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'I Department of School & Mass Education, Govt. Of Odisha L)K(r lrpl"r""t.ta"" Vidy.].yr P,r"r" "f " This is to certify that the following items/Human Resources have been duly delivered and installed/deployed in our school and all equipment/items are in proper condition for implementation of ICT lab with following details. IMPLEMENTATION PARTNER Please tick whichever is applicable \_/ lL&FS Education & Technology Services Ltd. Telecommunication Cosultants lndia Ltd School Name U DISE CODE A Date 0 q 0 K o d U B P fr 0 K Block K o K e D R A L l< o n R fr K District J v T K I vlllate S A n tr + c o q o I a o & t o z * 5 L,l n n A/ D L Address + Pin: ilame ot Head N'.ster/ Mlnr€ss{HM, HM Contact No, of tcllool Coordlnatoi School Co& Room Oimemlon (ln feet) // q q o t< € }< A { fr\ A C ,f.l o 6 5 Sdrool Coodlnrtor's Contrct no. lmplementrdon partn.r's ( 4 s 0 D Lenrth: \ d& Make & Model k a M /+ R a ? L a n r\ z e Item Sr. no, \A &. g / L o H c\ A rv 0 L n -( e\ 9 / o o 4al Ple.* Writer,l0/lqr/lqDBaseT Ethernet, 104 t(ey Keyboard and Optical Mous€ Wlth at lean 2 Free Full Heltht PCI slots, Iresktop Speaker, DVD u v 5 _9 5 I v 1/ q ^ ? l o I q _b dedtd Xt6 Archlt€drr€ 3.2 ch8 or hlgher Proccrcor wlth 4 corcs, RAM {GB or htgher erpandable to 15G8, 500 cB HDD, l}lndr or Hlgher tED Montror, Eulh{n audao, :m Watt Desktop Speaker, DVD Wrlt r,lOl10/10OB.srT RhGrnrt, lof l(ey tGyboard and Optical Mourc Wlth .t 2 Frce Full HeElrt pcl jlots D{6ktop{stand by} .fcer Make 1 U v V g^ C ? 5 sI I lhl Ple.* Tkk speclfletlo0 & Serial No. 1 Seilal no. ft J X85 Archlte€ture 3.2 Ghr or higher Processorwhh 4 dedicated cores, RAM rlGB or higher eryandable ro 16G8, 5(x, GB HDD, lg-inch or Hlther tfo Monitor, Bullt-in audio, 3OO Watt Serial no. q o / R \ H u, ) q *l Acel Make , D € 0 | Desktop '+ ( 2 o I ?.n ,.) L/, 5 2_ Pha$ frcl \-' s{ tL l u DtsE cooE Shared Compmlni Deylce 2 N-computlnt o q o Pls. A4 1 2 lvl 0 / u 11 0 e 5 t2 6 7 a 9 no.s of all th€ 12 tr e D k t1 s L \-/ MonltoE , o A, 0 / I I b 7 e q 1 g q e I 4 -_) 4 I L o q j 3 v € 4 f/t L x K s s 0 0 7 5 F q 2 o ? tv/ r"l L x K 3 3 o / 1 q I I q ./o o , 0 / 5 / l /"1 pl L x i< s -( 0 3 ? e , o / tr 0 L q A o ? , lvl /vl L- x l< 3 3 o a 9 ? € o / D C C 4 L o I r"l t"( L x /( -9 J o , v I I o ) 6 I I Lo I t"1 tul L x K 9 _C 0 ? I ? e o 4 tlll th! sedal L x K SJ c o 5 q I L o L 7 R sS c pl tl L x 3 ( 3 k o Two Shared Computing Devices per Desktop. Multibox device which allows 6 users io.hare a sinSle host PC through a share computint pc-sharing kit (whlch includes one full helght pct Card, Virtuallration softwa.e, access devlces wlth speaker outpd, pS/2 Mouse and PS/2 Keyboard output. SVGA Monltor output and Rl4S Connedlon pon, wlth 5 CAT6 cables (each of 5 mete15 lentth)), power consumption of each acce.s device should not exceed more than l-zwans. The .ccess devlce should be inteSrated wlth Host pC vla CAT 6 cable wlth support up to lomtr/32ft. €ach user should have tndependeht desktop environmeht- User experlence on sha.ed teamlnal should be substantially the same as on the ho5t PC (Bod tlme, Logtn Expertcnce, Responstveness (Mouse, Keyboard, appllcation stan-up and execution), craphl6/Multlmedla, Logout. Serlal