Download FUF: the Universal Unifier User Manual Version 5.2

FUF: the Universal Unifier
User Manual
Version 5.2
Michael Elhadad
Department of Computer Science
Ben Gurion University of the Negev
84105 Beer Sheva, Israel
[email protected]
27 June 1993
This document is the user manual for FUF version 5.2, a natural language generator program that uses the technique
of unification grammars. The program is composed of two main modules: a unifier and a linearizer. The unifier
takes as input a semantic description of the text to be generated and a unification grammar, and produces as output a
rich syntactic description of the text. The linearizer interprets this syntactic description and produces an English
sentence. This manual includes a detailed presentation of the technique of unification grammars and a reference
manual for the current implementation (FUF 5.2). Version 5.2 includes novel techniques in the unification allowing
the specification of types and the expression of complete information. It also allows for procedural unification and
supports sophisticated forms of control.
Copyright  1993 Michael Elhadad
1. Introduction
1.1. How to Read this Manual
This manual is designed to help you use the FUF package and to describe and explain the technique of
unification grammars.
The FUF package is made available to people interested in text generation and/or functional unification. It can
be used:
• as a front-end to a text generation system, providing a surface realization component. SURGE, a
grammar of English with large syntactic coverage written in FUF, is included for that purpose.
• as an environment for grammar development. People interested in expressing grammatical theories or
developing a practical grammar can experiment with the unifier and linearizer.
• as an environment for a study of functional unification. Functional unification is a powerful technique
and can be used for non-linguistic or non-grammatical applications.
This manual contains material for people falling in any of these categories. It starts with an introduction to
functional unification, its syntax, semantics and terminology. The following chapters deal with the ‘‘grammar
development’’ tools: tracing and indexing, a presentation of the morphology component and the dictionary. The
next two chapters present the novel features of FUF: typing and control facilities. A chapter is devoted to typing in
FUF: type definition, user-defined unification methods and expression of complete information. One chapter is
devoted to to flow of control specification (indexing, dependency-directed backtracking and goal freezing). Finally
the last chapter is a reference manual to the package. One appendix is devoted to possible non-linguistic applications of the formalism, and compares the formalism with programming languages, in particular with PROLOG.
Note that this manual does not describe or document the example grammars provided as examples with the
unifier. The sample grammars contain a brief documentation on-line and are accompanied by example inputs. The
SURGE grammar is documented in a separate manual.
1.2. Function and Content of the Package
FUF implements a natural language surface generator using the theory of unification grammars (cf. bibliography for references). It follows most closely the original FUG formalism introduced in [17]. Its input is a
Functional Description (fd) describing the meaning of an utterance and a grammar (also described as an fd).The
Syntax of fds is fully described in section 5. The output is an English sentence expressing this meaning according to
the grammatical constraints expressed by the grammar.
There are two major stages in this process: unification and linearization.
Unification consists in making the input-fd and the grammar ‘‘compatible’’ in the sense described in [17]. It
comes down to enriching the input-fd with directives coming from the grammar and indicating word order, syntactic
constructions, number agreement and other features.
The enriched input is then linearized to produce an English sentence. The linearizer includes a morphology
module handling all the problems of word formation (s’s, preterits, ...).
2. Getting Started
Appendix I describes how to install the package on a new machine. Contact your local system administrator to
learn how to load the program on your system. You should know how to load the example grammars and
corresponding inputs.
2.1. Main User Functions
Once the system is loaded, you are ready to run the program. If you are in a hurry to try the system, the user
functions are:
by default the grammar used is *u-grammar*
non-interactive is nil
limit is 10000
Complete work : unification + linearization. Outputs a sentence.
If non-interactive is nil, a line of statistics is
also printed.
In any case, stops after limit backtracking points.
by default the grammar used is *u-grammar*
non-interactive is nil.
limit is 10000
Does only the unification. Outputs the enriched fd. This is the
function to use when trying the grammars manipulating lists of gr5.l
If non-interactive is nil, a line of statistics is also printed.
In any case, stops after limit backtracking points.
CL> (uni ir01)
The boy loves a girl.
CL> (uni-fd ir02)
(# # ...)
(UNIF FD &key (GRAMMAR *u-grammar*))
by default the grammar used is *u-grammar*
As uni-fd but works even if FD does not contain a CAT feature.
If you want to change the grammar, or the input you can edit the files defining it, or the function with the same
There are two other useful functions for grammar developers: fd-p checks whether a Lisp expression is a
syntactically correct Functional Description (FD) to be used as an input. If it is not, helpful error messages are
given. grammar-p checks whether a grammar is well-formed.
NOTE: use fd-p on inputs only and grammar-p on grammars only.
--> T if FD is a well-formed FD.
--> nil (and error messages) otherwise.
The error messages and warnings are only printed if PRINT-MESSAGES and
(GRAMMAR-P &optional (GRAMMAR *u-grammar*)
--> T if GRAMMAR (by default *u-grammar*) is a well-formed grammar.
--> nil (and error messages) otherwise.
- FD is *u-grammar* by default
- PRINT-MESSAGES is t by default.
If it is non-nil, some statistics on the grammar are printed.
It should be nil when the function is called non-interactively.
- PRINT-WARNINGS is nil by default.
If it is non-nil, warnings are generated for all paths in the
grammar. (It is sometimes a good idea to manually check that all
paths are valid.)
CL> (fd-p ’((a 1) (a 2)))
----> error, attribute a has 2 incompatible values: 1 and 2.
CL> (grammar-p)
----> t
CL> (grammar-p ’((a 1) (b 2)))
----> error, a grammar must be a valid FD of the form:
((alt (((cat c1)...) ... ((cat cn) ...)))). nil.
3. FDs, Unification and Linearization
In this section, we informally introduce the concepts of FDs and unification. The next section provides a
complete description of the FDs as used in the package, and presents all available unification mechanisms.
3.1. What is an FD?
An FD (functional description) is a data structure representing constraints on an object. It is best viewed as a list
of pairs (attribute value). Here is a simple example:
((article "the") (noun "cat"))
There is a function called fd-p in the package that lets you know whether a given Lisp expression is a valid
FD or not and gives you helpful error messages if it is not. In FUGs, the same formalism is used for representing
both the input expressions and the grammar.
3.2. A Simple Example of Unification
We present here a minimal grammar that contains just enough to generate the simplest complete sentences. It is
included in file gr0.l in the directory containing the examples. A little more complex grammar, handling the
active/passive distinction, is available in gr1.l, and a more interesting one in gr2.l.1
((alt MAIN (
;; a grammar always has the same form: an alternative
;; with one branch for each constituent category.
;; First branch of the alternative
;; Describe the category S.
((cat s)
(prot ((cat np)))
(goal ((cat np)))
(verb ((cat vp)
(number {prot number})))
(pattern (prot verb goal)))
;; Second branch: NP
((cat np)
(n ((cat noun)))
(alt (
;; Proper names don’t need an article
((proper yes)
(pattern (n)))
;; Common names do
((proper no)
(pattern (det n))
(det ((cat article)
(lex "the")))))))
;; Third branch: VP
((cat vp)
(pattern (v dots))
(v ((cat verb)))))))
Note that the simplest grammars presented in the manual use the standard phrase structure approach S -> NP VP. More advanced grammars
use a systemic approach to language (after gr4). In general, the FUG formalism is convenient to write systemic grammars, but it can also be used
to implement other linguistic models (PS rules, LFG, GPSG or HPSG).
A few comments on the form of this grammar: the skeleton of a grammar is always the same, a big alt
(alternation of possible branches, the unifier will pick one compatible branch to unify with the input). Each branch
of this alternation corresponds to a single category (here, S, NP and VP).
The second remark is about the form of the input: as shown in the following example, an input is an FD, giving
some constraints on certain constituents. The grammar decides what grammatical category corresponds to each
The next main function of the grammar is to give constraints on the ordering of the words. This is done using
the pattern special attribute. A pattern is followed by a picture of how the constituents of the current FD
should be ordered: (Pattern (prot verb goal)) means that the prot constituent should come just before
the verb constituent, etc.
In the first branch, the only thing to notice is how the agreement subject/verb is described: the number of the
PROT will appear in the input as a feature of the FD appearing under PROT, as in:
(prot ((number plural) (lex "car")))
standing for ‘‘cars’’. To enforce the subject/verb agreement, the grammar picks the feature number from the
prot sub-fd and requests that it be unified with the corresponding feature of the verb sub-fd. This is expressed by:
(verb ((number {prot number})))
which means: the value of the number feature of verb must be the same as the value of the number feature
of prot. The curly-braces notation denotes what is called a ‘‘path’’ which is a pointer within an fd. Note that in
this line of the grammar, we refer to {prot number} even though the {prot number} feature does not appear
under prot in the rest of the grammar. This is a general feature of FUF: any attribute can appear in an FD, and its
value can be given either by the grammar directly where it would appear, or by the input, or by the grammar coming
from a distant place and using a path.
Note also that the agreement constraint could have been written in the ‘‘opposite’’ direction:
(prot ((number {verb number})))
Or even:
({prot number} {verb number})
In the second branch, describing the NPs, we have two cases, corresponding to proper and common nouns.
Common nouns are preceded by an article, whereas proper nouns just consist of themselves, e.g., ‘‘the car’’ vs.
‘‘John’’. If the feature proper is not given in the input, the grammar will add it. By default, the current unifier will
always try the first branch of an alt first. That means that in this grammar, proper nouns are the default.
Finally, a brief word about the general mechanism of the unification: the unifier first unifies the input FD with
the grammar. In the following example, this will be the first pass through the grammar. Then, each sub-constituent
of the resulting FD that is part of the cset (constituent-set) of the FD will be unified again with the whole
grammar. This will unify the sub-constituents prot, verb and goal also. This is how recursion is triggered in
the grammar. The next section describes how the cset is determined. All you need to know at this point is that if a
constituent contains a feature (cat xxx) it will be tried for unification.
In the input FDs, the sign === is used as a shortcut for the notation:
(n === John)
(n ((lex John)))
The lex feature always contains the single string that is to be used in the English sentence for all ‘‘terminal’’
When unified with the following FD, the grammar will output the
sentence ‘‘John likes Mary’’.
(setq ir01 ’((cat s)
(prot ((n === john)))
(verb ((v === like)))
(goal ((n === Mary)))))
Which corresponds to the linearization of the following complete
FD (this is the result of the unification):
CLISP> (uni-fd ir01)
((cat s)
(prot ((n ((lex "john")
(cat noun)))
(cat np)
(proper yes)
(pattern (n))))
(verb ((v ((lex "like")
(cat verb)))
(cat vp)
(number {prot number})
(pattern (v dots))))
(goal ((n ((lex "Mary")
(cat noun)))
(cat np)
(proper yes)
(pattern (n))))
(pattern (prot verb goal)))
Following the trace of the program will be the easiest way to figure out what is going on:
LISP> (uni ir01)
-->Entering alt TOP -- Jump indexed to branch #1: S matches input S
-->Updating (CAT NIL) with NP at level {PROT CAT}
-->Updating (CAT NIL) with NP at level {GOAL CAT}
-->Updating (CAT NIL) with VP at level {VERB CAT}
-->Enriching input with (NUMBER {PROT NUMBER}) at level {VERB}
-->Enriching input with (PATTERN (PROT VERB GOAL)) at level {}
-->Success with branch #1 S in alt TOP
-->Entering alt TOP -- Jump indexed to branch #2: NP matches input NP
-->Updating (CAT NIL) with NOUN at level {PROT N CAT}
-->Enriching input with (NUMBER {PROT NUMBER}) at level {PROT N}
-->Updating (PROPER NIL) with YES at level {PROT PROPER}
-->Enriching input with (PATTERN (N)) at level {PROT}
-->Success with branch #2 NP in alt TOP
-->Entering alt TOP -- Jump indexed to branch #3: VP matches input VP
-->Enriching input with (PATTERN (V DOTS)) at level {VERB}
-->Updating (CAT NIL) with VERB at level {VERB V CAT}
-->Success with branch #3 VP in alt TOP
-->Entering alt TOP -- Jump indexed to branch #2: NP matches input NP
-->Updating (CAT NIL) with NOUN at level {GOAL N CAT}
-->Enriching input with (NUMBER {GOAL NUMBER}) at level {GOAL N}
-->Updating (PROPER NIL) with YES at level {GOAL PROPER}
-->Enriching input with (PATTERN (N)) at level {GOAL}
-->Success with branch #2 NP in alt TOP
[Used 3 backtracking points - 0 wrong branches - 0 undos]
John likes mary.
In the figure, you can identify each step of the unification: first the top level category is identified: (cat s). The
input is unified with the corresponding branch of the grammar (branch #1). Then the constituents are identified. We
have here 3 constituents: PROT of cat NP, VERB of cat VP and GOAL of CAT NP. Each constituent is unified in
turn. Then for each constituent, the unifier identifies the sub-constituents. In this case, no constituent has a
sub-constituent, and unification succeeds. Note that in general, the tree of constituents is traversed breadth first.
Now, it is also important to know when unification fails. The following example tries to override the
subject/verb agreement, causing the failure:
(setq ir02 ’((cat s)
(prot ((n === john) (number sing)))
(verb ((v === like) (number plural)))
(goal ((n === Mary)))))
LISP> (uni ir02)
-->Entering alt TOP -- Jump indexed to branch #1: S matches input S
-->Updating (CAT NIL) with NP at level {PROT CAT}
-->Updating (CAT NIL) with NP at level {GOAL CAT}
-->Updating (CAT NIL) with VP at level {VERB CAT}
-->Fail in trying PLURAL with SING at level {VERB NUMBER}
3.3. Linearization
Once the unification has succeeded, the unified fd is sent to the linearizer. The linearizer works by following
the directives included in the pattern . The exact way to define these features is explained in section 5.6. The
linearizer works as follows:
1. Identify the pattern feature in the top level: for ir01, it is (pattern (prot verb goal)).
2. If a pattern is found:
a. For each constituent of the pattern, recursively linearize the constituent. (That means linearize
b. The linearization of the fd is the concatenation of the linearizations of the constituents in the
order prescribed by the pattern feature.
3. If no feature pattern is found:
a. Find the lex feature of the fd, and depending on the category of the constituent, the morphological features needed. For example, if fd is of (cat verb), the features needed are:
person, number, tense.
b. Send the lexical item and the appropriate morphological features to the morphology module .
The linearization of the fd is the resulting string. For example, if lex=‘‘give’’ and the features
are the default values (as it is in ir01), the result is ‘‘gives.’’
When the fd does not contain a morphological feature, the morphology module provides reasonable defaults.
More details on morphology are provided in section 11.
If a pattern contains a reference to a constituent and that constituent does not exist, nothing happens: the
linearization of an empty constituent is the empty string. The following example illustrates this feature:
Unified FD:
((cat s)
(pattern (prot verb goal benef))
(prot ((cat noun) (lex "John")))
(verb ((cat verb) (lex "like"))))
Linearized string (note that constituents GOAL and BENEF are missing):
John likes.
Finally, if one of the constituent sent to the morphology is not a known morphological category, the morphology module can not perform the necessary agreements. This is indicated by the following output:
Unified FD:
((cat s)
(pattern (prot verb goal))
(prot ((cat noun) (lex "John")))
(verb ((cat verb) (lex "like")))
(goal ((cat zozo) (lex "trotteur"))))
Linearized string:
John likes <unknown cat ZOZO: trotteur>
In general, when you find that in your output, it means that there is something wrong in the grammar. You
should check the list of legal morphological categories (see section 11) or you should check why a high level
constituent is sent to the morphology (your fd is too flat). You can use the function morphology-help to
receive on-line help on which categories are known to the morphology module.
4. Writing and Modifying Grammars
In this section, we briefly outline what steps must be followed to develop a Functional Unification Grammar.
The methodology is the following:
1. Determine the input to use. In general, input is given by an underlying application. If not, the
criterion to decide what is a good input is that it should be as much ‘‘semantic’’ as possible, and
contain the fewest syntactic features as possible.
2. Identify the types of sentences to produce.
3. For each type of sentence, identify the constituents and sub-constituents, and their function in the
sentence. A constituent is a group of words that are ‘‘tied together’’ in a clause. A constituent in
general plays a certain function with respect to the higher level constituent containing it. For example,
in ‘‘John gives a book to Mary,’’ the group ‘‘a book’’ forms a constituent, of category ‘‘noun-group,’’
and it plays the role of the ‘‘object upon which action is performed’’ in the clause. Such role is often
called ‘‘medium’’ or ‘‘affected’’ in functional grammars.
4. Determine the output (that is, the unified fds before linearization). In the output, constituents should
be grouped in the same pair and the attribute should indicate what function the constituent is fulfilling.
In the previous example, we want to have a pair of the form (medium <fd describing ‘‘a
book’’>) in the output. The output must also contain all ordering constraints necessary to linearize
the sentence and provide all the morphological feature needed to derive all word inflections (e.g.,
number, person, tense).
5. Determine the ‘‘difference’’ between the input and the output. All features that are in the output but
not in the input must be added by the grammar.
6. For each category of constituent, write a branch of the grammar. To do that, you need to specify under
which conditions each feature of the ‘‘difference’’ must be added to the input.
This is of course an over-simplified description of the process. Sometimes, the mapping from the input to the
output is best considered if decomposed in several stages. For example, in gr4 (cf. file gr4.l), the grammar first
maps the roles from semantic functions (like agent or medium) to syntactic roles (like subject or
direct-object), and then does the required syntactic adjustments. In gr11, (cf. file gr11.l), , there are three
stages: first the clause grammar maps from semantic roles to a level called ‘‘oblique’’, and then oblique is mapped
to syntactic functions such as subject or adjunct.
In general, the important idea here is that you must first determine your input and your output and the grammar
is the difference of the two.
The process can be complicated if your grammar also includes a lexicon. In this case, a good part of the output
should be provided by the lexicon. Grammar gr11 illustrates one way of including the lexicon in your grammar.
5. Precise Characterization of FDs
5.1. Generalities: Features, Syntax, Paths and Equations
An FD is a list of pairs, called features. The attribute of a feature needs to be a symbol. The value of a feature
can be either a leaf or recursively an FD. Here is an example:
(1) ((cat np)
(det ((cat article)
(definite yes)))
((cat noun)
(number plural))))
A ‘‘leaf’’ is a primitive fd. It can be either a symbol, a number, a string, a character or an array.
A given attribute in an FD must have at most ONE value. Therefore, the FD ((size 1) (size 2)) is
illegal. In fact FDs can be viewed as a conjunction of constraints on the description of an object: for an object to be
described by ((size 1) (size 2)) it would need to have its property size to have both the values 1 and 2.
Conversely, if the attribute size does not appear in the FD, that means its value is not constrained and it can be
anything. The FD nil (empty list of pairs) thus represents all the objects in the world. The pair (att nil)
expresses the constraint that the value of att can be anything. It is therefore useless, and the FD ((att1 nil)
(att2 val2)) is exactly equivalent to the FD ((att2 val2)).
Any position in an FD can be unambiguously referred to by the ‘‘path’’ leading from the top-level of the FD to
the value considered. For example, FD (1) can be described by the set of expressions:
{cat} = np
{det cat} = article
{det definite} = yes
{n cat} = noun
{n number} = plural
Paths are represented as simple lists of atoms between curly braces (for example, {det definite}). This
notation is not ambiguous because at each level there is at most one feature with a given attribute.
A path can be ‘‘absolute’’ or ‘‘relative.’’ An absolute path gives the way from the top-level of the FD down to a
value. A relative path starts with the symbol ‘‘^’’ (up-arrow). It refers to the FD embedding the current feature. You
can have several ‘‘^’’ in a row to go up several levels. For example:
((cat s)
(prot ((cat np)
(number sing)))
(verb ((cat vp)
(number {^ ^ prot number}))))
this is refering to the absolute path {prot number}
The notation {^4 x} is equivalent to {^ ^ ^ ^ x}. It is convenient when dealing with deeply embedded
Relative paths are not simply a syntactic convenience, but they extend the expressibility of the formalism, by
making grammars ‘‘relocatable’’. For example, the grammar for NPs can be unified with a subconstituent of the
input FD at different levels ({agent} and {affected} for example). In each case, a feature like
(determiner ((number {^ ^ number}))) points to the number of the appropriate constituent. Without
relative paths such a general constraint could not be expressed.
The value of a pair can be a path. In that case, it means that the values of the pair pointed to by the path and the
value of the current pair must always be the same. The two features are then said to be unified. In the previous
example, the features at the paths {verb number} and {prot number} are unified. This means that they are
absolutely equivalent, they are two names for the same object (structure sharing). This is equivalent to the systemic
operation of ‘‘conflation’’.
In general, an expression of the form x = y, where either x or y is a path or a leaf is called an equation. An fd
can be viewed as a flat list of equations.
In FUF, it is possible to have paths on the left of a pair. It is therefore possible to represent an fd as a list of
equations as follows:
(({cat} np)
({det cat} article)
({det definite} yes)
({n cat} noun)
({n number} plural))
This notation allows to freely mix the ‘‘fds as equations’’ view with the ‘‘fds as structure’’ one.23
The only case where a given attribute can appear in several pairs is when it is followed by paths in all but one
pairs. That is:
((a ((a1 v1)))
(a {b})
(a {c}))
is a valid FD. It is equivalent for example to:
Note that the possibility to put paths on the left increases the expressive power of the external construct, as it becomes possible to express
at run-time constraints on constituents which are not dominated by the position of the external construct in the structure.
When using a path on the left, note that the right hand side of the equation is always interpreted as occurring in the context pointed to by the
left-hand side. So if you need to use relative paths, the relative path on the right is relative to the end position of the left-hand side. For example,
to unify two features {verb syntax number} and {prot number} at level {verb v}, you must write:
((verb ((v (({^ syntax number} {^ ^ ^ prot number}))))))
and not:
((verb ((v (({^ syntax number} {^ prot number}))))))
because in this second equation, the path {^ prot number} is relative to the level {verb syntax number} (not {verb v} as intended) and therefore
would end up at level {verb syntax prot number} instead of {prot number}.
((b ((a1 v1)))
(a {b})
(c {b}))
or to:
((b ((a1 v1)))
({a} {b})
(c {a}))
The function normalize-fd is convenient to put an FD into its canonical form. For example:
(setf fd1 ’((a
((w2 2)))))
((w3 3)))))))
LISP> (normalize fd1)
((a ((a1
(b ((b1
((w2 2)
(w3 3))))))
All unification functions assume that the input fd is given in canonical form. normalize-fd is particularly
useful when the inputs are produced incrementally by a program. Note that normalize-fd will fail and return
*fail* if the input FD is not consistent (for example ((a 1) (a 2))).
5.2. FDs as Graphs
When the structure of an FD becomes complex, and more conflations with paths are introduced, a visual
representation of the FD becomes extremely useful. This visual representation also provides a clear interpretation of
the path mechanism and makes reading of relative path much easier. The structured format of FDs can be viewed as
equivalent to a directed graph with labeled arcs as pointed out in [9]. The correspondence is established as follows:
an FD is a node, each pair (attr value) is a labeled arc leaving this node. The attr of the pair is the label of
the arc, the value is the adjacent node. Internal nodes in the graph have therefore no label whereas leaves are atomic
values. The equivalence is illustrated in Fig.5-1.
The graph notation is particularly useful to interpret relative paths. When a relative path occurs somewhere in
an FD, its destination can be identified by going up on the arcs, one arc for each "^". When the value of a pair is a
path, e.g., (a {b}), then the corresponding arc actually points to the same node as the given path. In this case,
there is structure sharing between a and b. This configuration is illustrated in Fig.5-2, where the paths {action
number} and {agent number} are conflated, as well as the paths {affected lex} and {affected
head lex} and {subject} and {agent}.
The conflation of {subject} with {agent} makes all the paths that are extensions of either agent or
subject equivalent. For example, {agent lex} and {subject lex} are equivalent. This equivalence is
easily read in the graph notation.
Figure 5-1: FD as a graph
lex number
Figure 5-2: Conflation in an FD graph
The graph notation also makes it clear that the up-arrow notation can be ambiguous. Whenever a Y configuration is met in the graph, for example in the two black nodes in Fig.5-2, the up-arrow does not specify which branch
of the Y must be taken. This problem is illustrated in the grammar in Fig.5-3. The FD is extracted from a grammar
dealing with conjunction. The constraint enforced by the grammar is that all the conjuncts in a conjunction must
have the same syntactic category. A conjunction is represented by an FD with two constituents: head represents
the conjunction as a whole as a constituent and list is a list of conjuncts. The list is represented in a singly-linked
list of elements, with a recursive FD containing at each level the first element of the list (feature car) and the rest of
the list (feature cdr). In Fig.5-3, the path c1 is used to point to the first constituent of the list. c1 is therefore
Figure 5-3: A grammar for conjunction
defined by the equation {c1} = {list car}. The grammar in
sample input:
GR =
((c1 {^ list car})
(c1 ((cat {^ ^ head cat}))))
IN =
((head ((cat np)))
(list ((car ((lex "cat")))
(cdr ((car ((lex "dog")))
(cdr none))))))
notation is shown below along with a
The underlined line corresponds to the black dot in the graph notation shown in Fig.5-3. The problem is to
interpret where the relative path {^ ^ head cat} is pointing to. The notation is ambiguous between {head
cat} and {list head cat}, depending on whether one considers the black dot as being located at address
{c1} or {list car}. This ambiguity is solved in FUF by following the convention that up-arrows always refer
to the textual location where they appear in the grammar. So in this example, the up-arrows refer to the address {c1
cat} and not to the address {list car cat} because they are written as a pair (c1 ((cat {^ ^ head
cat}))) and not as (list ((car ((cat {^ ^ head cat}))))).
There are special attributes and values which cannot be drawn in this graph notation because they have a special
unification behavior. These are, for attributes: alt, opt, ralt, pattern, cset, fset, test,
control and cat (or the currently specified cat attribute) and for values: none, any and given. The special
constructs #(under x) and #(external y) have also a special meaning for the unifier. These are all the
‘‘keywords’’ known by the unifier. They are presented in the following sections.
5.3. Functional Descriptions vs. First-order Terms
To conclude the characterization of FDs as a data-structure, it is useful to contrast functional unification (FU)
with the more well known structural unification (SU) as used in PROLOG for example, and to distinguish FDs from
the first-order terms used in SU.
The most important difference is that functional unification is not based on order and length. Therefore, {a:1,
b:2} and {b:2, a:1} are equivalent in FU but not in SU, and {a:1} and {b:2, a:1} are compatible in FU
but not in SU (FDs have no fixed arity). The following quote from Knight summarizes the distinction between
feature structures and the first order terms used in SU:
• Substructures are labeled symbolically, not inferred by argument position.
• Fixed arity is not required.
• The distinction between function and argument is removed.
• Variables and coreference are treated separately. [21, p.105]
A comparison between the FD notation and the first-order term notation illustrates these differences. The
following FD and first-order term can be used to represent the fact that Steve builds a crane that is 2 lbs and 4 feet
((process build)
(agent Steve)
(object ((concept crane)
(weight 2)
(height 4))))
build(Steve, Crane(C1, 2, 4))4
Contrasting these two notations for the same example illustrates the differences:
• Symbolic labels for substructures: the arguments, that is the agent and the medium, are clearly
labeled in the feature structure notation. In particular, a term like Crane(C1, 2, 4) is particularly
difficult for a human to interpret.
• Fixed arity: features can be added at will to an FD. FDs are used to represent partial information. This
is not the case for first-order terms. If the knowledge representation changes to include width to crane
descriptions, in addition to weight and height, all the terms need to be updated, since Crane(n, w,
h) is not compatible with Crane(n, w, h, l). The FD notation is always partial and leaves the
possibility of adding new features as needed.
• Function and argument: first-order terms have a head (the function) which plays a central role in the
unification process. This is not the case in FDs. All information plays the same role.5
• Variables and coreference: in standard unification, a variable is used to mean two distinct things: that
the value of the role is unknown (there are no constraints on it), and that the value of the role is the same
as all other objects referred to with the same variable. So for example, in a term such as like(X, X),
the use of the variable X means that we don’t know who likes whom, and that it is known that the agent
Other representations are of course possible using first-order notation. Some of them have some of the advantages of features structures. For
example: build(B1), agent(B1, Steve), object(B1, C1), crane(C1), weight(C1, 2), height(C1, 4). In fact, any FD can always be translated in a
one-to-one mapping to a class of restricted first-order terms.
In most cases, however, one feature plays a special role: for example, the cat attribute can specify the category or type of a description, but
this is not built into the syntax, and several such ‘‘special’’ attributes can coexist in the same FD, allowing a reader to adopt several perspectives
on the same FD.
and the object of like must be the same objects. The distinction between these two functions of
variables is best explained in [1]. In FDs, coreference and unspecification are represented by two
different syntactic devices: variables are features which are unspecified (they simply do not appear in
the FD, or appear with an empty value), coreference is handled with paths. For example, to express the
constraint that the medium of like must refer to the same object as its agent, the following FD can be
((process like)
(agent {object}))
5.4. Disjunctions: The ALT and RALT Keywords
alt stands for ‘‘alternation’’. The syntax for using alt is:
((att1 val1)
(att2 val2)
(ALT {annotations*} (fd1 fd2 ... fdn))
(attn valn))
The meaning of a pair with an alt attribute is the following: the unifier tries to unify the total FD by replacing
first the pair alt by the FD fd1, if this unification fails, then the unifier will try the following alternatives. If all
branches of the alt fail, the unification fails.
