Download Proel PRO100BK

Professional microphone stand with boom, tripod
die-cast aluminum base and nylon clutch-style
height adjustment.
Category: S ta ge E quipme nt » Pro e l » Me ta l s y s te m
Brand: PRO E L
Product Code: PRO 10 0 B K
O v e rv ie w
T e c hnic a l S p e c ific a tio ns
Base dimension: Ø 700 mm
Minimum height: 950 mm
Maximum height: 1600 mm
Weight: 3,3 kg
Avaiable colors: Matt black - PRO100BK / Chrome - PRO100CR
Boom length: 750 mm
Professional microphone stand with boom, tripod die-cast aluminum base,
aluminium die-cast upper joint and nylon clutch-style height adjustment. Available
in matt black (PRO100BK) and chrome plated (PRO100CR) finish. The secret of
this professional microphone stand series is to be found in the use of high tech
components. The highly functional design combined with the sturdy stand, allows
maximum reliability of usage. It features a die-cast aluminum boom swivel joint,
new nylon system height adjustment, protected and precise clutch-style
adjustment system; anti-skid natural rubber footcaps. All locks are protected by
scratchproof finish. Highly impactresistant. All parts are replaceable.
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Proel S. p. A.
Vi a al l a R uen i a 37/43
CAP 64027 - San t' Om ero (TE ) I TAL Y