Download Piranha HS-S0-06K80-00-R

Piranha HS-S0-06K80-00-R
Camera User’s Manual
High Sensitivity Line Scan Camera
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Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
© 2014 Teled yne DALSA. All inform ation provid ed in this manual is believed to be accurate and reliable.
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Teled yne DALSA, a Teled yne Technologies com pany, is an international lead er in high performance
d igital im aging and sem icond uctors w ith approxim ately 1,000 em ployees world w id e , headquartered in
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Established in 1980, the com pany d esigns, d evelops, m anufactures and
m arkets d igital im aging prod ucts and solutions, in add ition to provid ing MEMS prod ucts and services.
For m ore inform ation, visit Teled yne DALSA’s website at ww w .teled yned .
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D ocument revised August 20, 2014.
Teledyne DALSA
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Teledyne DALSA
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Introduction to the Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera __________________________________ 6
1.1 Camera Highlights ....................................................................................................................................................... 6
1.2 Camera Performance Specifications ............................................................................................................................ 8
1.3 Responsivity ................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Camera Hardware Interface ________________________________________________ 11
2.1 Installation Overview ................................................................................................................................................... 11
2.2 Input and Output Connectors and Status LED ............................................................................................................. 12
LED Status Indicator ....................................................................................................................................... 12
Power Connectors............................................................................................................................................ 13
Data Connectors .............................................................................................................................................. 14
Software Interface: How to Control the Camera __________________________________ 18
3.1 First Power-Up Camera Settings ................................................................................................................................. 20
3.2 Sensor Output Format ................................................................................................................................................. 20
Selecting TDI or Area Mode Operation ........................................................................................................... 20
Selecting the Number of CCD Integration Stages ........................................................................................... 21
Setting the Camera’s CCD Shift Direction ....................................................................................................... 21
Exposure Mode and Line / Frame Rate .......................................................................................................... 22
Setting Frame Rate and Exposure Time ......................................................................................................... 25
3.3 Data Processing ........................................................................................................................................................... 25
Setting a Region of Interest ............................................................................................................................ 25
Digital Signal Processing Chain ...................................................................................................................... 26
3.4 Saving and Restoring Settings ..................................................................................................................................... 35
Saving and Restoring Factory and User Settings ............................................................................................ 35
Saving and Restoring PRNU and FPN Coefficients ......................................................................................... 36
Rebooting the Camera .................................................................................................................................... 37
3.5 Diagnostics ................................................................................................................................................................... 38
Generating a Test Pattern .............................................................................................................................. 38
Returning Video Information .......................................................................................................................... 39
Temperature Measurement ............................................................................................................................ 40
Voltage Measurement ..................................................................................................................................... 40
Camera Frequency Measurement ................................................................................................................... 41
Returning Camera Settings ............................................................................................................................. 41
Optical and Mechanical ___________________________________________________ 42
4.1 Lens Mounts ................................................................................................................................................................. 43
4.2 Optical Interface .......................................................................................................................................................... 43
4.3 High Temperature and Mounting ................................................................................................................................ 44
Mounting Instructions and Recommendations ................................................................................................ 44
Teledyne DALSA
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Troubleshooting ________________________________________________________ 46
6.1 Common Solutions ....................................................................................................................................................... 46
6.2 Troubleshooting Using the Serial Interface ................................................................................................................. 47
6.3 Specific Solutions ......................................................................................................................................................... 48
Error Handling and Command List ___________________________________________ 49
A1 Error Handling ............................................................................................................................................................. 49
A2 Commands: Quick Reference ....................................................................................................................................... 51
EMC Declaration________________________________________________________ 57
Revision History ________________________________________________________ 58
Index _______________________________________________________________ 59
Teledyne DALSA
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Introduction to the
Piranha HS-S0-06K
1.1 Camera Highlights
6,000 pixels, 10.4 µm x 10.4 µm pixel pitch, 90% fill factor
256 TDI stages
142 kH z line rate
Bid irectional
Area Mod e operation
H SLink control interface w ith an 115,200 fixed signal bau d rate.
Program m able gain, offset, fram e and fram e rates, trigger m od e, test pattern ou tpu t,
and cam era d iagnostics.
Mirroring and d irection control—forw ard and reverse. Mirroring is controlled by
Sapera softw are, not by the cam era.
Selectable Area or TDI Mod e of operation. Area Mod e facilitates cam era alignm ent
and focu sing. Area m od e can also be u sed for regu lar operation.
Flat-field correction —m inim izes lens vignetting, non-u niform lighting, and sensor
FPN and PRN U. Flat-field correction is available in TDI m od e only; it is not avaliable
in Area m od e.
The Piranha H S-S0-06K cam era is a stand ou t in Teled yne DALSA’s high sensitivity, TDIbased fam ily of cam eras. The Piranha H S fam ily of cam eras m axim ize system
throu ghpu t. All cam eras are cap able of bid irectionality w ith 256 stages of integration.
Teledyne DALSA
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
The Piranha H S-S0-06K cam era is id eal for applications requ iring high speed , su perior
im age qu ality, and high resp onsivity, inclu d ing:
Flat panel d isplay inspection
Printed circu it board inspection
H igh perform ance d ocu m ent scanning
Large w eb inspection
Low -light ap plications
Postal sorting (flats)
The cam era is available in the follow ing m od els form at(s).
Table 1: Camera Models Overview
Model Number Description
H S-S0-06K80-00-R
6K resolution, 256 TDI Stages, 142 kH z line rate, 0.852 Gpix/ s
throughput, H SLink interface.
Throu ghou t the m anu al, the cam eras are refered to as the Piranha H S-Sx cam era fam ily
u nless content is u niqu e to a specific m od el. In those cases, the cam era’s m od el nu m ber is
specified .
The cam era u ses a bid irectional TDI sensor. The cam era can be configu red to read ou t in
either Forw ard or Reverse CCD shift d irection. This is controlled by the softw are
com m and scd.
11 iso rows
5 iso cols
11 iso rows
11 iso rows
11 iso rows
5 iso cols
6000 H x 256 V Image Pixels
10.4 um x 10.4 um
11 iso rows
Teledyne DALSA
11 iso rows
11 iso rows
11 iso rows
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
1.2 Camera Performance Specifications
Table 2: Camera Performance Specifications
Feature / Specification
Im ager Form at
Bi-d irectional TDI
6,000 x 256 pixels
Pixel Fill Factor
Pixel Size
Stage Selection
Antibloom ing
CCD Shift Direction Change
90 %
10.4 µm x 10.4 µm
64, 128, 192, 256
0.02 second s
Optical Interface
Back Focal Distance
M72 Mount
Sensor Alignm ent (aligned to sid es of cam era)
 y (parallelism )
Lens Mount Opening
6.56 ±0.25 m m
25 µm
100 µm
±0.175 m m
±0.175 m m
±0.25 m m
±0.6 °
Mechanical Interface
Cam era Size (w x h x d)
Pow er Connector
Control / Data Connector
90 x 180 x 92.1 m m
< 1500 g
2-pin Lem o
H SLink
Electrical Interface
Input Voltage
Pow er Dissipation
Operating Tem perature
Bit Depth
Output Data Configuration
24 ±10 % Volts DC
< 45 W
0 ºC to 50 °C
8, 10, or 12 bit selectable
H SLink
Operating Ranges
Minim um Line Rate
Maxim um Line Rate
1 Hz
142 KH z
0.852 Gpix/ s
0 to +20 d B
Teledyne DALSA
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Dynam ic Range
Rand om N oise
DN rm s
SEE nJ/ cm
Min Gain 0dB
(10 or 12-bit
N EE pJ/ cm
Broad band
(DN / nJ/ cm
FPN DN p -p
w ith correction
Min Gain +10dB
PRN U DN p -p
w ith correction
Saturation Outpu t
Am plitud e DN
DC Offset w ith
correction DN
Min Gain +20dB
Test conditions unless otherwise noted:
TDI m od e of operation. These specifications are not gu aranteed for area m od e of
Line Rate: 10 kH z.
N om inal Gain setting 0 d B.
Light Sou rce: Broad band Qu artz H alogen, 3250 k, w it h 700 nm IR cu toff filter
installed .
All specifications are m easu red at 25 °C (front plate m easu rem ent).
All valu es are referenced at 8-bit.
1. Measu red at the front plate. It is the u ser’s responsibility to insu re that the operating
tem peratu re d oes not exceed this range.
Teledyne DALSA
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
1.3 Responsivity
HS-S0-06K80-R Spectral Responsivity & Quantum Efficiency
Responsivity (DN/nJ/cm2)
Responsivity (DN/nJ/cm2)
QE (%)
Quantum Efficiency (%)
Wavelength (nm)
N ote: Settings 0 d B at 12-bit.
Teledyne DALSA
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Camera Hardware
2.1 Installation Overview
When installing you r cam era, you shou ld take these step s:
This installation
overview assumes you
have not installed any
system components yet.
Pow er d ow n all equ ipm ent.
Follow the m anu factu rer’s instru ctions to install the fram egrabber (if ap plicable). Be
su re to observe all static precau tions.
Install any necessary im aging softw are.
Before connecting pow er to the cam era, test all pow er su p plies. Ensu re that all the
correct voltages are p resent at the cam era end of the pow er cable. Pow er su p plies
m u st m eet the requ irem ents d efined in the Pow er Connector section below .
Inspect all cables and connectors p rior to installation. Do not u se d am aged cables or
connectors or the cam era m ay be d am aged .
Connect d ata and pow er cables.
After connecting cables, app ly pow er to the cam era.
Check the d iagnostic LED. See LED Statu s Ind icator for an LED d escription.
You m u st also set u p the other com ponents of you r system , inclu d ing light sou rces,
cam era m ou nts*, host com pu ters, optics, encod ers, and so on.
*Please see 4.3 H igh Tem peratu re and Mou nting for m ore inform ation on cam era
m ou nting and heat d ispertion.
Teledyne DALSA
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
2.2 Input and Output Connectors and Status LED
The cam era u ses:
A d iagnostic LED for m onitoring the cam era. See LED Statu s Ind icator in section LED
Statu s Ind icator for d etails.
H S-Sx m od el: SFF_8470 / CX4 (w ith thu m bscrew s) for control, d ata and serial
com m u nication.
One 2-pin Lem o connector for pow er. Refer to the Pow er Connector section below for
d etails.
WARNING: It is extremely important that you supply the appropriate voltages to your camera.
Incorrect voltages will damage the camera.
LED Status Indicator
The cam era is equ ipped w ith a red -green LED u sed to d isplay the operational statu s of
the cam era. The table below su m m arizes the operating states of the cam era and the
correspond ing LED states.
