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Department of School & Mass Education, Govt. Of Odisha .1n3qq0 Govt. & Govt. aided Schools of Odisha This is to certify that the following items/Human Resources have been duly delivered and installed/deployed in our school and all equipment/items are in proper condition for implementation of ICT lab with following details. Please tick whichever is applicabte IL&FS Education & Technology Services Ltd. Telecommunication Cosultants lndia Ltd HM Coitact No. t{ame of School Cootdinator lmplementadon [nilner's School Code Room Dimen5lon (ln feet) x86 Architecture 3.2 Ghz or highe, preessorwrth 4 dedicated Gores, RAM 4GB or higher expandable to 16G8, i00 cB HDD, fllnch or Hither LED Monitor, Buihln audio, 3q) Watt Desktop Speaker, DVD Writer,l0/10)/1(rcOBaseT Ethernet, 1(N l(ey Xeyboard and Optical Mous€ With at least 2 Free full Heltht pcl slots, prcccscor x85 ArchlrecurrE 3.2 Ghz or hrSher rkh 4. dcdroted coGs, R tM rGB of hidrer qpandable to 16Gf, Sm cA HDD, lglnd' or Hlgher tED Monltor, Bulh_tn audlo, 30 Watt Desktop Speaker, DVD Wrhcr,lO[lD/1lXXlB.sGT Eth.rnrt, l0a Kry lG]toard and Oprtcal Mouse Wldr.t 2 Frce FUll Heljtrt pCf doB 1 U DISE CODE Shared Computing Device N-computint 2 t{ o (rt I I D I '1_, z o fwo Shared computing Devices per Desllop. Multibox device which allows 6 users to share a rihgle host PC through a share computlnt PC-Sharing kit (whlch lncludes one full helaht Pcl Card, Virtuallration software, access devlcer wlth speaker output, PS/z Mouse and Ps/2 Keyboard output. SvGA Monitor output and RJ45 Connectlon Poa. wlth 5 CAT5 cables (ea(h ot 5 meters lengthl), Power consumptlon of each access devlce should not exceed more than l-zwatts. The acces5 devl.e should be lntegrated wlth Host PC via CAT 6 cable wlth support up to lomtr/32ft. Each user should hav€ indepehdent desldop environment. user experlence on sha.ed termlnal should be substantlally the same as oh the host PC (Boot tlme, LoBln Erperience, Respnllveness (Mou3e, Xeybo.rd, appllcatlon s5fr-up and execullon), Graphl6/Multimedia, Logout. fglinch or trteher l-Eo Monltor wlth stetlc contrast 1(Xxr:1, rasolutlon ot l4tlo x 9(x, and vcA connestlvlty wlth matt black flnlsh, brlthtness 25O cd/mz, vlewlnt and. 17O detrees/ 160 degrees (horlronial/vertl@ll, wall mountlnt port vDl, wlth wlndows certlflotlon wlth EPEAT GOLD / TCO /EnerAy Star Cenlficatlon Monitor serial no. Pls, yt 1 14 L q 7 B o 2 3 4 5 t2 6 6 o\ U vt PI \ ti, lvl lrt t 6 lrl 11 o t4 o g M % rY 6 Al J. I o 3 E v Z v ln t- v G \ b ?- fY ry L a 7 v c t 8 ^{ o % c1,- o o 6 o J o A I o 5 I ,1- v c\ 1 6\ 1 ?'t D q 5 s 6) o d- I rn t s s % g D 3 s a s 6 L z z H C\ S s L x K dt a J. o q Y L v 6 s s L I,l s o L v 3 L{ 3 (n o g 5 L o ol- q L ) 6 s s o ) t{ 3 t{ 3 a ol- v 5 q G, \ o L x 'r( s s o I v I t{ { M c g t v L l'{ t"1 L2 s s t I 11 L1 6 9 10 A L ) 1 a S 14 4 b no.s of all the 12 Monltors q 14 I.1 7 A fill the serlal K o & I c? J d) A \.,f o L v o 1 0 o L v 3 I o 0 t I o 3 s o\ o 7 2 o v L ) G Y s E Z 7 q o s t I o I At Y -s I rl o h Ll K \ b o L Y J Ll 3 o I o L V 3 v 3 x F1 q L.l L N -5 I L v I v 3 \ s- UI 3 o Web Cam 5 s.."a lZebronic I r/ l"'' o*) lwipro 1 reduction I 6 Headphonet 40 Headphone with Mlc 7 Headphone 10 s-Way 3.s-mm Headphone Splitter f Prc..t2* I u orse cooil tt6 I Ol 5peclltcation: O 0 IL,I ?. ol% I Pl.aie Tlck Projection System: Dtp Technoloty; Brightness: 25fl)-ANSI tumens (Short Throw) Resolution: SVGA (8001600); Contrast Ratio: 2500:1 computer system : x86 architecture, 3.2GHz or higher with 4 dedicated cores, Minimum 4MB lntegrated