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蜩 箫曩 瑟饔 窠 黠 「 婴龊 | we d ng pr。 tect¨ 岬¨ Auto-Darkening We丨 ding Helrnet KM-se冂 es User"anuaI Product Characteristics -ˉ ˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉˉ2 △.ProduCt Character∶ st:cs ・Namely the response"me亻 rom the dark shade to the"ght shade,By adlus"ng the bu廿 on “ Delay△ o change the deIay"me ofthe|ens a High strong mate"aIs and们 re re1ardant,oan prevent resistance,anu-aging 2 3 4 User Manual ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ 2 b High de们 n"ion protective n"er,y° u can see thΘ welding。 ond"ions dea门 y Welding the goods WeIding IuminosIty is so付 Picture Introduction TechnicaI P arameters 5 6 7 Matters Attention Product Maintance Product Diagram ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ 3 when c"works the moment you start Work,th s produots adopts adVanced c″ cu"design 4 d Permanent VV/IR protec"° ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ … ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ 4 stment screw to seled n e Fashion appearance,uItra"ght designing,wearing oomfo^able ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ・Pressthe headband buuon,meanwhile tuming the adl凵 an approp"ate diameter and"x "forthe comfortab|e wear st"king the arc,the observing Window darkens immediately ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ f Headband adlustmen⒈ ・Headband adlustment knob(refer to the pidure introductbn) and comfortabIe f High performance soIar ce"s and"thium bauθ 3.PiCture〓 lγ "troduc1:° " g sens"ivity and delay"mo oan be adlustablθ 4 hG"nding and welding mode can be ohosen ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ ˉ 5 2.user"anuaI a The WeIding helmetis su"ab e lor a"types olthe electro-weIdings∶ arc welding, gas shieIded welding,etc eXCeptlaser welding b Before using,please move the proteo"ve们 Im aWay from the screening gIass, Which ocated front and baok ofthe lens c shading Adlustment ・the adlustment knob on the e付 黜 厝 髁Ⅱ 跚皙 s de ofthe auto helme1(referto the pidure introduo"on) ・0pen the sw"ch,adlustthe bu廿 on,aCcord ng to the elect"o cIrCu"to choose the su"able shading No d sens"v V Adjustment∶ ・the adlustment knob on the upperˉ Ie什 ofthe LCD core boX(refer to the pidure introduc"on) ・Name ythe response ume亻 rom the"ght shade to the dark shade By adlustIng the buuon“ sens"iviV’ t。 change the sens tlvity Which reCeiving the signaI Of the e eot门 o We ding"ght you。 an adlust a"廿 le hoher when the welding curen"sI° e Deby Ιme adlustment∶ ・the κnob Iocate on the uppeⅡ introduCtion) met(referto the pidure "ght o"he auto h创 w ece: Ⅱ 屮:尘 夕呷卩屮贤Ⅱ headband l∝ a"ng C PIs turn oI the shade sW"ch to reduCe the power consumption when long△ me no 4.T0Ch":CaI Parameters uslng a Light states:DlN4 b Dark states:DIN9"3free adlustment(0utside Va"able) product Diagram o Cart"dge size:103X54X6mm 96X48× 6mm d View Area:10CⅨ 0gmm 93X43mm '。 e Response刂 me(b"g"to darl【 l∶ <1/30000se∞ nds(normaItemperature condmonsl f The retum"me(da伙 g sens"ˇ ity to b"ght)∶ adlustab e∶ lWeltling based on ourrent size)∶ h Battery:lthium ba廿 o15s~08s adlustable"ow/high eγ +so ar。 ells i uv protection:16IeVels j WOrk1ng temρ erature:-5° C~55° C(23° F~131° F) k storage temperatureⅡ 2俨 C~7俨 CC4° F~158° Fl l Masks mateⅡ aIs:PP 1 FⅡ tθ r m Weight450G protootion pieCe n Warranty∶ 2years 2F"terformerframe o "fe expectancy:10years 3F"ter 4F"ter outerframe 5.Ⅱ auers Attemt:on 5sθ ns"iv ty knob a sens"iVity Adlustment and De ay"me adlustment haVe an great Vislon When worklng wⅡ θⅡoct on the h we ding heImet Pleasθ make sure to sθ lθ d an 6Dθ lay knob 7F"terframe fixed frame 8Hθ lmθts appropriate angle aooording to y° ur own habit b The proteo刂 on piece must be assembIed to front and back ofthe fi"erlθ ns,orthe 9 shadθ knob 11sogmθ ntal ρos"i0ning fiterIens W"I be destroied pIate o The protect∶ on ρieCe should be provided by the丨 ηanufaCturer 12sWθ at band d Any broken and sCratChing ofthe ⅡRerframe wⅢ afed the V诒Wing anglo and 13Pos"ionIng p° intforthθ reduce the protect Ve abⅢ ty,Pls repIace the frame oncθ you们 nd this maⅡ or e The ρrotection ρiece should be repIaoed"broken and scratching,Don’ ttouch thθ 怡ns W△h tough oblects f PIs o伍 en sθ g丨 ηentaI plate 14Hθ ad band 150utθ r round gasket 16BloCk nut repIaoe the sweatband 17Hθ adband tightness fixed knob 18 Hθ adband tIghtness adjus1ing knob 6.Product Mainta"ce a PIs use cIean oou° n cI° th 19Blook nut to clean1he pr° tection ρieoe and framθ Don’ t oorrodent such as aICohoI,gas,corrosive"quid,organic soIvθ usθ nt,otc b PIs store the produd in the drying pIaoe And preven"ng from watθ 20Adlusting nut 21Adlus"ng koob r and damp