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,&. .t w Department of School & Mass Education, Govt. Of Odisha c((i in 4000 Govt. & Govt. aided Schoots of Odisha This is to certify that the following items/Human Resources have been duly delivered and installed/deployed in our school and all equipment/items are in proper condition for implementation of lcT lab with following details. IMPLEMFNTATION DADYiIED Telecommunicatinn Cn<r rltentc J- U DISE CODE I v o 2 .D D H 0 o L A P A 'r N A T N A H A b U S L H D R Gt L 7 L T Village t3 H A Block B A District K H 0 R A T / P 0 Address l{ame of Head Mister/ Ml3t,€${HMl llo. Name of SclDol Cootdinator School Coordlnator's Contact no, lmplementadon p.itner's school Code Room Dimenrlon (ln Sr. no. ftet) P D S A B A 1 0 2_ I w N q t, A R U A T K c H b B I T ,{ 4 q Y Ll 3 1 0 D P A I ) 3 -r + + li. + -7 z lo z 3l-lKlH Item Make & Model 5 L I 0 Lt I -f H '-L P A 0 3 H 1. T N A I 0 7 5 L T, P A 2 T T N J + AJ 4 Z q zI , R Breadth: r;l N L L 0 o st, 4 2) Length: R A 2- N A Pin: A HM Cortact 7 , I o Date School Name Ptease tick whichever is applicable V lL&FS Education & Technology Services Ltd. 0 Phe lld 20 ,l.&Ild Speclficatlon & Serial No. x85 Architecture 3.2 Ghz or higher processor wtth 4 dedio,"O ,,rn", e,pandlble to IEGB, S0O 68 HDD, lg-inch o. Hither LEO Monitor, Buih-in audio, 3q, Watt Desktop Speaker, DVD Writer,10/1fl!/1q)0BaseT, lO4 Xey Keyboard and Optlcal Mouse wlth at least 2 Free Full Helght pcl slots, .or"lIf ** Oeslcop Acer Male 1 x 7 q U Serial no. V I 5 Ll 5 6 S a 0 I q D 5 x85 Arthrtectrc 3.2 Glrz or hrSher prcccssor whh 4 dedrcated co'cs, R lM /tcB 4 hither ereandable to IBGE, Sm Gr HDD, 1}tndr or H@er tED Monltor, Bulh.ln audlo, :m Watr Desktop Sp€aker, DVD Wrhor,t0/1{D/ltXXtB.sGT Erhcrnlt,1O.l KGy l(Gy,board and Oprtcal Moirse wlth at Z Frce Rrll HeEht FCl slob Desktop(Stand byl Acer Make I U x V ? 5 S a Ll 5 Sedal no. 7 B 8 0 I 8 .D z r|.end 52 2 U DISE CODE Shared Computing Devlce N-computlng ) I I o L 0 z z o 4 q t4 Two shared computinE Devices per oesktop. Multibox device which allows 6 users to share a single host Pc throuBh a share computing PC-Sharlnt klt (whlch lnclude3 ohe full helaht PCI Card, Virtualiration software, access devices wlth speaker output, PS/z Mouse and PS/2 Keybo.rd output. SVGA Monltor output and RJ45 Connectlon Port. wlth 5 CATS cables {ea(h of 5 mete15 length}}, Power consumptlon of each ace55 devlce should not exceed more than 1-2waG. The acce$ devlce should be lntegrat€d wlth Ho3t PC via CAT 5 cable wlth suppon up to 1omt./32ft. Each user should have lndependent desktop environment- User €xperience on shared termlnal should be subfantlally the same as on the ho3t FC (Soot tlm€, Lo8lh Etperlence, Rasponslvcness (Mou3e. Keybos?d, aPpllcatlon stan-up and executlon), Graphl6/Multimedia, Loaout, 2 lglnch or hlther LED Monltor wlth rEtlc contnst l(XX):1, r.solutlon of 144(l x !r(X, and VGA connectlvlty wlth matt black finish, brlahtncts 25O cd/m2, vlewln! anglc 17O dcgrGes/ 160 deSrees (, w.ll mountlnt port VDl, wlth wlndffi Certlfletlon wlth EPEAT GOLD / TCO / Star Certifi€tlon Monltor Serlal ho, Pls. I 2 0 E L Y 7 2 b q m 0 n L v b rv1 m r4 3 e A rl L m 0 m 0 5 L2 ,Yt 6 0 0 m a 0 n 10 11 L2 6 I I g I I 0 0 t t4 t4 t4 I 0 0 I tt Z tt Ll I 0 0 I q t4 I 0 5 I I L4 I o 0 L4 5 I 0 0 I b I 6 L x g tr F n L x B b 0 n4 v I B K F 33 z K S S 5 b L 3 g 0 0 0 b 5 B 5 L Y L g 3 0 b 0 2 fi m L x 5 I I I I 0 o I 5 t 0 K S B E v S .L o 0 I 6 S 0 , t 0 A m ,n L Y o g 7 B 3 E B q Z v Z q 5 tl 7 q Y t, Z Y 5 (, 7 Y 5 q 7 r1 v Ll B o g Z o t/ \.1 Y 5 0 A ln m L 0 Y b 9 Y 3 3 I 5 0 m rrl 7 7 g MonltoE no.s of all the 12 7 e ? 