The order in which branches are put within the alt does not change the result of the unification. (This is an
important feature of the process of unification: the result is always order-independent.) However, since only the
first successful unification is returned, order can be used to specify default values. For example, if you want to
specify that a sentence should be at the active voice by default, the following order should be used:
(ALT (((voice active)
((voice passive)
When the order is truly not relevant and there is no reason to choose a default branch, then you can use the
ralt keyword instead of alt. ralt has exactly the same syntax as alt and also expresses a disjunction, but the
unifier will choose one of the branches at random instead of always trying the first untried branch. (ralt stands for
‘‘random alt’’)
Alternatively, the :order annotation can be used to specify whether the branches should be order in random or
sequential order. The syntax is as follows:
(alt (:order :sequential)
(fd1 ... fdn))
is equivalent to
(alt (fd1...fdn))
(alt (:order :random)
(fd1 ... fdn))
is equivalent to (ralt (fd1...fdn))
An alt can be embedded within another alt or it can be the value of a feature as in:
((a (alt (1 2 3 4))))
5.5. Optional Features: the OPT Keyword
opt is used to indicate that a set of features is optional. The syntax is
((att1 val1)
(OPT fd)
(attn valn))
Its meaning is: if the unification of the whole FD succeeds with fd, it is returned as the result. If it fails, the
unifer tries again without fd. Since the FD nil can be unified successfully with any other FD, opt is a more
readable equivalent to the form:
(ALT (fd nil))
opt is used exactly in the same way as alt.
5.6. Control of the Ordering: the PATTERN Keyword
As mentioned previously, the generation of a sentence includes two subprocesses: unification and linearization.
Unification produces a complex description of a sentence, made of several constituents. Each constituent is
described by an FD, and can recursively contain other subconstituents.
Linearization takes such a complex non-ordered description and outputs a linear, ordered, string of words. This
operation is constrained by directives put within the FD. These constraints on the ordering appear after the special
attribute pattern.
For example, in a sentence containing the constituents prot, goal and verb, the following pattern can
be used:
This means that the linearizer should output a string made of the linearization of the constituent prot first,
followed by the linearization of the constituent verb and terminated by the linearization of the constituent goal. It
also means that nothing can come before prot and after goal, and nothing can come between each pair.
The constituents correspond to features of the FD describing the sentence. That is, this FD must contain pairs
with the attributes prot, verb and goal. For example:
((cat S)
(PROT (...))
(GOAL (...))
(VERB (...))
If a constituent mentioned in the pattern is not present in the FD, nothing happens: the linearization of an empty
(or non existent) constituent is the empty string.
The pattern directives are generally added by the grammar, since the input to the unifier should be a
semantic representation and therefore does not contain any constraint on word ordering.
NOTE: Patterns can contain full paths to specify constituents. For example, the following is a legal pattern:
(PATTERN ({prot n} {verb v} goal))
A given grammar can generate several constraints, that is it can add 2 or more pattern pairs to the result. The
unifier therefore includes a pattern unifier. The role of the pattern unifier is to take several constraints on the
ordering and to output one ordering that subsumes all of them.
The following symbols have a special meaning for the pattern unifier: dots and pound (standing respectively
for the notations ‘...’ and ‘#’).
A pattern (c1 ... c2) (noted in the program (c1 dots c2)) indicates that the constituent c1 must
precede the constituent c2, but they need not be adjacent. Zero, one or many other constituents can come in
between. The pattern (c1 ... c2) still requires the sentence to start with constituent c1 and to end with c2.
The pattern (... c1 ... c2 ...) only forces c1 to come before c2.
The pound (#) symbol is used to represent 0 or 1 constituent. For example, if you want to allow a sentence to
start with an optional adverbial, you can specify it with the pattern (# prot ... verb ...). This directive
will be compatible with both (prot verb goal) and (adverb prot verb goal) for example.
As a consequence of the use of the two symbols pound and dots, the constraints described by pattern
directives are PARTIAL orderings.
NOTE: because of the presence of dots and pound, the unification of patterns is a non-deterministic operation. It
can produce several results for a given input, and there is no way to predict in which order these possible solutions
will be tried. Caution should be exercised when specifying patterns: they should be specific enough to allow only
acceptable word orderings (do not use too many dots) but should not be too specific to allow for as yet not
supported constituents (for example, a sentence can start with an Adverbial, not necessarily an NP).
The following example illustrates the fact that pattern unification is non-deterministic in general:
Pattern Unification:
p1: (pattern (dots a dots b dots))
p2: (pattern (dots c dots d dots))
Compatible Results:
(pattern (dots
(pattern (dots
(pattern (dots
(pattern (dots
(pattern (dots
(pattern (dots
Pattern Unification:
p3: (pattern (dots a dots b))
p4: (pattern (dots b c))
Pattern Unification fails.
Patterns are eventually interpreted by the linearization component to produce a string out of an FD.
Appendix II describes some advanced uses of pattern unification.
5.7. Explicit Specification of Sub-constituents: the CSET Keyword
The unifier works top-down recursively: it unifies first the top-level FD against a grammar (generally the
top-level FD represents a sentence), and then, recursively, it unifies each of its constituents. For example, to unify a
sentence, the unifier first takes the whole FD and unifies it with the grammar of the sentences (cat S), then it
unifies the prot and goal with the grammar of NPs (cat np), then it unifies the verb with the grammar of
VPs (cat vp).
You can specify explicitly which features of an FD correspond to constituents and therefore need to be
recursively unified. To do that, add a pair:
(CSET (c1 ... cn))
For example:
The value of a cset (stands for Constituent SET) is considered as a SET (unordered). Therefore the following
2 pairs are correctly unified:
Actually, two cset pairs are unified if and only if there values are two equal sets.
NOTE: A cset values can contain full paths to specify constituents. So for example, the following is a legal
(cset ({prot n} {verb v} goal))
FUF does not rely exclusively on csets to find the constituents to be recursively unified. FUF generally tries
to infer the value of cset from the value of pattern and an observation of the features of the current FD (with
the assumption that features containing a cat attribute are constituents). The exact procedure followed to identify
the implicit constituent set of an fd is:
1. If a feature (cset (c1 ... cn)) is found in the FD, the constituent set is just (c1 ... cn).
2. If no feature cset is found, the constituent set is the union of the following sub-fds:
a. If a pair contains a feature (cat xx), it is considered a constituent.
b. If a sub-fd is mentioned in the pattern, it is considered a constituent.
As a consequence, explicit csets are rarely necessary. They are generally used when an fd contains a sub-fd
that either is mentioned in the pattern or contains a feature cat, but that you do NOT want to unify. In that case,
you can explicitly specify the cset without including this unwanted sub-fd. For larger grammars, however, you
should put the emphasis on a clean constituent structure, and therefore you should carefully use the explicit CSET
facilities instead of blindly relying on FUF’s inferencing. In this case, the advanced CSET facilities described below
will prove helpful.
5.7.1. Implicit and Incremental CSET Specification
CSET specification is the means by which a programmer describes the constituent structure of sentences.
Given the importance of this task and its complexity, facilities have been added to FUF to make CSET specification
more flexible. It is thus possible to specify implicit and incremental CSETs. This section describes these features of
the CSET specification. It presents advanced facilities and can be skipped in first lecture.
The general form of a CSET specification is:
(CSET (= c1 ... cn)
(== b1 ... bm)
(+ a1 ... ap)
(- d1 ... dq)))
The simple syntax (CSET (c1 ... cn)) is equivalent to (CSET (= c1 ... cn)).
As usual in FDs, all of the features of the CSET are optional. Each feature in the CSET feature is named as
• The = sublist is called the absolute CSET.
• The == sublist is called the basis CSET.
• The + and - sublists are the increment CSETs.
The idea behind the use of incremental CSETs is to gradually refine the CSET description, by adding partial
information - thus folding the constituent structure description into the general ‘‘partial information, gradual refinement’’ methodology of FD specification. The incremental CSET specifications are added to the basis CSET, which
can either be specified explicitly, using the == notation, or be the result of the implicit CSET inference described
The actual CSET of an FD is computed by applying the following procedure:
1. If the absolute CSET (=) is present, it becomes the value of the actual CSET. The absolute CSET
feature is used when you want to disable all incremental computations.
2. Else: If the basis-CSET is present,
a. let BSET = basis-CSET, else let BSET = the implicit CSET, computed as described above
(from pattern and cat inspection).
b. If the +increment-CSET is present, let BSET = BSET union +increment.
c. If the -increment-CSET is present, let BSET = BSET - -increment (set difference).
d. Return BSET as the actual CSET.
The result of this procedure is a list of absolute paths, pointing to the sub-constituents of the current constituent.
In all cases, this actual cset is ‘‘cleaned up’’ by applying the following procedure:
• All duplicate paths are removed. Two paths are duplicate if they point to the same FD. That is, even if
the paths are distincts but they point to conflated FDs, they are considered duplicates in the CSET.
• All leaf-constituents are removed. A leaf-constituent is a constituent whose value is not a list of pairs for example, a symbol or a string. The idea is that there is no point in recursing on a leaf-constituent.
• All constituents which are conflated with a -increment constituent are also removed from the actual
The following grammar fragments illustrate briefly the use of incremental CSET specification.6
((cat clause)
(cset (== prot verb))
(alt (((prot given)
(subject {^ prot})
(voice active))
((prot none)
(goal given)
(cset (- prot) (+ goal))
(subject {^ goal})))))
The first cset feature specifies that the basis cset for this clause constituent should not be the implicit cset
(derived from pattern and cat), but instead the explicit list (prot verb). In the second cset feature, this basis cset is
incrementally refined by specifying that when prot in none, prot is not part of the cset and instead goal is added to
the cset. If prot is a non-leaf constituent, then the actual cset for this example will be (prot verb), if it is none, then it
will be (verb goal).
((cat clause)
(subject ((cat np)))
(prot {^ subject})
(cset (- prot)))
In this second fragment, no absolute cset is specified (no = feature) and no basis cset is present (no == feature).
Therefore the implicit cset is computed and is found to be (subject) (because of the presence of the (cat np) feature
under subject). (subject) is thus the initial basis-cset. The incremental cset (- prot) is then added to the cset. The
basis-cset remains (subject) at this point. Finally, the cset is ‘‘cleaned’’ - and it is found that prot and subject are
duplicates of each other because of the conflation (prot {^ subject}). Since prot is member of the -increment list, its
‘‘synonyms’’ are deleted from the basis cset, and the actual cset is found to be empty ().
The computation of implicit and incremental CSETs can interact with the more advanced control features of
goal freezing (with the wait construct). These interactions are described in Sect.12.4.1.
5.7.2. Unification of Incremental CSET Specifications
When two complete CSET specifications are unified, the following rules are applied: assume that (cset (= a1)
(== b1) (+ c1) (- d1)) is unified with (cset (= a2) (== b2) (+ c2) (- d2)),
1. If both a1 and a2 are instantiated:
a. If (set-equal a1 a2) then:
i. If c1 union c2 is included in a1, return (cset (= a1)) Else return :fail.
ii. If d1 union d2 intersect with a1, return :fail Else return (cset (= a1))
b. else :fail.
2. If only a1 is instantiated and a2 is null:
a. If a1 intersects d1 union d2, then :fail.
b. Else (cset (= a1)) is returned.
Keep in mind that this facility is above all designed for use in large grammars, and the short fragments shown here could easily be handled
without incremental CSETs.
3. If neither a1 and a2 is instantiated, compute the unions: b=b1 u b2, c=c1 u c2, d = d1 u d2, and return
(cset (== b) (+ c) (- d)).
5.8. The Special Value NONE
There is a way to prevent an FD from ever getting a value for a given attribute. The syntax is: (att NONE).
It means that the FD containing that pair will NEVER have a value for att. Or in other words, that the object
described by the FD has no attribute att.
5.9. The Special Value ANY - The Determination Stage
An any value in a pair means that the feature must have a determined value at the end of the unification. A
complete unified FD will never contain an any, since an any stands for something that must be specified. If after
unifying everything, the resulting FD contains an any, then the unification fails.
An any represents a strong constraint. It means that a feature MUST be instantiated. any should not be
understood as ‘‘the feature has a value in the input’’ but as ‘‘the feature WILL have a value in the result.’’
The idea of a ‘‘resulting final FD’’ coming out of the unification is important. It actually implies that the
process of unification is the composition of 2 sub-processes: the unification per se and what we call here the
The determination process assures that the resulting FD is well formed. It is a necessary stage since the
‘‘resulting final’’ FD is more constrained than regular FDs. Here is what the determination does:
• checks that no any is left.
• tests all the test constraints.
• tests that no frozen constraint is left.
It is important to realize that none of this can be done before the unification is finished. Section 12.4.1 gives a
more complete picture of the determination process and explains why there may be a need for several cycles of
determination when wait and goal freezing are used.
Note that in practice, ANY is used rarely. The next special value GIVEN is used more often, and is easier to
manipulate, except in cases where goal freezing is used.
5.10. The Special Value GIVEN
A given value in a pair means that the feature must have a real value at the beginning of the unification. A
unified fd will never contain a given since given will always be unified with a real value. given is useful to
specify what features are necessary in an input. It is also much more efficient than any. It is often used in branches
of an alt, to ‘‘test’’ for the presence of a feature.
The rule is: when you think of using any, you often want to use given and, conversely, when you use wait
(for goal freezing) and something does not work, it is because you should use any instead of given.
Given addresses the most obvious limitation of the top-down regime used by FUF when traversing the
constituent tree (and computing the cset expansion) in cases when the grammar contains the equivalent of leftrecursive rules. Given is in a sense the dual of the any meta-variable of the original FUG formalism: while any
requires a feature to be instantiated at the end of the unification process, given requires it to be instantiated before
unification starts. Thus, given is used to check that a constraint has been specified in the input. A given feature
can only appear in a grammar, thus, given gives a different status to the two arguments of the unification
((cat NP)
(semr ((possessor GIVEN)))
(cset (det head))
(det ((cat NP)
(possessive yes)
(semr {^ ^ possessor})))
To illustrate how given solves the problem of the left-recursive rules, consider how the possessive NP rule is
implemented in FUF in this example. This FD implements the FUF equivalent of a rule:
NP -> NP(possessive) head
This is a left-recursive rule which, if used in a top-down control, could lead to infinite recursion of the form NP
-> NP (NP (NP ..... (NP head...))) Note how the cset expansion in FUF is the equivalent of the rule application in
rule-based grammatical formalisms.
To avoid using this rule when there is no possessor in the input (which is the step which leads to nontermination), the grammar contains a feature (possessor GIVEN), checking that the semantic representation of
this constituent does indeed have a possessor specified in the input. If none is specified, then the rule will fail, and
the sub-constituent possessive NP will not get created. Without the use of GIVEN, this FD would always be
successfully unified, and the cset expansion would lead to non-termination. The use of the given meta-variable
therefore ensures that the top-down regime of FUF is goal-directed.
NOTE: The under construct is related to the given value. It is presented in Section 9.2.
5.11. The Special Attribute CAT: General Outline of a Grammar
Each constituent of an FD is generally characterized by its ‘‘category’’. In FD terms, this means each
constituent includes a feature of the form (CAT category-name), where category-name is expected to be an
A grammar is expected to give directives for each possible category, for example NP, VP, or NOUN. The
outline of a grammar must be:
This means that when given is used, unification is no longer symmetric, but it remains order-independent and monotonic.
((alt (
((cat s)
<rest of grammar for category S>)
((cat np)
<rest of grammar for category NP>)
<other categories>
NOTE: The current version of the unifier makes the assumption that the grammar has such a form. The (CAT
xxx) pairs must appear first. The function grammar-p checks that a grammar has the right form. The list of
categories known by the grammar can be found by using the function list-cats. See appendix IV for a list of the
non-standard features of this implementation.
NOTE: The symbol identifying categories (’cat) can be changed in the program. It is by default ’cat, but
this default can be changed by setting a new value to the *cat-attribute* variable or by providing an optional
argument to the unification functions, as explained in the reference manual.
6. Modular Organization of Grammars: Def-alt and Def-conj
A large FUG, like many other large computer programs, becomes difficult to read and maintain when its size
increases. The size of a FUG is best measured by counting the number of disjunctions it contains, as discussed in
Chapter 12.1. The depth of embedding of the disjunctions is also an indication of the complexity. The number of
branches in the disjunctive normal form of the grammar accounts for this embedding but is in general not very
informative. For example, the grammar of FUF contains 580 disjunctions and has a disjunctive normal size of 1029.
Another more conventional measure of the complexity of the grammar viewed as a program, is the number of lines
of code: 9,500 lines for a total of 290,000 characters. By all measures, such a grammar is a large program. So the
well-known problems of size management in software engineering become an issue for large FUGs: ease of maintenance, readability, modularity etc.
6.1. Modular Definition of FDs
A FUG is a large FD containing many alternations. At the top-level, a FUG is conventionally made up of a large
alternation where each branch describes a different category. The pattern is:
((alt (((cat clause) ...)
((cat noun-group) ...)
((cat verb-group) ...)
Each branch is an embedded FD containing in turn many disjunctions. For example, the top-level clause
grammar is made up of the following alternations:
((cat clause)
(alt mood ...)
(alt transitivity ...)
(alt voice ...)
(alt circumstantial ...)
(alt displaced-constituent ...)
Each one of these alternation in turn is a large FD, with many embedded alternations.
FUF includes a very simple mechanism to allow the grammar writer to develop such large grammars in a
modular way. The key aspect is to allow the grammar writer to abstract away from the details of an FD by giving it
a name. Named FDs can then be used anywhere a regular FD is allowed. Actually, it turned out that instead of
using named FDs, named features were much more convenient. The new syntax distinguishes between two types of
named features: named disjunctions and named conjunctions defined by def-alt and def-conj respectively.
Named features can then be used in any FD as regular features; that is, instead of a pair, an FD can contain a named
feature. The syntax is illustrated below:
(def-alt number (:index number)
(((number singular) ...)
((number plural) ...)))
(def-conj agreement-3-sing-masc
(number singular)
(person third)
(gender masculine))
Using named feature
Expanded form
((alt (((cat noun-group)
(:! number)
((alt (((cat noun-group)
(alt (:index number)
(((number singular) ...)
((number plural) ...)))
((head ((lex "man")))
(:& agreement-3-sing-masc))
((head ((lex "man")))
(number singular)
(person third)
(gender masculine))
A reference to a named disjunction has the form (:! name); (:& name) is used for named conjunction.
These forms can appear anywhere a pair could appear in an FD. A named conjunction works like a bundle of
features which get spliced in the embedding FD when it is referenced. A named disjunction accepts all the
annotations that an alt can carry (control and tracing annotations). The def-alt and def-conj mechanism
works as a macro mechanism for grammars.
This simple syntactic tool allows the use of abstraction in the development of FUGs: by naming parts and hiding
levels of details, the structure of the grammar becomes more apparent. Named features can be re-used in different
contexts (several places in the grammar and/or in several grammars). Practically, it becomes possible to work
separately on a module of the grammar without affecting the other parts; several people can work together on the
same grammar; single modules can be re-loaded and re-defined without requiring re-loading the whole grammar.
The standard benefits of modularity in programming languages apply to the full extent.
6.2. Drawing the Map of a Grammar
Interestingly, the new syntax highlights the similarity between FUGs and the systems of systemic linguistic.
FUF includes a tool that draws a graphical map of the grammar by displaying the tree of the named features with
their dependents (function draw-grammar). A high-level map of the SURGE grammar is shown below. Note
how similar this map is to a system in systemic linguistics. The def-alt syntax has made this level of organization clearly visible in the grammar without requiring any change to the FUF formalism.
The functions which produce this type of grammar maps in either character mode or in postscript format are
described below:
DRAW-GRAMMAR (&optional (root *u-grammar*))
Draw the map of a grammar, starting at level root (by default the
root of the whole grammar).
FUF-POSTSCRIPT (root filename &key (shrink t))
Produces a postscript file depicting the map of a grammar.
If shrink is t, the map is forced to fit on a single page.
Example of output:
> (draw-grammar ’det)
|- DET +
Figure 6-1: Map of the SURGE grammar using the def-alt syntax
7. Defining Input for Regression Testing: The Test Facility
When developing a grammar, it is important to check that existing input configurations remain compatible
whenever the grammar is changed. To this end, FUF includes a regression testing mechanism an a test system. This
system allows the grammar developer to define a set of test cases, which are pairs of input FDs together with the
sentence they are expected to produce. The test system allows to run a series of tests and checks whether the output
is equal to the expected output, it can in addition measure the time spent on each test. A final advantage of the test
facility is that test definitions can use the :& notation and therefore big FD specifications can be written modularly.
The following functions are defined to take advantage of this facility:
(def-test name result input)
;; Define a named test: test on input should produce result.
;; If result is a list, testing result can produce any one of the elements
;; of result.
(get-test name)
;; Return the input for named test.
;; Remove all test definitions.
(test &key from to item timed)
;; Evaluate a sequence of tests.
;; A test calls uni-string on input and compares the result with the test’s
;; result.
;; If timed is non-nil, time all tests.
;; from and to identify first and last tests in order in which they have
;; been defined.
;; item: identify tests explicitly - either one name or a list of names.
(def-test :from ’t1 :to ’t212)
(def-test :item ’(t6 t9 t45) :timed t)
(def-test :item ’t6)
When running the tests, the following output is produced:
FUG5 12> (test :item ’(t1 t14 t212))
T1 --> "This car is expensive."
[Used 117 backtracking points - 26 wrong branches - 15 undos]
[Used 119 backtracking points - 26 wrong branches - 15 undos]
T14 --> "For her to do it."
[Used 152 backtracking points - 36 wrong branches - 13 undos]
[Used 158 backtracking points - 36 wrong branches - 13 undos]
T212 --> "What."
[Used 39 backtracking points - 12 wrong branches - 4 undos]
[Used 40 backtracking points - 12 wrong branches - 4 undos]
3 tests run - 3 correct.
If a test does not succeed, the following output is produced:
FUG5 14> (test :item ’t1bis)
T1BIS --> "This car is not expensive."
[Used 117 backtracking points - 26 wrong branches - 15 undos]
[Used 119 backtracking points - 26 wrong branches - 15 undos]
Expected "This car is not expensive."
Instead "This car is expensive."
1 test run - 0 correct.
The following tests are incorrect: (T1BIS)
8. Using Lists in FDs
Lists of objects are not a primitive type in FUF. The reason is that a list of FDs is not a legal FD. Lists are
however very useful in grammatical description, when dealing with subcategorization or conjunction. FUF therefore contains some built-in support for the expression and manipulation of lists. The issue of list manipulation is
further developed in Appendix III, where list processing is used as an example showing the expressive power of
FUF as a programming language.
This chapter explains how and when to use lists in FUF and describes the FUF facilities easing the use of lists.
8.1. Encoding Lists as FDs
A list of FD l = (fd1, fd2 ... fdn) is not a legal FD according to the definition of FDs. The main reason why such
a form is not accepted in the syntax of FUF is that defining what should be the unification of two lists (fd11, fd12 ...
fd1n) and (fd21, fd22, ... fd2p) is not clear (should it be the union of the 2 lists, its intersection using unification as
an equality test, the pairwise unification of the elements one by one, or the product of the unifications, what happens
when one unification of the elements fails...) and it is not clear how to extend the notion of path to allow access
within a list.
Instead of adding lists as a primitive type of FDs, it is possible to encode lists as regular FDs. This is the
approach used and supported in FUF.8
Quite simply, lists are represented as FDs with two features, CAR and CDR (with names ala Lisp).
The list (a b c) is represented by the FD:
((car a)
(cdr ((car b)
(cdr ((car c)
(cdr none))))))
The list (a (b c)) is represented by the FD:
((car a)
(cdr ((car ((car b)
(cdr ((car c)
(cdr none)))))
(cdr none))))
When using this encoding for lists, the path notation can be used to access any element of the list (using a
sequence of car and cdr), and the unification method to use when dealing with lists can be defined declaratively in
the grammar. FUF includes tools to make the reference to list elements and the development of list-related
grammars easier.
Note that it is also possible to define lists as procedural types, with any desired specialized unification procedure. But in that case, lists are
used as black boxes into which path expressions cannot enter.
8.2. When to Use Lists: an Example
Lists should be used whenever you are thinking of using feature names of the form att1, att2 - i.e., whenever
you want to go around the limitation of FDs that only one attribute with a given name exist by adding subscripts to
the attribute names. Natural candidates for the use of lists are conjunction and the semantic encoding of nonsingular objects.
In the following example, lists are used to encode the logical form of a sentence. This encoding encodes in FUF
a KL-ONE type of knowledge representation based on entities and binary relations between these entities.
;; An FD used in Jacques Robin’s Basketball Report Writing System
;; This is a list of entities and a list of relations in which they
;; participate.
Semantic content of the sentence:
Malone scored 28 points and John Stockton added 27 points and 24 assists.
statistics(malone, 28points)
statistics(stockton, 27points)
statistics(stockton, 24assists)
FD notation:
(setf input
’((cat semantic)
;; note the use of the ~ notation to encode a list of FDs.
(ents ~(((concept player) (name malone))
((concept stat) (value 28pts))
((concept player) (name stockton))
((concept stat) (value 27pts))
((concept stat) (value 24asts))))
;; Note the usage of ^n~ to escape to the beginning of the
;; containing list and ~n to go down nth elt of a list.
;; ^2~ means "go up 2 levels and then to the beginning of the list"
(rels ~(((concept stat-rel)
(args ((carrier {^2~ ents ~1})
(stat {^2~ ents ~2}))))
((concept stat-rel)
(args ((carrier {^2~ ents ~3})
(stat {^2~ ents ~4}))))
((concept stat-rel)
(args ((carrier {^2~ ents ~3})
(stat {^2~ ents ~4})))))))))
The notation ~ and ^n~ are detailed below. They are used to ease the writing of lists as FDs and to traverse lists
with path expressions. In this example, note how the lists ents (for entities) and rels (for relations) are encoded as
regular FDs, and how parts of the ents list are used in the rels FD (for example, the first element of the rels list
contains two paths to the first and second element of the ents list). This form of structure sharing between parts of
lists would not be possible using a ‘‘black box primitive’’ list encoding.
8.3. Typical List Traversal in FUF
Once lists are encoded as FDs, grammars need to be defined to traverse the lists and unify them according to the
specific semantic of each list. Lists are traversed by recursive grammars, using the constituent traversal mechanism
implemented by cset. The following example shows how to use the input shown above to build a clause out of the
semantic input, by composing elements of the appropriate type. The grammar contains the categories semantic,
find1 and find2. The easiest way to explain how this function works is by taking a procedural interpretation of
the FUF flow of control. This procedural interpretation is explained in detail in Appendix III. A constituent can be
viewed as a procedure, that receives a certain set of parameters and computes new return values. In this example,
the constituent semantic receives as input the features ents and rels which as shown in the FD input above.
It computes a new feature clause as output, which is a linguistic constituent. To this end, it also uses two local
variables stored in the features ent1 and rel1. All in all, the function of this category is to map a description of a
semantic content into a linguistic clause description.
The grammar also implements two other categories, find1 and find2, which are the ones related to list
processing. These categories can be interpreted as procedures searching a list for one or two matches. The simpler
one is find1. Find1 receives two input parameters in1 and 1st-match which are a list of FDs and an FD.
The category searches the list for the first-match in the list which can be unified with the feature 1st-match.
When it is found, the feature 1st-match and the element in the list are unified (conflated). The category find2
operates the same way but for two features 1st-matchA and 1st-matchB.
;; A grammar to find matching elements in the list of semantic binary
;; relations and compose the matched elements into a linguistic clause
;; structure.
(def-grammar rules ()
(((cat semantic)
(ent1 ((cat find2)
(in2 {^2 ents})
(1st-matchA ((concept player) (name stockton)))
(1st-matchB ((concept stat)))))
(rel1 ((cat find1)
(in1 {^2 rels})
(1st-match ((concept stat-rel)
(args ((carrier {^4 ent1 1st-matchA})
(stat {^4 ent1 1st-matchB})))))))
(cset ((= ent1 rel1)))
(clause ((cat clause)
(process stat)
(args {^2 rel1 1st-match args}))))
;; Find one element in a list in1 that matches 1st-match and unifies
;; it with 1st-match.
;; If no element in list in1, fail
;; If first element matches 1st-match, unify and stop recursion
;; Else recurse on rest of in1.
;; 1st-match is always linked to the top-level 1st-match feature in
;; the embedded structure of recursive calls.
((cat find1)
(fset (in1 1st-match rest cat cset))
(ALT find1 (((1st-match {^ in1 car})
(cset ()))
((rest ((cat find1)
(1st-match {^2 1st-match})
(in1 {^2 in1 cdr})))
(cset ((= rest)))))))
;; Find 2 elements in a list in2 that match 1st-matchA and 1st-matchB
;; and unify them.
((cat find2)
(fset (in2 1st-matchA 1st-matchB restA restB cat cset))
(cset ((= restA restB)))
(restA ((cat find1)
(1st-match {^2 1st-matchA})
(in1 {^2 in2})))
(restB ((cat find1)
(1st-match {^2 1st-matchB})
(in1 {^2 in2}))))))))
To test:
(setq output (uni-fd (input) (rules)))
(top-gdp output {clause args carrier})
(top-gdp output {clause args stat})
The list traversal is implemented in the category find1. The grammar for find1 contains a typical list
recursion, similar to the following Lisp function:
(defun find1 (in1 match1)
(if (equal match1 (car in1))
(find1 (cdr in1) match1)))
Naturally, since the grammar is written in FUF it performs differently, but the structure is similar. The if test
is implemented as an alt, and the recursive call is implemented by a cset expansion to the sub-constituent rest.
