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User manual for Timm Marine –
Equipment portal (Utstyrsportalen ) Express
1. Go to:, choose tab “Certificates” and press “Click here” button.
2. New window with log-on to Equipment portal (Utstyrsportalen) will open.
3. Change language (Språk) to “English”.
4. Enter your e-mail address as Username and click on “New user”. If you have forgotten your
password, click on “Forgot password”.
5. New password will be sent to your e-mail address.
6. The password you receive is a one-time password and must be changed on initial login. After you
have logged in for the first time (using the password you have been sent) the following dialogue
box will appear. Enter a new password and click on ”Change”.
7. You are now on “Front Page”, please go to “Main Page” where you can see all your documents
from your supplier:
8. To find your document, you can use the search field to filter out what
you are looking for. You can enter Order no., Serial no., Equipment
no, etc.
9. To open your document, please double-click on the row or click once and press the folder button
on the left at the top of the page.
For the sake of expediency 50 random documents
are shown in the list. Search and filter is used to
find the documents you want. To see all the
documents, press Show all
10. Functions in the list
If the search generates
more results than you
can view on the first
page, you can choose a
page here.
The number of rows shown per
page can be changed here. Your
screen size determines your
relevant options here.
Collapse all and Expand all.
Collapse and expand all grouping levels
Grouping off/ on turns off / on the grouping panel. Drag the column
sa Slå sammen alle og Utvid alle.
header you want to group to the panel. You can group as many
Slår sammen og utvider alle grupperingsnivåer.
levels as you3want.
mmen alle og Utvid alle.
Slår sammen og utvider alle grupperingsnivåer.
In the list you can sort the desired column by
clicking in the column in question. A black arrow
indicates according to which column the list has
been sorted and whether this is in ascending or
descending order.
11. If you experience problems using Express, please contact Onix support at e-mail address:
[email protected] or phone: +47-51 63 93 60. More information regarding user support can be
found under the “User support” button.