Download TFA Meteotime Fiesta

35.1130.01 METEOTIME FIESTA We1er-­‐Informa9on-­‐Centre What will the weather be like? Looking at the METEOTIME FIESTA Weather-­‐
InformaZon-­‐Centre you are always up to date and informed. Weather forecast via Meteo9me signal The METEOTIME FIESTA Weather-­‐InformaZon-­‐Centre provides a professional weather forecast for 470 European ci9es (60 regions with 4 day forecast, 30 regions with 2 day forecast). The forecasts are prepared and regularly updated by professional meteorologists and transmi7ed direct to your console via the European Zme signal DCF77 based in Germany. The radio Zme signal can be received all over mainland UK and almost all of Europe. Just select your nearest city, plus up to four other favorite ciZes you may wish to have weather informaZon provided. No subscripZon is required for the weather forecast transmissions, this service is provided without charge. Detailed weather informa9on The „Fiesta“ will addiZonally inform you of the likelihood of rain, wind speed, wind direcZon and forewarns of approaching severe weather condiZons such as strong winds, ice, snow and fog. Weather forecast for 470 European ci9es separated into day and night with an9cipated maximum and minimum temperatures Warning signal for severe weather condi9ons Alarm clock with two 9me alarm seMngs and an earlier wake-­‐
up 9me if outdoor temperature will below 0°C
Technical Data: Local outdoor temperature via up to 3 wireless outdoor transmi7ers (max. range up to 30 m) Indoor thermometer, maximum and minimum reading and temperature trends for both indoor and outdoor temperature 7 -­‐ languages (German, English, Italian, French, Spanish, Swedish, Dutch) Radio-­‐controlled clock and calendar (24 hours format) Dimensions: 102 x 28 (52) x 117mm Weight: 156g Includes ba7eries (2 x 1.5V AA, 2 x 1.5 V AAA) and one wireless outdoor transmi7er
TFA Dostmann GmbH & Co. KG • Zum O7ersberg 12 • 97877 Wertheim • Germany T: +49 (0)9342 / 308-­‐0 • F: +49 (0)9342 / 308-­‐49 • info@Oa-­‐ • www.Oa-­‐