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TAmRon-sp I 06~ I 3S0mmF/S.6 SOOmmF/8 CF TELE MACRO CATADIOPTRIC LENS OWNER'S MANUAL II, I I . i 1111' AOAPTALL-2 MOUNT SYSTEM Welcome . . . .. to the ever· expanding world of Tamron Thank you for selecting the Tamron SP catadioptric lens. Before using your new Tamron lens, take a few minu tes and carefully read this in struction manual. This way, you will beco me fully acquainted with the features and proper method of operating your lens in the norm a l and macro modes. This will enab le you to obtain the best possible resutls. With prop e r handlin g and care, your Tamron le ns will provide you with ma ny years of e njoy able and trouble-free operation. 1. DESCRIPTION OF PARTSAND SPECIFICATIONS Model 068 Focal Length. Aperture : Const ruc ti on: Focusing ring Macro magnification scale (w/2X teleconverterl Macro magnification scale Distance scale---..... Distance scale index Mount index for all Nikon cameras, Nikkomat FT3 and other cameras 3 Angle of Vi ew: Coating: Lens Accessory Size : M inim um Focus from Film Plane: Maximum Magnification 350mm F/5.6 7 elements in 4 groups 7°30' BBAR mult i-layer coat ing 30.5mm rear, sc rew- in (82mm front) 1. 1m (4 3.3 in ,) ( Iw/2X tel e-converte r: 1 : 2.5 11 : 1.251 F ocusing Ring Rotation : Length (at infi ni ty) ' 74.5mm (2 .9 in.l Diameter: Weigh t: Lens Hood Filter: Optional Accessories : 86mm ( 3. 4in . ) 535g I1 8,90z. 1 Detachab le, screw·in A rear normal f ilter is supp l ied with y our lens Rear filter set available consist ing o f ND4X, Y 52, 056, and ABO . ND2X and 81 B also ava il able separate ly. F lat-field 2X tele-converter, tele-view adapto r , 82mm "Normal" filter . Focal Length : Aperture: Construction: Focusing ring Macro magnification scale (w/2X teleconvE!rter) Macro magnification scale Distance scale - - -.... Tripod mounting ring fastening screw Distance scale index 500mm FIB 7 elements in 4 groups Angle of View : SO Coating : BBAR multi ·layer coating Lens Accessory Size: Minimum Focus from Film Plane : Maximum Magn ification ( )w12X tele-converter : Focusing Ring Rotati on. Length (at infinity); Diameter : Weight: 30.5mm rear, sc rew-in !82mm fron tl 1.7 m (66 .9 in) 1 : 3 ( 1 : 1.5) 87 mm 134 In) 84 rnm (33 In) 576 9 (20.2 ounce) Lens Hood Detachable, screw -in Filter : Optional Accessories : A rear normal filler is supplied wit h your tens. Rear filter set available consisting of ND4X, YS2. 056, and R60. ND2X and 818 also available separately, Flat · field 2X tele-converter, tele-view adap tor, 82mm "Normal " filter . Mounting index (in red) for Nikkomat FT, FTN, EL and FLW Mount index for all Nikon cameras, Nikkomat FT3 and other cameras 4 2. PRINCIPAL FEATURES (1) Continuous Focusing - CF Continuous focusing from infinity t o the minimum objec t distance of 1.1 meters Ifor 350mm F5.61 o r 1.7 m eters Ifor 500mm FS) is permitted. The m ax im um macro magnification ratio at t he mini· mum object distance of 1. 1 meters is 1 :2.5 (f or 350mm F5.61 or 1:3 (f or 500mm F8 at the m in imum object distance of 1.7 meters). 121 Tolo·Macro Capability Y our new mirror lens features a "telemacro" capab ility which permits photo graph ing an object in m acro mode as close as 1. 