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Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Admin User Guide
Copyright © 2011 Ahsan Technologies. All rights reserved
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Table of Contents
I. Objective of the document............................................................................................................................5
Admin Panel....................................................................................................................................................6
1.Site Statistics................................................................................................................................................6
2.2User Logins...........................................................................................................................................11
2.3User Comments....................................................................................................................................12
3.1Online Companies.................................................................................................................................16
3.2Offline Companies.................................................................................................................................18
3.3All Companies.......................................................................................................................................19
4.Withdraw Fund Requests...........................................................................................................................21
5.1.1Draft deals.....................................................................................................................................25
5.1.2Pending Approval..........................................................................................................................24
5.1.3Upcoming …..................................................................................................................................24
5.1.6Closed ….......................................................................................................................................28
5.1.7Paid to Company...........................................................................................................................29
5.1.12All deals …..................................................................................................................................30
5.2Add a deal.............................................................................................................................................30
5.2.1Type of the deal.............................................................................................................................30
5.2.4Coupons and quantities.................................................................................................................34
5.2.6Deal Cities.....................................................................................................................................36
5.2.8Deal listing location.......................................................................................................................36
5.2.9Deal Images..................................................................................................................................37
5.2.11Deal Coupons..............................................................................................................................39
5.2.14Coupon Highlights.......................................................................................................................39
5.2.16Meta Key word& description........................................................................................................39
5.2.18Save as Draft...............................................................................................................................39
5.3Deal Coupons........................................................................................................................................42
5.3.6Gifted Coupons.............................................................................................................................46
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
6.Live Deals...................................................................................................................................................48
6.1Branches& Online Users.......................................................................................................................48
6.2Live Deals..............................................................................................................................................50
6.2.2Pending Approval..........................................................................................................................51
6.2.6Paid to Company...........................................................................................................................53
6.2.11All.......................................................................................................................... …..................54
6.3Add live deal..........................................................................................................................................56
6.3.2Deal Listing locations....................................................................................................................57
6.3.5Coupons& Quantities....................................................................................................................58
6.3.7Deal Images& Coupon& Meta.......................................................................................................58
7.Gift Cards...................................................................................................................................................62
7.1New Gift Cards.....................................................................................................................................63
8.1.1Subscribed Users.........................................................................................................................65
8.1.2Unsubscribed Users.....................................................................................................................66
8.2Customize Subscription page..............................................................................................................68
10.1.2Deal Talk..................................................................................................................................72
10.1.3City Talk...................................................................................................................................73
10.1.4Global Talk..............................................................................................................................73
10.2Topic Discussion................................................................................................................................73
11.1Payment Gateways...........................................................................................................................74
11.1.1Edit Payment Gateway............................................................................................................75
12.2Charity Cash Withdrawals.................................................................................................................83
12.2.1Add a withdraw request...........................................................................................................85
13.1Affiliate requests................................................................................................................................87
13.1.1Add Affiliates request...............................................................................................................88
13.1.2Affiliate Cash Withdraw Requests...........................................................................................92
13.1.3Affiliate Widgets.......................................................................................................................94
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
14.9Cash Withdraw................................................................................................................................115
14.11User Privacy...................................................................................................................................120
14.15Google Map...................................................................................................................................125
14.17Gift Card........................................................................................................................................128
16.Email Templates.....................................................................................................................................137
17.Manage Static Pages.............................................................................................................................141
18.Transaction types...................................................................................................................................144
19.1Make New translation......................................................................................................................145
19.2Add new text....................................................................................................................................148
21.Banned Ips.............................................................................................................................................150
27.Income Ranges......................................................................................................................................163
29.Mail Chimp Mailing lists..........................................................................................................................166
31.Privacy Types.........................................................................................................................................167
32.Deal Categories.....................................................................................................................................168
33.Charity Categories..................................................................................................................................170
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Objective of the document
This document is scripted to help the site administrator of the Group Deal software in setting
up the site by defining configurations as well as the usage of the software. The Group Deal
user manual has been drafted from the point of view of a webmaster who is the site admin
explaining the features available for the admin user, how they can control the features and the
impact in user area after doing any changes to the settings. The manual explains the admin
area in detail supported by screen shots for better understanding. All the procedures that are
required for deals management from creating a deal to the sale of deal are explained in detail.
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Admin Panel
The users have admin access is redirected to the admin panel once he/she has successfully
logged in to the website. Admin user can control features of the website in Admin
Click Home to go to the Today's deal page
From Today's deal page the admin can return back to the admin panel by clicking
admin in You are logged in as admin Logout message displayed in the Today's deal
Click My account to view and manage the account information of the admin user like
profile page, deals, transaction etc.,
Choose the desired city from the city drop down
Choose the desired language from the language drop down to view the site in
different language
Click Logout to get logged out of the website
Shows up the Current time and Last Login time
1 Site stats
A simple table that shows the entire information about the site which includes the users,
companies, deals, transactions.
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure -1 Site Stats
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
2 Users
The users page shows up the information about the users who have joined the website. The
users are categorized based on the id (Face book users, twitter users etc.,) which they use to
sign up.
2.1 Users
Click users in the users menu. The active users page will be displayed. The number of active
users, inactive users and both users together as All users are shown up in this page.
User Categories
The users are categorized according to the account they use to sign up. If a user joins the
website using the Sign Up form the user is listed under Users. If a user have registered using
his Facebook account his user information will be listed under Facebook users. Like
Facebook the users can user their Twitter log in, Foursquare, Gmail, Yahoo id to become a
member of the site.
If the user joins the website to use the gift card sent by his friend the user is listed under the
category Registered via Gift card. Admin users are also listed separately. All users page
shows information about all registered users together.
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure – 2 Users
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
1. The admin user can search the user by entering the keyword in the text box given
and clicking search. The key word may be User name, part of user name or email of
the user
2. The admin user can add users in the admin panel.
Click Add button above the user information table and the admin will be redirected to
the add user page.
Choose the type of user whether he is an admin, user from the drop down.
Fill out the Email, user name and password of the user.
Click Add and the user is added.
Once the user is added the user information will displayed in the active users list and
all users.
The user can login to the website using the user name and password added by the
admin. The user can change the password in his/her profile page.
Figure – 2.1 Add User
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
3. The admin user can export the list of users to an excel sheet by clicking CSV and
saving the file.
4. The active users page shows up the Email, user name, user name of the user who
referred this user, email confirmation status, log in count, sign up ip
5. Hover the mouse on the user information to see the options to edit the user details,
delete the user, Ban the ip of the user , view the transactions done by the user, add
or deduct fund and change the password for the user.
6. Below the list of users there is More Actions drop down option to change the active
users as inactive user, export the user and delete the user. Before choosing a option
from the drop down admin would have to select at least one user to proceed. Every
action like changing the status, delete are performed after admin confirmation.
2.2 User Logins
This page shows up the user information who have visited the website recently.
The information shown in this page are the log in time, user name, Ip of the user and
user agent(browser the user used to visit the website)
The admin can search a user's log in information by entering the keyword and clicking
Hover the mouse on a user information it will show up the option to delete the user log
in information and Ban the Ip of the user.
Below the users log in information list there is More Actions drop down option to
delete the user information. The admin user can select and delete all the user
information in that page using this drop down option.
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure – 2.2 User Login
2.3 User Comments
User comments page shows up the comments given by users on other users profile page.
The information displayed in this page are
1. User who have given the comment
2. Name of the user for whom the comment is given
3. Comment and date the comment
4. Hover the mouse on one of the comments and the admin can see the option to edit
and delete the comment
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
5. Below the comments page there is More Actions drop down option to select and
delete all the comments in that page.
Figure – 2.3 User Comments
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
3 Companies
The companies page shows up the list of companies doing business in the website. The
companies are categorized as online companies and offline companies. Once you click
companies you will be redirected to a page that shows up list of Online Companies.
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure -3 Companies
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
3.1 Online Companies
The companies that have Online account have privileges to add deals and make payments by
their own.
1. Admin user can search a company using the search option
2. The user can add a company in the admin panel. Click Add and user will be redirected
to the add company page.
Fill up the User name, Password, Company name, Phone number, URL and
Enable the check box if the company needs Online account. If this is enabled the
company will be listed under Online companies.
Fill the Address and zip code
Select the check box 'Enable company profile' and in the deals page the company
will be spotted in Google map. Based on the address given Google Map will
locate the company automatically.
Enter the Paypal account and click Add.
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure – 3.1 Add Company
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
3. The admin user can export the list of companies and information to an excel sheet
by clicking csv and saving the file.
4. The admin user can Enable or Disable the company profile for more than one
company at a time by selecting the companies to which the profile have to be
enabled/disabled and choose 'Enable Profile' from 'More Actions' drop down menu.
5. Name of the company is click-able if the Company profile is enabled.
6. The admin user can Activate or deactivate more than one company at a time by
selecting the companies to which the profile have to be enabled/disabled and choose
Enable Profile from More Actions drop down menu. If a company is deactivated the
company will be displayed under inactive companies.
7. Hover the mouse on a company information to see the options to Edit, Delete,
change password and transactions. Using change password the admin can change
the password for the company and by clicking transactions can see the transactions
done by the company.
8. The information about the company displayed in this page are Company name,
Address. Company user name, Email, URL, status whether the company's profile is
enabled or not and available balance in the company's account.
9. If the Company profile is enabled the status will show as 'Yes' else it will show as 'No'
3.2 Offline Companies
Offline companies are the companies for which the admin would have to create the deal,
make payment. Click offline companies to see the list of offline companies.
Hover the mouse on a company information to see the options to edit, delete and
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
transactions(to see the transactions).
Below the list of companies in that page the 'More Actions' drop down just shows 'Set
as Paid' option.
The profile enabled status will not show up in the offline companies page. All other
information that shows up in the online companies page will displayed in offline
companies page.
3.3 All Companies
Click All companies to see the list of companies. By default Active companies list will show up.
All companies page display both Online companies and Offline companies together.
