Download PureLink HDMI-HDMI 1.3 M-F
HDMI / DVI CABLES HC0002 HC0002 01 PureLink® - basic+ Series. Certified High Speed HDMI Cable v1.4 (0,50m -5,00m) Model-No. Length HC0002-005 0,50m HC0002-01 1,00m HC0002-015 1,50m HC0002-02 2,00m HC0002-03 3,00m HC0002-05 5,00m PureLink® - basic+ Series. Certified High Speed HDMI Cable v1.4 (7,50m -20,00m) Model-No. HC0003 HC0004 © 2012 Globalnetworking B.V. Length HC0002-075 7,50m HC0002-10 10,00m HC0002-15 15,00m HC0002-20 20,00m PureLink® - basic+ Series. Certified High Speed HDMI Extension v1.4 Model-No. Length HC0003-01 1,00m HC0003-02 2,00m HC0003-03 3,00m HC0003-05 5,00m PureLink® - Active Series. High Speed HDMI Cable v1.4 Model-No. Length HC0004-15 15m HC0004-20 20m HC0004-25 25m HC0004-30 30m HC0004-35 35m HC0004-40 40m HDMI / DVI CABLES HC0005 HC0006 HC0008 HC0011 © 2012 Globalnetworking B.V. 02 PureLink® - basic+ Series. Certified High Speed HDMI Flat Cable v1.4, Black Model-No. Length HC0005-005 0,50m HC0005-0075 0,75m HC0005-01 1,00m HC0005-015 1,50m HC0005-02 2,00m HC0005-03 3,00m HC0005-05 5,00m PureLink® - basic+ Series. Certified High Speed HDMI Flat Cable v1.4, White Model-No. Length HC0006-005 0,50m HC0006-0075 0,75m HC0006-01 1,00m HC0006-015 1,50m HC0006-02 2,00m HC0006-03 3,00m HC0006-05 5,00m PureLink® - basic+ Series. Certified High Speed HDMI Nylon Cable v1.4 Model-No. Length HC0008-01 1,00m HC0008-015 1,50m HC0008-02 2,00m HC0008-03 3,00m PureLink® - basic+ Series. Certified HDMI/DVI Cable with 24 ct. Gold Plated Contacts (1,00m -5,00m) Model-No. Length HC0011-01 1,00m HC0011-02 2,00m HC0011-03 3,00m HC0011-05 5,00m HDMI / DVI CABLES HC0011 03 PureLink® - basic+ Series. Certified HDMI/DVI Cable with 24 ct. Gold Plated Contacts (7,50m - 15,00m) Model-No. HC0015 HC0025 HC0030 © 2012 Globalnetworking B.V. Length HC0011-075 7,50m HC0011-10 10,00m HC0011-15 15,00m PureLink® - basic+ Series. Certified High Speed HDMI to Mini HDMI Cable v1.4 Model-No. Length HC0015-01 1,00m HC0015-015 1,50m HC0015-02 2,00m HC0015-03 3,00m PureLink® - basic+ Series. Certified High Speed HDMI Nylon Cable v1.4 Model-No. Length HC0025-01 1,00m HC0025-015 1,50m HC0025-02 2,00m HC0025-03 3,00m PureLink® - basic+ Series. Certified High Speed HDMI to Micro HDMI Cable v1.4 Model-No. Length HC0030-01 1,00m HC0030-015 1,50m HDMI / DVI Adapters HA0002-1 04 PureLink® - basic+ Series. Certified DVI/HDMI 1.3 Adapter with 24 ct. Gold Plated Contacts Model-No. HA0002-1 HA0002-2 PureLink® - basic+ Series. Certified HDMI/DVI 1.3 Adapter with 24 ct. Gold Plated Contacts Model-No. HA0002-2 HA0002-3 PureLink® - basic+ Series. Certified HDMI/HDMI 1.3 Adapter with 24 ct. Gold Plated Contacts Model-No. HA0002-3 HA0002-4 PureLink® - basic+ Series. Certified HDMI/HDMI 