硕 。 主鼋源颜色代表一下含蕺 : ●黄绿色表示地腺 ; ●蓝色是中性腺 ●棕色是火腺 镓腺和贵腺必须和煞端 相遵 ,以 字母 E或 者地腺漂懿 廷乡 表示 Δ 。如麈品或包装上有 扌珏 棵懿 ,表 明核崖品不能作舄家鼋胺品虎理,而 悠孩将它们交到 恰营的鼋子鼋器装置虚理站。正雅的虚理麽萏鼋器 ,徙 而阻止了谮在的角面影辔 ,保 蕤 了朦 境和人烦健康 ,否 刖谊些廒皙鼋器可能管造成一些浪背 。 生想信息 本栅的任何鼋路安装工作都必须 由尊桨人士完成。 Δ 田 苷告 牌一佃断路插殒插 到插座上眚桦来安全危阪 。磅必正碓虎置断路插殒 。 永久速接 永久遵接畸 ,您 必须在本栅和供鼋鼋源之罔安装一佃叟孔固嗣。 : 在阙圃任何畸候都不耍断阴黄色和觫色的地腺 。 舄了茚的能源和保敲缳境 ,我 狎g建 蓠您遵徙一下提示 ●愠量使本檎I作 畸的角荷量大些 ,因 舄小夤荷量工作不锶酒 。 ●以避兔弄皴您的衣服和舄 了茚的能源 ,锖 不要烘乾 已怨乾燥的衣服 。 ●斋根糠衣物的乾燥程度和衣物 的颞型遴挥乾衣程序 。 ●定期清理遇湔胭 ,以 避兔增肌乾燥次敷和麽鼋 。 ●保持房Fnl通 夙 ,室 内温度不要超遇 35℃ 保修舆客尸呷貉 犟保修僚件 螅 如果您瞒胃的麈品在 12佃 月内有任何罔露,薷 獭鼯第一鼋桨雒修服貉中心,但 必须根 璩下列的倏件 ●耱器安裴正碓 ,亚 且按照娣牌上的漂示的供鼋鼋坠使用。 ●本禳只逋用於普通家庭,亚 且是按照遣安裴款明蓍正碓使用。 卸等行枸。 ●本穰没有被非本公司授榷的人具暹行遇保蕃,修 理 : `拆 Jml外 事顼 本保修傺款不包括以下内容 ●由於遇输或使用不营 ,更 换蹬泡 以及清除玻璃,塑 料凳造成的擐害。 ●胳本槛用於商桨蠓境以及出租 ●麈品没有贴新朗商漂 : 又 猁d 嘟 第一鼋桨有限公司 香港皇后大道束 +3至 s9虢 束美中心 15撰 辋 址 :hktp〃 WWW引 pha geneFaIcom Product description safety lnfoⅡ ηation 磁铫薮 0ther instructions 。 This aρ pⅡ ance is designed for domestic use."must not be used for purposes otheΓ than those for which it was designed o OnIy wash fab"cs which are designed to be machine dried FoⅡ ow the instructions on each garmentIabeL o Any eIectrical work required to instaⅡ this app"ance should be carried out by a quaⅡ ned eIectrician or competent ρerson o lfthe rnachine is s⒒ uated on a carpeted n° ol ρlease adjustthe feetin orderto aⅡ ow airto circuIate freely underthe apρ Ⅱ ance o Do not climb onto the dryer orrest heaw o钔 ects′ heaung devices or Ⅱems with Water or leakage on the dryer,Iest deformation ofthe faCe panel and the plastic comρ o Anyo丬 eCts such as coins,safety pins,nai⒗ ,screWs,stones or any other hard,sharp mateHaI can cause eXtensive damage and rnust not be oA竹 er quid Ⅱ onent occu∴ ρlaced into the machine ance,check thatitis not pressing or standing on its elect"cal supply having insta"ed the apρ Ⅱ cabIe,or vent hose. des ● "ems such as foam rubber edUatex foam),shower caps,waterproof textiles,rubber backed a闷 仗 With foan∩ rubber pads should not be dried in the tumble drye∴ and cIothes or ρ "lows币 。 ance after use,clean and maintenance, AIways unplug the appⅡ 。 Do not overload the apρ "ance the reIevant section user manual wetsee shouId not be pIaced in in thethe dryer ● CIothes Which are d"pρ ing 。 Garments which haVe been in contact with volatiIe petroleum produds shouId not be machine dried r Vo!atⅡ e cleaning】 uids are used!care should be taken to ensure thatthe】 uid is removed from the garment before pIacing in the machine 。 Never use the tumbIe dryerifthe ρowersuρ ρIy cable,the control pane1the working su汀 ace orthe base are damaged so thatthe inside ofthe tumb!e dryeris accessible o The tumble dryeris notto be used ifindustrial chemicals have been used for cleaning Θ The Iintrnust notto be a"owed to accumuIate around the tumble drye巳 o Do not dry unWashed itemsin the tumble dryer ° FabΓ ic softeners or sinη iIar product$should be used as speci币 o丁 he Πnal ρart of a tumble dryer cyde occurs w"hout heat lc° ed bythe fabrc so付 ener instructions, °ldoWn Cyde)to ensure thatthe Ⅱems are left at a temperature that ensures tha】 the items w"丨 not be damaged 。 