Download Silversafe User Manual

Thanks for your trust in the Mightiest Germ Fighter
Introduction: In the traditional Ayurveda, the silver has got its remarkable
position due to its antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal and incredible healing
properties. It’s use as a healing agent capable of decreased scarring and healing
time of both skin and bone considerably. This is attributed to the fact that the
silver has the ability to stimulate stem cell growth, which promotes healing and
minimizes scar tissue, as well as keeping all infection at bay, thus allowing the
body’s repair systems to work unhindered from the constant barrage of harmful
After the discovery of antibiotics the silver was virtually forgotten. As we know
that the root cause of all diseases is a compromised immune system
complemented with an aggressive attack of pathogens, It’s no secret that
pathogens such as viruses, bacteria and fungi, can inflict terrible damage in the
human body. Dozens of diseases — ranging from the common cold and dysentery
to meningitis and pneumonia – all caused by infectious pathogens that often
overpower conventional medical treatments. The number of bacteria, yeast and
fungi that surround us is alarming. We need a means of defense to protect
ourselves and support our immune systems.
Fortunately, a simple, safe and effective alternative as Silversafe comes to rescue.
SilverSafe is a silver solution that has a nano-sized core of elemental silver
maintaining a positive electric charge – one of the properties most responsible for
its antimicrobial properties.
This nano-encapsulated and supercharged particle has four primary mechanisms
of action.
First, its chemical structure is unique. With each ion's shell missing two outer
electrons, the supercharged silver rips electrons from the thin-walled cell
membranes of harmful bacteria, rupturing the cells and causing their deaths.
Second, a unique resonance of the metallic silver disrupts and ultimately kills
viruses, bacteria, and yeast. The new silver's resonant frequency is in the same
range as the blue germicidal lights found in hospitals.
Third, silver's supercharged magnetic attraction binds and incapacitates the
abnormal DNA of viruses in direct contact or even within the vicinity of the silver.
Fourth, most cells have a sugar coating used in cellular communications that
determines intercellular activity. Silver reacts positively with this sugar coating,
which allows the silver particle to enter abnormal cells and destroy the
It is remarkable that silver can be so active against pathogens while remaining
virtually non-toxic to humans.
Taking SilverSafe in the body:
SilverSafe can enter the body directly by at least four different means.
The first way is ingestion (swallowing it).
The second way SilverSafe can pass directly into the body stream is by sublingual
absorption i.e. absorbed from under the tongue.
The third is rectally. Once in the intestine the SilverSafe is absorbed directly into
the blood, and is circulated throughout the body.
The fourth is through the lungs by using a nebulizer, to convert the SilverSafe into
micron size droplets, and then inhaling these droplets.
Objective of any successful treatment:
Even with an excellent SilverSafe, one cannot successfully treat ANY condition,
unless one can deliver the SilverSafe EFFECTIVELY to the infected area. Remember
that statement, because it is literally the key to any effective SilverSafe
treatment! If it is not working, you are not delivering it effectively! This is not
always as easy as one might think! There are a few tricks, which will GREATLY
improve the effectiveness of the treatment, and your chance of success. Below
are some suggestions which will increase the effectiveness of one's SilverSafe
treatment, for any of a number of common ailments. Some small details, like in
some cases, massaging the SilverSafe in, for example, literally make all the
difference between success, and failure. While SilverSafe is capable of killing ALL
pathogens, delivering it to the pathogen, once the pathogen has entered a human
body, can in some cases be extremely difficult, but not impossible! While
SilverSafe may kill a pathogen on contact, within minutes, outside the body, the
limited ability to effectively deliver SilverSafe inside the body, to some pathogens,
will most likely cause one to require repeated, regular treatments, in the most
effective manner possible, over a period of time, in order to fully eliminate the
SilverSafe as a Prophylactic/Preventive Dietary Supplement
SilverSafe, as a preventative is unsurpassed. Sufficient SilverSafe taken daily
precludes infection, disease, contagion and serious toxicity. Taking SilverSafe
daily is like having a second immune system. It lessens the load on the body's
natural immune system and effectively kills the many bugs present throughout
the body. In addition, it lessens the toxicity due to the average amount of germ,
virus and fungus activity that occurs naturally in the body.