Categories below All companies are Active Companies, Inactive Companies and All (both
active and inactive together). All companies have all the options that Online companies have
and the information displayed are same as the Online companies do. The list of companies
whose account are deactivated are listed as Inactive companies. Hover the mouse over an
inactive company to view an additional option Resend activation. If admin clicks Resend
activation an email will be sent to the Company's email requesting them to activate their
account with the website,
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure – 3.2 -All Companies
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
4 Withdraw Fund Requests
Click withdraw fund requests to see the status of requests given by the users. By default
Pending requests will be displayed. The information shown in this page are user name who
have given the request and the amount. Hover the mouse on the request to see the delete
Figure -4 Withdraw requests (Users)
Pending Requests: The request given by the user and awaiting for admins approval.
Below the requests there is 'More Actions' drop down menu to approve or reject the
request of the user.
Approved Requests: The fund requests approved by the admin waiting for
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure – 4.1 – Approved Withdraw requests
Success : The requests approved and the money transferred successfully are listed
Failed: The requests approved by the admin but failed while money transfer.
All: All the fund requests are shown together. Here the admin can change the status of
the rejected request again to pending, Approve and reject.
Figure – 4.2 – Withdraw requests of all status together
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
5 Deals
A deal is a one that urges customers to group buy by giving exciting offers.
5.1 Deals
Click deals to see the deals available and the status of the deals. The deals are categorized
according to their status. By default
the deals saved as Draft shows up. The common
information displayed in the deals page are
Date the deal added
Name of the deal
User name who added the deal
City name for which the deal is added
Status of the deal to know whether it is a side deal or a main deal
Number of deals a user can purchase
Start and End date of the deal
Original Price, Discounted price, Discount percentage and Discount amount
Minimum number and maximum number of deals need to be purchased.
Quantity Sold and the total purchased amount
Bonus amount, Commission percentage and commission amount
Finally private note about the deal
Search option to search a deal using the key word
The admin can go to 'Add a deal' page by clicking 'Add button' (Right hand side) above
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
the deal listings
More actions drop down menu to change the status of the deals
Figure – 5 Deals
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
5.1.1 Draft -The user can add a deal and save it as a draft
Hover the mouse on a deal information to see the options to Edit, Delete, list
allocated coupons and clone deal.
Click Edit to edit the deal information
Click List allocated coupons and you will get redirected to a page that shows up the
coupon codes, status whether the coupon is allocated or not and System generated or
not status. While adding a deal, coupon code can be given for number of coupons set.
If coupon code is not given or if the number of coupon codes given is not equal to
number of coupons set then the script will automatically generate coupon codes and
they are called System generated coupons.
Using the More Actions drop down menu the admin can select a deal and change the
status of the deal to Upcoming, delete or canceled
5.1.2 Pending approval - The deals which are awaiting for admins approval.
Hover the mouse on a deal information to see the options to Edit, Delete, list
allocated coupons, clone deal.
Using the More Actions drop down menu the admin can select a deal and change the
status of the deal to Open, Upcoming, canceled or Rejected
5.1.3 Upcoming - A deal that is scheduled to be available for purchase after some time or
after some days will be in upcoming status. Upcoming deal
changes to
open status
automatically when it reaches the scheduled start time and date.
Hover the mouse on a deal information to see the options to Edit, Delete, list
allocated coupons, clone deal, View Discussions about the deal.
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Click View Discussions to view the discussion about that deal. View Discussions
page shows up the city for which the deal is active, discussion content, date the
discussion posted on, discussion count and the date on which last reply is posted on
the discussion.
Using the More Actions drop down menu the admin can select a deal and change the
status of the deal to Open, Delete the deal and cancel the deal
5.1.4 Open - Deals available for purchase are listed under open status.
Hover the mouse on a deal information to see the options to Edit, Delete, list
allocated coupons, clone deal, View Discussions about the deal, view deal,
quantity sold.
Click quantity sold
and you will get redirected to the deal coupons page. Deal
coupons page will show up Purchased date, user who have purchased the deal, deal
title, Price, quantity purchased, city where he purchased and the amount given for
Using the More Actions drop down menu the admin can select a deal and change the
status of the deal . The admin can set it as cancel and refund or expired
5.1.5 Tipped - Deals are moved to Tipped status when number of minimum purchases set by
the company is achieved. Once a deal gets tipped the coupon will be sent to the users who
have purchased the deal.
Hover the mouse on a deal information to see the options to Edit, Delete, list
allocated coupons, clone deal, View discussions about the deal, view deal,
quantity sold, coupons Csv (to export the list of coupon codes to an excel
sheet), Print coupon.
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Using the More Actions drop down menu the admin can select a deal and change the
status of the deal to closed.
Figure – 5.1.1 Quantity Sold
Figure -5.1.2 List Allocated coupons
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure – 5.1.3 View Discussion
5.1.6 Closed - Deals that reach the end date are moved to the closed status.
Hover the mouse on a deal information to see the options to Edit, Delete, list
allocated coupons, clone deal, discussions about the deal, view deal, quantity
sold, coupons CSV (to export the list of coupon codes to an excel sheet), Print (the
deal information print can be taken by clicking this option)
Click Coupons CSV to export the list of coupons for the deal to excel sheet.
Click Print to take a print of the deal information like Deal status, user who have
purchased quantity, amount, coupon code etc.,
Click view deal to preview the deal how it will display in the member end (Today's deal
Using the More Actions drop down menu the admin can select a deal and change the
status of the deal to Pay to Company.
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
5.1.7 Paid to company - The deals that are successfully tipped and the deal amount is paid
to the company are listed under this category.
Hover the mouse on a deal information to see the options to Edit, Delete, list
allocated coupons, clone deal, View discussions about the deal, View deal,
quantity sold
Click Clone deal and get redirected to add deal page where all the information
required to add a deal are already filled up. Choose the Deal start date and end date,
coupon start date and end date. Admin can also do the needed changes like adding
some more deal images, changing number of coupons,
5.1.8 Refunded - If the number of minimum purchases set by the company or admin for a
deal is not achieved and reached the end date, the deal is said to be expired and the money
will be refunded to the customers who have purchased the deal. Once the money is refunded
those expired deals are listed as refunded deals.
Hover the mouse on a deal information to see the options to Edit, Delete, clone deal,
View discussions about the deal, view deal, quantity sold.
Click View deal and get redirected to deals page where admin can preview how the
deal will appear in the Today's deals page
5.1.9 Canceled- Deals that are canceled by the company are listed as canceled deals
Hover the mouse on a deal information to see the options to Edit, Delete, list
allocated coupons, clone deal, View discussions about the deal, view deal,
quantity sold.
Using the More Actions drop down menu the admin can select a deal and change the
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
status of the deal to Open.
5.1.10Rejected - Deals that are rejected by the admin
Hover the mouse on a deal information to see the options to Edit, Delete, list
allocated coupons, clone deal.
Using the More Actions drop down menu the admin can select a deal and change the
status of the deal to Open, Upcoming or Canceled.
5.1.11 Expired- Deals that does not reach the number of minimum number of purchases set
by the company or admin are listed as Expired deals
Hover the mouse on a deal information to see the options to Edit, Delete, list
allocated coupons, Clone deal, View Discussions about the deal, View deal,
quantity sold.
Using the More Actions drop down menu the admin can select a deal and change the
status of the deal to Refunded.
5.1.12 All – This page shows up all the deals together.
Hover the mouse on a deal information to see the options to edit, delete, list allocated
coupons, Clone deal, View Discussions about the deal, View deal, quantity sold.
5.2 Add a deal
Click Add a deal in the deals menu to get redirected to the add deal page. There are three
check boxes before giving general information about the deal
5.2.1 Type of the deal
Enable the check box 'Add Sub deals' if you would like to give multiple offers in a deal. The
user can purchase any one of the offers.
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Enable the check box 'Side Deal' in order to show up the deal in the right hand side of the
deals page.
Enable the check box 'Any Time deal' so that there is no need to fill out the end date for the
deal and coupon. The deal will remain in tipped status until the admin or company close the
Figure 5.2.1 Type of the deal
5.2.2 General
Enter the name of the deal in the given text box Name
Choose the Company to which the deal belongs to
Choose the start date, time and End date, time for the deal. Once the given start date is
reached the deal will move to open status from upcoming status and when it reaches the end
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
date the deal will be moved to closed status(if the deal is tipped) or it will be moved to expired
(if the deal didn't get tipped)
Choose the start date, time and End date, time for the coupons. Once the given the start
date and time reached and the deal is tipped the users can redeem the coupon at the given
locations until the end date.
Figure -5.2.2 General
5.2.3 Price
Admin would have to enter the price details of the deal. It is enough to enter the original price
and discount percentage other text boxes will get filled up automatically.
Enter the Original price of the deal
Discount Percentage
Discount Amount
Savings for user
Discounted Price for user
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Discount Budget Amount Calculator
This calculator helps to calculate number of maximum coupons that admin can set for the
Discount Budget Amount – Total Amount the company is willing to give as discount for that
Original Price – Price of the deal without discount
Discount Price – Reduced amount from the Original price
Consider a restaurant is ready to give 5000 dollars as discount for the deal, Original price of
the buffet is 1000 dollars and the restaurant
is ready to offer it for 500 dollars. Then the calculator will calculate and show up number of
maximum coupons as 10.
Figure – 5.2.3 Price
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
5.2.4 Coupons and Quantities
Minimum number of coupons – Number of coupons should be purchased to change the
status of the deal to tipped.
Maximum number of coupons -Number of coupons users can buy for the deal
Minimum Buy quantity – Minimum number of coupons that a user should buy. Consider if
this is set as 2 a user who purchases the deal should buy 2 coupons and the user will not be
able to buy 1 coupon
Maximum Buy quantity – Maximum number of coupons that a user can buy. Consider if this
is set as 5 though the user have 10 coupons available he will be able to buy 5 coupons.
Figure – 5.2.4 Coupons and Quantities
5.2.5 Commission
Bonus Amount – A flat fee the company pay for the deal to the admin(Site Owner)
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Commission Percentage – The percentage of commission the company will pay for the
whole deal
Commission Calculator
Here you can calculate the amount that admin will get for that deal. The formula to calculate
the total commission is
Total Commission Amount = Bonus Amount + ((Discounted Price x Number of Buyers)
x Commission Percentage/100))
Enter the discounted price, Bonus amount, commission percentage, number of buyers
to calculate the total commission.
Figure -5.2.5 Commission
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
5.2.6 Deal cities
The list of cities added are displayed and you can select the city to which the deal should get
posted by enabling the check box near each city. Deal can be posted for more than one city.
