Download NPI and

PROVIDER Q u i c k Tip
Check the Status of
Your NPI Using ePEAP!
The PA PROMISe™ Internet electronic Provider Enrollment Automation Project
(ePEAP) windows provide you with the ability to electronically maintain and check the
status of your provider information.
You can now check the status of your National Provider Identifier (NPI) by logging into ePEAP! If an NPI
number has been entered, but has not yet been validated by The Department of Public Welfare (DPW), a
red “Pending” label will display next to the NPI field on all window headers as shown below. If an NPI
number has been entered and validated by DPW, the red “Pending” label will not be present.
How Do I Check the Status of My NPI for Each Service Location?
You can also check the status of your NPI for each specific service location by viewing the Other Active
Service Locations screen. This screen shows all other active service locations with their corresponding NPI
numbers and physical location addresses. The “Pending” label will be present for each service location
when the corresponding NPI number has not been validated by DPW as shown below. If the NPI number
has been validated the “Pending” label will not be present.
If it has been 45 days or more since you forwarded your NPI documentation received from the National Plan
and Provider Enumeration System (NPPES) and your NPI is still pending, you will need to resend the
documentation to one of the following addresses:
Bureau of Fee-for-Service Programs
Division of Operations
Provider Enrollment Section
PO BOX 8045
Harrisburg, PA 17105-8045
Bureau of Long Term Care Programs
Division of Provider Services
Provider Enrollment Section
PO BOX 8025
Harrisburg, PA 17105-8025
FAX: 717-772-0965
Please refer to the PA PROMISeTM Provider Internet ePEAP User Manual for further details and
instructions. Click the following User Manual link to access the User Manual.
For additional information go to the PROMISeTM Web site at
Check the Department of Public Welfare’s Web site often at
Issue date 4/2007