Download Oracle - The Premiere - Turntable (user`s manual)

The PREMIERE turntable is essentially a synthesis of creative
design, painstaking craftsmanship and advanced technological
The primary goal which shaped the development of the PREMIERE
was an uncompromising pursuit of excellence in music
reproduction. The PREMIERE represents the culmination of
everything that we have learned about disc reproduction; it is an
evolutionary development of our widely-acclaimed ORACLE
But we had an important secondary goal; to provide a maximum
of user-convenience without compromising the sound quality, and
to engineer the product such that all music lovers could set it up
to realize its full potential — not just technically proficient
We invite your critical examination of the PREMIERE as we
expand in this brochure.
Marcel Riendeau
President, Trans-Audio Corporation Ltd.
and Concept
T h e G r o o v e : Nature and P r o b l e m s . .
The P R E M I E R E Turntable
Record C o u p l i n g S y s t e m
The Mat
T h e Platter
T h e Bearing
The Subchassis
The S u s p e n s i o n
Control Unit
FINALE Tonearm
T h e Head Shell
The A r m
T h e Bearings
Vertical Tracking A n g l e
Adjustment S y s t e m (VTA)
Azimuth Adjustment System
Auto-lift S y s t e m
RC Compensation Box
U n p a c k i n g your P R E M I E R E
Installing the Control Unit
Cartridge Installation
T o n e a r m Installation
Cartridge A l i g n m e n t
Adjusting your P R E M I E R E
Fine T u n i n g your F I N A L E T o n e a r m
Tracking Force A d j u s t m e n t
Vertical Tracking A n g l e
A d j u s t m e n t (VTA)
A z i m u t h Adjustment
Anti-skating Adjustment
Auto-lift A d j u s t m e n t
A t t a c h i n g the Dust Cover
Motor Angle Adjustment
Control Unit Operation
S p e e d Calibration
Tightening the Record C l a m p . . . .
T i p s to M a x i m i z e Performance . . .
General Description
Packing List
The Groove:
Nature and Problems
The musical information on a record is contained in the w i g g l e s of the groove as
it spirals in across the disc. T h e s e w i g g l e s are a mechanical analog of the
w a v e f o r m s originally generated by the musicians at the recording s e s s i o n , and
subsequently p i c k e d up by the microphones w i t h the ultimate goal of being f e d
from the disc into your audio s y s t e m without any modification whatsoever. For
this to h a p p e n , the stylus must vibrate mechanically in exact a c c o r d a n c e w i t h
the undulations in the groove. S i n c e it is the m o v e m e n t of the stylus relative to
the cartridge b o d y that enables an electrical signal to be generated, it f o l l o w s
that the cartridge b o d y itself must not vibrate, otherwise unwanted electrical
signals w o u l d be generated and s o m e of the desired groove information w o u l d
be cancelled out. For the s a m e reason, the record's grooves t h e m s e l v e s must
not vibrate.
Unfortunately, this delicate interrelationship is threatened through the very act of
playing a record. Airborne and structure-borne vibrations are c o n d u c t e d to the
turntable as a direct result of the acoustical energy produced by your
The vinyl disc is excited by the very action of the stylus upon it. T h e cartridge
b o d y is also excited into resonance by the motion of the stylus, and this energy
is c o n d u c t e d into the tonearm, causing it to vibrate.
Other sources of u n w a n t e d vibrations include the turntable motor, bearings — in
fact, all of its m o v i n g parts.
T h e measure of excellence of any turntable / arm c o m b i n a t i o n lies in its ability to
protect the cartridge / groove relationship from extraneous vibrations.
Every element of the P R E M I E R E turntable has been d e s i g n e d to preserve the
integrity of this relationship.
The PREMIERE Turntable
Record Coupling System™ ^ - ^ ^ 1
This s y s t e m , w h i c h has been successfully e m p l o y e d in other O R A C L E turntables
is c o m p r i s e d of a special turntable mat, a screw-on record c l a m p , and a tapered
spacer w h i c h is inserted through the threaded platter spindle.
The s y s t e m uses the elasticity of the vinyl itself to force the grooved surface of
the disc into close contact with the turntable mat. This results in virtually perfect
d a m p i n g of vinyl resonances w h i c h are absorbed by the mat and not reflected
back to the stylus.
This treatment also flattens all but the most severe of w a r p s .
The Mat
It can be seen that the properties of the mat are very important. It must be flat
(and have no sculpted ridges) to ensure that no air pockets are trapped under
the disc; these air pockets w o u l d resonate and excite the vinyl above t h e m . It
must also be slightly smaller in diameter thant the disc in order to avoid the
formation of an air cavity caused by the raised lip at the lead-in groove. For
similar reasons, a recess should be provided to a c c o m m o d a t e the raised area at
the label.
