Download Ksix B8542SC01 screen protector

2 S7572, 2 UNITS
Brand: KSIX SKU: B8542SC01 EAN: 8427542059419
A screen protector is key to avoid scratches and reduce the risk of breaking your Smartphone screen. A Ksix screen protector is very easy to install
in four easy steps.
Made with high quality PVC, the Ksix screen protector will not affect the touch screen functionalities. Its high degree of transparency makes it
almost invisible.
Very practical to apply avoiding bubbles in the installation process and easy to remove from the device.
Technical Information
Ultra thin screen protector.
Material: PVC
Includes Screen Cleaner cloth.
Can be cleaned with a humid damp cloth.
2 units.
How to use
Instructions in 4 simple steps:
li>Step 1: Clean the Smartphone’s screen with the cloth.
Step 2: Remove the tab marked with number one.
Step 3: Paste the protector on the side of the flange 1 with adhesive to your mobile screen being careful not to create bubbles.
Step 4: Pull the tab labeled as number two and remove the plastic. Once removed the mobile guard leaves adhesive free on the screen.