Download Maxfield Wireless Charging PAD compact

O p e r at i n g M a n u a l
W i r l e s s
C h a r g i n g
PA D C o m p a c t
Product Overview
Micro USB input
Anti-slipping rubber
Communication LED
Standby LED
USB cable
Micro USB connection
USB connection
First Steps
Step 1
Connect the PAD compact via USB cable
with an adapter. Then you plug the adapter into a power socket. The LED indicator will let you know in wich sate the Pad
Step 2
LED indicator
Product state
Standby LED
Green (flashing) Communication
In case the LED indicators does not work
right try to plug and unplug the adapter
from the power socket.
Step 3
Now put your wireless charging able
device in the middel of the PAD. After a
short sound it starts charging automatically. To see the battery state check your
After charging your device pleas remove
it from the PAD.
Attention : As proof that the Pad communicates with the receiver, the communication LED still
flashes after complete charging.
Safety Note
For your own safety, please read the construction manual carefully. After opening the package please check it on its completness. The disregard of the safety note may lead to heat, fire, burn or frequent electric
shocks. Wrong handling may lead to martial as personelle damage
and in worst cases it may also lead to death.
Please do not use a damaged power supply or power socket. Do not use
the product in areas with a temperature range out of -20°C to 40°C. Do
not restore your product in places with high temperature or direct solar
radiation. Do not crinkle or damage the power cord. Do not make it wet
or use it with wet hands. Please keep the product away from metallic
objects as chains, keys etc. and keep it away from the inner of water
heaters, microwaves, high pressure vessel and other kitchen gadgets.
Do not lay any magnetcards, magnetic record media or precise instruments on or near the product. It may have influence on the function and
the work process. Do not lay the product in places that are easy to fall.
Do not take the product in your mouth. If children are using the product
watch out for the right handling. If the product gets wet please dry it
with a towel and contact our support. Do not try to repair or dismantle
the product on your own. It may cause damage and leads to expire of the
warrenty. People who use a heart-birth-maker should consult a doctor befor using this product. While using it keep a distance from 22cm
because the product can effect the function of the heart-birth-maker.
Products with a QI mark comply with the wireless charing standard specification of WPC.
Liability Exclusion
Maxfield GmbH
Albert-Einstein-Str.1 . 74722 Buchen, Germany
Telefon: +49 (0) 6281 / 56435-0 . Fax: +49 (0) 6281 / 56435-290
[email protected] .
• Status 07/2014 • Technical changes reserved • No accountability for falsity and misprint
Because we aren‘t abble to control the charging, the usage and the observance of the safety notes Maxfield can‘t
take liability for loss, damage and expences. Any claim on
compensation caused by operation, breakdown, failure or
coherent in any way will be declined. For personal injurys
as well as property damage caused by our supply, we won‘t
take liability. Insofar compulsory authorised, our commitment to pay damages, for whatever legal foundation, will be
defined on the invoice value of the product wich is affected
in the incidence. This does not apply when we have to liable
for gross negligence or because of statutory provisions.