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{ w "r$r. Department of School & Mass Education, Govt. Of Odisha equipment/items are in proper condition for implementation of ICT lab with following details. IMPLEMENTATION PARTNER Please tick whichever is applicable lL&FS Education & Technology Services Ltd. Telecommunication Cosultants lndia Ltd School Name U DISE CODE a olJ Date L n B T village Block l( M Address D Name of Head Master/ H o District .q p T I q r D s r H U N A v T v R- LV + I p s D H P o K H A N U q 1 3 u) + T r g 5 5 R. Mistress(HM, HM Crntact No. Name of School C.oordinatol School Coordlnabr's Contact no. lmplemeEtation pattner's School Code Room Dimenslon (in feet, Sr, no. s q o I D r.ensth: f z r I 6 L T S H H D N B D s N T D J c 7o 4 L] \ 1 A4 3 o a ? I L1 & Gt o q N F t^l o o L I Z q o M A Y v 7 T t M o l+ H A + o 7 A N T q >+ 1 z 3 p T Pin: t+ lr€adth: o t+ L o 4 @ o V LC Speclll(,tlon & Serial ilo. I X85 A.chitecture 3.2 Ghz or higher processor wlth 4 dedicated cores, RAM 4GB or hither expandable to 16G8, S00 GB HDD, l9-inch or Hither LED Monitor, Built_in audio, 3(x, Watt Desktop Speaker, OVD Writer,l0/100/tqroBaseT Ethernet, lO4 Key Xeyboard and Optlcal Desktop Acer Make Mouse With at least 2 Free Full Heltht pct slots, I U Serial no. 4 f x L 5 6 5 7 1 J ! o L q b proc*ror wlth 4 dedlcated corcs, R tM 4GB o, hither ergandable to 16G8, 5(xl Gf HDq lglndt s Hl8fier tID Monltor, Bulh-ln audlo, :t(p Watt Desltop Speaker, DVD Writer,10/100/lqroBasGT Eth€rn.t, t0{ Xey Xeyboard and Optlcal X85 Architectur€ 3.2 Ghr or hlSher OesHop(Stand byl Acer Make Mous€ 1 Serial no. L r + D on. q A A h Y ? fuJ ,,*"*iT,.o", I o n H / t) @ 8 T H p I v 7 g 21 g wlth 1 5 a, Ph.! Tld( at least 2 Frce Full Hekht prct slots s 3 6 \5 T o L g D 5 q o(- d U OISE CODE Shared Cooputing Oevlce 2 N-computlng x 7 a 3 & ,6 1 Two Shared Computing Devlces per D€sktop. Multibox device which allows 6 use.s to ihare a slngle host PC through a share compmin8 pc-Sharing kit (whlch lhcludes one full het8ht pct Card, Virtualizatlon sofuare, access devlces wlth speaker output, pS/2 Mouse and PS/2 Keyboard output. SVGA Monltor output and RJ45 Conhection port. wlth 5 CAT6 cables (ea.h of 5 meters lentthl), powe. consumptlon of each access devlce should not exceed more than l-2watts. The .ccess devlce should be lntegrated wlth Host pC vla CAT 6 table with suppoft up to lomtr/32ft. Each user should have lndepehdent desltop environment. user experlence on shared teamlnal should be substantlally the same as on the host PC (Boot tlme, Lodn Exp.rten.e, Responslyene$ (Mouse, Keyboatd, appllcation start_up and executlonl, Graphl6/Multlmedla, toaout. S.rlal no. Pl.. llll the M M 1 2 3 M Y1 L @ Y B M M L & 6 tr 5 t'/l 6 ^ d/ M a ,l M M 7 a 1 A Y 6 s a g t<_ r .S a ol.) s 5 a il ol./ o Y @ a 6 \ @ L L 6 Y o\ L. x. K s s q a I \ d- 10 M L2 I IrE & @ "1 T o Y & t o \ a 4 c tj adM L x \< s s & L c ol! A ol/ o M c x o d./ I D q t< s s & L A el,/ \ 6 o g E M M L x K s s & L a o 3 q 9r a Y olJ 6 Web c.m 3 -a.J N M L x K 5 .5 M Y a 9 11 3 Y L 14 (- L S 5 v1 A, x K 3 .9 L a o\ elr/ n T L x t< I s 3 L o L Y A I q @ 5 a dt/ 3 q & t_ L o s 3 t<- Y q \,t L x L 6 a @ Y M y) 6 MonltoB o L 3 s tr L o / \ D 7 J.) @ no.s of all the 12 v tu 6 Y M L x K b s 6 4 M M A @ a) L2 r E a al! s.rl.l x K s o @ 5 L g lvl 4 ma lzebronlc I g/ u) lr.,_-- I q a 19-lnch or hlgher LED Monttor wlth stadc contEst 1OOOI1, resolutlon of 1rl4o x 9OO and VGA connedlvlty wlth mat black ftnlsh, brtthtnes. Z5O cd/mz, ylewlng .nale 17O d.are€s/ 16(, d.tres (horhontal/vertlEl), wall mounttng port VDt, wlth t^,lndows Certlfletton wlth EPEAT GOLD / TCO / Star Cenlfletlon Monltor 5 o ,\. o 0r t4 \ 11 I I 3 1 Y 3 1 t4 3 Y 3 Ll L ! L q 3 1 4 t1 a Y 3 vl 3 q 6 Y 14 3 q 4 reduction 5 He.dphooes 40 Headphone wlth Mic 7 Headphone Share. 