When m ore than one cond ition is active, the LED ind icates the cond ition w ith the highest
priority. Error and w arning states are accom pan ied by corresp ond ing m essages fu rther
d escribing the cu rrent cam era statu s.
Table 3: HSLink Diagnostic LED
Color of Status LED
Green solid
Green blinking, fast
Green blinking, slow
Cam era is operational and functioning correctly.
FG only - LVAL present but not grabbing (20
second tim e out)
Waiting for LVAL/ Trigger
Line Scan – 5 second tim eout
Teledyne DALSA
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Color of Status LED
Area Scan- 20 second tim eout
Orange (red and green on together) solid
Orange blinking, slow
Orange one pulse of 0.2 sec
Red blinking, fast
Red blinking, m edium
Red blinking, slow
Red / Green alternating, fast
Red / Green alternating, m edium
Red / Green alternating, slow
Running on FPGA/ m icro backup
Loss of functionality
Rand om Error w ith H SLIN K
Fatal Error- Loss of FPGA code and or m icro
cod e
Fatal Error- Loss of other hardw are w hich
prevents operation
Over tem perature (H SLIN K CMD channel still
Link Up , but id le not locked (held in Farend
Incom patilbe H SLIN K configuration
Looking for Link
Power Connectors
Power Connector
Pin 1 indicator
Rear View
Table 4: Lemo 2-pin Circular Male—Power Connector
Lemo EEG.0B.302.CYM, 2 Pin
Supply voltage, 24 ±10% Volts
The cam era requ ires a single voltage inpu t (24 V). The cam era m eets all perform ance
specifications u sing stand ard sw itching pow er su p plies, althou gh w ell-regu lated linear
su pp lies p rovid e optim u m perform ance.
Table 5: Power Mating Connectors
FH G.0B.302.CYCD52 (right angle)
FGG.0B.302.CYCD52 (straight)
Teledyne DALSA
WARNING: When setting up the camera’s power supplies follow these guidelines:
Ap ply the ap propriate, reliable voltages
Protect the cam era w ith a slow-blow fuse between pow er su pply and cam era (2x
nom inal cu rrent).
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Do not u se the shield on a m u lti-cond u ctor cable for grou nd .
Keep lead s as short as possible to red u ce voltage d rop.
Use high-qu ality linear su pplies to m inim ize noise.
Use an isolated type p ow er su pply to prevent LVDS com m on m od e ra nge violation.
A stable su pply of pow er m u st be m aintained d u ring cod e u pgrad es. Cam era w ill fail
if pow er is lost or u nstable w hile u pd ating cod e. The u ser can not recover from this
failu re and the cam era w ill have to be retu rned to Teled yne DALSA for rep air.
Note: Camera performance specifications are not guaranteed if your power supply does not meet
these requirements.
Data Connectors
HSLink Pinout
SFF_8470 (or CX4) with thumbscrews
Frame Grabber
Frame Grabber Signal
DataTx 2+
DataRx 2+
DataTx 2-
DataRx 2-
DataTx 1+
DataRx 1+
DataTx 1-
DataRx 1-
DataTx 0+
DataRx 0+
DataTx 0-
DataRx 0-
Cm d _T+
Cm d R+
Cm d _T-
Cm d R-
Cm d _R-
Cm d _T-
Cm d _R+
Cm d _T+
DataTx 5-
DataRx 5-
DataTx 5+
DataRx 5+
DataTx 4-
DataRx 4-
DataTx 4+
DataRx 4+
DataTx 3-
DataRx 3-
DataTx 3+
DataRx 3+
G1- G9
G1- G9
Signal Ground
H 1-H 2
H 1-H 2
Signal Ground
Input Signals
The cam era accepts control inpu ts throu gh the H SLink connector.
Table 6: Camera Control Configuration
Direction control
The camera ships in internal sync, internal programmed integration (exposure mode 7) TDI Mode.
Teledyne DALSA
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
EXSYNC (Triggers Frame Readout)
Fram e rate can be set internally u sing the serial interface. The external control signal
EXSYN C is optional and enabled throu gh the serial interface. This cam era u ses the falling
edge of EXSYN C to trigger pixel read ou t. Section Exposu re Mod e and Line / Fram e Rate
for d etails on how to set fram e tim es, exposu re tim es, and cam era m od es.
Direction Control
This camera’s data
should be sampled on
the rising edge of
You control the CCD shift d irection throu gh the serial interface. With the softw are
com m and , scd, you d eterm ine w hether the d irection control is set via softw are control or
via the control signal on CC3. Refer to section Setting the Cam era’s CCD Shift Direction
for d etails.
Output Signals
N ote that LVAL and FVAL are em bed d ed in d ata lanes. For ad d itional inform ation refer
to the H SLink su p plem entary inform ation below .
5 serial lanes
@ 312.5 Mb/sec
Frame Grabber
We can su p ply H SLink and DC pow er cables. Contact u s and u se the follow ing part
nu m bers to ord er:
Part No.
H SLink d ata cable 5M w ith screw lock connectors
H SLink d ata cable 10M w ith screw lock connectors
H SLink d ata cable 15M w ith screw lock connectors
DC pow er cable. Lem o 2-pin to open-end ed cable.
H SLink cables are also available from a nu m ber of su p plies, inclu d ing:
w w w .com
w w w
w w w .hew
Teledyne DALSA
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Frame Grabbers
The H S-Sx m od el cam eras (H SLink) are com patible w ith the Xcelera -H S PX8
fram egrabber.
HSLink 6K and Frame Grabber Supplementary
Teled yne DALSA d esigned and pioneered the H SLink as a com p rehensive cam era-tofram e grabber com m u nication stand ard targeted at m achine vision ind u stry u se. The
H SLink 6K and fram e grabber prod u ct are based on the fu nd am ental cap abilities of this
new interface.
We are w orking w ith ind u stry partners to im prove and to broad en the interface’s ap peal
for the m achine vision ind u stry and as a resu lt expect that the original sp ecification w ill
change and be im proved . Ou r p rod u cts d elivered d u ring this d raft specification phase
w ill be field u pgrad eable so that cu stom ers can gain the benefit from an ind u stry
ap proved interface. The table below su m m arizes the m ajor fu nctions su p ported w ith the
prod u ct.
HSLINK Function
Cable Disconnect Recovery
Data Forw ard ing
Com m unication Betw een FG
Vid eo Data Resend
The cam eras w ill only properly lock to fram e
grabber w hen the cam era is turned on before
or after starting the d ata acquisition program .
Tu rn off the cam era w hen exiting a program
that uses the Fram e grabber.
Custom er m ust id entify the Master/ Slave
Fram e grabber d uring the system
configuration step. There is no Master/ Slave
com m unication channel support.
This is the GMII com m and channel and w ill
enable auto enum eration of slaves and d ata
resend requests from the slaves.
Master/ Slave com m and channel used for
error com m unication from slave is not
available at this tim e. Can be field upgrad ed .
LED functions
Trigger/ Direction Control
Area/ Line Scan Mod e
12 bit m od e
Missed Trigger Flag
DATA CRC Error Flag
H ead er Error Flag
8b/ 10B Error counter
Test Patterns
Data Lost Flag
Cam era Data buffer overflow
Id le Lock Lost
Far end Reset
Cm d Packet Failure
Use the ASCII serial com m and set for the
cam eras.
Data w ill be packed on the Link. This w ill
exceed the PCIx 8 Gen 1 band w id th.
CRC error counters available
H ead er error counter available
Enables BER calculation
Good for system d ebug
Ind icates m issing row s of inform ation
Teledyne DALSA
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Master/ Slave H SLIN K reset
Camera to Master Frame Grabber Power-On Discovery Notes
The cam era and fram e grabber w ill correctly d iscover each other if either the cam era or
the fram e grabber are tu rned on or off, regard less of ord er .
Master to Slave Power-On Discovery Notes
Please N ote: The com m u nication channel betw een m aster and slave fram e grabbers is not
fu nctional at this tim e and therefore m u st be configu red m anu ally , as show n below :
Cam era
Id 0
Slave 1
ID 1
Slave 2
ID 0
Slave 3
ID 1
The pow er on sequ ence for the cam era to gu arantee fu nction is
1. Cam era/ Master
2. Slave 1
3. Slave 2
4. Slave 3
5. Slave 4
6. Slave 5
The slave shou ld only be tu rned on once an im age is acqu ired by the preced ing slave.
Teledyne DALSA
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Software Interface: How
to Control the Camera
All Piranha H S-S0 cam era featu res can be controlled throu gh the serial interface. The
cam era can also be u sed w ithou t the serial interface after it has been set u p correctly.
Available fu nctions inclu d e:
Controlling basic cam era fu nctions su ch as gain and sync signal sou rce .
Flat field correction.
Mirroring and read ou t control.
Generating a test pattern for d ebu gging.
The serial interface u ses a sim ple ASCII-based protocol and the PC d oes not requ ire any
cu stom softw are.
Note: This com m and set has changes from p reviou s Teled yne DALSA cam eras. Do not
assu m e that the Piranha H S com m and s perform sim ilarly to old er cam eras.
Serial Protocol Defaults
8 d ata bits
1 stop bit
N o parity
N o flow control
115,200 kbp s bau d rate
Cam era d oes not echo characters
Command Format
When entering com m and s, rem em ber that:
A carriage retu rn <CR> end s each com m and .
A space or m u ltiple sp ace characters sep arate param eters. Tabs or com m as are
invalid p aram eter sep arators.
Up per and low ercase characters are accepted .
The backsp ace key is su pported .
Teledyne DALSA
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
The cam era w ill answ er each com m and w ith either <CR><LF> OK > or <CR><LF>
Error xx: Error Message > or Warning xx: Warning Message >. The > is u sed
exclu sively as the last character sent by the cam era.
The follow ing param eter conventions are u sed in the m anu al:
i = integer valu e
f = real nu m ber
m = m em ber of a set
s = string
t = tap id
x = pixel colu m n nu m ber
y = pixel row nu m ber
Example: to return the current camera settings
gcp <CR>
Setting Baud Rate
Note on HS-S0 models and baud rate
The H S-S0 cam eras em ploy a 115,200 fixed signal bau d rate.
Setting Bit Depth
Set the cam era’s bit d epth u sing the set d ata w id th com m and . The com m and is in the
form sdw f, w here the f param eter is 8, 10, or 12—correspond ing to 8, 10, or 12-bit
ou tpu ts, respectively. For exam ple, to set an 8-bit ou tpu t, u se the com m and sdw 8.
Save the selected bit d epth u sing the w rite u ser settings com m and (w u s).