Simply add one teaspoon (5ml) per liter (accordingly
maintaining the proportions) in your drinking water
container and continue to drink from it. It will keep the
water sanitized for hours along with supplement you
with your maintenance dose.
Silversafe as Hand Sanitizer
When the winter months set in, it is but obvious that the winter cold and flu
season hits you in full swing. When the summer months hit the town, bacteria
and viruses often do the damage. Whatever the season may be, viruses, germs,
and microorganisms do thrive and circulate everywhere. While everyone tries to
dodge them, there is no escape from these viruses known as the major cause of
intestinal illness, and the root of outbreaks at schools, open playgrounds, and
The question that arises is how to best avoid these infections and the answer is
through personal hygiene. Hygiene is not limited to bathing or wearing clean
clothes, but a thorough hand washing is one of the typically recommended
activities to seriously consider if you want illness to stay at bay. One must
understand that keeping your hands clean through improved hand hygiene is one
of the most important steps in order to avoid sickness and the spreading of
germs. Many diseases and illness are spread through your hands and by not
washing your hands thoroughly, you make yourself more susceptible to these
viruses and moreover, you can even transfer it to others.
Hand sanitizers are available as clear gels packed
in plastic bottles that are easily available in any
supermarket, medical store, and convenience
store. They are available in large sizes and small
travel-pack containers and are commonly used in
places where germs are a concern.
Majority of sanitizers use alcohol as a base which has got following limitations as
compared to using Silversafe as a Hand sanitizer.
Alcohol Based
Contains 65% alcohol
Dries out skin causing irritation
Not suitable for children
Harsh, lingering smell
Tarnishes and discolors surfaces
Why choose Alcohol-free?
SilverSAFE (Alcohol free)
 Non-flammable and non-toxic
 Won't dry out your hands
 Safe & natural
 Lasts more than 2 times longer than alcohol
based gel
 Fragrance free
 Won't sting or cause irritation
Medical Use of SilverSafe
Sinus Infection- Lay on a bed on your back, and tilt your
head way back over the edge of the bed, inverting your
sinus. With an eye dropper, drop drops into your nose in
sufficient quantity to flood into your sinus cavities.
Remain in that position for a few minutes, in order to
keep the SilverSafe where your sinus cavities are,
possibly adding more SilverSafe. Move your head around
slightly, during those minutes, in order to insure the
SilverSafe penetrates you sinus cavities well. Gentle and
slow in and out controlled breathing through the nose
may also increase penetration of the SilverSafe. Do not
breathe so hard as to suck down, or blow out the
SilverSafe. The idea is to increase contact, and
penetration, not eliminate the SilverSafe. Repeat
frequently throughout the day, until you achieve the
desired result.
Ear Infection - Tilt your head sideways, so that the
infected ear is up. Using the Eye Dropper, fill the ear
with SilverSafe, in sufficient quantities to flood your ear.
Keep your head that way, moving it around slightly in
order to insure the SilverSafe penetrates, as well as
possible. Keep your head that way for several minutes,
in order to allow the SilverSafe time in the ear. Do this
once in the morning, and once at night. Increase dosage
if necessary. Repeat frequently throughout the day, if
possible. Continue treatment until you achieve the
desired result. It will take about a week, to 10 days to
cure. If the infection is inner ear, it can take 2-3 weeks to
cure. The SilverSafe will immediately relieve any itching,
or burning sensations.
Eye Infection (Conjunctivitis) - Tilt your head back, and
using the Eye Dropper, drop one drop of SilverSafe into
your eye. Repeat frequently throughout the day, until
you achieve the desired result. If infection returns after
it is cured, it may indicate that the infection is in the
sinus. They are connected. Try attacking it from both
ends, the eye, and the sinus.
Respiratory Tract Infections - Use a nebulizer, loaded
with SilverSafe, and breathe the SilverSafe mist deep
into your lungs. Repeat as needed to clear the infection.
Tonsil/Sore Throat / Strep Throat - Use a small spray
bottle containing SilverSafe, and open your mouth and
spray the back of your throat frequently, throughout the
day, until you achieve the desired result.
Cuts - Spray SilverSafe onto the wound, and dressing to
prevent infection, and promote healing. SilverSafe does
NOT Sting or burn. SilverSafe may be used as the only
medication on the dressing, or it may be used with
another medication. Continued use of the Colloidal will
minimize scarring.