5 L Y b 3 s ,vl E 7 q 0 I b L Y K 5 3 T4 s r- E C q L n L Y 6 I 3 0 E 4 flll the s.rlal b v 7 t1 tl tl 5 Z Y Ll q c tt tl Web cam 5 m* lzebrontc I \y' *) Iwlpro I 1 ("t reductlon 6 Headphones 40 Headphone with Mlc 7 Headphone 10 5-way 3.s-mm Headphone Splitter ,t.;2o L U DISE CODE I I SPecification: lntegrated Computet Projector o 7 z z o L o 5 Proiection System: DIP Technology; Brightness: 25OO-ANS| !umens (Short Throw] Resolution: SVGA (800x600); Contrast Ratiol 25OO:1 Computer System : X85 architecture, 3.2GHz or higher with 4 dedicated Cores, Minimum 4MB [3 Cachg Compatible chipset with HD traphics, 4GB DDR3 RAM expandable to 1O GB, 1 -; 500 GB Serial SATA ll 7200 RpM HDD, Optical Drive DVO RW, Wireless Keyboard & optical Scroll Mouse. OS: DOS; lnput: pS/2 Mouse & Keyboard, RF -in for W, USB ports, Microphone in; Output : lnternal 30 watts Audio Output, LANt lx Gbps [AN, lntetrated analogue cable W tuner. K-YAN Serlal no. t v L I c? I cl= ttlD I 2 o J. lActlve Size; Mlnlmum 77'diagonal Area: Minimum active area 156 cm W x 117cm H Reloluiion: Dititizint resolution is lAdlve approximately 32767 x 327 6t I , Pleaselck I Ratlo: 4:3.Board Surface: Durable Hard-coated ste€l surface, optimired for prorectlon, free, compatibl€ with dry{rase marlers and easily cleaned with whiteboard cl€aner or lmaintenanc€ alcohol {lPA},Operating System: Windows Xp Sp3, Windows Vista. Sp2 or Windows 7 llsopropyl operatint system and linux,Writint Tools: Both fing€r and pen touch without any special tools, supports multl touch and use of non mechanical and battery free objects. power options: power lAspest consumptlon is less than 0.5 w (100 mA at 5 vl. Must obtain power from the comput€r throuth the ,/ USB cable for windows' and Linur' computers. Technoloty: Touch technology. No interference from Electromagnetlc sources/sunlight and other extemal infl uerces Data Ports: 12 Mbit /s USB connection (full-sp€ed usB r.l or usB z.ol. storate: saving offiles in lmeractive White Board Smart 1 Pc,software: Must include a complete veBion of th€ white boarding software application on a cD or DvD' software must also be available online for download. Users must be able to access the software without having to register for an online community. software must be available for update via a product updatint seilice that 6n automatically scan for new updates and alert us€E to thei? avallabllity. Must support whdffi'/ Linux. operatlng systems.Should have interactlve f€atures llke palm touch, image gallery, imate enlaEe; snap shots, recording lectures, reveal option, focus to sp€clflc part of content, zmm etc. Must suppry additronar softwar€ to colaborat€ externar content and facilitate teacheE to crcate new content and manage and deliver other content .Must supply an application for remote collaboration to work on the same content simultaneously and wrlt€ directly into each othe/s documents. Mlnlmum IOO to maxlmum 5@ user en concurrently us€ the tacility-Accessories: sqrlus/ PeiE, usB€, software cD, user manual etc. to be a part of standafd supply. Warranty: 5 yeers warranty. g Serial no. Multi Function Printer 10 Brand {Pk. HP If 1 ti.k) B q g 0 C 2 o 6 -z- B Mode: Up to 18 ppm, print technology: Laser, print quality black (bestl: Up to 600 x 600 dpi (1200 dpi effectivel, Display: it least 2-line tCD, Processor speed: Minimum tl{t0 MHz, Connectivity, standard: Hi-Speed US&Z.O port, 10/100Base-T Ethernet network