Download Laica KS1027S
ITALIAN DESIGN PERSONAL SCALES BABY LINE PERSONAL CARE HEALTH CARE LC/2014/D KITCHEN STYLE EDITION 2014 ENGLISH 1 102 NEXT INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV NEXT ITALIAN DESIGN PERSONAL KITCHEN SCALES STYLE 8 Body Composition Bowl 6 Memory Multifunction 4 Digital 3 Analog Compact Extra precision Analog BABY LINE HEALTH CARE PERSONAL CARE Baby scale Inhalation Thermometer control Baby meals Baby care Blood pressure monitor Foot massagers Inhalation Thermometer TECHNICAL DATA Manicure Home improvement Body shape Oral care Vacuum machines TECHNICAL DATA Facial TECHNICAL DATA EDITION 2014 ENGLISH 2 102 TECHNICAL DATA TECHNICAL DATA INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV ITALIAN DESIGN IT LAICA ha conquistato negli anni una posizione di indiscussa leadership nei diversi segmenti del mercato “body care” e “health care” grazie alla capacità di anticipare e rispondere ai bisogni dei consumatori con prodotti sempre innovativi, tecnologicamente avanzati e dal design unico. GB LAICA is Italian leader in home medical appliances and well-being products like personal body composition, scales and blood pressure, thermometers and foremost innovator in water filtration. Laica is a dynamic company proven to deliver better solutions, constant product innovation and reliability technology. ES LAICA ha adquirido en los últimos años una posición de liderazgo indiscutible en los varios segmentos del mercado “body care” y “health care” gracias a la capacidad de anticipar y responder a las necesidades de los consumidores con productos siempre innovadores, tecnológicamente avanzados y con diseño único. FR LAICA a acquis au fil des années une position de leader incontesté dans les divers segments de marché du “body care” et “health care” grâce à la capacité d’anticiper et de répondre aux besoins des consommateurs avec des produits toujours innovateurs, technologiquement avancés et un design unique. DE Im Laufe der Jahre hat LAICA eine unbestrittene Führungsposition in den verschiedenen Segmenten des Marktes “Körperpflege” und “Gesundheitspflege” dank der Fähigkeit erobert, die Bedürfnisse der Verbraucher mit immer innovativen, technologisch fortschrittlichen Produkten mit einzigartigem Design zu antizipieren und ihnen gerecht zu werden. 3 102 NEXT INDEX IT LAICA ha liberamente scelto di adottare un’autoregolamentazione dando vita al proprio “Codice di Etica Professionale sul posto di Lavoro”. LAICA crede nell’impresa etica che significa coniugare profitto con attenzione all’uomo e all’ambiente che lo circonda. Il logo “Certified Human Rights” riportato sulle confezioni dei prodotti Laica, testimonia che la produzione è stata realizzata nel pieno rispetto del nostro “Codice di Etica Professionale sul posto di Lavoro” volto a: ES GB DATASHEET The “Certified Human Rights logo”, printed on Laica’s packaging certifies production has been completed within the terms of our “Code of Professional Ethics in the Workplace”. This code includes: protecting Human Rights tutelare i diritti dei lavoratori we are committed to systems and processes which siamo impegnati a diffondere criteri di rispetto dei lavoratori lungo tutta la filiera produttiva con sistematici controlli di verifica; promote the well being of workers at all levels of the entire production chain including systematic verification inspections; protecting the Rights of Workers tutelare i diritti dei consumatori protecting the Rights of Consumers basiamo il nostro rapporto con il cliente su un dialogo costante e su un rapporto di collaborazione per il raggiungimento dei nostri traguardi in armonia con le aspirazioni dei consumatori; we are committed to the continuous improvement of customer relationships by constant dialogue, so that we may achieve objectives which comply with customer monitorare i nostri fornitori aspirations; favoriamo quei fornitori che basano la loro competitività sulla trasparenza e sull’eticità del ciclo produttivo; monitoring our Suppliers B.I.R.D. tutelare i diritti dell’ambiente we favour all suppliers who base their competitiveness on transparency and ethical manufacturing processes; privilegiamo tutte le scelte che tengono in considerazione un ragionevole uso delle risorse nel rispetto della natura. we always favour choices and actions which best protect natural resources and the environment. protecting the Environment FR LAICA a librement choisi d’adopter une réglementation autonome, créant ainsi un véritable “Code d’Ethique Professionnelle sur le Lieu de Travail”. LAICA croit à l’entreprise éthique, ce qui signifie faire coexister le profit avec l’attention à l’homme et à coexistir el beneficio de empresa con la atención al l’environnement autour de lui. hombre y al ambiente alrededor de ellos. Le logotype “Certified Human Rights” indiqué sur les présentations des produits Laica, témoigne le fait que la production a été réalisée dans le plein respect de notre “Code d’Ethique Professionnelle sur le Lieu de Travail” visant à: El logotipo “Certified Human Rights” aplicado en las presentaciones Laica, atestigua que la producción ha sido realizada en el total respeto de nuestro “Código de Etica Profesional en el Lugar de Trabajo” con el objetivo de: proteger los derechos humanos el valor y la dignidad del hombre son el centro de nuestra atención. Nuestro código prevé el respeto de las convenciones internacionales ONU e ILO en la no explotación de trabajo infantil; proteger los derechos de los trabajadores nos empeñamos en el difundir los criterios de los trabajadores en toda la cadena de producción con controles sistemáticos; proteger los derechos de los consumidores basamos nuestra relación con el cliente sobre un diálogo constante y una relación de colaboración para alcanzar nuestros objetivos en armonía con las aspiraciones de los consumidores; supervisar nuestros proveedores favorecemos aquellos proveedores que basan su competitividad en la transparencia y en el carácter ético del ciclo productivo; proteger los derechos del ambiente favorecemos todas aquellas decisiones que llevan en consideración un empleo razonable de los recursos en el respeto de la naturaleza. NEXT LAICA believes in and supports ethical enterprise by balancing the needs of profit with that of the environment and the needs of mankind. respect for the value and dignity of mankind is our primary concern. Our code respects the UN and ILO International Conventions covering prohibition of Child Labour; LAICA cree en la empresa ética, lo que significa hacer PREV LAICA has freely chosen to adopt the self regulatory “Code of Professional Ethics in the Workplace”. tutelare i diritti umani il valore e la dignità dell’uomo sono al centro della nostra attenzione. Il nostro codice prevede inoltre il rispetto delle convenzioni internazionali ONU e ILO sul non sfruttamento del lavoro infantile; LAICA ha escogido libremente de adoptar una reglamentación autónoma dando origen así a su propio “Código de Etica Profesional en el Lugar de Trabajo”. WEB sauvegarder les droits humains la valeur et la dignité de l’homme sont au centre de notre attention. Notre code prévoit aussi le respect des conventions internationales ONU et ILO sur la non exploitation du travail infantile; sauvegarder les droits des travailleurs nous sommes engagés dans la diffusion des critères de respect des travailleurs au long de toute la filière productive, avec des contrôles systématiques; sauvegarder les droits des consommateurs nous basons notre relation avec le client sur un dialogue constant et sur une relation de collaboration pour rejoindre nos buts, en harmonie avec les aspirations des consommateurs; contrôler nos fournisseurs nous favorisons ces fournisseurs qui basent leur compétitivité sur la transparence et sur le caractère éthique du cycle productif; sauvegarder les droits de l’environnement nous privilégions tous les choix qui prennent en considération un emploi raisonnable des ressources dans le respect de la nature. 4 102 DE LAICA hat freiwillig entschieden, eine eigene Selbstregulierung zu schaffen. Dabei sind unsere “Regeln zum Berufsethos am Arbeitsplatz” entstanden. LAICA anerkennt und unterstützt alle ethischen Grundsätze der Menschenrechte und achtet die Vereinbarkeit von wirtschaftlichem Gewinn und Schutz des Menschen und dessen Umwelt. Das “Certified Human Rights”- Logo auf allen Verpackungen von LAICA-Produkten bestätigt, dass bei der Herstellung von Laica-Produkten alle Regeln zum Schutz des Menschen am Arbeitsplatz beachtet wurden. Das bedeutet für LAICA: Die Menschenrechte zu schützen Der Wert und die Würde jedes Menschen steht im Mittelpunkt unserer Aufmerksamkeit. LAICA beachtet und unterstützt alle internationalen Vereinbarungen von UNO und ILO zum Schutz vor Kinderarbeit. Die Würde und Rechte der Arbeiter zu schützen. Wir achten durch eine systematische Kontrolle darauf, dass alle Kriterien auf gerechte und befriedigend Arbeitsbedingungen während des gesamten Produktionsverfahrens erfüllt werden. die Rechte der Verbraucher zu schützen Unsere Beziehung mit dem Kunden basiert auf einem ständigen Dialoge und auf Zusammenarbeit, um unsere Ziele in Harmonie mit den Anforderungen der Verbraucher zu erzielen; Kontrolle unserer Zulieferanten: Wir arbeiten ausschliesslich mit jenen Lieferanten zusammen, deren Konkurrenzfähigkeit auf Transparenz sowie ethisch Produktionszyklen basieren; Die Umwelt zu schützen Wir verarbeiten ausschliesslich Materialien unter Berücksichtigung aller materiellen Ressourcen. Alle Produktionsvorgänge dienen dem Schutz von Menschen und deren Umwelt. INDEX DATASHEET WEB Legend simbology: 0434 (dir.93/42/EEC) Medical Device for domestic use Product certified in compliance with directive for 93/42/EEC “medical devices” Product in compliance with European Safety Regulation (Electromagnetic Compatibility) Touch screen keys MOQ/TIMING Available on request with a minimum purchase and time to be determined Legend navigation: Main index INDEX Datasheet DATASHEET Link to Laica website WEB Previous PREV Next NEXT BACK Back to datasheet 5 102 PREV NEXT INDEX ITALIAN DESIGN series 8 Body Composition 6 102 DATASHEET WEB PREV NEXT series 8 Body Composition INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV NEXT Electronic body composition scale PS5009 Design by Liliana Dal Toso KG 180 it measures your WEIGHT FAT % it calculates the BODYFAT TBW % it calculates the WATER BMR it calculates the basal METABOLIC M% it calculates the SKELETAL % % RATE MUSCULATURE % 180 kg - 396 lb - 28 st 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1 lb Ø 6.3 cm It automatically compares the % of fat and skeletal musculature with the