Download Bravetti EP558 User's Manual

Stick Blender/Chopper
Use and Care Instructions
Model EP558
120 V~, 60Hz, 350 Watts
Please insert picture of unit
Read These Instructions Before Use
When using electrical appliances, basic safety precautions should always be followed,
including the following:
1. Read all instructions before using the appliance.
2. To protect against risk of electrical shock, do not immerse cord, plug or unit (body of
mixer) in water or other liquid.
3. Do not allow use by children. Care should be taken when appliance is used near
4. Unplug appliance from outlet when not in use, before putting on or taking off
accessories, and before cleaning.
5. Avoid contact with moving parts at all times. Keep hands, hair, clothing, as well as
spatulas and other utensils away from blender during operation to prevent risk of
personal injury and/or damage to the appliance.
6. Do not operate any appliance with a damaged cord or plug or after the appliance
malfunctions, or is dropped or damaged in any manner. Return appliance to
EURO-PRO Corp. for examination, repair or electric or mechanical adjustment.
7. The use of attachments not recommended or sold by EURO-PRO Corporation may
cause fire, electrical shock or risk of personal injury.
8. Do not use outdoors.
9. Do not let cord hang over edge of table or counter or touch hot surfaces, including
the stove.
10. To avoid injury by accidentally switching on the appliance when changing the
chopper, or hand blender attachment, always unplug the appliance before
assembling or disassembling. Remove hand blender and chopper
attachments from motor power pack before cleaning.
12. Do not use appliance for other than intended use.
13. Exercise extreme caution when blending hot liquids. Use a tall open container to
allow steam to escape and avoid spillage or make small quantities at a time to
reduce spillage.
14. To avoid burns, place the Stick Blender attachment first in the food to be beaten
or chopped, then press the start button. Always release button before removing
Stick Blender from the food.
15. Keep hands and utensils out of the container while blending to prevent the
possibility of severe personal injury or damage to the unit. A spatula may be
used but must be used only when the unit is not running.
16. Blades are sharp, handle carefully. When handling the chopper blade, always hold
it by the plastic hub.
17. Make sure that the chopper cover is secured in place before operating appliance.
18. Do not place the beaker in a microwave oven.
This appliance has a polarized plug (one blade is wider than the other). To reduce the
risk of electrical shock, this plug will fit in a polarized outlet only one way. If the plug
does not fit fully in the outlet, reverse the plug. If it still does not fit, contact a qualified
electrician. Do not modify the plug in any way.
Rev. 07/01C
The Bravetti
Do It All 2
Stick Blender/Chopper
The Bravetti Do It All Stick Blender/Chopper is an indispensable kitchen tool
for blending, chopping, mixing or pureeing when preparing your favorite recipes.
The interchangeable accessories and attachments that come with your Bravetti
Do It All Stick Blender/Chopper are powered by a high efficiency 350 Watt
Power Pack. For best results, be sure to carefully read all of the information
contained in this book before using this appliance.
350 Watt Power Pack
The 350 Watt Power Pack operates on 120V~, 60Hz. electrical power. Never
allow the power pack to become wet when plugged into an electrical outlet.
Warning: The power pack should never be immersed in water.
Caution: Make sure that the power pack is unplugged from power
source before attaching or removing any accessory.
To use the power pack with any of the Bravetti Do It All Stick Blender/Chopper
accessories, place it on the attachment shaft aligning the arrows on the power
pack and accessories to be used and turn it counterclockwise 90º until the
arrow on the power pack aligns with the square. To remove the power pack,
turn it clockwise.
To operate the Power Pack, press on the gray switch located on the top of the
unit. The Power Pack will stop operating when you remove your finger from the
Variable Speed Control
There is a variable speed control located at the top of the power pack. To vary
the speed of your Do It All Stick Blender/Chopper rotate the round knob
portion of the power pack. From the low setting turn the variable speed control
clockwise to increase speed and counterclockwise to reduce speed.
O N E (1 ) Y E A R L IM IT E D W A R R A N T Y
E U R O -P R O C O R P O R A T IO N w a rra n ts th is p rod u ct to b e fre e fro m d e fe cts in m a te ria l a n d
w o rkm a n sh ip fo r a p e rio d o f o n e (1 ) ye a r fro m th e d a te o f p u rch a se w h e n u tilize d fo r n o rm a l
h o u se h o ld u se .
