users Ⅲa"u。 : WlFI DIspL】 V LED DLp pICo pROJECT● R ■■ 0LP PⅡ Co PROJECT● R■ TlBl∶ ●r0● s "TE"「 safet,/hfomaton 2 …………………¨“…¨…工~¨ ~¨ ¨…¨ FCC hfomation¨ ¨¨¨ˉ¨ˉ¨…ˉ 3 咖哂 What’ sin the Boxˉ ¨¨¨¨¨……………………¨…“¨¨¨¨¨~J~¨ .¨ J~△ ~i 3 IntroduCtion 4 △ …¨ Parts and ConⅡ ols¨ ¨¨¨¨…¨¨“¨¨¨亠¨¨¨¨亠 5ˉ Ch征 曾ng the P⒚ iector Wireless Miracast Comection for Android phone&Tablets・ 4 10 5 5 6 ˉ ¨¨¨¨¨¨△ ~¨ ¨~ˉ ¨…¨ˉ Wireless DLNA Connecdon¨ ¨¨¨¨ˉ 6 strc钔 m P⒚iector W屺 less settings 7 7 8 UsB Playback 9 ・ ˉ ii… ¨¨¨¨ˉ Intemet Media usmg DLNA¨ ¨¨¨¨¨ˉ ・ ¨ -・ ¨…・ 灬ˉ …Ⅱ Airplay Prqiection for iPhones and Pad¨ sD Card PlaybaGk HDMI/MHL Input¨ ¨¨¨¨¨ˉˉ……………¨…¨¨Ⅱ…¨……¨¨¨ˉ 9 Io ¨¨¨¨……………¨¨¨¨¨~j~¨ ¨¨¨¨ˉ ¨ Care and M汹 ntenanceˉ ¨¨ˉ ll Troub1eshooting 12 Product speciflcations 12 Notcs: safetv IⅡ fOrmation | 1hc aρ PlcaⅡ rcad tllese“ ,stmcjons bcforc uζ l1g yollr Plco ProJcctor Falltlre to colnply witll dlese instmcjolls00uId resllk in elect⒒ G sllook,fre,pcrsonal illJu〃 or dall’ agc to yoLlr Pioo ProJcctor 】the power adapter rating oftllc Pico PrOJector The POwer Adaptor accepts AC power90-264V,43~67Hz, ρtoductis 2 Thc ma`imunl noise lcvel ofthc l'PA£ 70dB(A)DIN45635ˉ rhis equipmcnt gcnc】 atcs and uscsthe rad o-lrcq11cn。 accoldanGe wi1h Ihe inslruo“ |9-0卜 KL2 uΠ d y ellcrgy and,ifnotinstm cd and uscd n o radio and lclc、 On manual may causc intcrlefencc】 p|ovidcleasonnb c P otcChon agdin“ ri has bec。 Inc dalnaged or fIaycd For a replaccmcllt power adaptor,∞ ntaCt yotlr authonzed dealer Do not allow anythlllg to rest on the powcr adaptor Do not plaoe this ,o adaptor mγ bc abuscd by pelsons walking on it cnv Onnncnt lf"l s cquip・ ,lcnt 11sCl may trx to corrCCt the iltcr1℃ on feccption ice n Ⅱc "has bccn tcsled and lt△ Us0ollly tllc powcr adaptor supplicd with tllc Pioo ProJector Do not use tlle powcr adaptor i助 tO colnply w"h llc Iimits fof a dass A conlPul ng dcˇ aCcOrddnCc w"h thc spcci侪 cat onsin Subpalt|or Part|5ofFCC R11cs which Powcr AdaDtor prOJeotor whcrc t】 owC!suppIy is thc discoI"、 ector O om nlains nnd n1ust be ncC inle1ofthc ρ FCC Information PoWer source Chcck tllc power speo△ cati。 n plate on d1e back° ftlle Plco Prolector Ellsurc tll汛 yo1r llne Vo△ agc lllatches Wi刂 plk、 an)1imc casi|y accessiblc dcs glcd“ 、 such ntcrlc cnce whcn opc】 a{cd ndcon】 mc ck dOcs ca11sc inteIfe「 g、 ce cnoc|o radiO or telcⅤ ision rccCpt on,flc wing nlcasuIes by Onc Or more orthc I。 "。 | RC-oIicn1the IcCeiving antenna fo, the1adio or tclevision 2Rclocate the cquipment with lesρ cct to thC leCeiˇ c1 naentinto a d ffc!ent oudct so dle equipnlcnt and leceivel a1e on diflctent 3Plug the equ ρ overloadinε DO not overload Wall outlcts and extension coIds as this oan result in the Hsk of flrc or blanch ci‘ C11its 4 Fasten C∩ elecmc sllock b丨 os to cnsure adequatc clcc"onlagnctiC inte!ferencc con"ols 5Consult the dea丨 el OI an expctienccd!adio/TV teChlliCian foI hclp Licluid sDills Do not set dⅡ nks or other Ⅱquids on top ofthe Pic° PrOJc‘)tor ncar water,for examplc,ncar a bat1】 in a wetbasemem,or ncar a swimming pool splⅡ Pr句 ecl° r Do not plaoc u1c Pic。 mb,wash bowl,kltchen,sink,or laundr]/tub, ed liqtIlds cal1aow inside the Pico Acknowledgmcnts Thc、 v ngs“ c!eg stClc(l"adema k ort ademarks oI"、 "o、 Googlc TI M c〖 oso⒒ ci cspcct、 c Co pll1"ons八 pp c ctc ProJector and cause dalnage RcDaIr Do not dlsasscmble llle Pico PrOJeotor Take it to an authorized teclmica1“ affwhcn service or rcpa△ work is required Vhat’ sin the Box 、 landlc yout、 /IFI LED DLP Pioo P1Ⅱ cct° l carcfldly as you rcnlovc沁 卜 box The following"cnls sho1"d beinduded in yo1u paCkagc∶ TcchⅡ ical serviCc Pleasc refcr sc~iclng lo atlthohzcd tedmlcal“ afftlnder tllc followlllg∞ ndltlon⒌ ● VVllcn曲 c power adaptor or plugls damaged or iγ cd ● IfⅡ quld has bccn spⅢ ed lllto tlle Pl∞ Pr臼 Cctor ● If山 e Pico PrOJcclor has been cxposed to raln or water ● rthe Pt。 Pr向 eα or ● IfJlc d° Cs not operate nomdly by followhg刂 1c operating"1敏 ruα i∞ s Pico PrOJootor has been dropped or thc cabinet has boen daIllaged ● rthe Pl∞ Pr哟 eclor e妞 山ls a山 stlnα cllallgc h perfonnance ● Pico PrOjector ● Micl O1sB tt,HDMI/MH△ ● AC Power Adaρ (f,I5V2A Ca bIe ● M icro1sB ttl USB Charging Cable ● 1`crs Mm"川 n om dlc ρacking 又 1NTRODUCTION Control Panel Tlle Whclcss DLP Pico prqiect。 lis a conˇ enieht,ˇ crsa"le,$tatc・ o「 tlle=a1△ pI esentation systc n fo1most?⑽ dCIll sma"phoncs mld a v扪 1plΦ ec“ video h】 foI ma"on T11is,coupIed w"h dlc rcd1a gcalllc battelγ ,all° gcnel汛 ws easy plcscntdⅡ on the ny Tllc Pic。 Pl句 cot° l is at,ideal oompanion fOI"avelling exec1吐 alld anˇ onc ng∞ mptllcr ons iVcs,sales pelsonnel who wantst° do prescnta"ons and ente!tainment° h dlc spo(Phot° s ahd vidcos C却 1C【nζ lX/be蚰 aedin g° up m∞ ol pa“ iⅡ "n阝 Tllc foIl。 wing li“ ss° Inc oftllc spccifc featuⅡ s ofdlc DLP Pico Pl臼 cctol∷ ˇ VP D0WN 〈 LEFT ▲ cd > RIGHT √ sELECt 0 B^Cκ T0PREVloVs sCREε N 余 HomE`sETTINCs HOME∶ ˉsmaII&simple to oρ erate Long prcss oftllis bll"ola la-es d,c dlspl″ -BuⅡ t△ n WiⅡ fOr Wirdc§ s ProjccⅡ on幻 ˉ olll sm"rtphones and Tablets back to thc° pening s。 