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GlobalSign Partners Digital Certificate Reseller Quick Start Guide Using your GCC Partner Account to Resell SSL & Client Certificates Effectively v2.4 TABLE OF CONTENTS Logging In .............................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Available Products ................................................................................................................................................................ 4 SSL Certificates ................................................................................................................................................................. 4 OneClickSSL Vouchers ...................................................................................................................................................... 4 Client Certificates ............................................................................................................................................................. 4 Pricing, Payment Options & Billing ....................................................................................................................................... 5 Discount Structure & Getting The Best Discounts ............................................................................................................ 5 Payment Options – Pay As You Go ................................................................................................................................... 6 Unlimited Licensing ...................................................................................................................................................... 6 Pay As You Go ‐ Payment by Credit Card ..................................................................................................................... 6 Pay As You Go ‐ Payment by Monthly Invoicing .......................................................................................................... 6 Pay As You Go ‐ Payment Upfront ............................................................................................................................... 6 Payment Options – Bulk Orders / Depositing Funds into Account ................................................................................... 6 Create Bulk Order ........................................................................................................................................................ 7 Add Deposit .................................................................................................................................................................. 7 How to Pay for your Bulk Order / Add Deposit Amount .............................................................................................. 7 Ordering SSL Certificates ...................................................................................................................................................... 8 Complete a Full Application ............................................................................................................................................. 8 Adding Subject Alternative Names (SANs) ..................................................................................................................... 11 Using OneClickSSL .......................................................................................................................................................... 12 Types of OneClickSSL Vouchers.................................................................................................................................. 12 Payment for OneClickSSL Vouchers ........................................................................................................................... 13 Obtaining a OneClickSSL Single Site Voucher ............................................................................................................. 13 Initiate a Cert‐Invite ....................................................................................................................................................... 14 Managing Existing Customers: SSL Certificate Applications ............................................................................................... 14 Viewing Outstanding & Completed Orders .................................................................................................................... 14 Cancelling a Cert‐Invite PIN ............................................................................................................................................ 15 Cancelling an Order ........................................................................................................................................................ 15 Resending an Approver Email ........................................................................................................................................ 15 Reissuing an SSL Certificate ............................................................................................................................................ 16 Renewing an SSL Certificate ........................................................................................................................................... 16 Revoking an SSL or Client Certificate .............................................................................................................................. 17 2 Ordering Client Certificates ................................................................................................................................................ 17 1a) Method – Allowing Customers to Order Directly ..................................................................................................... 