That exhaust air must not be disCharged into a Πue which is used forexhausting仙 rnes什 om appⅡ anoes burning gas or other fuels ding door or a doonⅣ ith o Thatthe app"ance must not be insta"ed behind a IockabIe doo1a sⅡ hinge on the oρ posite side to hat of the tumble dryelin suCh a way that a fu"opening of the 1。 ControI PaneI 4.AdjustabIe Feet a tumbIe dryer door is restricted 鲞 .一 ii跏I 2.Cabinet 5.Rear Vent outIet 3. FⅡ ter 4 〓△一_〓 ∷〓∷i〓 〓〓 ∴ ≡ ∵ ∴一 〓∷ 〓≡ 一讠〓△〓 .∶ ∷ ∷ |∷ ∷ ∷ ∷∶j ∶∶ ∷ ∷ ∶ ∶ ∵∷ ∷ JQ0冖 |r° I pane “ e∷ ∶∷ First use Ensure thatthe eleoⅢ cal co^necflons comply wkh khe inskallauon instrucuons 赧∷ 鼽糍韪l Remove the o° lystryrene b10ck a。 d any mate"alfrom the drum 鹱 Π rst刂 me,we recommend thalyou plaCe a few damρ doths mintltes There may be dtlst mgde a brand new tum凵 e dryer for叩 ingde the ap|hnce and dˇ Before usingˇ ourtumble d~er for the DaⅡ y 。 ‖ 亠 犭ⅡJ。 △ Vse | | 黟⊙pen the do0r(see picture).∶ 翻PIacethe Iauhdryinthe druⅡ ∶ ,on。 me, "em ata廿 攮 吖 罗 :I茹 Ⅰ l;:茹 :萝 烈〖 ⒊强 〗 茹 shaking them out as much窍 o poosible d° es n。 衩 ro0ramme selectⅡ e req・ re¢ Ⅱ 簸Turn 1^Pr。 gramme se|ector口 l|卜 2.Sequence"ndioat。 rL丨 0hts p∷ 3.staⅣ Pause 4.p° 丨 ay Button and Lights rymg 0.D0|i0ate Cooling End ∷ the ro-ramme ρ selectρ :I;∮ Il|ll谮 鞯熟 keep on unⅢ power o仟 1怦 0,Q|i0κ Fi|ter ∷ t i r dial∴ to the requ△ ed programme 黼 :{甘 :f|丨 l紧擗 苛艹卩 ∷ ∶ ∶ The selector dialis divided into fo"oWing sections∶ 榔 Co仗 ons 碑 synthetics 睁 Tlme 够sρ ecial 醐 ∷〓 〓 “ ≡ 〓"〓 〓 "HⅢ 跚 〓 ¨ 鞋 轴 轴¨ ∷ .∷ ∷ ≡ ∷ 一 ∷ 〓 〓 ≡ ∷〓 ~li 〓 ≡ ≡ 〓 〓 ≡〓 〓 〓 〓 凇 硇 濉 蜘 畋 赵 ¨∷岫 郴渤州 ~瞽 〓 黼〓 ∷ 一 衤 〓 氵" 蟛〓 驯 Ⅱ鼎 ≡ 栅 苷 琳 撅廿 肯 蛔 瀛墼 ∴∷ U豳 枷 Contro"ed∷ d冂 ring ~∷ 一 一⒈ ⒈扩⒈一 I≡ ≡ ←⒈∷ 艹⒈ _∷ ∷〓 一 ⒈・ 〓 一 r⒈ 〓 一一 △∷一一 〓i〓 ≡ 〓∷〓〓 ∷〓 茹 二 Ⅰ Jir~∴ :∶ ∷〓 ∷〓 .〓 _ ~〓 ~〓 ∷ 〓∵〓 〓∷〓 ・∷ 〓 ∷ ∷∷ 〓 〓 ∷ i〓∷ ∷∷〓 ∷ _一 糕T岁 ∶ 甘 ∶ ∷∵ 仟 ∶m|Ⅱ `l∶ ;;繁 lne。 :J∶ J罗 TJ:∶ 恩 l!iiii;!i掩 me "of「 1旱 ;扌 .〓 ∷th0P0。 。hs are p0essed,th0oorrPsp-0Ⅱ ∷ 冖 ∷ 禹 0gp"otl咆 0t0Ⅱ m0on when they are press0d -∶ ∶∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∶ 累 J紫丫 挖 槲群影 髭 ‘ 氵 “ Heavy” ,“ strong", fol|owing programme∶ n the drying】 me wⅢ be reduced by3巧 th10bu、 ° The opuon con be selected jn thρ “ Normar By dep呷 ssing Ⅲuminates Th s opⅡ on cannot be se|ected 鞔鳟£型里苎旦凹Ⅱ坠巳 ∷ ∷ “ an be selecto0in tne folloWing seCtions∶ Cottons” The opuon ρ ∶ i |∷ 0orⅡ ect° ption selectioh “, ,“ Synth‖ Gs” Ⅳ:器‰? 唧里 ‰l器 累£ 菇 ℃浪Ti&s℃ +∶ :军 F票冕 髁泥 浮 tI∶ .∷ 〓 〓∷ 一∷ 一∷ _∷ 〓 〓 ∶Ifˇ ρ 00elect an。 ption thatis not coⅡ patibIe ∷∷ ∷△ho o卜 |ion wil丨 not oe selected ∷ ∷ og|ammey° u have selected, with the0⒈ 叩蚰吐∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ ∷ fⅡ eⅡ g|Ⅱ Ⅱy侈 ho听 s maⅪ ∶ ∷∷ ∷ ∷∶ ∶ | | 岍 ∷ (0h) 。 : Press this button to sta仗 the dryer afler having se|eGted tlle programme and trle op刂 U屮 ” "2h) 磋 驷I骅:跚衢 ∞ Ⅱ TⅡ n h?