reen -,WVGA854x480DLP Imager A momelltaγ press displγ s tlle sETT1NGs scrcell ˉB"竹 e】 y oρ e!ate〈 l -2000:1High ContIast Ratio oPERATION -UsB Port:stan(Iard UsB A Hostlol UsB F"lsh D"vcs -Mioro sD CaⅡ tl sul)porf -Dig"al AV Conn¢ cJons:HDMI,M"L 髭岫 uallle tool fl△ BuⅡ ← iⅡ ,ut"l ChargImg the ProJectOr sI)ea kcr It o re∞ nlj"endcd to ftllly Cllargc tllc pr叻 cctor bcfOIe Llshg q° luicc“ llc俪 cr0usB CIld of tlle UsB cablc to” C prolcctor(DC ihpllt)and tlle UsB cnd of曲 c cablc to tllo^Cp° wer LOCATION OF PARTs AND CONTROLs adaptcr Once∞ mcctcd,me battcγ hdcatol llgl,t"Ⅲ Ⅱhmma饴 rcd When pr哟 ector。 oFF,tlle charge“ me is applox4h° llrs Whcn prOJc∝ oris ON dlc d1argc“ me is approx lO ho11rs ~ { η一 n; Ⅱ 0| { J・ k幽 i operating the Pko Pr刂 ector slidc and h° ld thc ON/oFF switcll towalds山 c rcar for about2scc° nds tl,en rclcase,power on indioator light williⅡ uuediatcly tums red Aaer a sh。 n while thc display shows dlc HOME ◇ (I)ON/OFF/CHARGE s"de sw"d, (2)Focus Whed screcn simply roll曲 e foous whecl oon廿 ol forwards and backwards to fn⒐ t1me the shalPness° fthc prolc∝ cdimagc Ch° osc thc mcdia you w° uld Ⅱ kc lo view fTom Jlc (3)Air Oudct Homc scrocll by tlshg Jlc LcR and Rlght bLl仗 (4)C° ntr° l Pancl NOte: l sIiding tllc oN/oFF/CHARGE switchto ulc cHARGE posi0° n wiu enablc thc PIoo PIoJeotorto aot as POWER BANK supp~hg5V oharge。 u1Tent】 om the UsB po"to。 th° r devi。 es (5)PrOJCcΙ on LcI1s (6)Indicatol Li凹 1t (7)Ti"F° ° t (8)Tlipod Mount Holc (9)Battelγ Cotnpa"n1ent DooI (I0)Micl° UsB DC Input (Il)UsB H° st (I2)A11di° Out (13)MH△ /HDMHnplIt 0 2Momentaγ -⊙ oN/oF卩 on slldC0fthe CHARGE switch to thc oN posl‘ wmt。 ggle ° n and tllc pi旬 octOI bo铆 quiok rcIease ccn BRlGHT alld ECo display mode In ECo luodc the llmage is not灬 bllgllt blIt山 c ba⒒ ° γ operating timc、 ˇ Ⅱl bel° ngor Home screen Vˇ ireless RIiraca§ t()on“ eCtion for Android Phone aⅡ d TabIets AIRPLAY PRo、 JECTIoN for:Pho"es amd iPad H)on d1c HOME sclcen sclcc1"le DLNA oρ (l)On dlC Ho】 nc scrccn,scleCt ion (2)Connect you1iPhono/llPad/iPod to llle prqicctor by、 ViFi(SslD (3)on youriPhonc″ Pad” pod opel,Aiq"ay Minollll〃 thc Miracast option by11sing PROJECtOR-XXXXXX) DLNA ftlncjon tlle lcft and1ight b1吐 ton dlcn p!ess tick to sele0t Stleam】 Ⅱtermct R/Ic(∶ ia using DLNA l)onthe HQME skˉ een sd∝ tthe DLNA oρ 2)Ope11XXiFi on you!smalt dcvicc then "on Conncctto PR0JECTOR-XXXXXX (2)on yout nlob"e dcvioc ounH、 c Mimc灬 〃 、 3)on you丨 smalt dcvice open d)e blowscr applica"on dlcn~pc in Hlc lP addlcss 1nc"o11 httρ ∥ /19216849 to show plqiecto!sctt ngs on youl snlart devioe ^/i!cless disI)lay f、 Wa"fol PROJECTORˉ , XXXXXX to comcup on yourIll° b"c dcvioc (4)select f卜 tben col1ncct onCe (5)SClCct$ε an to shoW Conncction is n1adc thc ava"ablc nclwolks p1臼 C。 