If yo u r a p p lia n ce fa ils to o p e ra te p ro p e rly w h ile in u se u n d e r n o rm a l h o u se h old co n d itio n s
w ith in th e w a rra nty p e rio d , re tu rn th e co m p le te a p p lia n ce a n d a cce sso rie s, fre ig h t p re p a id
to : E U R O -P R O . C a ll cu sto m e r se rvice a t 1 (8 0 0) 7 9 8 -7 3 9 8 .
If th e a p p lia n ce is fo u n d b y E U R O -P R O to b e de fe ctive in m a te ria l o r w o rkm an sh ip , E U R O P R O w ill re p a ir or re p la ce it fre e o f ch a rg e . P ro o f o f p u rch a se d a te a n d $ 9 .95 to co ve r th e
co st o f re tu rn sh ip p in g a n d h a n d lin g m u st b e inclu d e d .*
T h e lia b ility o f E U R O -P R O C o rp o ra tio n is lim ite d so le ly to th e co st o f th e re p a ir o r
re p la ce m e n t o f th e u n it a t o u r o p tio n . T h is w arra n ty d o e s n o t co ve r n o rm a l w e a r o f p a rts
a n d d o e s n o t ap p ly to a n y u n it th a t h a s b ee n ta m p e re d w ith o r u se d for co m m e rcia l
p u rp o se s. T h is lim ite d w a rra n ty d o e s n o t co ve r d a m a g e ca u se d b y m isu se , a b u se ,
n e g lig e n t h a n d ling o r d a m a g e d u e to fa u lty p a cka g in g o r m ish a n d lin g in tra n sit.
T h is w a rra n ty is e xte n d e d to th e o rig in a l p u rcha se r o f th e u n it a n d e xclu d e s a ll o th e r le g a l
a n d /o r co n ve n tion a l w a rra n tie s. T h e re sp o n sib ility o f E U R O -P R O C o rp o ratio n if a n y, is
lim ite d to th e spe cific o b lig a tio n s e xp re ssly a ssu m e d b y it u n d e r th e te rm s o f th e lim ite d
w a rra n ty. In n o e ve n t is E U R O -P R O C o rp o ra tio n lia b le fo r in cid e n ta l o r co n se q u e n tia l
d a m a g e s o f a n y n a tu re w h a tso e ve r. S o m e sta te s d o n o t p e rm it th e e xclu sio n or lim ita tio n o f
in cid e n ta l o r co nse q u e n tia l d a m a g e s, so th e a bo ve m a y n o t a p p ly to yo u .
T h is w a rra n ty g ive s yo u sp e cific le g a l rig h ts, a nd yo u m a y a lso h a ve o th e r rig hts w h ich va ry
fro m sta te to sta te .
*Im p o rta n t: C a re fu lly p a c k ite m to a vo id d a m a g e in s h ip p in g . B e s u re to in c lu d e p ro o f
o f p u rc h a s e d ate a n d to a tta c h ta g to ite m b e fo re p a c k in g w ith yo u r n a m e , c o m p le te
a d d re s s a n d p ho n e n u m b e r w ith a n o te g ivin g p u rc h a s e in fo rm a tio n , m o d e l n u m b e r
a n d w h a t yo u b e lie ve is th e p ro b le m w ith ite m . W e re c o m m e n d you in s u re th e
p a c k a g e (a s d am a g e in s h ip p in g is n o t c o ve re d b y yo u r w a rra n ty). M a rk th e o u ts id e
o f yo u r p a c k a g e “AT T E N T IO N C U S T O M E R S E R V IC E ”.
Care and Cleanup
Always disconnect unit from power source before cleaning.
Caution: Never immerse the power pack, cord, or plug in water.
Stick Blender Attachment
Caution - Blade is sharp. Detach Stick Blender from power pack and wash
with warm soapy water. Do not use any sharp pointed objects to clean residues
from under the blade.
Food Chopper Attachment
Caution - Blades are sharp. Use extreme caution when handling the blade,
always hold it by the plastic hub. Do not immerse the cover and gear box in
To store the unit, do not wrap cord around the power pack. Coil cord loosely
and use a twist tie to secure it in large loops.
P le a se fill o u t an d m a il th e p ro d u ct re g istra tio n ca rd w ith in te n (1 0 ) d a ys of p u rch a se in
o rd e r to va lid a te th e fo re g o in g L im ite d W a rra nty. T h e re g istra tio n w ill e n a b le u s to co n ta ct
yo u in th e u n like ly e ve n t o f a p ro d u ct sa fety n o tifica tio n . B y re tu rn in g th is ca rd yo u
a ckn o w le d g e to h a ve re a d a n d u n d e rsto o d the in stru ctio n s fo r u se , a n d w a rn in g s se t fo rth
in th e a cco m p a nyin g in stru ctio n s.