data related to the previous weighing 7 102 series 8 Body Composition INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV NEXT Electronic body composition scale EP1480 Design by Liliana Dal Toso KG 150 it measures your WEIGHT FAT % it calculates the BODYFAT TBW % it calculates the WATER BMR it calculates the basal METABOLIC % % RATE 150 kg - 330 lb - 23 st 8 lb 100 g - 0.2 lb - 0.2 lb under 10 st; 1 lb over 10 st 7.3 x 2.8 cm MOQ/TIMING Electronic body composition scale PL8032 KG 150 it measures your WEIGHT FAT % it calculates the BODYFAT TBW % it calculates the WATER BMR it calculates the basal METABOLIC M% it calculates the MUSCLES % % MASS % 150 kg - 330 lb - 23 st 8 lb 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1/4 lb 12.6 x 5.1 cm Tempered glass: 8 mm 8 102 RATE series 8 Body Composition INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV NEXT Electronic body composition scale PS5007 KG 180 it measures your WEIGHT FAT % it calculates the BODYFAT TBW % it calculates the WATER BMR it calculates the basal METABOLIC M% it calculates the SKELETAL BMI it calculates the BODY % % RATE MUSCULATURE % MASS INDEX 180 kg - 396 lb - 28 st 4 lb 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1/4 lb backlight 7.7 x 3.5 cm Tempered glass: 6 mm MOQ/TIMING Water and Bodyfat monitor PS4007 Design by Liliana Dal Toso KG 180 it measures your WEIGHT FAT % it calculates the BODYFAT TBW % it calculates the WATER % % 180 kg - 396 lb - 28 st 4 lb 100 g - 0.1 lb - 0.1 lb under 10 st; 1 lb over 10 st 7.1 x 3 cm MOQ/TIMING Soft touch finishing 9 102 series 8 Body Composition INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV NEXT Electronic body composition scale PS5006 Italian Design KG 150 it measures your WEIGHT FAT % it calculates the BODYFAT TBW % it calculates the WATER BMR it calculates the basal METABOLIC M% it calculates the MUSCLES % % RATE MASS % 150 kg - 330 lb - 24 st 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1/4 lb 8.3 x 4.6 cm Tempered glass: 6 mm Electronic body composition scale PS5008 Italian Design KG 180 it measures your WEIGHT FAT % it calculates the BODYFAT TBW % it calculates the WATER BMR it calculates the basal METABOLIC M% it calculates the SKELETAL 150 kg -330 lb - 24 st 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1 lb 8 x 4.6 cm Tempered glass: 8 mm 10 102 % % RATE MUSCULATURE % series 8 Body Composition INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV Electronic Body Mass Index scale PS4010 Italian Design KG 150 it measures your WEIGHT BMI it calculates the BODY MASS INDEX 150 kg - 330 lb - 24 st 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1 lb 8 x 4.6 cm Tempered glass: 8 mm MOQ/TIMING MOQ/TIMING 11 1 1 102 02 NEXT series 8 Body Composition INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV NEXT Electronic body composition scale PS5010 KG 150 it measures your WEIGHT FAT % it calculates the BODYFAT TBW % it calculates the WATER M% it calculates the SKELETAL % % MUSCULATURE % 150 kg - 330 lb - 23 st 8 lb 100 g - 0.2 lb 7.6 x 3.5 cm Tempered glass: 6 mm MOQ/TIMING 12 1 102 02 INDEX ITALIAN DESIGN series 6 Memory 13 102 DATASHEET WEB PREV NEXT series 6 Memory INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV NEXT Electronic personal scale PS6005 150 kg - 330 lb - 23 st 8 lb 100 g - 0.2 lb 8 x 4.1 cm 7 memories for 4 people. It stores up to 7 weighings. It compares change of weight from the previous reading. Electronic personal scale PS6012 150 kg 100 g 7.2 x 2.8 cm It shows last 3 weighings. 14 102 INDEX ITALIAN DESIGN series 4 Digital 15 102 DATASHEET WEB PREV NEXT series 4 Digital INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV Electronic personal scale PS1039 Italian Design 200 kg - 440 lb - 31 st 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1 lb 10.1 x 3.7 cm Tempered glass: 10 mm Electronic personal scale PS1028 180 kg - 396 lb - 28 st 4 lb 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1 lb 6 x 6.2 cm 16 102 NEXT series 4 Digital INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV Electronic personal scale PS1037 150 kg - 330 lb - 23 st 8 lb 100 g - 0.2 lb 7.5 x 5.5 cm Tempered glass: 6 mm Solar With solar panel, without batteries Electronic personal scale PS1042 Italian Design 150 kg - 330 lb - 24 st 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1 lb 7.5 x 3 cm Tempered glass: 8 mm Solar With solar panel, without batteries 17 102 NEXT series 4 Digital INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV Electronic personal scale PS1025 150 kg - 330 lb - 23 st 8 lb 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1 lb 7 x 2.9 cm Tempered glass: 6 mm Electronic personal scale PS6003 180 kg - 396 lb - 28 st 4 lb 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1/4 lb 7.9 x 3.7 cm 18 102 NEXT series 4 Digital INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV Electronic personal scale PS1051 150 kg - 330 lb - 24 st 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1 lb 8 x 4.3 cm Tempered glass: 6 mm Blue Backlight 19 102 NEXT series 4 Digital INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV Electronic personal scale PS1033 Design by Liliana Dal Toso 180 kg - 396 lb - 28 st 4 lb 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1 lb 7.2 x 3 cm Electronic personal scale PS1043 Design by Liliana Dal Toso 180 kg - 396 lb - 28 st 4 lb 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1 lb 7.2 x 3 cm Soft touch finishing 20 102 NEXT series 4 Digital INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV Electronic personal scale PS1046 150 kg - 330 lb - 23 st 8 lb 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1/8 lb 7.2 x 2.8 cm Electronic personal scale PS1032 Italian Design 150 kg - 330 lb - 24 st 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1 lb 4.9 x 2.1 cm Tempered glass: 6 mm 21 102 NEXT series 4 Digital INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV Electronic personal scale PS1049 150 kg - 330 lb - 24 st 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1/8 lb 7.9 x 2.8 cm Soft touch finishing 22 1 102 02 NEXT series 4 Digital INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV Electronic personal scale PS1016 Italian Design 150 kg - 330 lb - 24 st 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1 lb 7.2 x 2.8 cm Tempered glass: 8 mm MOQ/TIMING Electronic personal scale PS1034 150 kg - 330 lb - 24 st 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1 lb 6 x 2.6 cm 23 102 NEXT series 4 Digital INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV NEXT Electronic personal scale PS1036 Italian Design 150 kg - 330 lb - 24 st 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1 lb 7.5 x 3.05 cm Tempered glass: 8 mm Electronic personal scale PS1047 150 kg - 330 lb - 23 st 8 lb 100 g - 0.2 lb - 0.2 lb under 20 st; 1 lb over 20 st 7.6 x 3.5 cm Tempered glass: 6 mm 24 102 series 4 Digital INDEX DATASHEET WEB Electronic personal scale PS1045 180 kg - 396 lb 100 g - 0.2 lb 7.4 x 5.2 cm MOQ/TIMING 25 1 102 02 PREV NEXT series 4 Digital INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV Electronic personal scale EP1270 Italian Design 150 kg - 330 lb - 24 st 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1 lb 7.5 x 3.05 cm Tempered glass: 8 mm Electronic personal scale PS1050 150 kg - 330 lb - 23 st 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1 lb 6.9 x 3.2 cm Tempered glass: 6 mm MOQ/TIMING 26 102 NEXT series 4 Digital INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV Electronic personal scale PS1052 Italian Design 150 kg - 330 lb - 23 st 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1 lb 6.9 x 3.2 cm Tempered glass: 6 mm Electronic personal scale PS1053 Italian Design 150 kg - 330 lb - 23 st 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1 lb 6.9 x 3.2 cm Tempered glass: 6 mm MOQ/TIMING 27 102 NEXT series 4 Digital INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV Electronic personal scale PS1054 Italian Design 150 kg - 330 lb - 23 st 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1 lb 6.9 x 3.2 cm Tempered glass: 6 mm Electronic personal scale PS1048 Italian Design 150 kg - 330 lb - 24 st 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1 lb 5 x 2.5 cm Tempered glass: 8 mm 28 102 NEXT INDEX ITALIAN DESIGN series 3 Analog 29 102 DATASHEET WEB PREV NEXT series 3 Analog INDEX DATASHEET WEB Mechanical personal scale PS2002 150 kg 1 kg DIM 44.5 x 32.5 x 7 cm Mechanical personal scale PS2007 130 kg 1 kg DIM 28.5 x 26.8 x 5 cm 30 102 PREV NEXT series 3 Analog INDEX DATASHEET WEB Mechanical personal scale PL8019 Design by Liliana Dal Toso 130 kg 1 kg DIM 29 x 30 x 6 cm 31 102 PREV NEXT series 3 Analog INDEX DATASHEET WEB Mechanical personal scale EP1130 130 kg 1 kg DIM 26 x 25.4 x 5.2 cm 32 102 PREV NEXT INDEX ITALIAN DESIGN Kitchen style Bowl Multifunction Compact Extra precision Analog Vacuum machines 33 102 DATASHEET WEB PREV NEXT series Kitchen style BOWL INDEX DATASHEET WEB Electronic kitchen scale BX9260 Design by Liliana Dal Toso 5 kg - 11 lb 1 g - 1/8 oz 4.9 x 1.7 cm DIM 24.5 x 24 x 15.1 cm Electronic kitchen scale BX9240 Design by Liliana Dal Toso 5 kg - 11 lb 1 g - 1/8 oz 3.5 x 1.5 cm DIM 17 x 23 x 19.8 cm 34 102 PREV NEXT series Kitchen style BOWL INDEX DATASHEET WEB Electronic kitchen scale KS1026 5 kg - 11 lb 1 g - 0.1 oz 5.4 x 2.2 cm DIM 19 x 14 x 13 cm MOQ/TIMING 35 102 PREV NEXT series Kitchen style BOWL INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV Electronic kitchen scale KS1012 Design by Liliana Dal Toso 3 kg - 6.6 lb 1 g - 0.1 oz 4.4 x 2.4 cm DIM 22.7 x 15.5 x 2 cm MOQ/TIMING 36 102 MOQ/TIMING NEXT series Kitchen style BOWL INDEX DATASHEET WEB Electronic kitchen scale LC7113 3 kg - 6.6 lb 1 g - 0.002 lb 4 x 1.7 cm DIM 20 x 20 x 12.8 cm Electronic kitchen scale BX9230 3 kg - 6 lb 10 oz 1 g - 1/8 oz 3.6 x 1.3 cm DIM 23.3 x 23.3 x 12 cm 37 102 PREV NEXT series Kitchen style BOWL INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV NEXT Electronic kitchen scale KS1019 5 kg - 11 lb 1 g - 0.05 oz blue backlight 4.4 x 1.9 cm DIM 20 x 18 x 11 cm Blue Backlight Electronic kitchen scale KS1016 3 kg 1g 4.8 x 1.8 cm DIM 17.3 x 19 x 12.4 cm MOQ/TIMING 38 102 MOQ/TIMING series Kitchen style MULTIFUNCTION INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV NEXT Electronic kitchen scale KS3009 3 kg - 6.6 lb 1 g - 0.1 oz 4.3 x 2.3 cm - 11.1 x 6.1 cm DIM 22.7 x 15.5 x 2 cm Extra functions: Alarm clock - Date / Time Temperature (°C/°F) - Humidity Electronic kitchen scale KS3010 3 kg - 6.6 lb 1 g - 0.1 oz blue backlight 6.5 x 2.8 cm DIM 16 x 21.1 x 4 cm Blue Backlight Extra functions: Time 39 102 series Kitchen style COMPACT INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV Electronic kitchen scale KS1013 5 kg - 176.4 oz 1 g - 0.05 oz High definition LED 5 x 2 cm DIM 17 x 23.6 x 6 cm HD LED Electronic kitchen scale KS1006 3 kg - 6.6 lb 1 g - 0.1 oz blue backlight 6.2 x 2.1 cm DIM 18.9 x 18.9 x 2.3 cm Blue Backlight 40 102 NEXT series Kitchen style COMPACT INDEX DATASHEET WEB Electronic kitchen scale KS1024 Italian Design 5 kg - 11 lb 1 g - 0.1 oz 5.5 x 2.5 cm DIM 18.4 x 20 x 1.7 cm Tempered glass: 4 mm MOQ/TIMING 41 1 102 02 PREV NEXT series Kitchen style COMPACT INDEX DATASHEET WEB Electronic kitchen scale KS1300 5 kg - 11 lb 1 g - 0.1 oz 6.8 x 3.1 cm DIM 23 x 16 x 2 cm Tempered glass: 4 mm Blue Backlight MOQ/TIMING 42 MOQ/TIMING 102 PREV NEXT series Kitchen style COMPACT INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV Electronic kitchen scale KS1020 3 kg - 6.6 lb 1 g - 0.1 oz blue backlight 4.3 x 2.2 cm DIM 23.2 x 15.2 x 5.2 cm Blue Backlight Electronic kitchen scale KS1027 5 kg - 11 lb 1 g - 0.1 oz 6.4 x 2.7 cm DIM 22.8 x 16 x 1.8 cm Blue Backlight 43 102 NEXT series Kitchen style COMPACT INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV NEXT Electronic kitchen scale KS1005 Design by Liliana Dal Toso 3 kg - 6 lb 9 oz 1 g - 0.1 oz 3.6 x 1.3 cm DIM 24 x 14 x 4 cm MOQ/TIMING 44 102 MOQ/TIMING series Kitchen style COMPACT INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV NEXT Electronic kitchen scale KS1023 3 kg - 6.6 lb 1 g - 0.1 oz blue backlight 5.7 x 2.5 cm DIM 22.9 x 15.9 x 1.2 cm Blue Backlight MOQ/TIMING 45 102 MOQ/TIMING MOQ/TIMING series Kitchen style COMPACT INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV NEXT PREV NEXT Electronic kitchen scale BX9300 3 kg - 6.6 lb 1 g - 0.002 lb 4 x 1.7 cm series DIM 16.8 x 13.1 x 4 Kitchen style EXTRA PRECISION INDEX DATASHEET WEB Precision scale BX9310 120 g - 4.2 oz 0.05 g - 0.002 oz 3 x 1.4 cm DIM 10 x 6.2 x 1.8 cm 46 102 series Kitchen style ANALOG INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV Mechanical kitchen scale LC7107 Design by Liliana Dal Toso 3 kg 20 g DIM 15.8 x 20.6 x 21.9 cm Mechanical kitchen scale LC7106 Design by Liliana Dal Toso 5 kg 25 g DIM 27.6 x 28 x 21.7 cm 47 102 NEXT series Kitchen style ANALOG INDEX DATASHEET WEB Mechanical kitchen scale KS2001 10 kg 50 g DIM 26 x 22 x 18 cm Mechanical kitchen scale K711 1 kg 5g DIM 20 x 19 x 10.5 cm 48 102 PREV NEXT series Kitchen style VACUUM MACHINES INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV Vacuum machine completely automatic VT3113 12L / min ACC 1 roll and 1 cutter DIM 38 x 17 x 8 cm 100% Automatic VACUUM auto manual Vacuum machine completely automatic VT3114 9L / min ACC 10 spare bags (22 x 30 cm) DIM 37 x 14.4 x 7.4 cm 100% Automatic 49 102 VACUUM auto manual adjustable VACUUM PRESSURE NEXT series Kitchen style VACUUM MACHINES INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV Vacuum machine completely automatic VT3111 9L / min ACC 10 spare bags (22 x 30 cm) DIM 36 x 15 x 9 cm 100% Automatic Vacuum machine completely automatic VT3112 9L / min ACC 10 spare bags (22 x 30 cm) DIM 37 x 14.4 x 7.4 cm 100% Automatic 50 102 NEXT series Kitchen style VACUUM MACHINES INDEX VT3500 - VT3501 - VT3504 DATASHEET WEB VT3500 Package of 50 bags DIM 28 x 36 cm PCS 10 pcs/master VT3501 Package of bags DIM 20 x 28 cm PCS 10 pcs/master VT3504 Package of bags DIM 20 x 28 cm VT3500 VT3501 PCS 20 pcs/master VT3504 VT3502 - VT3503 - VT3505 VT3502 Box of 10 bags DIM 28 x 36 cm PCS 8 pcs/master VT3503 VT3503 Box of 20 bags DIM 20 x 28 cm PCS 8 pcs/master VT3505 Box of 2 rollos VT3502 DIM 28 x 300 cm PCS 12 pcs/master VT3505 51 102 PREV NEXT INDEX ITALIAN DESIGN BABY LINE Baby scale Inhalation Thermometer control Baby meals Baby care 52 102 DATASHEET WEB PREV NEXT series BABY SCALE INDEX DATASHEET WEB Baby scale PS3004 Design by Liliana Dal Toso 20 kg - 44.40 lb 10 g - 1/2 oz 7.7 x 3 cm DIM 54 x 21 x 14.5 cm Medical Device for domestic use 53 1 102 02 PREV NEXT series BABY SCALE INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV Baby scale PS3001 Design by Liliana Dal Toso e Francesco Di Bella 20 kg - 44.09 lb - 705.4 oz 5 g - 0.01 lb - 0.1 oz 7.8 x 2.8 cm DIM 52 x 32 x 5.6 cm Medical Device for domestic use Electronic personal scale PS3005 Italian Design 150 kg - 330 lb - 24 st 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1 lb 5 x 2.5 cm DIM 26.7 x 25.9 x 1.8 cm Tempered glass: 8 mm 54 102 NEXT series INDEX INHALATION DATASHEET WEB Piston nebuliser for aerosol therapy NE2010 ACC adult mask, pediatric mask, mouthpiece, nosepiece, tube, ampoule DIM 20 x 15.5 x 11 cm Medical Device for domestic use Ultrasonic nebuliser for aerosol therapy NE1005 ACC adult mask, pediatric mask, mouthpiece, connector DIM 12.5 x 4.8 x 6.1 cm Medical Device for domestic use 55 102 PREV NEXT series THERMOMETER CONTROL INHALATION INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV Baby digital thermometer TH3002 M 1 temperature recorded 1.5 x 0.5 cm DIM 6.2 x 4.5 x 4.4 cm Medical Device for domestic use Infrared forehead thermometer TH1001 Design by Liliana Dal Toso M 25 memories 2.4 x 1 cm DIM 10.5 x 5.2 x 2.1 cm Medical Device for domestic use Digital thermometer TH3302 M 1 temperature recorded 1.8 x 0.6 cm DIM 12.2 x 2.5 x 1.2 cm Flexible probe Medical Device for domestic use 56 102 NEXT series BABY MEALS INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV Electronic kitchen scale KS1025 5 kg - 176 oz 1 g - 0.05 oz 4.1 x 1.5 cm DIM 22 x 18.6 x 10 cm Digital baby bottle and baby food warmer BC1004 2 products in 1: to warm up milk bottles, jars and food containers DIM 12.5 x 19.9 x 12 cm 57 102 NEXT series BABY MEALS INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV Electric steam sterilizer BC1005 Sterilizes up to 6 baby bottles simultaneously DIM 31.5 x 20 x 23 cm 58 102 NEXT series BABY CARE INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV NEXT Audio baby monitor BC2001 Operation range: 200 m outdoor 100 m indoor DIM 14.5 x 6.4 x 3.5 cm Ultrasonic humidifier HI3012 Steam Emission 7-8 hours DIM 16 x 16 x 23 cm Night lights: 7 colours alternate automatically 59 102 series BABY CARE INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV Baby bath thermometer TH4006 DIM 9 x 7.6 x 2.7 cm Automatic reading of water temperature Equipped with timer function to verify bath duration Baby bath thermometer TH4007 DIM 7.3 x 8 x 1.8 cm Automatic reading of water temperature (( (( HOT 60 102 Light warning in case of too high temperature NEXT INDEX ITALIAN DESIGN Health care Blood pressure monitors Inhalation Thermometer 61 102 DATASHEET WEB PREV NEXT series Health care BLOOD PRESSURE MONITORS INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV NEXT Automatic arm blood pressure monitor BM2003 Design by Liliana Dal Toso M 60 memories DATA systolic / diastolic heartbeat frequency irregular heartbeats (if any) classification of blood pressure levels according to WHO date/time 9.5 x 8.7 cm DIM 17.3 x 13.7 x 7 cm Medical Device for domestic use Automatic wrist blood pressure monitor BM1003 Design by Liliana Dal Toso M 60 memories DATA systolic / diastolic heartbeat frequency irregular heartbeats (if any) classification of blood pressure levels according to WHO date/time 4.7 x 6.8 cm DIM 8.8 x 7.9 x 6.8 cm Medical Device for domestic use 62 102 series Health care BLOOD PRESSURE MONITORS INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV NEXT Automatic arm blood pressure monitor BM2301 M 120 memories x 4 persons DATA systolic / diastolic heartbeat frequency irregular heartbeats (if any) classification of blood pressure levels according to WHO date/time 5.5 x 8.2 cm DIM 15.8 x 10.9 x 8.2 cm Medical Device for domestic use Automatic wrist blood pressure monitor BM1001 M 60 memories DATA systolic / diastolic heartbeat frequency irregular heartbeats (if any) classification of blood pressure levels according to WHO date/time 3.9 x 4.4 cm DIM 8.6 x 6.8 x 3.2 cm Medical Device for domestic use 63 102 series Health care BLOOD PRESSURE MONITORS INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV NEXT Automatic arm blood pressure monitor BM2006 M 120 memories DATA systolic diastolic heartbeat frequency date/time 4.5 x 3 cm DIM 13.2 x 10 x 6.5 cm Medical Device for domestic use Automatic arm blood pressure monitor BM2005 M 120 memories DATA systolic diastolic heartbeat frequency 8 x 3.2 cm DIM 14.7 x 11 x 5 cm Medical Device for domestic use 64 102 series Health care BLOOD PRESSURE MONITORS INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV NEXT Automatic wrist blood pressure monitor BM1005 M 60 memories DATA systolic / diastolic heartbeat frequency irregular heartbeats (if any) classification of blood pressure levels according to WHO date/time 3 x 2.9 cm DIM 6.6 x 6.3 x 2.6 cm Medical Device for domestic use 65 102 series Health care INHALATION INDEX DATASHEET WEB Ultrasonic nebuliser for aerosol therapy MD6026 Design by Liliana Dal Toso ACC adult mask pediatric mask mouthpiece tube connectors ampoule adaptor DIM 15 x 11.6 x 9.7 cm Medical Device for domestic use Ultrasonic nebuliser for aerosol therapy NE2003 ACC adult mask pediatric mask mouthpiece nosepiece tube ampoule DIM 20 x 15.5 x 11 cm Medical ce Device for domestic tic use 66 102 PREV NEXT series Health care THERMOMETER INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV Infrared thermometer TH2002 M 1 temperature recorded 2.8 x 1.3 cm DIM 12.6 x 4 x 3.3 cm Medical Device for domestic use Digital thermometer TH3106 M 1 temperature recorded 1.6 x 0.6 cm DIM 12.2 x 1.7 x 0.8 cm Medical Device for domestic use 67 102 NEXT series Health care THERMOMETER INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV Digital thermometer TH3601 M 1 temperature recorded 2.1 x 0.9 cm DIM 13.6 x 2.1 x 1.2 cm Flexible and waterproof probe Medical Device for domestic use 68 102 NEXT INDEX ITALIAN DESIGN Personal care Foot massagers Facial Manicure Home improvement Body shape Oral care 69 102 DATASHEET WEB PREV NEXT series Personal care FOOT MASSAGERS INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV Foot massager with infrared lights and water bubbles PC1009 ACC massaging roller massaging platform anti-splash cover pedicure set DIM 38.5 x 33 x 17 cm Foot massager PC1011 ACC massaging nodes anti-splash cover DIM 38 x 33 x 17.5 cm 70 102 NEXT series Personal care FACIAL INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV Illuminated mirror MD6051 FEATURES Ø 12.5 cm illuminated 3 times magnification DIM 28 x 17 x 20 cm Facial sauna MD6062 ACC steam diffuser inhaler measuring beaker DIM 24.4 x 17.3 x 17.1 cm 71 102 NEXT series Personal care MANICURE INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV Manicure and pedicure set SB2400 ACC cylinder holder large modelling stone smoothing cylinder small modelling stone cleaning felt abrasive cylinders 1 adaptor DIM 22.5 x 17 x 14.5 cm Manicure and pedicure set MD6043 ACC filing disk fine grit filing disk coarse grit coarse cone small shaping stone large shaping stone felt cleaner exfoliating disk fine grit exfoliating disk coarse grit 1 transformer 1 cuticle pusher DIM 7 x 19 x 15 cm 72 102 NEXT series Personal care MANICURE INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV NEXT PREV NEXT Manicure and pedicure set MD6041 ACC exfoliating disk coarse bit fine bit felt cleaner travel case 1 cuticle pusher series DIM 15.5 x 5.8 x 3.8 cm Personal care HOME IMPROVEMENT INDEX DATASHEET WEB Ultrasonic humidifier HI3011 Steam emission: 8-9 hours DIM 73 102 22 x 22 x 16 cm series Personal care HOME IMPROVEMENT INDEX DATASHEET WEB Lintshaver MD6103 DIM 11.5 x 13.3 x 7 cm Lintshaver HI4001 DIM 12.7 x 5.8 x 7.2 cm 74 102 PREV NEXT series Personal care BODY SHAPE INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV Electro-stimulator MD6078 ACC 4 cables, 8 electrodes, 4 x 1.5V alkaline batteries AA 1 transformer, 1 case, 4 channels, 30 programs, 10 intensity levels 4 x 3.1 cm DIM 17 x 9.5 x 3.8 cm Medical Device for domestic use 75 102 NEXT series Personal care ORAL CARE INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV Battery operated toothbrush PC4001 4500 oscillations/minute Replaceable head DIM 21 x 2.6 x 3 cm 4500 OSCILLATIONS MINUTE 76 7 6 1 102 02 0 2 REPLACEABLE HEAD NEXT INDEX ITALIAN DESIGN Technical data 77 102 DATASHEET WEB PREV NEXT Personal Scales PS5009 IT GB ES FR DE INDEX Pesapersone elettronica con calcolo composizione corporea Electronic body composition scale Báscula de baño electrónica con cálculo de la composición corporal Pèse-personne électronique avec calcul de la composition corporelle Elektronische Personenwaage mit Berechnung der Körperzusammensetzung DATASHEET 180 kg - 396 lb - 28 st 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1 lb (dir. 93/42/EEC) BACK EP1480 IT GB ES FR DE Pesapersone elettronica con calcolo composizione corporea Electronic body composition scale Báscula de baño electrónica con cálculo de la composición corporal Pèse-personne électronique avec calcul de la composition corporelle Elektronische Personenwaage mit Berechnung der Körperzusammensetzung 150 kg - 330 lb - 23 st 8 lb 100 g - 0.2 lb - 0.2 lb under 10 st; 1 lb over 10 st (dir. 93/42/EEC) BACK PL8032 IT Pesapersone elettronica con calcolo composizione corporea GB Electronic body composition scale ES Báscula de baño electrónica con cálculo de la composición corporal FR Pèse-personne électronique avec calcul de la composition corporelle DE Elektronische Personenwaage mit Berechnung der Körperzusammensetzung 150 kg - 330 lb - 23 st 8 lb 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1/4 lb (dir. 93/42/EEC) BACK PS5007 IT Pesapersone elettronica con calcolo composizione corporea GB Electronic body composition scale ES Báscula de baño electrónica con cálculo de la composición corporal FR Pèse-personne électronique avec calcul de la composition corporelle DE Elektronische Personenwaage mit Berechnung der Körperzusammensetzung 180 kg - 396 lb - 28 st 4 lb 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1/4 lb (dir. 93/42/EEC) BACK PS4007 IT GB ES FR DE Bodyfat e bodywater Water and Bodyfat Monitor Bodyfat y bodywater Bodyfat et bodywater Körperfett & Körperwasser Waage 180 kg - 396 lb - 28 st 4 lb WEB PREV NEXT EAN CODE 8033224609997 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224609925 CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 42 PALLET QUANTITY 168 BATTERIES 4 x 1.5V alkaline AAA (not included) EAN CODE 8013240301334 CARTON EAN CODE 18013240803439 CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 45 PALLET QUANTITY 180 BATTERIES 4 x 1.5V alkaline AA (not included) EAN CODE 8013240201146 CARTON EAN CODE 18013240803408 CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 45 PALLET QUANTITY 180 BATTERIES 1 x 3V replaceable lithium CR2032 (included) EAN CODE 8033224609706 MOQ/TIMING MOQ/TIMING CARTON EAN CODE 18033224609604 CARTON QUANTITY 5 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 50 PALLET QUANTITY 300 BATTERIES 3 x 1.5V alkaline AAA (not included) white 8033224609126 blue 8033224609195 white 18033224609109 blue 18033224609185 EAN CODE MOQ/TIMING 100 g - 0.1 lb - 0.1 lb under 10 st; 1 lb over 10 st CARTON EAN CODE CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 42 PALLET QUANTITY 168 BATTERIES 4 x 1.5V alkaline AAA (not included) (dir. 93/42/EEC) BACK 78 102 Personal Scales PS5006 INDEX IT Pesapersone elettronica con calcolo composizione corporea GB Electronic body composition scale ES Báscula de baño electrónica con cálculo de la composición corporal FR Pèse-personne électronique avec calcul de la composition corporelle DE Elektronische Personenwaage mit Berechnung der Körperzusammensetzung IT Pesapersone elettronica con calcolo composizione corporea GB Electronic body composition scale ES Báscula de baño electrónica con cálculo de la composición corporal FR Pèse-personne électronique avec calcul de la composition corporelle DE Elektronische Personenwaage mit Berechnung der Körperzusammensetzung IT Pesapersone elettronica con indicatore di massa corporea GB Electronic Body Mass Index scale ES Báscula de baño electrónica con indicador de masa corporal FR Pèse-personne électronique avec indicateur de masse corporelle DE Elektronische Personenwaage mit Anzeiger der Körpermasse PREV NEXT EAN CODE 8033224600680 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1/4 lb CARTON EAN CODE 18033224609048 CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 62 PALLET QUANTITY 248 BATTERIES 2 x 3V replaceable lithium CR2032 (included) EAN CODE 8033224609751 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224609802 CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 64 PALLET QUANTITY 256 BATTERIES 1 x 3V replaceable lithium CR2032 (included) (dir. 93/42/EEC) 150 kg - 330 lb - 24 st 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1 lb (dir. 93/42/EEC) BACK PS4010 WEB 150 kg - 330 lb - 24 st BACK PS5008 DATASHEET silver 8033224609911 green 8013240100999 orange 8013240100999 lavander 8013240100999 fuchsia 8013240100999 yellow 8013240100999 150 kg - 330 lb - 24 st 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1 lb EAN CODE (dir. 93/42/EEC) CARTON EAN CODE violet 8013240100999 silver 18033224609840 green 18013240803866 orange 18013240803866 lavander 18013240803866 fuchsia 18013240803866 yellow 18013240803866 violet 18013240803866 MOQ/TIMING MOQ/TIMING silver: 4 CARTON QUANTITY 4 assorted colours BACK PS5010 IT Pesapersone elettronica con calcolo composizione corporea GB Electronic body composition scale ES Báscula de baño electrónica con cálculo de la composición corporal FR Pèse-personne électronique avec calcul de la composition corporelle DE Elektronische Personenwaage mit Berechnung der Körperzusammensetzung 150 kg - 330 lb - 23 st 8 lb CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 64 PALLET QUANTITY 256 BATTERIES 1 x 3V replaceable lithium CR2032 (included) white 8013240101026 black 8013240101033 white 18013240803897 black 18013240803903 EAN CODE MOQ/TIMING 100 g - 0.2 lb CARTON EAN CODE CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 45 PALLET QUANTITY 180 BATTERIES 2 x 3V replaceable lithium CR2032 (included) (dir. 93/42/EEC) BACK 79 102 Personal Scales PS6005 IT GB ES FR DE INDEX IT GB ES FR DE 18033224600427 CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 45 PALLET QUANTITY 180 BATTERIES 1 x 3V replaceable lithium CR2032 (included) 150 kg EAN CODE 8033224609720 100 g CARTON EAN CODE 18033224609628 CARTON QUANTITY 6 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 40 PALLET QUANTITY 160 BATTERIES 1 x 3V replaceable lithium CR2032 (included) EAN CODE 8033224609621 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224609529 CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 36 PALLET QUANTITY 144 BATTERIES 1 x 3V replaceable lithium CR2032 (included) EAN CODE 8033224600901 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224600847 CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 45 PALLET QUANTITY 180 BATTERIES 3 x 1.5V alkaline AAA (not included) EAN CODE 8033224609478 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224609376 CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 42 PALLET QUANTITY 168 BATTERIES with solar panel without batteries EAN CODE 8033224609850 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224609826 CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 64 PALLET QUANTITY 256 BATTERIES with solar panel without batteries BACK PS1039 IT GB ES FR DE 200 kg - 440 lb - 31 st Pesapersone elettronica Electronic personal scale Báscula de baño electrónica Pèse-personne électronique Elektronische Personenwaage 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1 lb BACK PS1028 IT GB ES FR DE 180 kg - 396 lb - 28 st 4 lb Pesapersone elettronica Electronic personal scale Báscula de baño electrónica Pèse-personne électronique Elektronische Personenwaage 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1 lb BACK PS1037 IT GB ES FR DE 150 kg - 330 lb - 23 st 8 lb Pesapersone elettronica Electronic personal scale Báscula de baño electrónica Pèse-personne électronique Elektronische Personenwaage 100 g - 0.2 lb BACK PS1042 IT GB ES FR DE 150 kg - 330 lb - 24 st Pesapersone elettronica Electronic personal scale Báscula de baño electrónica Pèse-personne électronique Elektronische Personenwaage NEXT CARTON EAN CODE 100 g - 0.2 lb Pesapersone elettronica Electronic personal scale Báscula de baño electrónica Pèse-personne électronique Elektronische Personenwaage PREV 8033224600451 BACK PS6012 WEB EAN CODE 150 kg - 330 lb - 23 st 8 lb Pesapersone elettronica Electronic personal scale Báscula de baño electrónica Pèse-personne électronique Elektronische Personenwaage DATASHEET 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1 lb BACK 80 102 Personal Scales PS1025 IT GB ES FR DE INDEX 150 kg - 330 lb - 23 st 8 lb Pesapersone elettronica Electronic personal scale Báscula de baño electrónica Pèse-personne électronique Elektronische Personenwaage 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1 lb BACK PS6003 IT GB ES FR DE 180 kg - 396 lb - 28 st 4 lb Pesapersone elettronica Electronic personal scale Báscula de baño electrónica Pèse-personne électronique Elektronische Personenwaage 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1/4 lb BACK PS1051 IT GB ES FR DE 150 kg - 330 lb - 24 lb