1 m eters Ifor 350mm F5.6 1 o r 1.7 meters Ifor 500mm FB I. The lens has opened up new horizo ns for macro photography which have been almost impossible in the past; you can photograph objects which were normally restricted, d istance wise, such as insects. timid animals, accessories in a show window, birds in a cage, etc. in mac ro mode without c losely approach ing the obj ect. (3) Constant F ·Number A convent ional fixed focal length lens requires troub lesome F/stop calcu lations depending on the object distance. Tamron's innovative focusing system allows you to maintain a constant light transmission while focusing so that the F-number does not change at any focus settings from infinity to close up (macro ), Therefore, you can obta in optimum exposure time without any correction even in auto flash photography. which so far, required obta ining a corrected va lue by means of guide numbers. In add ition, w ith the te lemacro capab ility of the T amron mirror lens permitting the use of an auto flash at the m ini mum distance of 1.1 meters (f or 350mm F5.6) or 1.7 meters, (for 500mm FB), high-speed macro photography utilizing an auto f lash is possibl e. (4) Silver-Evaporated Reflex Mirrors In order to increase fight transmission eff ic iency, your new Tamron mirror lens incorporates specia l silver-evaporated reflex mirrors rathe r than the conventional mirrors whose su rfaces are coated with alumi num. With two reflex mirrors, the total reflection percentage within a lens havin.Q aluminum -coated mirrors becomes 60% or less. However, Tamron h as succeeded in obtaining a reflection perce ntage as high as 80% or more with the sil ver-evaporated reflex mirrors. Th e specia l sil ve r evaporat ion which is applied to the reflex mirrors is extremely durable. The degree of durability ex· ceeds t he requirements conta ined in the MIL standard by more than th ree times thanks to Tamron's ori ginal coat ing t echnique employing a combination of a single layer of metallic coating and two layers of high molecu lar fi lm s. (5) Unique and Convenient Outer Design In designing the outer appearance of the lens, emphasis was put on the maximum handling convenience by concentrating all the necessary in formation in one place where it can be easily read. Most of Tamron lenses, including your new lens, are marked with the maximum macro magn ification scale to be applied when Tamron's SP 2X tele-converter is used . 6 PRINCIPAL FEATURES (61 Expanded Vistas of Photography By Employing An SP 2X High- Performance T.'.~onvert8r Tamron's SP 2X tere -converter is a highperformance converter in the Adaptall system. It was specially developed for exclusive use with the telephoto and zoom lenses in the SP and Adaptall-2 series. The combina tion of the tereconverter and your Tamron mirror lens greatly expands the conventional range of photography as follows : a. The combination of the tel econverter and the lens permits expanding the range of the macro magnification ratio from 1 :2.5 to 1: 1.25 Ifor 350mm F5.61 or 1.3 to 1: 1.5 Ifor 500mm FBI which is almost life- 171 Adaptall Custom Mount System Via Tamron's exc lusive Adapta!! custom mount system, your new lens can be used with virtually any popula r single lens reflex camera . size . b . The tere-converter and lens combine to make a very compact 700mm (for 350mml or 1000mm 1500mm l ul tra telephoto that is convenient to carry around . SP 2X Tele-converter SP 500 mm (Model 556 ) Ad aptall mount Camera 7 Mount Lens 3. INSTALLING AN[) REMOVING THE TAM RON ADAPTALL CUSTOM MOUNT mounts for Canon FD. Minolla and Nikon is the same as described in Steps 1 and 2. however, the custom i. Align the green dot on the custom mount with the matching green dot on the lens barrel and turn the mount c lockwise until the mount is locked (clicks ) into th e proper position . 