1.3 Portsaver Adapter with 24 ct. Gold Plated Contacts Model-No. HA0002-4 © 2012 Globalnetworking B.V. HDMI / DVI Adapters HA0002-5 05 PureLink® - basic+ Series. Certified HDMI/HDMI 1.3 90° Adapter with 24 ct. Gold Plated Contacts Model-No. HA0002-5 HA0002-6 PureLink® - basic+ Series. Certified HDMI/HDMI 1.3 270° Adapter with 24 ct. Gold Plated Contacts Model-No. HA0002-6 HA0002-7 PureLink® - basic+ Series. Certified HDMI/DVI 1.3 Adapter with 24 ct. Gold Plated Contacts Model-No. HA0002-7 HA0002-8 PureLink® - basic+ Series. Certified HDMI/HDMI 1.3 Adapter with 24 ct. Gold Plated Contacts Model-No. HA0002-8 © 2012 Globalnetworking B.V. HDMI / DVI Adapters HA0002-9 06 PureLink® - basic+ Series. Certified HDMI/HDMI 1.3 Adapter with 24 ct. Gold Plated Contacts Model-No. HA0002-9 HA0002-10 PureLink® - basic+ Series. Certified HDMI/DVI 1.3 Portsaver Adapter with 24 ct. Gold Plated Contacts Model-No. HA0002-10 HA0002-11 PureLink® - basic+ Series. Certified DVI/HDMI 1.3 Portsaver Adapter with 24 ct. Gold Plated Contacts Model-No. HA0002-11 HA0002-12 PureLink® - basic+ Series. Certified DVI/DVI Portsaver Adapter with 24 ct. Gold Plated Contacts Model-No. HA0002-12 © 2012 Globalnetworking B.V. HDMI / DVI Adapters HA0002-13 07 PureLink® - basic+ Series. Certified HDMI/HDMI 1.3 Adapter with Power Supply 1A and 24 ct. Gold Plated Contacts Model-No. HA0002-13 ProSpeed Series - HDMI cables PS1000 PureLink® - ProSpeed Series. High Speed HDMI Cable v1.4, Black Model-No. PS1100 © 2012 Globalnetworking B.V. Length PS1000-01 1,00m PS1000-015 1,50m PS1000-02 2,00m PS1000-03 3,00m PureLink® - ProSpeed Series. High Speed HDMI Cable v1.4, White Model-No. Length PS1100-015 1,50m PS1100-03 3,00m ProSpeed Series - HDMI cables 08 PS1200 PureLink® - ProSpeed Series. High Speed HDMI Flat Cable v1.4, Black Model-No. PS1300 1,00m PS1200-015 1,50m PS1200-02 2,00m PS1200-03 3,00m PureLink® - ProSpeed Series. High Speed HDMI Flat Cable v1.4, White PS1500 Model-No. Length PS1300-015 1,50m PS1300-03 3,00m PureLink® - ProSpeed Series. SuperThin High Speed HDMI Cable v1.4, Black Model-No. Ideal V´s LE D T for PS2000 Length PS1500-01 1,00m PS1500-015 1,50m PS1500-02 2,00m PS1500-03 3,00m PureLink® - ProSpeed Active Series. High Speed HDMI Cable v1.4, Black Model-No. © 2012 Globalnetworking B.V. Length PS1200-01 Length PS2000-05 5,00m PS2000-075 7,50m PS2000-10 10,00m PS2000-125 12,50m DisplayPort cables DC0002 DC0012 DC0022 © 2012 Globalnetworking B.V. 09 PureLink® - basic+ Series. Certified DisplayPort Cable with 24 ct. Gold Plated Contacts Model-No. Length DC0002-01 1,00m DC0002-015 1,50m DC0002-02 2,00m DC0002-03 3,00m PureLink® - basic+ Series. Certified DisplayPort/HDMI 1.3 Cable with 24 ct. Gold Plated Contacts