Pesapersone elettronica Electronic personal scale Báscula de baño electrónica Pèse-personne électronique Elektronische Personenwaage DATASHEET WEB PREV NEXT EAN CODE 8033224600871 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224600816 CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 45 PALLET QUANTITY 180 BATTERIES 2 x 1.5V alkaline AAA (not included) EAN CODE 8033224600291 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224600298 CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 24 PALLET QUANTITY 96 BATTERIES 2 x 3V replaceable lithium CR2032 (included) white 8013240101378 green 8013240101385 white 18013240804276 green 18013240804283 EAN CODE 100 g - 0.2 lb - 0.1 lb CARTON EAN CODE CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET N.A. PALLET QUANTITY N.A. BATTERIES 3 x 1.5V alkaline AAA (not included) BACK PS1043 IT GB ES FR DE 180 kg - 396 lb - 28 st 4 lb Pesapersone elettronica Electronic personal scale Báscula de baño electrónica Pèse-personne électronique Elektronische Personenwaage gold 8033224609836 grey 8033224609829 gold 18033224609796 grey 18033224609789 EAN CODE 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1 lb CARTON EAN CODE CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 45 PALLET QUANTITY 180 BATTERIES BACK 81 102 4 x 1.5V alkaline AAA (not included) Personal Scales PS1033 IT GB ES FR DE INDEX 180 kg - 396 lb - 28 st 4 lb Pesapersone elettronica Electronic personal scale Báscula de baño electrónica Pèse-personne électronique Elektronische Personenwaage 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1 lb BACK PS1046 IT GB ES FR DE 150 kg - 330 lb - 23 st 8 lb Pesapersone elettronica Electronic personal scale Báscula de baño electrónica Pèse-personne électronique Elektronische Personenwaage 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1/8 lb BACK PS1032 IT GB ES FR DE 150 kg - 330 lb - 24 st Pesapersone elettronica Electronic personal scale Báscula de baño electrónica Pèse-personne électronique Elektronische Personenwaage 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1 lb BACK PS1049 IT GB ES FR DE DATASHEET WEB 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1/8 lb NEXT EAN CODE 8033224609119 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224609093 CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 42 PALLET QUANTITY 168 BATTERIES 4 x 1.5V alkaline AAA (not included) EAN CODE 8013240100920 CARTON EAN CODE 18013240803798 CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 42 PALLET QUANTITY 168 BATTERIES 1 x 3V replaceable lithium CR2032 (included) EAN CODE 8033224609096 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224609055 CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 60 PALLET QUANTITY 240 BATTERIES 1 x 3V replaceable lithium CR2032 (included) 150 kg - 330 lb - 24 st Pesapersone elettronica Electronic personal scale Báscula de baño electrónica Pèse-personne électronique Elektronische Personenwaage PREV light blue 8013240101408 pink 8013240101507 sand 8013240101514 EAN CODE blue 8013240101521 light blue 18013240804306 pink 18013240804405 sand 18013240804412 blue 18013240804429 CARTON EAN CODE CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET N.A. PALLET QUANTITY N.A. BATTERIES 1 x 3V replaceable lithium CR2032 (included) EAN CODE 8013240221083 BACK PS1016 IT GB ES FR DE 150 kg - 330 lb - 24 st Pesapersone elettronica Electronic personal scale Báscula de baño electrónica Pèse-personne électronique Elektronische Personenwaage 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1 lb BACK 82 102 MOQ/TIMING CARTON EAN CODE 18013240803293 CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 64 PALLET QUANTITY 256 BATTERIES 1 x 3V replaceable lithium CR2032 (included) Personal Scales PS1034 IT GB ES FR DE INDEX DATASHEET 150 kg - 330 lb - 24 st Pesapersone elettronica Electronic personal scale Báscula de baño electrónica Pèse-personne électronique Elektronische Personenwaage 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1 lb BACK PS1036 IT GB ES FR DE 150 kg - 330 lb - 24 st Pesapersone elettronica Electronic personal scale Báscula de baño electrónica Pèse-personne électronique Elektronische Personenwaage 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1 lb BACK PS1045 IT GB ES FR DE WEB 8033224600406 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224609079 CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 60 PALLET QUANTITY 240 BATTERIES 1 x 3V replaceable lithium CR2032 (included) EAN CODE 8033224609461 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224609369 CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 64 PALLET QUANTITY 256 BATTERIES 1 x 3V replaceable lithium CR2032 (included) 100 g - 0.2 lb BACK IT GB ES FR DE green 8013240100913 orange 8013240100944 lavander 8013240100951 fuchsia 8013240100968 180 kg - 396 lb Pesapersone elettronica Electronic personal scale Báscula de baño electrónica Pèse-personne électronique Elektronische Personenwaage 150 kg - 330 lb - 23 st 8 lb Pesapersone elettronica Electronic personal scale Báscula de baño electrónica Pèse-personne électronique Elektronische Personenwaage 100 g - 0.2 lb - 0.2 lb under 20 st; 1 lb over 20 st EAN CODE 83 102 yellow 8013240101064 green 18013240801725 orange 18013240803811 lavander 18013240803828 fuchsia 18013240803835 yellow 18013240803934 MOQ/TIMING CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 54 PALLET QUANTITY 216 BATTERIES 1 x 3V replaceable lithium CR2032 (included) white 8013240100975 black 8013240100982 white 18013240803842 black 18013240803859 EAN CODE CARTON EAN CODE CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 45 PALLET QUANTITY 180 BATTERIES BACK NEXT EAN CODE CARTON EAN CODE PS1047 PREV 1 x 3V replaceable lithium CR2032 (included) Personal Scales EP1270 IT GB ES FR DE INDEX 150 kg - 330 lb - 24 st Pesapersone elettronica Electronic personal scale Báscula de baño electrónica Pèse-personne électronique Elektronische Personenwaage 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1 lb BACK PS1050 IT GB ES FR DE 150 kg - 330 lb - 23 st Pesapersone elettronica Electronic personal scale Báscula de baño electrónica Pèse-personne électronique Elektronische Personenwaage 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1 lb BACK PS1052 IT GB ES FR DE 150 kg - 330 lb - 23 st Pesapersone elettronica Electronic personal scale Báscula de baño electrónica Pèse-personne électronique Elektronische Personenwaage DATASHEET WEB PREV NEXT EAN CODE 8013240301006 CARTON EAN CODE 18013240802425 CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 64 PALLET QUANTITY 256 BATTERIES 1 x 3V replaceable lithium CR2032 (included) EAN CODE 8013240101361 CARTON EAN CODE 18013240804269 CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET N.A. PALLET QUANTITY N.A. BATTERIES 1 x 3V replaceable lithium CR2032 (included) violet 8013240101446 orange 8013240101446 violet 18013240804344 orange 18013240804344 MOQ/TIMING EAN CODE 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1 lb CARTON EAN CODE CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET N.A. PALLET QUANTITY N.A. BATTERIES 1 x 3V replaceable lithium CR2032 (included) BACK PS1053 IT GB ES FR DE 150 kg - 330 lb - 23 st Pesapersone elettronica Electronic personal scale Báscula de baño electrónica Pèse-personne électronique Elektronische Personenwaage 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1 lb BACK PS1054 IT GB ES FR DE 150 kg - 330 lb - 23 st Pesapersone elettronica Electronic personal scale Báscula de baño electrónica Pèse-personne électronique Elektronische Personenwaage 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1 lb BACK 84 102 EAN CODE 8013240101491 CARTON EAN CODE 18013240804399 CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET N.A. PALLET QUANTITY N.A. BATTERIES 1 x 3V replaceable lithium CR2032 (included) EAN CODE 8013240101538 CARTON EAN CODE 18013240804436 CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET N.A. PALLET QUANTITY N.A. BATTERIES 1 x 3V replaceable lithium CR2032 (included) MOQ/TIMING Personal Scales PS1048 IT GB ES FR DE INDEX 150 kg - 330 lb - 24 st Pesapersone elettronica Electronic personal scale Báscula de baño electrónica Pèse-personne électronique Elektronische Personenwaage 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1 lb BACK PS2002 IT GB ES FR DE 150 kg Pesapersone meccanica Mechanical personal scale Báscula de baño Pèse-personne Personenwaage 1 kg DATASHEET WEB PREV NEXT EAN CODE 8013240101125 CARTON EAN CODE 18013240804016 CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 70 PALLET QUANTITY 280 BATTERIES 1 x 3V replaceable lithium CR2032 (included) EAN CODE 8033224600147 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224600144 CARTON QUANTITY 2 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 24 PALLET QUANTITY 48 EAN CODE 8033224600703 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224600649 CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 45 PALLET QUANTITY 180 EAN CODE 8013240310732 CARTON EAN CODE 18013240800414 CARTON QUANTITY 6 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 54 PALLET QUANTITY 324 BACK PS2007 IT GB ES FR DE 130 kg Pesapersone meccanica Mechanical personal scale Báscula de baño Pèse-personne Personenwaage 1 kg BACK EP1130 IT GB ES FR DE 130 kg Pesapersone meccanica Mechanical personal scale Báscula de baño Pèse-personne Personenwaage 1 kg BACK PL8019 IT GB ES FR DE white 8013240201054 light blue 8013240201078 130 kg Pesapersone meccanica Mechanical personal scale Báscula de baño Pèse-personne Personenwaage EAN CODE 1 kg CARTON EAN CODE yellow 8013240201061 white 18013240802753 light blue 18013240802777 yellow BACK 85 102 18013240802760 CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 45 PALLET QUANTITY 180 Kitchen style BX9260 IT GB ES FR DE INDEX Bilancia elettronica da cucina Electronic kitchen scale Balanza electrónica de cocina Balance de cuisine électronique Elektronische Küchenwaage IT GB ES FR DE Bilancia elettronica da cucina Electronic kitchen scale Balanza electrónica de cocina Balance de cuisine électronique Elektronische Küchenwaage IT GB ES FR DE PREV 8013240301112 1 g - 1/8 oz CARTON EAN CODE 18013240803354 CARTON QUANTITY 2 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 48 PALLET QUANTITY 96 BATTERIES 1 x 9V alkaline 6LR61 (not included) 5 kg - 11 lb EAN CODE 8013240300986 1 g - 1/8 oz CARTON EAN CODE 18013240802395 CARTON QUANTITY 6 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 24 PALLET QUANTITY 144 BATTERIES 1 x 3V replaceable lithium CR2032 (included) 5 kg - 11 lb Bilancia elettronica da cucina Electronic kitchen scale Balanza