Figure – 5.2.6 Deal Cities
5.2.7 Description
Private note – The admin can write some information about the deal for his reference
Description – The description about the deal that will be displayed in the deal page should
be given here.
5.2.8 Deal listing locations
The admin would have to enable the option where the customers can redeem the coupon for
the deal they have purchased. If 'Can redeem at your company main address' is enabled
the users will be able to redeem the coupon at the Main branch alone. If 'Can redeem at sub
locations' is enabled then the users can redeem the coupon even at the branches of the
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
5.2.9 Deal Images
Option to add images for the deal. The admin can add maximum of five images for a deal.
Click browse, choose the image from the hard drive and add the image.
The admin can decide whether he is willing to give amount to the charity or not. The amount
will be deducted from the commission amount.
Choose the charity from the drop down menu to which the admin would like to give
Enter the commission percentage that admin would like to give to the charity
Figure – 5.2.7 Deal Description
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Figure – 5.2.8 Deal Listing Locations
Figure 5.2.9 Deal Images
Figure – 5.2.10 Charity
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
5.2.11 Deal coupons
The admin can enter the coupon codes which acts as an identification and helps the users to
redeem the coupon. If the admin failed to enter the coupon code or the given number of
coupon codes is not equal to the number of maximum coupons set then the system will
automatically generate coupon code.
Figure -5.2.11 Deal Coupons
5.2.12Enter the review about the company
5.2.13Enter the conditions if any to use the coupon
5.2.14Enter the coupon highlights
5.2.15Enter the comment about the deal
5.2.16Enter the meta keywords and description to get more visitors for the deal through
search engines.
5.2.17Click Add to create the deal. The deal will be displayed in upcoming deals page
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
5.2.18Click Save as Draft to save the deal as draft. The deal will be displayed in draft deals
page. We can save the deal as draft to preview and edit the deal. Do the needed changes
and click update to move the deal to upcoming deals page, update as a draft to save the
changes done and to make the deal remain in the draft deals page.
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure-5.2.12 Review to Add deal button
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
5.3Deal coupons
Click deal coupons menu to view the deal coupons generated for different deals. By default it
will show up the list of available coupons.
Option to search coupons using the deal name and coupon code
Information displayed in the deal coupons page are
1. Purchased date
2. User name of the user who purchased the deal
3. Name of the deal
4. Coupon code (bottom and top code)
5. Price of the deal purchased
6. Quantity
7. City for which the deal is available and the user purchased
8. Charity
Name of the charity to which the amount is given
Total amount given to the charity
Amount given by the seller
Amount given by the site owner(admin)
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure – 5.3 Deal Coupons
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
The coupons that are available for
the customers to use are displayed in the Available
coupons page.
Hover the mouse over the deal coupon information to see the options to delete, Print
and view coupon.
Click Delete to delete the coupon
Click Print to take a print of that coupon
Click 'View coupon' to view how the coupon will look like.
Below the list of coupons display there is a 'More Actions' drop down menu to select
and delete more than one coupon at a time.
The coupons redeemed by the users are listed under used coupons page. The options
available for Available coupons are also available for Used coupons.
The unused coupons for which the coupon end date has been encountered are listed as
Expired Coupons. The expired coupons can't be deleted
The coupons generated for the deals
that are yet to be tipped are listed as Pending
coupons. Pending coupons have all options that available coupons have.
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure- 5.3.1 Expired coupons
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
The coupons that are canceled by the users are listed as canceled coupons. There is no View
coupon and Print option for canceled deals. Also in addition with the common information
displayed in the coupons page the coupon canceled date is also shown up.
5.3.6Gifted Coupons
The coupons for the deals which were purchased as gift and sent to other user are listed as
gifted coupons. In gifted coupons page in addition with common information email of the user
who receives the gift and the message from the sender is also displayed.
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure – 5.3.2 Gifted Coupons
5.3.7Refunded Coupons
The coupons for which the paid amount is refunded are listed as Refunded coupons. While
hovering the mouse admin can only view the option to delete.
All the coupons are displayed together in this page. All the options like Delete, Print and view
coupon available for Available coupons are also available for All Coupons page.
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
6Live deals
Live deal is a new feature added in group deal website. Live deal is a deal that starts and
ends at the same day. The users who purchase this live deal can use the deal instantly within
the redeem time otherwise the money will be refunded.
6.1Branches and Online Users
Click Branches and Online Users in the menu to see the statistics about the companies that
have tie up with the website. If a company have 8 branches all those branches and address
are listed in this page. Other than the address the information displayed in this page are
number of deals, the status of the deals, Number of users and Iphone users for that
branch. The admin can Edit the company information, Delete and add a live deal for the
company. The Main address of a company will not have delete option.
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure – 6.1 Branches and Online Users
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
6.2Live Deals
Click Live deals to see the deals available and the status of the deals. Same as the regular
deals the live deals are also categorized according to their status. Live deals does not
have Tipped Status. Regular deals will show up the status whether the deal is side deal or
not in a column, the Live deals instead shows up Maximum Limit for each user. By default
the deals saved as Draft shows up. The common information displayed in the deals page are
Date the deal added
Name of the deal
User name who added the deal
Company name (Name of the company to which the deal belongs)
City name for which the deal is added
Number of deals a user can purchase
Start and End date of the deal
Original Price, Discounted price, Discount percentage and Discount amount
Minimum number and maximum number of deals need to be purchased.
Quantity Sold and the total purchased amount
Bonus amount, Commission percentage and commission amount
Finally private note about the deal
Search option to search a deal using the key word
The admin can go to 'Add a deal' page by clicking 'Add'
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
More actions drop down menu to change the status
6.2.1 Draft -The user can add a deal and save it as a draft
Hover the mouse on a deal information to see the options to Edit, Delete the deal
Click Edit to edit the deal information
Using the More Actions drop down menu the admin can select a deal and change the
status of the deal (Upcoming, delete or canceled)
6.2.2 Pending approval - The deals which are awaiting for admins approval.
Hover the mouse on a deal information to see the options to Edit, Delete the deal
Using the More Actions drop down menu the admin can select a deal and change the
status of the deal (Upcoming, Open, delete or canceled)
6.2.3 Upcoming - A deal that is scheduled to be available for purchase after some time or
after some days will be in upcoming status. Upcoming deal
changes to
open status
automatically when it reaches the scheduled start time and date.
Hover the mouse on a deal information to see the options to Edit, Delete,View
Discussions about the deal.
Click View Discussions to view the discussion about that deal. View Discussions
page shows up the city for which the deal is active, discussion content, date the
discussion posted on, discussion count and the date on which last reply is posted on
the discussion.
Using the More Actions drop down menu the admin can select a deal and change the
status of the deal to Open, Delete the deal and cancel the deal
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure - 6.2.1 Pending Approval Live Deals
6.2.4 Open - Deals available for purchase are listed under open status.
Hover the mouse on a deal information to see the options to Edit, Delete, View
Discussions about the deal, quantity sold, Paused.
Click quantity sold
and you will get redirected to the deal coupons page. Deal
coupons page will show up Purchased date, user who have purchased the deal, deal
title, Price, quantity purchased, city where he purchased and the amount given for
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
The admin can stop the deal for a while that is available for purchase by clicking the
Pause button. Admin can also Resume the deal and make it available for purchase
again. The Paused deal will not be shown up in the Live Deals Page
Using the More Actions drop down menu the admin can select a deal and change the
status of the deal . The admin can set it as cancel and refund or expired or Closed.
6.2.5 Closed - Deals that reach the end date are moved to the closed status.
Hover the mouse on a deal information to see the options to Edit, Delete,
discussions about the deal, quantity sold, coupons CSV (to export the list of
coupon codes to an excel sheet), Print (the deal information print can be taken by
clicking this option)
Click Coupons CSV to export the list of coupons for the deal to excel sheet.
Click Print to take a print of the deal information like Deal status, user who have
purchased quantity, amount, coupon code etc.,
Using the More Actions drop down menu the admin can select a deal and change the
status of the deal to Pay to Company.
6.2.6 Paid to company - The deals that are closed and the deal amount is paid to the
company are listed under this category.
Hover the mouse on a deal information to see the options to Edit,Delete,View
discussions about the deal, View deal, quantity sold
6.2.7 Refunded - For the expired deals the money will be refunded to the customers who
have purchased the deal. Those deals are listed as refunded deals.
Hover the mouse on a deal information to see the options to Edit, Delete,View
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
discussions about the deal, quantity sold.
6.2.8Canceled- Deals that are canceled by the company or admin are listed as canceled
Hover the mouse on a deal information to see the options to Edit, Delete,View
discussions about the deal, quantity sold.
Using the More Actions drop down menu the admin can select a deal and change the
status of the deal to Open.
6.2.9Rejected - Deals that are rejected by the admin
Hover the mouse on a deal information to see the options to Edit, Delete the deal
Using the More Actions drop down menu the admin can select a deal and change the
status of the deal to Open, Upcoming or Canceled.
6.2.10Expired- Deals that does not reach the number of minimum purchases set by the
company or admin till the end date are listed as Expired deals
Hover the mouse on a deal information to see the options to Edit, Delete, list allocated
coupons, Clone deal, View Discussions about the deal, View deal, quantity sold.
Using the More Actions drop down menu the admin can select a deal and change the status
of the deal to Refunded.
6.2.12 All – This page shows up all the deals together.
Hover the mouse on a deal information to see the options to Edit, Delete,View
Discussions about the deal, quantity sold.
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Figure – 6.2.2 Open Live Deals
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6.3Add live deal
The admin can add live deal. Click Add live deal under Live deals menu and you will be
redirected to the add deal page.