The c o m p o s i t i o n of the mat must be carefully determined to optimize its
absorbtive capabilities.
A l l of these features have been incorporated into the Groove Isolator M a t
included with the P R E M I E R E turntable.
The Platter
T h e platter of the P R E M I E R E is precision machined from a special m a g n e s i u m /
aluminum alloy w h i c h c o m b i n e s rigidity and strength. T h e majority of its m a s s ,
concentrated around the perimeter, helps the platter achieve a high m o m e n t of
inertia w h i c h contributes to s p e e d stability, and reduces flutter i n d u c e d by stylus
drag during transients. T h e Peripheral W a v e Trap™ — a special rubber elastic
c o m p o u n d set in the rim of the platter, reduces any t e n d e n c y of the alloy to
The Bearing
T h e bearing of a turntable c a n have a critical effect on the s o u n d quality w h i c h
it is capable of. M e r e durability is not sufficient. T h e bearing must achieve a
very low friction coefficient in order to ensure an e v e n , s m o o t h rotation of the
spindle, and to reduce load on the motor. H o w e v e r , it is also imperative that
there is no play in the bearing.
The spindle of the P R E M I E R E is machined of high strength steel w i t h i n a
tolerance of . 0 0 0 2 " . A special c h r o m e surface treatment results in an extremely
g o o d hardness rating of 70 R o c k w e l l . T h e tungsten carbide ball, w h i c h is
inserted into the d i a m o n d - l a p p e d tip of the spindle, has a hardness rating of
over 90 R o c k w e l l , m a k i n g it virtually impervious to wear in this application.
W e chose a specially coated tungsten carbide thrust pad (with a hardness rating
of approximately 9 2 R o c k w e l l A) for m a x i m u m durability and resistance to
T h e bushings used in the P R E M I E R E ' S bearings are manufactured of a special
alloy w h i c h p r o d u c e s almost zero friction w h e n interfaced w i t h the c h r o m e
surface of the spindle. In fact, this material does not create noise but actually
absorbs and dissipates into the s u b c h a s s i s any vibration that might be created
as the platter rotates.
The Subchassis
The use of a special 7-layer laminate consisting of 4 layers of a m a g n e s i u m /
a l u m i n u m alloy separated by 3 layers of a special b o n d i n g agent, w e l d e d into a
single structure under very high pressure, results in s o m e distinct performance
advantages. T h e entire a s s e m b l y is very rigid but also extremely inert. T h i s is of
great importance since the s u b c h a s s i s has to be quite large and is therefore
prone to vibration. T h i s is controlled by the 3 inner bonding layers w h i c h act as
barriers to vibration transmission by decoupling each of the 4 metal layers.
T h e s e bonding layers also absorb and dissipate vibrations.
T h e geometry of the s u b c h a s s i s is also significant. W e have m i n i m i z e d its
surface area since any large surface tends to act as a d i a p h r a g m , w h i l e
concentrating the majority of its m a s s around the centre to absorb and dissipate
bearing vibrations.
The tonearm mounting plate is c o m p l e t e l y e n c l o s e d within the rigid and inert
confines of a circular extension of the subchassis. T h i s minimizes any t e n d e n c y
of the mounting plate to act as a d i a p h r a g m , and k e e p s it at the s a m e overall
level as the s u b c h a s s i s w h i c h enables the tonearm m a s s to be integrated w i t h
the overall m a s s of the floating a s s e m b l y .
The Suspension
The fundamental purpose of a turntable s u s p e n s i o n is to act as a mechanical
filter for outside vibration. T h e major source of these outside vibrations is your
loudspeakers w h i l e playing m u s i c , a n d this interference is c o n d u c t e d through
the air, a n d via the structural m e m b e r s of your listening environment. T h e s e
vibrations are difficult to deal w i t h because they consist of the w i d e range of
frequencies f o u n d in m u s i c .
A n y vibrational energy a b o v e the tuned turntable s u s p e n s i o n frequency is
prevented f r o m entering the playing s y s t e m , and for this reason it c a n be
generally stated that the s u s p e n s i o n frequency s h o u l d be as l o w as possible.
The s u s p e n s i o n of the P R E M I E R E is tuned to 3.5 Hz — well under the
b a n d w i d t h of any m u s i c likely to be reproduced. It s h o u l d be noted that while
the P R E M I E R E ' S s u s p e n s i o n has b e e n optimized to filter out musical f e e d b a c k , it
m a y be prone to disturbance arising from footfalls on compliant floors —
particularly w h e r e the floor's resonant frequency c o i n c i d e s w i t h 3.5 H z . In s u c h
instances, the r e m e d y consists of mounting the turntable securely on a stable
foundation, for e x a m p l e , a load bearing w a l l .