This structure is typical of the FUF list traversal categories and can be found in a similar form in the SURGE
segment dealing with conjunctions.
8.4. Path Notations for Lists: ~ ^~ and ~n
To make the use of lists more convenient, three special notations have been defined in FUF: ~, ^~ and ~n. The
macro-character ~ is used to define lists of FDs as an FD with features car and cdr. It performs the following
~(fd1 fd2 ... fdn)
<==> ((car fd1)
(cdr ((car fd2)
(cdr ...
((car fdn)
(cdr none))))))
The two other notations are used within path expressions (within curly braces). ~n is used to access the nth
element within a list. It is expanded to the appropriate sequence of cdrs and car. The notation ^~ is used to go back
up to the beginning of a list from within an element of a list. This is expanded at unification-time since it depends
on the level of embedding of the element. Therefore ^~ actually increases the expressive power of path expressions.
If ^~ is used within a feature which is not a list element (which means that it does not occur under car), then it is
equivalent to the simple ^ (which means that it does go up one level anyway). The shorthand notation ^n~ is used
for ^n ^~ that is, go up first n levels and then to the beginning of the embedding list. These notations are shown for
example in the input example above.
9. Types in Unification
FUF implements three notions of types:
• Typed features
• Procedural types with user-defined unification methods
• Constituent types with the FSET special feature
The idea of using types in unification is relatively recent. So we first motivate the use of types in FUGs. The
following sections describe each one of the three methods of typing available.
9.1. Why Types?
9.1.1. Typed features A Limitation of FUGs: No Structure over the Set of Values
To formally define a grammar, we define L as a set of labels or attribute names and C as a set of constants, or
simple atomic values. A string of labels (that is an element of L*) is a path, and is noted {l1...ln}. A grammar defines
a domain of admissible paths, ∆ ⊂ L*. ∆ defines the skeleton of well-formed FDs.
In functional unification, the set of constants C has no structure. It is a flat collection of symbols with no
relations between each other. All constraints among symbols must be expressed in the grammar. In linguistics,
however, grammars assume a rich structure between properties: some groups of features are mutually exclusive;
some features are only defined in the context of other features.
| Pronoun --|
Noun |
| Proper
| Common ---|
Let’s consider a fragment of grammar describing noun-phrases (NPs) using the systemic notation given in [31].
Systemic networks, such as this one, encode the choices that need to be made to produce a complex linguistic entity.
They indicate how features can be combined or whether features are inconsistent with other combinations. The
configuration illustrated by this fragment is typical, and occurs very often in grammars. The schema indicates that a
noun can be either a pronoun, a proper noun or a common noun. Note that these three features are mutually
exclusive. Note also that the choice between the features {question, personal, demonstrative,
quantified} is relevant only when the feature pronoun is selected. This system therefore forbids combinations
of the type {pronoun, proper} and {common, personal}.
The traditional technique for expressing these constraints in a FUG is to define a label for each non terminal
symbol in the system. The resulting grammar is as follows:
((cat noun)
(alt (((noun pronoun)
((alt (question personal demonstrative quantified)))))
((noun proper))
((noun common)
(common ((alt (count mass))))))))
This grammar is, however, incorrect, as it allows combinations of the type ((noun proper) (pronoun
question)) or even worse ((noun proper) (pronoun zouzou)). Because unification is similar to
union of features sets, a feature (pronoun question) in the input would simply get added to the output. In
order to enforce the correct constraints, it is therefore necessary to use the meta-FD NONE (which prevents the
addition of unwanted features) as shown below:
((alt (((noun pronoun)
(common NONE)
((alt (question personal demonstrative quantified)))))
((noun proper) (pronoun NONE) (common NONE))
((noun common)
(pronoun NONE)
(common ((alt (count mass))))))))
The input FD describing a personal pronoun is then:
((cat noun)
(noun pronoun)
(pronoun personal))
There are two problems with this corrected FUG implementation. First, both the input FD describing a pronoun
and the grammar are redundant and longer than needed. Second, the branches of the alternations in the grammar are
interdependent: you need to know in the branch for pronouns that common nouns can be sub-categorized and what
the other classes of nouns are. This interdependence prevents any modularity: if a branch is added to an alternation,
all other branches need to be modified. It is also an inefficient mechanism as the number of pairs processed during
unification is O (nd) for a taxonomy of depth d with an average of n branches at each level. Introducing Typed Features
The problem thus is that FUGs do not gracefully implement mutual exclusion and hierarchical relations. The
system of nouns is a typical taxonomic relation. The deeper the taxonomy, the more problems we have expressing it
using traditional FUGs.
We propose extracting hierarchical information from the FUG and expressing it as a constraint over the symbols
used. The solution is to define a subsumption relation over the set of constants C. One way to define this order is to
define types of symbols, as illustrated below:9
This notion of typing is similar to the Ψ-terms defined in [1].
(define-feature-type noun (pronoun proper common))
(define-feature-type pronoun (personal-pronoun question-pronoun
demonstrative-pronoun quantified-pronoun))
(define-feature-type common (count-noun mass-noun))
The grammar becomes:
((cat noun)
(alt (((cat pronoun)
(cat ((alt (question-pronoun personal-pronoun
demonstrative-pronoun quantified-pronoun)))))
((cat proper))
((cat common)
(cat ((alt (count-noun mass-noun))))))))
And the input: ((cat personal-pronoun))
The syntax of the new function define-feature-type will be presented in section 9.2. Once types and a
subsumption relation are defined, the unification algorithm must be modified. The atoms X and Y can be unified if
they are equal OR if one subsumes the other. The result is the most specific of X and Y.
With this new definition of unification, taking advantage of the structure over constants, the grammar and the
input become much smaller and more readable. There is no need to introduce artificial labels. The input FD
describing a pronoun is a simple ((cat personal-pronoun)) instead of the redundant chain down the
hierarchy ((cat noun) (noun pronoun) (pronoun personal)). Because values can now share the
same label CAT, mutual exclusion is enforced without adding any pair [l:NONE].10 Note that it is now possible to
have several pairs [a:vi] in an FD F, but that the phrase ‘‘the a of F’’ is still non-ambiguous: it refers to the most
specific of the vi. Finally, the fact that there is a taxonomy is explicitly stated in the type definition section whereas
it used to be buried in the code of the FUG. This taxonomy is used to document the grammar and to check the
validity of input FDs.
9.1.2. Typed Constituents: The FSET Construct
A natural extension of the notion of typed features is to type constituents: typing a feature restricts its possible
values; typing a constituent restricts the possible features it can have.
Type declarations (in the grammar):
(determiner ((fset (definite distance demonstrative possessive))))
Input FD describing a determiner:
(determiner ((definite yes)
(distance far)
(demonstrative no)
(possessive no)))
The fset feature specifies that only the four features listed can appear under the constituent determiner.
This statement declares what the grammar knows about determiners. Fset expresses a completeness constraint as
defined in LFGs [8]; it says what the grammar needs in order to consider a constituent complete. Without this
construct, FDs can only express partial information. The exact syntax of fset is given in Section 9.3.
In this example, the grammar could be a simple flat alternation ((cat ((alt (noun pronoun personal-pronoun ... common mass-noun
count-noun))))), but this expression would hide the structure of the grammar.
Note that expressing such a constraint (a limit on the arity of a constituent) is impossible in the traditional FU
formalism. It would be the equivalent of putting a NONE in the attribute field of a pair as in NONE:NONE.
Without FSET:
((cat clause)
(alt (((process-type action)
(inherent-roles ((carrier NONE)
(attribute NONE)
(processor NONE)
(phenomenon NONE))))
((process-type attributive)
(inherent-roles ((agent NONE)
(medium NONE)
(benef NONE)
(processor NONE)
(phenomenon NONE))))
((process-type mental)
(inherent-roles ((agent NONE)
(medium NONE)
(benef NONE)
(carrier NONE)
(attribute NONE)))))))
With FSET:
((cat clause)
(alt (((process-type action)
(inherent-roles ((FSET (agent medium benef)))))
((process-type attributive)
(inherent-roles ((FSET (carrier attribute)))))
((process-type mental)
(inherent-roles ((FSET (processor phenomenon))))))))
In general, the set of features that are allowed under a certain constituent depends on the value of another
feature. Figure 9.3 illustrates the problem. The fragment of grammar shown defines what inherent roles are defined
for different types of processes (it follows the classification provided in [6]). We also want to enforce the constraint
that the set of inherent roles is ‘‘closed’’: for an action, the inherent roles are agent, medium and benef and nothing
else. This constraint cannot be expressed by the standard FUG formalism. fset makes it possible.
Note also that the set of possible features under the constituent inherent-roles depends on the value of the
feature process-type. The first part of the Figure above shows how the constraint can be implemented without
fset: we need to exclude all the roles that are not defined for the process-type.11 Note that the problems are very
similar to those encountered on the pronoun system: explosion of none branches, interdependent branches, long
and inefficient grammar.
The fset (feature set) attribute solves this problem: fset specifies the complete set of legal features at a
given level of an FD. fset adds constraints on the definition of the domain of admissible paths ∆ of a grammar.
The syntax is the same as cset. Note that all the features specified in fset do not need to appear in an FD: only a
subset of those can appear. For example, to define the class of middle verbs (e.g., ‘‘to shine’’ which accepts only a
medium as inherent role and no agent), the following statement can be unified with the fragment of grammar shown
in the previous figure:
Note that this is not even correct, since any other attribute (besides the names of roles) could still be accepted by the grammar.
((verb ((lex "shine")))
(process-type action)
(voice-class middle)
(inherent-roles ((FSET (medium)))))
The feature (FSET (medium)) can be unified with (FSET (agent medium benef)) and the result is
(FSET (medium)).
Typing constituents is necessary to implement the theoretical claim of LFG that the number of syntactic
functions is limited. It also has practical advantages. An important advantage is good documentation of the
grammar. Typing also allows checking the validity of inputs as defined by the type declarations.
9.1.3. Procedural Types
FUF also implements a third notion of type in unification: procedural types correspond to user-defined datastructures that are unified by special-purpose unification methods. The unification method describes how elements
of the type fit in a partial order structure. Typed features are explicitly described (extensionally) partial orders.
With procedural types, the partial order is intensionally described by a Lisp procedure.
Procedural types therefore allow the grammar to integrate complex objects that could hardly be described by
standard FDs alone. Examples of procedural types are pattern (with the pattern unification method enforcing
ordering constraints), cset (with the cset unification method checking for set equality) and tpattern defined in
gr7.l in the example directory which implements the semantics of tense selection.
There are limitations to the use of procedural types:
1. Procedurally typed objects are always considered as leaves in an FD: that is, no matter how complex is
the object, the unifier does not know how to traverse it from the outside. It is viewed as a black box.
There is no notion of ‘‘path’’ within the object.
2. Typed objects can only be unified with objects declared of the same type.
3. It is the responsibility of the user to make sure that the unification method actually implements a real
The following is a trivial (read: useless) example of how procedural types can be used. The syntax of
define-procedural-type is described in Section 9.4.
;; Unification of 2 numbers is the max: order is the total order of
;; arithmetic (which is also a partial order!)
(defun unify-numbers (n1 n2 &optional path)
(max n1 n2))
(define-procedural-type ’num ’unify-numbers :syntax ’numberp)
> (u ’((num 1)) ’((num 2)))
((num 2))
> (u ’((num 1)) ’((num 0)))
((num 1))
;; Unification of 2 lists is the list with the more elements.
;; That defines a (probably not very useful) total order on lists.
(defun unify-lists (l1 l2 &optional path)
(if (> (length l1) (length l2))
(define-procedural-type ’list ’unify-lists :syntax ’sequencep)
> (u ’((list (1 2 3))) ’((list (1 2 3 4))))
((list (1 2 3 4)))
> (u ’((list (1 2))) ’((list (a b c d))))
((list (a b c d)))
9.2. Typed Features: define-feature-type
9.2.1. Type Definition
Typed features are hierarchies of symbols which are interpreted by the unifier. They are defined by using the
function define-feature-type.
(DEFINE-FEATURE-TYPE <name> <children>)
-> Asserts that <children> are the immediate specializations of <name> in a
type hierarchy.
(define-feature-type mood (finite non-finite))
;; finite and non-finite are specializations of the mood symbol.
(define-feature-type epistemic-modality (fact inference possible))
;; The symbols fact, inference and possible are specializations of the
;; epistemic-modality symbol
The function subsume tests if a symbol (or an object in general) is a specialization of another symbol.
(SUBSUME <symbol> <specialization>)
-> T is <specialization> is a specialization of <symbol>
NIL otherwise.
(subsume ’mood ’finite)
-> T
(subsume ’epistemic-modality "must")
-> T
(subsume ’finite ’mood)
-> NIL
The function reset-typed-features resets the working space and deletes all feature type definitions
from memory. It is recommended to call it before loading a new grammar to avoid any side effect from previously
defined types.
> (reset-typed-features)
9.2.2. The under Family of Constructs
When a type hierarchy is defined, it is possible to check if an input value is more or less ‘‘instantiated’’ within
the hierarchy. Using the under and sunder constructs, one can check if a value is more (resp strictly more)
specific than a symbol within a hierarchy. The syntax is the following:
((a #(under <v>)))
of v or v itself.
will unify with ((a w)) only if w is a specialization
((a #(sunder <v>))) will unify with ((a w)) only if w is a specialization
of v but not v itself.
The following notations are equivalent:
((a #(under v))) ((a #(<= v))) ((a #(=< v)))
((a #(sunder v))) ((a #(< v)))
> (define-feature-type a (aa ab ac))
> (define-feature-type aa (aaa aab))
> (u ’((x #(under aa))) ’((x a)))
;; a is not a specialization of aa
> (u ’((x #(under aa))) ’((x nil)))
;; nil is the least specific of all
;; it is not a specialization of aa
> (u ’((x #(<= aa))) ’((x aab)))
((x aab))
;; Ok, aab is a specialization of aa
> (u ’((x #(under z))) ’((x z)))
((x z))
;; Even if z is not in a hierarchy
;; can check for its presence
> (u ’((x #(< z))) ’((x z)))
;; z is not strictly under z.
NOTE: when under is used with a symbol z which is not part of a type hierarchy, #(under z) unifies with
z only. In particular, it will NOT unify with NIL. So the expression ((a #(under z))) is equivalent to the
expression ((a given) (a z)). In fact, under is the typed extension of the notion of given. Note that ((a
#(under z))) is the equivalent of LFG’s notation a =c z.
9.2.3. Drawing Type Hierarchies
A pictorial representation of the type hierarchy often helps tremendously to document a grammar. The functions draw-types and types-postscript create such pictures given the FUF type declarations.
DRAW-TYPES (&optional root)
Produces a character mode picture of the type hierarchy defined in
TYPES-POSTSCRIPT (root filename &key (shrink t))
Produces a postscript file depicting the type hierarchy defined in
FUF. Use root = nil to draw all the types currently defined.
Root can also be a list of type names, or a single type name.
Example of output:
> (draw-types ’relation)
9.3. Typed Constituents: the FSET Construct
The fset special attribute expresses a completeness constraint in an FD.
;; Value of FSET is a list of symbols.
((a ((fset (x y z))
(x 1))))
FSET specifies that all symbols which are NOT listed is its value have a value of NONE, that is, they are not
defined at this level of the fd.
;; b is not in the fset of a
> (u ’((a ((fset (x y z))))) ’((a ((b 1)))))
Two FSET descriptions can be unified. The result is an FSET whose value is the intersection of the two values.
> (u ’((fset (x y z))) ’((fset (v w x z))))
((fset (x z)))
;; ((fset nil)) is equivalent to NONE (no feature accepted)
> (u ’((a ((fset (x y))))) ’((a ((fset (a b))))))
((a none))
9.4. Procedural Types
Procedural types are defined by a name and a special unification method, optionally a syntax checker function
can be declared. The unification method actually defines a partial order over the elements of the type.
(DEFINE-PROCEDURAL-TYPE <name> <function> :syntax <checker> :copier <copier>)
Declares <name> to be a special attribute, whose value can only be
interpreted by <function>.
The special types are considered "atomic" types (unifier cannot access to
components from outside).
The unification procedure must be deterministic (no backtracking
allowed) and must be a real "unification" procedure: that is, the type must
be a lattice (or partial order).
<FUNCTION> must be a function of 3 args: the vals to unify and the path
where the result is to be located in the total fd.
It must return :fail if unification fails, otherwise, it must return a
valid object of type <type>.
NOTE: <FUNCTION> must be such that NIL is always acceptable as an
argument and is always neutral, ie, (<FUNCTION> x nil) = x.
NOTE: <FUNCTION> must be such that (<FUNCTION> x x) = x
<CHECKER> must be a function of 1 arg:
It must return either True if the object is a syntactically correct
element of <TYPE>, otherwise, it must return 2 values:
NIL and a string describing the correct syntax of <TYPE>.
<COPIER> must be a function of 1 arg:
it must copy an object of <TYPE> that has no cons in common with its
argument. By default, COPY-TREE is used.
NOTE: (<COPIER> x) = (<FUNCTION> x nil)
The following example shows one use of procedural types:
;; Unification of 2 numbers is the max: order is the total order of
;; arithmetic (which is also a partial order!)
(defun unify-numbers (n1 n2 &optional path)
(max n1 n2))
(define-procedural-type ’num ’unify-numbers :syntax ’numberp)
> (u ’((num 1)) ’((num 2)))
((num 2))
> (u ’((num 1)) ’((num 0)))
((num 1))
;; Only values of the attribute num can be unified together...
;; a and num are not compatible!
> (u ’((num {a})) nil)
10. EXTERNAL and Unification Macros
The External specification allows the grammar writer to produce the constraints of a grammar in a ‘‘lazy’’
way, specifying pieces of the grammar only when needed. External also provides a way of developing ‘‘macros’’ in a grammar.
The mechanism is the following: (u x <external>) stops the unification, call the external function
specified in the external construct, and uses the value returned to continue as in (u x <value>). External
functions expect one argument: the path where the value they return will be used.
The syntax is the following:
((a #(EXTERNAL <function>)))
In the short form (external only), the external function used is the value of the variable
*default-external-value*. Otherwise, the name of the function is explicitly specified.
There are two reasons to use an external construct:
1. The same portion of the grammar is repeated over and over in different places. Extract this repeating
portion, give it a name as a portion, and use the function as a ‘‘macro’’ in the grammar. An example
of this sort can be found in file gr6.l in the example directory. The macro is called role-exists.
2. There are constraints that are better expressed at run-time, when some other parameters, external to the
unification process, have been calculated. The external construct actually allows a coroutine-like
interaction between two processes. This can be used for example to implement a cooperation similar
to the one described in the TELEGRAM system [2] between a planner and the unifier. A similar
mechanism can be used in the following setting: a unification-based lexical chooser must interact with
a knowledge base to decide what lexical items to use. The input given to the lexical chooser only
contains pointers to concepts in the knowledge base. When the lexical chooser must make a decision,
it needs more information from the knowledge base. The external construct allows the lexical
chooser to pull information from the knowledge base only when it needs it. Therefore, the input does
not need to contain all the information that might be needed but only the entry-points to the knowledge
base necessary to identify the additional information that may turn out to be relevant under certain
11. Morphology and Linearization
The morphology module (partially written by Jay Meyers USC/ISI) makes many assumptions on the form of
the incoming functional description. If you want to use it, you must be aware of the following conventions.
11.1. Lexical Categories are not Unified
The categories that are handled by the morphology module can be declared to be ‘‘lexical categories’’. If a
category is a lexical category, it is not unified by the unifier, and it is passed unchanged to the morphology module.
The assumption here is that the morphology module will do all the reasoning necessary for these categories.
To declare that a category is lexical, you must call the function register-category-not-unified. To
find out the list of non-unified categories, call the function categories-not-unified.
CATEGORIES-NOT-UNIFIED (&optional (cat-attribute *cat-attribute*))
REGISTER-CATEGORY-NOT-UNIFIED (cat &optional (cat-attribute *cat-attribute*))
Note that this information depends on the cat-attribute, which by default is cat (cf. page 27).
11.2. CATegories Accepted by the Morphology Module
The following categories only are known by the morphology module. If a category of another type is sent to the
morphology, no agreement can be performed. The output in that case is:
<Unknown cat CC: LEX>
MORPH accepts the following values as the value of the attribute CAT:
words are sent unmodified.
agreement in number is done.
irregular plural must be put in the list *IRREG-PLURALS*
in file LEXICON.L
agreement done on pronoun-type, case, gender, number,
distance, person.
irregular pronouns are defined in file LEXICON.L
agreement is done on number, person, tense and ending.
irregular verbs must be put in the list *IRREG-VERBS*
in file LEXICON.L
agreement is done on number, definite and first letter of
following word for "a"/"an" or feature a-an of following word.
string is determined using value and digit to determine whether
to use digits or letters.
The function morphology-help will give you this information on-line if you need it.
11.3. Accepted Features for VERB, NOUN, PRONOUN, DET, ORDINAL,
BEFORE: {";", ",", ":", "(", ")", ...}
AFTER : {";", ",", ":", "(", ")", ...}
VALUE: a number (integer or float, positive or negative)
The feature A-AN is used to indicate exceptions to the rule: normally, a noun starting with a consonant is
preceded by the indefinite article ‘‘a’’ and if the noun starts with a vowel, it is preceded by ‘‘an.’’ Some nouns start
with a consonant but must still be preceded by ‘‘an’’ (for example, ‘‘honor’’ or acronyms ‘‘an RST’’). In that case,
the feature (a-an an) must be added to the corresponding noun.
11.4. Possible Values for Features NUMBER, PERSON, TENSE, ENDING,
Default is SINGULAR.
Default is none.
Default is THIRD.
Default is PRESENT.
BEFORE: {";", ",", ":", "(", ")", ...} (any punctuation sign)
Default is none.
AFTER : {";", ",", ":", "(", ")", ...}
Default is none.
Default is SUBJECTIVE.
Default is MASCULINE.
Default is THIRD.
Default is NEAR.
Default is none.
Default is CONSONANT.
Default is YES.
a number.
11.5. The Dictionary
The package includes a dictionary to handle the irregularities of the morphology only: verbs with irregular past
forms and nouns with irregular plural only need to be added to the dictionary.
There is no semantic information within this dictionary. In fact, a more sophisticated form of lexicon should
have the form of an FD. This dictionary is a part of the morphological module only.
The way to add information to the lexicon is to edit the values of the special variables *irreg-plurals* and
*irreg-verbs*. These variables are defined in the file LEXICON.L. After the modification, you need to execute the
function (initialize-lexicon). The best way to do that is to edit a copy of the file LEXICON.L and to load it back.
After loading it, the new lexicon will be ready to use.
The variable *irreg-plurals* is a list of pairs of the form (key plural). The default list starts like this:
’(("calf" "calves")
("child" "children")
("clothes" "clothes")
("data" "data")
The variable *irreg-verbs* is a list of 5-tuples of the form: (root present-third-person-singular past presentparticiple past-participle)
The default value starts as follows:
’(("become" "becomes" "became" "becoming" "become")
("buy" "buys" "bought" "buying" "bought")
("come" "comes" "came" "coming" "come")
("do" "does" "did" "doing" "done")
11.6. Linearization and Punctuation
The linearizer interprets the pattern ordering constraints and assembles the words of the sentence into a
linear string. In addition, the linearizer deals with punctuation and capitalization. The general algorithm followed
by the linearizer is:
1. If a feature gap is found, the linearization of the FD is the empty string.
2. Else: Identify the pattern feature in the current FD. If a pattern is found:
a. For each constituent of the pattern, recursively linearize the constituent.
b. The linearization of the fd is the concatenation of the linearizations of the constituents in the
order prescribed by the pattern feature. (Note that during linearization, dots and pounds are
ignored in the pattern.)
3. If no feature pattern and a feature lex is found:
a. Find the lex feature of the fd, and depending on the category of the constituent, the morphological features needed. For example, if fd is of (cat verb), the features needed are:
person, number, tense.
b. Send the lexical item and the appropriate morphological features to the morphology module .
c. Identify the feature punctuation. Punctuation can contain three sub-features: before, after and
capitalize. According to the value of these features, append or prepend punctuation to the
string computed by the morphology module, and capitalize the string if requested. The
linearization of the fd is the resulting string.
d. If the current cat is not known by the morphology system, the linearization of the constituent is
a string of the form <unknown cat X: S>.
4. If no feature pattern and no feature lex is found, the linearization of the current fd is the empty string.
The linearizer also deals with inserting sequences of punctuation signs, insertion of spaces between words and
the ‘‘liaison’’ article ‘‘an’’ as in ‘‘an interesting case’’ or ‘‘an RPS’’. The following rules are implemented:
1. A space is inserted between each pair of words except when:
a. Do not put space after an opening bracket "([‘’
b. Do not put space before a closing bracket ")]’‘
c. Do not put space before punctuations.
2. When the indefinite singular article (‘‘a’’) is followed either by a word that starts with a vowel or by a
word whose FD contains the feature (a-an yes), the form ‘‘an’’ is used instead of ‘‘a’’. For example, if
a word is produced from the FD ((lex "RPS") (a-an yes)), the string ‘‘an RPS’’ will be produced.
3. The first word of the string produced by the linearizer is capitalized.
4. If an FD contains the feature (punctuation ((capitalize yes))), the string produced by the linearizer is
capitalized. If the value of capitalize is no, the string is not capitalize, even if it starts the sentence.
5. If an FD contains the feature (punctuation ((before ",") (after ","))), the string produced by the
linearizer starts and ends with a comma. Any string can be specified in this feature.
6. Leading punctuations are removed from the final string. (There are 6 punctuation signs ,.;:!?)
7. A final period (.) is added to sentence if it does not already end with a punctuation. If the mood of the
sentence is a specialization of interrogative, then a final question mark (?) is added.
8. Sequences of punctuations are filtered according to the following rules:
a. ,, -> ,
d. :,
b. .,
e. !,
c. ;,
f. ?,
12. Control in FUF
Pure functional unification can be too slow for practical tasks. FUF offers several control tools that allow the
grammar writer to make a grammar more efficient. This section summarizes how control is specified in FUF.
The approach has been to add annotations to the grammars that can be used by the unifier to improve performance. In a sense, this annotation approach is similar to the ‘‘optional type declarations’’ in Common Lisp. An
important constraint that has been maintained is that the annotations do not change the semantics of the grammar,
but uniquely the order in which the unifier processes it.
All the control annotations are applied to disjunctions. From the measurements made on FUF working on large
grammars, it was found that optimization of conjunctions was not necessary, as the average length of conjunctions
over the course of a unification is quite small (on the order of 10) and time spent processing them is quite small. In
contrast, the overhead associated with dealing with disjunctions is quite high.
The control techniques for disjunctions implemented in FUF are the following:
• indexing
• dependency-directed backtracking
• lazy-evaluation / freeze
• conditional evaluation
In addition to these control mechanisms, a series of ‘‘impure’’ mechanisms ease the integration of unificationbased processing in a larger practical system:
• type hierarchies and procedural typing
• external functions
• ‘‘given’’ checking
When all annotations are considered, the syntax of an alt or ralt constructs is:
(alt {
traceflag | (trace on traceflag) | (:trace flag) }
(index on path) | (:index path)}
(demo str) | (:demo str)}
(bk-class class) | (:bk-class class) }
(:order {:random | :sequential}) }
(:wait <list>) }
(:ignore-unless <list>) }
<list>) }
fd1 ... fdn ))
The annotations (trace, index, bk-class, order, wait and ignore)
can appear in any order.
This chapter explains and gives examples on how these control features of FUF operate. To better understand
why control annotations can make unification faster it is necessary to understand what makes unification slow. So
we start by a discussion of how to measure the complexity of a grammar.
12.1. Complexity
The complexity of a grammar can be described by the number of possible paths through it, each path corresponding to the choice of one branch for each alternation.
To understand this measure of complexity, it is useful to define the notion of disjunctive normal form . In
general, a grammar is made up of embedded disjunctions, that is, of alts within alts. Embedded disjunctions can
always be rewritten into top-level disjunctions. This transformation works as indicated below:
Embedded form
Normal form
((size ((alt (1 2 3)))))
((alt (((size 1))
((size 2))
((size 3)))))
((alt (((cat ((alt (np clause))))
(rank group))
((cat word)
(rank word)))))
((alt (((cat np)
(rank group))
((cat clause)
(rank group))
((cat word)
(rank word)))))
((size ((alt (1 2))))
(weight ((alt (1 2)))))
((alt (((size 1)
(weight 1))
((size 2)
(weight 1))
((size 1)
(weight 2))
((size 2)
(weight 2))))
The number of branches in the top level alt of an FD in normal form is exponential in the depth of the
embedding of alts in the original FD. In practice, for large grammars, the normal form can contain up to 1029
In certain implementations, disjunctions are expanded and kept in extensive form instead of being ‘‘resolved’’
as in FUF, by choosing one branch out of the set of branches. In such an approach, the unification of an FD with a
disjunction yields a new disjunction:
unify(FD, ((alt (d1...dn)))) = ((alt (unify FD d1)...(unify FD dn)))
If one of the branches di is not compatible with FD, the branch is canceled, by virtue of the equivalences:
((alt (d1 fail))) = d1
((alt ())) = fail
where fail is the symbolic representation of an incompatible FD. The problem with such an approach is that in
practice many disjuncts stay ‘‘alive’’ during the unification process, and the result tends to take on sizes close to the
normal form expansion of the grammar, which is clearly unmanageable. The FUF implementation does not follow
this approach, although one form of the wait construct presented in Section 12 allows the grammar writer to
selectively keep certain disjunctions unresolved when desired.