Enter the Name of the deal
Choose the company and category from the drop down menu
Fill up the date and time when the deal should be moved to open status
Fill out the Coupon start time and end time
Repeat Every – We can also set up the deal repeat in different intervals of time by choosing
the desired option from the drop down menu. Options in the drop down are
Don't Repeat – The deal will not repeat once the end time and date reached
Weekdays [Monday – Friday] – If we choose this option the deal will repeat every
week Monday to Friday until it reaches the End date
Weekends [Saturday &Sunday] – If we choose this option the deal will repeat every
weekend(Saturday &Sunday) until it reaches the End date
Custom – If this option is chosen you can select the days when the deal should be
repeated from the repeat days list
Repeat date – Here the week days are listed with a check box. If the custom option is chosen
the admin would have to enable the weekdays check boxes when the deal should be
repeated. Consider if the deal should be repeated on every Wednesday you can just enable
the check box for the day
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Repeat Until – The admin can choose any one option given
I Stop it – If this option is enabled the deal will repeat until the company user or admin
user closes the deal
End date – If this option is enabled choose the end date from the option given
End date – Choose the date and time when the deal should get closed(If End date option is
enabled in repeat until)
6.3.2Deal Listing Locations
The admin can choose where the users would have to redeem the coupon in the main branch
or at all branches by enabling the check boxes
Can Redeem at Your Company Main Address – This option is mandatory . If this option is
alone enabled then the users can redeem the coupon only at the Main Branch
Can Redeem at All Sub-locations – Enable this option so that the users can redeem the
coupon in all branches
Enter the price details of the live deal. Information need to be filled up are Original price and
discount percentage, other fields will get displayed automatically
Original Price
Discount Percentage
Discount Amount
Savings for user
Discounted Price for user
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Details need to be entered regarding commission
Bonus Amount – A flat fee the company pay for the deal to the admin(Site Owner)
Commission Percentage – The percentage of commission the company will pay for the
6.3.5Coupons and Quantities
Maximum Quantity – Maximum number of deals that can be purchased for a day
Maximum Per Purchase Quantity – Maximum number of coupons a user can purchase
Private note – The admin can write some information about the deal for his reference
Description – The description about the deal that will be displayed in the deal page should
be given here.
6.3.7Deal Images & Coupon & Meta
Option to add images for the deal. The admin can add maximum of five images for a deal.
Click browse, choose the image from the hard drive and add the image.
Enter the highlights of the coupon in Coupon Highlights.
Enter the meta keywords and description to get more visitors for the deal through search
After entering all the information click Add to add the live deal and the deal will be moved to
upcoming status, Save as draft to save the deal as draft.
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Figure – 6.3 Add Live Deal
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7Gift Cards
Click Gift cards menu to see the list of gift cards sent to the users categorized as used and
unused gift cards. By default 'New Gift cards' page is displayed.
Figure 7.1 Gift Cards
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
7.1New Gift Cards
The Gift cards which are not used by the receivers are listed as 'New Gift Cards'.
Information shown in this page are Coupon code, Gift Amount, User name who have
purchased the gift, Email of the user who received the gift and message to the
Hover the mouse you can see the option to delete the coupon
Below the list of coupons there is more actions menu to delete more than one gift card
at a time.
7.2Redeemed Gift Cards
The redeemed gift cards page shows the details of the coupons used by the receiver.
All the information displayed in 'New Gift cards' page are also shown up in this page.
Click All to view all the coupon information that is both used and unused coupons together. As
New Gift Cards page all details are shown in this page. Additionally this page shows the
status of the coupon(Yes or No) whether it is redeemed or not.
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure – 7.2 Gift Cards (All)
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
The users can subscribe to the website by entering the email address and choosing the
desired city. Once subscribed the users will receive email which contains the deal information
for the city they have subscribed.
Click subscriptions to see the list of users who have subscribed to the website. By default the
list of subscribed users are displayed.
8.1.1Subscribed Users
This page shows up the list of subscribed users and the options to do with the subscribed
Common information displayed in this page are
1. Date the user subscribed on
2. Email of the user
3. City to which they have subscribed
Hover the mouse over the user information you will see the option to delete
Option to search the subscribed user by entering key word and clicking search
Export the list of users in an excel sheet by clicking CSV option
Below the list of subscribed users there is 'More Actions' drop down menu to delete or
unsubscribe more than a user at a time.
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure – 8.1.1 Subscriptions (Subscribed Users)
8.1.2Unsubscribed Users
This page displays the list of unsubscribed users and the options to do with the unsubscribed
users. All options available for subscribed users are available for unsubscribed users. But in
'More Actions' Drop down menu you will just have the option to delete more than a user.
List of both subscribed and unsubscribed users are shown together in this page. All the
options seen in the subscribed users page are available in this page. As this page shows both
users together status is displayed in this page (yes or no) to distinguish between the
subscribed and unsubscribed users.
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Figure – 8.1.2 Subscriptions (All Users)
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8.2Customize Subscription page
The admin can set up a separate background image for the two step subscription page. If the
Background image center? Is enabled the uploaded image is set as background as such. If
Background image center? Is not enabled and the image size is small then the image is
repeated and shows up in the background number of times as it can withing the screen size.
If the width and height is specified the image gets re-sized according to the specified sized
and displays in the screen. If the delete option is enabled and updated the image added as
background will get deleted and the default color shows up.
Figure – 8.2 Customize Subscription Page
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
The customers can suggest business and cities for the website and the suggestions given by
the users are listed here in the admin panel
Click Cities below suggestions to view the cities suggested by the users. At the top of the
page displays the City suggestions which includes list of suggested cities and the number
of requests received for that city is displayed. Below that recently suggested cities are
displayed. In the Recent Suggestions the suggested city, Email of the user who suggested
the city and the Date the city is suggested are displayed.
Figure – 9.1 City Suggestions
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Click Business below Suggestions to view the business ideas given by the users. In this page
the Email of the user who have given the suggestion, User name, Suggestion given by the
user and the Date the user given the suggestion. Hover the mouse over the suggestion to see
the option to delete.
Figure – 9.2 Business Suggestion
The customers are able to discuss about the deal, city and the website. The topics the users
have discussed and the discussion can be seen here in the admin panel
Click Topics below the topics menu to view all the topics posted to discuss about. By default it
shows the page that contains all the topics. The topics are categorized based on the deal, city
and the website. The users can view the topics and post a new topic by clicking Discussion
tab in the home page
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Figure – 10.1 Topics
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This page displays all the topics posted on the website for discussion. The information shown
in this page are
Type of the discussion topic(Deal talk, city talk & Global talk)
If the discussion is about a deal then it shows the deal name in the deal column,if it is
about the city then it shows the city name in the city column leaving the deal column
blank. For Global Talk both deal and city column are left blank
The topic of the discussion and the content for discussion,
Date the topic is posted on
Topic Discussion count shows number of responses received for that topic
Date on which the last reply is posted
Hover the mouse over the topic to see the option to edit and delete the topic
Below the list of topics there is More actions drop down menu to select and delete more than
one topic at a time.
10.1.2Deal Talk
This page shows the topic posted about the deals in different cities. By default the type is
Deal Talk. All other information displayed and the options available are same as the All
Topics page.
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
10.1.3City Talk
Topics posted to discuss about different cities are categorized and shown in this page. By
default the type is City Talk and the deal name column left blank. All other information
displayed and the options available are same as the All
10.1.4Global Talk
Topics discussed about the website are categorized and displayed in this page. By default the
type is Global Talk and the deal, city columns are left blank as it is not about a deal or city. All
other information displayed and the options available are same as the All.
10.2Topic Discussions
This page shows up the details about the discussions on the topic posted. Common
information displayed in this page are
Name (Topic) – Title of the deal
User who have participated in the discussion and shared his comments
Comments given by the user
Ip of the user who have posted the comment
Date on which the comment is posted.
Hover the mouse over the discussion details and see the option to Edit, Delete and Ban the
User ip.
Below the discussion page there is More Actions drop down menu to delete the discussion
more than one at a time.
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure – 10.2 Topic Discussion
The users can purchase the deal and pay online for their purchase. To make their payment
online number of payment gateways are integrated with our website and the transactions
history are stored in the website for admin reference.
11.1Payment Gateways
Click Payment Gateways to view the list of payment gateways integrated with the website.
Payment Gateways Integrated are Pagseguro, and Paypal.
Information shown in this page are
1. Display name given for the Payment Gateway
2. Description about the payment gateway
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
3. Status of the payment gateway whether it is Test mode or not
Hover the mouse on the payment gateway and see the option to edit the details about the
payment gateway. Two modes of payment gateways are Test mode and Live mode. Test
mode as the name implies it is given to test how payment works in the site before going live.
The test mode should be turned off when site goes live .
Figure -11.1 Payment Gateways
11.1.1Edit Payment Gateway
Common options for all the payment gateways in the Edit Page are
1. To add the display name of the payment Gateway
2. Description about the payment Gateway
3. Enable the check box if the payment gateway is Active for making payment
4. Enable the check box to enable Test Mode. If the option is Enabled the status in
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
the Payment gateway page will show up as Yes
5. Enable the check box which will give users the option to Add amount to wallet
using the payment gateway.
If the option is not enabled if a user try to add amount to wallet the payment gateway will not
listed in the page.
6. Enable the check box so that users can purchase deal
Same as the Add amount to wallet page if the option is not enabled and the user click Buy
and redirected to buy page in the payment type the payment Gateway is not listed.
7. Enable the check box so that users can buy gift card
Same as the Add amount to wallet page if the option is not enabled and the user click Buy a
Gift Card and redirected to buy page in the payment type the payment Gateway is not listed.
Regarding Receiving payment the information needed differs from each payment gateway
Pagseguro payment gateway
The Pagseguro Gateway just asks for Payee email (Email of the account holder who will
receive money) for both live mode and test mode. Gateway(via Credit Card)
The information to be filled out to receive payment done using Credit card is
Api key and Trans key.
Note: Display name, description, Enable and disable options are same for all Edit Payment
Gateway pages. The account details need to be filled up for sending and receiving payments
differ for each payment gateway. So the screen shots of the Account details(Live mode and
test mode) alone taken and added for other payment gateways.
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure – 11.1.1 Edit page for Pagseguro Payment Gateway
Paypal needs Merchant account email, Receiver emails (you can also add more than one
receiver email) and Mass pay API user name, Password, Signature for both test mode and
live mode. Mass pay API is created to send money to the users.
Credit Card using Paypal
Admin would have to enter Direct Pay API User name, Password, Signature to allow users
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
to make direct payment using their credit card for both live mode and test mode.
(Account details field)
Figure–11.1.2 Edit page for Payment Gateway
Figure 11.1.3 Edit Page for Paypal
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Figure – 11.1.4 Edit Page for Credit card using Paypal
Figure – 11.1.5 Edit Page for Wallet
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
If the wallet is enabled the users can add amount in their wallet and purchase deals, buy gift
card using the amount in the wallet.