Computer Projeaor L3 Cache, Compatible chipset with HD graphics, 4GB DDR3 RAM expandable to lG GB, 500 GB Serial SATA tt 72(x) RpM HDD, Optical Drive DVD RW, Wireless Keyboard & optical Scroll Mouse. OS: DOS; lnput: pS/Z Mouse & Keyboard, Rt _in tor TV, 1 K.YAN in;_Ourput : tnternat Ijl-!::!: tfphonecable lntegrated analoSue W tuner. Serlal no, t .a L 30 watts Audio Output, lAil: lx Gbps tAN, ol( 619- lAcdv€ Slre: Mlnimu m 17' diagonal Area: Minlmum actiye area 156 cm W x 1l7cm H R€solution: Dititizing resolution is l&tive I approximately 32757 x 327 67 Ple.s. TLt Ratlo: 4:3.Board Surface: Durable Hard{oated steel surface, optimtz€d for projection, freercompatibre with dry€rase markers and easiry creaned with whiteboard creaner or (lPAl,operatlng alcohol systemr wlndows xp spg, windows vista. sp2 or windows 7 lltopropyl system and [inux,writint Toors: Both finger and pen touch without any speciar toors, Joperating murti touch and use of non mechanrcar and battery free objects. power options: power lsupports lconsumption is less than 0.5 W (100 mA at S Vl. Must obtain power from the comput€r lAsp€ct lmahtenance I lnteractive White Board Smart 1 a 1 Ricoh UPS Delta 1 NI 6l c<- Serial no. q t2 Serlat no- Fire Extlntuisher 1 Expiry Date tr g F % P 5 o I {6\ s I .) 6 o o b 1 o 16 Port unmanagabre GrGABrr swhch wrth cAT-6 €bfint (rn esrng caprng] for a[ the nodes, Mutll fucmlon prlnteE, projection system. Networkin! v Ph.* Tkl lso 9ml certified. onrine Ups of 2ruA with 30 minutes power backup, output wave Form Pure sine waye, Efliciency 90 % or better on rated full load, lnput power Factor > 0.90, Battery type : serled. Maintenance Free, Micro controller Based Double conversion online UPS and Cabling. With DG Set compatibilities, frequency range 5O+/_ 6% hertz, operating temperatute: 0 to 50 degrees celcius,noise level: as per the tovernment norms. output: pure sine wave output q 13 6 Automatic Scanner type: Flatbed, ADF, Scan file format: JpEG, flF (compressed and uncompressedl, pDF, GlF, 8Mp, Scan resolution,, Up to'fzoO dpi, Certified by tDC. C Serial no. tine o Mode: Up to 18 ppm, print technology: laser, print quality black (best): up to oo0 x G()0 dpi (1200 dpi effeaive), Disjtay: ;t least 2-tine rcD, Processor speed: Minimum rlfl) MHz, Connectivity, lta;dard: Hi-Speed USB 2.0 port, 10/100Base-T Ethemet network port, RJ-l1 Telejhone por! Duplei printing: {Pls. tick} On C 4c\ 0 9 6 Multi Function Printe. HP for windows'and unux'computers. Technoroty: Touch technoroty. No intedaren€e from lcable Electromagnetic sources/sunlitht and other ext€rnal infl uences Data Ports: 12 Mbit /s USB connection (ftlhspeed USB f.1 or USB 2.01. Storate: Saving of files in Pc,software: Must incrude a comprete ve*ion of the whit€ boarding software apprication on a cD or DvD. softwar€ must arso be avairabre onrine for downroad. users must be abre to access the software without having to register for an onrine community. S.ftware must be avairabre tor update via a product updating serui.e that can automatielly scan for new updates and alert useE to their avallability. Must support wlndows'/ Llnu'operating systems.should hav€ interactlve features like palm touch, image gallery image enlarge; snap shots, recordint lectures, reveal option, ,ocus to speclfic part of content, room etc. Must supply addltional sottware to collaborat€ external contert and facilitate t€ache* to create new content and manaSe and deriver other conrent .Must suppry an applicatlon for remote corraboration to worr on the same content simurtaneousry and wite directry Into €ach othe/s docum€nts, Mlnlmum 100 to marimum 5fl, user can concur.