18 1b) Method ‐ Ordering on Behalf of a Customer ........................................................................................................... 20 Essential Workflow Points to Note ................................................................................................................................. 22 Managing Existing Customers: Client Certificate Applications ........................................................................................... 22 Viewing Outstanding & Completed Orders .................................................................................................................... 22 Cancelling an Order ........................................................................................................................................................ 23 Resending an Approver Email for Appropriate Client Certificates ................................................................................. 23 Reissuing a Client Certificate .......................................................................................................................................... 24 Renewing a Client Certificate ......................................................................................................................................... 24 Account wide Functions ...................................................................................................................................................... 24 Creating / Managing Users ............................................................................................................................................. 24 User Roles .................................................................................................................................................................. 24 Creating New Users and Understanding User Administration Rights ........................................................................ 25 GlobalSign SSL API ............................................................................................................................................................... 25 Creating Second Tier Sub‐Resellers .................................................................................................................................... 25 Getting Help ........................................................................................................................................................................ 25 3 LLOGGING IN O
Once your Parttner Account h
has been appro
oved, you can log into the G
GlobalSign Certtificate Center (GCC) and start reselling G
GlobalSign SSL and Client Cerrtificates straight away. G
Go to www.glo an
nd click Log In.. EEnter your User ID and Passw
word. Your Use
er ID is the PAR
RXXXX_xxxxx n umber given to you at the en
nd of the Partn
ner Signup; yyou can also fin
nd it in your Welcome Email. Your Passworrd is the passw
word you enterred during the Partner Signup
p. Iff you have diffficulties loggingg in, or forget yyour password
d please contacct Support at: w A
CATES SSSL Certificatess encrypt the cconnection bettween server aand browser, oor between weeb services usin
ng https. Reseelling SSL is id
deal for any co
ompany provid
ding web services such as ho
osting, ecomm erce services, domain sales etc. For moree details on SSSL visit
m/ssl O
OneClickSSL Vo
ouchers can be
e redeemed by b OneClickSSLL plug‐ins for ccPanel, Paralleels Plesk, IIS an
nd Apache. O
OneClickSSL eenables hostingg companies to
o replace the ttraditional SSL lifecycle proceess with a fullyy automated an
nd significantlyy simplified SSSL activation p
process. More
e details are available at
oneclickssl/ C
Client Certificates are the grroup name givven to Digital Certificates C
isssued to peoplee or companiees for the speccific use of eemail security, authentication
n to online ressources and ap
pplication of diigital signaturees to applicatio
ons (code) and
d electronic d
documents (Ad
dobe PDF and M
Microsoft Officce files). For m
more details on Client Certificcates please vissit: 4 
nalSign Digital IDs for email ssigning and enccryption, two ffactor authentication, and digital signatures for Microsoft Office doccuments m/personalsign
Code SSigning Digital IDs for applicaation signing
m/code‐signingg/ PDF signing PDF Siigning Certificaate for Adobe P
m/pdf‐signing/ P
All Partners buy GlobalSign D
Digital Certificates at a discou
unt. You can reesell the certifficates to your customers thrrough your o
own website or web servicess at your desirred price and m
make margin oon every certifficate you sell. Alternativelyy you could aadd certificatess as a value added offering to
o your current product packaages. The high
her you sell thee certificate or the higher yyour discount, the more marggin you make. TThe discount levels are set by the level of o funds put in
nto your Accoount. All Partn
ners initially h
have the defau
ult level of d
discount, detaiiled as Rank 1 in the examp
ple table below
w, and receive this discounteed pricing eveery time they p
purchase a ccertificate usin
ng the Pay As You Go (no commitment to
o methods of payment – seee Payment O
Options – Pay A
As You Go ssection of this Quick Start Guide). This me
eans you can buy at a discoount without ccommitting anyy funds to you
ur account, h
however in ord
der to obtain higher discountts you must bu
ulk purchase / deposit fundss directly into yyour account.
Discount leve
els displayed are discounts off standard Payy As You Go pricing and not th
he SRP (Standaard Retail Price) of Glob
balSign SSL. Fo
or the SRP of th
he SSL Certificaates you are reeselling please visit the SSL TThe below exam
mple discount regional Glob
structure show
ws how the dis
re operates. Certificates ssection of your
alSign websitescount structur