The measure of the complexity of a grammar is thus the number of branches the grammar would have in
disjunctive normal form. Indexing the grammar actually divides this measure of complexity by a great number.
In FUF, the functions complexity and avg-complexity compute different measures of the complexity of
a grammar.
(COMPLEXITY &optional grammar with-index)
--> number of branches of grammar in disjunctive normal form.
- By default, grammar is *u-grammar*
- By default, with-index is T. When it is T, all indexed alts are
considered as one single branch, when it is nil, they are
considered as regular alts.
(AVG-COMPLEXITY &optional grammar with-index rough-avg)
--> "average" number of branches tried when input contains no
- By default, grammar is *u-grammar*
- By default, with-index is T. When it is T, all indexed alts
considered as one single branch, when it is nil, they are
considered as regular alts.
- By default, rough-avg is nil. When it is nil, the average of
alt is the sum of the complexity of the half first branches.
it is T, the average is half of the sum of the complexity of
Note that these functions do not currently measure the ambiguity of the patterns included in the grammar.
12.2. Indexing
The main problem for FUF is to handle non-deterministic constructs in the grammar. The non-deterministic
constructs are currently: alt, ralt, opt and pattern. Unification of these constructs with an input can produce
several results. Whenever the unifier encounters such a construct, it does not know which of the possible results to
choose. For example, when unifying an alt there is no way to choose a branch out of the many available in the
alt. The way the program works is to try each of the possibilities one after the other. When the unification later on
fails, the program backtracks and tries the next possibility.
This method is actually a blind search through the space of all the descriptions compatible with the grammar.
Indexing is a technique used to guide the search in a more efficient way when more knowledge is available. Other
heuristics to control search are discussed in Section 12 and include goal freezing (with the wait control) and
dependency-directed backtracking (with the bk-class construct).
FUF allows indexing of alt and ralt constructs.12 Indexing tells the unifier how to choose one branch out of
the alternation based on the value of the index only, and without considering the other branches ever. The following
example illustrates the technique.
A opt construct is actually an alt with 2 branches, one being the trivial nil. It would not make sense to index it. A pattern construct is
ambiguous because patterns like (...a...b...) and (...c...d...) can be combined in many ways. Actually, it is always more efficient to put patterns at
the end of the grammar, because much of the ambiguity generated by these patterns would not change the unification anyway, except when the (*
constituent) device is used. In any case, the equivalent of ‘indexing’ a pattern, that is reducing the ambiguity, is to use as few dots as possible in
the patterns.
Example taken from gr4
((alt (:trace process) (:index process-type)
(((process-type actions)
((process-type mental)
((process-type attributive)
((process-type equative)
In the example, the (:index process-type) declaration indicates that all the branches of the alternation
can be distinguished by the value of the process-type feature alone. If the input contains a bound feature
process-type, it is possible to directly choose the corresponding branch of the alternation. If however the input
does not correspond such a feature, it has to go through the alt in the regular way, with no jumping around.
This is what happens in the tracing messages for each case:
If input is:
((cat clause) (process-type attributive) ...)
Trace message is:
-->Entering alt PROCESS -- Jump indexed to branch 3 ATTRIBUTIVE
If input does not contain a feature process-type:
((cat clause) (prot John) ...)
Trace message is:
-->No value given in input for index PROCESS-TYPE - No jump
-->Entering alt PROCESS -- Branch #1
A grammar is always indexed at the top-level by the cat feature (or the currently set cat attribute ). It makes
more sense to index on the features that will be bound in the input or at the moment the alt or ralt will get tried,
but it never hurts to index an alt, so it is recommended to index whatever is indexable.
The indexed feature can be at the top level of all the branches, as in the first example for process-type, but
it can also be at lower levels, like in the following example:
Example taken from gr4:
((alt verb-trans (:index (verb transitivity-class))
(((verb ((transitivity-class intransitive)))
((verb ((transitivity-class transitive)))
((verb ((transitivity-class bitransitive)))
((verb ((transitivity-class neuter)))
If the index identifies more than one branches in the disjunction, then the index will serve to prune the
disjunction from all the banches that do not match the index, and the search will continue with the remaining
branches as usual. For example:
((alt (:index cat)
(((cat clause)
(mood declarative)
((cat clause)
(mood non-finite)
((cat np)
When this disjunction is unified with the input (cat clause), two branches are retained by the index
matcher (branches 1 and 2). Branch 3 does not match the index and is therefore eliminated. The unifier will then
proceed with the alt as if it only contained branches 1 and 2.
Note that if a branch does not contain a bound value for the index, it is as if it contains the value NIL, and it will
therefore always retained in the alt after the index matching.
WARNING: index does not work if several branches are grouped together with an alt embedded under the key
attribute. For example, the following input will fail with the following grammar:
((cat clause) (mood finite))
((alt (:index cat)
(((cat ((alt (clause np vp))))
(cset ((== head))))
((cat ((alt (n v adj))))
(cset (=))))))
The unification fails because clause does not match the expression ((alt (clause np vp))) in the
index search. The reason for this limitation is that index is a speed optimization feature, and making it support
alt in some rare cases would make all uses of index slower. It has therefore been decided to make index more
restricted and more efficient.
12.3. Dependency-directed Backtracking and BK-CLASS
BK-class implements a version of dependency-directed backtracking [3] specialized to the case of FUF. The
bk-class construct relies on the fact that in FUF, a failure always occurs because there is a conflict between two
values for a certain attribute at a certain location in the total FD. In the example illustrating this section, backtracking is necessary because an equation requires that the value of the feature {manner manner-conveyed}
be instantiated, but the actual feature is not. The path {manner manner-conveyed} defines the address of the
The idea is that the location of a failure can be used to identify the only decision points in the backtracking
stack that could have caused it. This identification requires additional knowledge that must be declared in the FUG.
More precisely, the FUG writer is first allowed to declare certain paths to be of a certain bk-class. Then, in the
In an FD, each embedded feature can be viewed as an equation between the path leading to the feature in the total FD and the feature value.
every choice points that correspond to this bk-class must be explicitly declared.
For example, the following statements are used in grammar gr7:
’manner-conveyed ’manner)
’manner ’manner)
’lexical-verb ’(ao manner))
’ao-conveyed ’ao)
’ao ’ao)
The first one specifies that any path ending with the symbol manner-conveyed is of class manner. In addition,
we tag in the FUG all alts that have an influence on the handling of the manner constraint with a declaration
(bk-class manner) as in:
;; In GR7 -- CLAUSE branch -- ADJUNCTS region
(alt manner (:demo "Is there a manner role?")
(:bk-class manner)
(((manner none))
;; can it be realized by other means - delay with ANY
((manner ((manner-conveyed any))))
;; if cannot be realized any other way, resort to an adverb
((manner-comp ((cat adv)
(concept {^ ^ manner concept})
(lex {^ ^ manner lex})))
(manner ((manner-conveyed yes)))
(pattern (dots manner-comp verb dots)))
;; or to a pp
((manner-comp ((cat pp)
(lex {^ ^ manner lex})
(concept {^ ^ manner concept})
(opt ((prep ((lex "with")))))))
(manner ((manner-conveyed yes)))
(pattern (dots verb dots manner-comp dots)))))
This fragment extracted from grammar GR7 illustrates a possible use of the bk-class construct. The
example is detailed in a paper accompanying the manual (available in file .../doc/bk-class). The fragment above
implements the following decisions: if there is no manner role specified in the input, then nothing needs to be
done. If there is a manner role, then the grammar must decide how to realize it. One option is to realize it as either
an adverbial adjunct or as a PP adjunct. Another option, shown in the next figure, is to realize the manner role by
selecting a verb which would carry the manner meaning. The three possibilities are illustrated by the three
sentences, where the constituent realizing the manner role is in italics:
1. The Denver Nuggets narrowly beat the Boston Celtics 101-99.
2. The Denver Nuggets beat the Boston Celtics by a slight margin 101-99.
3. The Denver Nuggets edged the Boston Celtics 101-99.
The fragment of the grammar implementing the choice of the verb is shown in the next figure:
;; Lexicon for verbs: mapping concept - lex + connotations
((cat lex-verb)
(alt verbal-lexicon (:demo "What lexical entry can be used for the verb?")
(:index concept)
(:bk-class (voice-class transitivity))
;; Need to express the result of a game
((concept game-result)
(transitive-class transitive)
(voice-class non-middle)
(process-class action)
(alt (:bk-class (ao manner))
;; The verbs edge or nip express the manner
(({manner} ((concept narrow)
(manner-conveyed yes)))
(lex ((ralt ("edge" "nip")))))
;; The verbs stun or surprise express an evaluation of agent
(({AO} ((concept rating)
(carrier {agent})
(orientation -)
(ao-conveyed yes)))
(lex ((ralt ("stun" "surprise")))))
;; Neutral verbs
((lex ((ralt ("beat" "defeat" "down"))))))))
;; More verbs for other concepts
((concept move)
(lex ((ralt ("walk" "run"))))))))
Examples of input that exercise these parts of the grammar are provided in file ir7. A simple example is shown
in the next figure:
(defun t1 ()
(format t "t1 --> The Denver Nuggets edged the Celtics.~%")
(setf t1 ’((cat clause)
(process-type action)
(process ((concept game-result)))
(agent ((cat proper)
(lex "The Denver Nugget")
(number plural)))
(medium ((cat proper)
(lex "the Celtic")
(number plural)))
(tense past)
(manner ((concept narrow))))))
The overall flow of control through this grammar concerning the realization of the manner role is as follows:
The unifier first processes the input at the clause level. When it reaches the region dealing with adjuncts, it checks
the manner role. There is a manner role in input t1, so the grammar has a choice between the three modes of
realization listed above - verb, adverb or PP. The grammar first tries to ‘‘leave a chance to the verb’’ - more
precisely, it leaves a chance to some other unspecified constituent in the grammar to account for the manner role.
If the verb happens to convey the manner, then nothing else needs to be done. This case is illustrated by the
following trace of unification of example t1 in file ir7.
Trace of example t1
;; Set up the traces
> (load "$fug5/examples/gr7")
> (load "$fug5/examples/ir7")
> (trace-disable-all)
> (trace-enable-match "manner")
> (trace-enable-match "game-result-lex")
> (trace-bk-class t)
;; Run example
> (uni (t1))
t1 --> The Denver Nuggets edged the Celtics.
-->Entering alt MANNER -- Branch #1
-->Fail in trying ((CONCEPT NARROW) (LEX "narrowly")) with NONE
at level {MANNER}
>Special path {MANNER} caught by class (MANNER) after 1 frame
-->Entering alt MANNER -- Branch #2
-->Success with branch 2 in alt MANNER
>Special path {VERB TRANSITIVE-CLASS} caught by class (TRANSITIVITY)
after 1 frame
;; choose a verb that expresses the manner
-->Entering alt GAME-RESULT-LEX -- Branch #1
-->Fail in trying NONE with RATING at level {AO CONCEPT}
-->Entering alt GAME-RESULT-LEX -- Branch #2
-->Updating (LEX NIL) with "nip" at level {VERB LEX}
-->Success with branch 2 in alt GAME-RESULT-LEX
[Used 59 backtracking points - 12 wrong branches - 0 undos]
The Denver Nuggets nipped the Celtics.
But if for any reason (like the interaction between manner and argumentation detailed in the bk-class paper and
illustrated in examples found in file ir7 or because the input already specifies the verb) the grammar fails to account
for the manner role in other constituents, the ANY constraint put under the manner-conveyed feature will fail at
determination time. At this time, we know we failed because of the manner-conveyed feature, so if we backtrack, we want to backtrack to the latest choice that involved the manner role realization. With the bk-class
annotations, the unifier will backtrack directly to the last choice point of class manner, ignoring all intermediate
decisions. This case is illustrated by the trace of the unification of example t2 from file ir7. In t2 the verb is
specified and set to be ‘‘beat’’ which does not convey the manner role. In this case, the unifier needs to backtrack
as illustrated:
> (uni (t2))
t2 --> The Denver Nuggets narrowly beat the Celtics.
;; First leave a chance to the verb
-->Entering alt MANNER -- Branch #1
-->Fail in trying ((CONCEPT NARROW) (LEX "narrowly")) with NONE
at level {MANNER}
-->Entering alt MANNER -- Branch #2
-->Success with branch 2 in alt MANNER
;; Now choose the verb: it must be beat
-->Entering alt GAME-RESULT-LEX -- Branch #1
-->Fail in trying NONE with RATING at level {AO CONCEPT}
-->Entering alt GAME-RESULT-LEX -- Branch #2
-->Fail in trying "beat" with "nip" at level {VERB LEX}
-->Fail in trying "beat" with "edge" at level {VERB LEX}
-->Entering alt GAME-RESULT-LEX -- Branch #3
-->Updating (LEX "beat") with "beat" at level {VERB LEX}
-->Success with branch 3 in alt GAME-RESULT-LEX
;; Problem now: manner is not conveyed! Backtrack...
[Used 64 backtracking points - 17 wrong branches - 1 undo]
>Fail in Determine: found an ANY at level {MANNER MANNER-CONVEYED}
>CURRENT SENTENCE: The Denver Nuggets beat the Celtics.
;; Backtrack because of manner-conveyed
>Special path {MANNER MANNER-CONVEYED} caught by class (AO MANNER)
after 2 frames
;; Which makes lexical-verb fail:
-->Fail in alt GAME-RESULT-LEX at level {VERB LEXICAL-VERB}
;; Now We skip 23 frames on the stack! We go up DIRECTLY to the choice of manner: express it as an adverb
>Special path {VERB LEXICAL-VERB} caught by class (MANNER) after 23 frames
-->Entering alt MANNER -- Branch #3
-->Updating (CAT NIL) with ADV at level {MANNER-COMP CAT}
-->Enriching input with (CONCEPT {MANNER CONCEPT}) at level {MANNER-COMP}
-->Enriching input with (LEX {MANNER LEX}) at level {MANNER-COMP}
-->Adding constraints : NIL
-->Success with branch 3 in alt MANNER
;; Redo intermediary decisions
;; Choose verb again
-->Entering alt GAME-RESULT-LEX -- Branch #1
-->Entering alt GAME-RESULT-LEX -- Branch #2
-->Entering alt GAME-RESULT-LEX -- Branch #3
-->Updating (LEX "beat") with "beat" at level {VERB LEX}
-->Success with branch 3 in alt GAME-RESULT-LEX
;; This time it works
[Used 106 backtracking points - 58 wrong branches - 137 undos]
The Denver Nuggets narrowly beat the Celtics.
Note that in this second example, if the bk-class feature is disabled (by typing (clear-bk-class)), the unifier does
not find an acceptable solution after 100,000 backtracking points. This indicates that bk-class is not merely an
optimization but is often required to make unification practical.
Figure 12-1 illustrates the effect of using bk-class. The unifier therefore uses the knowledge that only the
verb or the adverb can satisfy the manner constraint in a clause to drastically reduce the search space. But, this
knowledge is locally expressed at each relevant choice point, retaining the possibility of independently expressing
each constraint in the FUG.
Process predicate
Lexicalize WIN
Choose "stun"
Map args to complements
Process Argumentation [done]
Delay Manner [ANY]
Process all
Check ANY:
Figure 12-1: Effect of bk-class
In general, the determination of the address of failure is more complex and it is necessary to distinguish
between initial failures and derived failures. An initial failure always occurs at a leaf of the total FD, when trying to
unify two incompatible atoms. Failures, however, can also propagate up the structure of the total FD. For example,
when unifying ((a ((b 1)))) with ((a ((b 2)))) the original address of failure is the path {a b}. When
the unifier backtracks, it also triggers a failure at address {a}, which is not a leaf. This type of failure is called a
derived failure. In the implementation of bk-class, FUF ignores derived failures and directly backtracks to the
first choice point whose bk-class matches the last initial failure. Determining whether a failure is derived or
initial can be difficult. In FUF, the following technique is used: I distinguish between forward and backward
processing. Forward processing is the normal advance of the search procedure through the disjunctions in the
grammar. Upon failure, backward processing starts, which means that the stack of the last decisions is unwound.
Each time a new disjunction is retried and restarted, forward processing could restart, but unification may fail again
immediately, without making any changes to the total FD being processed. In general, backward mode continues
until one of two events occurs: either a restarted alt succeeds and at least one change is made to the total FD (a
feature is added to the input), or a failure occurs when unifying a grammar feature with a feature that was present in
the original input, before unification started. The distinction between forward and backward processing and the way
the address of failure is maintained is illustrated in Fig.12-2.
Initial failure
Address of failure
Fail on input:
Address of failure
Figure 12-2: Determination of the address of failure
The figure shows the search space when traversing two successive alts in the grammar. Each arrow corresponds
to either the choice of a branch in the alt or to a forced backtracking. Arrows 1 and 2 correspond to the first forward
processing step and end up in a failure. This is an initial failure and the address of failure (which is by definition the
location which caused the latest significant failure) is set to the current position in the total FD. The backward
processing step starts and a second branch of the ALT is tried (arcs 3 and 4). This second branch fails immediately,
before any change is made to the total FD. In such a case, the backward processing step continues, and the address
of failure is not updated. The motivation is that the unifier is still backtracking for the same original reason: nothing
changed in the grammar that makes the original failure less relevant. So the unifier keeps backtracking, and tries the
third and last branch of the ALT (arcs 5 and 6). The same failure occurs again, and backward processing proceeds.
The second ALT is exhausted and, therefore, fails, and the second branch of the first ALT is tried in turn (arcs 7, 8
and 9). At this time, two reasons can trigger a switch of failure address:
• Unification fails immediately, before any changes are made, but the failure is due to the incompatibility
of a feature of the grammar with a feature that was originally present in the input before unification
started. In such a case, the failure is not ‘‘caused’’ by the branch of processing that led to the initial
failure, it is caused by the grammar itself with the original input, and would have had occurred even if
no decisions had been taken before. So the failure address is switched to the current address.
• Unification succeeds and at least one feature from the grammar is added to the total FD. Forward
processing starts again. Any future failure can be caused by these new changes, and cannot therefore be
attributed to the old initial failure. So the failure address is also switched to the current address.
There is one more complication with the use of the address of failure as a source of information on what
decision caused the failure: as already mentioned in Sect.5.2, a given location in the total FD can be accessed
through several paths from the top of the total FD (since an FD is not a tree but can be an arbitrary graph). So
several distinct paths, with different labels can identify the location where the failure occurred. The intelligent
backtracking component must decide which path should be matched against the bk-class specifications. The
convention used here is the same one used to disambiguate the up-arrow notation presented in Sect.5.2: the path
used to identify the address of failure is the path written in the grammar on the feature that caused the failure. The
motivation is that the grammar writer uses the path that is the most meaningful to access features, and that incidental
conflations along this path would not be as informative for backtracking purposes. Another approach could have
been to use all the path addresses that identify a location and match them against all bk-class specifications. But this
approach would have imposed too much overhead on the regular backtracking mechanism.
The bk-class mechanism works well in practice. For the basketball example discussed above, I have measured
the number of backtracking points required to generate different clauses conveying the same core content. The
following table summarizes these measurements.14
Input / Output
w/o bk-cl
w/ b
No floating constraints:
The DN beat the BC
Manner in the verb:
The DN edged the BC
Manner as adverbial:
The DN narrowly beat the BC
AO in the verb:
The DN stunned the BC
AO as adjective:
The hapless DN beat the BC
AO as adverbial:
The DN surprisingly beat the BC
AO & manner together:
The hapless DN edged the BC
The number of backtracking points required to generate each example clause is listed with and without
bk-class. The numbers for the first clause, which does not include any floating constraints, give an indication of
the size of the grammar. It roughly corresponds to the number of unretracted decisions made by the grammar. It is
the optimal number of backtracking points that a search control regime can obtain for the given input with this
grammar. Without bk-class, the wide variation in number of backtracking points among the examples indicates
the exponential nature of the blind search which floating constraints impose on the standard control regime. In
contrast, with bk-class, the variation in number of backtracking points remains within a factor of three among all
the examples.
In this table, DN abbreviates Denver Nuggets and BC abbreviates Boston Celtics.
12.4. Lazy Evaluation and Freeze with wait
The bk-class mechanism is useful in general to correct directly a decision made a long time ago, as soon as
it appears that the decision was wrong. But this implies that all the work done between the wrong decision and the
realization that it is wrong must be re-done once the original wrong has been corrected. For example, in the
following case:
Frame TOP
---------> failure because of feature P
Frame T100
Frame T099
)----> Lots of decisions that do not
affect the value of P.
Frame T016 )
Frame T015
---------> feature P is set to wrong value
Frame T014
Frame T001
The decisions corresponding to frames T016 to T100 are going to be done twice because T015 made the wrong
choice originally. While making a decision twice is not too bad compared to the cost of exhaustively searching all
the choices corresponding to frames T016 to T100 backwards, it is still sub-optimal.
One could reach a more efficient solution if the decision corresponding to frame T015 is delayed and the unifier
commits to a value for P only after frame T100. The wait control specification is used to achieve this effect under
certain conditions.
Wait specifies that the decision corresponding to a disjunction depends on the value of certain features. The
syntax is as follows:
(alt TP (:wait P) ...)
This declaration indicates to the unifier that the alt TP depends on the value of the feature P. If when it is first
met feature P is instantiated, then the alt is evaluated normally. If however P is not yet instantiated, the whole
disjunction is delayed: it is put on hold, on an agenda. The rest of the grammar is evaluated, and periodically, the
unifier checks the agenda to determine if one of the frozen alts can be awakened.
The following example illustrates a possible use of wait:
;; In conjunction: do verb ellipsis?
;; If the same verb is used in both conjuncts
;; you can ellide it in the second conjunct:
;; --> John ate the burger and Mary the fish.
;; The ellipsis is done by adding a GAP feature to the second verb.
;; Wait until verbs for both conjuncts have been selected.
;; This alt does NOT determine what the verbs should be.
(alt verb-ellipsis (:wait {constituent1 process lex}
{constituent2 process lex})
(((cat clause)
({^ constituent1 process lex} {^ ^ ^ ^ constituent2 process lex})
({^ constituent2 process gap} yes)
(verbal-ellipsis yes))
((verbal-ellipsis no)))))
This fragment is extracted from grammar gr10. It is part of the branch of the grammar dealing with conjunction. This alt implements the decision whether to use a verb ellipsis in a conjunction of two clauses. The verb in the
second conjunct can be elided if it the same lexical entry as the verb in the first conjunct. This match is checked by
testing that the {constituent1 process lex} path can be unified with the {constituent2 process lex} path. When it can
be unified, the {constituent2 process} is enriched with the feature (gap yes), which the linearizer will interpret by
skipping the verb in the final sentence.
Now remember that the standard control flow in FUF is top-down breadth-first in the tree of constituents. A
conjunction of clauses is made up of the following constituents:
When the branch of the grammar specifying the conjunction is traversed, the choice of the lexical item that will
realize the process is still three levels down. The decision whether to use an ellipsis concerns only the conjunction
grammar, so it must be located in the conjunction branch, not in the branch of the grammar deciding on lexical
choice for the process. But it depends on this later decision - we do not want to influence the choice of the verbs in
the conjunct by the fact that they are conjoined. So the decision is instead delayed until the verbs in both conjuncts
have been determined.
Note that if the input already specifies the verbs, then the decision can be evaluated right away. It is only
delayed when needed.
There can be complications when using wait when two decisions wait for each other, in a deadlock configuration. I have not yet encountered such situations in practice but in such cases, a combination of wait and
bk-class could ensure that the deadlock can be broken in an efficient way.
12.4.1. Wait and Constituent Traversal
The delaying of disjunctions interacts in a complex manner with the way the constituent structure is traversed.
Recall that the traversal proceeds as follows: the toplevel constituent is unified with the grammar, then at the end of
the unification (before determination time), the cset of the constituent is identified, and every descendant specified
in the cset is traversed, in order. The structure is then traversed breadth first.
As explained in Sect.5.7.1, there are two ways to specify a cset in a constituent in FUF: implicitly and
explicitly. The cset is explicitly specified if there is a complete cset feature found in the constituent. Otherwise
it is implicit. The implicit cset is found by using two heuristics: first it is assumed that any path mentioned in a
pattern is also a constituent; second, any feature which contains a sub-feature of the form (cat xx) is also
assumed to be a constituent.
To override these heuristics, the grammar writer can use incremental cset specifications. There are indeed two
types of cset specifications: complete and incremental. A complete specification is of the form (cset (c1
cn)) and exhaustively identifies all the subconstituents of the current constituent. An incremental
specification is of the form:
(cset (+ a1 ... am) (- d1 ... dp))
An incremental cset specifies that all the ais should be added to the implicit cset and all the djs should be
removed from it. The possibility of specifying the constituent structure incrementally is a great convenience
practically since it allows the grammar writer to give partial information on constituency in different regions of the
Incremental cset specifications may affect delayed disjunctions. The following example illustrates this situation:
((alt (:wait {^ manner conveyed})
(((manner ((conveyed any)))
((manner ((conveyed adverb)
(cat adverb) ...))
(cset ((+ manner))))))))
In this case, the decision to express the manner constraint by using an adverb is delayed, leaving a chance for
the verb to express it as a connotation. Thus, in the first pass through the grammar, this alt is not evaluated. At the
end of the processing of the clause constituent, the cset is determined. The implicit cset is computed and all the
incremental cset specifications are added on it. At this point, the manner feature is not identified as a constituent,
since there is no cat specified for it and no incremental cset has added it explicitly. The constituent structure is then
traversed. At the end of this traversal, the delayed alts on the agenda are processed. The manner alt is thus
unblocked, and the second branch is eventually selected. An adverb constituent is then added at the clause level.
When the alt is completely processed, this adverb constituent should be unified with the adverb grammar as any
subconstituent would be, if it had been processed without being delayed. Unfortunately, the constituent structure
was already computed before the delayed alt was unblocked. And the adverb was not part of the cset at this time.
So the adverb is not added to the final constituent structure of the clause.
I have extended the determination process to re-check the constituent structure whenever an alt has been
unblocked during determination, thus allowing new constituents to be added by delayed alts without restriction. The
determination process performs the following task: first, a delayed alt is selected (the first one that was put on the
agenda is chosen) and its evaluation is forced. Next, unification starts again to evaluate all the delayed alts which
have been unblocked by the evaluation of the forced alt. At the end of this unification step, determination starts
again. This loop continues until the agenda is empty. At this point, the constituent structure is recomputed and
retraversed from the top of the total FD down, in breadth-first order. All constituents which have already been
unified are skipped, all new constituents identified by the recomputation of the csets at the end of the agenda
evaluation are unified again. After this unification step, determination starts again from scratch (since the evaluation
of the new constituents may have added delayed alts on the agenda), until the agenda is empty and all constituents
have been unified.
This top-down traversal in several passes integrates nicely the regular top-down control regime with the benefits
of the dynamic re-ordering of constraints provided by wait. Note that this traversal in several passes does not
translate in reduced efficiency: it is only triggered when needed (that is, when decisions had to be delayed), and the
traversal/recomputation of the constituent structure is a very efficient operation. As measured, efficiency is overall
drastically improved with wait.
12.5. Conditional-Evaluation with Ignore
The ignore control annotation allows the grammar writer to evaluate certain decisions only under certain
conditions. The idea is to just ignore certain decisions when there is not enough information, there is already enough
information or there is not enough resources left. The 3 cases correspond to the annotations:
(alt (:ignore-when <path> ...) ...)
(alt (:ignore-unless <path> ...) ...)
(alt (:ignore-after <number>) ...)
Ignore-when is triggered when the paths listed in the annotation are already instantiated. It is used to check
that the input already contains information and the grammar does not have to re-derive it.
Ignore-unless is triggered when a path is not instantiated. It is used when the input does not contain
enough information at all, and the grammar can therefore just choose an arbitrary default. A real example of the use
of ignore-unless is given below.
Ignore-after is triggered after a certain number of backtracking points have been consumed. It indicates
that the decision encoded by the disjunction is a detail refinement that is not necessary to the completion of the
unification, but would just add to its appropriateness or value. IGNORE-AFTER IS NOT IMPLEMENTED IN
One characteristics of these annotations is that their evaluation may depend on the order in which evaluation
proceeds. Since this order is not known to the grammar writer, their use can be delicate. To prevent unpredictable
variations, the ignore annotations should be used in conjunction with wait, since wait establishes constraints
on when a decision is evaluated. Therefore a wait annotation has priority over an ignore when both occur in the
same alt. Adding a wait annotation can often ensure that the ignore annotation will only be considered when it
is relevant.
The following example is extracted from grammar gr10. It is actually the same case of verb ellipsis in
conjunction presented in the section on wait above. In this decision, we also want to specify that the whole
decision of whether to use ellipsis or not is only relevant in the case of a conjunction of clauses. This is expressed
by addition the ignore-unless annotation as shown in the following figure:
;; In conjunction: do verb ellipsis?