Model-No. Length DC0012-01 1,00m DC0012-015 1,50m DC0012-02 2,00m DC0012-03 3,00m PureLink® - basic+ Series. Certified DisplayPort/DVI Cable with 24 ct. Gold Plated Contacts Model-No. Length DC0022-01 1,00m DC0022-015 1,50m DC0022-02 2,00m DC0022-03 3,00m DVI cables 10 DC1002 DC1002 DC1003 DC1012 © 2011 2012 Globalnetworking B.V. PureLink® - basic+ Series. Certified DVI Single Link 18+1 Cable with 24 ct. Gold Plated Contacts (0,50m -5,00m) Model-No. Length DC1002-005 0,50m DC1002-01 1,00m DC1002-02 2,00m DC1002-03 3,00m DC1002-05 5,00m PureLink® - basic+ Series. Certified DVI Single Link 18+1 Cable with 24 ct. Gold Plated Contacts (7,50m -20,00m) Model-No. Length DC1002-075 7,50m DC1002-10 10,00m DC1002-15 15,00m DC1002-20 20,00m PureLink® - basic+ Series. Certified DVI Single Link 18+1 Extension with 24 ct. Gold Plated Contacts Model-No. Length DC1003-01 1,00m DC1003-02 2,00m DC1003-03 3,00m DC1003-05 5,00m PureLink® - basic+ Series. Certified DVI Dual Link 24+1 Cable with 24 ct. Gold Plated Contacts (0,50m -5,00m) Model-No. Length DC1012-005 0,50m DC1012-01 1,00m DC1012-02 2,00m DC1012-03 3,00m DC1012-05 5,00m DVI cables 11 DC1012 PureLink® - basic+ Series. Certified DVI Dual Link 24+1 Cable with 24 ct. Gold Plated Contacts (7,50m -20,00m) Model-No. DC1013 © 2012 Globalnetworking B.V. Length DC1012-075 7,50m DC1012-10 10,00m DC1012-15 15,00m DC1012-20 20,00m PureLink® - basic+ Series. Certified DVI Dual Link 24+1 Extension with 24 ct. Gold Plated Contacts Model-No. Length DC1013-01 1,00m DC1013-02 2,00m DC1013-03 3,00m DC1013-05 5,00m DisPlayport Adapters DA0002-1 12 PureLink® - basic+ Series. Certified DisplayPort/HDMI 1.3 Adapter with 24 ct. Gold Plated Contacts Model-No. DA0002-1 DA0002-2 PureLink® - basic+ Series. Certified DisplayPort/HDMI 1.3 Adapter with 24 ct. Gold Plated Contacts Model-No. DA0002-2 DA0002-3 PureLink® - basic+ Series. Certified DisplayPort/DVI Adapter with 24 ct. Gold Plated Contacts Model-No. DA0002-3 DA0002-4 PureLink® - basic+ Series. Certified DisplayPort/DVI Adapter with 24 ct. Gold Plated Contacts. Model-No. DA0002-4 © 2012 Globalnetworking B.V. media cat 6 cables MC0002 13 PureLink® - basic+ Series. Media Cat. 6 Cable. Optimized for HDMI over Single Cat Model-No. MC0002 Bulkcable MC0002-01 1,00m MC0002-02 2,00m MC0002-03 3,00m MC0002-05 5,00m MC0002-075 7,50m MC0002-10 10,00m MC0002-15 15,00m MC0002-20 20,00m MC0002-25 25,00m MC0002-30 30,00m MC0002-35 35,00m MC0002-40 40,00m MC0002-45 45,00m MC0002-50 50,00m MC0002-55 55,00m MC0002-60 60,00m MC0002-305 © 2012 Globalnetworking B.V. Length 305m ID-Series one 14 ID-US2000 PureLink® - PureID Series. High Speed HDMI Cable (v1.4 with Deep Color, x.v.Color™ and Ethernet Channel) one side pre-assembled