∷ ∷ |∷ ∷∷ ∷ ∴ ∷∷ ∶∷ ∷ ∷∷ dw0Ⅱ ∷ ⅡⅡ ⒐ h酬 m舾 吲 |∷ tlle Ⅱ was interrupted after closin0the doorin o巾 ertρ reskartthe programme from the point at which ln this cas查 s lhe lghts】 o夸 he$to remind you thatthe start bu仗 on needs to be pressed again 魍 旦 恻 巳: ∵ These lights indicate the fρ 罅“ Drying” "owing functions∶ ∷ "ght t伽 ∶ ∶ ∴∶ ∶∷ ∶∶ ons亻 door ofthe applance is o0ene-whⅡ e the programme is running,this butlon must be pressed again canGeIled 撤Ⅷ e甲 姒 浏 a蜘 ∶ in","60nη in"and"90nη in" 旦型坚g艹 翌 槲 (0h) lra丨 D eIay used w"h“ Quick″ and progrant"3onη O冫 羰:喋 R躲 捃窑叫 协 屮 岬 呷 P涮 bef° r叩 ress ng iisl甘 ;” ;;背 鲨 ⒐βⅣⅡ Ⅱ ⒗ 中 m醚 网 mⅡ Ⅱ 。山叮 ηis f° r3i∶ 6or12hours ∶亻 屮 叩 ∶ ∴ ∷∴ ∷∶∶ select Qu⒈ c;I-Ⅱ again together w"h“ Delicate"opˇ on | 蜱:00pe^ding on!he programme,diffeFentfunt刂 0ns can∶ be c0mbined The$e must be se丨 ected a卩 。 sⅡ g the desired proo叼 mme乏 。 ∶∵ 0r。 Ⅱ n0before depres割 ng^he start/Pause bu攵 ton When h‘ go o“ ,搔 }糨 n e|e0】 ° minutes Tho corresponding light option buttons l咱 鞣 ・ and make the program灬 u I:erlalJI∴ :∵ 讯谎 〖 里 L瑁:1F秽 捣粽 褙 省 臂 留 ∷ ∷ Ⅱ tt。 仓 aIˇ after you press the"StaruPause" button The appliance w"l st0rtthO de|ayed process r y° before removlng the!ρ undⅡ ∶aoaIo,I枘 ep"⒍ ∷ countdown is0alculaled aut0ma】 跸|T|ρ 乏 0pliance detects the moistuFe iⅡ !h0|oadautomauoalIyadlustthedryingtimeforopumaI ^Ju针 d~i】 sele¢ the progrβ mme aⅡ ° ∴ ruihg to faⅡ csi TⅡ is orying system holds good foΓ ∶ ∷ 蝓 e∷ “ ∶ ∷ 鼽唧 襁 潇 ∶ ′ ∷ ∶ l∶ Ⅱ ∷ ∷|∷ ∶ Ⅱ ∶∷∷ ∶ Ⅱ |∴ ∷ ∷ Ⅱ∴∶ ∴∷ i∷ ∷ ∷∶∷ ∷ ∷∷ 抬欲 胃 s仙 i诂 :J蹒 ∶ 丁 Ⅱs"0htindicates ∷ that the∶ Oppli占 n。 m∵ dry!0∵ ∵ the?pp叩 n::忄 -i甘 Ⅱthe co由 in白 aζ : 0h芑 -e Atthe end of drying, tJ0m诒 a5。 "估 r10minutes oooⅡ no pⅡ s杏 to∞ d the bondⅡ Ⅱ 时 ε|d of pr。 grβ mme” Iight ∷ ∷∷ ∶∷ ∶ ˉ is Ⅱ 0ht is° n TⅡ 呵0"er’ l咱 " ∷ 汀Ⅱ m,m四 ∷ p厂 0granη me |秽 ev吖 de⒗ ∷∷ ∶ ∴ 汔 mⅡ dyⅡ 1h引 协 f ter叩 嘁 oe讹 a⒃ d钔 d atthe⒇ dσ he ∷∷ 汪 i叩 ∶ 廴 靴岛 糊茗 居 龀∶ ∶ 芾甘 F鞒 :嚣 F∶ :lf;,℃ ght“ Fi|te卩 e dis0lay Ⅱ ∷ohasq丁 Ⅱ ∷ Ⅱ ∶ ∶∷ ∵ ∶ ∷ ∷∶ -∷ Tt【 :∶ shoWs 10I mintJtes late∴ ∷ ∶ aundⅡ al丨 n。 trem。 I∶ lfⅠ ;rl;m) :;∶ i∶ nb“ |⒊ Ⅱ eon⒍ :;}It~甜 :}I∶ |。 0阼 ∶ Ⅱ we rec。 de"cote drying uow tρ mperature) do冖 ottumb|e dry∷ 镳Close pⅢ oW0ases i and c。 v0rs wⅡhfasteners to reventsmalHaundry1ems ρ them Clos占 press studs,冖 0sa^d ho。 ks and】 e be⒒ s and apron stⅡ gettlng tangled inside ngs~so吐 laundry accord ng to 蛐Do notove冖 dry lavndry,thi0av° ids creasing and saves energy 鼹Avo d dry砘 da张 dothes d】 uffy屺 ms su山 as bw引 s as俩 ey∞ uld Ⅱ小 l咱 蛐The laundry∷ att旧 d he1ufl "colou田 must be lhoro0ghly∶ spJn before ttlmb{e drying mmend that you tum t早 :∶ d∷ I琪剿 糇 销IⅡⅢ ∶ 馔亟 驷 如 亟 玉 norⅡ al drying lhigh temperature) type and degree。 f drying!equired ∶∷ ∵∶ ∷∵ ∷∷∷ |龊Ⅱ虹哪坶牡 i烈俨 ∷ ∷ -∷ 讯 ∶ ?:iⅡ gpr?gramme ha$to beooppe000Ⅱ Ⅱ Ⅱ ∶ Ⅰ ∶ :糨 氵 ∶ 黯曹 %捍 悍 ∷ 龆T苕帚Ⅰ 牒茗 ;描 r絷 f棣 e0|-p” md枷 痴 如 $№ 诌 加№m umⅡ Ⅱ 涮 the lights go out re"reacie言 Fo"oW the instructⅡ s on garment hbe|s∶ 口 唧屮m岫 叫 ∵ ∶ iiia酬 the :嚣 ;J;;∶ I∶ 艘AMays ∷ atthe end ofthe coolihg phase,duHhg thθ anu~creasing phase ∷ 0茗 NeVertumble-ry lhe foⅡ owin0∶ PaⅡ cu|ady de"cate⒒ ems such as net cudaⅡ s,woo丨 len,酬 k`fab"cs With metalkrmi nylon刂 ghts,00Iky而 ale"a⒗ such as anoraks‘ bIankets,eiderdoWns,斟 eeping bags, Feather quits占 nd any lems∞ ntai0ing rubberfoam or mateHals引 mllar b rLlbberfoam ; 圃圃 髑 ≡ ≡〓 〓 扣卜〓抽 一 〓 盯〓 卜〓 ∴⒈一 〓 〓一 〓 u宙 杳 ∷ ∶ ∶∷ ∵ ∷ ∶ i ..