In the interest of G R O O V E I S O L A T I O N ™ , it is of vital importance that the
s u s p e n s i o n d i s p l a c e s the s u b c h a s s i s in a vertical direction only. A s p r u n g
s u b c h a s s i s turntable must exhibit no t e n d e n c y t o w a r d s a rocking or s w a y i n g
motion. S u c h m o v e m e n t w o u l d c o m p r o m i s e the filtering capability of the
s u s p e n s i o n a n d a d d flutter distortion. T h i s is b e c a u s e the platter (and therefore
the groove) is d e c o u p l e d from rotational m o v e m e n t of the s u b c h a s s i s by the
bearing, but the tonearm is not. In that case, the tonearm w o u l d s h o v e the
cartridge forwards a n d b a c k w a r d s as the s u b c h a s s i s oscillates, resulting in
c h a n g e s in the effective groove s p e e d .
W e have paid particular attention to this problem in the d e s i g n of the
P R E M I E R E . In c o m m o n w i t h previous O R A C L E turntables, the centre of gravity
of the entire floating a s s e m b l y is at the s a m e height as the fixing points for the
springs. T h i s in itself greatly reduces any t e n d e n c y t o w a r d s rotational
m o v e m e n t . A l s o in c o m m o n w i t h other O R A C L E turntables is the m e t h o d of
leveling the s u s p e n s i o n by raising or lowering the entire spring a s s e m b l y instead
of c o m p r e s s i n g or expanding t h e m w h i c h w o u l d vary the tuning of the
s u s p e n s i o n in an unpredictable manner. In order to a b s o r b vertical s h o c k
transmission effectively, all springs have to be tuned to an equal frequency.
T w o major p r o b l e m s remain. T h e w i d e variety of different tonearms (of varying
mass) available on the market today m a k e s it almost i m p o s s i b l e to reach a state
of perfect s u s p e n s i o n equilibrium. Even if the user painstakingly tunes his
s u s p e n s i o n to a c c o m m o d a t e his c h o i c e of a r m , the often bulky tonearm cables
w o r k against G R O O V E I S O L A T I O N ™ by c o u p l i n g the s u b c h a s s i s w i t h the
u n s u s p e n d e d base, and by encouraging rotational m o v e m e n t of the s u b c h a s s i s .
T h e s e p r o b l e m s have been eliminated in the P R E M I E R E by designing the
tonearm and turntable as one harmonious s y s t e m . W i t h a precise k n o w l e d g e of
the F I N A L E t o n e a r m ' s m a s s , w e have been able to adjust the s u s p e n s i o n of the
P R E M I E R E a c c o r d i n g l y . T h e F I N A L E ' S cables d o not c o n n e c t at the base of the
arm, but into a box w h i c h can be placed onto the unsprung acrylic base. S i n c e
the only c o n n e c t i o n b e t w e e n the tonearm and the junction box are the thread­
like interior leads, the problem of cable / s u s p e n s i o n interaction is eliminated.
The P R E M I E R E ' S s u s p e n s i o n can be tuned to a c c o m m o d a t e any other tonearm
if the user so desires.
The Motor
T h e P R E M I E R E is e q u i p p e d w i t h a brushless D C Hall effect motor w h i c h w e
jointly d e v e l o p e d w i t h Papst. T h e motor d e v e l o p s e n o u g h torque to achieve the
desired s p e e d within one platter revolution. T h e motor is carefully d e c o u p l e d at
the acrylic base, eliminating contact w i t h the playing s y s t e m except through the
The Pulley
A precise pulley is critical to the performance of the drive s y s t e m b e c a u s e even
minute variations in concentricity can cause significant s p e e d fluctuation and
improper belt / pulley contact can generate vibration noise.
The P R E M I E R E ' S pulley has been c o m b i n e d with a massive f l y w h e e l w h i c h
c o m b i n e s w i t h the platter to provide double insurance against s p e e d instability.
The Belt
The P R E M I E R E ' S belt has been manufactured using a precision injection
m o l d i n g process w h i c h results in a grain orientation free of internal stresses. T h e
belt is then ground to exact specifications, virtually eliminating variations in
thickness a n d horizontal play. T h e belt has been d e v e l o p e d to maximize the
transfer of torque w h i l e minimizing vibration transmission. By keeping the belt
under l o w tension, wear-causing stress on the motor bearing and shaft is
reduced while the lifespan of the belt is increased.
The Control Unit
The electronics a n d controls by w h i c h the user can select the desired s p e e d of
the P R E M I E R E turntable are housed in a separate unit. A one-metre connection
b e t w e e n the unit a n d the turntable affords flexibility of placement.