. Bulk purchasee Discount off PPAYG pricing pricing
2 $900.00
3 $1,800.00
4 $3,600.00
5 $7,200.00
Rank PAYG pricing 1 Exxample discount p
pricing. Actual priccing may vary. R
Rank 1 is stand
dard Pay As You Go pricing –
– the base disco
ount level. In this example, to progress to
o Rank 2 you w
would need to add $785 to your account, thereby autom
matically givingg you a 12% diiscount over th
he standard PA
AYG pricing. Once you’ve ccreated bulk co
ontracts / dep
posited enough
h funds to elevvate you to a higher Rank, you stay on th
hat rank for a 12 month p
period. If you create any furtther bulk contracts / depositt additional funnds during thee 12 month period, the disco
ount period 5 iss automatically extended byy 12 months. In other word
ds, as long as yyou create bulk contracts / deposit additional funds b
before the 12 m
month period e
expires, you will maintain your current disccount rank. TThe process off upgrading yo
our rank (and h
hence discount) is automati c (alternativelyy contact your Account Man
nager) and ccan be comple
eted from with
hin your accou
unt as describe
ed in the Paym
ment Options –– Bulk Orders / Depositing Funds into A
Account section of this Quickk Start Guide. P
U GO YYou may choosse to use Unlim
mited Licensingg, Pay As You G
Go (PAYG) eachh time you purchase a certifficate. When u
using PAYG yyou will only re
eceive Rank 1 discount levelss. You have th
he option to paay in one of th
hree ways – Crredit Card, Ban
nk Transfer (monthly invoiccing in arrears)) or Bank Transsfer (payment upfront). U
ows the reselle
er to resell an unlimited num
mber of certifiicates during tthe term of the agreement. Unlimited LLicensing is only available by speaking direcctly to your Acccount Manage r. P
DIT CARD EEach certificate
e is paid for byy Credit Card (in real time) at the point of t he certificate b
being issued. If you want to use Credit C
Card PAYG to b
buy a certificate make sure to
o select Creditt Card as the PPayment Optio
on at the paym
ment point wheen ordering ccertificates. No
ote: you receivve PAYG pricingg (Rank 1) whe
en buying certifficates using th
his method. P
GlobalSign awaards you a cred
dit level as agrreed with yourr Account Mannager and you can buy as maany certificatess using the ccredit you havve on account.. At the end of the month
h GlobalSign w
will invoice you
u for all certifficates issued during the ccalendar month. If you wish to be invoiced
d monthly sele
ect Bank Transsfer – Paymen
nt in Arrears ass the Paymentt Option at the payment point when ord
dering certificates. Note: you
u receive PAYG
G pricing (Rankk 1) when buying certificatess using this m
method. P
GlobalSign willl only add the
e deposit amo
ount funds to the account oonce the fund
ds are transferrred by your purchasing d
department dirrectly to the GlobalSign bankk account. Note
e: you receive PAYG pricing ((Rank 1) when buying certificcates using this method. P
Using the Depo
osit Funds option gives you tthe best discounts. To be a ble to pay for certificates ussing deposited funds you m
must first depo
osit funds into
o your account by clicking Create C
Bulk O
Order or Add D
Deposit in thee Financial Maanagement ssection: 6 C
CREATE BULK ORDER TThis section allows to you add the exact funds f
d for a particuular order. Cliick Create Bulk Order under Financial M
Management and a select the
e product, valiidity period, and a options annd click Add. Repeat until you have add
ded all the p
products you rrequire for a particular order. As you add products the total Deposit needed will b
be added up. If the total D
Deposit needed
d exceeds a Raank Level, you w
will be promotted to the nextt Rank Level wh
here you will eenjoy higher discounts. A
Click Add Depo
osit under Fina
ancial Management and ente
er the specific amount of fun
nds you wish to
o add to your aaccount. If the total Deposit needed excceeds a Rank LLevel, you will be promoted to the next R
Rank Level wheere you will en
njoy higher d
discounts. H
Complete eithe
er a Create Bullk Order or Add Deposit as d
detailed above and click Purcchase to add th
he funds to you
ur account. YYou have the choice of three payment types to settle the deposit amou nt. ank Transfer –
– Advanced Payyment  Ba
elect for an invvoice to autom
matically appear in the Accoun
nting / Billing > View / Requ
uest Invoices section that caan be printed and submitted
d to your purcchasing depart ment. GlobalSSign will only add the depossit amount fu
unds to the acccount once the
e funds are transferred by yoour purchasingg department d
directly to the GlobalSign baank account. ank Transfer –
– Post Payment (PO Paymentt)  Ba
elect to requesst the deposit amount fundss are settled w
within the stand
dard payment terms. GlobaalSign must au
uthorize the crredit level (deposit amount funds) before the funds can
n be used. At the end of th
he calendar month an invoic
ce will automattically appear iin the Accountting / Billing > View / Requeest Invoices secction.  Crredit Card 7 Yo
ou will be aske
ed to provide ccredit card details to be charrged before thee Deposit amo
ount is added. The credit caard is charged immediately. W
When buying ccertificates using the funds yyou have depo
osited, make s ure to select D
Deposit as thee Payment Opttion at the p
payment point when orderingg certificates. O
When you are ready to orderr an SSL Certificcate on behalf of a customerr you have two
o methods of p
placing an ordeer. You can p
place the orderr yourself by co
ompleting a full application o
or you can creaate a Cert‐Invitte. M
Make sure thatt you are in the
e SSL Reseller ssection by clickking the SSL fo r Partners & R
Retail Tab on yo
our GCC landin
ng page: C
PLICATION TThis method re
equires you to enter all the iinformation ne
eeded to issuee the SSL Certifficate, includin
ng the CSR and
d company in
nformation. 1.