;; This decision ONLY applies to CLAUSEs.
;; Ignore it in conjunctions of NPs and other cats.
(alt verb-ellipsis (:wait process)
(:ignore-unless ((cat clause)))
(((cat clause)
({^ constituent1 process lex} {^ ^ ^ ^ constituent2 process lex})
({^ constituent2 process gap} yes)
(verbal-ellipsis yes))
((verbal-ellipsis no)))))
13. Tracing and Debugging
13.1. What it Means to Debug a FUF Program
When using FUF, a grammar developer is programming in the FUF programming language. The grammar is a
program. The input FD is the input to the program. FUF is the interpreter and sentences are the output of the
execution of a grammar on inputs. In this framework, when something ‘‘goes wrong,’’ the grammar developer must
debug his grammar. The main sources of bugs found when developing FUF programs are:
• The input is not well formed (it is not a valid FD).
• The grammar is not well formed (it is not a valid FD).
• The input does not have the structure expected by the grammar (too flat or too deeply nested).
• The constituent structure is badly specified in the grammar (causing either too many constituents to be
generated, or not enough, or infinite recursion in the constituent traversal).
• The ordering patterns are not correctly specified or two pattern specifications do not unify.
• The appropriate morphological features are not passed to the leaf-constituents, preventing the morphology module from performing the required inflections.
• Relative paths are not pointing to the place they were intended to. An ambiguous relative path is not
correctly resolved.
• Given/any fail when they should not: given can interact poorly with wait, and should be replaced by
any, any can cause heavy backtracking and should be replaced by given.
• Types are not defined as expected, or there is an unwanted interaction between types.
• FSET declarations are too rigorous.
• Wait and/or bk-class are not used correctly.
• An indexed feature is not found in an indexed alt.
The main problem when debugging a FUF program is to identify what caused a failure to occur. We introduce
the following terminology to discuss the various debugging tools available in FUF: a failure occurs whenever the
unifier attempts to unify a simple leaf symbol with a different, incompatible leaf. Failures trigger backtracking. An
unexpected failure is a failure that the programmer did not expect. The initial failure is the first unexpected failure
to occur during an unification. The distinction between regular failure and unexpected failure is of course subjective, but it is useful, because there are usually many failures that occur even if there are no bugs in the grammar.
This happens whenever a non-indexed alt is traversed. Branches are tried in order until the appropriate branch is
found. When failure occurs during the test of the initial branches, this is not the trace that ‘‘something is going
wrong’’. So the main problem of the FUF debugger is to, as quickly as possible, identify the initial failure - and to
filter out all the irrelevant expected failures.
This task is made difficult because FUF backtracks a lot, and if the initial failure is missed, a lot of subsequent
‘‘unexpected failures’’ will occur when wrong branches are tried upon backtracking (in a sense, everything that
happens after the initial failure should be disregarded, as the unifier is engaging on a wrong course).
This chapter presents the tracing tools available in FUF and provides advice on how to use them to quickly
identify the initial failure.
13.2. Checking the Validity of FDs and Grammars
Before tracing the unification, it is important to check that both the input and the grammar are valid FDs. The
following functions perform this checking:
(FD-SYNTAX fd): check that a Lisp expression FD is a well-formed FD.
(FD-P fd): check that a well-formed FD does not contain inconsistencies
(that is, (u fd nil) is not :fail, or in other terms, the FD
does not contain contradictory features, such as ((a 1) (a 2))).
(GRAMMAR-P grammar): check that a Lisp expression grammar is a well-formed
When you suspect that your current input/grammar do not work, check first that they are syntactically valid
using these functions.
13.3. Fine Tuning Tracing: Overview of FUF Tracing Functions
Several dimensions characterize the activity of the FUF unifier:
• Where in the input is the unification proceeding.
• Where in the grammar is the unification proceeding.
• How important is the current action of the unifier.
• What stage of the unification is proceeding.
It is possible to tailor the tracing behavior of FUF according to each of these dimensions. In general, FUF can
output a tracing message whenever it takes an action, such as adding a feature to the total FD, selecting a branch in
the grammar, backtracking because of a failure, expanding a cset and moving in the constituent tree traversal,
freezing and unfreezing goals etc. Outputting all the possible trace messages is always overwhelming, and provides
too much text to be useful. So the challenge of the FUF debugger is to fine-tune the tracing system to produce just
enough information to locate the bugs in the grammar and/or in the input FD.
The grammar developper indicates what portions of the grammar must be traced: the grammar is traced, not the
unifier. Therefore, to trigger tracing, one must put directives into the grammar. At the Lisp level, and for a given
grammar including tracing directives, traces can be switched on or off by the following functions:
(trace-on) enable all trace messages to be output.
(trace-off) disable all trace messages to be output
(trace-bp &optional (frequency 10)):
Output a dot for every frequency backtracking points.
Useful for long computations to get a feeling of what’s happening.
Works even if (trace-off).
%break% allows the insertion of break points in the grammar.
(trace-level level)
Determines detail level of trace to be printed. The following
levels are defined:
00: feature level action
05: unimportant alt-level action
10: alt-level action - branch number trying
12: demo messages
15: freeze, ignore, bk-class
20: constituent level action
30: important failure - end of alt
(all-tracing-flags &optional (grammar *u-grammar*))
return the list of all tracing flags defined in grammar.
(trace-disable flag) disable flag. Everything works as if flag was not
defined in the grammar.
(trace-enable flag)
re-enable a disabled flag.
disable all flags.
re-enable all flags.
(trace-enable-alt alt-name :expansion t :grammar g)
(trace-disable-alt alt-name ...)
Enable all tracing flags defined under a def-alt or
def-conj. If expansion is nil, does not expand the
(trace-disable-match string)
disable all flags whose names contain string.
(trace-enable-match string)
re-enable all flags whose names contain string.
(trace-determine :on t|nil) enable tracing of determine stage or not.
(trace-category :all|cat|(cat1...catn) t|nil) enable tracing of
categories or not.
(trace-bk-class t|nil) list special messages concerning bk-class
(trace-wait :on t|nil) list special messages concerning goal freezing
(trace-cset :on t|nil) trace cset expansion
(trace-alts :on t|nil) detailed tracing of all alts, even unnamed.
(hyper-trace-category cat :status t|nil)
trace category with printing of full constituent
before unification of constituents of the traced cats
13.4. Identifying Possible Bugs: Trace-bp
To identify whether FUF enters into unbounded backtracking (which is the sign of a bug in the grammar or in
the input), it is useful to first monitor how many backtracking points are being used. This can be achieved by using
the trace-bp (trace backtracking points) function. This is the only tracing function which can be activated even if
the general tracing system is turned off (with the function trace-off). The effect of the function is to output a
dot on the screen every n backtracking points, where n is 10 by default and can be changed by giving an argument to
trace-bp. The form of the function is:
(TRACE-BP &optional n)
(TRACE-BP nil): turns off printing of .
If the string of dots becomes longer than expected, then it is worth stopping the unifier under the suspicion that
something is going wrong, and to start the tracing system with trace-on.
13.5. Levels of Tracing
In the attempt to reduce the amount of trace messages and finding the original source of failure, the most useful
tool is the trace-level function, which filters tracing messages according to their importance. The following
levels of importance are predefined:
• 30: important failure - end of alt
• 20: constituent level action
• 15: freeze, ignore, bk-class
• 12: demo messages
• 10: alt-level action - branch number trying
• 05: unimportant alt-level action
• 00: feature level action
The function trace-level sets the minimum level of tracing messages that can be printed. Thus, calling
(trace-level 20) insures that only important messages of level 20 and 30 will be printed.
The levels are defined as follows:
• 30: An ‘‘important’’ failure in unification occurs - that is, all the branches of an alt have been tried and
failed. This in general means that the input is not compatible with the grammar. It does not force
immediate failure of the overall unification process, because some backtracking options may still be
open, but it is a strong indication that something wrong is going on. In general, there is a high
probability that the first level 30 failure message is the initial failure (cf. p.77).
• 20: Constituent Level Action - traces the constituent tree traversal of FUF. Whenever the grammar is
re-accessed to unify a new constituent, a tracing message is printed. This is useful to follow the
progression of the unifier through the total FD. In general, the traversal is a top-down breadth-first
expansion of the constituent tree.
• 15: Control messages: The dominant control strategy of FUF is the top-down constituent traversal.
Fine-tuning of this strategy is, however, possible, using the bk-class, wait and ignore directives.
These constructs are described in more detail in Section 12.
• 12: Demo messages: The alt construct allows the grammar writer to output ‘‘demo messages’’ when an
alt is entered. These messages are considered of level 12.
• 10: Alt-level action - branch number trying: when an alt is tried, branches are tried successively, in
order, randomly (for a ralt) or directly (for an indexed alt). A tracing message is output each time a
branch is tried, indicating the name of the alt (therefore the position of the unifier within the grammar)
and the number of the branch within the alt.
• 05: unimportant alt-level action: when an alt is indexed, certain tracing messages are printed to document the index search.
• 00: feature level action: each time a feature is added to the total FD by the unifier, a tracing message is
printed. This is the absolute lowest level of tracing and results in unending seas of messages.
In general, when debugging, start by setting (trace-level 30), this provides most of the time directly the location
of the initial failure.
13.6. Tracing of Alternatives and Options
To follow the unifier as it proceeds through the grammar, the most useful trace is generated by giving a name to
an alternative of the grammar. It is done by adding an atomic name after the keywords alt, ralt or opt in the
;; branch 1 of alt passive
((verb ((voice passive)))
(prot none))
;; branch 2 of alt passive
((verb ((voice passive)))
(prot any)
(prot ((cat np)))
(by-obj ((cat pp) (prep ((lex "by"))) (np (^ prot))))
(pattern (dots verb by-obj dots)))))
;; body of alt passive (common to all branches)
(verb ((cat verb-group)))
Here, this fraction of the grammar has been marked by the directive: (alt PASSIVE ...). (An equivalent
notation is (alt (:trace PASSIVE) ...).) The effect will be that all unification done subsequently will be
traced, producing the following output:
--> Entering ALT PASSIVE
--> Trying Branch #1 in ALT PASSIVE:
--> Fail on trying (prot none) with
(prot ((nnp ((n ((lex boy)))))))
--> Trying Branch #2 in ALT PASSIVE:
If a traced alternative is found later in the grammar, the level of indentation will increase. If the level of
indentation decreases, that means a whole (alt ...) has failed. It is indicated by the output:
--> Fail on ALT PROT.
The possible messages printed when the grammar is traced are:
Move in the alternatives:
When the alt is indexed:
For options:
Regular unification:
Pattern unification:
Unification between pointers to constituents:
13.7. Local tracing with boundaries
If you want a more focused tracing, you can put anywhere in the grammar a pair of atomic flags whose first
character must be a "%" (value of variable *trace-marker*). All the unification done between the 2 flags will
be traced, and will produce the same messages as usual.
;; branch 2 of alt passive
((verb ((voice passive)))
(prot any)
(prot ((cat np)))
(by-obj ((cat pp) (prep ((lex "by"))) (np (^ prot))))
(pattern (dots verb by-obj dots)))
All the unification done between the 2 flags %by-obj% will be traced. You furthermore will have a message:
Switching local trace flags on and off:
You generally want to have only small portions of the grammar put between tracing flags.
13.7.1. Special Flags %trace-on% and %trace-off%
The special tracing flags %trace-on% and %trace-off% are predefined and have the effect of temporarily
turning all tracing on and off. They are used as all other local tracing flags, as shown in the following example:
;; branch 1 of alt passive
((verb ((voice passive)))
(prot none))
;; branch 2 of alt passive
((verb ((voice passive)))
;; Turn off tracing of details in this branch
(prot any)
(prot ((cat np)))
(by-obj ((cat pp) (prep ((lex "by"))) (np (^ prot))))
(pattern (dots verb by-obj dots))
;; Turn tracing back on
;; body of alt passive (common to all branches)
(verb ((cat verb-group)))
%Trace-off% is generally used to remove tracing information from a region of the grammar that has already
been debugged but still leaving the alt traversal tracing messages on. The same effect is most of the time achieved
by using the trace-level function, but %trace-off% allows finer tuning of the tracing behavior of FUF.
13.7.2. The Special Tracing Flag %break%
The special tracing flag %break% is used to trigger a break in the execution of FUF. When found by FUF, a
Lisp continuable break is triggered. It is then possible to examine the current state of the unification using the Lisp
debugger. Using the Lisp debugger, it is then possible to either resume unification or abort it. Within the debugger,
the total fd can be inspected (and modified) by using the function path-value and set-path-value. A
typical session is shown below:
(setq *u-grammar* ’((alt (((cat clause) (pattern (s v o))
(s ((cat np)))
(v ((cat v)))
(o ((cat np))))
((cat np) %break%)
((cat v) %break%)))))
;; The np and v branch are not yet written - a break is inserted
;; The developer can then insert new values manually during unification.
LISP> (uni ’((cat clause)
(s ((lex "John")))
(v ((lex "like")))
(o ((lex "Mary")))))
>Expanding constituent {} into cset ({O} {V} {S}).
Break: Break in grammar
Restart actions (select using :continue):
0: return from break.
[1c] FUG5 23> (path-value {o})
((LEX "Mary") (CAT NP))
[1c] FUG5 24> (path-value {n})
((LEX "John") (CAT NP))
[1c] FUG5 25> :cont
>Constituent {O} is a leaf.
Break: Break in grammar
Restart actions (select using :continue):
0: return from break.
[1c] FUG5 26> :reset
FUG5 27>
The behavior of the debugger depends on which version of Common Lisp you are using. The example shown
here is run under Franz Inc’s Allegro Common Lisp. Consult your Lisp manual to find out the details of how to
resume processing (the :cont command in ACL) and abort processing (the :res command in ACL). Another source
of variation is whether the {} notation is recognized within the debugger or not. This notation is implemented using
macro characters in Lisp. Macro-characters are recognized in ACL’s debugger but not in Lucid Common Lisp’s
implementation. For that reason, the function path-value accepts as parameter either a path or simply a list of
The function path-value returns the value of a path in the current total FD. It is useful to inspect the current
value of the total FD. The function set-path-value is also defined to change a value within the total FD. Note
that it’s use is highly dangerous.
(path-value path-or-list)
Return the value of path in the current total FD.
(set-path-value path-or-list FD)
Set the value of a path in the current
total FD to FD.
(path-value {process v})
(path-value ’(process v))
;; equivalent form when the {} notation is not
;; recognized
(set-path-value {process v} ’((lex "take")))
(set-path-value {process v} (u (path-value {process v}) ’((tense past))))
;; u performs a simple unification between fds.
For more general access, the total FD is accessible in the special variable *input* and it can be modified in
any possible ways. But if you do follow this way, there is a high probability that the unification will not be able to
proceed normally. Note that there is no way to easily remove a conflation from the total FD using only
path-value and set-path-value because path-value always follows the paths until a non-path value can
be returned. The following example illustrates this limitation:
(setq *input* ’((a {b})
(b ((b1 1)))))
(path-value {a}) --> ((b1 1))
(set-path-value {a} ’((b1 2)))
(path-value {}) --> ((a {b}) (b ((b1 2))))
;; Cannot just with path-value and set-path-value remove the conflation
;; between a and b (a {b}).
One last word of caution: when using set-path-value, relative paths are made absolute before being
inserted relative to the path of insertion given as parameter. Since the relative path notation can be ambiguous (cf
p.15), this can, under circumstances where there is an ambiguity, create unexpected results.
13.8. The trace-enable and trace-disable Family of Functions
In general, a grammar is defined in a file, that you load in your Lisp environment. The tracing flags are defined
in that file after the alts and opts or as local flags. When you develop a grammar, you want to focus on different
parts of the grammar. In order to do that, you can selectively enable or disable some of the flags defined in the
The function all-tracing-flags returns a list of all the flags defined in the grammar. You can then
choose to enable or disable all the flags, only a given flag, or all flags whose name matches a given string.
When a flag is disabled, everything happens as if the flag was not defined at all in the grammar. Note that you
cannot create a new flag in the grammar by using these functions. You can simply turn on and off existing flags. It
is therefore a good idea to define all the possible flags in a grammar and to adjust the list of enabled flags from
within lisp.
When you use the def-alt and def-conj notation (cf. Section 6), the functions trace-enable-alt
and trace-disable-alt can be used to enable and disable all the tracing flags appearing under a given def-alt
or def-conj construct. The expansion keyword determines if the enabling/disabling only concerns the tracing
flags appearing directly in the def-alt construct, or also all the flags appearing in the expansion of the construct.
13.9. The :demo directive
Reading traces from the unifier is a particularly tedious task. The main problem is that the messages generated
by the program are very similar to each other. The :demo directive allows the grammar writer to bring some
variety to these messages. A demo-message can be used to output a specific message during the trace of the
program when entering an alt (or a ralt) construct. The syntax is indicated by the following figure:
(alt voice (:demo "Is the voice active ~
or passive?")
(((voice active)
((voice passive)
The message will be printed in the trace of the program (only if the tracing flag voice is enabled) as shown:
--> Entering alt VOICE
Is the voice active or passive?
--> Trying branch #1
Note that the message is indented in the stream of trace messages. Such messages allow the grammar writer to
put some semantic information into the trace messages, so that the whole stream of messages can be more easily
In addition to its position at the top of an alt construct, a demo-message can be embedded anywhere in a
grammar by using the control-demo function. Control-demo must be used within a control pair and
produces an indented demo message in the trace stream. The following example illustrates its use:
(alt from-loc (:demo "Is there a from-loc role?")
(((from-loc none)
(control (control-demo "No from-loc"))
((from-loc given)
(control (control-demo "From-loc is here"))
Tracing output:
--> Entrering alt FROM-LOC
Is there a from-loc role?
--> Fail with branch #1
--> Entering branch #2
From-loc is here
--> Success with branch #2
NOTE: The control pair containing a control-demo call should be put within a %TRACE-OFF% %TRACE-ON% pair to avoid the printing of system trace messages regarding the control pair.
NOTE: The demo message string is passed to the format common-lisp function, and can therefore contain
formatting characters accepted by that function (e.g., ~ or ~%). Refer to your CommonLisp manual for details.
13.10. Tracing of Specific Stages of the Unification
The following group of function enable or disable tracing of specific stages of the unification process:
(trace-determine :on t|nil)
(trace-category :all|cat|(cat1...catn) t|nil)
(trace-bk-class t|nil)
(trace-wait :on t|nil)
(trace-cset :on t|nil)
(trace-alts :on t|nil)
(hyper-trace-category cat :status t|nil)
13.10.1. Trace-determine
The determination stage checks that no ANY constraint is left unsatisfied at the end of the unification stage, and
that all TEST constraints are satisfied. In addition, it checks that no further CSET traversal is required to restore
after frozen constraints have been thawed or forced.
When trace-determine is on, these checks generate tracing messages. The specific messages are:
FAIL: Found an ANY at level <path>
Current Sentence: ....
TEST succeeds: <expr> at level <path>
Fail in testing <expr> at level <path>
The current sentence is only printed when FUF is called from the toplevel function uni whose function is to
print a sentence. In other uses of FUF, the current function is not generated. This message is of level 30 (highest
In addition, each time the determination stage is reached, a line of statistics on backtracking is printed, of the
[Used 119 backtracking points - 26 wrong branches - 15 undos]
Three pieces of information are provided:
1. The total number of backtracking points used so far. This can be interpreted as the number of
‘‘questions’’ FUF asked to the grammar, or how many times a branch had to be chosen in an alt
2. The number of ‘‘wrong branches’’ - that is, how many times FUF picked up a branch and started
unification to finally undo this branch upon backtracking. This can be interpreted as the number of
‘‘wrong guesses’’ made by FUF.
3. The number of ‘‘undos’’ - that is, how many features were added to the total FD while traversing
‘‘wrong guesses’’ and were later removed from the total FD upon backtracking. This gives an
indication of how ‘‘deep’’ FUF went into wrong branches before realizing that they led to failure.
When, because of the interaction between wait and the constituent traversal (cf Section 12.4.1) a new cycle of
unification must be started after determination, a new line of statistics will be printed. These lines of statistics are
NOT printed if the keyword parameter non-interactive is set to true when calling the top-level functions of
FUF (for example, as in (uni fd1 :non-interactive t)).
These statistic lines are printed indicate whenever a unification cycle ends and a determination cycle starts.
They therefore provide important information on how unification is proceeding.
13.10.2. Trace-Category and Hyper-trace-category
Trace-category is useful to follow the traversal of the constituent structure as it is performed by FUF. When a
category C is traced, the following message is printed whenever a constituent of category C is unified with the
The function hyper-trace-category provides more detail: if category C is ‘‘hyper-traced’’, the same
message is printed, and in addition the whole constituent is printed:
The functions are used as follows:
(TRACE-CATEGORY c | :all | (c1 ... cn) &optional t | nil)
(HYPER-TRACE-CATEGORY c | :all | (c1 ... cn) &optional t | nil)
Trace or hyper-trace a given category, or all categories
(if parameter is :all) or a list of categories.
If a second parameter nil is added, the category or
categories are untraced.
13.10.3. Trace-Cset
The trace-cset function is used to monitor constituent traversal. Each time FUF finishes unifying a
constituent, it computes the cset of the result of the unification, applying the rules described in Section 5.7. The
constituents are then traversed breadth-first. The function trace-cset triggers messages of the following form at the
end of the unification of each constituent:
>Expanding constituent {} into cset ({SYNT-ROLES SUBJ-COMP}
If the constituent has an empty cset, it means it is a leaf in the constituent structure. In that case, the following
message is printed:
>Constituent {SYNT-ROLES SUBJ-COMP HEAD} is a leaf.
>Constituent {PROCESS EVENT} is a leaf.
13.10.4. Trace-BK-Class
The interpretation of the BK-class annotation has been introduced in Section 12.3. BK-class is used to allow
intelligent dependency-directed backtracking. Each choice point can be marked to belong to a certain backtracking
class (bk-class), and certain classes of paths can be declared to belong to corresponding bk-classes. Upon failure,
the address of failure is checked. If it does not belong to a declared bk-class, regular chronological backtracking is
started. If it does belong to a bk-class, then backtracking continues up to the latest choice points that belong to the
same bk-class.
When tracing this behavior, the following conditions are monitored: (1) when a special failure address is met
and how high up the intelligent backtracking progresses and (2) what is the latest address of failure. The following
messages are printed in each case:
>BK: Special path <path> caught by alt <alt> of class <c> after <n> frames.
>BK: Switch from <path1> to <path2>
The first message is emitted whenever intelligent backtracking occurs. The second one is emitted whenever the
current address of failure is modified following the rules discussed on page 69.
13.10.5. Trace-Wait
The wait annotation is used to allow goal delaying during the evaluation of a grammar. The idea is to wait until
enough information is available before trying to choose between the branches of an alt. The grammar writer
indicates which information is requested before the evaluation of an alt can start using the wait annotation and a
sequence of path expressions which point to the features which must be instantiated with the requested information.
When enough information is already present, the alt is evaluated as usual. When there is missing information
(some of the features are not yet instantiated), the alt is frozen (delayed). Frozen alts are stored on an agenda, which
keeps track of the decisions which remain to be made in the future. At regular intervals (in FUF, whenever a new
choice point is met), the agenda is checked, and if enough information has been gathered since the time a decision
has been frozen, the decision is thawed, and evaluated immediately. After the evaluation of the thawed alt, control
proceeds where it was interrupted.
In addition, at the end of the unification stage, the determination stage checks if any decision is still on the
agenda. Such a situation is reached if not enough information could be gathered anyway to allow the evaluation of
the frozen alts. In this case, the frozen alts of the agenda are ‘‘forced’’ and evaluated, even though some of the
requested information is missing.
Finally, there is one more configuration of control decisions which concerns the goal delaying behavior of FUF:
as explained on page 74, wait annotations have priority over ignore annotations to insure that ignore annotations are
only considered when enough information is available for them to make sense. When thawing a frozen alt from the
agenda, after enough information has been gathered, the ignore annotations are immediately checked. If they do
match, then the whole frozen alt is immediately ignored.
Corresponding to each of these configurations, the trace system emits the following messages. In every case, a
unique agenda identifier (integer number) is assigned to each frozen alt:
>Freezing alt <alt>: waiting for <path> [agenda <n>]
>Thawing [agenda <n>]: Restarting at level <path>
>Forcing [agenda <n>]: Restarting at level <path>
>Ignoring [agenda <n>]
13.10.6. Trace-Alts
The function trace-alts systematically monitors traversing of alts in the grammar, even if the alts are not
traced, and outputs a message whenever a new branch is tried. It is best used in conjunction with a trace-disable-all
setting, to follow uniquely alt traversal. The form of the output is as follows:
LISP> (trace-disable-all)
LISP> (trace-alts)
LISP> (uni t1)
>Fail in alt VOICE
>Fail in alt VOICE-NORMAL
>Fail in alt VOICE-NORMAL
>Fail in alt VOICE-NORMAL
>Fail in alt SUBJ-COMP-CAT
>Fail in alt :ANONYMOUS
>Fail in alt :ANONYMOUS
>Expanding constituent {} into cset ({SYNT-ROLES SUBJ-COMP}
Each time a branch in an alt fails, the message ‘‘fail in alt X’’ is printed. If the alt is not traced, the name
:anonymous is printed instead. This is useful to find possible errors even in places which are not traced in the
grammar. In general, trace-alt should only be used in last recourse.
13.11. Some Advice on FUF Debugging
This section provides some pragmatic advice on how to use the tracing system of FUF based on the experience
gathered while developing large grammars. It lists common sources of confusion, warns against the misfeatures of
the tracing system, common bugs and some successful bug tracking tricks.
13.11.1. Syntax Errors
The first source of bugs, often incomprehensible ones, is syntax errors, either in the input FD or in the grammar.
So the first precaution is to check both inputs and grammars regularly. Use functions FD-P and GRAMMAR-P for
that purpose. In grammars, check especially the number of parentheses occuring after ALTs.
13.11.2. Semantic Errors
Semantic errors in the grammar can be trivial typos or the sign of a bad design of the FD structure. In any case
check the following points:
• Mispellings: wrong feature-name, wrong leaf-value-name
• Paths: in both forms, i.e., ((f1 ((f2 ((f3 and {f1 f2 f3. Make sure that paths actually point
to the location in the total FD that you expect.
• The most common source of error is to include the wrong number of up-arrows ^ in a path expression.
Always double-check your relative paths, especially those appearing embedded in ALTs, CONTROL,
EXTERNAL when the up-arrow notation can be quite counter-intuitive.
• Observe the structure of the unified graph before unification. To this end, use the function uni-fd and
pretty-print its output as in:
(pprint (clean-fd (uni-fd input :grammar gr)))
This is often instructive. Use the function top-gdp to explore this output FD in detail.
• Draw a graph of the total FD with all features instantiated to help you check all your paths and levels of
• If you do not understand the current structure of the FD, insert a %break% in your grammar at some
critical point, and use the function path-value to inspect the total FD during the time of the
• It is risky to use absolute paths in general (SURGE does not include a single absolute path for example).
Using an absolute path is a sign of desperation.
13.11.3. Expression of Negative Constraints
Negative constraints are used to limit the scope of acceptable FDs by the grammar and to force failure when
certain FD configurations are met. The main tools in FUF for the expression of negative constraints are FSET and
NONE. The main sources of confusion here are:
• FSET is too restrictive: you didn’t plan on adding a feature, a new feature is not compatible with FSET.
• FSET must include explicitly all the features, including CAT and CSET.
• NONE is used in the wrong place.
13.11.4. Control
The overall flow of control of FUF is quite complex, and the trace messages do not make it very easy to follow.
Before going on and suffering through the zillions of lines produced by the trace system, try to understand analytically what could go wrong - recheck the syntax of your fd and grammar, and recheck the structure of your FD and
the structure your grammar builds. Only when this fails should you try to read the trace messages to understand
what went wrong on a particular input. You should proceed in the following order:
1. Identify that there is a bug: do (trace-off) and (trace-bp). This will emit a dot every 10 backtracking
points (10 is the default) and indicate how much effort FUF has invested on your input. For example,
when dealing with SURGE, a clause that takes more than 300 backtracking points (30 dots on the
screen) is either very complicated or contains a bug. When you think there is a bug, interrupt the
unifier (generally use control-C).
2. Monitor the speed of appearance of the dots. In general, FUF operates in two modes: ‘‘forward’’ and
‘‘backward’’. Forward mode is when the grammar is traversed as expected, and every new feature
falls into place. Backward mode is after the occurrence of the first unexpected failure. The unifier
starts backtracking and tries every other branch in an unexpected manner. In general, these tried
branches fail very quickly. So in backward mode, backtracking dots tend to be emitted much more
quickly than in forward mode. When the dots start piling up, it’s a good sign that FUF has entered
backward mode, and that a bug has been found.
3. Once you suspect there is a bug, identify the first unexpected failure. The first attempt to do that is to
set (trace-on) and (trace-level 30). This will print the most obvious candidates. If this does not work,
basically, you’re in trouble, and finding the bug will take time (sorry! I’m in the middle of the
implementation of a graphical debugger for FUF which should help you beyond this stage).
