Download Compiling annual and final reports in e-tierversuche

Annual and final reports
1. Choose “Reports”
Effect of XXX on YYY ….
2. Authorization status ‐ choose “ALL” to see valid licenses and those that expired the year before
4. Click on title of license ‐ now you are in Form C
5. In case you have not used any animals in the reporting period under that license, put a mark here,
otherwise fill in the numbers in the following chapter
3. Click on magnifying glass to search (e.g. for all or for a specific license after giving the license number)
5. Pt 8: According to information received from other cantons each section needs to be filled in (e.g. N/A) – please try it
6. Validate (to check whether information is missing or numbers don’t match), and then submit to canton
7. In case your report is a FINAL report, a new window will open after you have submitted your report to the canton (see screenshot and e‐tv user manual for more information) for the publication of data according to art 20A of the animal welfare law. You should check the data to be published (see green boxes below) and must confirm that the data is correct before submitting this report. You can change the title (e.g. for clarity) if necessary (see: http://tv‐‐versuche/index.php)
Figure from user manual