pott, RJ-U Telephone port, Duplex p.inting: Automatic Scanner type: Flatbed, ADF, Scan file format: JpEG, TIF (compressed and uncompressed), PDF, GlF, BMp, SGan resolution, optical: Up to 1200{pi, Ceftified by lDC. q L ; Ricoh c Serial no. ISO N F % tr s g C v 3 9(x)1 Certified. Online UPS of 2KVA with 30 minutes power backup, Output Wave Form - Pure sine wave, Efficiency 90 % or better on rated full load, lnput power factor > 0.90, On Line UPS Eattery type : sealed. Maintenance Free, Micro controller Based Double convercion online and Cabling. With DG set compatibilities, frequency range 50+/- O% hertu, operating Delta UPS 1 I Serial no, & 3 5 L2 Serlal no- Fire Extlnguisher I 5 B 0 H l o cblnt 2 f 2 o 7 0 a e o q H ? (in €srng Gprngl fo. a[ the noder, B 0 0 0 Portable Carbon Oioxide Handheld fire extinguishers as per tS sp€cification 1 Expiry Date 2 S 16 Port unmanagable clGABrr swrtch wrth car-6 Mutll fucntlon prlnteE, ProJectlon system. Networking 13 temperature: 0 to 50 degrees celcius,noise level: as per the tovernment norms. output: pure sine waye output "+ 4 r B I z 5(VA (l Phase Seruo Motor Operated Lifle Voltage Corrector), lnput Rante: : 5OV-27OV (Singre Phase), Mounting: On Wheels. Output ranSe: 22o^tl23'OVl24ov sinde phase (adjustable), earthing terminalr, overload cutoff, output proteqtion th.ough MCB, Ftequency ranget 5O+/- 3% hertr. Operatlng temperature: O to 50 degrees celsius. tso 9oo1 cefrlfaed, Mtnimum 3 KVA petrol/Dlesel based rllent teneaator set with Safe y>v o 000 plate earthlng st tlonr making earthlng wlth copper e.rth plate Tube Light wiih Electronic Choke (lSl mark) ceilint / Wall mounted tans (lsl blade with retulator, 3 Slade lndlotlye Brands: Phlllps / Wipro/ Usha m.rkl sweep, 45 Watts, Speed 1330 RPM Brands: Philips / t,vlpro/ Usha /Crompton Greaves /Khaitan ,rBajaj 5 / Hevells A- 24O V swltcher 2 ln 1 5A and 15A Sockets Swltches and sock?ts (lsl Markl 15 A - 24O V socket wlth shutte. lndicative Brands: - Anchor / Havells / crabtree /lll,ipro /phillips / Legrand and sockets ls to be provlded for all electronics/lT equlpments including prlnter and Projectlon System to be placed at lab techniclan table. Computer Table Taipuria Dlmensions Width 12OOmm x Depth 6o9mm x Helght 75omm 18mm pre laminated particle board conformlng lS: 12823. P.etreated & powder coated steel frame. G@d qu.llty pVC edge bendint to be provlded on pe lamlnated board. No Sha.p corne.s, smooth edgei are essentlal. Legs frame made of 1.5 inch square plp€, 16 gauger. Table rests on good quality glide screws. Full lentth footrest is to be provided. One 55mm diameter hole for drawing Is to be provlded , thii hole has to be coyered with steel cover Good quality telescopi( alon8 wlth tull width keyboa.d wlth 3ocm proJected depth panel, keyboard free ls 10 cm. Table must have a modesty panel of 2OOmm hetght to be p.ovlded.End caps to be provlded. BIFMA Certlfied Moulded ChalE, Crcam coloui tstandard Compllant q-g surtace of Wall and Celllng to be palnted, shall be prcpa.ed to the satlslaction of OKCI / and shall be applied with 2 coats of prlmer and th€n with 2 coats of diJtemper paint of standa.d make as approved by OKCL / OMSM. Dustint cloth, hand held vacuum cleaner, Dust cloth covers for all the lT equlpmehtr and one F@t mat To maintain proper darktress in the Lab / Classroom durlng Projection 5leet x 3feet, P/F 15 thk Plnup board wlth fabrlc wrapped all around 4 ftx3 tt minimum l8mm thlcknessu'hlte board 'r'Please ?b.s ro are mandetory on all the sheets of School Head Master/Mistress with Seal