Click Transaction menu to view the transactions done in the recent time.
Information shown in this page are
Date on which the transaction is done
User name of the user involved in the transaction
Description about the transaction(reason why the amount is debited from or credited
to the account)
Debit column (If amount is debit from the users account the amount will be displayed
in the column)
Credit Column (If amount is credited to the users account the amount will be displayed
in this column)
Finally Gateway fees (Fee taken by the payment gateway for a transaction).
Filter option to view the transaction happened within a date for a user.
Click CSV to export the transaction information to an excel sheet
Below the list of transaction information shows the Transaction summary total
amount credited and total amount debited and their difference.
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Figure -11.2 Transactions
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
The companies and the site owner can contribute a percentage of money to the charities
from their earning.
Click Charities in the menu to see the details about the charities that have tie up with the site.
Information displayed in this page are
Name of the charity
Category (Eg: Children, Mentally retarded people)
Paypal email of the charity
Amount received by the charity (Received amount)
Description about the charity
Website of the charity
Total site amount (Amount given from the site owner's commission)
Total seller amount(Amount given by the companies)
Total amount(Amount given by the site owner +Amount given by the company)
Paid amount(Amount paid to the charity)
Status whether the charity is Active or not
Hover the mouse over the charity information to see the Edit and Delete option.
Click Edit to do changes in the information about the charity. In the Edit page admin
can change the category, Name of the charity, Description about the charity, Paypal
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
email and check box to enable the status of the charity as Active.
Search option to find a charity by entering Keyword
Add option to add a charity. Details needed to add a charity is Name of the charity,
choose the Category, Description, Paypal Email, enable the check box to make the
charity active and click Add.
Below the listed charities there is a More Actions drop down menu to change the
status of more than one charity at a time (Active, Inactive) and Delete.
12.2Charity Cash withdrawals
In the same charities page there is an option Charity Cash withdrawals. Click on that option
and you will get redirected to the withdraw request page. By default Pending withdraw
requests are displayed. The withdraw requests are categorized based on their status.
Common information shown in this page are Name of the charity and the amount requested.
Pending Requests – The request given by the user and awaiting for admins approval.
Below the requests there is 'More Actions' drop down menu to approve or reject the
request of the user.
Approved Requests – The fund requests approved by the admin waiting for
Success – The requests approved and the money transferred successfully are listed
Failed – The requests approved by the admin but failed while money transfer.
Rejected – The requests rejected by the admin are listed in this category. There is no
option for admin to change the status of the request in this page.
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
All: All the requests are shown together. In addition to the Name of the charity and
Amount status of the request is also displayed.
Figure – 12.1.1 Charities
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
12.2.1Add a Withdraw Request
In the Charity cash withdraw page there is an option Add a withdraw request by the admin.
Click Add and you will get redirected to the add page. Choose the charity from the drop down
menu and enter the amount click Add.
Figure – 12.1.2 Add Charity Page
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure -12.2.1 Charity Cash Withdrawals page
Figure – 12.2.2 Add Charity Cash Withdrawals
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
The users can work as affiliate for the website and earn commission. The users who wish to
be an affiliate would have to give request and the admin will approve the request. Click
Affiliates menu a simple statistic table will show up which includes the information about the
Affiliates, Affiliate requests and Withdraw requests. Below the statistic table displayed is
the commission history and the status. If you click on the settings option you will be
redirected to the settings page.
13.1Affiliate Requests
Click Affiliate requests option in and get redirected to the page which displays the list affiliate
requests received from the users. Information displayed in this page are
1. User name who have given the request
2. Site name and the URL
3. Site category
4. Reason given by the User for being an affiliate( Why do you want to be an affiliate)
5. Marketing strategy the user is going to use
Website Marketing
Search Engine Marketing
Email Marketing
6. Promotional Method
7. Status whether the request is Approved or not
Other than the above given information there is an option to Search the user by entering the
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
keyword and More actions drop down menu to approve or reject more than one user request.
13.1.1Add Affiliate Request
Admin can also add an affiliate request. Click Add and get redirected to the add affiliate
request page.
Choose the User name, site category from the drop down
Enter the Site name,Site URL, Description about the site
Enter the reason in the text box given after why do you want to be an affiliate
Enable the check box to show which marketing strategy the user is going to use
Enter the special promotional method and the description about the method
Choose the option whether the affiliate request is Waiting for approval, Approved or
Rejected and click Add to complete the process.
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Figure -13.1 Affiliates
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Figure – 13.2 Affiliate Requests page
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Figure – 13.3 Add Affiliate requests
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13.1.2Affiliate Cash withdraw Request
Affiliate cash withdraw request is similar to the other cash withdraw requests. By default
pending requests page will be shown up. The withdraw requests are categorized based on
their status.
Pending Requests – The request given by the user and awaiting for admins approval.
Below the requests there is 'More Actions' drop down menu to approve or reject the
request of the user.
Approved Requests – The fund requests approved by the admin waiting for
Success – The requests approved and the money transferred successfully are listed
Failed – The requests approved by the admin but failed while money transfer.
Rejected – The requests rejected by the admin are listed in this category. There is no
option for admin to change the status of the request in this page.
All – All the requests are shown together. In addition to the Name of the user and
Amount status of the request is also displayed.
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Figure – 13.4 Affiliate Withdraw Requests(Pending Status)
Figure – 13.5 Affiliate Withdraw Requests(All)
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
13.1.3Affiliate Widgets
Click Affiliate Widgets to see the list of widgets created for the website. The information
displayed in this page are
Date on which the widget is created
Name of the widget
Width and height of the widget
Status whether the Side deal display is enabled or not
Hover the mouse over the widget to see the option to edit and delete the widget.
Click Edit to edit the widget information. In the edit page the admin can change the Name,
content, Width and height , logo, Enable or disable the display side deal option and click
Update to save the changes.
Admin can add a widget by clicking the Add option. The details the admin would have to enter
is the Name, content, Width and height , logo, Enable or disable the display side deal
and Click Add to add a widget.
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Figure -13.6 Affiliate Widget Page
Figure – 13.7 Affiliate Add widget page
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13.2Commission History
The commission history table displays the information about the commission for the affiliate
user, for deal purchase or Sign Up, the status and the commission amount. The commission
history is categorized based on the status of the process.
Although the commission history is categorized based on the status this page shows all the
history in different status. Common information shown in this page are
Date on which the history is created
Affiliate User name
User/Deal – If the user purchases a deal name of the deal is displayed in this column
Type – Sign up or Purchase
If the user joins the website through the affiliate the type is Sign Up
If the user purchases a deal the type is Purchase
Status – Pending/Completed/Pipeline
Commission Amount for the affiliate user
Pending – If a user referred by the affiliate user purchases a deal and the deal is yet to be
tipped, then the purchase will show up in Pending status
Canceled – If a user referred by the affiliate user purchases a deal and the deal is canceled
by the admin or company user then the commission amount for the affiliate user will be
canceled and listed under Canceled affiliate commission
Pipeline – If a user referred by the affiliate user joins the website (Sign Up/register) or
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Purchases a deal( Deal is tipped) the commission amount for the affiliate user is blocked and
will show up in Pipeline status until the
Commission Holding Period . Consider the
Commission holding period is set as 7 days the commission amount will be blocked and show
up in pipeline status for 7 days.
Completed - Once the commission holding period ends the commission amount in Pipeline
status will be changed to Completed and the amount will be available for the affiliate user to
withdraw. Consider the Commission holding period is set as 7 days the commission amount
will be blocked and show up in pipeline status for 7 days, after 7 days the status will be
changed to completed.
Figure -13.8 Affiliate Commission History
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Figure -14 Settings
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
In this page the admin can change the site related settings.
Site name – In the given text box admin can enter the site name
Site version – Version of the site is displayed here
Site Language – The admin can choose site's default language from the drop down
Site's default city – In the list of cities added the admin can choose a city as default city from
the drop down
Site Routing URL – Admin can choose an option from the drop down Prefix/Sub domain.
Setting this as Prefix is preferred. If the user doesn't choose a city then the default city
will show up. And if the user chooses prefix the URL will be, if the
user chooses Sub domain the URL will be
Site Currency Position – Choose from the drop down where the currency symbol should
show up in the left or right
Site Currency – Choose from drop down the currency of the site
Paypal converted Currency – If you have chosen a currency which is not supported by
Paypal choose a conversion currency here from the drop down
Enable Automatic Currency Conversion Update – Enable the check box to get currency
conversion update
Maintenance Mode – Enable the check box to enable maintenance mode. Once the
maintenance mode is enabled the visitors will see the page
Pre-launch Mode – Enable Pre-launch mode by enabling the check box. Once this option is
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
enabled the visitors will see the page as
Enable SSL in Deals Buy Page – If this option is enabled the SSL will be activated in the log
in page, sign up page, Deal Buy page and add to wallet page.
Your domain will be in
Enable Two Step Subscription – If the check box is enabled the landing page of the website
is the subscription page
Enable Subscription Skip Option – If the option is enabled the users can see the skip
option in the two step subscription page.
Mobile Layout Enabled – If this option is enabled you can see 'Mobile/PDA' version' option
to click and you will be redirected to view the mobile site in the browser.
Iphone App Key – Enter the iphone app key in the given text box
Touch Layout enabled – As mobile layout enable option shows up the 'Mobile/PDA' version'
option in the home page 'Mobile Touch version' option will also show up to click and you will
be redirected to view the touch version in the browser if the option is enabled.
Contact Phone Number – In the given text box the admin can enter the contact number.
Contact Email Address – The admin will receive email to the email address entering here in
the given text box if a user posts a comment and if a user uses the contact form.
From Email Address – Enter the email address in the given text box which will show up as
from email in the emails the users receive.
To Email Address – Enter the email address and the admin will receive emails from the
users to the given email address
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Time Zone – The admin can choose the convenient time zone from the drop down
About Site in Home page – In the text box given the admin can give a small description
about the website
Robots text – If we have any sensitive data in our website and if we would have to stop the
pages getting indexed and displayed to other you can enter the information here in the given
text box.
Site Tracker – Enter the site tracker text in the given text box. Site Tracker will track your web
site statistics around the clock and you can check them at any time using a Web browser from
anywhere in the world!