Note: For 8 and 10 bit d epths, the nu m ber of lanes m u st be set to 5 in Sapera. For 12 bit
d epth, the nu m ber of lanes m u st be set to 6 in Sapera.
Camera Help Screen
For qu ick help, the cam era can retu rn all available com m and s and param eters throu gh
the serial interface.
There are tw o d ifferent help screens available. One lists all of the available com m and s to
configu re cam era operation. The other help screen lists all of the com m and s available for
retrieving cam era param eters (these are called ―get‖ com m and s).
To view the help screen listing all of the camera configuration commands, use the command:
To view a help screen listing all of the “get” commands, use the command:
N otes:
For m ore inform ation on the cam era’s ―get‖ com m and s, refer to
section Returning Cam era Settings.
The cam era configu ration com m and help screen lists all com m and s available. Param eter
ranges d isplayed are the extrem e ranges available. Depend ing on the cu rrent cam era
operating cond itions, you m ay not be able to obtain these valu es. If this occu rs, valu es are
clipped and the cam era retu rns a w arning m essage.
Teledyne DALSA
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Som e com m and s m ay not be available in you r cu rrent operating m od e. The help screen
d isplays N A in this case.
3.1 First Power-Up Camera Settings
When the cam era is pow ered u p for the first tim e, it operates u sing the follow ing factory
TDI m od e
Left-to-right pixel read ou t
Forw ard CCD shift d irection
256 integration stages
640 throu ghpu t
Exposu re m od e 7
30 kH z line rate
Factory gain 0 d B
Factory calibrated FPN and PRN U coefficients.
N ote regard ing start-u p tim es: This cam era requ ires ap proxim ately 20 second s to pow er
u p.
3.2 Sensor Output Format
Selecting TDI or Area Mode Operation
The cam era has the ability to operate in both TDI and Area Mod e.
In Area Mod e, the cam era op erates as an area array cam era u sing a tw o d im ensional
array of p ixels. Area Mod e is u sefu l for aligning the cam era to you r w eb d irection or
w hen you need a rectangu lar 2D im age and the lighting su pports a fu ll fram e im ager.
In TDI Mod e, the cam era op erates as a TDI high sensitivity line scan cam era and
com bines m u ltiple exposu res of an object into one high -resolu tion resu lt.
The cam era stores u ser settings for Area Mod e and TDI Mod e sep arately , allow ing you to
sw itch betw een Area and TDI m od e w ithou t losing settings specific to each m od e. See
section 3.4 Saving and Restoring Settings for an explanation on how u ser settings are
stored and retrieved .
In Area Mod e u se either a strobe or a low fram e rate to avoid im age sm ear. TDI operation
requ ires good speed m atching betw een you r object and im age.
NOTES: Sensor cosmetic specifications for Area Mode of operation are neither tested nor
Selects the cam era’s operating m od e. Area Mod e is useful for
aligning and focusing your cam era.
tdi i
Syntax Elem ents:
N otes:
Area m od e
TDI m od e
Rem em ber to save your user settings before changing m od e.
Teledyne DALSA
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Send ing the tdi com m and alw ays restores your last saved user
settings for the m od e of operation requested even if you are
alread y operating in the requested m od e. See section 3.4 Saving
and Restoring Settings for an explanation on how user settings
are stored and retrieved for each m od e.
Exam ple
Flat field correction is not available in Area Mod e
tdi 1
Selecting the Number of CCD Integration Stages
In TDI Mod e, this com m and ad justs the sensitivity level in your
cam era by setting the num ber of CCD integration stages. In Area
Mod e, the vertical height of the im age sensor is controlled by the
num ber of stages.
stg m
Syntax Elem ents:
N um ber of stages to use. For the H S-S0, the available values are
64, 128, 192, 256. Factory setting is 256
Exam ple
stg 64
Setting the Camera’s CCD Shift Direction
When in TDI Mod e, selects the forw ard or reverse CCD shift
d irection or external direction control. This accom m od ates object
d irection change on a w eb and allow s you to m ount the cam era
―upsid e d ow n‖.
In Area Mod e, selects the vertical read out d irection. This allow s
you to m irror the im age vertically or m ount the cam era ―upsid e
d ow n‖.
scd i
Syntax Elem ents:
Read out d irection. Allow able values are:
0 = Forw ard CCD shift d irection.
1 = Reverse CCD shift d irection.
2 = Externally controlled CCD shift d irection via H SLink
control CC3 (CC3 = 1 forw ard , CC3 = 0 revese).
N ote: H S-Sx: Direction tied to bit 5 GPIO outpu t of H SLink.
N otes:
Exam ple
Teledyne DALSA
The follow ing user settings are stored separately for forw ard
and reverse direction; background ad d , background subtract,
system gain, and pixel coefficients. These settings are
autom atically load ed w hen you sw itch d irection. All other
settings are com m on to both directions.
See the follow ing figures for an illustration of CCD shift
d irection in relation to object m ovem ent.
N ote that som e com m and s that require longer processing
tim e, like ccg, d elay im plem entation of an external d irection
scd 1
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Figure 1: Object Movement and Camera Direction Example using an Inverting Lens*
Camera should operate in
Forward CCD Shift Direction
scd 0
Direction of
Object Movement
Camera should operate in
Reverse CCD Shift Direction
scd 1
Direction of
Object Movement
Exposure Mode and Line / Frame Rate
How to Set Exposure Mode and Line / Frame Rate
You have a choice of operating the cam era in one of tw o exposu re m od es. Depend ing on
you r m od e of operation, the cam era’s line/ fram e rate (synchronization) can be generated
internally throu gh the softw are com m and ssf or set externally w ith an EXSYN C signal
(CC1). When operating in TDI Mod e, it is im portant that the line rate u sed m atches the
w eb speed . Failu re to m atch the w eb speed w ill resu lt in sm earing. Refer to the
ap plication note, ―Line Scan/ TDI Line Scan Calcu lation Worksheet‖ located on the
Know led ge Center p age of ou r w ebsite (here) for a fu rther explanation on how to
synchronize you r w eb speed .
To select how you want the camera’s line/frame rate to be generated:
You m ust first set the cam era’s exposure m od e using the sem com m and . Refer to section
Setting the Exposure Mode below for d etails.
N ext, if using m od e 7, use the com m and ssf to set the line/ fram e rate. Refer to section
Setting Fram e Rate for d etails.
Teledyne DALSA
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Setting the Exposure Mode
Sets the cam era’s exposure m od e allow ing you to control your
sync and line/ fram e rate generation.
sem m
Syntax Elem ents:
Exposure m od e to use. Factory setting is 7.
N otes:
Refer to Table 7: Piranha H S Exposure Mod es for a quick list
of available m od es or to the follow ing sections for a m ore
d etailed explanation includ ing tim ing d iagram s.
To obtain the current value of the exposure m od e, use the
com m and gcp or get sem.
When setting the cam era to external signal m od es,
EXSYN C m u st be su pplied .
Refer to section Selecting TDI or Area Mod e
OperationSelecting TDI or Area Mod e Operation for m ore
inform ation on how to operate you r cam era in TDI or
Area Mod e.
Exposure Mod es are saved separately for TDI Mod e and
Area Mod e. Refer to section 3.4 Saving and Restoring Settings
for m ore inform ation on how to save cam era settings.
Related Com m and s:
Exam ple:
sem 3
Table 7: Piranha HS Exposure Modes
Programmable Frame Rate Programmable Exposure Time
Teledyne DALSA
Maxim um exposure tim e w ith no charge
Internal sync, m axim um exposure tim e
w ith no charge reset.
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Exposure Modes in Detail
Fram e rate is set by the period of the external trigger pu lses. EXSYN C pu lses faster than
the read ou t tim e are ignored . The falling ed ge of EXSYN C m arks the start of read ou t.
N ote: In TDI m od e the fram e period equ als the line period .
Figure 2: Mode 3 Timing
Mode 7: Internal Frame Rate, Maximum Exposure Time
In this m od e, the fram e rate is set internally u sing the ssf com m and w ith a m axim u m
exposu re tim e.
N ote: In TDI m od e the fram e period equ als the line period .
Figure 3: Mode 7 Camera Timing
Teledyne DALSA
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Setting Frame Rate and Exposure Time
Sets the cam era’s fram e rate in H z. Cam era m ust be operating in
exposure m od e 7.
ssf f
Syntax Elem ents:
Set the fram e rate to a value from :
1 to 142,000
1 to 320
Value round ed up/ d ow n as required . The m axim um
line/ fram e rate is affected by the throughput setting and by the
num ber of CCD integration stages.
N otes:
If you enter an invalid fram e rate frequency the value, the
cam era clip s the fram e rate to be w ithin the current operating
range and a w arning m essage is returned .
If you enter a fram e rate frequency out of the range d isplayed
on the help screen, an error message is returned and the fram e
rate rem ains unchanged .
The cam era d oes not autom atically change the fram e rate after
you change stage selection valu es. You m ay have to ad just your
fram e rate to avoid ignored syncs.
To return the cam era’s fram e rate, use the com m ad gcp or get
Related Com m and s:
Exam ple:
ssf 10000
3.3 Data Processing
Setting a Region of Interest
Sets the pixel range used to collect the end -of-line statistics and
sets the region of pixels used in the ccg, cpa, gl, gla and ccf
com m and s.
In m ost applications, the field of view exceed s the required object
size and these extraneous areas should be ignored . It is
recom m end ed that you set the region of interest a few pixels
insid e the actual useable im age.
roi x1 y1 x2 y2
Syntax Elem ents:
Colum n start num ber. Must be less than or equal to the
colum n end num ber in a range from 1 to (colum n resolution –
Row start num ber. Must be less than or equal to the row end
num ber in a range from 1 to (row end num ber – 1) except in
TDI Mod e w here y1 m ust be 1.
Teledyne DALSA
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Colum n end num ber. Must be greater than or equal to the
colum n start num ber in a range from 2 to colum n resolution.
Row end num ber. Must be greater than or equal to the row
start num ber in a range from 2 to num ber of stages except in
TDI Mod e w here y2 m ust be 1.
N otes:
Related Com m and s
Exam ple:
roi 10 1 50 1 (TDI M ode)
In Area Mod e, the roi m ust be w ithin the stage. If the
requested roi is above the stage, the roi row s w ill be clipped .
The start and end row s w ill be clipped to the stage selection if
necessary. A ―clipped to m ax‖ w arning m essage is returned .
ccg, cpa, gl, gla, ccf, els
Digital Signal Processing Chain
Processing Chain Overview and Description
The follow ing d iagram show s a sim plified block d iagram of the cam era’s d igital
processing chain.