tCd image n1"rOIs (6)SClCct p1efc"cd nctwo!k you1 t11obilc dcvioc t丨 1en cOmlcct Notc: l Tllc Andt° id Phonc° !Tablct should havc Opelaing systcnl of42and la(cr 2FoI b∞ fomlalce、 avoid obslad邙 bctwcα l the t pσ thc distance bebvccn the l)hone and the pfqiect° ρrqjcc∞ r alld lle Phone and tllat r is lcss than5n1 3Pelfonnal1cc nlay deteriol肘 c in opcca"l1g arca wllcre d1ero arc nlaI,y diffe1ent Ⅵ/iFi1outcrs workhlg π "le san1cdnlc I!ld"s casc,“ 、Vireless D△ NA γto use whcd oonnectlon llstcad (7)on yout⒏ naltdcvicc opcn network media playcI apρ lica"on o|if not tcadily availablc download a vidco Fol c、 ρlaycI nom PLAYsTORE w"h on|n、 e and a nctw° 1kn9edia playc!(cgBubbleUPNP)app n0n1PLAYsTORE oρ sclcct a video to s“ eam to d1e videoˇ ia scmρ crVidL"、 Connection dcˇ ice ρrqjcctor must bc settO PROJECTOR-XXXXXX connectto PROlECTORˉ XXXXXX nledia pIaycl such as BubbIcupnp playback device (PROJECTOR-XXXXXX) (4)Play tlledia glc Notc: You n1ay bc pronlpted to cntcr Password t° Thc dc%ult passwold is12345678 procccd y en Youtube aρ ρand ζlale icon dlen d1aIe ks dlcn playback vidco via BubblcUPNP InBubbleUPNP,dle (2)On youl mobile device sclcct a netwolk ρlaycl,sClect abiI仟 On d、 e Youtube pIaycl ac"vatc Hlc (l)on youf nlobile de访 oc opgl WIFI tllcn (3)In the111edia strcaming caρ amplc Ⅱo s"eam Youtube vidcos you will nccd t。 download and install sempe纩 VidLinks 罗 髁 r△ ρlayback ∫ 【 SI;PIayl,:lck Inse】 t USB{ia创 l dIivcto the tJsB HOst pot(Atthc HOME scIcen,sclcc(the USB op1ion and n subscq11ent sclce!ls sc CCt thc nlcdia~pe and flc us ng Hle t P′ DOWN conlIds FOJ|)Iayback co!1t ols l)lcss t)C ^b11tton d11!ing pIayback o{l、 lodin{i|c tjsc < / 【 ˇ lnd Ⅱ > tO sclcct OI)1ions 田 目 Ⅱ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ 猛 虿 目 曰 捅 晶 孺 砾 Ⅲ E¨ ε PmjectorWirekss se耐 ngs (D Comeα ”tlr moblle de呐 ∞ to刂lc prOJcC∞ r by WlFl scrccn(A) (2)Open tlle blowser on y° to displ。 y tlr mobile devioc then″ pe in岬 web address scrccn(B) 3)To change PrOJcctor password,scIcct Password in scrccn(C)DClCte old pass、 〈 ord then cnter now password (4)T° c° mcct PrOJector to looal nclwork,selcα 彡 Ξ 卜on yotll moblle dc访 Cc sCan for nctwOrk then oonnect This allows your mobⅡ c dcvloc to oomcClto the1ocal network via your prOJcctor sDCARD Playbmck lnsclt SDCARD into dle sDCARD s|ot Atthc Ho、 and in sul)seq uel)t sc1CCns sc ectthc mcdia t)pc and IE scfccn、 as USB p ayback EI绑 t }」 L__ sCreen(A) screen(B) screen(C) sclcctthc SDCARD optk)n Πleˇ Iedia p a3`back con1o sa Csamc HD、 四I/IⅥ H△ Inρ Ⅱ "t HDMI Tl、 Plug a st剐 。