4. The next step is to gradually lower the trace-level until you get a good understanding of where in the
grammar is the source of the bug - moving to values 20, 15, 12, 10, 5 and 0 (trying trace-level 0 on a
full grammar without disabling most of the tracing flags is a sign of desperation).
5. Once the approximate location of the problem is identified in the grammar, enable only the relevant
tracing flags (those defined in the grammar around the problematic spot). This is achieved by using
the functions (trace-disable-all) (trace-enable-alt <name-of-suspected-alt>).
6. From then on, try to understand what’s happening. I find it convenient to run FUF within an Emacs
buffer and to use the editor to search through the trace messages printed by FUF.
7. If you enable all tracing flags and set trace-level to 0 and you still cannot find a tracing message
identifying a failure (of the form ‘‘FAIL in ...’’) this can be due to 2 problems:
a. Either the failure is occurring in a region of the grammar which does not contain tracing flags.
In this case, set (trace-alts) and check the messages ‘‘fail in alt :anonymous’’.
b. Or the failure is due to a missing cat in the grammar. Often if you unify ((cat xxx)) with a
grammar that has no branch for xxx, there is no failure message produced. Check your cats
The main points you should be looking for when debugging are:
• Endless backtracking: this can be found by setting trace-level 00 and looking for repetition in the flow
of messages.
• Failure on ANY (especially in conjunction with recursion).
• Failure on given (especially in conjunction with wait): remember that an alt that is annotated with (wait
path1) can be forced and therefore evaluated even if path1 is not yet instantiated. Therefore, using
(path1 given) in such a situation is dangerous. In this case, switch to any.
• INDEX (especially double indexes and partial indexes). Do NOT factor together branches in an
indexed alt. For example, the following index will not work (unification with ((a 1)) will fail):
(alt (:index a)
(((a ((alt (1 2)))))
((a 3))))
• WAIT (especially in conjunction with ignore and bk-class)
• BK-CLASS: especially, since the bk-class declarations are persistent, do not forget to evaluate (clearbk-class) when loading a new grammar. In case of doubt, evaluate (clear-bk-class) and re-evaluate all
your (define-bk-class). In general, it is good to add the following prelude in all the files containing a
grammar definition:
(eval-when (load eval)
• IGNORE: check that you do not ignore alts too liberally.
• Constituent Structure Definition:
• Wrong cset (especially interaction between cat and explicit cset). In case of doubts, use an
explicit cset in your grammar. Avoid over-restrictive csets (with the = notation), they often cause
failure of unification with further cset features in the grammar.
Wrong pattern and interaction between pattern and cset when using implicit cset expansion.
Csets can trigger infinite recursion.
• Linearizer: The linearizer produces strings of the form <unknown cat: XXX> when a category unknown
to the morphology module is found as a leaf in the constituent tree. This is often due to the following
effect: all top-level unification functions have a :limit keyword option used to limit the number of
backtracking point used on a single input. The default value for limit is 10,000. When unification stops
after reaching this limit, the FD is sent to the linearizer, even though it has not been completely unified,
and all constituents have not been completely expanded. In that case, you can get strings such as
<unknown cat: NP> because an NP has not been expanded. To correct this problem, increase the limit.
• Type Hierarchy Problems:
Since the type declarations are persistent, do not forget to evaluate (reset-typed-features) when
loading a new grammar. In case of doubt, use draw-types to verify the current state of type
definitions. In general, it is good to add the following prelude in all the files containing a
grammar definition:
(eval-when (load eval)
Wrong under specification.
Wrong define-feature-type
Lack of under (when one wants only to test for the presence of a feature and not to enrich the
total FD).
• Procedural types, test and control:
• Wrong CONTROL/TEST function
TEST for CONTROL and vice-versa.
Wrong use of the path construct with a TEST/CONTROL (with the # notation).
Wrong EXTERNAL function.
Wrong procedural-type definitions.
14. Manipulation of FDs as Data-structures
FDs can be viewed as a convenient data-structure. FUF provides a library of Lisp functions to manipulate FDs:
accessors to extract a sub-fd from a total fd, insertion of an FD within a total FD, etc. These functions’ main
complexity lies in the interpretation of paths. For example, if you want to extract a sub-fd from a total fd, and this
sub-fd contains path pointing outside the sub-fd up into the total fd, the extraction function should also extract these
paths. In addition, relative paths in the sub-fd must be adjusted to maintain consistency.
Another class of functions helps in manipulating lists of FDs and FDs as lists (providing programmatically the
same facilities as the ~, ^n~ and ~n notations discussed in Chapter 8 p.35).
In this chapter, the notion of total FD plays a critical role. A total FD is a self-contained FD, which appears at
the top level and is not supposed to be embedded in another FD. All the paths appearing within this FD are
interpreted relative to the total FD. In logical terms, a total FD is a universe of reference for FUF and in
programming language terms, a total FD is an environment.
14.1. FD Accessors
The following functions access the value of a path within a total FD.
(top-gdp fd path)
(top-gdpp fd path)
fd1 = ((a 1)
(b ((fset (b1 b2))
(b1 1)
(b2 {^2 a})))
(c {^ b b2}))
(top-gdp fd1 {a}) --> 1
(top-gdpp fd1 {a}) --> (a 1)
(top-gdp fd1 {c}) --> 1
(top-gdpp fd1 {c}) --> (a 1)
(top-gdp fd1 {b}) --> ((b1 1) (b2 {^2 a}))
(top-gdp fd1 {x y}) --> nil
fd1 = ((a
((b1 1) (b2 {^2 a})))
{^ b b2})
((y nil))))
(empty-fd (top-gdp fd1 {x})) --> t
;; follows indirections
;; can contain a path inside
;; adds a null path in fd1
;; fd1 is modified
;; but x is still unbound.
(top-gdp fd1 {a a1}) --> none
;; cannot go below a leaf.
(top-gdp fd1 {c c1}) --> none
;; idem
(top-gdp fd1 {b b3}) --> none
;; forbidden by fset.
(top-gdpp fd1 {a a1}}) --> none
Top-gdp - short for go-down-path - follows a path within a total FD and returns the FD pointed to by the path.
It is guaranteed to return a proper FD, that is, it will never return a path to another location, but instead, it will follow
indirections until a proper FD is found.
Top-gdpp is a companion function which instead of returning the FD pointed to by the path returns the pair
containing the appropriate value. As for top-gdp, this function always follows indirections and returns a pair whose
second element is a proper FD and never a path.
If requested the value of a feature which is not present (not yet instantiated) in the total FD, top-gdp (or
top-gdpp) will construct the path up to the requested level as shown in the example with the request for the value f
the path {x y} which adds the path (x ((y nil))) into the total fd. This is the manifestation of the fact that the value
nil adds no information to an FD. The path (x ((y nil))) does not change the meaning of the FD since it adds no
The function filter-nils is used to remove these useless empty fds from an fd, and return only the useful
information stored in an FD.
(filter-nils ’((a nil) (b ((c 1) (d nil))) (x ((y nil)))))
((b ((c 1))))
If the path requested is not compatible with the grammar, the value none is returned. This can happen in 2
cases: when the requested path extends below a leaf of the FD (for example the path {a a1} above) or when the
requested path does not satisfy an FSET declarations (for example the path {b b3} above).
Top-gdpp can either return a pair from the total FD or none. When the result is a pair, it is possible to perform a
(setf (second pair) new-value) and the total FD will be appropriately modified - as long as the new value is a valid
FD. This is one way to ‘‘patch’’ a total FD with new values.
14.2. FD Relocation
Note that the value returned by top-gdp is not a valid total fd in itself because it can contain paths that point
within the total FD. This is shown above in the result of (top-gdp fd1 {b}) which contains a path ((b1 1) (b2 {^2
a})). If you are interested in observing a sub-fd as a self-contained entity with no pointers into an external
environment, you must use relocate instead of top-gdp. Relocate extracts a sub-fd from a total FD and turns it into a
stand-alone total FD.
(relocate totalfd path)
(relocate ’((a ((a1 {^ a2})
(a2 ((x 2)))
(a3 {a a1})
(a4 {b})
(a5 {^2 c})))
(b {a a1})
(c ((c1 1))))
((a1 {^ a2})
<--- NOTE keep relative path
(a2 ((x 2)))
(a3 {a1})
<--- NOTE updated path
(a4 ((x 2)))
<--- NOTE loose conflation a4/a2 because went out of a
(a5 ((c1 1)))) <--- NOTE resolved path
This function performs the following adjustments:
• Extract the sub-fd with top-gdp.
• Analyzes all paths found in the sub-fd. Absolute paths which point within the sub-fd are updated to
make them relative to the new root. For example, above, the path (a3 {a a1}) is update to (a3 {a1}).
• Paths which point outside the scope of the new root are resolved and replaced by the value pointed to.
For example, (a5 {^2 c}) is replaced by (a5 ((c1 1))).
• Relative paths which point inside the total FD remain relative paths. For example, (a1 {^ a2}) remains
• Conflations which are established indirectly through a feature which lies outside the scope of the sub-fd
are lost. This is the case above between a1 and a4. In the original total FD, a1 and a4 are unified,
because {a a4} points to {b} which points to {a a1}. During the extraction analysis, it is found that a4
points outside the scope of a (to b), and therefore, the path is resolved. In this case, information is lost,
since in the result, a1 and a4 happen to have the same value, but they are not conflated.
The reverse of relocate is insert-fd, which inserts a total FD within a larger total FD. The function also
performs analysis of all the paths found within the inserted FD to adjust them to their new environment.
(insert-fd fd total subfd-path)
Insert Fd into TOTAL at location subfd-path.
(insert-fd ’((a {b}) (b 1) (c {^ b}))
’((b 2) (c ((x 1))))
((b 2)
(c ((x1 1)
<------ NOTE the inserted FD is unified with the
existing sub-fd
(a {c b})
<------ NOTE updated path.
(b 1)
(c {c b})))) <------ NOTE relative path is resolved
The main features of this function are illustrated by the example:
• The new FD is unified with the existing sub-fd at location subfd-path in the total FD (so the FD ((x1 1))
is enriched with the new FD).
• Paths in the inserted FD are adjusted to their new environment. Absolute paths are prefixed by
subfd-path, and relative paths are resolved and made absolute relative to the new root (e.g., (c {^ b}) is
resolved to (c {c b}).
14.3. FD Normalization
The FD accessors and relocation functions, top-gdp, insert-fd and relocate, only work when the FDs are in
normal form. Normal form is intuitively the ‘‘shortest notation’’ of an FD. For example, the normal form of ((a
((a1 1))) (a ((a2 2))) ({a a3} 3)) is ((a ((a1 1) (a2 2) (a3 3)))). A normal form also does not contain disjunctions.
The intention is to define a normal form for input FDs, with no extra nils, maximal factorization of features and no
The function normalize-fd takes as input an arbitrary FD and puts it in normal form. It is abstractely defined as:
(normalize-fd fd) = (u nil fd), since the unification function u returns an FD in normal form, and resolves disjunc-
(normalize-fd fd)
(normalize-fd ’((a ((a1 1)))
(a ((alt (((a1 2))
((a2 2))))))
(a nil)
({a a3} 3)))
(a ((a1 1)
(a2 2)
(a3 3)))
14.4. Lists of FDs
The functions list-to-fd and top-fd-to-list convert between lists of FDs and the FD encoding of lists discussed in
Chapter 8.
(list-to-fd ’( ((a1 1)) 2 ((x1 1) (x2 2)) ))
-> ((car ((a1 1)))
(cdr ((car 2)
(cdr ((car ((x1 1) (x2 2)))
(cdr none))))))
(top-fd-to-list ’((car 1) (cdr ((car 2) (cdr none)))))
-> (1 2)
(top-fd-to-list (list-to-fd <l>))
-> <l>
15. Reference Manual
For the sake of completeness, this chapter includes a list of all the functions, variables and switches that a user
of FUF can manipulate. They are grouped under 8 categories. In each category, the list is sorted alphabetically:
1. Unification functions
2. Checking
3. Tracing
4. Complexity
5. Manipulation of the dictionary
6. Linearization and Morphology
7. Manipulation of FDs as Data-structures
8. Fine-tuning of the unifier
15.1. Unification functions
15.1.1. *lexical-categories*
Type: variable
Description: The *lexical-categories* variable is a list of category names. These categories are those that
are sent to the morphology component without being unified.
Standard Value: (verb noun adj prep conj relpro adv punctuation modal)
15.1.2. *u-grammar*
Type: variable
Description: The *u-grammar* variable contains a Functional Unification Grammar. It is the default value to all
the functions expecting a grammar as argument. It is a valid form if grammar-p accepts it.
15.1.3. *cat-attribute*
Type: variable
Standard value: cat
Description: The *cat-attribute* variable contains a symbol.
cat-attribute argument to all the unification functions.
It is the default value for the
The CAT parameter is used to identify constituents in an fd when the cset attribute is not present. Through
this mechanism, the unifier implements a breadth-first top-down traversal of the structures being generated.
By default, the CAT parameter is equal to the symbol cat. It is however possible to specifiy another value for
this parameter. As a consequence, it is possible to traverse the same fd structure and to assign the role of
constituents to different sub-structures by adjusting the value of this parameter. This feature is particularly useful
when an fd is being processed through a pipe-line of grammars.
15.1.4. u
Type: function
Calling form: (u fd1 fd2 &optional limit success)
Arguments: p
• fd1 and fd2 are arbitrary FDs. fd1 cannot contain non-deterministic constructs, fd2 can.
• limit is a number. The default value is 1000.
• success is a function of three arguments. It must be defined as: (defun x (fd fail frame)
...) where fd is an fd, fail is a continuation (a function) and frame is an object of type frame. The
default value is the function default-continuation.
Description: u unifies fd1 with fd2 and passes 3 values to the success continuation: a resulting fd, a continuation
to call if more results are needed and a ‘‘stack-frame’’ containing information needed to run the continuation. By
default, default-continuation just returns the unified fd. u is a low-level function.
It is possible to limit the time the unifier will devote to a particular call. The :limit keyword available in all
unification functions specifies the maximum number of backtracking points that can be allocated to a particular call.
Using this feature it is possible to perform ‘‘fuzzy’’ unification. (Note that the appropriateness of a fuzzy or
incomplete unification relies on the particular control strategy used of breadth-first top-down expansion.)
15.1.5. u-disjunctions
Type: function
Calling form: (u-disjunctions fd1 fd2 &key limit failure success)
• fd1 and fd2 are arbitrary FDs. Both fd1 and fd2 can contain non-deterministic constructs, like
alt, ralt and opt.
• limit is a number. The default value is 1000.
• failure is a function of one argument. It must be defined as: (defun x (msg) ...) where
msg can be safely ignored.
• success is a function of three arguments. It must be defined as: (defun x (fd fail frame)
...) where fd is an fd, fail is a continuation (a function) and frame is an object of type frame. The
default value is the function default-continuation.
Description: u-disjunctions unifies fd1 with fd2 and passes 3 values to the success continuation: a
resulting fd, a continuation to call if more results are needed and a ‘‘stack-frame’’ containing information needed to
run the continuation. By default, default-continuation just returns the unified fd. u-disjunctions is a
low-level function. It is the only unification function accepting disjunctions in the input. For all other functions, if
the input contains disjunctions, it should first be normalized by calling the function normalize-fd . The search
for a unification works as follows: first one fd compatible with fd1 is unified (as in normalize, in a blind search
manner. Then, this fd is unified with fd2. If all tries with fd2 fail, then the unifier backtracks and tries to find
another fd compatible with fd1. Therefore, the choices in fd1 are in general buried very deep in the search tree.
Refer to paragraph 15.1.4 for an explanation of the limit argument.
15.1.6. uni
Type: function
Calling form: (uni input-fd &key grammar non-interactive limit cat-attribute)
• input-fd is an input fd. It must be recognized by fd-p. It must not contain disjunctions.
• grammar is a FUG. It must be recognized by grammar-p. By default, it is *u-grammar*.
• non-interactive is a flag. It is nil by default.
• limit is a number. It is 10000 by default.
• cat-attribute is a symbol. It has the value of *cat-attribute* by default.
Description: uni unifies input-fd with grammar and linearizes the resulting fd. It prints the result and some
statistics if non-interactive is nil. It returns no value. grammar is always considered as indexed on the feature cat
or of the cat-attribute argument. If input-fd contains no feature cat the unification fails. (cf. unif if this is
the case.) If the input contains disjunctions, it should be normalized before being used (cf normalize).
Refer to paragraph 5.11 for an explanation of the cat-attribute argument. Refer to paragraph 15.1.4 for
an explanation of the limit argument.
15.1.7. uni-string
Type: function
Calling form: (uni-string input-fd &key grammar non-interactive limit cat-attribute)
• input-fd is an input fd. It must be recognized by fd-p. It must not contain disjunctions.
• grammar is a FUG. It must be recognized by grammar-p. By default, it is *u-grammar*.
• non-interactive is a flag. It is nil by default.
• limit is a number. It is 10000 by default.
• cat-attribute is a symbol. It has the value of *cat-attribute* by default.
Description: uni-string works exactly like uni except that it returns the generated string as a lisp string and
does not print it.
15.1.8. uni-fd
Type: function
Calling form: (uni-fd input-fd &key grammar non-interactive limit cat-attribute)
• input-fd is an input fd. It must be recognized by fd-p.
• grammar is a FUG. It must be recognized by grammar-p. By default, it is *u-grammar*.
• non-interactive is a flag. It is nil by default.
Description: uni-fd unifies input-fd with grammar and returns the resulting total fd. The result is determined.
uni-fd prints the same statistics as uni if non-interactive is nil. grammar is always considered as indexed on
the feature cat-attribute. If input-fd contains no feature cat the unification fails. (cf. unif if this is the
Refer to paragraph 5.11 for an explanation of the cat-attribute argument. Refer to paragraph 15.1.4 for
an explanation of the limit argument.
15.1.9. unif
Type: function
Calling form: (unif input-fd &key grammar)
• input-fd is an input fd. It must be recognized by fd-p.
• grammar is a FUG. It must be recognized by grammar-p. By default, it is *u-grammar*.
Description: unif unifies input-fd with grammar and returns the resulting total fd. The result is determined.
If input-fd contains no feature cat, unif tries all the categories returned by list-cats until one returns a
successful unification.
unif checks input-fd with fd-p and it checks grammar with grammar-p.
15.1.10. u-exhaust
Type: function
Calling form: (u-exhaust fd1 fd2 &key test limit)
• fd1 and fd2 are fds. They must be recognized by fd-p. fd1 cannot contain disjunctions.
• test is a lisp expression. It is T by default.
• limit is a number. It is 10000 by default.
Description: Unifier exhaust. Takes 2 functional descriptions and returns the list of all possible unifications until
test is satisfied. Test is a lisp expression which is evaluated after each possible unification is found. In test,
refer to the list being built as fug3::result. This function does NOT recurse on sub-constituents. It is at the same level
as u or u-disjunctions (low-level function). If test is nil, this function will generate all possible unifications of fd1 and fd2.
Refer to paragraph 15.1.4 for an explanation of the limit argument.
15.1.11. u-exhaust-top
Type: function
Calling form: (u-exhaust-top input &key grammar non-interactive test limit)
• input is an fd. It must be recognized by fd-p. It cannot contain disjunctions.
• grammar is a FUG. It must be recognized by grammar-p. By default it is *u-grammar*.
• non-interactive is a flag. If it is nil, statistics are printed after each unification. Otherwise the
funtion works silently. The default value is nil.
• test is a lisp expression. It is T by default.
• limit is a number. It is 10000 by default.
Description: Unifier exhaust with recursion. This function works like u-exhaust except that it also recurses on
the sub-constituents of the input. It keeps producing fds until test evaluates to a non-nil. test is evaluated in an
environment where fug3::result is bound to the list of all fds found so far. If test is nil, this function will
generate all possible unifications of input and grammar.
Refer to paragraph 15.1.4 for an explanation of the limit argument.
15.1.12. uni-num
Type: function
Calling form: (uni-num input n &key grammar limit)
• input is an fd. It must be recognized by fd-p. It cannot contain disjunctions.
• n is an integer.
• grammar is a FUG. It must be recognized by grammar-p. By default it is *u-grammar*.
• limit is a number. It is 10000 by default.
Description: Unifies input with grammar and backtracks n times. Each time, the result is processed as per uni.
Refer to paragraph 15.1.4 for an explanation of the limit argument.
15.2. Checking
15.2.1. fd-syntax
Type: function
Calling form: (fd-syntax &optional fd &key print-warnings print-messages)
• fd is a list of pairs. It is *u-grammar* by default.
• print-warnings is a flag. It is nil by default.
• print-messages is a flag. It is nil by default.
Description: fd-syntax verifies that fd is a valid fd. If it is, it returns T. Otherwise, it prints helpful messages and
returns nil. If print-warnings is non-nil it also print warnings for all the paths it encounters in the grammar. This
is useful when you suspect that one path is invalid or pointing to a bad location. If print-messages is nil, no
diagnostic messages are printed, and the function just returns T or nil. If it is non-nil, diagnostic messages are
*****NOTE: The following table has not been updated for Version 5.2******
Diagnostics detected by fd-syntax
Unknown type: ~s.
An fd must be either a legal leaf (symbol, number, string, character or array), a path or a valid list of
Unknow type: ~s. Should be a pair or a tracing
Within a list of pairs fd, all elements must be
either pairs or tracing flags.
~A is a tracing flag. It cannot be used as an
attribute in ~A.
Tracing flags are not legal attributes in a pair.
The attribute of a pair must be a symbol or a
path: ~s.
Other types are forbidden.
An alt/ralt pair must have at most 4 args: (alt
The disjunction construct being checked has
{trace} {index} {demo} (fd1 ... fdn)).
more than 4 arguments.
An alt/ralt pair must have at most 4 args: (alt
The disjunction construct being checked has only
{trace} {index} {demo} (fd1 ... fdn)). There is no 4 arguments, but one of the arguments is not properly
trace/index/demo flag in this pair.
An alt/ralt pair must have at most 4 args: (alt
{trace} {index} {demo} (fd1 ... fdn)). There are no
The disjunction construct being checked has only
/index and demo/trace and demo/trace and index 3 arguments, but one of the arguments is not properly
flags in this pair.
This alt/ralt pair must have one value: (alt (fd1 ...
fdn)). There is no valid trace, index or demo flag in
No valid modifier is found in the current conthis pair.
struct, and yet it has more than one value.
Value of alt/ralt must be a list of at least one
branch: ~s.
A (alt ()) pair is invalid.
Value of special attribute ALT/RALT must be a
One of the fds in the branches of the pair is not
list of valid FDs.
An OPT pair must have at most 2 args: (OPT
The OPT pair being checked has more than 2
trace fd).
arguments, as in (opt t a b).
A valid tracing flag must be either a symbol or a
form (trace on <symbol>). The construct being
This OPT pair must have at most 1 value: (OPT checked has the form (opt f1 f2 ...) where f1 is not a
fd). (There is no valid tracing flag in this pair.)
valid tracing flag.
Value of OPT must be a valid FD: ~s
The fd part of the OPT is not a valid fd.
An FSET pair must be of the form (ATT
VALUE): ~s.
The FSET pair has more than one value.
Value of special attribute FSET must be a list of
atoms: ~s
One of the elements of the list is not a symbol.
A CSET pair must be of the form (ATT
VALUE): ~s
The CSET pair has more than one value.
Value of special attribute CSET must be a list of
One of the elements of the list is not a symbol or
symbols or valid paths: ~s
a path.
A PATTERN pair must be of the form (ATT
VALUE): ~s
The PATTERN pair can have only two values.
pattern accepts a flat list of atoms, paths or
Value of special attribute PATTERN should be a mergeable constituents. A mergeable constituent is
list of paths or mergeable atoms.
marked (* c).
A SPECIAL pair must be of the form (ATT
VALUE): ~s
Special attributes can have only one value.15
An EXTERNAL pair must be of the form (ATT external or
external-spec): ~s
can be simply the symbol
a construct #(external
--- Warning: The argument of external must be a
In a #(external <fctn>), <fctn> is not
recognized as a defined function.
An UNDER specification must be an array of the
An UNDER value has been found that does not
form #(UNDER symbol): ~s
have the proper form.
The argument of an UNDER specification must
In a #(under <x>), <x> must be a symbol
be a symbol: ~s
defined in a type hierarchy.
--- Warning: The argument of under does not
In a #(under <x>), <x> must be a symbol
Use defined in a type hierarchy. If the type hierarchy
(define-feature-type ~s (spec1 ... does not exist, it can be defined with the
define-feature-type function.
A pair must be of the form (ATT VALUE)
A value should be a valid fd.
The form being checked has more than two elements.
In a pair (att value), value is not a valid fd.
15.2.2. fd-sem
Type: function
Calling form: (fd-sem &optional fd grammar-p &key print-messages print-warnings)
• fd is a syntactically valid fd. It must be recognized by fd-p. It is *u-grammar* by default.
• grammar-p is a flag. It is T by default.
• print-messages is a flag. It is T by default.
• print-warnings is a flag. It is T by default.
Description: fd-sem verifies that fd is a semantically valid fd. If it is, it returns T. Otherwise, it prints helpful
messages and returns nil. If grammar-p is non-nil fd-sem expects fd to be a grammar. It allows disjunctions in
fd. In this case, fd-sem returns 3 values if fd is a valid grammar: T, the number of traced alternatives in the
grammar, and the number of indexed alternatives.
If grammar-p is nil, fd is considered as an input fd. Disjunctions are not allowed. In any case, only one value
is returned (T or nil).
*****NOTE: The following table has not been updated for Version 5.2******
Diagnostics detected by fd-sem
Special attributes (user defined types) can also issue user-defined syntax messages through the use of syntax-checker functions. Cf section
on user-defined types for details.
--- Warning: Disjunctions in input FD: ~s
grammar-p is nil and a disjunction has been
found in fd.
--- Warning: PATTERN or CSET should not be
grammar-p is nil and a pattern or cset has
placed in input.
been found in fd.
--- Warning: ANY or GIVEN should not be
grammar-p is nil and a any or given has
placed in input.
been found in fd.
--- Warning: EXTERNAL or UNDER should not
grammar-p is nil and a external or under
be placed in input.
has been found in fd.
Contradicting values for attribute ~s.
An attribute has been found with 2 different
atomic values in the same branch of a disjunction.
(for example, ((a 1) (a 2))).
This branch is contradictory: ~s
A branch in a disjunctive construct has been
found with a contradictory value.
When fd-sem finds a problem in a grammar, it returns the path to the problem. Paths within grammars are
different from paths in regular fds because of the presence of disjunctions. Paths have the same syntax, except that
to go through an alt or ralt construct, additional information must be provided. The following syntax is used to
denote the traversal of an fd with disjunctions:
:= { att-spec* }
:= symbol | alt-spec | ralt-spec | opt-spec
:= (alt <index> {<branch>})
RALT-SPEC := (ralt <index> {<branch>})
:= (opt <index>)
Both <index> and <branch> must be numbers. The <index> information refers to the index of the alt, ralt or
opt pair within its parent node. That is, given that a list of pairs can contain several alts at the same level, it is
necessary to distinguish between them. The <index> information gives the position of the pair in the list, with index
0 refering to the first pair. If it is necessary to go further down an alt or ralt pair, then it is necessary to identify what
branch must be followed. This information is given by the <branch> index. Not that a specifier (alt <index>)
without a branch index MUST necessary be the last one in a path and refers to the whole alt pair. The function
alt-gdp is used to traverse an fd with disjunctions using these extended paths as input. The function
get-error-pair returns the first pair where fd-syntax would find an error.
15.2.3. fd-p
Type: function
Calling form: (fd-p input-fd)
• input-fd is an fd with no disjunctions.
Description: checks that input-fd is both syntactically and semantically a valid fd.
NOTE: Do not use fd-p on grammars.
15.2.4. grammar-p
Type: function
Calling form: (grammar-p &optional fd print-messages print-warnings)
• fd is a FUG. It is *u-grammar* by default.
• print-messages is a flag. It is T by default.
• print-warnings is a flag. It is nil by default.
Description: grammar-p verifies that fd is a valid grammar, both syntactically and semantically. If it is, it prints
some statistics and returns T. Otherwise, it prints helpful messages and returns nil.
If print-messages is nil no statistics are printed.
If print-warnings is non-nil warnings are printed for all the paths encountered in the grammar. This is useful
when you suspect that one path is invalid or pointing to a bad location.
NOTE: do not use grammar-p on input fds.
15.2.5. get-error-pair
Type: function.
Calling form: (get-error-pair fd)
• fd is an fd.
Description: get-error-pair checks the syntax of an fd. If the syntax is not correct, it returns the pair
containing the first offending constituent of fd.
15.2.6. normalize-fd
Type: function.
Calling form: (normalize-fd fd)
• fd is an fd.
Description: normalize-fd prepares an fd that can contain disjunctions to be used as input to the standard
unification procedures (that do not accept disjunctions, i.e., all except u-disjunctions). If fd contains disjunctions, normalize will return one disjunction-free fd compatible with fd. It is best understood as basically an
equivalent to the operation (u nil fd). If fd is not semantically correct (it contains contradictions),
normalize will return :fail.
Normalize is also useful to put an fd in normal form with respect to the following constraint:
The fd ((a ((x 1))) (a ((y 2)))) is
((a ((x 1)
(y 2))))
in normal form.
15.3. Tracing
*****NOTE: This Section has not yet been updated for Version 5.2******
*****Certain functions are missing*****
15.3.1. *all-trace-off*
Type: variable.