€nfly use the facility.Accessories: stylus/ pens, usB c.ble, softrrare cQ user manual etc. to be a part of standard supply. Warranty: 5 yeaB warranty. s g 4 g Serial no, Bra.d throuth the use 5 5 l-l T O I o o a, I Portable Carbon Dioxide Handheld fire extinguishers as per tS specifiation e q @ & B. o 1 3 N ri.1 ,-<.. Plae w lkt r "7 7 a *'7 zttt U DISE COOE Seryo Steblliter Protect (a .a Serlal no. u n ) a l),t I I 9 2 I o 1 6 lina and lnstallation champ 15 6 1 Serial no. lnitial meter reading of Sllent Gen€.ator Set I 2 o q o I 6 I lslr< D1 t7 Earthlng (as per ls speciflcations) 1a Llghtina (lsl markl 19 Wall mounted fans (lsl marki z 20 Exhaust fans (lSl mark) z Ceiling n 9ool Cenlfled, Mlnimum 3 KVA Petrol/Dlesel based silent gener.tor set wlth Safe Sileht Gener.tor Set 16 ,\ SXVA (1 Phase Seryo Motor Operated Lifle VoltaEe Cortector), lnput Range::5OV-27OV (Sintre Phasei, Mountrng: On Wheels. output rante: 22ovl23o\ll24ov rintle phase (adiusteble), earthinS terminalr, oyerload cutoft, output protection throuth MCB, Frcquency ranSe:5O+/- 394, Operatlnt teoperature: O to 50 degaees celsius. plate earthint statlons maklnt earthlng wlth copper earth plate Tub€ Llghl with Electronic Choke (lsl mark| 4 / Horro blade wlth retul.tor, 3 Blade lndi@tlve Brands: Phillps / Wipro/ Usha ,mpton Greaves /Khaltan ,/BaFr,/ Havells 3OOmm sweep, 45 Watts, Speed 1330 RPM lndlcative Brands: Phlllps / Wip.o/ Ush./Crompton Greaves /Khaitan /Bajai / Havells Hoxffi 1S 2 ln 15 Switches and sockets (lsl A- 24O V swltches 5 I 5A and 15A SGkets Y Mark) 2 15 A - 24O V sGket wlth shutter lndlcative Brandsi - Anchor / H.vellr / crabtree /Wprc /Phlllip3 / Learand Swltches and sockets Is to b€ pr@ided fo. all electronl6/lT equlpments lncludlnt pdnter and Projection System to be placed at lab technl.lan table. 22 Computer Table 2l Chair Uma Plastlc/Moderna 24 Electrlcal meter lnltial readlng 25 Palntint 26 Lab Cleanllness Kil 27 Curtains 28 wall clock 13 Dimen3ions Width 12(Xrmm x Depth 6o9mm x Heltht 75omm 18mm pre lamlnated partlcle boa.d conformint lS: 1282t. Pretreated & powder coated steel trame. Good quality PVC edgc bending to be provided on pre lamlnated board. No Sharp corne6, smooth edtes are essential. tets frame made of 1.5 inch square pip€, 16 tauges- Table rests on tood quallty glide screws. Full len$h footrest is to be p.ovlded. One 65mm dlameter hole fot d.awlng @bles is to be provided , thls hole ha5 to be cove.ed wlth steel cover Good quality telercopic sllder along wlth tull width keyboard with 3ocm p.ojected depth panel, keyboard space ls 10 cm. Table must haye a modesty panel of 2OOmm helght to be provlded.End caps to be provlded. BIFMA Certiffed 41 A.mless Moulded ChaiE, Crcam colout; ls5tandad Compliant ft&ftl t{ / The surface of Wall and Celling to be palnted, shall be prepared to the satlstactlon of OKCI OMSM and shall b€ apitiea wittr Z coats ot pilmer and then with 2 coats of dtstemper paint ot standard make as apprwed bv OXCI / OMSM. 1 set Dustlng cloth, hand held vacuum cleaner, Dust cloth GoveE tor all the tT equipments end one F@t mat Full lab To proper derkness in the Lab / Cla$r@m y* durlnS Proiectlon I lsl Mark, Wall Clck w,/* 29 Notice Board 1 sfeet x 3feet, P/F 15 thk Plnup board with fabric wrapped all around ey2lt* 30 white Board 1 4 ftx3 ft minlmum 18mm thickness whlte board ndtt trr Please note that all r"'All fields are to be the three sltnatures are mandetory on all the sheets. Si8nature of OXCL Representative with Seal l) -!."U "-r,'*, B ^,f^^- iirtHptil f t+1:11't 319fi 65[m Khardaoara t