The d igital processing chain contains the d igital gain, FPN correction, the PRN U
correction, the backgrou nd su btract, and the system gain and offset. All of these elem ents
are u ser p rogram m able.
FPN and PRN U correction is not available w hen operating the cam era in Area Mod e.
The follow ing u ser settings are stored sep arately for forw ard and reverse d irection;
d igital gain, system gain , and backgrou nd su btract. They are saved u sing the wus
com m and . For d etails on changing cam era shift d irection, refer to section Setting the
Cam era’s CCD Shift Direction.
FPN and PRN U coefficients are stored separately for forw ard and reverse d irection.
To save the cu rrent PRN U coefficients, u se the com m and wpc. To save the cu rrent
FPN coefficients, u se the com m and wfc. Settings are saved for the cu rrent d irection
Figure 4: Signal Processing Chain
Teledyne DALSA
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Digital Processing
Fixed pattern noise (FPN ) calibration (calcu lated u sing the ccf com m and ) is u sed to
su btract aw ay ind ivid u al pixel d ark cu rrent.
Photo-Resp onse N on -Uniform ity (PRN U) coefficients are u sed to correct the
d ifference in resp onsivity of ind ivid u al pixels (i.e. given the sam e am ou nt of light
d ifferent pixels w ill charge u p at d ifferent rates) and the change in light intensity
across the im age either becau se of th e light sou rce or d u e to optical aberrations (e.g.
there m any be m ore light in the center of the im age). PRN U coefficients are
m u ltipliers and are d efined to be of a valu e greater than or equ al to 1. This ensu res
that all pixels w ill satu rate together. When u sing PRN U correction, it is im portant
that the A/ D offset and Fixed Pattern N oise (FPN ) or per pixel offsets are su btracted
prior to the m u ltiplication by the PRN U coefficient. The su btraction of these 2
com ponents ensu re that the vid eo su p plied to the PRN U m u ltiplier is nom inally zero
and zero m u ltiplied by anything is still zero resu lting in no PRN U coefficient ind u ced
FPN . If the offset is not su btracted from the vid eo then there w ill be artifacts in the
vid eo at low light cau sed by the m u ltiplication of the offset valu e by the PRN U
Backgrou nd su btract (ssb com m and ), system gain (ssg com m and ), and backgrou nd
ad d ition (sab) are u sed to increase im age contrast after FPN and PRN U calibration.
It is u sefu l for system s that p rocess 8-bit d ata bu t w ant to take ad vantage of the
cam era’s 12-bit d igital processing chain. For exam ple, if you find that you r im age is
consistently betw een 128 and 255 DN (8-bit), you can su btract off 128 (ssb 2048) and
then m u ltiply by 2 (ssg 8192) to get an ou tpu t range from 0 to 255.
The follow ing sections are organized as follow s:
Setting the Gain.
Calibrating the Cam era to Rem ove N on-Uniform ity (Flat Field Correction)
provid es an overview of how to perform flat field calibration.
Signal Processing provid es a d etailed d escription of all d igital processing chain
com m and s.
The algorithm calcu lates the gain of the 16 tap to set the tap m ean to the u ser target. For
ad jacent tap 15, the m ean of the last 16 pixels are gained to m atch the m ean of the first 16
pixels of tap 16. This seam m atching continu es to tap 1.
For ad jacent tap 17, the m ean of the first 16 pixels are gained to m atch the m ean of the last
16 pixels of tap 16. This seam m atch ing continu es to tap 30.
Calibrating the Camera to Remove Non-Uniformity
(Flat Field Correction)
Flat Field Correction Overview
This cam era has the ability to calcu late correction coefficients in ord er to rem ove non u niform ity in the im age w hen operating in TDI Mod e. This vid eo correction operates on a
pixel-by-pixel basis and im plem ents a tw o point correction for each pixel. This correction
can red u ce or elim inate im age d istortion cau sed by the follow ing factors:
Teledyne DALSA
Fixed Pattern N oise (FPN )
Photo Response N on Uniform ity (PRN U)
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Lens and light sou rce non -u niform ity Correction is im plem ented su ch that for each pixel:
Voutput =[(Vinput - dark offset- FPN ( pixel )) * digital gain * PRNU (pixel)]
w here
d igital ou tpu t pixel valu e
d igital inpu t pixel valu e from the CCD
PRN U( pixel)
PRN U correction coefficient for this pixel
FPN ( pixel )
FPN correction coefficient for this pixel
The algorithm is perform ed in tw o steps. The fixed offset (FPN ) is d eterm ined first by
perform ing a calcu lation w ithou t any light. This calibration d eterm ines exactly how m u ch
offset to su btract per pixel in ord er to obtain flat ou tpu t w hen the CCD is not expo sed .
The w hite light calibration is perform ed next to d eterm ine the m u ltiplication factors
requ ired to bring each pixel to the requ ired valu e (target) for flat, w hite ou tpu t. Vid eo
ou tpu t is set slightly above the brightest pixel (d epend ing on offset su btr acted ).
Flat Field Correction Restrictions
It is im portant to d o the FPN correction first. Resu lts of the FPN correction are u sed in the
PRN U proced u re. We recom m end that you repeat the correction w hen a tem peratu re
change greater than 10°C occu rs or if you change the integration tim e or nu m ber of
integration stages.
Note: If your
illumination or white
reference does not
extend the full field of
view of the camera,
the camera will send a
PRN U correction requ ires a clean, w hite reference. The qu ality of this reference is
im portant for p roper calibration. White paper is often not su fficient becau se the grain in
the w hite paper w ill d istort the correction. White plastic or w hite ceram ic w ill lead to
better balancing.
For best resu lts, ensu re that:
60 H z am bient light flicker is su fficiently low not to affect cam era
perform ance and calibration resu lts.
The brightest pixel shou ld be slightly below the target ou tpu t.
When 6.25% (or m ore) of pixels from a single row w ithin the region of interest
are clip ped , flat field correction resu lts m ay be inaccu rate.
Correction resu lts are valid only for the cu rrent stage selection. If you change
the nu m ber of stages, it is recom m end ed that you recalcu late you r
Teledyne DALSA
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
How to Perform Flat Field Correction
Digital Offset and gain. Background subtract values
should be set to zero. (“ssb 0”,” sab 0”,” ssg 0”)
Setup the camera operating environment (ie. Line
rate, CCD Shift Direction, exposure, offset, gain, etc)
Select the User Set (“ssn” 1,2,3 or 4)
Items highlighted in GREY are not necessary to
perform, unless you require doing so.
Steps 1, 4 and 5 are usually only needed to be
Set the calibration sample size using the command
“css”. (Optional, since the camera defaults to 4096)
Set the region of interest (roi) to include all of the
images pixels of importance using the command “roi
x1 y1 x2 y2”.
Repeat FPN correction when a temperature change greater then 10C
occurs OR when there is a significant change in integration time or gain.
Perform FPN correction. FPN correction should be
performed before PRNU correction.
Stop all light from entering the camera. (Tip: cover lens with a
lens cap)
Verify the output signal level is at dark by issuing the command
“gl” or “gla (or by viewing a line profile/histogram of the
Issue the command “ccf”. The camera will respond with OK> if
no errors occur. FPN correction automatically calibrates the
FPN coefficients.
After the correction is complete, save the settings by issuing a
“wfc” command. (Note that Forward and Reverse direction
settings are stored separately and coefficients must be saved
before switching directions)
Perform PRNU correction next to determine the multiplication factors
(and automatic gain settings for each tap) required to bring each pixel to
the required value (balance target) for a flat white output.
Perform PRNU correction
Place a white reference in front of the camera. (remove lens
cap if needed)
Issue the command “cpa 2 i” (or “cpa 4 i” if using roi), where I
is equal to or greater than the maximum pixel value in the
image. The camera will respond with OK> if no errors occur.
After the correction is complete, save the settings by issuing a
“wpc” command. (Note that Forward and Reverse direction
settings are stored separately and coefficients must be saved
before switching directions)
Enable the coefficients using the command “epc 1 1”. You
should now see a flat line. (It may be necessary to average
many lines to see the residual FPN and PRNU.)
Issue the command “wus” to save all User Settings.
A few notes:
A. Repeat the above steps 3-5 for any CCD shift direction change. (ie, if the above was performed in FORWARD direction, repeat
for REVERSE direction.
B. Always ensure what User Set (ssn 1, ssn 2, ssn 3, ssn 4) you are in when performing calibration. When the wfc, wpc and wus
commands are performed, this saves all FPN and PRNU coefficients and User settings into that set.
The last User Set (ssn) used in the camera will be the same set loaded into the camera during a power cycle.
b. You can view what User Set you are in via the GCP screen.
Set 0, “ssn 0” is the factory calibration set. It cannot be overwritten by the User.
C. Remember that the cpa integer “I” is in 14 bit format. (To set an 8 bit value, multiply this by 64 to get the proper 14 bit
value.) (For example if the camera is in 8 bit mode and you want a target value of 200DN, the “I” integer for CPA would be
200x64=12800. So, sending “cpa 2 12800” would give you a target value of 200DN.)
D. The CPA command will automatically adjust all tap gain values. The new gains will be displayed in the GCP screen. (ie. If you
selected a gain of 5, “sg 0 5” before performing the CPA 2 command, depending on the automatic gain adjustment, this value
may now be different.)
Teledyne DALSA
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Digital Signal Processing for Processing
Calibrating Camera Gain
The cam era can d eterm ine appropriate gain values. This
com m and calculates the gain required to reach the output target
w ith a seam m atching algorithm .
ccg i
Syntax Elem ents:
Calculation target value in a range from 4096 to 16064 DN
(14 bit LSB).
N otes:
Exam ple:
This function requires constant light input w hile executing.
To use this com m and , the CCD shift d irection (scd) should
be set to forw ard (0) or reverse (1).
Perform gain algorithm s before perform ing FPN and PRN U
ccg 13056
Updating the Gain Reference
To update the gain reference:
Sets the current gain setting to be the 0d B point. This is useful
after tap gain m atching to allow you to change the gain on all taps
by the sam e am ount.
FPN Correction
Performing FPN Correction
Perform s FPN correction and elim inates FPN noise by subtracting
aw ay ind ivid ual pixel d ark current. For a com plete d escription on
how to use this com m and , see the Flat Field Correction Overview
on page 27.
N otes:
Related Com m and s:
Exam ple:
Before perform ing this com m and , stop all light from
entering the cam era. (Tip: cover lens w ith a lens cap.)
Perform FPN correction before PRN U correction.
Available in TDI Mod e only.