Click B
Buy New Certifficate on the laanding page daashboard. On the
e Certificate Ap
pplication page specify the o
order details: a.. In Productss, select the SSL Certificate tyype – AlphaSSLL, DomainSSL, O
OrganizationSSSL or Extended
dSSL. b..
If you have any promotion
nal codes from
m GlobalSign, enter them nexxt. AlphaSSL, Dom
mainSSL or Specify if the SSL Certificate is Single Domain orr will any Wiildcard SSL (A
onSSL only) or P
Public IP options (OrganizatioonSSL only). Organizatio
Specify the
e validity perio
od – 1‐5 years for AlphaSSL,, DomainSSL aand OrganizationSSL and 1‐2
2 years for ExtendedSSSL. 8 e..
Specify whe
ether the certtificate is to haave free Unifieed Communicaations supportt for the OWA
A, mail and Autodiscover subdomainss (DomainSSL, OrganizationSSSL, and Extend
dedSSL only). ether the certiificate is to have Subject Altternative Namee (SAN) option
ns (see below for further Specify whe
details on SSANs) (DomainSSL, OrganizationSSL, and ExxtendedSSL onlly). Select whetther you are Sw
witching from a Competitorr. Selecting thee right option ensures you geet the best deal. If you
u are switchingg from a compe
etitor we will aautomatically q
query the site holding the co
ompetitor’s certificate aand add any tiime left on thaat certificate tto the replacem
ment. If we cannot automaatically find the compettitor’s certificaate online, you
u have the oppportunity to m
manually copy aand paste the certificate into a text b
box. h..
If you choose Yes, you maay choose that 30 addition boonus days are added to the eexpiration datee free of charge. Select whetther it’s a New
w Certificate order o
or Renew
wal. If renew
wing you must enter the origginal Order Number or Certificate to h
help us expedite the renewa l process. On the
e Product Poin
nt of Contact fo
or Certificate D
Delivery / Vettting Issues pagge enter the deetails of the peerson to be associated with the
e order. The person p
ed here can reeceive the actual SSL Certifiicate and the Certificate wal Notices. Iff you have regiistered other U
Users for the aaccount you caan select the U
User from the d
drop down Renew
list an
nd click Auto Fill (see section Creating / / Managing U
Users) to avoid
d filling in this form for evvery order. Altern
natively you can specify new contact details, for examplee the actual cu
ustomer – but only do this iff you want GlobalSign to send the SSL Certificaate and Certificate Renewal Notices directlly to your customer. G
does not include
e any pricing information in
n any communications with
h your end  Note: GlobalSign custom
mer. 9 
Note: C
Check the box Set Point of C
Contact to havee the SSL Certificate and Cerrtificate Renew
wal Notices sent to
o User you have just specified
d. If you do noot check this box, the SSL Certificate will on
nly be sent to you.. Note: You Y may specify an addition
nal 2nd contactt to just receivve the Issued Certificate and Renewal Noticess if you wish. On the
e Product App
plication CSR Entry Page copy and paste thhe CSR (Certificcate Signing Reequest) into the text box. The CSSR will be deco
oded and you w
will be given th
he option to fixx any errors maanually. 5.