Who is Look Up URL – The admin can add the Who is look up URL to enable the option to
find where the user is from using the ip address of the user.
In addition to the above given options to change the site settings the users can also change
the Date and time format, Date and time tool tip in this page. The admin can do the needed
changes and click update to save the changes.
In this page the admin can enter the Meta keywords and Meta descriptions which will make
the site more search engine friendly.
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure – 14.1 Site
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure -14.2 Meta
In this page the admin can do changes in user related settings. All enable/disable options for
user related settings are listed here.
Admin Activation after Registration – If the check box is enable after every user completes
the registration process the admin would have to activate the user's registration.
Email Verification for Register – If the option is enabled the user will receive an email with
an activation link to complete the registration process.
Auto Login after Register – If this option is not enabled the user will be taken to the my
account page once he completes the registration. To enable this option Email Verification for
Register should not be enabled.
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure – 14.3 Users
Admin notification mail after user's registration – If this check box is enabled the admin
will receive a notification email after a user completes the registration process.
Welcome mail after registration – If this check box is enabled the user will receive a
welcome email from the website after registration.
Log out after Password Change – If this option is enabled the user will be automatically
logged out of the site after he changes the password.
Allow User to Switch Language – The user will have a drop down option to switch to the
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
desired language if the check box is enabled.
Show User Statistics in User View Page Allow User Comment – If this option is enabled the user can post comments
Send Mail on User Comment – The user1 will receive a notification email saying that this
user2 is given a comment for you.
Here the admin can do the changes in the User log in options.
Choose any one option from the drop down menu Email/User name. If Email is chosen in
the log in page the user would have to enter the Email and Password and if User is chosen
the user would have to enter the User name and Password in the log in page.
Enable Facebook Login – If this check box is enabled the users can log in using their
Facebook id.
Enable Twitter Login – If this option is enabled the users can use their Twitter log in details
to log in
Enable Open Id – Enable this option so that users can log in using their Open ID
Enable Yahoo – Enabling this option will give users the ability to join the website using their
Yahoo id.
Enable G mail – If this check box is enabled the users can join the website using their G mail
Enable Foursquare – Users can log in using their foursquare account if this option is
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure – 14.4 Logins
The admin would have to create an application and enter the Application information in the
website to get deals posted in the wall. Details that need to be filled out in the page
Face book Application ID
Face book Page ID
Face book Application API Key
Face book Application Secret Key
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Face book Application ID and Facebook Application API Key are same. After filling up this
information click Update Facebook credentials and follow the steps,Facebook Access
Token and Facebook User Id will get updated automatically.
Other information to be filled up regarding Facebook are Site Facebook URL(URL of the
page where the deals should get posted), Enable/Disable option to post deals on Facebook
wall, information that need to be posted in the Facebook Wall like deal name, deal image,
deal link,Facebook like box code to integrate Facebook like option in deals page,Facebook
feeds code to show up in the home page.
The admin can Enable/Disable the bar code option in deal coupon. The admin can choose
the bar code from the drop down. If the bar code option is enabled the admin would have to
enter the width and height of the bar code and the bar code will show up in the specified
size in the deal coupon.
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure – 14.5 Facebook
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Figure 14.6 Barcode
Figure – 14.7 Wallet
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
The admin would have to just enter the Minimum amount and maximum amount the user
can add to the wallet. Enable/Disable option to handle wallet like groupon.
Invite After Deal Add – If this option is enabled after a user completes purchasing a deal
he/she will be redirected to invite friends page. The user can share the link of the deal and
invite them to purchase using the options in the Invite friends page. The choices in the page
Social medias like Facebook, twitter
Send the deal link in email to the friends
Enable Auto Refund of Deal Amount – If a deal didn't get tipped then the amount should be
refunded to the users who have purchased the deal. If this option is enabled the amount will
be refunded to the user automatically.
Auto Pay to Company Once Deal Closed – If a deal reaches its end date then the status of
the deal is set to be closed. If this option is enabled the deal amount will be paid to the
company automatically.
Show Deal Purchased List in User Profile Page – Consider user1 and user2 are
participating in a topic discussion. User1 clicks on the user name of User2 in the discussion
page and User1 is redirected to the profile page of User2. Top of the profile page it will show
up the information like Referred Users (6) Friends (1) Deal Purchased (31) Gift Sent (4)
Gift Received (1). If this option is disabled Deal Purchased (31) will not show up in the
profile page.
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Show Deal Purchased List in Company Profile page – Changes after Enabling or disabling
this option can be noticed only if the Enable Company Users to have the Normal User
Features option is enabled in Settings → Company.
Let us consider
i) Both options Show Deal Purchased List in Company Profile page & Enable
Company Users to have the Normal User Features are enabled and a user views
the company's profile page. The top of the profile page will show up information like
Deal Owned (0) Referred Users (0) Friends (0) Deal Purchased (0) Gift Sent (0) Gift
Received (0).Below the company address and Google map there are tabs Comments,
Deals Owned, Deal Purchased, Friends and Referred users. Here the Deal
Purchased tab is displayed because Show Deal Purchased List in Company
Profile page is enabled.
ii) Consider Show Deal Purchased List in Company Profile page is disabled &
Enable Company Users to have the Normal User Features is enabled the Deal
Purchased (0) will show up at the top of the profile page. Below the company address
and Google map there are tabs Comments,
Deals Owned,
Deal Purchased,
Friends and Referred users. Here the Deal Purchased tab will not be displayed.
iii) Consider Show Deal Purchased List in Company Profile page is enabled & Enable
Company Users to have the Normal User Features is disabled then the entire page
display will be changed. The Deal Purchased (0) will not show up at the top of the
profile page and the tabs Below the company address and Google map there are tabs
Comments, Deal Purchased, Friends and Referred users will not not appear and
the deals owned tab alone will show up list the deals owned by the company
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Show Owned Deals Listing in Company Profile page – If this option is enabled the deals
added by the company are listed in the company's view page. Enabling and disabling Enable
Company Users to have the Normal User Features option in Settings → Company affects
the appearance of Owned Deals page.
Let us consider
i) Both options Show Owned Deals Listing in Company Profile page and Enable
Company Users to have the Normal User Features are enabled the deals owned
will appear as one of the tabs. By default Comments tab will show up and the next tab
is Deals Owned. Click on Deals owned tab to view the list of deals added by the
ii) Consider Show Owned Deals Listing in Company Profile page option is enabled
and Enable Company Users to have the Normal User Features is disabled, then by
default Deals Owned tab will show up in the page listing all the deals added by the
Show Side Deals in Listing Page – If this option is enabled the side deals will show up in
the Company's Deals owned list, the side deals will not be listed if this option is disabled
Deal Coupon Used Type - Admin can choose any one of the option from the drop down as
click/submit to set how the users can change the status of the coupon as used. This option
will be in effect if Allow User to Change Coupon Status option is enabled.
Click – If click option is chosen the users can view a click-able option Use now in
Mygroupdeal page of their account. Users would have to click Use now to set the coupon as
used. If a user clicks Use now the site will ask for confirmation saying “You cannot undo
changes” , the user have to click OK to proceed and Cancel to stop the action. The deal will
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
be changed to used category if the user have clicked OK and will remain in the Available
category if the user have clicked Cancel.
Submit - If submit option is chosen then the users would have to enter the coupon code of
the coupon for which the status should be changed into a text box given and then have to
change the status.
Deal Coupon Code Show Type – The choice changes in the drop down are reflected if the
Deal coupon used type is set as Submit. If admin chooses top from the drop down the
users have to enter the top code of the coupon that need to be changed to Used status in the
text box. If admin chooses Bottom from the drop down then the user would have to enter the
Bottom code of the coupon to change the status of the coupon.
Allow User to Change Coupon Status – If this option is enabled the user can change the
status of the coupon (as redeemed)
Enable Sub Deal – If this option is enabled Add deal page will show up Enable option to
Add Sub deals else it will not show up.
Find Near Deal by – Admin have to set whether the site would have to grab deals from near
by city or from location and display the deals in the side bar of the index page.
Nearby Deal Distance Finder(in KM) – If Fine Near deal by option is set as Location the site
will consider the distance given here in the text box and grab deals available within the
specified distance.
Enable payment in advance – If this option is enabled the user can pay an amount and b
the deal
Commission Amount Type
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Choose either Minimum or fixed as commission amount type from the drop down.
Minimum - If option Minimum is chosen admin can set a minimum amount(percentage) as
needed commission and the company should give the minimum amount set by admin or more
than the mentioned amount as commission.
Fixed – If fixed option is chosen admin can set a fixed commission amount(percentage) for
all deals. The company should give the amount set by admin as commission.
Commission Amount – Admin can enter the percentage of commission needed from the
company for a deal in the given text box.
Index Page Sidebar Main Deal Limit – Set Number of Main deals to display in the side bar
of the index page
Index Page Sidebar Side Deal Limit – Set Number of Side deals should display in the side
bar of the index page
Index Page Sidebar Nearby Deal Limit – Set Number of Near by deals that can be
displayed in the side bar of the index page .
14.9Cash Withdraw
The admin can set the options for users and companies to withdraw amount from the wallet.
User Can Withdraw Wallet Amount - Enable this check box to allow users withdraw amount
from wallet.
Enter the Minimum and Maximum amount that user can withdraw in the text field given.
If the check box Pay to User Automatically Once Request Received is enabled, without
admins approval the withdraw fund request will be processed.
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure – 14.8 Deals
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Figure – 14.9 Cash withdraw
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Company User can Withdraw Amount From Wallet
- Enable this check box to allow
company users withdraw amount from the wallet.
Enter the minimum and maximum amount that user can withdraw in the text field given.
If the check box Pay to Company User Automatically Once Request Received is enabled,
without admins approval the withdraw fund request will be processed.
The admin would have to create applications in G mail, Yahoo, msn and enter the needed
information in this page to enabled users to import their friends list from g mail, yahoo and
msn account.
The information need to be filled up in this page to enable users import the friends list from
their Yahoo account are Yahoo app id, Yahoo App data, Yahoo Consumer Key, Yahoo
Consumer Secret.
The msn application details need to be filled up in the website to enable users to import
friends list are MSN Application ID and MSN Application Secret.
The information need to be filled up in this page to enable users import the friends list from
their g mail account is just the contact import limit.