no. 6 V tr 4 q L o 2 A4 ry L X R g -f e , 3 ? e o € ,a q F 9 2 o , 14 u L x i< s o , 3 I q c 0 6 , L o ? /"1 kl L X K 9 J 0 / q 7 ?4 0 4 € I L q L o 0 10 6 /) I l1 LI 5 6 Lg-lnch or hlgher LED Monlto. wlth st ttc contrast 1(XXt:1, resolfrlon of !l/lo x !r(X, and VGA .onnectlvlty wath matt black flnlsh, brtthtne$ 25O cd/m2, vlewlnt angl€ 17O degrees/ 160 letrees (horlrontal/vcrtlel), wall mountlnS po.t VDt, wlth Wlndffi Certlff€tlon wlth EPEAT GOLD / TCO /Ene.Ey Star Certlfl€tlon Monltor Wcb 2 D I c.m m* lzebronlc I tr -/ txu) lwtpro I Min sMP @meE, Support tor HD Vldeo calllnt (1280 X 720 plxels), Bullt-ln mic wlth nolse reductlon I 6 Hcadphon€5 40 Headphone with Mic 7 Headphone Sharer 10 s-Way 3.5-mm Headphone Splltter \/ V' System: DLP Technologyi Brightness: Zs(X)-ANSI tumens (Short Th.ow) (8fih6fl)); Contrast Ratio: 2500:1 Computer System : X86 archltecture, 3.2GHz or higher with 4 dedicated Cores, Minimum 4MB Ul Cache, Compatible chipset with HD graphics, 4GB DDR3 RAM expandable to 16 GB, Resolutlon: SVGA lntegrated Compute. Proiector K.YAN GB Serial SATA ll 7200 RPM HDD, Optical Drive DVD RW, Wireless Keyboard & optical Scroll Mouse, OS: DOS; lnput: PS/z Mouse & Keyboard, RF -in for W, USB ports, Microphone in; Output : lnternal 30 watts Audio Output, LAN: lx Gbps LAltl, lntetrated analogue cable TV tuner. Pleas€ Area: Mlnimum active area 156 cm W x 117cm tl R€solution: Digitizing resolution is 4:3.Boa.d Surface: Durable Hardroated steel surface, optimlzed for proJectlon, free, compatible with dry-€rase markers and easily cleaned with whit€board cleaner or (lPAl,Operatlnt System: Wlndows XP SP3, Windows Vlsta. Sp2 or Windows 7 system and Linux,Writlng Tools: Both fing€r and pen touch without any speclal tools, multl touch and use of non mechanlcal and battcry free objects. powet Options: power is les than 0.5 W (100 mA at 5 Vl, Must obrtain power from the computer through the for Wiidows. and Linur. compute?s. Technoloty: Touch technoloty, No interference from sources/sunlight and other eriternal infl uences lnteractive White Eoard Mblt/s USB connectlon (full-spe€d USB 1.1 or USB 2,0). Storage: Saying of ftles in Must includ€ a complete veBlon ofthe whlte boarding softwara application on a CD or Software must also be avallable online for download. UseE must be able to access the software haviru to register for an onlin€ community. Software must be available for update via a updating service that can automati€lly san for new updates and elert usels to th€it Must support Windows. / linur. ope]aiing systems,should have interactlve features llke Ports: 12 Smart touch, image &llery image enlarge; snap shots, recording lectures, reveal option, focus to part of cor*ent, zoom etc, Must supply addltlonal software to ollaborate external cont€nt facilitat€ teacheE to ffeate new content and manage and deliver other content .Must supply an for remote collaboration to work on the same content slmultaneously and write directly documenB. Minlmum 1(X) to ma{mum 5(X, user can concurr€ntly use the Stylus/ Pens, USB Cable, Softurare CD, user manual etc to be a pa.t of standard Mode: Up to 18 ppm, technology: Laser, Prlnt quality black {best): Up to 500 x 600 dpi (12m dpl effectivel, Display: at least 2-line