2. Move the meter coupl ing lever 9" provided on the custom mount so th at it engages in the slot provided o n the lens and now the aperture of the lens w ill coup le to the exposu re con tro l mechanism of your camera. The method of installing custom mount for Canon FD, Minolla and Nikon have two coupl ing levers 9 . Therefore. when the mount is installed, engage the two coupli"ng levers in the corresponding slot~ • on both sides of the lens. Note 1. When Fitting The Custom Mount For Nikon with 500mm Mirror Lens. A I With A ll N i kon Cameras and The Nikkormat FT3 : For use with Nikon came ras and the Nikkormat FT3 l and also all other brand SLRs) the rear ring of the SP500mm is set during manufacture with the two green dots aligned together. Therefore with the above cameras be sure to use the lens in this position. With AI syst em cam eras push th e exposu re meter coupling lever on the camera upwards t o prevent the lens from cross-coupli ng t o the meter. This all ows the lens to be used in the stop-down metering mode in the same manner as a Nikon lens. (Pi cture © on next page.) 8 INSTALLING AND REMOVING THE TAM RON ADAPTALL CUSTOM MOUNT BI With Nikkormat FT , FTN, EL and E LW : . As explained on the label affixed on the rear cap of the lens, slacken th e red screw on the rear ring wi th the sc rewdriver supplied, and turn the ring clockwise all the- way until it stops. Th en retighten the screw. Th is allows the lens to be used in the stopdown metering mode in th e same manner as a N ikon lens. (P icture@ ) Note 2 . When Fitting Th e Custom M ount For Nikon w ith 350mm Mirror Lens: 9 '---- Al With Nikon Photomic and Nikon Ph otomic S: Slacken the red screw on the rear ring with the screwdriver supplied and use the lens at this position. B ) For al l other Nikon and Nikkormat cameras, use th e lens as it is. (N o ad ju stnient is necessary) 3. Y ou r fitted Tamron with an lens which is now Adaptall custom mount can be secured to your came ra in th e sam e manner as the came ra manufacturer's lenses. 4. Removing the Cu stom Mount: An L -shaped mount release lever is provided direct ly oppos i te the aperture indicator window which, when depressed.releases the mount. Therefore, whi le keeping the L -shaped mount release lever depressed, turn the custom mount counterc loc kwi se until it stops and then li ft the mount off th e lens. 4. OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS (1) Correct Method of Handling a Long Telephoto Lens and ciency in hand-held photography w ith a long telephoto lens, shutter speeds slower than 1/500 second may also be used. Using It with a Tripod. Compared with t elephoto lenses normally used (i .e. 135 to 300mm ). the angle of view of your lens is considerably narrower, which can possibly cause " camera shake" problem s when the shutter is re leased. The refore, taking tids into can· sideration, follow the recommendations as desc ribed be low when you use the lens. a. Hand·Hold Photography (2) Focusing While lookin g through your c&mera 's viewf inder, tu rn the focus ing r ing until you see a sharp image. If your camera accepts different focus ing screens, then it is advisable to use a matte-fresnel sc reen. This type of scree n is normally recommended for ultra-telephoto