For AlphaSSL and Do
omainSSL you h
have two CSR rrelated optionss:  Enter CSR: copy and pastte the Certificaate Signing Reqquest created on the custom
mer’s web server into the box.  Use OneClickSSL: if your customer is ussing a OneClickkSSL plug‐in fo
or cPanel, Parallels Plesk, IIS or Apache, e this function to create a redeemable OneeClickSSL Vouccher. Rather th
han the system
m providing you can use
a Certificate at the end of o the applicattion, it will proovide a OneCllickSSL Voucheer which is maapped to a particular o
order. If the certificate orrder is for a DomainSSL D
u will be takeen to the App
prover Email p
page. Selectt the most appropriate email ad
ddress that GlobalSign can ssend the Approover Email. Th
his email is sen
nt to the WHO
OIS domain t generic em
mail addressess used by dom
main administtrators. The eemail containss a link to contacct or one of the “Approve” the application, and un
nless the link iss followed andd the I APPROV
VE button is cliicked, the Certtificate will e issued. Note: if you do not n see an app
propriate ema il address, select any and then contact SSupport for not be
e on how best tto continue. 10 6.
If the certificate order is for OrganizationSSL you will be taken to the OrganizationSSL Application Seal Profile Information Entry page. This page captures the company details of the customer (not you the reseller) and will be vetted by the appropriate regional GlobalSign vetting team. Ensure you enter accurate information to avoid delays in the vetting process. Choose your payment method: a. Deposit – the fee for the certificate will be deducted from your Deposit balance (see the Payment Options – Bulk Orders / Depositing Funds into Account section of this Quick Start Guide). Alternatively you may use one of the Pay As You Go payment methods (see the Payment Options – Pay As You Go section of this Quick Start Guide): b. Bank Transfer – i. Payment in Advance: Select for an invoice to automatically appear in the Accounting / Billing > View / Request Invoices section that can be printed and submitted to your purchasing department. GlobalSign will only issue the certificate once the funds are transferred by your purchasing department directly to the GlobalSign bank account. ii. Payment in Arrears: Select to request the deposit amount funds are settled within the standard payment terms. At the end of the calendar month an invoice will automatically appear in the Accounting / Billing > View / Request Invoices section. Once you have settled the invoice your credit limit will return to the previous limit level. c. Credit Card – you will be asked to provide credit card details to be charged before the certificate can be issued. The credit card is charged automatically at the point of issuance. Note: depending on your territory and account type, not all payment types will be available. ADDING SUBJECT ALTERNATIVE NAMES (SANS) Standard SSL Certificates secure a single Fully Qualified Domain Name. By adding SANs a single certificate can secure other server “names” such as other domain names, subdomains, IP addresses and local host names. If selected you will enter the SANs on the SANs page and the total cost of the certificate is then calculated. You may specify up to 40 SANs per certificate. The types of SANs allowed depends on the certificate type:  DomainSSL ‐ Unified Communications option or Subdomains  OrganizationSSL ‐ Unified Communications option, Subdomains, Internal Hostnames or Internal IP Addresses, different Fully Qualified Domain Names and Public IP Addresses.  ExtendedSSL ‐ Unified Communications option, Subdomains, and different Fully Qualified Domain Names. 11 U
OneClickSSL is aanother GlobalSign innovatio
on – designed tto help hostingg companies automate the eentire SSL workkflow, in
ncluding: 
eneration CSR ge
e key generatio
on Right tto use a domain Receip
pt of issued cerrtificate Installation of certificate and installation of interrmediate certifficates ng of certificate
e to appropriatte website Bindin
OneClickSSL plu
ug‐ins are available for a num
mber of control panels and w
web servers, an
