Download User`s manual AS6 - Elf

User’s manual AS6
With The AS6 it is possible to switch for example pomp or a co2 machine. The maximum
power output ; 1350Watt / 6Amps.
Clock talento 111
Plug in you’re AS6. First you have to program the time on the clock. Now we can set the time you want you’re
pomp to switch on. You can do this by pushing the purple dip switch’s to 1. Don’t forget to make sure that the
grey switch in the top right hand corner is set on clock (middle).
Delay timer Crouzet MHR1
With the MHR1 you can set how many seconds you want the pomp to switch on. With the top button you can
set the factor and the bottom button you multiply. For example; you set the factor on 6-60 seconds. The
bottom button on 3.
Sum = 3 x 6 = 18 Seconds
The output is fused at 6 Amps. Not suited for switching lamps!
ELF ELECTRO can not be liable for any damage using the AS6