Description: The *all-trace-off* variable contains a flag that is recognized by the unifier and terminates the
printing of all tracing messages. It must be placed in a valid position for a tracing flag.
Standard Value: %TRACE-OFF%
15.3.2. *all-trace-on*
Type: variable.
Description: The *all-trace-on* variable contains a flag that is recognized by the unifier and undoes the
effect of the *all-trace-off* flag, that is, it reenables all tracing messages. It must be placed in a valid position for a
tracing flag.
Standard Value: %TRACE-ON%
15.3.3. *trace-determine*
Type: variable.
Description: The *trace-determine* is a switch enabling the printing of tracing messages on the determination stage. It indicates which TEST expressions are evaluated. When it is on and the determination stage fails
in the context of a uni call, then the partially found sentence is linearized and printed. Cf trace-determine
for the user-level interface to this variable.
Standard Value: T
15.3.4. *trace-marker*
Type: variable.
Description: The *trace-marker* variable contains a character. It is used to determine valid tracing flags: if
the first character of the name of a symbol is *trace-marker*, the symbol is a valid tracing-flag.
Standard Value: #\%
15.3.5. *top*
Type: variable.
Description: The *top* variable is a switch enabling the printing of extensive debugging messages on the
backtracking behavior of the unifier. Should be used for development only.
Standard Value: nil
15.3.6. all-tracing-flags
Type: function
Calling form: (all-tracing-flags &optional grammar)
• grammar is a FUG. It must be recognized by grammar-p. By default, it is *u-grammar*.
Description: all-tracing-flags returns a list of all the tracing flags defined in grammar, in the order where
they are defined in the grammar.
15.3.7. internal-trace-off
Type: function
Calling form: (internal-trace-off)
Description: internal-trace-off turns off the tracing of internal debugging information. Initially, no debugging information is printed.
15.3.8. internal-trace-on
Type: function
Calling form: (internal-trace-on)
Description: internal-trace-on turns on the tracing of internal debugging information. Initially, no debugging information is printed. Should be used for development only.
15.3.9. trace-disable
Type: function
Calling form: (trace-disable flag)
• flag is a tracing flag. A tracing flag must be an element of the result of all-tracing-flags.
Description: trace-disable disables the tracing flag flag. Initially, all tracing flags are enabled.
15.3.10. trace-disable-all
Type: function
Calling form: (trace-disable-all)
Description: trace-disable-all disables all tracing flags. Initially, all tracing flags are enabled.
15.3.11. trace-disable-match
Type: function
Calling form: (trace-disable-match string)
• string is a string.
Description: trace-disable-match disables all tracing flags whose names contain string as a substring.
Initially, all tracing flags are enabled.
15.3.12. trace-enable
Type: function
Calling form: (trace-enable flag)
• flag is a tracing flag. A tracing flag must be an element of the result of all-tracing-flags.
Description: trace-enable enables the tracing flag flag. Initially, all tracing flags are enabled.
15.3.13. trace-enable-all
Type: function
Calling form: (trace-enable-all)
Description: trace-enable-all enables all tracing flags. Initially, all tracing flags are enabled.
15.3.14. trace-enable-match
Type: function
Calling form: (trace-enable-match string)
• string is a string.
Description: trace-enable-match enables all tracing flags whose names contain string as a substring. Initially, all tracing flags are enabled.
15.3.15. trace-off
Type: function
Calling form: (trace-off)
Description: trace-off turns off tracing. If no argument is provided, all tracing is turned off. Initially, tracing
is off.
15.3.16. trace-on
Type: function
Calling form: (trace-on)
Description: trace-on turns on tracing.
Initially, tracing is off.
15.3.17. trace-determine
Type: function
Calling form: (trace-determine &key on)
Description: trace-determine turns on and off tracing for the determination stage.
When tracing is on for the determination stage, a message is printed indicating the location of the any found or
the failed test. In addition, if the top-level function called is uni, the partially unified fd is linearized and printed
to show the progression of the unifier.
15.3.18. trace-bk-class
Type: function
Calling form: (trace-bk-class &optional on)
Description: trace-bk-class turns on and off tracing of the special bk-class backtracking behavior.
When tracing is on for bk-class, a message is printed whenever a path of a bk-class category is caught by a
backtracking point of the corresponding class. In addition, the number of frames that have been skipped thanks to
the bk-class specification is printed. Examples of trace are provided in the section on bk-class.
15.3.19. trace-category
Type: function
Calling form: (trace-category cat &optional on-off)
Arguments: cat can be either a symbol (the name of a category), or the symbol :all specifying that all
categories are to be traced, or a list of symbols (names of categories). If on-off is non-nil, the specified categories
are traced, if it is nil, they are untraced.
Description: trace-category turns on and off tracing for all or certain categories.
When a category is traced, the unifier emits a message each time it starts unifying a constituent of that category.
When :all is used, all categories are traced. This is particularly useful to identify in what constituent the unifier is
failing and to follow the top-down breadth-first traversal of the constituents during unification. A usefule sequence
of calls is:
(trace-category :all)
This sequence will trace the progression of the unifier at the level of the constituents, as in the following
> (uni a3)
[Used 108 backtracking points - 57 wrong branches - 103 undos]
John takes a book from Mary.
15.4. Complexity
15.4.1. avg-complexity
Type: function
Calling form: (avg-complexity &optional grammar with-index rough-avg)
• grammar is a grammar. It must be recognized by grammar-p. It is *u-grammar* by default.
• with-index is a flag. It is T by default.
• rough-avg is a flag. It is nil by default.
Description: avg-complexity computes a measure of the average complexity of a grammar. It tries to compute
an "average" number of branches tried when the input to unification contains no constraint.
When with-index is T, all indexed alts are considered as single branches, when it is nil, they are considered as
regular alts.
When rough-avg is nil, the average of an alt is the sum of the complexity of the first half of the branches.
When it is T, the average is half the sum of the complexity of all branches.
15.4.2. complexity
Type: function
Calling form: (complexity &optional grammar with-index)
• grammar is a grammar. It must be recognized by grammar-p. It is *u-grammar* by default.
• with-index is a flag. It is T by default.
Description: complexity computes a measure of the complexity of a grammar. It tries to compute the worst case
number of branches tried when the input to unification contains no constraint. The number it returns is equivalent to
the number of branches the grammar would have in disjunctive normal form.
When with-index is T, all indexed alts are considered as single branches, when it is nil, they are considered as
regular alts.
15.5. Manipulation of the Dictionary
15.5.1. *dictionary*
Type: variable
Description: The *dictionary* variable is a hash-table containing different types of entries. Each entry contains information on irregular morphological words.
The current dictionary contains entries for verbs, nouns and pronouns. It is defined in file LEXICON.L
The entries contain the following properties:
• verb : present-third-person-singular past present-participle past-participle
• noun : plural
• pronoun : subjective objective possessive reflexive.
15.5.2. lexfetch
Type: function
Calling form: (lexfetch key property)
• key is a non-inflected ‘‘root’’ form of a word. It must be a string.
• property is one of the properties defined in *dictionary* for the part-of-speech of the word.
Description: lexfetch fetches the inflected form of the word key from the hash-table *dictionary*. The
properties accessible are those defined in *dictionary*.
15.5.3. lexstore
Type: function
Calling form: (lexstore key property value)
• key is a non-inflected ‘‘root’’ form of a word. It must be a string.
• property is one of the properties defined in *dictionary* for the part-of-speech of the word.
• value is the inflected form of key for property. It must be a string.
description: lexstore stores the inflected form value of the word key in the hash-table *dictionary*. The
properties accessible are those defined in *dictionary*.
15.6. Linearization and Morphology
15.6.1. call-linearizer
type: function
calling form: (call-linearizer fd)
• fd is a unified determined total fd. It must be accepted by fd-p.
description: call-linearizer takes a complete determined fd in input and returns a string corresponding to
the linearization of the fd.
15.6.2. gap
type: feature.
description: if a constituent contains the feature gap, it is not realized in the surface (it is a gap, still holding the
place of an invisible constituent in the structure). It is used for implementing long-distance dependencies.
15.6.3. morphology-help
type: function.
calling form: (morphology-help)
description: gives on-line help on what the morphology component can do.
15.7. Manipulation of FDs as Data-structures
15.7.1. fd-intersection
type: function
calling form: (fd-intersection fd1 fd2)
• fd1 and fd2 are valid fds (recognized by fd-p). They represent lists as fds, using constituents car and
cdr, and are terminated by a (cdr none).
description: fd-intersection computes the intersection of two lists represented as fds, and returns the result
as a regular lisp list.
15.7.2. fd-member
type: function
calling form: (fd-member elt fdlist)
• elt is any value acceptable as a value to an (attribute value) pair.
• fdlist is a valid fd (recognized by fd-p). It represents a list as an fd, using constituents car and cdr,
and is terminated by a (cdr none).
description: fd-member works as the lisp function member but on a list represented by an fd. It returns a list
represented by an fd.
15.7.3. fd-to-list
type: function
calling form: (fd-to-list fdlist)
• fdlist is a valid fd (recognized by fd-p). It represents a list as an fd, using constituents car and cdr,
and is terminated by a (cdr none).
description: fd-to-list converts a list from an fd representation to a lisp representation.
15.7.4. gdp
type: function
calling form: (gdp fd path)
• fd is a valid fd (recognized by fd-p).
• path is a valid path (that is a flat list of constituent names, starting with 0 or more ^)
description: gdp goes down the path path (hence its name: godownpath) and returns the fd found at the end of
path. It is the only function that should be used to access sub-parts of an fd. gdp always returns a valid fd.
gdp works only if the special variable *input* is accessible and bound to the total fd containing fd. In normal
environments, the function top-gdp should be used instead.
if path leads to a non-existent sub-fd, gdp returns:
• none: if the fd cannot be extended to include such a sub-fd (that’s when we meet an atom on the way
• any : if the fd must be extended to include such a sub-fd (and exactly this sub-fd, that is only when the
value is any)
• nil : otherwise (that is, an unrestricted fd).
15.7.5. gdpp
type: function
calling form: (gdpp fd path frame)
• fd is a valid fd (recognized by fd-p).
• path is a valid path (that is a flat list of constituent names, starting with 0 or more ^)
• frame is a structure of type frame. By default it is dummy-frame, an empty frame.
description: gdpp goes down the path path (hence its name: godownpathpair) and returns the pair whose value is
the fd found at the end of path. It is the function that should be used to work as the basis to the setf of gdp, to set
values to parts of an fd. gdpp always returns a pair whose second is a valid fd, and is never a path or none if fd
cannot e extended to include path. (gdpp *input* nil) returns the pair (*top* *input*) (where *input*
refers to the total fd).
gdpp works only if the special variable *input* is accessible and bound to the total fd containing fd. In normal
environments, the function top-gdpp should be used instead.
if path leads to a non-existent sub-fd, gdpp extends (by physical modification) fd to include a path down to the
required path if possible, or the function returns none. When the fd is modified physically, frame is updated (the
field undo) to keep track of the modification.
15.7.6. top-gdp
type: function
calling form: (top-gdp fd path)
• fd is an fd.
• path is a valid path structure.
description: works like gdp but considering fd as the total fd. Can therefore be used even if *input* is not
bound in the current environment. This is the user-level function to access constituents of fds. .
15.7.7. top-gdpp
type: function
calling form: (top-gdpp fd path)
• fd is an fd.
• path is a valid path structure.
description: works like gdpp but considering fd as the total fd. Can therefore be used even if *input* is not
bound in the current environment. This is the user-level function to access pairs in fds. .
15.7.8. alt-gdp
type: function
calling form: (alt-gdp fd path)
• fd is an fd.
• path is a valid path structure with disjunction specifiers.
description: works like gdp but works even if fd contains disjunctions (alt, ralt or opt constructs). paths
when disjunctions are allowed are different from paths in regular fds. They have the same syntax, except that to go
through an alt or ralt construct, additional information must be provided. The following syntax is used to
denote the traversal of an fd with disjunctions:
:= { att-spec* }
:= symbol | alt-spec | ralt-spec | opt-spec
:= (alt <index> {<branch>})
ralt-spec := (ralt <index> {<branch>})
:= (opt <index>)
Both <index> and <branch> must be numbers. The <index> information refers to the index of the alt, ralt or
opt pair within its parent node. That is, given that a list of pairs can contain several alts at the same level, it is
necessary to distinguish between them. The <index> information gives the position of the pair in the list, with index
0 refering to the first pair. If it is necessary to go further down an alt or ralt pair, then it is necessary to identify what
branch must be followed. This information is given by the <branch> index. Not that a specifier (alt <index>)
without a branch index must necessary be the last one in a path and refers to the whole alt pair.
This function is less robust than gdp, it does not check for cycles, does not check for fsets violations and does
not check for user-defined special types.
15.7.9. list-to-fd
type: function
calling form: (list-to-fd list)
• list is a regular lisp list.
description: list-to-fd converts a list from a a lisp representation to an fd representation.
Note: the notation {l ~3 a} refers to the third element of the list l if l is a list in fd form. That is, the path {l ~3
a} is equivalent to {l cdr cdr car a}.
15.8. fine tuning of the unifier
15.8.1. *any-at-unification*
type: variable
description: if *any-at-unification* is nil, and the unifier encounters a pair (attribute any) in the
grammar, and no feature attribute exists in the input, the unification succeeds and the input is enriched with the
pair (attribute any). Only at the determination stage, it is checked whether anys remain in the total fd. If it is the
case, the unification fails, and the unifier backtracks.
if *any-at-unification* is non-nil, the test to decide whether the feature attribute exists or not is
performed immediately on the non-determined fd. The result may be incorrect, but it is much faster. The result is
assured to be correct if the feature tested is one that is never instantiated by the grammar, and is expected to be
provided in the input.
standard value: t
15.8.2. *use-given*
type: variable
description: if *use-given* is t, given and under constructs have their usual semantics. If it is nil, then
given is considered as a normal symbol and a construct #(under s) is considered equivalent to simply s.
standard value: t
15.8.3. *use-any*
type: variable
description: if *use-any* is t, any constructs have their usual semantics (as determined by
*any-at-unification*). If it is nil, then any is considered as a normal symbol.
standard value: t
15.8.4. *keep-cset*
type: variable
description: if *keep-cset* is nil, the determination stage removes all the cset features from the total fd. If it
is t it keeps them.
standard value: nil
15.8.5. *keep-none*
type: variable
description: if *keep-none* is nil, the determination stage removes all the pairs whose value is none from the
total fd. If it is t it keeps them.
standard value: t
15.8.6. *agenda-policy*
type: variable
description: can be either :force or :keep. Determines what to do with frozen alts at the end of unification:
• if :keep: keep them unevaluated in result
• if :force: force their evaluation at determination time.
the value should only be :keep in situations where several grammars are used in a pipeline architecture, and the
frozen decisions are passed along from one stage to the next.
standard value: :force
Appendix I
Installation of the Package
I.1. Finding the Files
You need to find out on which machine and under which directory the system is available. You also need to
know how to run common lisp on that machine.
The file fug5.l will load all the required modules. examples are in the files gr0, gr1 and up for the grammars,
and in files ir0, ir1, ... and up for the inputs. the examples are of increasing complexity.
to try the examples, type:
lisp> (load "gr0")
lisp> (load "ir0")
I.2. Porting to a New Machine
The program is contained in 29 files of source and 37 files of examples. All the source files should be grouped
in a directory, that we will call here $fug5, and the example files in a subdirectory of $fug5 called examples.
Once this is done, you probably need to edit the file fug5.l. This file loads all the required modules and defines
a few functions useful for compiling or loading the package. In the file fug5.l, the function require is used to
load all submodules. require takes as first argument the name of a module, and accepts a second optional
argument, the name of the file containing that module.16
You must change the second arguments of all the require statements in file fug5.l and update there the name
of the directory, from $fug5 to the name of your directory.
You also need to edit the first line of the functions compile-fug5 and reload-fug5 and change there the
name of the directory from $fug5 to the new name.
When the file fug5.l is updated, load it in your common-lisp environment and follow these 4 steps:
(load "$fug5/fug5")
(in-package "FUG5")
Note to UNIX users: if you run Common Lisp under UNIX, and your version of Lisp can read environment
variables and expands such variables in file names (for example, (load "~userx/file1") is a valid statement, or (load "$var/file2")), then you don’t need to edit the file fug5.l. All you need to do is to define the
on Common Lisp II, the function require is generally not supported anymore. Most of the commercial implementations of Common Lisp,
however, still have a form of require available.
environment variable "fug5" to be the complete pathname of the directory containing the source files. If you use
Lucid Common Lisp or Franz Inc’s Allegro Common Lisp, init files are provided in the system to redefine load so
that it can recognize shell variables. These files are named lisp-init.l and lisp-init-acl.l respectively.
Once this installation is done, all you need to do to load the package is (load "$fug5/fug5") (with
$fug5/ replaced by the name of your directory if you are not under unix).
I.3. Packages
*****NOTE: This section has not been updated for Version 5.2 *****
*****Precise information can be obtained by inspecting file fug5.l in the distribution******
The whole package is loaded in package ’fug5. The easiest way to access it is to type:
(in-package "FUG5")
;; note the upper-case
(use-package "FUG5")
The following symbols are exported from package ’fug5 (they are the external symbols of the package, cf
[Steele 84, Chapter 11, pp171-192]):
external symbols of package fug5
gdp, gdpp
top-gdp, top-gdpp
In addition, the following symbols are external. These are the keywords used as names in the code:
external symbols of package fug5 (keywords)
* already exists in lisp
trace already exists in user
All these symbols are documented for reference in section 15. If you use the package fug5 in another package,
only these symbols will be imported.
Appendix II
Advanced Features
II.1. Advanced Uses of Patterns
In addition to constraining the ordering of constituents, the pattern unifier can be used to enforce the unification
of constituents. The classical example is given by the focus constituent. There is good linguistic evidence that the
focus of a sentence tends to occur first in a sentence. To represent this constraint, a grammar can include the
following directive:
(pattern (focus dots))
That is, a sentence should start with its focus. Now, we also know that a sentence at the active voice should
start with its subject, that is its prot constituent. this is expressed by:
(pattern (prot ... verb ...))
If both constraints are to be satisfied, we need to say that focus and prot are actually the same constituent,
otherwise, the 2 patterns are incompatible. That is, the constituents focus and prot need to be unified. This
mechanism would be quite expensive to implement for all constituents, and would need to meaningless attempts
most of the time. Therefore, to allow this kind of unification to occur, the current unifier requires the pattern to
include a special directive, indicating that a constituent can be unified with other constituents to make two patterns
compatible. The notation used is: (* constituent).
(pattern ((* focus) dots))
(pattern (prot dots verb dots))
are compatible, and require the unification of the constituents focus and prot. Note that prot needs not be
‘‘stared’’ to be unified with focus. The notation can be understood as specifying that focus is a kind of
Another advanced usage of mergeable constituents in patterns, is to infer a constraint on a constituent from its
location in the pattern. A simple example is given here to enforce the decision to capitalize the first constituent of a
sentence (the feature punctuation is interpreted by the linearizer as explained in Section 11.6):
((pattern ((* first-constituent) dots))
(first-constituent ((punctuation ((capitalize yes))))))
II.2. Advanced uses of CSET
Note that CSET is rarely used in small to medium grammars, and most often used when you DO NOT want a
sub-fd to be unified as a constituent, even though it is mentioned in a pattern or it contains a feature (cat xx).
When a CSET feature is specified, the order of the constituents can be important to make unification more
efficient. The unifier traverses the input fd breadth-first identifying constituents at each level. Within the same
level, the CSET feature when present specifies in which order the constituents must be unified. Therefore, if there is
a constituent known to be easy to unify, and whose value condition the unification of the brother constituents, it
should be unified first, and placed first in the CSET. This way, the CSET feature can be used to optimize the work
of the unifier.
((cat hard)
(a #)
(b #)
(c #)
(cset (c a
; is hard to unify
; is hard to unify
; is easy to unify and constrains the unification of a and b
; unify c first, then a and b.
Explicit CSET traversal becomes very important when designing a large grammar such as SURGE. The
incremental CSET specification discussed in Section 5.7 become then particularly important.
II.3. Long Distance Dependencies and the GAP feature
The special feature gap is used to indicate that a constituent must not be realized in the surface text. If a
constituent contains an attribute gap with any non-NONE value, the linearizer will skip it.
This device is used to implement long-distance dependencies in grammars. For example, in a relative clause, the
relative pronoun can be viewed as the marker of the relativization, and the relative clause as a complete clause, with
one constituent elided. Thus, in The man whom I know, the relative clause would have the structure I know the man
and the constituent the man would be a gap, whereas the relative pronoun whom would inherit its properties.
II.4. Specifying Complex Constraints: the TEST and CONTROL Keywords
test and control are two ‘‘impure’’ specifications: they do not rely on the principle of unification to
prevent a successful unification of 2 FDs. control should not be used except under extremely special circumstances. For the time being, it can be considered a synonym of test.
test is used to add a complex constraint on the result of a unification. A complex constraint refers to any Lisp
predicate. If at the end of the unification the predicate is satisfied when applied to the resulting fd, the unification
succeeds, otherwise it fails, and the unifier backtracks to find another solution.
The special character ’#@’ is used to refer to parts of the FD in the expression of the constraints. A ’#@’ must
be followed by a valid path (either absolute or relative). The expression #@(^ ^ a b) is replaced by the value of
the feature refered to by that path before the predicate is evaluated.
The order in which the test predicates will be evaluated is obviously not determined. Side effects are
therefore STRONGLY discouraged within the body of the test constraints.
((a 1)
(test (equal #@{a} #@{b})))
is equivalent to the nicer:
((a 1)
(b {a}))
((a 1)
(test (numberp #@{a})))
There is conceptually the same difference between TEST and CONTROL as there is between ANY and
GIVEN: TEST constraints are tested at determination time, whereas CONTROL constraints are tested as soon as the
unifier meets them. CONTROL is therefore in general much more efficient than TEST, but the results it provides
are unpredictable in certain cases (if the features tested are given a different value later on during the unification, the
result of the test could be different).
II.5. Copying vs Conflation: The #{} notation
**********Jacques: here you go*****
Appendix III
Non Linguistic Applications of the Unifier: FUF as a Programming
Unification as used in the theory of functional unification grammars is a powerful mechanism that is not
restricted to linguistic domains. It can be viewed as a ‘‘programming language’’ of its own. Actually, it is similar by
many aspects to PROLOG. There are however some very specific features that make working with this version of
unification well adapted to grammars, and not so well to more classic programming tasks.
III.1. Dealing with Lists: The Member/Append Example
To make things clear, this implementation includes a ‘‘grammar’’ doing some list processing. The only operations presented are member and append. This grammar is in the directorey examples in file GR5.L. It is printed here
for easy reference for the discussion.
(((cat append)
(alt append
;; First branch: append([],Y,Y).
(((x none)
(z {^ y})
;; This is to normalize the result of a (cat append):
;; it must contain the CAR and CDR of the result.
(car {^ z car})
(cdr {^ z cdr}))
;; Second branch: append([X/Xs],Y,[X/Z]):-append(Xs,Y,Z).
((alt (((x ((car any))))
; this alt allows for partially
((x ((cdr any)))))) ; defined lists X in input.
;; recursive call to append
;; with new arguments x, y and z.
(cset (z))
(z ((car {^ ^ x car})
(cdr ((cat append)
(x {^ ^ ^ x cdr})
(y {^ ^ ^ y})))))
(car {^ z car})
(cdr {^ z cdr})))))
(((cat member)
(alt member
(((x {^ y car}))
((y ((cdr any)))
(m ((cat member)
(x {^ ^ x})
(y {^ ^ y cdr})))))))))))
This grammar is actually almost equivalent to the following PROLOG program:
member(X,[_|Y]) :- member(X,Y)
append([X|Xs],Ys,[X|Zs]) :- append(Xs,Ys,Zs).
Note that the PROLOG form is much nicer! But there are reasons to look at the FUG version anyway. Here is
how it works.
III.2. Representing Lists as FDs
The first problem to handle lists with FUGs, is to represent lists as FDs, since FUGs can handle only FDs.
Quite simply, lists are represented as an FD with two features, CAR and CDR (with names ala Lisp).
The list (a b c) is represented by the FD:
((car a)
(cdr ((car b)
(cdr ((car c)
(cdr none))))))
The list (a (b c)) is represented by the FD:
((car a)
(cdr ((car ((car b)
(cdr ((car c)
(cdr none)))))
(cdr none))))
III.2.1. NIL and variables
Note in the previous example that the equivalent of the lisp atom NIL is NONE in the FD. NIL in an FD means
‘‘anything can come here’’ whereas NONE means ‘‘nothing can come here’’. NIL therefore plays a role similar to
uninstantiated variables in PROLOG.
The PROLOG expression [a X c] can be represented by the FD:
((car a)
(cdr ((car nil)
(cdr ((car c)
(cdr none))))))
((car a)
(cdr ((cdr ((car c)
(cdr none))))))
The PROLOG expression [a b | Xs] can be represented by the FD:
((car a)
(cdr ((car b))))
III.2.2. The "~" notation
The car/cdr notation for lists is very awkward to use. The file FDLIST.L includes a mechanism to translate
between the regular Lisp notation and the FD notation. It defines the macro-character "~" to indicate list values.
((cat member)
(x a)
(y ~(c b a)))
((cat member)
(x a)
(y ((car c)
(cdr ((car b)
(cdr ((car a)
(cdr none))))))))
Note that the "~" notation can be used only for completely specified lists. If some elements are uninstantiated,
you must describe the list with the car/cdr notation.
The ~n notation can be used to refer to elements of lists represented as FDs. The path {l ~4} refers to the fourth
element of the list l. It is equivalent to the path {l cdr cdr cdr car}.
III.3. Environment and Variable Names vs. FD and Path
The notions of environment and variable in PROLOG or LISP correspond to the notion of ‘‘total FD’’ and path
in Functional Unification. What we call a ‘‘total FD’’ is the highest level FD, the one corresponding to the path (). It
is the FD corresponding to the input to the unifier, and that will be ‘‘determined’’ at the end of unification. This FD
contains all the environment of a computation.
Variables are then just places or positions within this total FD.
If the total FD is the FD corresponding to [a X c]
((car a)
(cdr ((cdr ((car c)
(cdr none))))))
The variable X can be refered to by using the path (cdr car)
III.4. Procedures vs. Categories, Arguments vs. Constituents
A program in FUG can be viewed as a collection of procedures, each procedure being represented by a
category. In the member example of section III.1, an input containing the feature (cat member) will be sent to the
member procedure.
Procedures expect arguments and return results. There is no notion of input and output in unification, as far as
arguments are concerned. So we just consider arguments in general. For example, the member procedure has two
arguments, called X and Y and represented in FUG notation by the constituents X and Y of the (cat member).
The procedure append has three arguments, X, Y and Z. Z can be seen as the ‘‘result’’ of the procedure, or in
functional notation: Z = append(X,Y).
Note that, as in the corresponding PROLOG program, the FUG implementation of member and append is
non-directional. All of the arguments can be partially specified, and the unification enforces the relation existing
between them.
III.5. The total FD Includes the Stack of all Computation
One problem with the way FUG work is that there is no notion of ‘‘environment’’ besides the total FD.
Therefore, when a program works recursively, all the local variables that are normally stacked in an external
environment are stacked within the total FD. At the end, the total FD contains the whole stack of the computation,
and is pretty heavy to manipulate.
As an example here is the result of the simple call append([a,b],[c,d],Z):
(X ((CAR A) (CDR ((CAR B) (CDR NONE)))))
(Y ((CAR C) (CDR ((CAR D) (CDR NONE)))))
((CAR A)
(X ((CAR B) (CDR NONE)))
(Y ((CAR C) (CDR ((CAR D) (CDR NONE)))))
((CAR B)
(Y ((CAR C) (CDR ((CAR D) (CDR NONE))))
(Z ((CAR C) (CDR ((CAR D) (CDR NONE)))))
(CDR ((CAR D) (CDR NONE)))))))
(Y ((CAR C) (CDR ((CAR D) (CDR NONE)))))
(Z ((CAR C) (CDR ((CAR D) (CDR NONE)))))
(CDR ((CAR D) (CDR NONE)))))))))
(X ((CAR B) (CDR NONE)))
(Y ((CAR C) (CDR ((CAR D) (CDR NONE)))))
((CAR B)
(Y ((CAR C) (CDR ((CAR D) (CDR NONE)))))
(Z((CAR C) (CDR ((CAR D) (CDR NONE)))))
(CDR ((CAR D) (CDR NONE)))))))
(Y ((CAR C) (CDR ((CAR D) (CDR NONE)))))
(Z ((CAR C) (CDR ((CAR D) (CDR NONE)))))
(CDR ((CAR D) (CDR NONE))))))))
Fortunately, the only thing of interest in this FD is probably the value of the constituents CAR and CDR of Z.
III.6. Analogy with PROLOG programs
We have seen so far what aspects of FUGs are specific and different from other programming languages.
A program written using a FUG is very similar to a PROLOG program:
• The notion of success and failure in unification are equivalent to the ‘‘yes’’ and ‘‘no’’ of PROLOG
• Simple statement can be combined using the connectives AND and OR: both FDs and PROLOG
statements make use of conjunction and disjunction.