The pitch c a n be adjusted i 5 per cent of the standard playing s p e e d to
a c c o m m o d a t e the g r o w i n g number of professional musicians w h o have noted
s p e e d errors in p r o d u c e d d i s c s of their performances. T h e selected s p e e d
appears o n a digital display a n d a m e m o r y chip allows automatic reversal to the
33.33 and 45 standards w h e n e v e r the s p e e d selection buttons are d e p r e s s e d .
The FINALE Tonearm
T h e s a m e degree of engineering finesse that distinguishes the P R E M I E R E
turntable is evident in the d e s i g n of the F I N A L E tonearm. W h i l e the goal of the
turntable is to isolate the groove from extraneous vibration, the goal of the
tonearm is to isolate the cartridge. W e have explored the role of e a c h element
m a k i n g up a tonearm in order to reach a n e w standard of performance for the
The Head Shell
T h e non-detachable head shell on the F I N A L E and the main arm tube are made
of an a l u m i n u m / m a g n e s i u m alloy w h i c h provides rigidity a n d l o w m a s s . T h e
diameters of the head shell a n d the main arm tube are carefully controlled at the
coupling juncture s o that an extremely rigid c o n n e c t i o n results w h e n they are
pressure-fitted. T h i s m e t h o d ensures that the coupling will remain rigid through
changes in humidity and temperature due to the harmonious expansion and
contraction of the alloys u s e d .
Finally, to further reduce the resonance, the head shell is m a d e of t w o rigidly
a s s e m b l e d sections.
The Arm Tube
T h e arm tube must be rigid in order to resist flexing w h e n subjected to the
vibrational energy radiated by the cartridge, but rigid materials are inherently
prone to resonances w h i c h if reflected back to the cartridge w o u l d result in
coloration. D e s i g n s that e m p l o y rubber decouplers (for e x a m p l e at the head
shell) achieve l o w coloration at the e x p e n s e of rigidity, hence information lost.
T h e F I N A L E ' S arm tube has been broken up into t w o sections, joined t o w a r d s
the pivot e n d by t w o rigid c o u p l i n g braces. Due to the differing characteristics
of each element c o m p r i s i n g the arm tube, the resonances are split up into many
frequencies of diminished amplitude, and m a n y of these are converted to a
frequency range a b o v e the b a n d w i d t h of the cartridge.
This m e a n s that the F I N A L E a l l o w s the m a x i m u m a m o u n t of information to be
retrieved from the groove w i t h o u t the penalty of high coloration. A further
design benefit arising from this approach is that the counterweight, m o u n t e d on
the lower arm tube, has its centre of gravity at the s a m e plane as the stylus.
This results in superior warp-riding characteristics.
The Bearings
T h e bearings of a tonearm are faced w i t h the near-impossible task of providing
rigidity and l o w friction at the s a m e time. T h e four bearings of the F I N A L E that
control vertical a n d horizontal motions in a gimbal configuration, are S w i s s sourced a n d manufactured to the highest standards that m o d e r n t e c h n o l o g y can
Vertical Tracking Angle Adjustment System (VTA)
It is essential to adjust the tonearm s u c h that the cantilever effects the proper
V T A w h e n the stylus is set in the groove, in order for it to accurately retrace the
action of the cutting m e c h a n i s m at the time of the d i s c ' s manufacture.
Conventional tonearm manufacturers instruct the user to raise or lower the arm
base s u c h that the tube is parallel w i t h the d i s c ' s surface w h e n the stylus is set
in the groove. T h i s procedure is unsatisfactory for a number of reasons.
Record manufacturers have c h a n g e d the standard for the cutting angle, so older
and newer discs require differing V T A s . In practice, record manufacturers rarely
adhere strictly to the standard a n y w a y , and marked differences have been
observed a m o n g various releases. Variations in vinyl thickness can also effect
changes in the V T A required.. T o complicate the issue further, cartridges often
exhibit gross variations in V T A (when " p r o p e r l y " m o u n t e d w i t h the arm-tube
parallel) not only from manufacturer to manufacturer, but from s a m p l e to sample
due to quality control problems of small-scale engineering.
D u e to these factors, no single V T A setting is satisfactory for the accurate
reproduction of a record library. T h e bearing a s s e m b l y of the F I N A L E is rigidly
anchored to a V T A adjustment tower, through w h i c h a threaded s t e m attached
to a calibrated knob a l l o w s minute variations in height as little as . 0 0 1 " at a
time. Furthermore, this adjustment can be a c c o m p l i s h e d while the record is
playing. T h u s the F I N A L E allows the user to optimize the V T A for each disc via
the only reliable m e t h o d — by ear.
Azimuth Adjustment System
M i c r o adjustment of the cartridge's side to side angle can be easily achieved to
provide o p t i m u m tracking and channel separation. Provision for this adjustment
is located at the junction of the main arm tube and the front coupling brace.