Model-No. ID-CG-1 Length ID-US2000-05 5,00m ID-US2000-10 10,00m ID-US2000-15 15,00m ID-US2000-20 20,00m ID-US2000-25 25,00m PureLink® - PureID Series. Compression Guiding for HDMI DIY Hand Tool. *RoHSCompliant* Model-No. ID-CG-1 ID-CON-PRO-1 PureLink® - PureID Series. Premium HDMI DIY Connector. Field Terminateableand Solderless. Incl. Wire Guiding. *RoHS Compliant* Model-No. ID-CON-PRO-1 ID-CON-PRO-10 PureLink® - PureID Series. Premium HDMI DIY Connector. Field Terminateable and Solderless. Incl. Wire Guiding. 10pcs Pack. *RoHS Compliant* Model-No. ID-CON-PRO-10 © 2012 Globalnetworking B.V. ID-Series15 ID-HT-1 PureLink® - PureID Series. Hand Tool for HDMI DIY Connector. Compression and Cut function in one action. Solderless. Incl. 5 pcs Compression Guiding. *RoHS Compliant* Model-No. ID-HT-1 ID-PT-1 PureLink® - PureID Series. Portable Tester for HDMI DIY Cables. *RoHS Compliant* Model-No. ID-PT-1 ID-STARTER PureLink® - PureID Series. Starter Set Model-No. ID-STARTER ID-TB PureLink® - PureID Series. Tool Box for Starter Set. *RoHS Compliant* Model-No. ID-TB © 2012 Globalnetworking B.V. ID-Series16 PureLink® - PureID Series. Wire Guiding for HDMI DIY Connector. *RoHS Compliant* ID-WG-1 Model-No. ID-WG-1 ID-CAB-PURE PureLink® - PureID Series. High Speed HDMI Cable (v1.4 with Deep Color,x.v.Color™ and Ethernet Channel) Model-No. Length ID-CAB-PURE Bulk cable ID-CAB-PURE-200 A 200,00m B Ultra Sealed Tripple Layer Shielding ID-CAB-ULTRA A High Purity Copper Conductors B PureLink® - PureID Series. High Speed HDMI Cable (v1.4 with Deep Color,x.v.Color™ and Ethernet Channel) Model-No. Length ID-CAB-ULTRA A Bulk cable ID-CAB-ULTRA-200 200,00m B Ultra Sealed Tripple Layer Shielding © 2012 Globalnetworking B.V. A Silver Plated High Purity Copper Conductors B Wallplates 17 HW0001-1 PureLink® - basic+ Series. High Speed HDMI 1.3 Wallplate with 24 ct. Gold Plated Contacts. 1-Port. 10cm Breakout Cable *RoHS Compliant* Model-No. HW0001-1 HW0001-2 PureLink® - basic+ Series. High Speed HDMI 1.3 Wallplate with 24 ct. Gold Plated Contacts. 2-Port. 10cm Breakout Cable *RoHS Compliant* Model-No. HW0001-2 © 2012 Globalnetworking B.V. DVI Extender DE0020-1 18 PureLink® - PureX Series. Active High End DVI Single Link Extender with integrated Equalizer and 24 ct. Gold Plated Contacts. 1600x1200 / 1920x1200. High Quality Housing incl. Installation Mount *RoHS Compliant* Model-No. DE0020-1 DE0020-2 PureLink® - EU Power Supply for DVI Extender - DE0020-1 *RoHS Compliant* Model-No. DE0020-2 DE0040-1 PureLink® - PureX Series. DVI Mini Single Cat Extender Kit - Short Range. WUXGA (1920x1200) up to 15m. Incl. Mini Transmitter and Mini Receiver *Plug-in Type* *RoHS Compliant* Model-No. DE0040-1 DE0045-1 PureLink® - PureX