lenses and it wi ll make focusing easier. Note : Since your mirror lens is an ultra· telephoto lens, th e position of the dis· tan ce sca le index and infinity mark are I. H o ld th e focus ing ring of th e lens with your left hand. Draw the came ra near and hold it firmly against your face w ith left hand . I f y ou wear glasses, fix the viewfinder frame securely against the glasses. The slowest shutter speed which permits hand·held shots is normally can· sidered to be 1/focal length of the lens. Therefore, wi t h your lens. it is recommended that you use ·a shutter speed of 1/500 second or faste r , h owever, depending upon the extent of your prof i· b. With Tripod : I t is recommended t o u se heavy duty tripod when using a long telephoto lens. A lso use cab le release for shutter releasing. 10 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS moved slightly to the positive side. (In case of SP 350mm lens, this position is marked with L -shaped mark on the distance scale). tI 00 o SP - MM OR • • _ C OU. 1:t 1: 1 F 00 M 1.7 ~ I - THE M 5° BBAR ,. I b . Focusing I n M acro Mode The depth -of-f ield becomes extreme ly shallow when you use an ultra-telephoto lens in the macro mode. Y ou should first practice focusing prior to photographing any subjects and you may also want to take a test roll of film. If your camera accepts interchangeable screens you should use a cross-screen and in addition, a viewing magnifier would greatly assist you. (3) Macro Operation The Tamron mirror lens has a new feature which permits continuous focusing from infinity to macro and no additional special operation is required for macro use. On the focusing ring, the macro magnification ratios are shown in orange. In addition, the magnification ratios for use with the SP 2X tele-converter {which doubles the focal length of the lensl are engraved in yellow. Simply set the lens at the d esired macro magnification scale and then focus the lens. Note for custom mounts which have an aperture scale (Noto for 500mm Ions' Some custom mounts such as Nikon AI and Minolta MD have an aperture scale which is visible in cameras which have this fac il ity. When fitting the custom mou n t simply al ign the green dot on the mou n t w ith the matching green dot on the lens barrel as described in the owner's manual. Please note that as the SP 500mm lens has a f ixed aperture of F/8 th is value is transmitted to t he camera irrespective of the fact that the aperture display on the mount shows F/4. Similarly. when the 01 F flat fie ld 2X teleconverter is used the effective aperture value of F/16 is transmitted to the camera although the aperture display on the mount again shows F/4, and FIB is indicated on the body of the te lecon· verter itself. As ment ioned the above has no effect in ac t ual picture tak ing as the co rrect exposure value is always trans· mitted to the camera. (4) Lens Hood A lens hood is supplied w ith the Tam ron lens, The lens hood prevents unnecessary light f rom stri king the lens and caus if4g unwanted glare. The lens hood suppl ied is detachable, screw-in type hood em · p loying a very conven ien t system, a. T o attach the hood, rotate it i n the clockwise direction onto the thread provided on t he front end of t he lens. b. When t he lens is not in use, detach the hood f rom the lens, reverse it and pu t it on the lens barrel. 