Auto-lift System
T h e F I N A L E features auto-lift actuated by the cueing m e c h a n i s m , allowing
listeners to savour musical performances to the end in tranquility. T h e s y s t e m is
mechanically triggered as the tonearm reaches the run-out groove, and its
inclusion d o e s not result in any sonic penalty.
RC Compensation Box
T h e oxygen-free litz w i r e s that connect to the cartridge terminals are c o n d u c t e d
through the arm tube a n d into the R C C o m p e n s a t i o n B o x w h i c h can be placed
on the acrylic base. Inside this box is a printed circuit board w h i c h allows the
user to optimize the resistive / capacitive loading for the cartridge of his choice.
This feature also ensures that the suspension will remain unaffected by
interference from the bulky tonearm cables.
BELL S H A P E D S P R I N G — ,
2) R e m o v e the straps binding the pack­
aging a s s e m b l y together.
NOTE: Each spring is optimamly tun­
ed at the factory to evenly share the
load as presented by the subchassis
with the FINALE tonearm. It is impera­
tive that the spring is not twisted or
moved in the support housing or this
relationship will be disturbed.
3) Select a clean, flat w o r k surface for
setting up the turntable making sure
that there is adequate light.
4) Locate the three rubber damper
assemblies and install t h e m o n the sus­
pension height adjustment s t e m .
1) R e m o v e the inner b o x b y lifting it
straight up and out.
4) R e m o v e the polysterene c a p piece.
5) T h e tonearm is m o u n t e d in the s e ­
cond layer of packaging a n d is not atta­
ched to the subchassis. Carefully re­
m o v e the s e c o n d layer of packaging
and set it o n your w o r k surface; hold the
tonearm bottom plate from under the
polystyrene piece.
has been carefully designed to protect
it from the hazards of shipping. It is adviseable to save it for future use.
1) R e m o v e the laminated subchassis
from the three suspension towers b y lif­
ting it straight u p , a n d set it aside.
2) R e m o v e the polystyrene
blocks from the suspension towers.
Next, remove the protective plastic film
from the acrylic base. R e m o v e the three
suspension housings and the springs in
order to clean the acrylic base with the
sample c a n of Brillance acrylic cleaner
3) Regroup all suspension parts making
sure that the color-coded springs are
positioned as follows:
Front left — gray
Rear left — y e l l o w
Right side — green.
Locate the proper A l l e n w r e n c h to
remove the three s c r e w s holding the
arm a n d leave it in place until ready for
Put the bottom plate a n d s c r e w s with
the arm a n d set the polystyrene piece
6) R e m o v e the acrylic base / subchas­
sis a s s e m b l y a n d place it o n your work
5) Pick up a spring a s s e m b l y a n d a
s p o n g e rubber ring. Position the s p o n g e
rubber ring well around the lip o n the
top of the polyethylene spring support.
Repeat the procedure for the other t w o
Installing the Control Unit
6) Install the springs into the s u s p e n ­
sion housings, a n d place the entire
assembly onto the appropriate s u s p e n ­
sion height adjustment s t e m observing
the color c o d e previously mentioned.
1) Locate the control unit in the packag­
ing. C o n n e c t the A C input line into a
convenient wall outlet.
Plug the 7-pin DIN connector c o m i n g
from the motor-base a s s e m b l y into the
control unit.
2) N o w set the turntable aside s o y o u
can use the w o r k surface to prepare the
Cartridge Installation
1) S e l e c t the right s c r e w s for mounting
your cartridge. R e m e m b e r that steel
s c r e w s are two-and-a-half times the
w e i g h t of a l u m i n u m s c r e w s , a n d any
unnecessary increase in m a s s here will
have an adverse effect of warp-riding.
NOTE: Align the marks on the spring
supports such that they face the centre
spindle of the turntable.
7) Level the base b y adjusting the
height of the feet, m o u n t e d o n threaded
shafts. (Only rough leveling is required
at this time: precise leveling occurs after
the turntable is m o v e d to its final posi­
27 Before installing the cartridge, make
sure that the stylus protector is firmly in
place. Tighten the s c r e w s just enough
so that the cartridge can still be m o v e d .
W h e n the use of a nut is required, w e
r e c o m m e n d mounting from the top of
the head shell. Cartridge alignment will
be c o m p l e t e d after the tonearm has
been installed.
NOTE: We do not recommend the use
of any putty or damping compound
between the cartridge and head shell,
or the use of nylon spacers and screws
since these materials will not allow a
firm enough coupling.
Place the turntable back onto the work
surface. Y o u are n o w ready to install the
8) Install the s u b c h a s s i s onto the sus­
pension towers, using extreme care.
2) Locate the tonearm mounting plate
and s c r e w s in the s e c o n d layer of pack­
a g i n g , and mount t h e m o n the subchas­
Tighten the screws gradually.