Series. DVI Single Cat Extender Kit - Middle Range. XGA up to 25m, WUXGA (1920x1200) up to 12m. Incl. Transmitter and Mini Receiver *RoHS Compliant* Model-No. DE0045-1 © 2012 Globalnetworking B.V. HDMI Extender / communicator / Audio Extractor HE0001-1 PureLink® - basic+ Series. High Speed HDMI 1.3 Extender with integrated Equalizer and 24 ct. Gold Plated Contacts. PVC-Housing *RoHS Compliant* Model-No. HE0001-1 HE0002-1 PureLink® - PureX Series. High Speed HDMI 1.3 Extender with integrated Equalizer and 24 ct. Gold Plated Contacts. Design Metal-Housing *RoHS Compliant* Model-No. HE0002-1 HE0003-1 PureLink® - Luxi Series. High Speed HDMI 1.4 Extender with integrated Equalizer and 24 ct. Gold Plated Contacts. PVC-Housing *RoHS Compliant* Model-No. HE0003-1 HE0005-1 PureLink® - Luxi Series. HDMI Communicator with 24 ct. Gold Plated Contacts. PVC-Housing *RoHS Compliant* Model-No. HE0005-1 © 2012 Globalnetworking B.V. 19 HDMI Extender / communicator / Audio Extractor HE0010-1 PureLink® - Luxi Series. HDMI Audio Extractor with 24 ct. Gold Plated Contacts. PVC-Housing *RoHS Compliant* Model-No. HE0010-1 HE0020-1 PureLink® - PureX Series. Active High End High Speed HDMI 1.3 Extender with integrated Equalizer and 24 ct. Gold Plated Contacts. High Quality Housing incl. Installation Mount *RoHS Compliant* Model-No. HE0020-1 HE0020-2 PureLink® - EU Power Supply for HDMI Extender - HE0020-1 *RoHS Compliant* Model-No. HE0020-2 HE0050-1 PureLink® - PureX Series. HDMI 1.2 Single Cat Extender Kit. 1080p up to 50m. incl. Transmitter, Receiver and 2x 5V Power Supply *RoHS Compliant* Model-No. HE0050-1 © 2012 Globalnetworking B.V. 20 HDMI Extender HE0055-1 21 PureLink® - PureX Series. HDMI 1.3 Single Cat Mini Receiver. 1080p up to 15m *RoHS Compliant* Model-No. HE0055-1 HE0060-1 PureLink® - PureX Series. HDMI 1.3 Single Cat Receiver. 1080p up to 50m *RoHS Compliant* Model-No. HE0060-1 HE0075-1 PureLink® - PureX Series. HDMI 1.4 (3D Video) Single Cat Extender Kit incl. IR Pass-through. Auto EDID Learning and EQ. 1080p up to 50m. incl. Transmitter, Receiver, IR Blaster and 2x 5V Power Supply *RoHS Compliant* Model-No. HE0075-1 © 2012 Globalnetworking B.V. HDMI Matrix & Switching HM0040-4 22 PureLink® - PureX Series. High End 4x4 HDMI 1.3 Matrix with integrated Equalizer. incl. Power Supply and Remote Control *RoHS Compliant* Model-No. HM0040-4 HS0002-4 PureLink® - PureX Series. High End 4x2 HDMI 1.3 Cross Switcher with integrated Equalizer. incl. Power Supply and Remote Control *RoHS Compliant* Model-No. HS0002-4 HS0002-5 PureLink® - PureX Series. High End 5x2 HDMI 1.3 Cross Switcher incl. Digital Audio, with integrated Equalizer. incl. Power Supply and Remote Control *RoHS Compliant* Model-No. HS0002-5 © 2012 Globalnetworking B.V. DVI Splitter 23 DS0010-8 PureLink® - PureX Series. High End 1x8 DVI Splitter with integrated Equalizer. Incl. Power Supply *RoHS Compliant* Model-No. DS0010-8 HDMI Splitter HS0010-2 PureLink® - PureX Series. High End 1x2 HDMI 1.3 Splitter with integrated Equalizer and Toslink Output for digital Audio. incl. Power Supply *RoHS Compliant* Model-No. HS0010-2 HS0010-4 PureLink® - PureX Series. High End 1x4 HDMI 1.3 Splitter with integrated Equalizer and 24 ct. Gold Plated Contacts. incl. Power Supply *RoHS Compliant* Model-No. HS0010-4 © 2012 Globalnetworking B.V. HDMI Splitter HS0010-8 24 PureLink® - PureX Series. High End 1x8 HDMI 1.3 Splitter with integrated Equalizer. Incl. Power Supply *RoHS Compliant* Model-No. HS0010-8 HS0020-8 PureLink® - PureX Series. High End 2x8 HDMI 1.3 Splitter. 1x HDMI + 1x Single Cat Input / 7x HDMI + 1x Single Cat Output. incl. Power Supply *RoHS Compliant* Model-No. HS0020-8 HS0021-4 PureLink® - PureX Series. High End 2x4 HDMI 1.3 Splitter. 2x HDMI Input / 4x HDMI Single Cat Output. incl. Power Supply *RoHS Compliant* Model-No. HS0021-4 HS0021-8 PureLink® - PureX Series. High End 2x8 HDMI 1.3 Splitter. 2x HDMI Input / 8x HDMI Single Cat Output. incl. Power Supply *RoHS Compliant* Model-No. HS0021-8 © 2012 Globalnetworking B.V. HDMI Splitter HS0030-4 25 PureLink® - PureX Series. High End 3x4 HDMI 1.3 Splitter with integrated Equalizer. incl. Power Supply *RoHS Compliant* Model-No. HS0030-4 HS0030-8 PureLink® - PureX Series. High End 3x8 HDMI 1.3 Splitter with integrated Equalizer. incl. Power Supply *RoHS Compliant* Model-No. HS0030-8 © 2012 Globalnetworking B.V. MAC 26 X-DA010 Mini-DVI to HDMI (19p) Model-No. X-DA010 X-DA020 X-DA020 X-DA030 0,20m Length 0,20m Mini-DVI to VGA Female ( 15p) Model-No. X-DA040 © 2012 Globalnetworking B.V. Length Mini-DVI to HDMI (19p) & DVI-D (18+1) Model-No. X-DA040 0,20m Mini-DVI to DVI-D (18+1) Model-No. X-DA030 Length Length 0,20m MAC 27 X-DA050 DisplayPort to HDMI (19p) Model-No. X-DA050 X-DA060 DisplayPort to DVI Female Model-No. X-DA060 X-DA070 DisplayPort to VGA Female Model-No. X-DA070 X-DA080 DisplayPort Female to DisplayPort Female Model-No. X-DA080 © 2012 Globalnetworking B.V. MAC 28 X-DA090 Mini DisplayPort to HDMI Female Model-No. X-DA90 X-DA100 X-DA100 X-DA110 HDMI Female to DisplayPort Female Model-No. X-DA120 © 2012 Globalnetworking B.V. Length 0,20m Mini DisplayPort to VGA Female (15p) Model-No. X-DA120 0,20m Mini DisplayPort to DVI-D Female Model-No. X-DA110 Length Length 0,20m MAC 29 X-DA130 Mini DisplayPort to DisplayPort Female Model-No. X-DA130 X-DA136 DisplayPort zu Mini DisplayPort Female Model-No. X-DA136 X-DA140 Mini DisplayPort + USB (Audio) to HDMI Female