12 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS (5) Installing Filters Your mirror lens accepts 30.5mm rear screw-in filters. Since the focusing system of the lens is precisely adjusted with a filter fitted, you must use a filter at all times to obtain the optimum per· formance. For this reason, a normal (general purpose) filter is fitted to your lens at the factory. A set consisting of ND4X. Y52. 056 and R60 filters is available as an optional extra. ND2X and 81 B filters are also available separately. I n order to remove a fil ter it should be unscrewed by turning it anticlockwise. To fit another filter simply screw it on clockwise making sure it is not overtightened as otherwise it may be diffieu I t to remove. When you wish to replace filters. it is easier if the custom mount is removed from the lens. I t is best to use filters which have been precision engineered for ultra tele photo lenses and hence th is is the reason the above mentioned filters are available. You should always hold the filter by its rim and not by the glass surface because finger prints, etc. can damage 13 (6) Mountinq and Removing the quality of your pictures and possibly damage the filter coating. The Tripod Ring (1) For 500mm lan, The tripod ring can be mounted or re o moved as shown in photo (,A ) by tighten · Ing or loosening the two tripod ring mounting screws. In addition, by loosening the tripod fastening screw provided on one side of the ring, you can se lect 0 any posi t ion within 360 , thus com· manding free camera movement, ~hori· zontally or vertical ly. When you are mounting your camera and lens on a tripod, you shou ld always use the tr ipod mounting ring and not the t r ipod socket on your camera because the tr ipod ring will provide you with maximum stabil i ty and convenience. Note : The tripod mounting r ing should be fitted with the fastening screw near to the back of the lens as otherwise the ring may fou l th~ camera body. When mounting the lens on a tripod. do not tighten the fastening screw of the tripod's universal head excessively-as otherwise the fastening screw may come into contact with the focusing ring of the lens (see Fig. 1). (I fit touches the lens. the focusing ring will become inoperable.) (2) For 350mm Ions The tripod mounting base is built-in on the SP 350mm lens. The base can be rotated in 90 degrees :push the L-shaped lever at the rear end of the lens barrel and turn the lens until the lever clicks. 14 5. SPECIFICATIONS OF TAM RON LENSES ~o O'B 02B 52B 03B 04B 54B 06B Focal Length 17rnrn 24mm 28mm gOmm 135mm 200mm 300mm 350mm 500mm Aperture F/35 F/2 5 F/2.S F/2.S F/2.S F/3.5 F/56 F/56 FIB '04 B4 75 27 18 12" 10/12 9/10 m BIB 4/4 515 siB 4/7 4/7 0.25 (9.8) 0.2519.8) 0.2519.8) 1.7 166.91 Angle of View (degrees) Len, Construction (Groups/Elements) Coating Minimum Focul from Film Plane m lin.! Aperture Range 55B 73 BBAR multiple layer cooting Maxi mum Magnification Ratio 0.39115.3) 1.2 (47.2) 12 3.5 22AE 2.5--22AE 2.5 32 AE 2.5 32AE 2.5-32 AE 1.4 155.11 1.1 (43.3) 1.7 (66.9) 1.5.9 13.3 125 13 3.5 32 AE 5632AE 49mm 58mm 58mm 58mrn 3O.5mm 30.5mm Length mm lin.) 43 38 ( 1. 5) 33 (1.3) 66 (2.6) 79.5 13. 11 108/4.3 ) 163.516.4) 74.512.9) 87 (3.4) Diemeter mm (in.) 7012.8) 64.5 12.5) 64.512.5 ) 64.512.51 64.5 (2.51 68.5 (2.7) 64.5 (2.5) 86 (3.4) 84 13.3) Weight gram (01: .) 