Save coefficients before changing d irections, changing
operating m od e, or pow ering off.
Teledyne DALSA
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Setting a Pixel’s FPN Coefficient
Sets an ind ivid ual pixel’s FPN coefficient.
Syntax Elem ents:
sfc x i
The pixel num ber from 1 to sensor pixel count.
Coefficient value in a range from 0-511 (12-bit LSB).
N otes:
Exam ple:
sfc 10 50
Available in TDI Mod e only.
Returning FPN Coefficients
Returns a pixel’s FPN coefficient value in DN (12-bit LSB)
Syntax Elem ents:
gfc i
The pixel num ber to read in a range from 1 to sensor pixel
Teledyne DALSA
N otes:
Exam ple:
gfc 10
Available in TDI Mod e only.
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
PRNU Correction
Performing PRNU to a user entered value
N ote: CPA 5 or 6
should be used .
CPA 2 and 4 are
available, but
using them m ay
cause your cam era
to perform
contrary to its
Perform s PRN U calibration to user entered value and elim inates the
d ifference in responsivity betw een the m ost and the least sensitive
pixel creating a uniform response to light. Using this com m and , you
m ust provid e a calibration target.
Executing these algorithm s causes the ssb com m and to be set to 0 (no
background subtraction), the ssg com m and to 0 (unity d igital gain),
and the sab com m and to 0 (no background ad d ition). The pixel
coefficients are d isabled (epc 0 0) d uring the algorithm execution but
returned to the state they w ere prior to com m and execution.
Ad d itionally w hen CPA 5/ 6 are used , th e d igital gains w ill be
autom atically ad justed for optim al perform ance w hen calculating
pixel coefficients. It is expected that after using CPA 5/ 6 that your
gains w ill be set to a new value.
cpa i i
Syntax Elem ents:
PRN U calibration algorithm to use:
5 = Calculates the PRN U coefficients and Digital gains using the
entered target value as show n below :
Target value (14 bits) in range from 4096 to 16220DN
For exam ple, if the cam era is in 8 bit m od e and the target is to be
200DN , use (200x64) = 12800 (14 bit equivalent) as target value.
The calculation is perform ed for all sensor pixels but w arnings
are only applied to pixels in the region of interest. This algorithm
is useful for achieving uniform output across m ultiple cam eras.
It is im portant to note that the target value (set w ith the next
param eter) d oes not need to be equal of higher to the highest
pixel across all cam eras. Since the cpa 5 function now controls
gain, negative gain values m ay also be set autom atically. The
id eal result of CPA 5 is that the PRN U coefficients and the
cam era gain are setup autom atically.
6 = Calculates the PRN U coefficient and the Digital gains in the
sam e w ay as cpa 5 w ith the exception that this com m and only
calculates PRN U for pixels w ithin the current Region of Interest
Peak target value in a range from 4096 to 16220 DN .
N otes:
Calibrate FPN before calibrating PRN U. If you are not
perform ing FPN calibration then issue the rpc (reset pixel
coefficients) com m and .
CPA 2 and CPA 4 functions are still available for use in the
cam era, bu t Teled yne DALSA d oes not recom m end their use
and w ill not guarantee any cam era specifications. The im proper
use of CPA 2/ 4 m ay cause the cam era to exceed its d esigned
perform ance criteria.
CPA 2/ 4 w ill only calculate a PRN U coefficient and w ill not
ad just gain.
Teledyne DALSA
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Exam ple:
cpa 5 13000
Setting a Pixel’s PRNU Coefficient
Sets an ind ivid ual pixel’s PRN U coefficient.
Syntax Elem ents:
spc i i
The pixel num ber from 1 to sensor pixel count.
Coefficient value in a range from 0 to 28671 w here:
PRN U coefficient = 1 +
Returning FPN and PRNU Coefficients
Returns all the current pixel coefficients in the ord er FPN , PRN U,
FPN , PRN U… for the range specified by x1 and x2. The cam era
also returns the pixel num ber w ith every fifth coefficient.
dpc x1 x2
Syntax Elem ents:
Start pixel to d isplay in a range from 1 to (sensor pixel count -1).
End pixel to d isplay in a range from x1 +1 to sensor pixel count.
N otes:
Exam ple:
dpc 10 20
If x2<x1 then x2 is forced to be x1.
Enabling and Disabling Pixel Coefficients
Enables and d isables FPN and PRN U coefficients.
epc i i
Syntax Elem ents:
FPN coefficients.
0 = FPN coefficients d isabled
1 = FPN coefficients enabled
PRN U coefficients.
0 = PRN U coefficients d isabled
1 = PRN U coefficients enabled
Exam ple:
Teledyne DALSA
epc 0 1
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Subtracting Background
Use the background subtract com m and after perform ing flat field
correction if you w ant to im prove your im age in a low contrast
scene. You should try to m ake your d arkest pixel in the scene
equal to zero.
ssb i
Syntax Elem ents:
N otes:
Related Com m and s
Exam ple
ssb 500
Subtracted value in a range in DN from 0 to 4096 (14 bit LSB).
See the follow ing section for details on the ssg com m and .
Setting System Gain
Im proves signal output sw ing after a background subtract. When
subtracting a d igital value from the d igital vid eo signal, using the
ssb com m and , the output can no longer reach its m axim um . Use
this com m and to correct for this w here:
ssg value =
ssg i
Syntax Elem ents:
max output value
max output value - ssb value
Gain setting. The gain ranges are 0 to 61439. The d igital
vid eo values are m ultiplied by this value w here:
System Gain= 1 +
N otes:
Use this com m and in conjunction w ith the ssb com m and
(d escribed above).
Digital offset is set to zero after sending the ccf com m and
Related Com m and s:
ssb, sab
Exam ple:
ssg 4500
Adding Background
Use the background ad d com m and after perform ing flat field
correction if you w ant to im prove your im age in a high contrast
scene. Use this com m and to increase the true black above 0 DN .
sab i
Syntax Elem ents:
N otes:
Related Com m and s
ssg, ssb
Exam ple
sab 500
Ad d value in a range in DN from 0 to 4096 (14 bit LSB).
See the follow ing section for details on the ssg com m and .
Teledyne DALSA
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
3.4 Saving and Restoring Settings
Saving and Restoring Factory and User Settings
Figure 5: Saving and Restoring Overview
Factory Settings
You can restore the original factory settings, inclu d ing the factory calibrated pixel
coefficient set, at any tim e u sing the com m and rfs.
User Settings
There are tw o m ain sets of u ser settings: Area Mod e u ser settings and TDI Mod e u ser
settings. After issu ing the u ser settings save com m and , wus, settings are saved d epend ing
on w hich m od e the cam era is operating in w hen the com m and is issu ed . Also, w hen
operating in TDI Mod e, d igital gain and offset, and backgrou nd su btract valu es are saved
as d istinct valu es for Forw ard and Reverse d irections. In other w ord s, you can program
the cam era to operate w ith a d igital gain valu e of +5d b in Forw ard d irection and an
d igital gain valu e of +3d b in Reverse d irection. Forw ard and Reverse d irection settings
are saved sim u ltaneou sly w ith the wus com m and . N ote that w hen you sw itch d irections,
the settings saved for that d irection are au tom atically load ed .
Figure 6: How User Settings are Stored in the Cameras after issuing the wus Command
User issues
wus command
Camera is operating
in Area Mode
Area Mode
User Settings
All settings
saved for Area
Mode only
Teledyne DALSA
Camera is operating
in TDI Mode
TDI Mode
User Settings
All settings, except
pixel coefficients,
saved for TDI
Mode only.
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
You can save or restore you r u ser settings to non -volatile m em ory u sing the follow ing
com m and s.
To save all cu rrent u ser settings to EEPROM for the cu rrent m od e for both TDI shift
d irections, u se the com m and wus. The cam era w ill au tom atically restore the saved
u ser settings w hen p ow ered u p.
WARNING: While settings are being written to nonvolatile memory, do not power down
camera or camera memory may be corrupted.
To restore the last saved u ser settings, inclu d ing the last u sed pixel coefficient set, for
the cu rrent m od e, u se the com m and rus.
Current Session Settings
These are the cu rrent operating settings of you r cam era. These settings are stored in the
cam era’s volatile m em ory and w ill not be restored once you pow er d ow n you r cam era.
To save these settings for reu se at pow er u p, u se the com m and wus. Settings are saved for
the cu rrent operating m od e (TDI or Area) only.
Saving and Restoring PRNU and FPN Coefficients
Note: Available in TDI
Mode only.
Pixel coefficient sets are saved sep arately for Forw ard and Reverse d irection, d epend ing
on w hich d irection the cam era is operating in w hen the wpc or wfc com m and is issu ed . It
is im portant that you save pixel coefficients before sw itching CCD shift d irection or
cu rrent coefficient valu es w ill be lost.
Figure 7: How Pixel Coefficients are saved in the Cameras after issuing the wpc or wfc Command
User issues wpc or wfc command.
Note: Camera must be operating in TDI Mode
Camera is operating
in forward direction
Coefficients saved
for forward direction
Camera is operating
in reverse direction
Coefficients saved
for reverse direction
Selecting the Set Number
When saving and load ing cam era settings, you have a choice of
saving up to four d ifferent sets and load ing from five d ifferent
sets (four user and one factory). This com m and d eterm ines the set
num ber from w here these values are load ed and saved .
Syntax Elem ents:
0 = Factory set. Settings can only be load ed from this set.
1 - 4 = User sets. You can save, or load settings w ith these
N ote:
The cam era pow ers up w ith the last set saved using this
com m and .
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Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Exam ple:
ssn 3
Related :
Saving the Current PRNU Coefficients
Saves the current PRN U coefficients for the current d irection for
the current set.
N otes:
Available in TDI m od e only.
Saving the Current FPN Coefficients
Saves the current FPN coefficients for the current d irection for the
current set.
N otes:
Available in TDI m od e only.
Loading a Saved Set of Coefficients
Load s a saved set of pixel coefficients for the current d irection . A
factory calibrated set of coefficients is available.
N otes:
Available in TDI m od e only.
Resetting the Current Pixel Coefficients
Resets the current pixel coefficients to zero. This com m and does not
reset saved coefficients.
N otes:
The d igital offset is not reset.
Rebooting the Camera
The com m and rc reboots the cam era. The cam era starts u p w ith the last saved settings
and the bau d rate u sed before reboot. Previou sly saved pixel coefficients are al so
restored .