Other options for admin to change the settings related to friends are
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Friend Module Enabled – If this check box is enabled one user can send friend request to
other user
Two Way Friendship Concept - If this check box is enabled then the user who receives
friend request can accept or decline the request
Send friend request in email – If this option is enabled the users can send the friend request
through email
Auto Accept Friend Request – If this option is enabled the friend request sent by other
users will be accepted and added as a friend automatically
Show Friends Listing in User View Page – Enable this check box so that friends of the
users will be listed in the view page
Show Friends in Company View Page - Enable this check box so that friends of the
company user will be listed in the view page
Note: An user can view the other user's profile and company's profile by clicking on the User
name. The page the user is able to view about the other user is called User view page and
the company is called Company view page mentioned in the document1.
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure – 14.10 Friends
14.11User Privacy
The admin can set privileges for the users to maintain their profile privacy. The
Enable/Disable options available in this page are
Allow User to Edit Permission, Show Name in Profile Page – If this check box is enabled the
users will have an option to set privacy for their profile name(who can view the profile name in
the profile page)
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Allow User to Edit Permission, Show Address in Profile Page – If this check box is enabled
the users will have an option to set privacy for their Address (who can view the address given
in the profile page)
Figure – 14.11 User Privacy
Allow User to Edit Permission, Show Gender in Profile Page – If this check box is enabled
the users will have an option to set privacy for the gender(who can view the gender given in
the profile page)
Allow User to Edit Permission, Show Comment Add Form in Profile Page – If this check
box is enabled the users will have an option to choose who can post comments for them.
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Allow User to Edit Permission, Send Mail to User when Other Users Post -If this check box
is enabled the users will have an option to choose from who they would like to receive a
notification email if a comment is posted.
Do the changes need and click update to save the changes.
The admin would have to choose the type of referral or disable referral option from the drop
Options listed in the drop down are
Refer and get amount
Refer and get refund/get amount
Disable referral
If the referral type chosen by the admin is Refer and get amount the details that need to be
filled up in the admin panel are
Referral Amount – Referral amount that will be given to the user after the referred user
purchases a deal
Referral Register Expiry Time – Time within which the referred user would have to complete
the registration process using the referral link.
Referral User Deal Buy Expiry Time – Time within which the referred user would have to
purchase a deal
Show Referred Users in User View Page – If this check box is enable the list of users
referred by user1 is listed in the user view page.
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Show Referred Users in Company View Page – If this check box is enable the list of users
referred by cuser1 is listed in the company user view page.
Figure – 14.12 Referral
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
In this page the admin can do the changes in settings related to company.
Enable company users to have the normal user features – If this check box is enabled the
company users will have all the options same as the normal users. The display of the
company view page differs based on the status(Enabled/Disabled) of this option. Explained
briefly in 14.8 Deals
Show Statistics in Company View Page – If this option is enabled in the company view
page above the company details like Profile picture Address etc., some information will be
displayed Deal Owned (63) Referred Users (0) Friends (0) Deal Purchased (0) Gift Sent
(0) Gift Received (0)
Figure -14.13 Company
The admin would have to create an application and enter the Application information in the
website to get the deals shared in the twitter. Information that should be filled up in the page
are Consumer Key and Consumer secret. Click Update credentials and the Twitter will
ask to log in and we would have to log in using the account details in which the deals should
be posted and proceed. Access Key and Access Token will get updated automatically.
Other twitter information that need to be filled up in this page are Twitter User name, Site
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Twitter URL, Deal message post(what are the information need to be posted in Twitter Site
name as slug, Deal URL and Deal name.
Prompt for email after registration – Enabling this option will ask the users to enter their
email immediately after completing registration process.
Post New Deal on Twitter – Enabling this option will allow the deals get posted in the twitter.
Twitter Feeds – Enable this option to display twitter feeds in the home page.
Twitter Widget Code – Enter the code in the text box given using which the twitter feeds will
show up in the home page.
Enter the needed information and click update to save the changes.
14.15Google Map
In this page the admin can fill out the Google map zoom level and choose the map type he
would like to use. The default zooming level is 9(1-15) the company user can adjust the
zooming level in their profile.
Map Type – Admin can choose the map type from the drop down menu. It can be static or
embed type.
Difference between the static and embed map type
The static map simply displays the location of the company and the site visitor cannot drag
the map or zoom in and out. If the user clicks the map they are taken to Google Maps where
they have all the regular functionality.
In the embedded map the user can stay on your site and perform all the regular Google Map
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure -14.14 Twitter
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Figure – 14.15 Google Map
Bitly is a URL shortening service. It is a utility to shorten a long URL and share it. The admin
would have to create an API key with bitly and Enter the name of the account used to create
the API and the API in the website to enable this service.
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure – 14.16 Bitly
14.17Gift Card
Here the admin can enable the option related to gift card. Check Email Address to Redeem
Gift Card – If this option is enabled the company user would have to check the email address
of the user who redeems the gift card.
Figure – 14.17 Gift Card
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
The admin can integrate the email marketing service Mail Chimp with the website so that
the daily deal emails to the subscribers will be sent through Mail Chimp. Information
need to be filled up in the website are Mail Chimp API key and the email address which
should be sent as From Email to the users who receive email through Mail chimp.
Figure -14.18 Mail Chimp
The admin can change the settings related to Affiliates in this page.
Enable Affiliate – Enable this check box to activate affiliate feature in the website.
Affiliate Referral Cookie Expire Timing – Time within which the referred user would have to
join the website using the referral link.
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure -14.19 Affiliate
Pay commission on every deal purchased – If this check box is enabled the commission
will be paid to the affiliate on every deal purchased by the referred users.
Commission Holding Period – Number of days the commission should be on hold
Click commission settings and you will be redirected to the page where the admin can do
changes in settings related to affiliate commission.
Name – Commission for Sign Up/Purchase (Sign Up is the name)
Commission amount – In the text box given the commission amount need to be filled out
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Commission type – Choose the type of commission whether as amount or percentage
Status – whether the commission type is active or not
Figure -14.19.1 Affiliate Commission
Threshold Limit – Minimum amount to give withdraw request need to be entered in the given
text box
Transaction fee – If it is set to 1 the transaction fee is taken to proceed withdraw request of
the affiliate user. Set 0 to disable transaction fee.
Transaction fee type – Choose the type of the transaction fee from the option amount or
The admin can change the charity related settings here
Enable Charity – Enable this check box to activate charity option in the website
Who Will Pay to Charity – Choose from the drop down menu who will pay to the charity
Admin/Company user/ both Admin and company user
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Who will choose the Charity – From the drop down select who will choose the charity
Company User/Buyer
Transaction Fee - If it is set to 1 the transaction fee is taken to proceed withdraw request of
the affiliate user. Set 0 to disable transaction fee.
Transaction fee type – Choose the type of the transaction fee from the option amount or
Figure -14.20 Charity
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Like Facebook and twitter the admin would have to create application and enter the needed
information to integrate foursquare with the website. The details need to be filled up are
Consumer Key and Consumer secret. Click update credentials, Login using the
foursquare account and proceed so that Access token and user id will get updated
Figure – 14.21FourSquare
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Post New Deal on Foursquare – Enable this check box to get deals posted in foursquare
Deal Message Post – Enter the information that need to get posted in foursquare about the
deal Site name, deal name and deal link.
Venue Id - Add a venue in foursquare and update the venue id in the website.
Do the needed changes and click update to save the changes.
The admin can add different currencies to the website . Click currencies in the menu and the
page will show up a table which contains the list of currencies added to the website. Above
the table there is Add button and Manual currency rate update button are present. Click Add
to add a currency. The information need to be filled up to add a currency are
Name of the currency, Symbol and code of the currency these three information are
Prefix, suffix Eg: The new symbol Indian rupee is the prefix (Rs.500) and Suffix is
500INR (INR is the suffix)
Decimals and decimal point – How many digits allowed after a decimal point and the
symbol for decimal point usually a dot (.)
Thousands separation – Symbol to separate thousands usually a comma (,)
Enable /Disable options
User Graphic symbol – Enable this option
Active – If this check box is enabled the status of the currency added is active
Is Paypal supported – If this check box is enabled the currency added is supported by
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Enter the needed information and click add to add a currency. The Edit page also shows the
same text boxes as in the Add currency page.
In addition to the information given in the add currency page date on which the currency is
added, Edit option to do changed in the information and Delete option are shown in the table.
Figure -15 Currencies
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure -15.1 Add Currency Page
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
16Email Templates
In this page default email templates that will be sent to User, Admin, Company for each action
are listed. In addition to the default language English we have Japanese templates .Common
details shown in the template page are
From Email – The email address given as From Email in Admin → Masters →
Settings → Site will be taken.
Reply To – The email address given as Reply to Email in Admin → Masters →
Settings → Site will be taken.
Subject of the email and Email content
Email Templates
The list of Email templates available for the action are
Activation Request – The Email will be sent to user who have completed the
registration process to confirm their email and activate the account
Admin Change Password – If admin changes the password of the user a notification
email will be sent to the user about the password change
Admin User Active – Once the admin activates the user account after registration a
notification email will be sent to the user about account activation
Admin user add – If the admin adds a user a notification email will be sent to the
added user
Admin user Deactivate – If the admin deactivates the user account a notification
email will be sent to the user about the account deactivation
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Admin user delete – If the admin user have deleted any user a notification email will
be sent to the user whose account is deleted
Contact Us – If a user communicate through contact form a notification email will be
sent to the admin
Contact Us Auto Reply – If a user communicate through contact form a auto
response will be sent to the communicated user
Deal Amount Refunded – If a deal is not tipped then the amount will be refunded to
the user. A notification email will be sent to the user regarding the refund.
Deal bought – Once a user purchases a deal an email will be sent to the user
regarding the purchase.
Deal Coupon Buyers list – The list of buyers for the deal are sent to the Company
Deal Gift Email – Email will be sent to the user who receives the gift about it
Deal Invite – If a user would like to invite his friend to view the deal he added this
email will be sent.
Deal of the day – This email will be sent to the subscribers of a city if a new deal is
posted and gets open on that day
Deal Status Alert – A notification email will be sent to admin and company user when
a deal status is changed
Forgot Password – If a user clicks forgot password this email will be sent to the user
to reset the password.