• Both notations rely heavily on unification, and refinement of partial descriptions to perform computations.
III.7. Use of Set Values in Linguistic Applications
This discussion of FUGs as programming languages can appear frivolous. It is actually motivated by the desire
to integrate more expressive features in linguistic grammars.
There are many different reasons to use set values in grammatical descriptions. For example, to describe a
conjunction like ‘‘John, Mary and Frank’’ the set {John, Mary, Frank} appears as a good candidate. Many other
applications for the category of set appear quite naturally when writing a grammar.
We want to be able to express grammatical constraints on such constructs within the framework of FUGs. We
have found the procedures member and append to be quite useful in this attempt.
Appendix IV
Non Standard Features of the Implementation and
The current implementation includes features not available in other systems working with functional unification, and imposes restrictions. This section lists these non-standard aspects of the implementation. For each of the
restriction, it is precised whether the checking functions (fd-p, fd-sem and grammar-p) detect the limitation
or not.
IV.1. Typed Features
This implementation supports the definition of types of symbols as described in the section on typing.
IV.2. The FSET Special Attribute and Typed Constituents
This implementation supports the special attribute FSET to implement the notion of typed constituent and
express completeness constraints. An fd ((fset (a b c)) (a 1)) can only have defined values (non-none
values) for the attributes a, b and c. All other attributes are considered as having value none. Two FSET features
can be unified, and the result is the intersection of the two values.
File test1.l in the example directory contains examples of use of fset feature.
IV.3. User-defined Types
User defined types with special unification procedures can be defined in this implementation. Refer to the
define-procedural-type entry in the reference manual for details. File test2.l in the example directory
contains examples of use of procedural types.
IV.4. Limits on Disjunction in Input
To work best, the unifier requires the input to be a simple FD, containing no disjunction (alt, ralt or opt).
It can contain patterns. tests and controls are not allowed in input.
It is advised not to put patterns, csets or anys in the input fd. These constructs are indeed best viewed as
devices used by the grammar to realize or enforce some constraints. The input should be left as ‘‘declarative’’ as
possible, and therefore should not contain such constructs.
If disjunction are found in an FD given to fd-sem, a warning message is printed. fd-sem also issues
warnings if its argument contains patterns or csets.
It is possible to use input fds containing disjunctions in two ways: one way is to first ‘‘normalize’’ the input fd
and randomly choose one fd compatible with the disjunction-full fd but containing no disjunction at all. The
function normalize-fd performs this operation. The other way to use disjunctions in input is to use the
low-level unifier function u-disjunctions . Note that in general, u-disjunctions can be extremely
inefficient unless some control mechanisms are properly used.
IV.5. Mergeable Constituents in Patterns
An extension to the standard pattern unification mechanism is the use of ‘‘mergeable constituents’’. A mergeable constituent in a pattern is noted (* constituent-name). This notation indicates that when unifying the
pattern containing it, this constituent can be ‘‘merged’’ or unified with another constituent that would need to be
placed at the same position in the pattern.
For example, patterns (a ... b) and (c ... b) cannot be unified, because the first position of the unifying pattern would need to be both a and c. But patterns ((* a) ... b) and (c ... b) can be unified, under
the constraint that constituents a and c be unified (or ‘‘merged’’). See also section 5.6 for a description of pattern
IV.6. Indexing of Alternation
This implementation allows indexing of alts. The notation used is:
(alt {trace-flag} {(index {...} indexed-path)} (branches+))
where each branch is a regular fd. The validity of the indexed-path is checked by the function
IV.7. Test and Control
It is possible to specify arbitrary constraints on the result of an unification within the grammar by using the
constructs test and control described in section 4.7. The notation is:
(TEST <lisp-expression>)
where <lisp-expression> is an arbitrary lisp expression, where certain variables can be #@(path), and refer to
the value of (path) in the determined result of the unification (see section 5.9 for a definition of the determination
stage of unification).
Unification succeeds if the evaluation of <lisp-expression> in the environment of the determined result is
non-nil. If it is nil, the unifier backtracks.
control works in a similar way, except that the <lisp-expression> is evaluated immediately when the unifier
encounters the control, and therefore is evaluated in a non-determined fd.
Note that both test and control can be used only to enforce complex constraints but not to compute
complex results to be added in the unification.
The function grammar-p does not check that the value of test and control is a valid lisp-expression.
The special value given and the related construct under are defined in this implementation. A feature (att
given) is unified with an input fd, if the input contains a real value for attribute att at the beginning of the
unification. When typed features are defined, a feature (att #(under symb)) is unified with an input fd, if
the input contains a value for attribute att which is more specific than symb at the beginning of the unification.
Note that if symb has no specializations defined in a type hierarchy, the notation (att #(under symb)) is
equivalent to ((att given) (att symb)).
given and under are useful to check the presence of required features in inputs.
IV.9. EXTERNAL Specifications and Macros
The implementation supports the EXTERNAL construct which provides a form of delayed dynamic expression
of constraints and a mechanism for a macro facility in grammars.
A feature (att #(external <fctn>)) in a grammar is interpreted as follows: the unifier calls the
function <fctn> with one argument, the path at which the external feature is being unified. The function must return
a valid fd <F>. The unifier then continue unification with this returned fd instead of the as if the feature had been
(a <F>) in the first place.
It is therefore possible to dynamically decide, at run-time, what constraints will be used in the grammar.
IV.10. User-defined CAT Parameter
The CAT parameter is used to identify constituents in an fd when the cset attribute is not present. Through
this mechanism, the unifier implements a breadth-first top-down traversal of the structures being generated.
By default, the CAT parameter is equal to the symbol cat. It is however possible to specifiy another value for
this parameter. As a consequence, it is possible to traverse the same fd structure and to assign the role of
constituents to different sub-structures by adjusting the value of this parameter. This feature is particularly useful
when an fd is being processed through a pipe-line of grammars.
IV.11. Resource Limited Processing
It is possible to limit the time the unifier will devote to a particular call. The :limit keyword available in all
unification functions specifies the maximum number of backtracking points that can be allocated to a particular call.
Using this feature it is possible to perform ‘‘fuzzy’’ unification. (Note that the appropriateness of a fuzzy or
incomplete unification relies on the particular control strategy used of breadth-first top-down expansion.)
IV.12. BK-CLASS Control Specification
The idea behind bk-class is to take advantage of the knowledge of where a failure occurs in the graph being
unified to filter the stack of backtracking points. Note that a failure always happens at a leaf of the graph because of
a conflict between two atomic values. The path leading to the point of the failure is called the ‘‘failure address’’.
Note also that backtracking points are all associated with a disjunction construct in the grammar.
In FUF, you can annotate each disjunction to either catch (restart) or ignore (propagate higher on the stack)
failures occurring at certain pre-declared failure addresses.
The details are:
1. Define classes of failure addresses as regular expressions on paths. These are called the bk-classes (for
backtracking classes). All failures that occur at an address which is not a member of any bk-class are
treated normally by all backtracking point.
2. Annotate certain disjunctions (and therefore the backtracking points they place on the stack) with the
list of classes to which they are allowed to respond:
(alt (:bk-class c1 ... cn) ...)
3. During backtracking, a backtracking point checks if the failure address is part of a bk-class, and if it is,
whether it is a member of the bk-classes it is declared to process. If it is, the b-point restarts the
computation (by proceeding to the next alternative in the disjunction), otherwise it just ignores the
failure and propagates it to the rest of the stack.
Through this mechanism, only the decisions that are ‘‘relevant’’ to the current failure need to be undone.
In practice, this mechanism when it is applicable provides huge performance gains, but it is rarely applicable:
the problem is to define the bk-classes and it is a difficult task. You need to experiment a lot with it though as in
general, bk-class has lots of potential. The problem is deciding when it is applicable in the context of a big
Note that this mechanism relates to the ‘‘cut’’ of Prolog but it also has a big advantage: if the bk-class
annotations are done consistently (which cannot be checked automatically), then the semantics of the grammar is not
modified by the annotation in the sense that all the results produced by the ‘‘pure grammar’’ would also be produced
by the grammar with the annotation.
Note also that this mechanism is implemented in such a way that when it is not used in the grammar, there is
very little overhead in processing time.
An example of use of bk-class is provided in grammar GR7 .
IV.13. WAIT Control Specification
The idea is to freeze a decision until enough information is gathered by the rest of the unification process to
make the decision efficiently. The annotation is:
(alt (:wait (<path1> <value1>) ...) ...)
When the unifier meets such a disjunction, it first checks if all the pathi have a value which is instantiated
(valuei is used with typed symbols). If they are all instantiated, it proceeds as usual. If they are not, then the
disjunction is put on hold (frozen) and the unification proceeds with the other constraints in the grammar. Whenever
a toplevel disjunction is entered, the unifier checks if one of the frozen disjunctions can be thawed. If all the
decisions to be made are frozen, any one is forced.17 Wait is probably the most powerful of all control constructs.
The main benefit it provides is that it allows to order decisions dynamically based on what the input contains.
IV.14. IGNORE Control Specifications
The idea is to just ignore certain decisions when there is not enough information, there is already enough
information or there are not enough resources. The 3 cases correspond to the annotations:
(alt (:ignore-when <path> ...) ...)
(alt (:ignore-unless <path> ...) ...)
(alt (:ignore-after <number>) ...)
Ignore-when is triggered when the paths are already instantiated. This is used when the input already
contains information and the grammar does not have to re-derive it.
Ignore-unless is triggered when a path is not instantiated. This is used when the input does not contain
enough information at all, and the grammar can just choose an arbitrary default.
Ignore-after is triggered after a certain number of backtracking points have been consumed. This indicates that the decision encoded by the disjunction is a detail refinement that is not necessary to the completion of
the unification, but would just add to its appropriateness or value. IGNORE-AFTER IS CURRENTLY NOT
The main problem with these annotations is that their evaluation depends on the order in which evaluation
proceeds, and that this order is not known to the grammar writer. But in conjunction with wait, this issue is not
necessarily a problem as ‘‘wait’’ establishes constraints on when a decision is evaluated.
NOTE: These 2 issues require further optimization: when do you awake a frozen disjunction and which one do you force first can be decided
by some sort of dependency analysis, but one that can be done statically by building incrementally a complex data-structure, otw the cost of the
analysis would not be justified. Practically, the first issue is most important: it determines how much overhead is added on ALL disjunctions
when freeze is used. I am experimenting currently with a ‘‘granularity’’ control system, which controls how often the agenda of frozen disj. is
checked. This is currently not implemented.
Appendix V
Changes from Version to Version
V.1. New Features and Modifications in Version 3
• Paths are now represented with curly braces instead of simple lists.
Old notation: (a (^ ^ b))
New notation: (a {^ ^ b})
The emacs routine found in file src/convert.el converts from the old format to the new format.
• Typed features are now allowed.
• Paths can now be in the left position of a pair: ({a} x) is legal.
• External is introduced.
• Procedural types are introduced.
• Fset is introduced.
V.2. New Features and Modification in Version 4
• bk-class is introduced.
• cset and pattern can contain paths.
• ordinal and cardinal are added to the morphology.
V.3. New Features and Modification in Version 5
• syntax of alt is transformed with keywords :demo, :trace, :wait, :bk-class, :ignore-when, :ignore-unless
and :order acceptable in any order. Old syntax is still recognized.
• wait is introduced.
• ignore-unless and ignore-when are introduced.
• @ notation is changed to #@ notation (to avoid conflict with CLASSIC).
• ^n and ~n notations are introduced
• The incremental cset features are introduced (cset (= a ...) (== b ...) (+ c ...) (- d ...)).
• The punctuation capitalize feature is recognized by the morphology/linearizer module.
• The def-alt, def-conj, def-grammar syntax is introduced with :& and :!.
• Def-test and test are introduced.
• Trace-level is introduced, plus other minor tracing functions.
• %break% feature is introduced.
• Digit (yes, no or roman) under ordinal and cardinal is now recognized by the morphology module.
• ^n~ notation is introduced.
• #{} notation is introduced (to copy paths instead of unify them).
• Functions relocate and insert-fd are defined.
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# notation 21
# notation 94
#@ notation 124, 134, 139
$ notation (unix) 120
$fug5 120
%break% 79, 92
* notation 104, 123
*agenda-policy* (variable) 118
*all-trace-off* (variable) 108
*all-trace-on* (variable) 108
*any-at-unification* (variable) 117
*cat-attribute* (variable) 27, 99
*default-external-value* (variable) 51
*dictionary* (variable) 113
*irreg-plurals* (variable) 53, 55
*irreg-verbs* (variable) 53, 56
*keep-cset* (variable) 118
*keep-none* (variable) 118
*lexical-categories* (variable) 99
*top* (variable) 109
*trace-determine* (variable) 108
*trace-marker* (variable) 82, 108
*u-grammar* (variable) 99
*use-any* (variable) 118
*use-given* (variable) 118
... notation 21
:! (notation) 30
:& (notation) 30
:& notation 33
:anonymous 93
:bk-class (annotation) 59
:demo (annotation) 59, 86
:ignore-unless (annotation) 59
:ignore-when (annotation) 59
:index (annotation) 59
:order (annotation) 19, 59
:wait (annotation) 59
< (special value) 47
<= (special value) 47
=< (special value) 47
=== notation 7
A-an (morphological feature) 53, 54
Absolute path 13, 92
Adj 53
Adv 53
Agreement (subject/verb) 6, 8
All-tracing-flags (function) 79, 86, 109
Alt (keyword) 6, 19, 59, 61, 81, 116
Alt (special attribute) 90
Alt-gdp (function) 106, 116
Ambiguity of the ^ notation 15
Any (special value) 117, 25, 93, 115, 125
Append 127, 129
Arguments to procedures (in FUG as program) 129
Avg-complexity (function) 61, 112
Bk-class (annotation) 59, 61, 89, 93, 111
Branch (of an alt) 6
Call-linearizer (function) 114
Car (in FDs) 35, 128
Cardinal 53
Case 54
Cat (special attribute) 26, 53, 62, 93, 102
Cat attribute 62
Categories-not-unified (function) 53
Category 26
Cdr (in FDs) 35, 128
Clean-fd (function) 92
Clear-bk-class (function) 93, 94
Common lisp 119
Common noun 6
Comparison prolog/FUG as program 130
Compile-fug (function) 119
Complexity (function) 61, 113
Complexity 29, 60
Con 53
Conflation 14
Conjunction 13
Constituent 6, 22
Constituent traversal 7, 22, 25, 63, 72, 73, 88, 89, 93
Constraint (feature as) 13
Constraints (specifying complex) 124
Control (keyword) 94, 124, 134
Control in FUF 89, 90
Control-demo (function) 86
Cset (keyword) 7, 22, 89, 123
Cset (special attribute) 45, 93
Cset (unification) 22, 24
Def-alt (construct) 29, 30
Def-conj (construct) 29, 30
Default (in alt) 6, 19
Define-feature-type (function) 46, 94
Define-procedural-type (function) 49, 94
Demo (annotation) 59
Demonstrative 54
Denotation (of FDs) 13
Desperation (when debugging FUF) 92
Det 53, 54
Determination 25, 66, 73, 87, 101, 102, 117, 129, 134
Dictionary 55
Digit (morphological feature) 53
Disjunction 19
Disjunctive normal form 113
Distance 54
DNF (disjunctive normal form) 60
Dots (in pattern) 21
Draw-grammar (function) 31
Draw-types (function) 48, 94
Efficiency (of unification) 61
EMACS (text editor) 93
Empty-fd (function) 95
Ending 54
Environment (of a FUG as a program) 129
Equations 13, 14
Examples 5
External (keyword) 94
External 51, 135
External symbols 120
Failure (of unification) 8, 19, 25, 81
Far 54
FD 1, 5
Fd-intersection (function) 114
Fd-member (function) 115
Fd-p (function) 3, 5, 91, 106, 133
Fd-sem (function) 105, 133
Fd-syntax (function) 103
Fd-to-list (function) 115
Features 13
Filter-nils (function) 96
First (person) 54
Fset (special attribute) 41, 43, 48, 133, 92
Fuf-postscript (function) 31
Fug5 (package) 120
Fug5.l (file) 119
Gap 114, 124
Gdp (function) 115
Gdpp (function) 115
Gender 54
Get-error-pair (function) 107
Given (special value) 25, 48, 93, 125, 135
Gr0.l (file) 5, 119
Gr1.l (file) 119
Gr11.l (file) 11
Gr2.l (file) 119
Gr3.l (file) 119
Gr4.l (file) 11, 119
Gr5.l (file) 119
Gr7.l (file) 136, 64
Grammar organization 26
Grammar-p (function) 3, 91, 107, 133
Graph (FD as) 15, 92
Hyper-trace-category (function) 79, 88
Ignore (annotation) 93
Ignore-unless (annotation) 59
Ignore-when (annotation) 59
Index (annotation) 59, 93
Indexing 61, 134
Infinitive 54
Initial failure 77
Initialize-lexicon (function) 55
Insert-fd (function) 96
Instantiated features 25, 128
Internal-trace-off (function) 109
Internal-trace-on (function) 109
Ir0.l (file) 119
Ir1.l (file) 119
Ir2.l (file) 119
Ir3.l (file) 119
Ir4.l (file) 119
Ir5.l (file) 119
Ir7 (file) 65, 66
Jumping (to a branch) 62
Leaf 13
Lex (special attribute) 7
Lexfetch (function) 113
Lexical categories 53
Lexicon.l (file) 55, 113
Lexstore (function) 113
Limit (keyword) 93
Limit 100
Limits on disjunction in input 133
Linearization 1, 9, 20, 53, 114
Linearize.l (file) 53
Linearizer 93
List (as FDs) 128
List-to-fd (function) 98, 117
Lists (as fds) 114, 115, 117
Member 127, 129
Mergeable constituents (in pattern) 104, 123, 134
Modal 53
Morphology 9, 10, 53, 56, 114
Morphology-help (function) 10, 53, 114
Near 54
Nil (special value) 13, 96, 115, 128
Non-deterministic constructs 21, 61
Non-interactive (keyword) 88
Non-standard features of implementation 27, 133
None (special value) 42, 25, 92, 96, 115
Normalize-fd (function) 15, 97, 100, 107, 133
Noun 53, 54
Number 54
Objective 54
Opt (keyword) 20, 61, 81, 116
Optional features 20
Order (annotation) 19, 59
Order independence 19
Ordering constraints 6, 20
Ordinal 53
Packages 120
Pair (attribute/value) 13
Past 54
Past-participle 54
Path (flat description of FDs) 13
Path (unification) 14
Path 13, 115
Path-value (function) 85, 92
Pattern (keyword) 6, 9, 20, 61, 104
Pattern (special attribute) 45
Pattern (unification) 21
Person 54
Personal 54
Phrase 53
Plural 54
Porting to a new machine 119
Possessive 54
Pound (in pattern) 21
Prep 53
Present 54
Procedures (in FUG as program) 129
Prolog 127, 129
Pronoun 54
Pronoun-type 54
Proper noun 6
Punctuation 53, 54, 56
Quantified 54
Question 54
Ralt (keyword) 19, 61, 116
Recursion 7, 22
Reference to the FD in a test expression 124
Reflexive 54
Register-category-not-unified (function) 53
Relative path 13, 91
Reload-fug5 (function) 119
Relocate (function) 96
Relpro 53
Require (lisp function) 119
Reset-typed-features (function) 47, 93, 94
Restrictions 27, 133
Root 54
Search (through the grammar) 61
Second (person) 54
Set values in FDs 131
Set-path-value (function) 85
Singular 54
Structure sharing 14
Sub-constituents 7
Subjective 54
Subsume (function) 46
Sunder (special value) 47
Syntax 13
Tense 54
Test (keyword) 25, 94, 124, 134
Third (person) 54
Top-fd-to-list (function) 98
Top-gdp (function) 92, 95, 115, 116
Top-gdpp (function) 95, 116
Total fd 25, 95, 101, 102, 116, 117, 129
Total-fd 116
Trace-alts (function) 79, 90, 93
Trace-bk-class (function) 66, 79, 89, 111
Trace-bp (function) 79, 92
Trace-category (function) 79, 88, 111
Trace-cset (function) 79, 89
Trace-determine (function) 79, 87, 111
Trace-disable (function) 79, 86, 109
Trace-disable-all (function) 79, 86, 92, 109
Trace-disable-alt (function) 79, 86
Trace-disable-match (function) 79, 86, 110
Trace-enable (function) 79, 86, 110
Trace-enable-all (function) 79, 86, 110
Trace-enable-alt (function) 79, 86, 92
Trace-enable-match (function) 79, 86, 110
Trace-level (function) 79, 80, 92
Trace-off (function) 79, 92, 110
Trace-on (function) 79, 92, 110
Trace-wait (function) 79, 90
Tracing (local) 82
Tracing (of alt) 81
Tracing (of opt) 81
Tracing 77
Tracing flag 82, 103, 104, 108
Tracing messages 81
Types in unification 133
Types-postscript (function) 48
U (function) 100
U-disjunctions (function) 133, 100
U-exhaust (function) 102
U-exhaust-top (function) 102
Under (special value) 26, 47, 94, 135
Uni (function) 3, 101
Uni-fd (function) 3, 92, 101
Uni-num (function) 103
Uni-string (function) 101
Unif (function) 3, 102
Unification (overall mechanism) 7
Unification 1
Unification functions 99
Unknown category 10, 53, 93
Use-package (function) 122
User-defined types 133
Value (morphological feature) 53
Variables (in FUGs) 128, 129
Verb 53, 54
Wait (annotation) 59, 61, 90, 93
Wait (control annotation) 25
^ notation (ambiguity) 15
^ notation 115
^n notation 13, 91
~ notation 128
~n notation 117, 129
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
1.1. How to Read this Manual
1.2. Function and Content of the Package
2. Getting Started
2.1. Main User Functions
3. FDs, Unification and Linearization
3.1. What is an FD?
3.2. A Simple Example of Unification
3.3. Linearization
4. Writing and Modifying Grammars
5. Precise Characterization of FDs
5.1. Generalities: Features, Syntax, Paths and Equations
5.2. FDs as Graphs
5.3. Functional Descriptions vs. First-order Terms
5.4. Disjunctions: The ALT and RALT Keywords
5.5. Optional Features: the OPT Keyword
5.6. Control of the Ordering: the PATTERN Keyword
5.7. Explicit Specification of Sub-constituents: the CSET Keyword
5.7.1. Implicit and Incremental CSET Specification
5.7.2. Unification of Incremental CSET Specifications
5.8. The Special Value NONE
5.9. The Special Value ANY - The Determination Stage
5.10. The Special Value GIVEN
5.11. The Special Attribute CAT: General Outline of a Grammar
6. Modular Organization of Grammars: Def-alt and Def-conj
6.1. Modular Definition of FDs
6.2. Drawing the Map of a Grammar
7. Defining Input for Regression Testing: The Test Facility
8. Using Lists in FDs
8.1. Encoding Lists as FDs
8.2. When to Use Lists: an Example
8.3. Typical List Traversal in FUF
8.4. Path Notations for Lists: ~ ^~ and ~n
9. Types in Unification
9.1. Why Types?
9.1.1. Typed features A Limitation of FUGs: No Structure over the Set of Values Introducing Typed Features
9.1.2. Typed Constituents: The FSET Construct
9.1.3. Procedural Types
9.2. Typed Features: define-feature-type
9.2.1. Type Definition
9.2.2. The under Family of Constructs
9.2.3. Drawing Type Hierarchies
9.3. Typed Constituents: the FSET Construct
9.4. Procedural Types
10. EXTERNAL and Unification Macros
11. Morphology and Linearization
11.1. Lexical Categories are not Unified
11.2. CATegories Accepted by the Morphology Module
11.3. Accepted Features for VERB, NOUN, PRONOUN, DET, ORDINAL, CARDINAL and
11.4. Possible Values for Features NUMBER, PERSON, TENSE, ENDING, BEFORE, AFTER, CASE,
11.5. The Dictionary
11.6. Linearization and Punctuation
12. Control in FUF
12.1. Complexity
12.2. Indexing
12.3. Dependency-directed Backtracking and BK-CLASS
12.4. Lazy Evaluation and Freeze with wait
12.4.1. Wait and Constituent Traversal
12.5. Conditional-Evaluation with Ignore
13. Tracing and Debugging
13.1. What it Means to Debug a FUF Program
13.2. Checking the Validity of FDs and Grammars
13.3. Fine Tuning Tracing: Overview of FUF Tracing Functions
13.4. Identifying Possible Bugs: Trace-bp
13.5. Levels of Tracing
13.6. Tracing of Alternatives and Options
13.7. Local tracing with boundaries
13.7.1. Special Flags %trace-on% and %trace-off%
13.7.2. The Special Tracing Flag %break%
13.8. The trace-enable and trace-disable Family of Functions
13.9. The :demo directive
13.10. Tracing of Specific Stages of the Unification
13.10.1. Trace-determine
13.10.2. Trace-Category and Hyper-trace-category
13.10.3. Trace-Cset
13.10.4. Trace-BK-Class
13.10.5. Trace-Wait
13.10.6. Trace-Alts
13.11. Some Advice on FUF Debugging
13.11.1. Syntax Errors
13.11.2. Semantic Errors
13.11.3. Expression of Negative Constraints
13.11.4. Control
14. Manipulation of FDs as Data-structures
14.1. FD Accessors
14.2. FD Relocation
14.3. FD Normalization
14.4. Lists of FDs
15. Reference Manual
15.1. Unification functions
15.1.1. *lexical-categories*
15.1.2. *u-grammar*
15.1.3. *cat-attribute*
15.1.4. u
15.1.5. u-disjunctions
15.1.6. uni
15.1.7. uni-string
15.1.8. uni-fd
15.1.9. unif
15.1.10. u-exhaust
15.1.11. u-exhaust-top
15.1.12. uni-num
15.2. Checking
15.2.1. fd-syntax
15.2.2. fd-sem
15.2.3. fd-p
15.2.4. grammar-p
15.2.5. get-error-pair
15.2.6. normalize-fd
15.3. Tracing
15.3.1. *all-trace-off*
15.3.2. *all-trace-on*
15.3.3. *trace-determine*
15.3.4. *trace-marker*
15.3.5. *top*
15.3.6. all-tracing-flags
15.3.7. internal-trace-off
15.3.8. internal-trace-on
15.3.9. trace-disable
15.3.10. trace-disable-all
15.3.11. trace-disable-match
15.3.12. trace-enable
15.3.13. trace-enable-all
15.3.14. trace-enable-match
15.3.15. trace-off
15.3.16. trace-on
15.3.17. trace-determine
15.3.18. trace-bk-class
15.3.19. trace-category
15.4. Complexity
15.4.1. avg-complexity
15.4.2. complexity
15.5. Manipulation of the Dictionary
15.5.1. *dictionary*
15.5.2. lexfetch
15.5.3. lexstore
15.6. Linearization and Morphology
15.6.1. call-linearizer
15.6.2. gap
15.6.3. morphology-help
15.7. Manipulation of FDs as Data-structures
15.7.1. fd-intersection
15.7.2. fd-member
15.7.3. fd-to-list
15.7.4. gdp
15.7.5. gdpp
15.7.6. top-gdp
15.7.7. top-gdpp
15.7.8. alt-gdp
15.7.9. list-to-fd
15.8. fine tuning of the unifier
15.8.1. *any-at-unification*
15.8.2. *use-given*
15.8.3. *use-any*
15.8.4. *keep-cset*
15.8.5. *keep-none*
15.8.6. *agenda-policy*
Appendix I. Installation of the Package
I.1. Finding the Files
I.2. Porting to a New Machine
I.3. Packages
Appendix II. Advanced Features
II.1. Advanced Uses of Patterns
II.2. Advanced uses of CSET
II.3. Long Distance Dependencies and the GAP feature
II.4. Specifying Complex Constraints: the TEST and CONTROL Keywords
II.5. Copying vs Conflation: The #{} notation
Appendix III. Non Linguistic Applications of the Unifier: FUF as a Programming
III.1. Dealing with Lists: The Member/Append Example
III.2. Representing Lists as FDs
III.2.1. NIL and variables
III.2.2. The "~" notation
III.3. Environment and Variable Names vs. FD and Path
III.4. Procedures vs. Categories, Arguments vs. Constituents
III.5. The total FD Includes the Stack of all Computation
III.6. Analogy with PROLOG programs
III.7. Use of Set Values in Linguistic Applications
Appendix IV. Non Standard Features of the Implementation and Restrictions
IV.1. Typed Features
IV.2. The FSET Special Attribute and Typed Constituents
IV.3. User-defined Types
IV.4. Limits on Disjunction in Input
IV.5. Mergeable Constituents in Patterns
IV.6. Indexing of Alternation
IV.7. Test and Control
IV.9. EXTERNAL Specifications and Macros
IV.10. User-defined CAT Parameter
IV.11. Resource Limited Processing
IV.12. BK-CLASS Control Specification
IV.13. WAIT Control Specification
IV.14. IGNORE Control Specifications
Appendix V. Changes from Version to Version
V.1. New Features and Modifications in Version 3
V.2. New Features and Modification in Version 4
V.3. New Features and Modification in Version 5
List of Figures
Figure 5-1: FD as a graph
Figure 5-2: Conflation in an FD graph
Figure 5-3: A grammar for conjunction
Figure 6-1: Map of the SURGE grammar using the def-alt syntax
Figure 12-1: Effect of bk-class
Figure 12-2: Determination of the address of failure