270 (95) 230 (B.1) IBO 16.3) 420 (14.BI 410114.5) 540 (19.0) 610 (21.51 577 (20A) 575 (20.3) Built·in tYpe, retractable Builtin type, retractable Built in type. retractable Screw In type. delachllble Screw·in. IVpe detacheble FilterSiu Len5 Hood 15 I 5'B Specifications 55mm (1.7) 49mm Push·on type Screw·in type Screw in type Screw·in type (optional ex Ira) (oPtional extra) (optional extra) (optional extra) '3A 07A 09A O'A 20A 52A 103A 104A 05A 06A OlF 24-48mm 28-50mm 35-70mm 35_BOmr'n 70 lbOmm 70-210mm aO_21Qmm 7S-2S0rnm 7Q-350mm 200 -500mm 2X the focal length 01 original lens F/3.5-38 FJ3,S-4.5 Ff35-45 F/2.8-3.8 F/35 F/35-4 F/38-tl F/3.B-45 F/45 F{69 84-48,5 75-47 64-34 64-30 34-16 34-11 30-113 32-10 34-7 12 -5 9/lD 9/9 7/7 B/9 10/13 15/16 10113 10/13 13/15 8114 BBAR and green multiple BBAR multiple laver coating 5/6 BBAR multiple laver coating layercoalmg 0.6 (23.6) 0.25 (9.8) 0.25 (9.B) 0.27 (1061 0.7127.5) 0.75 [29.5) 0.9 (35.4) 1.2 (47.2) 1:4 "2.B 12.5 1:3 12 1 28 13.4 2.5 (98,4) 3.0 (118) 6.9-32 2.8/3.8-32AE 3.5--32 AE 3.5/4-32 AE 3.8/4 -32 AE 3.8/4,5-32 AE 45-32 AE 77mm[on hood 58mm 58mm 62mm 49mm 58mm 58mm 62mm 82mm 82mm 6112.4) 46.2 [1.8) 56.512.21 72 12.81 9913.91 16516.51 142 15.61 176.517.01 274110.81 370114.61 42.5 11.71 64.512.51 64.712.51 64.5 (2 .51 64.512.51 64,512_51 64.5 12 .51 65 (2.51 7112.81 90 13.51 9013.51 64_512.51 346112.21 297110.51 322111.41 386113.61 2770(97.7) 250 (8.8) 3.5/3.8-32 AE 3.5/4-.5-32 AE 3.514,:..0-32 AE Bayonet type Push-on type PUSh -on type PUSh-on type [optional extra) (optional extra) (optional eXlfa) (op t ionol f'x \rll) 459116.21 750 (26.5! BUilt in type. retractable Built·in type. re t ractable 634(22.'11 Screw·in type 856130.21 2170176.51 Built·in type. retractab:e Builtin type. retractable Built in type. retractable 16 5. i SPECIFICATIONS OF TAM RON LENSES ~o ... "8 068 568 llA 07A 09A 01A 2QA 52A lOlA 104A OSA 06A 01F 200mm 300mm 350mm 500mm 24-48mm 28-SOmm 35-7Omm 35-80mm 70- 15Omm 70-210mm BO_210mm 75-250mm 70-350mm lOO-500mm 2X lhe locallefl91h F/ 2.S F/3.5 F/S.6 F/5 .6 FIB F/3.5 3.B .F/3.5 4 .5 F/3.5 4.5 F/2.B 3.B F/3.5 F/3.5 4 F/3.B 4 F/3.8 4 .5 F/4 .5 F/69 lB 12· B4 48.5 75 _ 47 64-34 64-30 34 l B 34 11 30- 11.3 32 10 34 7 4/4 5/5 9/lD 9/9 7/7 B/9 10/13 15/16 10/13 10/13 13/ 15 5 1. 018 028 .2. 038 FOall LenGth 17mrfl 24mm 28mm 90mm 135mm A~rtur. F/3.5 F/2.S F/2.S F/ 2.S 104 B4 75 27 10/12 9110 7/7 B/B Spec:Hieations Ana" of View (degr_ J Lens Construction (Groups/E t."..,... , Co.ling Minimum Focu. fro m Film Pt.". m tinJ 0.2519.81 0 .25 (9.8) 15 0 .39 (15.3 ) 1.2 (47.21 1:2 3 .5 22AE Filt.,Sir_ 4/7 4/7 1.7 166.91 1.4155. 11 1. 1 (43.3 1 1.7 (66.9 ) 1:5.9 1:3 .3 1:2.5 1:3 2.5--22AE 2.5 32AE 2.5 32AE 2.5--32 AE 3.5 32 AE 5 .6-32 AE 55mm 49mm 49mm 58mm 58mm 58mm 30.5mm 163.5 16.4 1 74.5 12.9) 8 7 (3 .41 64.5 (2.5) 8613.4) 84 13.3) 540 GI9.0) 6 10 (21.5) 577 (20A ) 5 75 /20.3 1 Built·in type. retractable Built·in ty pe. retractable Screw·in type. d etachllble Screw·in. type detachable 43 11.71 38 (1.5) 33 11.3) 66 (2.6 ) 79.5 13. 11 10814.;n 70 12.B) 64.5 12.5) 64.5 (2.5 ) 6 4 .5 (2.51 64 .5 12.51 68.512 .71 W_ighlgrem(or .1 27019.5) 230 18. 1) 180 (6.3) 4201 14.81 4 1011 4.51 Buil t·in type. ret ractable Push·on type Screw·in type Screw·in type Screw·in Iype (optional extra) (optional extra) loptio nal eK tral (optional extra) green multiple layer coaling 5 8114 5/B BBAR mulliple laver coa ling 0.2519.8) 0.25 19.8 ) 0 .27 110.6 1 0.7127.5 ) 0.75129.5) 0.9135.4) 1. 2147.2) 1:4 1:2.8 1:2.5 1:3 1:2 1.2.8 1:3.4 2.8/3.8 32AE 3.5-32 AE 3.5/4 32 AE 3.8/4 -32 AE 3_8/4 .5_32 AE 3 .5/3.8 32 AE 3.5/4'. 5-32 AE 3 .5/4 .:... 