∶ ∵ ∶ ∷ lheprogrammesee№ lr鼓 舳 浏 o p~in0Hints 卩0for。 !oadlhg the1。 undry ~〓 ~~≡ ∷ ~ ≡ 一 ≡ 〓 ∷ ∷坩 〓 〓〓 ∴△△∷∷ 〓 ∷ 〓 甘 "I:〓 斡 ‖ 揪l 丨 黼 i 甘 ‖ 扯 枷栅 擀ii芊 |l‖ 鲫 ‖o ‖圻∷ Drying prograΠ wη es Drying H:nts o Close pⅡ lowcases and covers with fasteners to ρrevent sma"laundry"ems getting tangIed inside tyρ e naokin ou"t cover sheet and degree of drying required. 0 Do not overˉ dry laundry,this avoids creasing and saves energy o AVoid drying dark clothes With!ight c。 loured nu】 V"ems such as towe丨 s as they couId a⒒ ractthe Πu矸 o The Iaundry must be thoroughIy spun before tumble drying 。 Easy~care items,too,e g shirts,should be brie】 y preˉ ovv case tableCloth o"丨 n∶ ofthis type "is advisable to a"ow for shrinkage when choosing the size of new purchases 颥鲫Drying 。 To avoid a static Charge when drying is comρ men’ s shirt 200g 250g men’ s pyiamas 500g 100g 100q blouse men’ s undeΓ pants programmes o抽 砬| leted,use either a fabric softener when you are Washing the laundry or a fabric cond"loner speciΠ ca"y for tumbIe dryers ° Remove the laundry when the dryer has nnished drying o !findividuaIitems are sti"damρ aReΓ drylng,set a brief post-dry ng tirne,but atleast30minutes. This wⅢ be necessary pa雨 culaHy for muⅡ Cottons "ayered"ems(e~g~co"ars,pockets,etc) ¤ Clothes that have been so"ed with subs1ances such as cooking o",acetone,alCoho1petro1 kerosene,spot removers,turρ entine,waxes and wax removers should be washed in hot water with an extra amount of detergent before being d● edin the tumb!e drye「 嫩颥make sure that no metal o丬 ects are leftin the Iaundry(e.g・ Bu廿 on up p"lowcases,c丨 ose zip fasteners,hooks and poppers Drying bathrobe,toweⅡ ng towel, HeaW Jeans,work Clothes strong Jeans,work clothes Drying bathrobe,toweⅡ ng towel, Normal 6kg Drying shi仗 ,Tˉ shi放 ,co⒒ on trousers Damp 6kg Drying kni⒒ ed items,co廿 on shi仗 DΓ ying shee1bed linen,table Ⅱ nen.starched laundary hair dips,safe″ pins,pins) Ⅱe any beⅡ s orlong tapes, For sheet,tabIeCloth,synthetics items Extra to avoid Iaundry becon1ing tangled∶ Close ziρ s,bu‖ on up duvet covers and tie Ioose ties orribbons(e g of aprons) synthetics Tum"ems with doubIe丬 ayered fab"csins de out(eg~wilh co‖ onⅡ ned anoraks,the co杖 on Iayer should be outermost)These fabrics、 ″Ⅲthen dry be廿 er Remove a"oblects from ρockets suoh as"ghters and matches For synthetlcs items Cuρ board For kni廿 ed items,shi吐 Iron 毖 邂 躞Maximum Ioads Πme 30∷ 60`90’ 6kg Recommended loads are indicated in the programme chaIts: Multi-layered fabrlcs,bath towels, tea toWels For men’ s underpants, Bade"al An】 ˉ General rules∶ 。 Co“ on,linen:drum fuⅡ but nottoo tightly paCked∶ sⅡ k ¤ synthetics:drunη no more than ha】 ffu"; ρantywaist,winter clothing 15kg For s"k items speciaIs De"cate fabrics and、″oo"ens:drun1no more than quaderfu"‘ Freshenˉ uρ Try to load to the maxlmum capac"y ofthe machine as sma"Ioads are uneConomicaI 籼 600g dry” 。 