Burns - Spray SilverSafe onto the burn, and bandage.
Bandage lightly, keeping the bandage moist with
SilverSafe. Change the bandage daily.
Eczema and skin rash - Dab SilverSafe directly onto
affected area, rubbing slightly. Repeat often to keep the
area moist with SilverSafe. Bandage lightly, if desired,
keeping the bandage moist with SilverSafe. Change the
bandage daily. Massaging SilverSafe improves
Warts - Cover the wart with a small adhesive bandage
saturated with a few drops of SilverSafe. Keep the
bandage moist. The wart should disappear within a few
days. Large warts may take a few days longer to
Acne/Pimples - In addition to omitting sugars, fats and
chocolate from the diet, any person with acne should
wash and rinse the face thoroughly four times a day.
After each rinse, take a small amount of SilverSafe and
massage it onto the problem areas two to three times
with a finger, a tiny piece of cotton, or tissue. This washrinse-massage activity may be continued throughout an
acne breakout. It may also be used as a continuous
prevention through the teen years. This continuous
habit precludes breakouts, leaving the skin continuously
clear. Most people find it helpful to carry a small bottle
of SilverSafe with them, for availability throughout the
Dandruff – In the night before sleeping, wet the scalp
with SilverSafe, using the spray bottle, and then briskly
massage the SilverSafe into the scalp. Part the hair into
small sections, and apply to small areas at a time,
massaging it into the skin! Massage into the skin using
fingers, and / or a soft brush. Continue until flakes are
gone, then you may reduce treatment to twice per
week. Repeat frequently, until you achieve the desired
result. Add SilverSafe to shampoo. Shampoo can
temporarily remove oils from the scalp, which may be
preventing the SilverSafe from reaching its target.
Teeth, Inflamed gums, and / or excessive plaque Brush the teeth once daily with SilverSafe. That will
eliminate any gum disease, and the bacteria that cause
plaque. Use a NEW toothbrush, dip it in, or spray it
liberally with SilverSafe, and brush. Do not use tap
water. Shake brush out when done, and let dry, for next
Intestinal Problems / Digestion – Put/Spray the
recommended daily amount of SilverSafe, into the
beverage of choice accompanying any meal. As the food
is digested, the presence of SilverSafe will keep the food
from putrefying in the digestive tract, killing any germs
ingested with the food, and leaving the food more
useable. Also there may be reduced flatulence.
Stomach or Intestinal Virus - Gastroenteritis - Take 2
teaspoons(10ml) or more of SilverSafe, followed
immediately by a good sized glass of water to push the
SilverSafe into the intestine, rather than allowing it to be
absorbed by the stomach.
Cholera, Diarrhea and Diarrhea Diseases - A number of
diseases such as cholera, canine parvovirus or other
diseases, where the pathogen resides mainly in the large
intestine, can be fatal. The fatality is mostly due to the
dehydration of the body resulting from severe and
prolonged diarrhea and vomiting. The pathogen causing
the problem is active in the large intestine, the one place
where SilverSafe when used correctly will not penetrate.
There are two different methods to overcome this
barrier. The first is to take 2 tablespoons or more of
SilverSafe, together with three or four big glasses of
water, on an empty stomach. This way the SilverSafe will
get into the large intestine, and should within a short
time, take care of the problem. The other method is by
way of Colonic Irrigation. Preparation is by mixing
SilverSafe with sterile water in the ration of 1:10. This
method in fact brings the fastest relief from the disease.
Parasitic infections - Take 5 teaspoons of SilverSafe, to
preclude parasitic diseases caused by tiny, worm like
animals that burrow through a particular organ, or in
some cases throughout the entire body. In every case,
these parasites reproduce by laying eggs and these eggs
have the same characteristics of the oxygenmetabolizing enzyme as the single celled bacterium.
These eggs cannot hatch when there is sufficient
SilverSafe in the surrounding body tissue. They are killed
within a short time and subsequently eliminated by the
immune system.
Cysts - Spray each cyst with SilverSafe, and continue
taking supplemental maintenance dose. It will eventually
turn black and burst.
Jaundice Jaundice, is yellowish discoloration of the
whites of the eyes and mucous membranes caused by
increased levels of bilirubin in the blood. Take 2
teaspoons(10ml) or more of SilverSafe, in a glass of
drinking water three times a day. Continue till the
problem subsides.