R E T U R N T O E U R O -P R O C O R P O R AT IO N , B o sto n , M A 02465
Ap p lia n c e m o d el
D a te p u rc h a s e d
O w n e r’s n a m e
Ad d re s s
To clean the power pack, processor cover/gear box, wipe off with a clean, damp
kitchen cloth. Towel dry.
N a m e o f s to re
Printed in China
C ity
S ta te
Z ip C o d e
Multi-Mixer Assembly & Use
Caution: Ensure that the appliance is unplugged from the electrical
power source before changing attachments.
Mixer Gear Box (14)
• To attach the mixer gear box (14) to the Power Pack (1), line up arrows on the
Power Pack and Mixer Gear Box.
• Push Power Pack onto Mixer Gear Box until seated.
• Then while grasping Mixer Gear Box rotate it 90º clockwise until the arrow on
the Power Pack aligns with the “Square” on the Mixer Gear Box.
• To disassemble Mixer Gear Box and Power Pack rotate Mixer Gear Box 90º
Food Chopper Attachment
Caution - Blades are sharp. Use extreme caution when handling the
blade, always hold it by the plastic hub. Do not immerse the cover and
gear box in water.
To store the unit, do not wrap cord around the power pack. Coil cord loosely
and use a twist tie to secure it in large loops.
To clean the power pack, processor cover/gear box, wipe off with a clean,
damp kitchen cloth. Towel dry.
Ice Crusher Attachment
Select the desired attachment, either the Dough Hooks (17) or Mixing Beaters
(16) and assemble to Mixer Gear Box (14) as noted below:
Caution - Blades are sharp. Use extreme caution when handling the
blade, always hold it by the plastic hub. Do not immerse Power Pack in
water or any other liquid.
Ensure that the gear box and blade assembly is well seated before turning
the unit on to chop ice. Hold appliance with BOTH hands when chopping
Caution - Unplug appliance before changing accessories or cleaning.
Dough Hooks (17)
For use with light dough ONLY.
• Insert stem end of dough hooks (one at a time) into opening in base of
Mixer Gear Box (14). Insert the dough hook with the metal ring on the shaft
into the larger of the two holes in the mixer gear box. The metal ring must be
seated below the surface of the gear box.
• Rotate slightly while pressing gently until dough hook “Clicks” into place.
• Repeat for second dough hook.
• Ensure that dough hooks are well seated in Mixer Gear Box.
B) Wire Whisk (15)
This attachment is used for beating air into mixtures such as egg whites, yolks
or creams..
• To install, place stem of Wire Whisk into either of the openings in the Mixer
Gear Box.
• Rotate Wire Whisk while pushing gently until Wire Whisk “Clicks” into place.
• Ensure that Wire Whisk is well seated in Mixer Gear Box.
C) Wire Beaters (16)
Ice Crusher Assembly and Use
• Place the blade support (7) into the tall ice crusher bowl (5). Then place the
Ice Crusher Blade (13) over the blade shaft.
• Assemble the Chopper Gear Box (8) as you would for the Chopping
Attachment. (See page 5.)
• Place ice cubes to be crushed into bowl.
Note: Recommended size of ice cubes is 1 1/4” x 1” x 3/4”. Do not crush
more than 10 oz. of ice cubes at a time.
Warning: This appliance is intended for intermittent use. When crushing
ice, use only bursts of 4 seconds each. Run time not to exceed
15 seconds before allowing unit to cool down.
Caution: Hold both the bowl/gear box and power pack when chopping
ice. Don’t hold appliance by the power pack only.
Follow the same installation procedure for the Wire Beaters as detailed for the
Dough Hooks above.
Wall Bracket
Main Components
1 - 350 Watt Power Pack
2 - Operating Switch
3 - Stick Blender
4 - Wall Bracket
5 - Ice Crusher Bowl
6 - Plastic Whisk
7 - Blade Support
8 - Chopper Gear Box
9 - Chopper Blade
10 - Chopping Bowl
11 - Chopping Bowl Cover
12 - Ice Crusher Bowl Cover
13 - Ice Crusher Blade
14 - Mixer Gear Box
15 - Wire Whisk
16 - Wire Beaters
17 - Dough Hooks
18 - Frothier
A wall bracket (4) is provided with your Bravetti Do It All Stick Blender/
Chopper. Install the wall bracket in any convenient location using the wall
anchors and screws (included). The Power Pack with or without the Stick
Blender attachment may then be conveniently stored out of the way. (See
illustration below.)