32AE 3O.5mm mm lin.) 0.6 (23.6 ) 12 of original lens BBAR and BBAR mul t iple laver coating L_ngth mm lin.l Lens Hood 5/B BBAR multip le layer coati ng 0.2519.8) Muimum Mlignific8lion Relic» AperturllRe,... 7.3 77mmlon hood 58mm 58mm 62mm 49mm 58mm 6 1 [2.4) 46.21 1.81 56.512.2) 72 12.8 ) 99 13.9) 165 (6.5) 142 15.6 ) 64.5 (2.5) 64.7 12.51 64.5 12.5 1 64 .5 12.5) 64.512.51 64.5 12.51 346 112.21 297110.51 322111.41 3861 13.61 4591 16.2 1 750 (26.51 Bayonet type Push·on type Push·on type Push·on Type (optional ex tra) (optional e)(lra) (optional extra) (optional ex tr a ) Buil t·in type. re tr actable Built-in type. retractable 58mm 2.5198.4 ) 4.5 32 AE 3.0 (118) 6.9-32 62mm B2mm B2mm 176.5 (7.OJ 274 (10.8) 370 (14.6) 42.5 (1.7) 65 12.51 71 12.8 1 9013.5) 9013.5) 64.5 (2.5) 634122.4) 856130.21 2170176,5) 2770197.71 250 (8.81 BuilT·in TYpe, retractab:e Built·in Type. retractable S:rew·in type BuilT·in Iype. retractable 16 6. TAMRON ADAPTALLjADAPTALL-2 MOUNT SYSTEM <:> A<ial' , . IIMounl, ForPeflluES 0 o For Pen'" l)'Irvers&1 For Nil<0I1 Al t For FUIC. ST forM.lmty'SX For Topcon Re o for RoUeo'Voog!lancJe. For MonoUa Fo. Ol vmPl's OM (. ( fo' Con la. IYashlC;a ' For Canon FO '6mountsl . 1 25, 128, 1 35.138,145,156 For Komea AR (6mounlsl " 1 25.128.135. 138, 145, 156 For Mlnalt. MD (4 mOlml51 12,5 45, 12856.135. 1 38. For Olympu s OM fo< ICon ell A.R - fOfCon!(UYash!C. For "e" mount for eCTV VTR c:ame.,u lind 16mm for " MS" mounl mo~ .. cilme,n '0< eCTV VTR Due to small rear aperture, this mount will not accept the SP 70-210mm 1/3.5-4, SP 90mm 1/ 2.5, SP Flat Field 2X Converter. and Adaptall-2 80-210mm 1/3.8-4. t Some early Nikon Al Adaptall mounts cannot be used with the above lenses . Please check with your dealer. Mount requires initial maximum aperture adjustment. (e) Does not have aperture stop down control on mounts . SP lenses do not have AutolManual selector switch. " Will not accept the SP Rat Field 2X Converter, due to its small inside diameter. Note: The Tamron SP Rat Field Tele-Converter is compatible with most Tamron Interchangeable Lenses, except wide angle lenses . However, be sure to use the appropriate mount. 7. CARING FOR YOUR LENS 1. Avoid touching the su r· face of your lens. When not using your lens, be su re to put the lens cap on for protec tion. 3. Wh en carry ing a zoom lens mounted on your camera, hang it from your shou lder w ith the lens towards your body to protect it from objects that ii m ight hit. 5. Always stor e your len s in a cool, dry place. During humid or wet wea th er it is an especially good idea to store it wi th the sil ica ge l packet that was suP plied with your lens. 2. Clean ing your lens : a. Use a photographic lens brush to remove dust o r dirt from the surface. b. Moisten a lens clean ing tissue with o ne drop of cleaning so lu · tion and clean the surface gently. c. Remove excess moisture from the lens sur face Wi th a dry ti ssue. 4. Fi ne photographic equ ip· ment ca n be delicate. Protect it from any avoidable impact. 18 TAMRON International Service Should any TAMRON product require service, TAMRON's international service is available in over 48 nations worldwide . TAmRon CO.,LTD. Manufacturers of lenses for photographic, industrial, laboratory, video, and scientific applications. Tokyo Main Office Tamron Bldg., 17-11, 7·chome, Takinogawa, Kita-ku, Tokyo, Japan Tel: (03) 916·0131 T elex : J23977 TAMRON Cable: "TAMRONTAIS EI TOKYO" 58023000U Printed in Japan