To remove any starch residues,wipe out the internal drum after drying with a moist cloth and then rub it dry o 100o men’ s work shirt 100o tea cloth ° You can aIso put starched items into your dryer Howeve1to achieve the desired starched e仟 ec1 200g ght dress ladies’ briefs 500¤ towe"ing towel spun before drying ¤ Kni⒒ ed text"es(kni⒒ ed undenⅣ ear)may sh"nkaⅡ 廿le du"ng drying Please do not overdry"ems Choose the ρrogramrne“ |ron 1200g 100g 700o Bathrobe them Close press studs,zips and hooks and tie belts and aρ ron strings Sortlaundry according to Laundry weights Air Dry FOr men’ s underpants,shid For refreshing or gentIy cIeaning textiles The foⅡ owing weights are indicative∶ 12 辎 iI∶ Care and cIeaning 翊 鳓 鎏 铫 铫 罂 蹰 黠 黠 something not working Care and cleaning 麴 You must DlsCONNECT the aρ pⅡ ance from the elect"city supp丨 y,bef° re you can carry out any cleaning or maintenanCe work ExternaI c∶ 籼 。 Cedain ρrobIems are due to Iack of simpIe malntenance or oversightsj whiCh Can be solved eas"y Without CaⅡ ing out an engineer Before contac刂 ng our service Centre,pIease carry outthe checks Ⅱsted below eaning ● During machine operation itis Use on丨 y soap and water and then dry thoroughly"mportantdo not use rnethylated spi"t,dⅡ uents inated,press the stad/Pause bu⒒ 0n to ρlease contaCt our Customer service the door ρart of the doorto remove any】 ufF Accurate cleaning clea耐 ng the ・Mains pIug is not plugged ln~ ・Loading doorls oρ en Dryer does ensures correct drying ・Have not work Ⅱ ker YOur dryer w"l only function we"f the fkeris cIean The】 lter co"ects a"the】 dry∶ nη centre at29931733 Clean peHodica"y the interior 龊 ght Ⅱashes to indicate thatthe ρossible thatthe pⅡ ot Ⅱ machine is not working once the probIem has been eⅡ restad the programme.|f after aⅡ checks,the problem persists, or sirn"ar products 虫 龋 擞cIeaning something not worHng u仃 Dn'ng resu"s WhiCh aCCumuIa】 es during unsatisfactory ng and they musttherefore be cIeaned atthe end you pressed the》 ■Bu⒒ on? 。Wrong programme selected. ・FiⅡ er clogged ・ lncorrect Volume ofIaundru of each progra冂 勹 me,before removing the Iaund卩 ”with a dampc丨 oth ・Plug in at rnains socket ・Close Ioading doo∴ ・Press the》 :button ag钊 n ・ select a different programme the next刂 me you drylsee“ Drying programmes” secu° n) ・ Clean Ⅱnt】 "er ・ 0bserve recommended Ioading volumes The f∶ lter must be remoˇ ed for cleaning.(see picture) Drum Ⅱghtlou⒗ nl does not work 9rying cycle last( an unusuaⅡ y ・Light bulb is defective ・Reρ 丨 ace Iight bulb. ・Load volume is too big ・Reduce Ioad volume long tirne 瀛 u/grning Do not use the appⅡ ance Without fⅡ te∴ 婴 ry⑾ sd屺 征 e unable b lden唧 σ 晨 『 ∶ 找 ∶∶ ∶ 【∶Ⅰ 桄∫ R菇 :|∶ :丨 ,∶ ;∶ Il1讦 :∶ r service centfe at29931733Before telephonin‘ l roquire this information. the Customer service centre wⅡ urchase date of your rnachine∶ and ρ 14 13∷ i}∶ ∴ ∶ i∷ lI丨 i0Ι △∵ ∷ ∶ ∷ |∴ i∷ ii| ・ Techn:c引 data lnstaⅢ at∶ on lMPORtAN△ 颥 PosⅢ °ning lf you ca"out an engineerto a fau"listed below,orto repair a fau"caused by incorrect use or machine WhⅡ st drying,the tumbIe dryerˇ vill expel a cedain amount of warm,very moist ai1and this 螭 Techn忆 创data should be removed from the room as quickly as possib丨 be仗 erto Carry the dryers exhaust outside via the vent hose suρ CD-6 旧gs etC)To keep vibra"on and noise to a minimum When the dryerisin use,"should be pIaced on rm,level sul亻 ace a Π NetWeight(kg) 际 danger。 