3) T h e R C C o m p e n s a t i o n B o x m a y be
placed o n any convenient surface or o n
the acrylic base. T h e connecting wires
are too compliant to interfere with the
s u s p e n s i o n . A printed circuit board is
h o u s e d in the box w h i c h can be remov­
ed for the soldering of resistors a n d
capacitors w h i c h m a y b e desireable
d e p e n d i n g upon your choice of cart­
NOTE: The assistance of a qualified
technician may be required to achieve
RC compensation. Consult your deal­
4) T o remove the P C board, remove the
s c r e w holding the b o x together a n d
gently slide the circuit out of the alumi­
n u m housing.
5) T o reassemble, simply reverse the
Cartridge Alignment
NOTE: Make sure that you use the
section of the protractor
1) Place the G r o o v e Isolator mat o n the
2) Locate the C A L I B R A T O R disc in the
packaging a n d set it o n the platter.
3) R e m o v e the stylus protector and set
the tracking force within the range re­
c o m m e n d e d b y the cartridge manufac­
NOTE: Refer to the instruction for
tracking force adjustment on page 13.
Tonearm Installation
T h e tonearm base a n d the subchassis
are accurately marked to facilitate their
1) S e t the F I N A L E on the subchassis
and align the marks carefully.
4) S e t the tonearm d o w n s u c h that the
tip of the stylus rests precisely in the
identation in the center of the adjust­
ment grid.
5) Turn the V T A knob until the arm
tube is parallel to the d i s c .
NOTE: Refer to the instructions
VTA adjustment on page 13.
6) M o v e the cartridge forward or back­
w a r d in the head shell s u c h that the
sides of the head shell are lined up with
the grid w h e n v i e w e d from a b o v e .
M a k e sure that the cartridge b o d y is
also parallel to the grid (and therefore
parallel with the head shell).
9) Retrieve the platter from the polysty­
rene packaging and install it on the spin­
NOTE: The platter hole and the spin­
dle are tapered. Extreme care should
be taken during installation, making
sure that there is no dirt on either sur­
NOTE: Extreme care should be taken
during all stages of this procedure to
prevent damage to the delicate stylus.
The belt must not be installed yet.
Adjusting your
T h e final leveling will be done w h e n set­
ting the turntable in its permanent loca­
tion, but it is required at this time to faci­
litate proper installation a n d fine-tuning
of the tonearm.
1) Locate the belt in the s e c o n d layer of
packaging. R e m o v e the platter a n d in­
stall the belt around the inner rim. Hold
the belt with one finger s o that you c a n
mount the platter o n the spindle a n d
loop the belt around the pulley making
sure that there are no twists.
3) If this is not the case, loosen the V T A
tower-locking s c r e w .
5) Level the acrylic base b y turning the
adjustable feet. A spirit level is required
for this operation.
6) Level the floating a s s e m b l y b y turn­
ing the s u s p e n s i o n leveling k n o b s . Turn
the knob counter-clockwise to raise the
suspension a n d c l o c k w i s e to lower it,
using the spirit level m o u n t e d o n the
subchassis as a guide.
NOTE: In order to obtain an accurate
reading from the level, position your­
self directly over the centre of the level
and view it with one eye closed.
7) Retrieve the c l a m p f r o m the bottom
section of the p a c k a g i n g a n d s c r e w it
lightly onto the threaded spindle.
NOTE: Extreme care should be taken
to avoid overstretching of the belt.
Make sure that your hands are clean
and dry before handling the belt.
4) Rotate the calibrated knob c l o c k w i s e
to lower the arm and counter-clockwise
to raise it. Each mark o n the calibrated
knob indicates one-thousanth of an inch
(.001") of vertical displacement.
NOTE: With the VTA tower locking
screw loosened, this adjustment can
be performed while the record is play­
ing so that the optimum setting can be
judged by ear.
Fine Tuning your FINALE
2) Locate the tapered washer in the tool
bag s u p p l i e d , and place it over the spin­
dle, tapered side u p .
The FINALE arm is a precision in­
strument and should be treated as
such. No unnecessary force should
be applied to the bearings.
3) R e m o v e the three s u s p e n s i o n adjust­
ment knob from the s e c o n d layer of
packaging, a n d install t h e m o n the sus­
pension adjustment s t e m aligning the
slot in the knob w i t h the guide pin.
Azimuth Adjustment
1) L o o s e n the a r m tube locking-screws
on top of the coupling braces.
Tracking Force
1) R e m o v e the appropriate counter­
weight from the s e c o n d layer of pack­
aging a n d m o u n t it to the rear of the
2) Obtain a tracking force gauge a n d
adjust the d o w n f o r c e to the recom­
m e n d e d value given b y the cartridge
4) A d j u s t the s u s p e n s i o n height to 19
m m (3/4"); this m e a s u r e m e n t s h o u l d be
taken from the t o p of the acrylic base to
the bottom of the s u s p e n s i o n tower.