llthe care andˇΙaintenancc ldard HDˇ ll cableillo tle HDMl o1t ρ ofthe PrⅡ cα ol mltlto H、 ProJe∝ ∶ yollr Pic° e s gnal soulcc bes how to care for and prcvem accidental damage to el11fonη ation in tllis chaptcr descⅡ or You蚰 ould treat yo11r Pico ProJe“ or witll dlc sal"e oalo you would give any other vaIuablc cquipment ot11cI end Cleaninε the Pico Proiector IHousin2 ←卩n 莹㈤ ctoI To PfⅡ 。 Do NOT try to service the Pico PrOJector Refcr・ dll Pico prOJeα 。 r scrviclng to your dcaIer Fallllre to do so can rcsult in scIlotls pcrsom,elillJuγ or dalllagc to d1e Pioo Prolector Do N0T cIean the housing with organic solvent$,suoh as thosc contail】 lng acctone Wipc the extcI△ or ofthe lloushg wltll a soa,dalllp d° th Protectthe Hco Pl向 eclor from raln,snow or extfcme tempcrature 0nd、 c opcning so cgl Wlect d、 c HDMI0p“ on,d、 e lΦ ectol ρ aut° nlati∞ I、 displa阝 Clcaninε thc Proicc"on Lens “ llage flom HDMIinput To dcan Jie proJcctlon lells Usc a oottoⅡ bud s“ ok to gelldy wlpe dust or oⅡ do 、 flom thc proJcc0on lells surfaCe Als° nol usc abraζ ve cleaners,solvcnts,or otller harsll chemicals that might scrkntch tlle lcns MH△ PIug HDM1eld ofllle supplied MHL∞ ble to l,l臼 eCt° l and dle miclo t sB to snlalt dcˇ w"h MHL suppo!10nthe HOME sc!een sclcct HDMI and dle plqicctOI disρ tl、 e sl、 ¨ 】 alt ⑽ dcvicc scree!l ⒆ ¨ 甾 沁e lay tepliCatcs TransDOrtin£ the Pico ProiectOI The DLP Pico ProJect0ris a higHy soρ 跏 吐№ ⑾ ⒃ m咖 涮 sl,ll t引 Ⅱ 洲 h曲 阳 to llll盹 沛 sensltl哞 use a prα cmve bag° r use山 e slore and transpoⅡ (丬 histi ated plCcc ofelect碰 咖 pIncl,汕 扪 s m扌 bllm"颂 spo而 ng J1e Rco Pr叻 oh臣 ndpaclhurndγ ∶ ing canon to minimizc shock and impact 雨κ 瓯 涮 tlle Plco PrOJecto了 7to60degrccs CcIlugradc)Av° attemperatlre bemeen O and140dcgrecs F舳 id storage ln alltomoblles du"ng se灬 rellllelt on丬 lemper秕 cxtrcmes AlltomobⅡ e intcrlor tcmperatures can excccd160degree Fallrenhe"(70dCgIccs 。 Ccll"⒏ ade)in summer Ifthc Pico PrOJcctor has been exposod to extremely hot,cold or humid conditions,allow"to stand at room tcmperat1!rc for30minutcs before usc E× tendcd usc oftllc Pico Pr句 ect° rin high temperature enviromnents may cause a , reductlon h b"glltlless oftl,e proJectCd image eα o△ tlre r「 0Ⅱ -。 ˉ -J亠 ¨ △ n呻 so:。 … --曲 W… mgthe HcO R丬 ector,frst make sure you have s⒍ L…""■ mderthe s∞ 刂on"operatlo卩 You shodd aIso check the "up -r° mⅡ c‘ ons VenIV曲 m dlpower‘ swItched on Before 吐 -tL toublesho∝ mg suggesu° ns岫 s chapter a・ tio・ § ddm:aJery remoning powertoo∶ ow vh-Img is not There may be t∞ many WiFi峻 r at your loCation Try at another spot or use Mred comection PmJu0sood山kntioⅡ s