纛 ca田 蹁勰 A叩 d涮 595X555X850 H)(mm) us b锁 er the叩 咖 md阢 b跏 ⒗ 刨 ms∝ attem吐 b mod勺 m田 m thak he即 洲 m∞ does耐 Ⅲ sprodⅢ 蛀md m协 m唧 拾摊 :%思∷ 劣⒒ 瀛 忆 J:背g1宫遐 wa弘 N。 wσ k⒑ q凵 倒 bm幽 协 appllance shou旧 be∞ Hed outby a叩 猁№ d IMⅡ RTAN.The a蒯 once刚 d血 魔 螫 营 蓄 l Level adjustment of枷 o dredions)rthe mac"ne roCks When b凵 M⒒ All packing must be removed before using the aρ pushing the rnachine top adjustthe feet again ρIate diagonally, 。 Loosen the IoGknuts o Adjustthe adjustab!e feetto Iowerthe dryer by turning p"ance. accessory 是 丨 o÷ I::1{骡 0ρ en the accessory bag and check the accessOJes 喊 ⒗ Ξ刂 唏占钉灬 洲揞‖ :早 dγ Ac0os-|ry1 Vent HOse 田 e⒌ 旯 黑g:嬲 腮 ∴ r揲蕊:摁 o unpacking 。 Check ⒈ 显 :淡 犟 When pushing down the edges ofthe dryer e!ectHcian or competent person. 褊 :玉 1:扌 |甘 elect仉 alsumly cau⒐ J奄 吨d or The tumb丨 e dryer must be insta"ed in a cIean place饣 where di仗 does not bu"d up~Make sure aper, there are no obstruGting⒒ ems or mate冖 al nearthe air丬 ntake louvres provlded atthe back(eg.ρ 220ˉ 240/50 ρower(W) 麟 with the app"ance;ending either grⅡ le∶ 】仗ed to an exterior waⅡ window (AC V/Hz) D★ pⅡ ed temporariIy at an open Window,or permanenuy at a币 xed ventila刂 on Dryer caρ acity(kg) Dimensions(W★ e to ρrevent condensa刂 on In an extremeIy 乒 HOweve几 in genera1it ls weⅡ ventilated room or c|ose to an open window,this rnay occur naturaⅡ Dryer Mode丨 Heater ioned cIose to your washing ltis reCommended that,for your conVenience,the rnachine is posⅡ insta"ation,a Charge W"l be made eVen ifthe app"ance is under guarantee 岚 N。 1 Manual r∶ :托 te|揣 :嘿 粮 :〖 甘膦 Ⅰ ;击 l:lI:{F∶ :帕 ・ The feet must neˇ er be removed.Do not restr∶ Ct the】 oor cIearance through deep pⅡ e carpets,str:ρ s0f wood ors∶ rnⅡ aL Th∶ s In∶ ght cause heat buildˉ up WhiCh、 ″ould∶ mterfere with 1 the operation ofthe app"ance. 岚 sh。 uⅡ the apuh"ce be m。 ved,Ⅱ must bo transported vorJc创 I弘 16 15 蔼 lnsta"ation 瀛眦 InstaⅡ ation 褊】 Ⅲ P。 RTA旺 lt is irnpodant not to conneCt the vent hose to, for examρ le, a cooker hood, or a chirnney or p pe滤 The hot air en勹 itted by the tumble dryer can reach temperatures of up to60° C The app"ance must therefore not be instaⅡ ed on noors which are not resistant to high temperatures VVhen opera⒈ № :早 lξ h∞ eh圪 :tF跚 as it rnay a矸 eCtthe performance ofthe appⅡ cm⒃ d 骶 t№ dryσ :帮 vσ he猁 n⒐ l窗 };甘 f∶ I早 t0mρ oda汛 揽hy诚 嫩 i腊弭籁 盥 湘 躐 heh。 se⒗ 咖 chev∝ 饴 he mσ e Conv骊 酬 ” 洲 ng the rng侧 ㈧ from№ vent °uuet atthe back,aⅡ gning arrows of hose and ring nu1fastening by screWing hose to the diredion of arrow and pushing it1rn1Iy back into p丨 ace l∶ ∶ ∶ 1i{;|I}∶ |∶ 槲 ;刂 〕 滗J%皆 尾湍:%;∶ ll∶ l|∶ appllance:占 肿渊 恶l赢 :Ⅲ 噩 坫 :腽 :盟 腮、 麴 Sta渊 四趾 e bas⒐ {i∶ i!|i∶ |∶ }r{∶ “ eam eXhau汛 丨 }i!i:蹴V 廴 冼:|玉 丨 |:甘 p∶ Il|∶ №n讹 d蛐 the桕 贴 lhat№ a崔 ance Fitting the vent hose 籼 l扌 ;£ £淞 宫J干 。 