Body Odor: Using silversafe as a body spray will help
eliminate bodily odors including, Bad Breath, Foot
Odour, Under Arm Odour and any other body odours
caused by bacterial build up. After taking a shower just
apply/spray Silversafe on areas of body which are more
prone to sweating. Do not rinse after spray.
Diabetic Ulcers Keep the ulcerative foot soaked in a pit
containing 1:5 solution of Silversafe and water for 15-30
minutes before sleeping. Does not rinse just wipe out
the liquid afterwards with cotton. Dab SilverSafe directly
onto affected area, rubbing slightly. Repeat often to
keep the area moist with SilverSafe. Bandage lightly, if
desired, keeping the bandage moist with SilverSafe.
Change the bandage daily.
Bedsore: Pressure ulcers, or bedsores, are easily cured
by topically applying gauze soaked in silversafe. Do not
put pressure on the sore.
Candida Yeast: Take 20ml of silversafe three times a
day preferably by sublingual absorption. Also apply it
topically on the infected area. Continue until symptoms
Non Medical Uses of SilverSafe
Personal care:
1. Spray under arms as a deodorant. Do not rinse. It will kill
all odor causing bacteria and molds.
2. Use as an aftershave to prevent exposed skin to
3. Use for gargling to ease throat.
4. Mouth Wash: SilverSafe is very effective in killing germs
and plaque in the mouth. Using SilverSafe as mouthwash
in night before sleeping is great for tooth infections and
bad breath
5. Clean under nails, in ears and navel with a soaked Q–tip.
6. Wipe hearing aids and eyeglass frames.
7. Spray contact lenses.
8. Keep dentures and toothbrushes soaked in Silversafe:
SilverSafe can help sterilize toothbrushes
9. Spray on cosmetics.
10.Add to a bath, douches and colonics: SilverSafe can help
kill germs/pathogens on the skin
11.Spray on shower and bath mats: Colloidal Silver can
help sterilize bathroom floors, toilets and sinks
Spraying on garbage can to prevent decay odors:
SilverSafe effectively kills odors.
Add a small amount to leftovers and condiments before
storing in refrigerator: SilverSafe can help to keep food
from spoiling.
Spray and Rinsing fruits and vegetables: SilverSafe
promotes the shelf-life of fruits and vegetables.
Adding to milk to prevent spoiling: SilverSafe kills the
bacteria that cause spoiling in milk.
Spray food storage area, interior of refrigerator, lunch
kits, and garbage containers: SilverSafe can kill surface
6. Spray cutting boards, sponges and dish cloths.
7. Spray kitchen counters: SilverSafe can kill the bacteria
on kitchen surfaces.
8. Pour a small amount into the dishwasher as a rinse
additive: SilverSafe can kill odors and can remove any
leftover bacteria.
Household Cleaning:
1. Spraying air conditioner filters after cleaning: SilverSafe
helps prevent airborne pathogens.
2. Swabbing air ducts and vents: SilverSafe kills the
pathogens on air ducts and vents.
3. Treating pools, fountains, humidifiers, hot tubs, baths,
dishwashers: SilverSafe keeps mildew from growing.
4. Spraying inside of shoes: SilverSafe kills odor-causing
5. Scrubbing toilets, tile floors, sinks, urinals, doorknobs:
SilverSafe kills bacteria and odors.
6. Add to cleaning solutions.
7. Wipe telephone mouthpieces and head phones.
8. Rinse toilet seats and bowls, sinks, tiling and doorknobs.
9. Spray on carpets, drapes, mattresses, furniture, and
window sills.
10. Spray on Keyboards and mouse.
1. SilverSafe helps prevent damp clothes from becoming
2. Put a tablespoon 5 teaspoons) in the washing machine
so as to remove odor from clothes(Samsung uses this
3. Make a 1:10 ratio mixture of SILVERSAFE in water. Allow
the innerwear to be dipped in the said solution for 10
minutes and then to be put into sun/dryer without
rinsing so as to remove odor.
Spray in shoes and on socks.
Mist clothes before storing.
Spray in gloves.
Spray onto watch bands.
Add to rinse water of laundry-especially for diapers.