Model-No. X-DA140 X-DA150 Mini DisplayPort + Toslink (Audio) to HDMI Female Model-No. X-DA150 © 2012 Globalnetworking B.V. Length 0,20m MAC 30 X-DC010 DisplayPort Male to DisplayPort Male. Model-No. X-DC020 X-DC030 X-DC040 © 2012 Globalnetworking B.V. Length X-DC010-015 1,50m X-DC010-02 2,00m X-DC010-03 3,00m X-DC010-05 5,00m Mini DisplayPort Male to Mini DisplayPort Male. Model-No. Length X-DC020-01 1,00m X-DC020-015 1,50m X-DC020-03 3,00m Mini DisplayPort Male to DisplayPort Male. Model-No. Length X-DC030-01 1,00m X-DC030-015 1,50m X-DC030-03 3,00m Mini DisplayPort Male to DVI-D Male. Model-No. Length X-DC040-01 1,00m X-DC040-015 1,50m X-DC040-03 3,00m MAC 31 X-DC045 DisplayPort Male to DVI Male. Model-No. X-DC050 X-DC055 1,50m X-DC045-02 2,00m X-DC045-03 3,00m Mini DisplayPort Male to HDMI Male. Model-No. Length X-DC050-01 1,00m X-DC050-015 1,50m X-DC050-03 3,00m DisplayPort Male to HDMI Male. Model-No. X-DC130 Length X-DC055-015 1,50m X-DC055-02 2,00m X-DC055-03 3,00m DisplayPort Male to DVI Male. Model-No. © 2012 Globalnetworking B.V. Length X-DC045-015 Length X-DC130-015 1,50m X-DC130-02 2,00m X-DC130-03 3,00m X-DC130-05 5,00m X-DC130-075 7,50m X-DC130-10 10,00m HDGear 32 AC0100 AC0110 AC0120 AC0130 © 2012 Globalnetworking B.V. 1x 3,5mm Stereo-Plug to 1x 3,5mm Stereo-Plug. Model-No. Length AC0100-015 1,50m AC0100-030 3,00m AC0100-050 5,00m 1x 3,5mm Stereo-Plug Male to 1x 3,5mm Stereo-Plug Female. Model-No. Length AC0110-015 1,50m AC0110-030 3,00m AC0110-050 5,00m 1x 3,5mm Stereo-Plug Male to 2x RCA Male. Model-No. Length AC0120-015 1,50m AC0120-030 3,00m AC0120-050 5,00m 1x 3,5mm Stereo-Plug Male to 2x 3,5mm Stereo-Plug Female. Model-No. Length AC0130-015 1,50m MAC 33 KX-C247D DVI to Cinema Display (Mini DisplayPort) with Audio over USB. Model-No. KX-C247D KX-C247DL DVI Dual Link to Cinema Display (Mini DisplayPort) with Audio over USB. Model-No. KX-C247DL KX-C247M Mini DVI to Cinema Display (Mini DisplayPort) with Audio over USB. Model-No. KX-C247M KX-MDPC30 Mini DisplayPort to Dual-Link DVI. Model-No. KX-MDPC30 © 2012 Globalnetworking B.V. MAC 34 KX-MDPHDMIV2 Mini DisplayPort to HDMI Adapter with Audio. Model-No. KX-MDPHDMIV2 KX-MLINQ USB to HDMI Adapter with Audio. Model-No. KX-MLINQ KX-SNAPX Mini DisplayPort Switcher 2x1 incl. Audio over USB. Model-No. KX-SNAPX KX-USBRJ45 USB to Ethernet Adapter. Model-No. KX-USBRJ45 © 2012 Globalnetworking B.V. MAC 35 KX-XD HDMI to Cinema Display (Mini DisplayPort) with Audio. Model-No. KX-XD KX-AIRBLUE Bluetooth Music Receiver. Model-No. KX-AIRBLUE PadFrame ... coming soon... Globalnetworking B.V. Zandweg 96 3454 JX De Meern Tel: +31 (0) 30 - 268 52 69 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet: © 2012 Globalnetworking B.V.