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Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
3.5 Diagnostics
Generating a Test Pattern
Generates a test pattern to aid in system d ebugging. The test
patterns are useful for verifying proper tim ing and connections
betw een the cam era and the fram e grabber.
svm i
Syntax Elem ents:
0 Vid eo.
1 DCi = Integer ((i – 1) / 400) * 8) + 8
Where i = 1 to 6000
2 H ORi = Mod ulus (DCi + Mod ulus (Mod ulus ((i – 1), 1600),
256), 256)
Where i = 1 to 6000
3 VERi = Row – 1
Where i = 1 to 6000
4 DIAGi = Mod ulus ((H ORi + VERi), 256)
Where i = 1 to 6000
N otes:
Exam ple:
svm 2 horizontal ramp line profile
Teledyne DALSA
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Returning Video Information
The cam era’s m icrocontroller has the ability to read vid eo d ata w hen operating the
cam era in TDI Mod e. This fu nctionality can be u sed to verify cam era operation and to
perform basic testing w ithou t having to connect the cam era to a fram e grabber. This
inform ation is also u sed for collecting line statistics for calibrating the cam era.
Returning a Single Line of Video
Returns a com plete line of video (w ithout pixel coefficients or test
pattern) d isplaying one pixel value after another. It also d isplays
the m inim um , m axim um , and m ean value of the line sam pled
w ithin the region of interest (the region of interest com m and is
explained in section Setting a Region of Interest).
Use the gl com m and , or the follow ing gla com m and , to ensure
the proper vid eo input range into the processing chain before
executing any pixel calibration com m and s.
gl x1 x2
Syntax Elem ents:
Colum n start num ber. Must be less than the colum n end
num ber in a range from 1 to (column resolution – 1).
Colum n end num ber. Must be greater than the colum n start
num ber in a range from 2 to sensor resolution.
N otes:
If x2  x1 then x2 is forced to be x1.
Digital offset, background subtract, and d igital system gain
are applied to the d ata. FPN and PRN U coefficients are not
includ ed in the d ata.
Values returned are in 12 bit DN .
Available in TDI Mod e only.
Related Com m and s
Exam ple:
gl 10 20
Returning Averaged Lines of Video
Setting the Number of Lines to Sample
Sets the num ber of lines to sam ple w hen using the gla comm and
or for pixel coefficient calculations.
css i
Syntax Elem ents:
N um ber of lines to sam ple. Allow able values are 1024,
2048, or 4096.
N otes:
Related Com m and s:
Exam ple:
Teledyne DALSA
To return the current setting, use the gcp com m and .
css 1024
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Returning the Average of Multiple Lines of Video
Returns the average for m ultiple lines of vid eo d ata (w ithout pixel
coefficients or test pattern). The num ber of lines to sam ple is set
and ad justed by the css com m and . The cam era d isplays the Min.,
Max., and Mean statistics for the pixels in the region of interest (the
region of interest com m and is explained in section Setting a Region
of Interest).
gla x1 x2
Syntax Elem ents:
Colum n start num ber. Must be less than the colum n end
num ber in a range from 1 to (column resolution – 1).
Colum n end num ber. Must be greater than the colum n start
num ber in a range from 2 to colum n resolution.
N otes:
Related Com m and s:
Exam ple:
If x2  x1 then x2 is forced to be x1.
Digital offset, background subtract, and d igital system gain
are applied to the d ata. FPN and PRN U coefficients are not
includ ed in the d ata.
Values returned are in 12 bit DN .
Available in TDI Mod e only.
css, roi
gla 10 20
Temperature Measurement
The internal tem peratu re of the cam era can be d eterm ined by u sing the vt com m and .
This com m and w ill retu rn the internal chip tem peratu re in d egrees Celsiu s. For proper
operation, this valu e shou ld not exceed 75 °C.
Note: If the cam era’s internal tem peratu re reaches 75 °C, the cam era w ill shutdow n and
the LED w ill flash red. If this occu rs, the cam era must be rebooted u sing the com m and ,
rc or can be pow ered d ow n m anu ally. You w ill have to correct the tem peratu re problem
or the cam era w ill shu td ow n again.
IMPORTAN T! Refer to the cam era m ou nting instru ction s, below , for m ore inform ation
on m anaging the cam era tem peratu re.
Voltage Measurement
The com m and vv d isplays the cam era’s inpu t voltage. N ote that the voltage
m easu rem ent featu re of the cam era provid es only app roxim ate resu lts (typically w ithin
10%). The m easu rem ent shou ld not be u sed to set the applied voltage to the cam era bu t
only u sed as a test to isolate gross problem s w ith the su p ply voltage.
Teledyne DALSA
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Camera Frequency Measurement
Returns the frequency for the requested control signal
Syntax Elem ents:
gsf i
Control signal to m easure:
1: CC1 (EXSYN C)
3: CC3 (Direction)
Exam ple:
gsf 1
Returning Camera Settings
Returning All Camera Settings with the Camera
Parameter Screen
The cam era p aram eter (GCP) screen retu rns all of the cam era’s cu rrent settings.
To read all current camera settings, use the command:
Returning Camera Settings with Get Commands
You can also retu rn ind ivid u al cam era settings by inserting a ― get” in front of the
com m and that you w ant to qu ery. If the com m and has a tap or pixel nu m ber param eter,
you m u st also insert the tap nu m ber or pixel nu m ber that you w ant to qu ery. Refer to the
Com m and section later in this m anu al for a list of available com m and s. To view a help
screen listing the follow ing get com m and s, u se the com m and gh.
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Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Optical and Mechanical
M72X0.75 depth 4.1
M4x0.7 depth 6.0
Imaging area aligned in X-Y with respect to datums B and C.
Roataion of the CCD imaging area is ±0.6 degrees.
Lens mount position with respect to imaging area: X-Y ±0.175 MM.
Imaging area position tolerances are to be determined.
Units: MM.
Teledyne DALSA
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
4.1 Lens Mounts
Model Number
Lens Mount Opening
H S-S0-06K
M72x0.75 thread .
4.2 Optical Interface
The am ou nt and w avelengths of light requ ired to captu re u sefu l im ages d epend on the
particu lar ap plication. Factors inclu d e the natu re, speed , and spectral characteristics of
objects being im aged , exposu re tim es, light sou rce characteristics, environm ental and
acqu isition system specifics, and m ore. The Know led ge Center on ou r Web site,
(http:/ / w w w .teled yned / m v/ know led ge/ appnotes.aspx) p rovid es an
introd u ction to this p otentially com plicated issu e. See ―Rad iom etry and Photo
Responsivity‖ and "Sensitivities in Photom etric Units" in the CCD Technology Prim er
fou nd u nd er the Application Su pport link.
It is often m ore im portant to consid er exposu re than illu m ination. The total am ou nt o f
energy (w hich is related to the total nu m ber of photons reaching the sensor) is m ore
im portant than the rate at w hich it arrives. For exam ple, 5J/ cm can be achieved by
exposing 5m W/ cm for 1m s ju st the sam e as exposing an intensity of 5W/ cm for 1s.
Light Sources
Keep these gu id elines in m ind w hen setting u p you r light sou rce:
LED light sou rces are relatively inexpensive, provid e a u niform field , and longer life
sp an com p ared to other light sou rces. H ow ever, they also requ ire a cam era w ith
excellent sensitivity, su ch as the H S-Sx cam era.
H alogen light sou rces generally provid e very little blu e relative to infrared light (IR).
Fiber-optic light d istribu tion system s gen erally transm it very little blu e relative to IR.
Som e light sou rces age; over their life sp an they prod u ce less light. This aging m ay
not be u niform —a light sou rce m ay prod u ce progressively less light in som e areas of
the spectru m bu t not others.
CCD cam eras are extrem ely resp onsive to infrared (IR) w avelengths of light. To prevent
infrared from d istorting the im ages you scan, u se a ―hot m irror ‖ or IR cu toff filter that
transm its visible w avelengths bu t d oes not tr ansm it w avelengths over 750nm . Exam ples
are the Schneid er Optics™ B+W 489, w hich inclu d es a m ou nting ring, the CORION ™ LS750, w hich d oes not inclu d e a m ou nting ring, and the CORION ™ H R-750 series hot
m irror.
Lens Modeling
Any lens su rrou nd ed by air can be m od eled for cam era p u rposes u sing three p rim ary
points: the first and second p rincip al points and the second focal point. The prim ary
points for a lens shou ld be available from the lens d ata sheet or from the lens
m anu factu rer. Prim ed qu antities d enote characteristics of the im age sid e of the lens. That
is, h is the object height and h is the im age height.
Teledyne DALSA
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
The focal point is the point at w hich the im age of an infinitely d istant object is brou ght to
focu s. The effective focal length (f) is the d istance from the second princip al p oint to the
second focal point. The back focal length (BFL) is the d istance from the im age sid e of the
lens su rface to the second focal point. The object distance (OD) is the d istance from the first
principal point to the object.
Figure 8: Primary Points in a Lens System
4.3 High Temperature and Mounting
Warning! Depend ing on the m ou nting d esign and the op erating cond itions the cam era
bod y cou ld becom e hot. You m u st take precau tions to ensu re you r safety and avoid
tou ching the cam era d irectly d u ring operation.
Mounting Instructions and Recommendations
Proper cam era m ou nting ensu res that the heat generated by the cam era d issipates
properly and that the cam era m aintains a safe tem peratu re.
The cam era shou ld be bolted tightly to a m ou nting plate m ad e of therm ally
cond u ctive m aterial (e.g. Alu m inu m ).
Keep contact area betw een the cam era’s front su rface and the m ou nting plate su rface
as large as possible. Do not u se ―stand -off‖ style m ou nting.
Design the cam era m ou nting plate so that there is enou gh su rface area to d issip ate
heat. An exam ple of a p roperly m ou nted cam era is illu strat ed on the follow ing p age.
Forced air flow to the fins is the m ost effective w ay to cool the cam era. If forced air
flow is not available, then leave enou gh space arou nd the fins so that heat can easily
d issip ate into the air by natu ral convection.
The m ou nt setu p plu s the airflow m u st d issip ate 44 Watts or m ore of heat.
Proper therm al m ou nting of the cam era shou ld resu lt in an internal cam era
tem peratu re < 65 ºC (verify u sing com m and vt) and a front plate tem peratu re < 50 ºC.
N ote: To avoid internal d am age the cam era au tom atically shu ts d ow n w hen the internal
tem peratu re reaches 75 ºC.
The recommendations assume the following conditions:
The cam era m ou nting plate has at least 5,047 m m sq. contact su rface (equ al to the fu ll
cam era m ou nting su rface, as show n) and ap proxim ately 3,000 m m sq. of natu ral
convection su rface.
N o im ped im ents to the natu ral convection space arou nd the su rface of the m ou nting
plate and the su rface of the cam era.