恩%↑ ↓ r£ ing the tumble drye1the room temρ erature must not be lowerthan+5° C and higherthan+35° C , 皆播 r哏 翻 摭g留击哏1昆 甘 ‖ ,丨 hd a carpet刚 :∶ |i∶ 1∶ ljii|∶ ind 欲 nd obstr耐 恤 eong⒌ oρ 。 Door reversal TO make it easierto load or unload the laundry the door can be reversed.This operation rnust be ice centre.This w"lbe a carried out by qua"】 ed ρersonneI PIease contact our customer se卩 ˇ ChargeabIe op刂 on o ElectricaI Connection Any e丨 eCtrical vˇ ork required to insta"this appⅡ ance shouId be caⅡ ied out by a quaⅡ 】ed eIectriCian or competent person. 屈曲汉waΠ A Advice: f the hose is IOng and the room temρ eraturelow,the moisture might condense inside the hose This is an unaVoidab|e natura丨 phen° menon.To ρreventthis waterfrom lying in the hose or Πowing back into the tumble dryel itis advisabIe to dH"asma" h° le(dia3mm)in the Iowest pont ofthe hose and to ρ laCe a sma"container be丨 ow"(see pickure,ρ oint B) 0nce connected to the dγ el run the vent hose to the desired outIet p° int・ it contains no rnore than mo bends,As to the outIet "se!f,if you shave decided on abefxed gr"le,a locaI bu"der∶ merchant shouId abIe wa"/windoW to suρ ρly you Withgood the neoessary n仗 ings and insta"ation advice ∷ 17∷ ≡ 婪刂 ≡ 晏 莒 萧丽∴ 茁 刂 拜 i捅 群 嬲槲嬲鞲鞲 : 瀛 sAPP凵 ANCE MUsT BE卧 RTH⒑ "ng|Ⅲ T№ mmu饴 d旧 屺 clnes m叫 oⅢ Ⅲ s m佗 〃 measum耐 be ob∞ Ⅳ浏 "shou旧 Before switching on,rnake sure the electricity supρ ly vo"age is the same as thatindicated on the aρ p"anceis rating ρlate shouId the plug need to be replaced for any reasonj proceed as descrlbed below The wires in the mains lead are coloured in accordance、 ″ith the fo"owing code∶ ・ Green and Ye"oWˉ Earth ・ Blue-Neutral ・ Brown-Live The wire Goloured green and ye"ow must be connected to the terminal marked WⅡ or by the earth symbolor coloured green and ye"ow h the le⒒ er Θ 」 钏 熳 蹰 燠 椤 罂 龌 蹰 黠 Environment concerns 麟 。A cut o竹 pIug inse吐 ed into a socketis a seHOus safety(sh° g n Warni ・ Do not ove卜 dry 丨 aundry, this aVoids creasing and saves energy ・se怡 ct the drying programme according to the type of laundry and the requⅡ ed degree of dryness ty consumpuon ・Clean lhe f"ers regulaHy to avold excesove drying umes and hoh elect"。 ・VenⅢ ate the room we" The room temρ erature shouId not exCeed+35° C duⅡ ng ck)hazard 。 Ensure thatthe cut o仟 ρ|ug is dlsposed of safely ● Permanent conneGtion ln the case of permanent connedion it is necessary that you insta" a doubIe pole switch The switch must not break the ye"ow and green earth cable at any Guarantee∥ Customer service 骺 s饴 hdad ρoint guara耐 ee condⅢ ons ance,We wⅢ ρrovide o We undedake thatifˇ "thin12months ofthe date ofthe purchase this appⅡ one year Warran″ on cond"ion on that ・The appⅡ ance has been correctly instaⅡ ed and used onIy on the eleGtrlC"y suppIy stated on the Packaging materials rating plate, 0The mate冖 aIs marked with the symbol )PE<=p° lyethylene )Ps<=polystyrene )PP(〓 polypropylene ・The appⅡ ance has been used for normal domestic purposes only,and in accordance with the ζ 1。 