Install wall mount bracket high enough above countertop to
allow for clearance of power pack with stick blender attached.
Remove this bag
Adjustable Speed Control
Your Bravetti Do It All Stick Blender/ Chopper has been designed with a
variable speed control to provide more versatility in preparing delicate sauces or
for chopping ice. To adjust speed, turn knob on top of Power Pack clockwise
from low setting to increase speed and counterclockwise from high setting to
decrease speed.
Insert new picture
Assembly of Stick Blender
Achieving best results with the Bravetti Do It All 2
Stick Blender/Chopper
* Only process very soft, tender pieces of food.
* Food pieces should not be larger than ¾-inch cubes.
* Do not fill the processor bowls more than half way with very soft, tender foods
like cooked apples or tomatoes. When pureeing foods like cooked vegetables,
soft cheese, or cooked poultry, only add a few pieces at a time so that the Stick
Blender does not jam. In fact, it is always best to batch feed when using the
Stick Blender/Chopper.
* Avoid pureeing foods like citrus fruits or other foods that have a lot of fiber or
hard, tough skin which can jam the appliance.
* If the Stick Blender should jam during use and the blade stops turning, stop
operation and unplug the unit from the power source. Disassemble the unit
to remove any food that is jammed.
Caution: Never put your fingers or any utensils in the Stick Blender/Chopper
during operation.
Assembling the Bravetti Do It All 2 Stick Blender:
Make sure that the unit is unplugged from power source before attaching
or removing the Stick Blender attachment.
1. Line up arrow of Stick Blender attachment with arrow on power pack. Once
fully inserted, rotate stick blender attachment clockwise 90º until arrow on
power pack aligns with square on Stick Blender.
Warning: This appliance is designed for intermittent use. Maximum
running time with the Stick Blender is 1 minute. After this
time, allow the unit to cool.
Warning: This appliance is designed for intermittent use. Maximum running
time with the Stick Blender/Chopper is 15 seconds. Allow unit
to cool before resuming use. Best chopping results are achieved by
using 2-3 second bursts.
Important: To mince meat, cut the meat into 1/2” cubes and do not mince
more than 6 oz. At one time. Make sure that the meat, fish or
poultry is fully defrosted and that all bones and gristle have
been removed. Allow cooked food to cool before placing in
the chopping bowl.
2. Plug the cord into an electrical outlet (120V~ / 60Hz).
Caution: To avoid splattering, place the Stick Blender attachment
first in the food to be beaten or chopped, then press the button.
Always release the button before removing the Stick Blender
from the food, especially when using the Stick Blender in hot
liquids. Always hold the Stick Blender with your hand while
processing. Never leave unit unattended.
Caution: Do not use the Stick Blender on the stove. If you want to use it
in a saucepan while cooking, you must first remove saucepan
from the stove.
3. Use the measuring beaker/cup with the Stick Blender or you can use another
container. The measuring beaker/cup is intended only for processing small
quantities with the Stick Blender.
Caution: To remove the Stick Blender attachment from the power pack,
first unplug the power pack and only then turn the Stick Blender
90º counterclockwise and pull it off.
Assembly of Chopper/Ice Crusher Bowls
The Bravetti Do It All 2 Stick Blender/Chopper can be
used in the following food preparation applications:
Pureeing soups, sauces, fruits and vegetables:
Fruits and vegetables should be peeled, cored and seeded.
Meats, poultry, and fish should have skin and bones removed.
Food should be cut up into pieces no larger than 3/4-inch.
Cook the food in liquid until very soft and tender.
Puree cooked food ONLY after allowing to cool down.
Food can also be pureed directly in the pot after being allowed to cool.
Place the Stick Blender in the center of the food in an upright position
with the processor end resting directly on the bottom of the bowl or pot.
The processor end must always be immersed in the food. DO NOT lift
up and out of food while operating since the hot food will splatter
and could cause burns.
While holding the power pack and the Stick Blender in your hand,
press and hold down on the switch with your index finger.
Release once the food has reached the desired consistency.
Do not operate continuously for more than 1 minute.
If pieces of unprocessed food remain, or if there are any lumps, continue
pureeing the food, however, mash the food pieces or lumps by slightly
raising and then lowering the Stick Blender over those pieces.
Power Pack
Chopper Gear Box
Chopper or Ice Crusher Blade
Blade Support
Chopper or Ice Crusher Bowl