electrónica de cocina Balance de cuisine électronique Elektronische Küchenwaage NEXT EAN CODE BACK KS1026 WEB 5 kg - 11 lb BACK BX9240 DATASHEET EAN CODE 1 g - 0.1 oz CARTON EAN CODE green 8013240100937 yellow 8013240101002 grey 8013240101019 green 18013240803804 yellow 18013240803873 grey 18013240803880 CARTON QUANTITY 8 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 60 PALLET QUANTITY 240 BATTERIES 2 x 1.5V alkaline AAA (not included) MOQ/TIMING BACK KS1012 IT GB ES FR DE yellow 8033224609133 green 8033224609270 orange 8033224609263 lavander 8033224609287 fuchsia 8033224609294 yellow 18033224609116 3 kg - 6.6 lb Bilancia elettronica da cucina Electronic kitchen scale Balanza electrónica de cocina Balance de cuisine électronique Elektronische Küchenwaage 1 g - 0.1 oz EAN CODE MOQ/TIMING MOQ/TIMING green 18033224609260 orange 18033224609253 lavander 18033224609277 fuchsia 18033224609284 CARTON EAN CODE BACK 86 102 CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 36 PALLET QUANTITY 144 BATTERIES 2 x 1.5V alkaline AAA (not included) Kitchen style LC7113 IT GB ES FR DE INDEX Bilancia elettronica da cucina Electronic kitchen scale Balanza electrónica de cocina Balance de cuisine électronique Elektronische Küchenwaage IT GB ES FR DE IT GB ES FR DE 1 g - 0.002 lb CARTON EAN CODE 18013240803415 CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 40 PALLET QUANTITY 160 BATTERIES 2 x 3V replaceable lithium CR2032 (included) EAN CODE 8013240300900 CARTON EAN CODE 18013240802159 CARTON QUANTITY 6 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 36 PALLET QUANTITY 216 BATTERIES 1 x 9V alkaline 6LR61 (not included) 5 kg - 11 lb EAN CODE 8033224609737 1 g - 0.05 oz CARTON EAN CODE 18033224609635 CARTON QUANTITY 8 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 24 PALLET QUANTITY 192 BATTERIES 2 x 1.5V alkaline AAA (not included) 1 g - 1/8 oz Bilancia elettronica da cucina Electronic kitchen scale Balanza electrónica de cocina Balance de cuisine électronique Elektronische Küchenwaage BACK KS1016 IT GB ES FR DE 3 kg Bilancia elettronica da cucina Electronic kitchen scale Balanza electrónica de cocina Balance de cuisine électronique Elektronische Küchenwaage NEXT 8013240201153 BACK KS1019 PREV EAN CODE 3 kg - 6 lb 10 oz Bilancia elettronica da cucina Electronic kitchen scale Balanza electrónica de cocina Balance de cuisine électronique Elektronische Küchenwaage WEB 3 kg - 6.6 lb BACK BX9230 DATASHEET EAN CODE white 8033224609577 green 8033224609591 yellow 8033224609584 white 18033224609475 green 18033224609499 yellow 18033224609482 MOQ/TIMING 1g MOQ/TIMING CARTON EAN CODE CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 80 PALLET QUANTITY 320 BATTERIES 1 x 3V replaceable lithium CR2032 (included) 3 kg - 6.6 lb EAN CODE 8033224609409 1 g - 0.1 oz CARTON EAN CODE 18033224600885 CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 98 PALLET QUANTITY 392 BATTERIES 3 x 1.5V alkaline AAA (not included) BACK KS3009 IT GB ES FR DE Bilancia elettronica da cucina Electronic kitchen scale Balanza electrónica de cocina Balance de cuisine électronique Elektronische Küchenwaage BACK 87 102 Kitchen style KS3010 IT GB ES FR DE INDEX Bilancia elettronica da cucina Electronic kitchen scale Balanza electrónica de cocina Balance de cuisine électronique Elektronische Küchenwaage IT GB ES FR DE IT GB ES FR DE 1 g - 0.1 oz CARTON EAN CODE 18033224609642 CARTON QUANTITY 20 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 20 PALLET QUANTITY 400 BATTERIES 2 x 1.5V alkaline AAA (not included) EAN CODE 8033224609485 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224609383 CARTON QUANTITY 5 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 35 PALLET QUANTITY 175 BATTERIES 4 x 1.5V alkaline AAA (not included) 3 kg - 6.6 lb EAN CODE 8033224600833 1 g - 0.1 oz CARTON EAN CODE 18033224600779 CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 84 PALLET QUANTITY 336 BATTERIES 2 x 1.5V alkaline AAA (not included) 5 kg - 11 lb EAN CODE 8033224600741 1 g - 0.1 oz CARTON EAN CODE 18033224609918 CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 102 PALLET QUANTITY 408 BATTERIES 1 x 3V replaceable lithium CR2032 (included) 1 g - 0.05 oz Bilancia elettronica da cucina Electronic kitchen scale Balanza electrónica de cocina Balance de cuisine électronique Elektronische Küchenwaage BACK KS1024 IT GB ES FR DE Bilancia elettronica da cucina Electronic kitchen scale Balanza electrónica de cocina Balance de cuisine électronique Elektronische Küchenwaage BACK KS1024 IT GB ES FR DE orange 8013240101071 lavander 8013240101071 fuchsia 8013240101071 yellow 8013240101071 5 kg - 11 lb Bilancia elettronica da cucina Electronic kitchen scale Balanza electrónica de cocina Balance de cuisine électronique Elektronische Küchenwaage NEXT 8033224609744 BACK KS1006 PREV EAN CODE 5 kg - 176.4 oz Bilancia elettronica da cucina Electronic kitchen scale Balanza electrónica de cocina Balance de cuisine électronique Elektronische Küchenwaage WEB 3 kg - 6.6 lb BACK KS1013 DATASHEET 1 g - 0.1 oz EAN CODE CARTON EAN CODE BACK 88 102 green 8013240101071 orange 18013240803934 lavander 18013240803934 fuchsia 18013240803934 yellow 18013240803934 green 18013240803934 MOQ/TIMING CARTON QUANTITY 4 assorted colours CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 102 PALLET QUANTITY 408 BATTERIES 1 x 3V replaceable lithium CR2032 (included) Kitchen style KS1300 IT GB ES FR DE INDEX DATASHEET WEB 5 kg - 11 lb Bilancia elettronica da cucina Electronic kitchen scale Balanza electrónica de cocina Balance de cuisine électronique Elektronische Küchenwaage 1 g - 0.1 oz PREV NEXT silver 8013240101422 pink 8013240101460 EAN CODE blue 8013240101484 light blue 8013240101477 silver 18013240804320 pink 18013240804368 blue 18013240804382 light blue 18013240804375 MOQ/TIMING MOQ/TIMING CARTON EAN CODE CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET N.A. PALLET QUANTITY N.A. BATTERIES 2 x 3V replaceable lithium CR2032 (included) 3 kg - 6.6 lb EAN CODE 8033224609966 1 g - 0.1 oz CARTON EAN CODE 18033224609895 CARTON QUANTITY 8 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 40 PALLET QUANTITY 320 BATTERIES 4 x 1.5V alkaline AAA (not included) BACK KS1020 IT GB ES FR DE Bilancia elettronica da cucina Electronic kitchen scale Balanza electrónica de cocina Balance de cuisine électronique Elektronische Küchenwaage BACK KS1027 IT GB ES FR DE 5 kg - 11 lb Bilancia elettronica da cucina Electronic kitchen scale Balanza electrónica de cocina Balance de cuisine électronique Elektronische Küchenwaage silver 8013240101415 EAN CODE 1 g - 0.1 oz pink 8013240101453 silver 18013240804313 pink 18013240804351 CARTON EAN CODE CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET N.A. PALLET QUANTITY N.A. BATTERIES 3 x 1.5V alkaline AAA (not included) 3 kg - 6.6 lb EAN CODE 8013240301167 1 g - 0.002 lb CARTON EAN CODE 18013240802695 CARTON QUANTITY 6 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 70 PALLET QUANTITY 420 BATTERIES 2 x 3V replaceable lithium CR2032 (included) BACK BX9300 IT GB ES FR DE Bilancia elettronica da cucina Electronic kitchen scale Balanza electrónica de cocina Balance de cuisine électronique Elektronische Küchenwaage BACK 89 102 Kitchen style KS1005 IT GB ES FR DE INDEX DATASHEET WEB PREV white 8033224600673 yellow 8033224609539 orange 8033224609546 lavander 8033224609560 green 8033224609522 fuchsia 8033224609553 white 18033224600618 3 kg - 6 lb 9 oz Bilancia elettronica da cucina Electronic kitchen scale Balanza electrónica de cocina Balance de cuisine électronique Elektronische Küchenwaage NEXT 1 g - 0.1 oz EAN CODE MOQ/TIMING yellow 18033224609437 orange 18033224609444 lavander 18033224609468 green 18033224609420 fuchsia 18033224609451 MOQ/TIMING CARTON EAN CODE BACK KS1023 IT GB ES FR DE CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 96 PALLET QUANTITY 384 BATTERIES 2 x 1.5V alkaline AA (not included) 3 kg - 6.6 lb Bilancia elettronica da cucina Electronic kitchen scale Balanza electrónica de cocina Balance de cuisine électronique Elektronische Küchenwaage 1 g - 0.1 oz white 8033224609935 yellow 8033224609928 lavander 8033224609942 green 8033224609959 fuchsia 8013240101040 black 8013240101057 white 18033224609864 EAN CODE MOQ/TIMING MOQ/TIMING MOQ/TIMING yellow 18033224609857 lavander 18033224609871 green 18033224609888 fuchsia 18013240803910 black 18013240803927 CARTON EAN CODE CARTON QUANTITY 4 assorted colours CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 72 PALLET QUANTITY 576 BATTERIES 2 x 3V replaceable lithium CR2032 (included) EAN CODE 8013240301242 CARTON EAN CODE 18013240803224 CARTON QUANTITY 6 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 24 PALLET QUANTITY 1152 BATTERIES 2 x 3V replaceable lithium CR2032 (included) 3 kg EAN CODE 8013240200958 20 g CARTON EAN CODE 18013240800254 CARTON QUANTITY 6 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 35 PALLET QUANTITY 210 BACK BX9310 IT GB ES FR DE 120 g - 4.2 oz Bilancia di precisione Precision scale Balanza de precisión Balance de précision Präzisionstaschenwaage 0.05 g - 0.002 oz BACK LC7107 IT GB ES FR DE Bilancia meccanica da cucina Mechanical kitchen scale Balanza de cocina Balance de cuisine Küchenwaage BACK 90 102 Kitchen style LC7106 IT GB ES FR DE INDEX Bilancia meccanica da cucina Mechanical kitchen scale Balanza de cocina Balance de cuisine Küchenwaage DATASHEET WEB PREV NEXT 5 kg EAN CODE 8013240200934 25 g CARTON EAN CODE 18013240800568 CARTON QUANTITY 6 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 16 PALLET QUANTITY 96 10 kg EAN CODE 8033224600925 50 g CARTON EAN CODE 18033224600861 CARTON QUANTITY 6 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 24 PALLET QUANTITY 144 1 kg EAN CODE 8013240400389 5g CARTON EAN CODE 18013240800285 CARTON QUANTITY 12 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 36 PALLET QUANTITY 432 BACK KS2001 IT GB ES FR DE Bilancia meccanica da cucina Mechanical kitchen scale Balanza de cocina Balance de cuisine Küchenwaage BACK K711 IT GB ES FR DE Bilancia meccanica da cucina Mechanical kitchen scale Balanza de cocina Balance de cuisine Küchenwaage BACK 91 102 Kitchen style VT3113 INDEX IT Macchina per sottovuoto completamente automatica GB Vacuum machine completely automatic ES Maquina para el vacío completamente automática FR Machine à emballer sous-vide entièrement automatique DE Vollautomatisches Vakuumiergerät 12L/min BACK VT3114 IT Macchina per sottovuoto completamente automatica GB Vacuum machine completely automatic ES Maquina para el vacío completamente automática FR Machine à emballer sous-vide entièrement automatique DE Vollautomatisches Vakuumiergerät 9L/min