10 s-Way 3.s-mm Headphone Splitter V' t/ t " '' *a uDtiEcoDE + & 7 I 3 ,O 5 1 o er Plear. Tick Projection System: DtP Technology; Brightness: 2500-ANSI tumens (Short Throw) Resolution: SVGA (8fi),600); Conkast Ratio: 2500:1 lntegrated Computer Projector 1 X-YAN Computer System : X66 architecture, 3.2GHz or higher with 4 dedicated Cores, Minimum 4MB L3 Cachg Compatible chipset with HD graphics, 4GB OOR3 RAM expandable to lG GB, 500 GB Serial SATA ll 7200 RPM HDD, Optical Drive DVD RW, Wireless Keyboard & optical Scroll Mouse. OS: DOS; lnput: PS/2 Mouse & Xeyboard, RF -in for W, USB ports, Microphone in; Output : lnternal 30 s,atts Audio Output, IAN: 1x Gbps [AN, lntegrated analogue cable W tuner. L Serial no- >lcalclzl6lo 3 Active Size: Minlmum 77" dlagonal Active Area: Minlmum adive area 155 cm W a 1) L L r 5 o Ple.eTkk r 117cm H Resolution: Oigitizing resolution is approximately 32767 x 32767 Aspect Ratio: 4:3.Board Surfece; Durable Hardroat€d steel surface, optimired fq prorection, maintenance fr€e, compatible with dry{rase marlerc and easily cleaned with whiteboard cleaner or lsopropyl alcohol (lPAl,Operatlnt System: Wlndows Xp Sp3, Wlndows Vista. Sp2 or Wlndows 7 operating system and Linux,Writing T@ls: Both linger and pen touch without any special tools, supports multi touch and use of non mechanlcal and battery free obiects. power Options: power consumption is les than 0.5 W (100 mA at 5 V). Must obtain power from th. computer through the USB cable for Windows. and Linux. computers. Technology: Touch technology. ilo interference from Electromagnetic sources/sunlight and oth€r external lnfl uences Data Ports: 12 Mblt /s U58 connection {full-speed USB 1.1 or USB 2.0}. Storag€: Sayint o files in lnteractive White Eoard Smart 1 Pc,Software: Must include a complete version ofthe s'hite boardint software application on a CD or DvD. software must also be available online for download. Users must be able to access the software without havint to register for an online community. Software must be available for update yia a product updating seruice that can automatielly scan for new updates and alert ue6 to their avallability. Must support wlndows'/ tinur'operating rystems.should have lnteractlve featurcs palm tourh, image gallery image enlarge; snap shots, recordint lectures, reveal option, focus to llle and facilitate teachers to create new cont€nt and manate and deliver other content .Must s!pply an appli.aHon for remote collaboration to wo.k on the same content simultaneously and wilte dlr€ctly lnto each othe/s documenb. Mlnlmum 100 to maxlmum 5OO us€r can concurrently use the facility.Accessorles: Stylus/ Pens, USB C.ble,so,ft*are CD, user manual etc. to be a pan otstandard supply. Warranty: 5 yea6 warranty. s Serial no, Multi Function Printer l0 I HP Brand B v1 o L g 1- o e 5 Mode: Up to 18 ppm, Print technology: Laser, print quality black (bestl: Up to 600 r 600 dpi (1ZOO dpi effectivel, Dlsplay: at least z-line LCD, Processor speed: Minimum 4{D MHz, Connectivity, standard: Hi.Speed USB 2.0 port, 10/100Base-T Ethemet network port, R -11 Telephone port, Duplex printint: Automatic Scanner type: tlatbed, ADF, Scan file format: JPEG, TIF (compressed (Pls. tick) Ricoh c N € g Serial no. G F r line .!r, 1 ( 3 H UPS temp€rature: 1 0 a dJ Serial no. to 50 degrees celcius,noise level: as per the tovemment norms. output: pure a 7 I 16 Port Unmanagable GlcABlT swltch Networklng wlth B 6 CAT-6 Mutll fucntlon prlnteE, PrcJectlon systrm. b- € 5 L2 Serlat no. Fire Extlnguishe. t1 I L I I 1, + @ bt- il D o *a w r ebltng (tn eslng epln3t for ell the nodes, b & @ L g g Portable Carbon Dioide Handheld fire extinguishers as per tS specification 1 Expiry Date &Ilct sine wave output K 13 n Pure sine wave, Efficiencl 90 % or better on rated full load, lnput power factor > 0,90, Battery type : Sealed. Maintenance tree, Micro Controller Based Double Conversion Online UPS and Gbling. With DG Set compatibilities, frequency rante 50+/- G96 hertt, operatinS Delta 11 q Pl..s Tkl ISO 9001 Certified. Online UPS of 2KVA with 30 minutes power backup, Output Wave Form On g.' I UJ a A. t U DISE CODE 7 3lO l,glc,t ..1 & SKVA (l Phase S€!ryo Mot( ,r Opereted ti..e Voltage Co.rectorl , lnput Rantei : ,ov-270v (Singre Phasel, Mlountint: On Wheels. Output rante:22o|,12?t 0vl24ov stnde rhase Seryo Stabllize. ladiustable), eadthing terrninals, overload cutoft, output protr aqtion th.ough rahge:5O+/- 3% Ihertz. OpiEretint temperature: 0 to 50 degre( ts celsius. Protect 74 L Serial no. it L is le 7 lCB, Frequency g I Silent Generatol set champ rso 9(X)1 Centfled, Minimum 3 ,(VA petrcl/Olesel based silent Benerator set with Safe Cabling.nd tnstallation 15 I Seaial nc. iT t1 3 lnitial meter reading of the EI o o L ZITTTIo Sllent Generator Set 5a, t EarthinS (as pe. lS specitications) Coppcr plate earthint statlons making earthlng wtth copper earth plate 1A LiBhtlng (tst mark) l9 Wall mounted t.ns (tSt marki 2 20 Exhaust fans (tSt mark) 2 15 Ceiling 4 / tlolll, Tube Ll3ht wlth Elect.ontc Choke (tst markl 4t" blade wlth regulator, 3 Blade lndietive B.ands: philips,/ Wlp.o/ Usha /Crompton Greaves /Khaltan /Baiaj/ Havells 3OOmm 5weep, 45 Watts, Speed 1330 RpM lndicative Brands: phtltps / Wipro/ Ush./C.o6pton Greaves /Khairan /Baiaj Havells / 15 5 15 Switches and sockets (tst \/ 2 ln A- 240 V swltches I 5A and 15A Sckets Mark| 2 15 A - 2AO V socket wlth shutter lndlcative Erandsi - Anchor / Havells / craht ee lwipro lphilltps / Leg.and Switches and sockets is to be provided for all electronics/lT equipments lncluding printer and P.ojectlon System to be placed at lab technician tible. 22 Computer Table 2t Chal. Uma Plastlc/Modema 24 Electaical metet Inltlal readlng 13 Dimensiotrs Width 12qtmm x Depth 6{X)mm x Hetght TSOmm 18mm pre laminated particle boardcontormlng tS: 12823. p.etreated & powdeicoated steel frame, G@d quallty iVC edge bendin-tto bc provided on pre laminated boa.d. l\lo Sharp co.ne6, smooth edges are esentlal. LEts frame made of 1.5 inch square plpe, 16 tauger. Table rests on quality glide screws. Full length footrest ls to be provlded. one 65mm dlameter hole tood ior drawing €bles ls to be provided , thls hole has to be cdered wlth steel cover Good quality teles@pic slider alont wlthtull width keyboard wlth 3ocm projected depth panel, keyboard free space is 10 cm. Table muit have a modesty panel ot 2OOmm height to be provided.End caps to be provided. ATFMA Certifled 41 Armless Moulded ChaiE, Crcam colout; lsstandard Compliant \./ 5?J The surface of Wall and Celllnt to be painted, shall be prepared to the saflsfaction of OKCL i/ OMSM and shall be ;pdied with 2 coats of primer and then with Z coats o, dlstemper paint of standa.d make as approved by OI(CL / OMSM. 25 PaintinS 26 Lab Cleanliness Kit 27 Curtains Full lab 2A Wall Clock I lsl Marlq Wall Clock 29 Notice Board I sleet x 3teet, P/F 15 thk plnup board wtth fabrlc wrapped ail around 30 White Board 1 4 ftx3 I set \.- Dusting cloth, hand held vacuum cleaner, Dust cloth covers ror all the lT equipments and one f@t mat 'o malntain proper da.kness ln the Lab / Classroom durlnt proJecilon \-/ ft mlnimum 18mm thickness white board L- "' Please note that signatures are mandetory on all the sheets. ?.