Download none 98514 Instructions / Assembly

Seaside Summer Beach Cover
up with Visor
Simply Screen™ Paints - Fire Truck
Simply Screen™ Paints - Banana Peel
Simply Screen™ Paints - Oasis
Simply Screen™ Paints - Milk
Simply Screen™ Paints - Blue Hawaii
Simply Screen™ Paints – Orange Peel
Simply Screen™ Custom Silkscreen Kit
Simply Screen™ Custom Silkscreen Refill Kit
White beach cover-up and visor
¼" & ½" stencil brushes
Craft knife
Poster board
Transfer paper
Beginner Skill Level | 2 Hours Crafting Time
1. Find clipart you like online or create your own. Use with the Custom Silkcreen Kit,
following the package instructions to create your own silkscreen design.
2. Transfer circle pattern to poster board and cut out with craft knife. Cut two or three extra.
3. Referring to photo for color and placement, trace and paint circles on cover-up and visor.
4. Remove backer from silk screen stencils and position on cover-up and visor.
5. Let each design dry completely before placing another silkscreen on it to avoid smearing
the paint.
6. Referring to photo for color and placement, apply Butterfly Elements using stencil brush.
7. Blend Fire Truck and Milk to create pink.
8. Heat set paint following manufacturer's instructions.
Please read and follow all manufacturers’ instructions for all tools and materials used. Provide adult supervision if children participate in this
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Plaid Enterprises, Inc.disclaims any liability for untoward results.