BACK VT3111 IT Macchina per sottovuoto completamente automatica GB Vacuum machine completely automatic ES Maquina para el vacío completamente automática FR Machine à emballer sous-vide entièrement automatique DE Vollautomatisches Vakuumiergerät 9L/min BACK VT3112 IT Macchina per sottovuoto completamente automatica GB Vacuum machine completely automatic ES Maquina para el vacío completamente automática FR Machine à emballer sous-vide entièrement automatique DE Vollautomatisches Vakuumiergerät 9L/min BACK VT3500 VT3501 VT3504 IT GB ES FR DE VT3500 Confezione da 50 sacchetti 28x36 cm VT3501 Confezione da 100 sacchetti 20x28 cm VT3504 Confezione da 50 sacchetti 20x28 cm VT3500 Package of 50 bags 28x36 cm VT3501 Package of 100 bags 20x28 cm VT3504 Package of 50 bags 20x28 cm VT3500 Paquete de 50 bolsitas 28x36 cm VT3501 Paquete de 100 bolsitas 20x28 cm VT3504 Paquete de 50 bolsitas 20x28 cm VT3500 Paquet de 50 sachets 28x36 cm VT3501 Paquet de 100 sachets 20x28 cm VT3504 Paquet de 50 sachets 20x28 cm VT3500 Verpackung mit 50 Stk. Vakuum Beutel 28x36 cm VT3501 Verpackung mit 100 Stk. Vakuum Beutel 20x28 cm VT3504 Verpackung mit 50 Stk. Vakuum Beutel 20x28 cm DATASHEET WEB 8033224603513 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224603671 CARTON QUANTITY 2 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 42 PALLET QUANTITY 84 BATTERIES mains powered EAN CODE 8033224603544 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224603794 CARTON QUANTITY 2 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 70 PALLET QUANTITY 140 BATTERIES mains powered EAN CODE 8033224603506 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224603664 CARTON QUANTITY 2 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 70 PALLET QUANTITY 140 BATTERIES mains powered EAN CODE 8033224603537 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224603770 CARTON QUANTITY 2 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 70 PALLET QUANTITY 140 BATTERIES mains powered EAN CODE CARTON EAN CODE CARTON QUANTITY PALLET QUANTITY 92 102 NEXT EAN CODE CARTON Q.TY ON PALLET BACK PREV VT3500 8013240401072 VT3501 8013240401089 VT3504 8013240401133 VT3500 18033224603053 VT3501 18033224603060 VT3504 18033224603077 VT3500 10 VT3501 10 VT3504 20 VT3500 30 VT3501 30 VT3504 30 VT3500 300 VT3501 300 VT3504 600 Kitchen style VT3502 VT3503 VT3505 IT GB ES FR DE INDEX VT3502 Scatola da 10 sacchetti 28x36 cm VT3503 Scatola da 20 sacchetti 20x28 cm VT3505 Confezione da 2 rotoli 28x300 cm VT3502 Box of 10 bags 28x36 cm VT3503 Box of 20 bags 20x28 cm VT3505 Package of 2 rolls 28x300 cm VT3502 Caja de 10 bolsitas 28x36 cm VT3503 Caja de 20 bolsitas 20x28 cm VT3505 Paquete de 2 rollos 28x300 cm VT3502 Boite de 10 sachets 28x36 cm VT3503 Boite de 20 sachets 20x28 cm VT3505 Set de 2 rouleaux de 28x300 cm VT3502 Box mit 10 Stk. Vakuum Beutel 28x36 cm VT3503 Box mit 20 Stk. Vakuum Beutel 20x28 cm VT3505 2 Stk. Vakuum Rollen 28x300 cm DATASHEET WEB EAN CODE CARTON EAN CODE CARTON QUANTITY CARTON Q.TY ON PALLET PALLET QUANTITY BACK 93 102 PREV NEXT VT3502 8013240401096 VT3503 8013240401102 VT3505 8013240401270 VT3502 18033224603091 VT3503 18033224603107 VT3505 18033224603084 VT3502 8 VT3503 8 VT3505 12 VT3502 32 VT3503 84 VT3505 60 VT3502 256 VT3503 672 VT3505 720 Baby line PS3004 INDEX IT GB ES FR DE 20 kg - 44.40 lb Pesa bambini Baby scale Pesabebés Pèse-bébé Babywaage Babywa 10 g - 1/2 oz (dir. 93/42/EEC) DATASHEET WEB PREV NEXT EAN CODE 8013240101293 CARTON EAN CODE 18013240804191 CARTON QUANTITY 2 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 12 PALLET QUANTITY 24 BATTERIES 1 x 9V alkaline 6LR61 (not included) EAN CODE 8033224600611 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224600557 CARTON QUANTITY 2 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 36 PALLET QUANTITY 72 BATTERIES 4 x 1.5V alkaline AAA (not included) EAN CODE 8013240101392 CARTON EAN CODE 18013240804290 CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 70 PALLET QUANTITY 280 BATTERIES 1 x 3V replaceable lithium CR2032 (included) BACK PS3001 IT GB ES FR DE 20 kg - 44.09 lb - 705.4 oz Pesa bambini Baby scale Pesabebés Pèse-bébé Babywaage 5 g - 0.01 lb - 0.1 oz (dir. 93/42/EEC) BACK PS3005 IT GB ES FR DE 150 kg - 330 lb - 24 st Pesapersone elettronica Electronic personal scale Báscula de baño electrónica Pèse-personne électronique Elektronische Personenwaage 100 g - 0.2 lb - 1 lb BACK 94 102 Baby line NE2010 INDEX IT Apparecchio a pistone per aerosolterapia GB Piston nebuliser for aerosol therapy ES Aparato de pistones para aerosolterapía FR Appareil à piston pour aérosolthérapie DE Inhalator mit Kolbenpumpe (dir. 93/42/EEC) BACK NE1005 IT Apparecchio a ultrasuoni per aerosolterapia GB Ultrasonic nebuliser for aerosol therapy ES Aparato de ultrasonidos para aerosolterapía FR Appareil à ultrasons pour aérosolthérapie DE Ultraschall Inhalator (dir. 93/42/EEC) BACK TH3002 IT GB ES FR DE Termometro digitale per bambini Baby digital thermometer Termómetro digital para niños Thermomètre digital pour bébés Digitalthermometer für Kinder (dir. 93/42/EEC) BACK TH1001 IT GB ES FR DE Termometro a infrarossi da fronte Infrared forehead thermometer Termómetro de frente de rayos infrarrojos Thermomètre infrarouge frontal Infrarot Stirnthermometer (dir. 93/42/EEC) BACK TH3302 IT GB ES FR DE Termometro digitale Digital thermometer Termómetro digital Thermomètre digital Digitalthermometer (dir. 93/42/EEC) BACK 95 102 DATASHEET WEB PREV NEXT EAN CODE 8033224601748 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224602001 CARTON QUANTITY 6 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 30 PALLET QUANTITY 180 BATTERIES mains powered EAN CODE 8033224601854 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224602414 CARTON QUANTITY 6 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET N.A. PALLET QUANTITY N.A. BATTERIES 2 x 1.5V alkaline AA (included) EAN CODE 8033224601229 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224601240 CARTON QUANTITY 6 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 30 PALLET QUANTITY 1440 BATTERIES 1 x 1.5V alkaline LR/SR-41 (included) EAN CODE 8033224601458 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224601530 CARTON QUANTITY 6 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 24 PALLET QUANTITY 1152 BATTERIES 1 x 3V replaceable lithium CR2032 (included) EAN CODE 8033224601625 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224601714 CARTON QUANTITY 20 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 30 PALLET QUANTITY 7200 BATTERIES 1 x 1.5V alkaline LR/SR-41 (included) Baby line KS1025 INDEX IT GB ES FR DE Bilancia elettronica da cucina Electronic kitchen scale Balanza electrónica de cocina Balance de cuisine électronique Elektronische Küchenwaage IT GB ES FR DE IT GB ES FR DE IT GB ES FR DE NEXT 8013240100876 1 g - 0.05 oz CARTON EAN CODE 18013240800421 CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 60 PALLET QUANTITY 240 BATTERIES 2 x 3V replaceable lithium CR2032 (included) EAN CODE 8033224604046 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224604036 CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 62 PALLET QUANTITY 248 BATTERIES mains powered EAN CODE 8033224604053 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224604043 CARTON QUANTITY 2 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 30 PALLET QUANTITY 60 BATTERIES mains powered EAN CODE 8033224604039 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224604029 CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 72 PALLET QUANTITY 288 BATTERIES mains powered or battery operation 3 x 1.5V alkaline AAA (not included) Scaldabiberon e scaldapappe digitale Digital baby bottle and baby food warmer Calienta biberón y comida digital Chauffe-biberons et petits pots digital Digitaler Flaschen- und Babykostwärmer Sterilizzatore a vapore elettrico Electric steam sterilezer Esterilizador eléctrico a vapor Stérilisateur électrique à vapeur Elektrischer Dampfsterilisator BACK BC2001 PREV EAN CODE BACK BC1005 WEB 5 kg - 176 oz BACK BC1004 DATASHEET Audio baby monitor Audio baby monitor Escucha bebés Interphone pour bébé Babyphon BACK 96 102 Baby line HI3012 INDEX IT GB ES FR DE Umidificatore ad ultrasuoni Ultrasonic humidifier Humidificador de ultrasonidos Humidificateur à ultrasons Ultraschall Luftbefeuchter BACK TH4006 IT GB ES FR DE Termometro da bagno Baby bath thermometer Termómetro de baño para bebés Thermomètre de bain pour bébé Baby-Badethermometer BACK TH4007 IT GB ES FR DE Termometro da bagno Baby bath thermometer Termómetro de baño para bebés Thermomètre de bain pour bébé Baby-Badethermometer BACK 97 102 DATASHEET WEB PREV NEXT EAN CODE 8033224603667 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224603886 CARTON QUANTITY 2 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 84 PALLET QUANTITY 168 BATTERIES mains powered EAN CODE 8033224601793 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224601929 CARTON QUANTITY 6 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 30 PALLET QUANTITY 180 BATTERIES 2 x 1.5V alkaline LR44 (included) EAN CODE 8033224601847 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224602391 CARTON QUANTITY 6 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET N.A. PALLET QUANTITY N.A. BATTERIES 1 x 3V replaceable lithium CR2032 (included, non-replaceable) Health care BM2003 INDEX IT Misuratore di pressione automatico da braccio GB Automatic arm blood pressure monitor ES Medidor de presión automático de brazo FR Tensiomètre automatique pour le bras DE Oberarm-Blutdruckmessgerät vollautomatische Blutdruck-und Pulsmessung (dir. 93/42/EEC) BACK BM1003 IT Misuratore di pressione automatico da polso GB Automatic wrist blood pressure monitor ES Medidor de presión automático de muñeca FR Tensiomètre automatique pour le poignet DE Automatisches HandgelenkBlutdruckmessgerät IT Misuratore di pressione automatico da braccio GB Automatic arm blood pressure monitor ES Medidor de presión automático de brazo FR Tensiomètre automatique pour le bras DE Oberarm-Blutdruckmessgerät vollautomatische Blutdruck-und Pulsmessung (dir. 93/42/EEC) BACK BM1001 IT Misuratore di pressione automatico da polso GB Automatic wrist blood pressure monitor ES Medidor de presión automático de muñeca FR Tensiomètre automatique pour le poignet DE Automatisches HandgelenkBlutdruckmessgerät (dir. 93/42/EEC) BACK BM2006 IT Misuratore di pressione automatico da braccio GB Automatic arm blood pressure monitor ES Medidor de presión automático de brazo FR Tensiomètre automatique pour le bras DE Oberarm-Blutdruckmessgerät vollautomatische Blutdruck-und Pulsmessung (dir. 93/42/EEC) BACK