1. Spraying pet bedding: SilverSafe kills the odor-causing
bacteria on pet bedding.
2. Give to pets in water and bath: SilverSafe can help skin
conditions and internal conditions.
1. Spray on plants.
1. Add to picnic foods containing mayonnaise to prevent food poisoning.
2. Disinfect Children's toys, as well as items in contact with many people safely, nontoxically, and prevent the spread of colds, and flu.
Drinking Water Sanitizer on Travel:
During travel, drinking contaminated water is one of the
major sources of upset stomach. SilverSafe is an
excellent water purifier. Water containing biological
contaminants (not toxic chemicals) can be made safe, by
adding 2 teaspoon of silver per liter of water. The Silver,
while purifying the water is also beneficial to the body,
unlike the commercial tablets containing toxic chlorine
bleach causing cancer by forming carcinogenic
byproducts of disinfection!
Note: This does not remove debris, or harmful chemicals from water; it only
neutralizes biological contamination in water making it safe to drink.
In Emergency situations when silversafe could be extremely useful
1. Someone encountered an accident and a nasty open wound on the body.
2. Someone ‘have eaten something dodgy’ and is now laid out in bed with
diahhorea, fever and/or vomiting.
3. An epidemic has broken out.
4. A terrible case of cystitis and the medical drugs are ceasing to work.
5. A bullet, bomb or shrapnel has hurt someone with open wounds and
contaminated environment
6. A vessel of water needs to be disinfected so it can be safely drunk.
7. A biological military attack has just occurred and the deadly biohazards must not
be inhaled.
8. Burns injury in a contagious environment.
9. An animal having a terrible case of worms and is nearly dead.
10.Situations where antibiotics are failing to perform.
6 Reasons to use SILVERSAFE
1. Scientifically Supported. Lot many research lab reports and research studies have
documented the benefits of using silver as antimicrobial agent. In fact, scientists
have found that the silver solution can destroy 99.9% of all bacteria, viruses,
molds, fungi and other pathogens it has been tested on within minutes of
exposure. These include malaria, common cold and flu viruses, numerous molds,
methicillin-resistant staph (MRSA), salmonella, E. Coli, and streptococcus, among
many others.
2. Super-Flexible. The new silver solution boasts multi-faceted applications. It can
be used inside the body (internal), as well as on the skin and in the orifices
(external). Silver sol can also be used as a tremendously effective household
disinfectant, much like bleach or other cleaners – only it’s much safer!
3. Quick Kill Time. Many medications dealing with conditions such as skin fungus or
other infections can take weeks to work. The new silver solution, however, can be
effective in just a few minutes. The new silver begins to destroy pathogens in
seconds and completely destroys them when in direct contact for 2-20 minutes.
4. Inexpensive. When you add up the cost of doctor visits (and the time to see the
doctor), prescription medications and other factors involving “conventional”
health care, silver is a tremendous value. It is available without a prescription and
can be used with utmost confidence.
5. Emergency Preparedness. Because silver solution is inorganic with no chemicals
or other additives, it can store for longer durations. In addition, silver can purify
water in as little as 4 minutes.
6. Extremely Safe. Research, testing and long-term use show that silver in nano
crystal form is completely safe for everyone. There has been no reported
complaints involving silver solution and no negative side effects such as those
witnessed with most prescription drugs.
There are many, many other medical and non-medical uses for silver. These are
just a few. Use your imagination, and you’ll surely come up with dozens more!
The history is clear, from ancient times to the present, man has known of the
powerful health benefits of silver. Only need is to remind.
1. Please avoid, if allergic to silver.
2. Don’t use internally if kidney function is impaired.
3. Take advice from medical practitioner if pregnant or nursing.
Test for Allergic to silver:
Put a Silversafe soaked cotton/gauge on arm topically and allow it to position
there for 3-4hrs. If there is no reddish skin or allergic symptoms, you can safely
FOR Ordering/Suggestions/Feedback Contact:
Mob: +91- 9876567225
[email protected]
The information on Colloidal Silver/Ionic Silver/Nano Silver has been written and
presented strictly for informational and educational purpose only. The
information conveyed herein is based on pharmacological and other records both
ancient and modern. No claims whatsoever as to any specific benefits accruing
from the use of silver are made herewith. Please seek advice from a competent
health professional.