Vertical Tracking Angle
Adjustment (VTA)
1) Place the C A L I B R A T O R disc o n the
2) C u e the arm d o w n s o that the stylus
rests on the center of the black reflec­
tive square o n the disc.
NOTE: Looking from the side of the
cartridge there should be an even angle
reflection on each side of the sty/us.
NOTE: The azimuth adjustment screw
is located on the right side of the front
coupling brace.
2) C u e the arm s u c h that the stylus
rests o n the black reflective square o n
the disc. L o o k i n g at the stylus from the
front, there s h o u l d be a n even angle
reflection from the surface. If not, use a
flat screwdriver a n d s c r e w c l o c k w i s e to
tilt the cartridge t o w a r d s the right, a n d
counter-clockwise to tilt it t o w a r d s the
left. O n c e the correct angle has been
reached, tighten the locking s c r e w s
Auto-lift Adjustment
T h e auto-lift
a d j u s t m e n t s c r e w is
located at the base of the anti-skating
levers at the rear of the t o n e a r m . Place a
record o n the platter a n d c u e the arm
d o w n just before the run-out groove.
T h e auto-lift should e n g a g e 10 m m
before the d e a d groove. T o adjust,
loosen the l o c k - s c r e w a n d adjust the
length of the thread as required.
U s i n g a 1/8" A l l e n w r e n c h , remove the
mounting s c r e w s . A t t a c h the hinge sup­
ports on the acrylic base. Install the dust
cover by sliding the support into the hin­
NOTE: If a major correction has been
required, the VTA adjustment should
be redone.
A l w a y s support the lower end of the
arm tube while tightening the lock
s c r e w s or tuning the azimuth adjust­
ment s c r e w to protect the arm bearings.
Anti-skating Adjustment
Due to the nature of tonearm geometry,
the groove tends to pull the stylus
towards the centre of the disc and s o m e
amount of force should b e applied in
the opposite direction to counteract
this. This a m o u n t varies according to
the tracking force and the type of stylus
shape e m p l o y e d .
Attaching the Dust Cover
1) Locate the dust cover a n d hinge
2) Place the dust cover upside d o w n o n
your work surface w i t h the back (the
long side w i t h t w o sets of holes)
towards y o u .
This amount of anti-skating force can be
increased b y sliding the w e i g h t along
the L structure located at the bottom
right of the tonearm base, to give the L
more leverage, or decreased b y sliding
it towards the arm base.
3) U s e a Phillips screwdriver to remove
the s c r e w s from the hinge a s s e m b l y .
4) Place the hinge against the outside
of the dust cover w i t h the angled hinge
facing a w a y from the cover. Position the
loose metal plate on the inside of the
cover, align the holes, insert the s c r e w s
and tighten moderately.
In order to determine the amount of
anti-skating force required visually, exa­
mine the stylus a n d c o m p a r e its posi­
tion relative to the cartridge b o d y w h e n
at rest and w h e n playing the groove. If it
inclines t o w a r d s the centre of the disc,
increase the anti-skating; if it inclines
towards the outside grooves, decrease
the anti-skating.
A n insufficient a m o u n t of anti-skating
audibly manifests itself as right-channel
distortion. If there is too m u c h antiskating, the left channel will be more
prone to break-up.
Motor Angle Adjustment
Before proceeding with this adjust­
ment, verify that the acrylic base
and the subchassis are still level.
Three s c r e w s hold the motor in place.
T h e t w o s c r e w s parallel to the rear of
the acrylic base are factory adjusted and
should r e q u i r e n o further attention.
NOTE: We recommend the use of a
test disc to determine the optimum
amount of anti-skating. Consult your
5) S e t the turntable s o that the rear
edge of the acrylic base hangs out over
the edge of your w o r k surface, provid­
ing easy a c c e s s to the hinge s c r e w
T h e front s c r e w c a n be adjusted to en­
sure that the belt rides in the center part
of the pulley. This adjustment is done
from under the acrylic base.
N o w perform the s a m e operation for the
33 R P M s p e e d .
Control Unit Operation
1) Start the turntable by pressing the 33
or 4 5 s p e e d selection button.
NOTE: Make sure that the digital dis­
play reads "45.00" and "33.00" res­
pectively before carrying out this ope­
NOTE: The AC circuit is protected by
a .5 ampere fuse.
Tightening the Record
Overtightening the record c l a m p could
result in d a m a g e to your records. For
o p t i m u m performance the c l a m p needs
only be finger tight. Gently tapping the
run-out groove area using a pen or pen­
cil will provide an audible indication of
h o w well the record is c o u p l e d w i t h the
2) Press the " O F F " button to stop the
3) Increase the selected s p e e d by
pressing the button to the right of the
digital display.