Gift Coupon – If user1 sent a gift to user2, then user2 will receive an email about the
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
gift card
Invite user – If user1 would like to invite user2 this email will be sent to user2
Figure -16 Email Templates
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Figure -16.1 Email Content
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
New Comment Profile – If a user1 post a comment for user2 a notification email will
be sent to user2 about the comment
New User Join – If a new user have registered in the site a notification email will be
sent to the admin. This email will be sent if Admin notification mail after user's
registration option is enabled in Admin → Masters → Settings → Users.
One Way New friend – A notification email will be sent to the user who received a
friend request. The friend request will be accepted automatically.
Subscription Welcome Email – The default template of a welcome email will be sent
to the users who subscribe to the website
Two way new friend - A notification email will be sent to the user who received a
friend request. Here the user who receives the email would have to confirm the friend
Welcome Email – This email will be sent to the users who have completed their
registration process and got their account-Active.
17Manage Static Pages
This page displays a table which lists the Title of the static pages and a bit of Content.
Hover the mouse on a page Title or Content to see Edit, Delete the static page and View
Admin can also add a static page by clicking Add option above the table.
Details need to be given in the Add page
Title of the page
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Description of the page
Meta Tags
Slug (Slugs are usually a URL friendly version of the post title)
Click Add to add the page and Preview to see the page preview.
Figure – 17 Manage Static Pages
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure – 17.1 Add Static Page
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
18Transaction Types
This page displays the list of transactions happened recently. The information shown in this
table are Name of the transaction, Description about the transaction and Status whether
it is Credit or Debit. If it is credit it will show up as Yes else it will show No. Hover the mouse
over a transaction detail to see the edit option.
Figure -18 Transactions
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Click Translations in the Masters menu to view the Available Translations. Details shown in
this page are
Translated languages
Percentage of verification
Number of Verified text and non verified text
Option to manage and delete
Delete option will not be available for the default language
19.1Make New Translation
Click Make New Translation to translate your site
From language is the default language of the website
To language - the language you would like to translate to
Choose the 'To' language from the drop down menu and click the option google
translate or Manual translate
If you click manual translate for each text you would have to enter the equivalent
translated text manually
If you click Google translate the translated text will be updated manually. Google
translate have now become a paid service.
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure – 19 Translations
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure -19.1 Add New Translation
Figure – 19.2 Add New Text
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
19.2Add New Text
Click Add new text and get directed to translate a new text to the already translated language.
Consider you have translated your site to French language and now you would have to
translate a new piece of text then you can do it in the Add new text page.
Enter the key text
Enter the equivalent translated text in the corresponding language text box
Click Update to add a new translated text
This page lists the languages added to the website. By default the page displays the Active
records. The languages are categorized based on their status Active or Inactive.
Active Records – This page displays only the active languages
Inactive Records – This page displays the list of deactivated languages
Total Records – This page displays both active and inactive records together
Information shown in this page are
ISO2 code – Two letter code for the language
ISO3 code – Three letter code for the language
Hover the mouse on any language and see the option to edit the language information.
More actions drop down menu to change the status of more than one language to
Active or Inactive and delete languages
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
The admin can add a language by clicking the Add button and redirected to Add Language
Enter the language
ISO2 code
ISO3 code
Click Add to add a new language
Figure -20 Languages
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
21Banned Ips
This page shows the list of banned ip
Victims – Banned ip user
Reason – The admin would have to give reason why the ip is banned
Redirect to – Where the user will be redirected to if he tries to login
Date - Date when the ip is banned
Expiry date – When the ip ban expires and after the expiry date the user can again
visit the website
Add Ban
The admin can also add an ip to the banned ip list by clicking the add button.
Choose the Ban Type
Address/ Range – Enter the ip or range of ip's that need to be banned
Reason – Text box to state the reason why the user is banned
Redirect to - Where the user will be redirected to if he tries to login
How long – The admin can set the Ban period for the ip
It may be permanent, for days and weeks. The admin would have to enter number of days or
weeks in the text box below and leave blank for permanently banned ip.
Click Add to add the ip to Banned list
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure -21 Banned Ip
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
This page shows up the list of Cities added to the website. By default the page displays the
Approved records. The Cities are categorized based on their status Approved or Disapproved.
Approve Records – This page just shows the states that are approved
Disapproved records – This page just shows the states that are disapproved
Total records – This page shows both approved and disapproved records together.
Information displayed in this page are
Status of the City (Approved or Disapproved & Active or Inactive)
Name of the city
Country name
State name
Language spoken in the city
Number of active deals for the city
Hover the mouse over a City information to see the option to Edit and Delete the city,
Update Facebook credentials and Update Twitter Credentials .
More Actions drop down menu to delete, Approve, Disapprove, Activate(active),
Deactivate(Inactive) more than one city at a time
Other than the above information there is an option to search a City using keyword and Add a
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure -22 Cities
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure -22.1 Add city
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
This page shows up the list of States added to the website. By default the page displays the
Approved records. The states are categorized based on their status Approved or
Approved Records – This page just shows the states that are approved
Disapproved records – This page just shows the states that are disapproved
Total records – This page shows both approved and disapproved records together.
Information displayed in this page are
Status of the state(Approved)
Country name
State name
Code for the state
Adml code
Hover the mouse over a State information to see the option to Edit and Delete the
More Actions drop down menu to delete, Approve, disapprove more than one state at
a time
Other than the above information there is an option to Search a State using keyword and
Add a State.
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure -23 States
Figure -23.1 States
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
This page shows up the list of countries added to the website. Information displayed in this
page are
Name of the country
FIPS 10-4 code - American National Standard Codes for the Representation of Names
of Countries, Dependencies, and Areas of Special Sovereignty for Information
Interchange. It is a two letter code.
ISO2, ISO3 and ISO n are International codes used to represent the names of countries.
prepared by the International Organization for Standardization.
ISO2- It is a Two letter country code
ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes are two-letter country codes defined in ISO 3166-1, part of the ISO
3166 standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), to
represent countries, dependent territories, and special areas of geographical interest.
ISO3- Three letter country code
ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 codes are three-letter country codes defined in ISO 3166-1, part of the
ISO 3166 standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), to
represent countries, dependent territories, and special areas of geographical interest. They
allow a better visual association between the codes and the country names than the two-letter
alpha-2 codes (the third set of codes are numeric and hence offers no visual association).
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure – 24 Countries
ISO n- Numeric code for countries
ISO n is a three-digit country codes which are identical to those developed and maintained by
the United Nations Statistics Division, with the advantage of script (writing system)
independence, and hence useful for people or systems using non-Latin scripts.
Internet - Two character codes used to identify countries on the internet.
Capital of the country
Map reference - Helps the people to identify the where the country is located. Most
probably the continent where the country located is given as map reference. Oceania
is the map reference given for the islands of southern, western, and central Pacific
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure -24.1 Add Country
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Nationality (Singular and plural)
Consider the country India the singular nationality is Indian and plural nationality is Indians
Currency used in the country and currency code
Hover the mouse over a country information to see the option to Edit and Delete the
More Actions drop down menu to delete more than one country
Other than the above information there is an option to search a country using keyword, Add a
This page displays the different Education level the users can choose while filling up their
Profile information
Option to Edit or Delete the status already present
Different levels of Education
Status of the Education level whether it is Active or not
The admin can add an Education level by clicking the add button
1. Click Add button and get redirected to Add Education
2. Enter the Education level
3. Enable the check box to make the status active
4. Click Add to add a new Education level
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure -25 Education
Figure -25.1 Add Education level
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
This page displays the different Employment status the users can choose while filling up their
Profile information
Option to Edit or Delete the status already present
Employment status
Status of the Employment status whether it is Active or not
The admin can add an income range by clicking the add button
1. Click Add button and get redirected to Add Employment
2. Enter the Employment status
3. Enable the check box to make the status active
4. Click Add to add a new Employment Status
Figure -26 Employments
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure -26.1 Add Employment
27Income Ranges
This page shows up the different income ranges the users can choose while filling up their
Profile information
Option to Edit or Delete the status already present
Income range
Status of the income range whether it is Active or not
The admin can add an income range by clicking the add button
1. Click Add button and get redirected to Add Income range page
2. Enter the Income Range
3. Enable the check box to make the status active
4. Click Add to add a new income range
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure -27 Income Ranges
Figure -27.1 Add Income Range
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
This page displays the different relationship status the users can choose while filling up their
Profile information
Option to Edit or Delete the status already present
Name of the relationship status
Status of the relationship whether it is Active or not
The admin can add a relationship status by clicking the add button
1. Click Add button and get redirected to Add Relationship page
2. Enter the relationship status
3. Enable the check box to make the status active
4. Click Add to add the new status
Figure -28 Relationship
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure – 28.1 Add Relationship
29MailChimp mailing lists
A list is created for each city in Mail Chimp and we can add(import) the users who subscribe
for a city to the list. Here the admin can update the list id created for the city so that the users
who subscribe for a city will be automatically added to the list.
Figure -29 Mail chimp List
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure -29.1 Add Mail Chimp List
This page lists the Genders which will show up in the user profile page for the users to
choose from the drop down menu.
Figure -30 Genders
31Privacy Types
Click Privacy Types in the masters menu to see the privacy types available for the users.
The admin can edit the privacy type available and cannot add or delete the privacy types. The
four available privacy types are Nobody, Friends, Users, Everyone.
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure -31 Privacy Types
Figure – 31.1 Edit Privacy type
32Deal Categories
This page shows up the deal categories added to the website and the date on which the
category is added
Admin can add a deal category by clicking the add button
1. Click add and get redirected to Add a deal category page
2. Enter the deal category and click add
Hover the mouse over a Category listed to see the Edit and Delete Option
Option to search a deal category by entering the key word
More actions drop down menu to delete more than one deal category at a time
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure -32 Deal Categories
Figure – 32.1 Add Deal Category
33Charity Categories
This page displays the list of Charity categories added to the website and number of charities
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
comes under one category.
Admin can add a charity category by clicking the add button
1. Click add and get redirected to Add a charity category page
2. Enter the category and click add
Hover the mouse over a Category listed to see the Edit and Delete Option
Option to search a charity category by entering the key word
More actions drop down menu to delete more than one charity category at a time
Figure -33 Charity Categories
Groupdeal Admin User Manual
Figure -33.1 Add Charity Category