nd Voucher pro
ovisioning is avvailable through a number of billing p
platforms. Pleaase visit
m/ssl/oneclicksssl for the latesst integration n
news and d
downloads. Fo
or mass deployment of plug‐ins in your hostting environmeent, contact yo
our Account M
VOUCHERS SSingle Site Vou
uchers LLike standard SSSL Certificates, Single Site V
Vouchers are provisioned p
thhrough Partnerr Accounts or via the GlobalSign retail ssales website. Partners can obtain Vouchers either via the GlobalSig n Voucher APPI or via their w
web console ((GlobalSign C
Certificate Centter or GCC). Single Site Voucchers are tied tto a specific prroduct order ffor a specific domain on the GlobalSign ssystem – essen
ntially a produ
uct configuration such as a 3 year DomaainSSL certificaate for www.d Single Site V
Vouchers can o
only be redeem
med once – if th
hey are re‐entered into the O
OneClickSSL plug‐in, it will reeissue the certiificate with aan unchanged e
expiration date
e. Single Site V
Vouchers are d
designed to be redeemed by the end custom
mer / server ad
dmin. SSupervoucherss SSupervouchers are issued by GlobalSign to Partners. Parttners cannot crreate Supervou
uchers directlyy. Supervouchers allow a h
host to reuse th
he same vouch
her multiple tim
mes – and can be restricted bby number of rredemptions, ttime period an
nd platform o
or permitted IP
P range. Superrvouchers are ttied to a speciffic partner acccount for a speecific product type and valid
dity period o
on the GlobalSign system. Supervouchers are designed tto be redeemeed on behalf off the end custo
omer / server admin and aallow the hosting company to t “push” the Voucher to th
he plug‐in, auttomating the redemption an
nd hence SSL activation. TThey should no
ot be made pub
blic and are be
est used prograammatically or r internally by h
hosting compaanies. 12 TTrial Vouchers TTrial Vouchers are identical to Supervouchers in term
ms of provisionning and customizable resttrictions but aare tied to G
GlobalSign’s trial product range of short terrm certificate vvalidity periodss such as 30 daay DomainSSL C
Certificates. P
GlobalSign offe
ers many ways for Partners to
o pay for Vouchers. Typicallyy the cost of th
he Voucher will depend upon
n the q
quantity or deaal in place with
h the Partner. Note there is no fee for the use of Trial Vo
ouchers. 
e Site Voucherss o Pay As You Go – a credit ccard is held on file and chargeed when a Vou
ucher is issued. nto the accoun
nt is made and debited to thee value of the V
Voucher when
n a o Bulk deposiit – a deposit in
Voucher is issued. ual fee, the Parrtner can issuee an unlimited number of Vou
uchers. o Unlimited liicense contract – for an annu
Some restriictions may apply. Partner is invoicced monthly foor number of V
Vouchers issueed. o Monthly invvoicing – the P
Supervvouchers o Unlimited liicense contract – for an annu
ual fee, the Parrtner can issuee an unlimited number of Vou
uchers. Some restriictions may apply. Partner is invoicced monthly foor number of V
Vouchers issueed. o Monthly invvoicing – the P
provisioned by Partners: TThe above diaggram shows the
e concept of a Voucher beingg applied for viia a Partner to GlobalSign eitther by GCC or by API. TThe provisioned Voucher is th
hen redeemed at the Control Panel or Servver plug‐in leveel. 13 INITIATE A C
CERT‐INVITE TThis method iss significantly simplified and
d requires you
u to enter onlyy the contact details of thee customer. Itt does not rrequire you to enter their co
ompany inform
mation or CSR. When you creeate a Cert‐Invvite, GlobalSiggn will generate a unique ccode specific to t the order and a give you a a PIN. We th
hen send an eemail to the customer contaaining a link. You must ccommunicate the t PIN to the
e end user you
urself – typicallly we would ssuggest doing this once you have received
d payment ffrom your custo
omer. You may onlyy create Cert‐In
nvites if you haave funds depo
osited into youur account (seee section on Paayment Options – Bu
ulk Orders / De
epositing Funds into Accountt > Add Bulk O
Order / Add Deeposit). 1. Makin
ng sure you are
e on the SSL for f Partners & & Retail Click N