An environm ent tem peratu re of ap proxim ately 25 ºC.
Good contact betw een the mou nting plate and the cam era su rface.
Teledyne DALSA
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
106 mm
Front plate
45 mm
86 mm
Camera full front
mounting surface
(5047 mm sq.)
Heat sink
Heat sink
Mounting plate
Mounting bracket
Mounting hole
Teledyne DALSA
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
6.1 Common Solutions
The inform ation in this chapter can help you solve problem s that m ay occu r d u ring the
setu p of you r cam era. Rem em ber that the cam era is part of the entire acqu isition system .
You m ay have to trou bleshoot any or all of the follow ing:
pow er su pplies
fram e grabber hard w are & softw are
light sou rces
operating environm ent
host com pu ter
encod er
You r steps in d ealing w ith a technical problem shou ld be:
1. Try the general and specific solu tions listed in sections 6.1, 6.2 and 6.3.
If these solu tions d o not resolve you r problem , see section 6.4 on getting prod u ct su p p ort.
When the cam era is first pow ered u p, the LED w ill glow on the back of the cam era. Refer
to section LED Statu s Ind icator for inform ation on the LED.
The first step in trou bleshooting is to verify that you r cam era has all the correct
Power Supply Voltages
Check for the presence of all voltages at the cam era p ow er connector. Verify that all
grou nd s are connected . Issu e the com m and , vv, to confirm correct voltages.
When the cam era is received from the factory, it d efau lts (no external inpu t requ ired ) to
exposu re m od e 7 (TBDkH z fram e rate, internal Sync to trigger read ou t, and TDI Mod e).
After a u ser has saved settings, the cam era pow ers u p w ith the saved settings.
Teledyne DALSA
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Data Clocking/Output Signals
To valid ate cable integrity, have the cam era send ou t a test pattern and verify it is being
properly received . Refer to section Generating a Test Pattern for fu rther inform ation.
6.2 Troubleshooting Using the Serial Interface
The follow ing com m and s can aid in d ebu gging. (The com plete com m and protocol is
d escribed in Ap pend ix B and C.)
To qu ickly verify serial com m u nications send the help com m and . The h com m and
retu rns the online help m enu . If fu rther problem s persist, review Append ix C for m ore
inform ation on com m u nications.
Verify Parameters
To verify the cam era p aram eters, send the gcp com m and .
Verify Factory Calibrated Settings
To restore the cam era’s factory settings and d isable the FPN and PRN U coefficients, send
the rfs com m and .
After execu ting this com m and send the gcp com m and to verify the factory settings.
Verify Timing and Digital Video Path
Use the test p attern featu re to verify the proper tim ing and connections betw een the
cam era and the fram e grabber and verify the proper ou tp u t along the d igital processing
chain. See below .
Generating Test Patterns
The cam era can generate test patterns to aid in system d ebu gging. Use the com m and svm
1 (or u p to svm 4) to activate a test pattern. A d escription of available test p atterns is in
section 3.5 Diagnostics. Use the test pattern to verify the p roper tim ing and connections
betw een the cam era and the fram e grabber.
Verify Voltage
To check the cam era’s inpu t voltage, u se the vv com m and . If it is w ithin the proper
range, the cam era retu rns OK> and the voltage valu e. Otherw ise the cam era retu rns an
error m essage.
Verify Temperature
To check the internal tem peratu re of the cam era, u se the vt com m and . For proper
operation, this valu e shou ld not exceed 75°C.
Note: If the cam era reaches 75°C, the cam era w ill shutdow n and the LED w ill flash red.
If this occu rs, the cam era must be rebooted u sing the com m and , rc or can be p ow ered
d ow n m anu ally. You w ill have to correct the tem peratu re problem or the cam era w ill
Teledyne DALSA
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
shu td ow n again. If you enter any com m and other than vt or rc, the cam era respond s
w ith:
Error 09: The camera's temperature exceeds the specified operating
Verify Pixel Coefficients
Use the dpc com m and to d isplay the pixel coefficients in the ord er FPN , PRN U, FPN ,
PRN U… The cam era also retu rns the pixel nu m ber for each fifth pixel.
6.3 Specific Solutions
No Output or Erratic Behavior
If you r cam era provid es no ou tpu t or behaves erratically, it m ay be picking u p rand om
noise from long cables acting as antennae. Do not attach w ires to u nu sed pins. Verify that
the cam era is not receiving spu riou s inpu ts (e.g. EXSYN C if cam era is in exposu re m od e
that requ ires external signals). Unu sed signals in the cable shou ld be term intated in 100Ω.
Line Dropout, Bright Lines, or Incorrect Frame Rate
Verify that the frequ ency of the internal sync is set correctly, or w hen the cam era is set to
external sync that the EXSYN C signal su pplied to the cam era d oes not exceed the
cam era’s u seable fram e rate u nd er the cu rrent operating cond itions.
Noisy Output
Check you r pow er su pply voltage ou tpu ts for noise. N oise present on these lines can
resu lt in poor vid eo qu ality.
Dark Patches
If d ark p atches appear in you r ou tpu t the optics path m ay have becom e contam inated .
Clean you r lenses and sensor w ind ow s w ith extrem e care.
1. Take stand ard ESD precau tions.
2. Wear latex gloves or finger cots.
3. Blow off d u st u sing a filtered blow bottle or d ry, filtered com pressed air.
4. Fold a piece of optical lens cleaning tissu e (ap prox. 3" x 5") to m ak e a squ are p ad that
is approxim ately one finger -w id th.
5. Moisten the pad on one ed ge w ith 2-3 d rop s of clean solvent—either alcohol or
acetone. Do not satu rate the entire pad w ith solvent.
Teledyne DALSA
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Appendix A
Error Handling and
Command List
A1 Error Handling
The follow ing table lists w arning and error m essages and provid es a d escription and
possible cau se. Warning m essages are retu rned w hen the cam era cannot m eet the fu ll
valu e of the requ est; error m essages are retu rned w hen the cam era is u nable to com plete
the requ est.
Table 8: Warning and Error Messages
Warning Messages
Camera Response
Cam era executed com m and
Warning 01: Outsid e of specification>
Param eter accepted w as outsid e of specified
operating range (e.g. gain greater than ±10 d B of
factory setting, or SSF below specification).
Warning 02: Clipped to m in>
Param eter w as clipped to the current operating
range. Use GCP or GET to see value used .
Warning 03: Clipped to m ax>
Param eter w as clipped to the current operating
range. Use GCP or GET to see value used .
Warning 04: Related param eters
ad justed >
Internal operating cond ition is ad justed to
accom m od ate the entered com m and . E.g.
requesting exposure tim e longer than line tim e
autom atically ad justs the line tim e to m eet the
exposure tim e requirem ent.
Warning 07: Coefficient m ay be
inaccurate A/ D clipping has occurred >
In the region of interest (ROI) greater than 6.251%
single or 1% of averaged pixel values w ere zero or
saturated .
Warning 08: Greater than 1% of
coefficients have been clipped
Greater than 1% of FPN or PRN U coefficients have
been calculated to be greater than the m axim um
allow able and so w ere clipped.
Warning 09: Internal line rate inconsistent Changing this param eter has changed read out
w ith read out tim e>
tim e and that is greater than the internal SYN C
Teledyne DALSA
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Error Messages
Camera Response
Error 01: Internal error xx>
Where xx is a cod e list below .
Only output d uring pow er up.
Custom er should contact Teled yne DALSA custom er
Error 02: Unrecognized com m and >
Com m and is not valid .
Error 03: Incorrect num ber of
param eters>
Too m any or too few param eters.
Error 04: Incorrect param eter value> This response returned for
Cam era received for nu m eric or visa versa
Ou tsid e the range lim it
Float w here integer expected
N ot an elem ent of the set of possible valu es.
E.g., Bau d Rate
Error 05: Com m and unavailable in
this m od e>
E.g. SSF w hen in SEM 3
Error 06: Tim eout>
Com m and not com pleted in tim e. E.g. CCF in SEM 3
w hen no external EXSYN C is present.
Error 07: Cam era settings not saved > Ind icates that user settings have been corrupted by
turning off the pow er w hile executing the WUS
com m and . Must build up new settings from factory
and re-save w ith WUS.
Error 08: Unable to calibrate - tap
outsid e ROI>
Cannot calibrate a tap that is not part of the end of line
Error 09: The cam era's tem perature
exceed s the specified operating
Ind icates that the cam era has shut itself d ow n to
prevent d am age from further overheating. (flashing
red )
Shuts d ow n at internal tem perature of 75˚C and w ill
not restart until below 65˚C (equivalent to 50˚C at front
Error 10: FPGA Flash Program Failed FCS failed either because of com m unication error or a
bad file w as sent.
Teledyne DALSA
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
A2 Commands: Quick Reference
t = tap id
i = integer value
f = float
m = member of a set
s = string
x = pixel column number
y = pixel row number
Teledyne DALSA
As a qu ick reference, the follow ing table lists all of the cam era configu ration com m and s
available to the cam era u ser. For d etailed inform ation on u sing these com m and s, refer to
Chapter 3. N ote: This table d oes not list ―get‖ com m and s. Refer to section Retu rning
Cam era Settings for a list of these com m and s.
Table 9: Command Quick Reference
correction calibrate fpn
calculate cam era gain
Perform s FPN calibration and
elim inates FPN noise by subtracting
aw ay ind ivid ual pixel d ark current.
Refer to Signal Processing and
Processing Chain Overview and
Description for d etails.
Calculates the cam era gain accord ing to
the selected algorithm .
i = Calibration target value in a range
from :
4096 to 16064 DN (14 bit LSB).
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
calculate PRN U
i i
Perform s PRN U calibration accord ing
to the selected algorithm *.
The first param eter is the algorithm
w here i is:
2 = Calculates the PRN U coefficients
using the entered target value as show n
below :
PRNU Coefficient =
(AVG Pixel Value ) - FPN
The calculation is perform ed for all
sensor pixels but w arnings are only
applied to pixels in the region of
interest. This algorithm is useful for
achieving uniform output across
m ultiple cam eras.
4 = This algorithm is the sam e as 2 w ith
the exception that it only calculates
PRN U for the pixels w ith in the current
Region of Interest (ROI).
The second param eter is the target
value to use in a range from 4096 to
16220 DN .
5 = Calculates the PRN U coefficients
and Digital gains using the entered
target value as show n below :
Target value (14 bits) in range from
4096 to 16220DN
For exam ple, if the cam era is in 8 bit
m od e and the target is to be 200DN , use
(200x64) = 12800 (14 bit equivalent) as
target value.