BM2005 WEB PREV NEXT EAN CODE 8033224601434 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224601493 CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 42 PALLET QUANTITY 504 BATTERIES 4 x 1.5V alkaline AA (included) EAN CODE 8033224601427 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224601479 CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 24 PALLET QUANTITY 576 BATTERIES 2 x 1.5V alkaline AAA (included) EAN CODE 8033224601670 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224601813 CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 28 PALLET QUANTITY 336 BATTERIES 4 x 1.5V alkaline AA (included) EAN CODE 8033224601274 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224601349 CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 24 PALLET QUANTITY 576 BATTERIES 2 x 1.5V alkaline AAA (included) EAN CODE 8033224601687 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224601837 CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 40 PALLET QUANTITY 480 BATTERIES 4 x 1.5V alkaline AA (included) EAN CODE 8033224601663 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224601790 CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 40 PALLET QUANTITY 160 BATTERIES 4 x 1.5V alkaline AA (included) (dir. 93/42/EEC) BACK BM2301 DATASHEET IT Misuratore di pressione automatico da braccio GB Automatic arm blood pressure monitor ES Medidor de presión automático de brazo FR Tensiomètre automatique pour le bras DE Oberarm-Blutdruckmessgerät vollautomatische Blutdruck-und Pulsmessung (dir. 93/42/EEC) BACK 98 102 Health care BM1005 INDEX IT Misuratore di pressione automatico da polso GB Automatic wrist blood pressure monitor ES Medidor de presión automático de muñeca FR Tensiomètre automatique pour le poignet DE Automatisches HandgelenkBlutdruckmessgerät (dir. 93/42/EEC) BACK MD6026 IT Apparecchio a ultrasuoni per aerosolterapia GB Ultrasonic nebuliser for aerosol therapy ES Aparato de ultrasonidos para aerosolterapía FR Appareil à ultrasons pour aérosolthérapie DE Ultraschall Inhalator IT Apparecchio a pistone per aerosolterapia GB Piston nebuliser for aerosol therapy ES Aparato de pistones para aerosolterapía FR Appareil à piston pour aérosolthérapie DE Inhalator mit Kolbenpumpe (dir. 93/42/EEC) BACK TH2002 IT GB ES FR DE Termometro a infrarossi Infrared thermometer Termómetro de rayos infrarrojos Thermomètre infrarouge Infrarot Stirn- und Ohrthermometer (dir. 93/42/EEC) BACK TH3106 IT GB ES FR DE Termometro digitale Digital thermometer Termómetro digital Thermomètre digital Digitalthermometer (dir. 93/42/EEC) BACK TH3601 IT GB ES FR DE WEB PREV NEXT EAN CODE 8033224601557 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224601622 CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 28 PALLET QUANTITY 672 BATTERIES 2 x 1.5V alkaline AAA (included) EAN CODE 8013240401423 CARTON EAN CODE 18013240803064 CARTON QUANTITY 6 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 24 PALLET QUANTITY 144 BATTERIES mains powered EAN CODE 8033224601090 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224601202 CARTON QUANTITY 6 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 30 PALLET QUANTITY 180 BATTERIES mains powered EAN CODE 8033224601649 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224601752 CARTON QUANTITY 6 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 24 PALLET QUANTITY 1152 BATTERIES 1 x 3V replaceable lithium CR2032 (included) EAN CODE 8033224601601 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224601677 CARTON QUANTITY 20 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 25 PALLET QUANTITY 6000 BATTERIES 1 x 1.5V alkaline LR/SR-41 (included) EAN CODE 8033224601632 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224601738 CARTON QUANTITY 20 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 16 PALLET QUANTITY 3840 BATTERIES 1 x 1.5V alkaline LR/SR-41 (included) (dir. 93/42/EEC) BACK NE2003 DATASHEET Termometro digitale Digital thermometer Termómetro digital Thermomètre digital Digitalthermometer (dir. 93/42/EEC) BACK 99 102 Personal care PC1009 INDEX IT Idromassaggio plantare con raggi infrarossi e idrobolle GB Foot massager with infrared lights and water bubbles ES Hidromasaje de pies con rayos infrarrojos e hidroburbujas FR Hydromassage plantaire avec rayons infrarouges et hydrobulles DE Fussmassagebad mit Infrarotstrahlen und Wasserblasen BACK PC1011 IT GB ES FR DE Idromassaggio plantare Foot massager Hidromasaje de pies Hydromassage plantaire Fussmassagebad BACK MD6051 IT GB ES FR DE Specchio luminoso Illuminated mirror Espejo luminoso Miroir lumineux Kosmetikspiegel BACK MD6062 IT GB ES FR DE Sauna viso Facial sauna Sauna facial Sauna visage Gesichtsauna BACK SB2400 IT GB ES FR DE Set manicure e pedicure Manicure and pedicure set Set manicura y pedicura Set manucure et pédicure Maniküre-und Pediküreset BACK MD6043 IT GB ES FR DE Set manicure e pedicure Manicure and pedicure set Manicura y pedicura Set manucure et pédicure Maniküre-und Pediküreset BACK 100 102 DATASHEET WEB PREV NEXT EAN CODE 8033224602127 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224602230 CARTON QUANTITY 2 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 16 PALLET QUANTITY 32 BATTERIES mains powered EAN CODE 8033224602141 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224602254 CARTON QUANTITY 2 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 24 PALLET QUANTITY 48 BATTERIES mains powered EAN CODE 8013240400815 CARTON EAN CODE 18013240801107 CARTON QUANTITY 12 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 30 PALLET QUANTITY 360 BATTERIES 4 x 1.5V alkaline C LR14 (not included) EAN CODE 8013240401409 CARTON EAN CODE 18013240803071 CARTON QUANTITY 6 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 28 PALLET QUANTITY 168 BATTERIES mains powered EAN CODE 8013240500850 CARTON EAN CODE 18013240803736 CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 42 PALLET QUANTITY 168 BATTERIES mains powered EAN CODE 8013240400914 CARTON EAN CODE 18013240801114 CARTON QUANTITY 6 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 54 PALLET QUANTITY 324 BATTERIES rechargeable Personal care MD6041 IT GB ES FR DE INDEX Set manicure e pedicure da viaggio Travelling manicure and pedicure set Manicura y pedicura de viaje Set manucure et pédicure portable Maniküre-und Pediküreset BACK HI3011 IT GB ES FR DE Umidificatore ad ultrasuoni Ultrasonic humidifier Humidificador de ultrasonidos Humidificateur à ultrasons Ultraschall Luftbefeuchter BACK MD6103 IT GB ES FR DE Levapelucchi Lintshaver Quitapelusas Rase-peluches Fusselrasierer BACK HI4001 IT GB ES FR DE Levapelucchi Lintshaver Quitapelusas Rase-peluches Fusselrasierer BACK MD6078 IT GB ES FR DE Elettrostimolatore Electro-stimulator Electroestimulador Electrostimulateur Elektrostimulator (dir. 93/42/EEC) BACK PC4001 IT GB ES FR DE Spazzolino elettrico Battery operated toothbrush Cepillo de dientes eléctrico Brosse à dents électrique Elektrische Zahnbürste BACK 101 102 DATASHEET WEB PREV NEXT EAN CODE 8013240420561 CARTON EAN CODE 18013240801060 CARTON QUANTITY 12 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 30 PALLET QUANTITY 720 BATTERIES 2 x 1.5V alkaline AA LR06 (not included) EAN CODE 8033224603643 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224603879 CARTON QUANTITY 2 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 30 PALLET QUANTITY 60 BATTERIES mains powered EAN CODE 8013240400952 CARTON EAN CODE 18013240802265 CARTON QUANTITY 6 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 30 PALLET QUANTITY 720 BATTERIES 2 x 1.5V alkaline D LR20 (not included) EAN CODE 8033224603704 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224603930 CARTON QUANTITY 6 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET N.A. PALLET QUANTITY N.A. BATTERIES 2 x 1.5V alkaline C LR14 (not included) EAN CODE 8013240401294 CARTON EAN CODE 18013240802654 CARTON QUANTITY 4 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 55 PALLET QUANTITY 220 BATTERIES mains powered or 4 x 1.5V alkaline AA (included) EAN CODE 8033224602219 CARTON EAN CODE 18033224602339 CARTON QUANTITY 12 CARTON QUANTITY ON PALLET 36 PALLET QUANTITY 1728 BATTERIES 2 x 1.5V alkaline AAA (not included) INDEX IL PRESENTE CATALOGO ANNULLA I PRECEDENTI. E’ tuttavia facoltà della ditta LAICA, essendo costantemente impegnata nel miglioramento dei propri prodotti, modificare senza alcun preavviso in tutto o in parte i prodotti presenti nel catalogo in relazione a necessità di produzione, senza che ciò comporti nessuna responsabilità da parte della ditta LAICA o dei suoi rivenditori. TUTTI I DIRITTI RISERVATI. E’ vietata la riproduzione anche parziale di testi, foto e illustrazioni contenuti in questo catalogo senza autorizzazione scritta di Laica stessa. GARANZIA: LAICA garantisce i prodotti inclusi nel presente catalogo per vizi e/o difetti di qualità e/o fabbricazione per un periodo di 2 anni. Da questa garanzia sono esclusi: l’uso eccessivo od improprio, abusi o maltrattamenti del prodotto. THIS CATALOGUE REPLACES PREVIOUS ONES. Laica is committed to improving its products and therefore reserves the right to modify any product shown in the current catalogue without any prior notification. The 2 year warranty on products in this catalogue covers manufacturing faults only. It does not cover accidental damage, incorrect use, negligence or misuse of the product. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Whole or partial unauthorized reproduction of texts, photographic and graphic materials herein is forbidden. WARRANTY: LAICA warrants the products included in this catalogue against quality and/or production faults and/or defects for a period of 2 years. This warranty does not include: excessive or improper use, misuse or mishanding of the product. TM AZIENDA CON SISTEMA QUALITÀ CERTIFICATO DA DNV =UNI EN ISO 9001:2008= LAICA S.p.A. Viale del Lavoro, 10 - Fraz. Ponte - 36021 Barbarano Vicentino (VI) - Italy Tel. +39 0444.795314 - 795321 - Fax. +39 0444.795324 EUROPE BENESSERE LAICA SL Spain Tel. +34 966 961040 [email protected] DISTRIBUTORS EVG DISTRIBUTION GmbH Austria Tel. +43 2647 431 43 SIA “BALTIJAS TIRDZNIECIBAS UZŅĒMUMS” Latvia Tel. +371 67790720 MARKET QUEST S.A. Greece Tel. +30 210 6840222 SILKO & CO. Kft Hungary Tel. +36 1 313 22 93 EXPRO MOBIL s.r.o. Czech Republic and Slovakia Tel. +420 604 100 001 LAICA INTERNATIONAL CORP. Taiwan R.O.C. Tel. +886 2 89131101 LAICA™ é un marchio di: LAICA S.p.A. - Viale del Lavoro, 10 - Fraz. Ponte - 36021 Barbarano Vicentino (VI) - Italy - Tel. 0444.795314 - 795321 - Fax. 0444.795324 - HB Polska Sp. z o.o. Poland Tel. +48 227364800 WEB