are recydable manufacturers instructions ・The aρ ρⅡ ance has not been serviCed,maintainedj repaired,taken aρ art ortampered with by any person not authoHsed by us. 。 This means thatthey can be recycIed by disposing ofthem properIy in appropHate co"edion ・This guarantee is in addition to y° ur statutory and otherIegaI rights. containers 。 J搬 lThis 0ld machine Use authorized disposal sites for your o丨 d aρ p"ance Helρ to keep your country tidy! o TheWmbd Σontheproduct∝ on帕 pⅡka0叩 lnd忆 des仙 。 Damage orca"s resu!ting frorn transpo吐 乱 h⒗ product may nd№ ・ AppⅡances found to be in use Within a commerc∶ aI en叫 ronment,ρ lus those WhiCh are subleGtto propriate co"ection ρoint for the recycⅡ ng of eleCt"cal and eledronic equipment By ensuring this produCtis disρ osed of Correctly, rental agreements you、″ ・Products of our rnanufacture which are not rnarketed by us ed information about recyc"ng ofthis produc1please contact yourlocal counc",your househoId Waste disposal service orthe shop where you purchased the product ●The symbol/e\mean:cau刂 on,"sk of】 re o"ˉ a仟 ected 骺 Mar叮 ng ex创 an甜 on V VoⅡ W Wa杖 lfthe heat cannot escape,the items can become hot enough to catGh】 re P"ing,staCking or storing o"a仟 ected items can ρreVent heat什 om escaρ ing and so create a Πre hazard.r itis unaVoidabIe that fab"cs that contain vegetabIe or cooking oⅡ ternating Gurrent He眨 Hz Tested safety 《 CE marking rlsk of fre or haVe been contaminated by hair care products be pIaced in a tumb丨 e dryerthey shouId irst be washed in hot WaterVˇ nη A丨 items can ignite spontaneouslyl espeCia"y when eXρosed to heat sources such asin a tumble drye∴ Theitems become warm,causing an oxidation reaction in the oⅡ .Oxidauon creates heat。 but not eⅡ ation, improper use or neglect,the repIaCement of any Ⅱght buIbs or removabIe parts of glass or plastic, treated as household waste lnstead it shouId be taken to the aρ ρrevent potentiaI nega刂 ve consequences forthe environment and human hea"h, "l heIpothemise be caused by inappropr∶ ate waste handⅡ ng ofthis product For more detaⅡ whiCh CouId guarantee does not cover ith eXtra detergentˉ this Wi"reduce∶ inate,the hazard 0il-affeCted items can ignite spontaneousIy,especiaⅡ y when exposed to heat sources suCh as in a tumble dryer,The items become waΓ m,causing an oxidation reaction in the o" oXidation creates heat lfthe heat cannot escape,the items can become hot enough to catch fire P"ing,stacking or Ecologica丨 hints storing o"-a仃 eded items can preVent heatfrom escaρ ing and so create a fre hazard TO save energy and to help proted the environment,we recommend that you fo"ow these hints∶ Try to Ioad the rnaXirnum capacity ofthe machine as sma"IOads are uneconomicaI lfitis unavoidable that fabrics that Contain Vegetable or cooking o"or have been contan1inated by hair care products be pIaced in a tumbIe dryerthey should frst be Washed in hot waterˇ detergentˉ th心 wⅢ reduCe,but not eⅡ 19 iⅡ 在 Ι ∶ 止 i⒋ ii minate,the hazard "th eXtra ∷ 20∷ 黼 斟 Electric diagram 掇搬EIed。 c diagram CN3 COntrolbard CN1 cN4 CN2 咱 mⅢ 皿 — 刷舳 ul丶 ∷ 22∶