Download 4 If you don` t use this product, turn off the power of the remote

4Ifyou don’ t use this product,1vrn orthe p。 wer ofthe remote controⅡ er,so as to prolong the lifctime ofthe batteHes.
avb谢 on
sensσ sw妣 ch h伍 e receher,youjl】 st need to put⒒ alone,” cn thC power of⒒
bett】 med
ofF孔 tρ m甜 cal以
Lateral buckle
C H① w to cha扌 ge the batteries:
1The li】 hiu1n ba优 c△ cs instal1ed in the remotc cOntroⅡ er and the receiver Gan be
recharged,Please use the charger thc product orers t。 charge it,
2The dsplay screen of伍 e remote conioller can show伍 e elec“ city of the battery.If
the elec10I∶ itcity
ofthe battery is not enough,then you should charge it at once。
3After the receiver is1vrned on,it is in a standby state.In the standby state,it only
∞ nsl】 1nes small amount of elec仃 iGi艹 A frequent use ofit will con§ume electricity
static e1cctrode
quckly,Therefore you should often check曲 e batteoes by watc眦 the indicator light,
W“ n
dle elec“ cjlllo`7ofule
es怂 not enough,please use the approm龃 ve charger
to charge the batteHes.。
charging ho1e
D CauJoⅡ s:
.Dod t use the∫ 血cdon。 f洫 pro山Gt md you are sure thatthe pet
power indicator light
has go仗 en used to it,
2E沌 gital audio transⅡlitting technology is appⅡ ed in the remote con订 oⅡ e⒈ Rcmote control signals can pene订 ate obstacles。
lImlecessary for伍 e remote∞ ntoller to po血
td仉 ctly
at伍 e reccive⒈
It is
Howeve△ obstacles will afFectthe valid dstance ofrcmote
3.The valid distance ofremote contolh呜 means伍 Q呻 碰ght-lⅡ distance be伽 een the remote contro11er and the receher without
obstacles in bet、 veen If therc arc interference signals or signal screening around, thc actualremotc contJol distancc1nay be
4The product is used for订 aining the pets,YOu should be patient when廿 ahing the pets,Good efFect can only be achieved by
lasthg use ofit。
5The{Ⅱ md丿 JⅡ
1I∶ i1】 11【
rec。 氵er心 used t。
crb the hvropσ dee凼 ofhe pe“ 。Please抚 adviscd伍 扯 d耐 tu∞ them圮 make
]1ofthe pct,
6Prescntly,山 凼 product怂 dle most hunane tool for pet仕 a帆 ,Follow血 g由 c corrcct opcratoml hstuc“ ons,you can efFect卜 ely
trah1he pet and bHng it no har1n.
7Though the receiver o waterproo免 you camot u1merse it hto the water for a long ume,
Control t1oL吐 ng CoⅡ ar User、 Manml
Eˉ 613炻 23Remote
Thank you】or choosmg our product!
P1ease read t11is manual care饨 lly before ushg the product。
Please do read the CautioⅡ s,for fear that unwanted results£
product can con廿 o1one or two receivers atthe same血
1se iom improper operaHon,
A Preparation before using∶
1The Ⅱ曲ium ba钆 eⅡ es
insta11ed in伍 e remote controller and山 e reG⒍ ver can oe recharged.Before ushg the product,check曲
whether the elec“ city ofthe ba⒒ cry灬 enough or not,Thc dsplay screcn ofthe rcmote conto11er can show the de0缸
thc battery.If由
eh-ic猫 or hght of伍 c rcceh∝ doc耐 dight or goes山 吗 “menn心
that thc eleG“ c”
city of
of伍e battery k not enough
,then you should use the appropn狨 卜e ch盯 ger to charge it。
Press the0butt。 n on the lea ofthe remo“
for abouttwO seconds,山 e sGrccn而 111ight,repcat⒒ again can血
or伍 e
2The re吨 ote GOnto11er has a powe⒈ savhg feamⅡ ,when you don’ t operate⒒ in a long jme,the disp1ay screen wi11be mmed
雨11be mmcd oIlagah by pre“ hg山 e刂⑨button.
ofautρ matic龃 以⒒
e button shortly can choose伍 e target (A orB or A+B),when the
3Ⅵ %en the remote controller o h a standby state,prcss山
remote∞ nto11σ just contol one rece卜 er,you dod t need to choose it。
4The‘ Ⅱop1ay screcn ofthe remote conto11er can tⅡ splay thc洫 cJons and the biENU,
5When山 e
dsplay screen o Ⅱght,cαⅡⅡ⒛ ∞ pre$曲 e‘ 9button can enter山
e bIENU,md it诵 11exit伍 e MENU byrepe哎 hg
6Aftcr ent曲 鸭 thc MENU,pre“ 嗵》 butt。 n shody can choo℃ the f蚯 面 o11you want.Whc11the洫 monsmb。 1心
n甜血 g,
拄 逮 坌 搬
8Pre“ 抵 少 button,the remote∞ ntro11er涮
Bˉ B” solI11⒍
out receiv血 g orders Ⅱ1a
9The rcceivcr has a poWe⒈ saving feanrc,thc power wnl be mmed offautomatica11y wi伍
long血 e
in a long rest.
10When the rec⒍ vcr vbratcs,the power hdGator
Ⅱght installed in the recover wm
means thatthe elecmcity ofthe battery o not enough,then yσ
t1Che汕g扯 “
Bˉ B”
Resu面 v咖 press讹 D
somd,v拈 rauon。 r
12WheⅡ testmg the shock hnction of曲 e
Ⅱght,r it d。 esr t hght or goes dim,it
u shou1d use伍 e appropnative charger to charge⒒
on杌 re1n⒃ ∞ ntoller and杌 ⅡGe而 涮
butt。 ns
receive△ you will hcar a“ paˉ pa’
somd各 om曲e
J thC collar沁 to cub the impropcr deeds J the u⒈
lmow whatshou1d be donc and whatshou1d not be done。
don’ t
GOnnected with the polcs,it wilI light.凡 e stonger ofthe shock,the faster ofthc nas血
I3The lll σ
When曲 e
testmg bulb灬
each successnⅡ che呔 ,you should let the pet
A盘 er a nunber oftraini111当 s,the pet will understand what you lil<Ι :and
14A哟 ust
the le咫
灬 ofthe∞ llar to fIt the neck ofthe pet。 The proper tightness should be that you can hsert a fmger“
15Prepare some socks forthe dog as rewards for good deeds.TⅡ s w111make be钆 er efFect in the tra洫
B OperationalI11smcuons:
10pen由 e hsert buckle of伍 e Gollar
and put山 e collar romd the neck of伍
e pet。
A哟 ustthe ughtness ofcollar that you can h“ 呐
a fmgerin betweel1.
2Most pets免 dm∞ mfoMble犹 frst weanng the col⒒
has go“ m
used ω the Goll瓦 The丿
3You can Gall yow dog somdlessly by“
怂 used∞ ∷
D耐 t
use伍 e丿
血 耐 on狨 仇菠 缸 m
the hVrop∝ decds of伍 e
D涮 t
mtny。 u
are sure伍 狨 the ut
use"ca耻 时ˇ σ ∞ m酞e au of曲 e
h a long dstance,or you can usc山 e“ B-B” somd,