Download Master Mark 95340 Installation Guide

Models: Terrace Board Black, Terrace Board Brown
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Step 1. Preparing your materials
Make plastic edging easier to work with by laying the unrolled coil in the sun to warm, which will
increase its flexibility. Warning: If you place edging on grass, its dark color will attract heat and kill the
underlying grass. Allow no more than 20 minutes on grass.
Step 2. Dig your trench
Use a rope or garden hose to lay out a line where you plan to install the edging. Trench approximately
4 In. to 5 In. depending on the type of edging and desired appearance.
Step 3. Install edging
Use included stakes to secure edging on the inside of the landscape bed.
Step 4. Fill bed
With edging secure, fill inside of landscape bed with rocks, mulch, or other decorative materials