LcD, Processor speed: Minimum tl00 MHz, Connectivity, standard: Hi-Speed USB 2.0 port, 10/100Base-T Ethernet network port, RJ-l1 Telephone port, Duplex printing: Automatic Scanner type: Flatbe4 ADt, Scan file format: JPEG, TIF (compressed end uncompress€dl, PDF, GlF, BMP, Scan resolution, optical: Up to 1200,d3i, Certified by lDC, lttol Certified. Onlin€ UPS of zKVA with 30 minutes power backup, Output Wave Fo.m sine wave, Efficiency 90 % or better on rated full load, lnput Power Fastor > 0.90, On Line UPS type : S€aled, Maintename Free, Micro Controller Based llouble Conversion Online Delta and Cablint. With DG Set compatibilities, frequency range 50+/- 6% herE, operating 0 to 50 defees celcius,noise level: as per the govemment norms. output: pure 16 iort Unmana3able GIGABIT ilttch wlth CAT-6 €bllng {tn caslnt @ptngl for all the nodes, fucntlon prlnte.s, PrcJectloo svstem. Portable Carbon Dioxlde Handheld fire extinguishers as per lS specifi@tion Ti.k (l Phas Seruo Motor Operated Llre Voltage corrector), lnput Range: : 50V-27OV Pharei, MountinE: On wheels. output rante: 22oV/23OV,/24ov sintle phase (adjustablc), earthing ove.load cutotf, output protectlon through MCB, Frequency .ange: 5O+/- 3% hertr. Ope.atlni temPerature: O to 50 detrees Gelslus, Silent Generator S€t 9OO1 Celtm€d, Minlmum 3 KVA Petrol/Dlesel based silent generator set with Safe plate earthint statlons maklng earthlng wlth copper earth plate Ceiling / wall mounted tans (lst blade wlth regulator, 3 Blade lndlotive Brandsi Phillps i/ Wpro/ Usha marki 3(Xrmm sweep, 45 l^,afts, Speed 1330 RPM lndlc.tive Brands: Phlllpr / Wp.o/ Usha /crompton Greaves /Khaltan 5 2 ln Swltchcs and sodcts (lsl /6aiai / Havells A- 24{l V ryltches I 5A and 15A Sckets M.rkl 15 A - 24o v s@ket wlth thutter grands: - Anchor / Havells / cEbtrce /wlprc /Phllllps / LetEnd a6d skets ls to b€ provlded tor all electroniq/lT equlpments lncludlnt and PrcJeetlon Systcm to be placed at lab technlclan table. width 1z(xtmm r Depth 6i0!tmm x Helght 75omm 18mm pre lamlnated particle bo.rdconformint lsr 12823. Pret.eatcd & powder coated stcel frame. Good qu.llty Pvc edge Computcr T.ble Ta.lpuria bendlng to be proylded on pre laminated board. No Sharp comcE, smooth edges arc esentlal. Lrgs made of 1.5 lnch tquare pipe, 15 tauges. Table rests on tood quelitY gllde screws. Full length foot.est ls to be provlded. One 65mm dlameter hole for drawlnS is to be p.ovlded , thls hole har to be cove.ed with steel cover Good quelity telescopic alonS wlth tull wldth keyb€rd wlth 3(km proJacted depth panel, keyb€rd tiee space ls 10 cm. Table must have a modesty panel of 2OOmm helght to be provlded.End caps to be provlded. BIFMA certlfied Moulded chalE, cEam @lour; lstanda.d compllant surface of Wall and Ceilina to be palnted, shall be prepa.ed to the satlslactlon of OXCL / and 5hall be lpplled with z coats of prlmer and then wlth 2 @ats ot dlstamper paint of standard make as by OXCL / OMSM. cloth, hand held vacuum cleaner, Dust cloth covers ,or all the lT equipments and malntaln prcpe. darkncss ln the Lab / Cla$r@m durint PrcJectlon r 3feet, P/F 15 thk Pinup board whh fabrlc wrapped all around ftx3 ft mlnimum 18mm thickness whlte board are mandetory on all thc sheets. h**+q\r^-!{ Heaomaiter