The calculation is perform ed for all
sensor pixels but w arnings are only
applied to pixels in the region of
interest. This algorithm is useful for
achieving uniform output across
m ultiple cam eras. It is im portant to note
that the target value (set w ith the next
param eter) d oes not need to be equal of
higher to the highest pixel across all
cam eras. Since the cpa 5 function now
controls gain, negative gain values m ay
also be set autom atically. The id eal
result of CPA 5 is that the PRN U
coefficients and the cam era gain are
setup autom atically.
6 = Calculates the PRN U coefficient and
the Digital gains in the sam e w ay as cpa
5 w ith the exception that this com m and
only calculates PRN U for pixels w ithin
the current Region of Interest (ROI).
* CPA 5 or 6 are recom m end ed for use.
CPA 2 and 4 are available, but using
them m ay cause your cam era to
perform contrary to its specifications.
Teledyne DALSA
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Teledyne DALSA
correction set sam ple
Set num ber of line sam ples averaged
for pixel coefficient calculations or for
output of gla com m and . Values: 1,
1024, 2048, 4096.
Refer to Returning Averaged Lines of
Vid eo on page 39 for d etails.
d isplay pixel coeffs
x1 x2
Displays the pixel coefficients in the
ord er FPN , PRN U, FPN , PRN U, …
x1 = Pixel start num ber
x 2= Pixel end num ber
In a range from 1 to 6000.
enable pixel coefficients
i i
Sets w hether pixel coefficients are
enabled or d isabled .
The first param eter sets the FPN
coefficients w here i is:
0 = FPN coefficients d isabled
1 = FPN coefficients enabled
The second param eter sets the PRN U
coefficients w here i is:
0 = PRN U coefficients d isabled
1 = PRN U coefficients enabled
Refer to section Enabling and Disabling
Pixel Coefficients on page 33 for d etails.
get com m and log
get cam era m od el
Read s the cam era m od el num ber.
get cam era param eters
Read s all of the cam era param eters.
get cam era serial
Read the cam era serial num ber.
get cam era version
Read the firm w are version and FPGA
get fpn coeff
get help
get line
Read the FPN coefficient
x = pixel num ber to read in a range
from 1 – sensor pixel count.
Refer to Returning FPN Coefficients on
page 30 for d etails.
Returns a help screen listing all of the
―get‖ com m and s.
x x
Gets a line of raw video (no d igital
processing or test pattern) d isplaying
one pixel value after another and the
m inim um , m axim um , and m ean value
of the sam pled line.
x = Pixel start num ber
x = Pixel end num ber
In a range from 1 to 6000.
Refer to Returning a Single Line of
Vid eo on page 39 for d etails.
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
get line average
x x
Read the average of line sam ples.
x = Pixel start num ber
x = Pixel end num ber
In a range from 1 to 6000.
Refer to Returning Averaged Lines of
Vid eo on page 39 for d etails.
get prnu coeff
Read the PRN U coefficient.
x = pixel num ber to read in a range
from 1 – sensor pixel count.
get signal frequency
help, single com m and
load pixel coefficients
read bit error counter
reset cam era
Reset the entire cam era (reboot). Baud
rate is not reset and reboots w ith the
value last used .
restore factory settings
Restore the cam era’s factory settings.
FPN and PRN U coefficients reset to 0.
Refer to section 3.4 Saving and
Restoring Settings for d etails.
region of interest
reset pixel coeffs
reset stats counter
restore user settings
set ad d background
0 to 4096.
set ccd d irection
Sets the CCD shift d irection w here:
0 = Forw ard TDI shift d irection.
1 = Reverse TDI shift d irection.
2 = Externally controlled d irection.
Display the online help. Refer to section
for d etails.
Load s the previously saved pixel
coefficients from non -volatile m em ory
w here i is:
0 = Factory calibrated coefficients
1 = Coefficient set one
2 = Coefficient set tw o
3 = Coefficient set three
4 = Coefficient set four
x y x y
Sets the pixel range affected by the cag,
gl, gla, ccf and cpa com m and s.
The param eters are the pixel start and
end values (x) and the colum n start and
end values (y) in a range from 1 to
4096. Refer to section Setting a Region
of Interest for d etails.
Reset the pixel coefficients to 0. Refer to
section Enabling and Disabling Pixel
Coefficients on page 33 for d etails.
Restore the cam era's last saved user
settings and FPN and PRN U
coefficients. Refer to section 3.4 Saving
and Restoring Settings for d etails.
Teledyne DALSA
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
set d ata w id th
Selects the bit d epth, w here:
sd w 8 = 8-bit outpu t
sd w 10 = 10-bit outpu t
sd w 12 = 12-bit outpu t
set exposure m od e
Set the exposure m od e:
3 = External SYN C, m axim um
exposure tim e
7 = Internal program m able SYN C,
m axim um exposure tim e. Factory
set fpn coeff
x i
Set the FPN coefficient.
x =pixel num ber w ithin the range 1 to
i= FPN value w ithin the range 0 to
8191 (12-bit LSB).
Refer to Perform ing FPN Correction on
page 30 for d etails.
set gain
0 to 30 : -20 to +20.
set prnu coeff
x i
Set the PRN U coefficient.
x=pixel num ber w ithin the range 1 to
i= PRN U value w ithin the range 0 to
set subtract background
Subtract the input value from the
output signal.
i = Subtracted value in a range from 0
to 4096
set sync frequency
Set the fram e rate to a value from :
1 to 142,000.
1 to 320.
Value round ed up/ d ow n as required .
Refer to Setting Fram e Rate on page 25
for d etails.
Teledyne DALSA
set system gain
Set the d igital gain.
i = Digital gain in a range from 0 to
61438. The d igital vid eo values are
m ultiplied by this num ber. Refer to
Setting System Gain on page 34 for
d etails.
set set num ber
0 to 4.
stage select
Sets the num ber of TDI stages.
For the H S-S0, the available values are
64, 128, 192, 256. Factory setting
is 256. Refer to Selecting the N um ber of
CCD Integration Stages for d etails.
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
set vid eo m od e
Sw itch betw een norm al vid eo m od e
and test patterns:
0: N orm al vid eo m od e
1: Test pattern
2: Test pattern
3: Test pattern
4: Test pattern
Refer to section Generating a Test
Pattern for d etails.
set TDI m od e
Set the cam era’s operating m od e.
0: Area Mod e
1: TDI Mod e
Refer to section Selecting TDI or Area
Mod e Operation for d etails.
upd ate gain reference
Changes 0 d B gain to equal the current
gain value.
verify tem perature
Check the internal tem perature of the
cam era
verify voltage
Check the cam era’s input voltages and
return OK or fail
w rite FPN coefficients
Write all current FPN coefficients to
Refer to section Saving and Restoring
PRN U and FPN Coefficients for d etails.
w rite PRN U coeffs
Write all current PRN U coefficients to
Refer to section Saving and Restoring
PRN U and FPN Coefficients for d etails.
w rite user settings
Write all of the user settings to EEROM.
Refer to section Saving and Restoring
Factory and User Settings for d etails.
Teledyne DALSA
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Appendix B
EMC Declaration
Teledyne D ALSA
605 McMurray Rd.,
Waterloo, ON
d eclare u nd er sole responsibility, that the prod u ct(s):
fu lfill(s) the requ irem ents of the stand ard s ou tlined below w hich satisfy the EMC
requ irem ents for CE m arking, the FCC Part 15 requ irem ents, and the Ind u stry Can ad a
ICES-003 evalu ation.
Rad iated em issions requ irem ents:
EN 55022 (2010)
EN 55011 (2010)
ICES-003 Class A
CISPR 22 (2008)
CISPR 11 (2010)
FCC Part 15
Im m u nity to d istu rbances:
EN 55024 (2010)
EN 61326-1 (2006)
Place of Issu e
Waterloo, ON , CAN ADA
Date of Issu e
May 22, 2014
N am e and Signatu re of au thorized person
Hank Helmond
Quality Manager, Teledyne D ALSA Corp.
Teledyne DALSA
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
Appendix C
Revision History
Change Description
Prelim inary release.
June 9, 2014
- Mechanical revised w ith new heatsink orien tation.
- Responsivity graph revised w ith correct units—
DN / nj/ cm and not uJ / cm .
August 20, 2014
Teledyne DALSA
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
applications, 7
Area Mod e, 20
bit d epth
setting, 19
bright lines, 48
calibrating the cam era, 27
errors, 33
overview , 27
results, 33
steps, 28
cam era
m essages, 49
cam era control signals, 14
Cam era Link
outputs, 15
cam era settings
current, 35
factory, 35
restoring, 35
retrieving, 41
saving, 35
user, 35
clocking signals, 15
d iabling, 33
enabling, 33
load ing, 33
resetting, 33
com m and
form at, 18
param eters, 19
com m and s
list, 51
connectors, 12
lem o, 13
pow er, 13
pow er m ating, 13
Teledyne DALSA
d ata rate, 8
d ebugging, 46
d igital
signal processing, 30
d irection
externally controlled , 21
w eb m ovem ent, 45
EMC Declaration of
Conform ity, 57, 58
error m essages, 49
exposure m od es
overview , 23
troubleshooting, 46
external trigger, 15
fiber-optic light sources, 43
filters, 43
flat field correction, 27–29
FPN , 27
gain, 6, 30
gain ranges, 8
halogen light sources, 43
help, 19
hot m irror, 43
illum ination, 43
incorrect line rate, 48
input/ outp ut, 12
inputs (user bus), 14
installation, 11
optical, 8, 43
d ark patches, 48
d ata bus, 15
LED, 12
lem o connector, 13
Piranha HS-S0-06K Camera User Manual
m od eling, 43
light sources, 43
line dropout, 48
line rate, 8
line statistics, 39
m od e
Area, 20
TDI, 20
m od els, 7
N EE, 9
noisy output, 48
online help, 19
m od es, 22
optical interface, 43
optical specs, 8
output signals, 15
perform ance specifications, 8
pixel statistics, 39
pow er
connectors, 13
guid elines, 13
m ating connectors, 13
PRN U, 27
resolution, 8
responsivity, 9
roi. See Region of Interest
SEE, 9
sensitivity level, 21
serial interface, 18
d efaults, 18
troubleshooting, 47
factory, 20
statistics, 39
TDI Mod e, 20
tem perature
m easurem ent, 40
test patterns, 38
test patterns, 47
tim ing
m od e 3, 24
m od e 7, 24
external, 15
troubleshooting, 46
vid eo d ata, 40
m easurem ent, 40
w arning m essages, 49
rebooting, 37
Teledyne DALSA