4) Decrease the selected s p e e d by
pressing the button to the left of the
digital display.
2) If your s y s t e m is capable of gene­
rating high s o u n d pressure levels (SPL)
at 20 Hz and b e l o w , try using the P R E ­
M I E R E without its dustcover attached.
Under s u c h circumstances, the dustcover may act as a diaphragm and trans­
mit energy to the acrylic base exceeding
the filtering capability of the s u s p e n ­
3) W h e n the turntable mat b e c o m e s
dusty, it should be cleaned with Brillance, the f o a m w i p e d off with the lintfree cloth s u p p l i e d . A l l o w the cleaner to
dry by itself.
4) M a k e sure that the peripheral w a v e
band is firmly and evenly seated around
the platter.
5) Certain types of record w a r p s may
be flattened more readily w i t h the taper­
ed washer placed on top of the mat (in­
stead of underneath the mat).
1) T h e bearing and spindle a s s e m b l y
are designed to offer many years of
trouble-free operation. Each bearing
assembly on the P R E M I E R E is specially
lubricated and permanently sealed to
the spindle. N o service is required.
Improper c l a m p tightening may result in
misaligned azimuth as the disc a s s u m e s
a concave rather than a flat surface. This
can be determined by c l a m p i n g an L P
with an unusually short playing side, us­
ing the s m o o t h black lead-out area as a
reflective surface to c h e c k azimuth.
NOTE: There is a 1/100 RPM speed
variation every time either button is
depressed. The speed can be varied to
a maximum of ± 5 per cent of the 33
or 45 standards.
5) Depressing the 33 or 4 5 s p e e d selec­
tion buttons instantly brings the s p e e d
back to the set reference.
Tips to Maximize
1) Y o u r P R E M I E R E turntable is equip­
ped with a superb s u s p e n s i o n s y s t e m
capable of filtering out virtually all un­
wanted mechanical energy. Like all turn­
tables, however, it performs at its best
w h e n located on a solid platform well
a w a y from your loudspeakers. For opti­
m u m s o u n d quality, w e r e c o m m e n d
that you m o u n t the P R E M I E R E on a
solid foundation — preferably on a shelf
anchored to a load-bearing wall — a w a y
from the direct path of the loudspeak­
Speed Calibration
Potentiometers for s p e e d calibration are
located at the back of the control unit.
T o determine if these require adjust­
ment, use the strobe disc supplied w i t h
the turntable.
If adjustment is necessary, depress the
45 s p e e d selector button and turn the
potentiometer using the flat screwdriver
supplied in the tool kit. A n increase in
s p e e d is effected by turning the screw­
driver c l o c k w i s e , and a decrease by
turning it counter-clockwise.
2) A l l metal parts (with the exception of
the bearing and the spindle) are manu­
factured of an aerospace-grade magne­
sium / a l u m i n u m alloy treated with a
durable baked acrylic finish. T h e y may
be periodically cleaned with a soft cloth
and a mild detergent. Do not use a sol­
vent-based cleaner which would
mar the acrylic finish.
3) A l l acrylic parts should be cleaned
with Brillance and a lint-free cloth.
4) Every 6 m o n t h s , remove the platter
and clean the belt, the motor pulley, a n d
the inner rim of the platter with a f e w
drops of denatured alcohol and a clean
lint-free cloth. C h e c k the belt for signs
of deterioration, s u c h as cracking or
c u m s t a n c e s , the lifespan of the belt
should be approximately 2 years.
1) Replacement parts
through your dealer.
2) Transformer / p o w e r s u p p l i e s
available in t w o versions:
FINALE Tonearm
General Description
PREMIERE Turntable
Effective length: 250 m m .
S p e e d s : 33 1/3 and 45 R P M (adjust­
able + or - 5 per cent).
Overhang: 16.5 m m .
Drive s y s t e m : Precision injection-mold­
ed flat belt.
a) 100-115-130 V A C (50-60 Hz).
b) 200-220-240 V A C (50-60 Hz).
P o w e r c o n s u m p t i o n : 500 m A at 24
Motor: D C Oracle/Papst (Hall
3-phase, brushless).
S u s p e n s i o n : S p r i n g - s u s p e n d e d floating
s u b c h a s s i s tuned to 3.5
Dimensions: 80 c m x 60 c m x 26 c m .
Effective mass: 8.5 g.
Offset angle: 2 2 ° .
A l l o w a b l e cartridge weight: From 5 g
to 25 g.
Horizontal and vertical friction: Less than
15 m g .
R e c o m m e n d e d cartridge
range: 50 to 1 0 j u m / m N .
W e i g h t : 0.54 k g .
W e i g h t (with F I N A L E tonearm): 16 k g .
Packing List
505 Industrial Blvd.
Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada
J1L 1X7