New Cert Invitte in the SSL C
Certificate Maanagement section. Application pagge specify the o
order details:
2. On the Certificate A
a.. In Productss, select the SSL Certificate tyype – AlphaSSLL, DomainSSL, OrganizationSSSL or ExtendeedSSL. b.. Specify if th
he SSL Certificaate is to have any wildcard, p ublic IP or Sub
bject Alternativve Name (SAN)) options. c. Specify the validity period
d – 1‐5 years fo
or DomainSSL aand OrganizatiionSSL and 1‐2
2 years for ExteendedSSL. ou are switchin
ng from a comp
petitor or reneewing the certiificate d.. Specify if yo
3. On the
e New Cert‐Invite page speccify the Cert‐in
nvite recipient details. Thesse are the detaails of the custtomer who will be
e emailed an in
nvitation to co
omplete the SSSL Certificate aapplication pro
ocess. Make su
ure the custom
mer’s email addresss is in the Desstination Email Address field
d. y
will be asked a
to confiirm the appliccation details you provided
d and review GlobalSign’s Subscriber 4. Next you Agreement. C
and you will be presented p
h the PIN asso ciated with th
hat Cert‐Invite application. Make sure 5. Click Complete your ccustomer is given this to be able to proceed
d with the appllication. M
Click O
Order History &
& Certificate R
Renewals in the SSL Certificaate Managemeent section to run reports orr search for specific orders. Fro
om this page you y can choose from severaal pre‐configurred reports (e..g., Upcoming Renewals, Incom
mplete Orders) on the Quickk Access Reports tab or youu can click thee Detailed Cusstom Reports tab to run reportts with more advanced a
filters. To run a report based on Order Stattus you will neeed to use the Detailed Custom
m Reports tab. Click the Detailed Cu
ustom Reportss tab and use tthe Order Stattus dropdown to select the O
Order Status yo
ou want to use ass a filter. Click the t Search buttton. A list off certificates with w the selectted Order Stattus will appeaar at the botto
om of your screen
n. 14 FFor Cert‐Invite applications C
Cert Invite Management in tthe SSL Certifiicate Managem
ment section. This page allo
ows you to ssearch for Cert‐Invites given ccertain criteriaa. C
NVITE PIN Iff you wish to ccancel a Cert‐In
nvite PIN click Cert Invite Maanagement annd search for the order. Click the Edit buttton next to aappropriate Ce
ert‐Invite appliccation and chaange the PIN Sttatus from Unu
used to Void. Click the Conffirm button an
nd then the C
Complete button to commit the change. N
Note: Once a C
Cert‐Invite PIN
N is voided it ccannot be reacctivated. You will not be ccharged for voiiding any Cert‐‐Invite PINs. C
G AN ORDEER Iff you wish to ccancel a comp
pleted order yo
ou may do so automatically within the 7 d
day refund perriod. Depending on how yyou paid for th
he certificate, cancelled orde
ers automaticaally refund thee appropriate amount of creedit to depositt accounts, d
directly refund credit cards or cancel outstaanding invoicess. To cancel ann order: 1. Click O
Order History &
& Certificate R
Renewals in the
e SSL Certificatte Management section. 2. Search
h for the appro
opriate order and click the Ed
dit button. 3. Click the Cancel Order button at th
he very top or very button off your screen. 4. Review
w the order de
etails to verifyy the order is tthe correct appplication to caancel, scroll to the bottom o
of the page and click the Confirm
m button. R
OVER EMAILL Iff your custom
mer has not re
eceived the Approver Emaill or has deletted / spam filltered the em
mail by mistakee, you can aautomatically rresend the App
prover Email. 1. Click O
Order History &
& Certificate R
Renewals unde
er SSL Certifica te Managemeent. 2. Search
h for the appro
opriate order and click the Ed
dit button. 3. Click the Resend App
proval Mail bu
utton located aat the very top and very botto
om of the screeen. 15 4. Confirrm that the Approval Email ad
ddress is corre
ect and click th e Resend button. If your custom
mer cannot recceive the appro
over email at the address sel ected during tthe application
n, contact GlobalSign Su
upport. R
RTIFICATE Iff your customer needs a cerrtificate reissue
ed because they have deleteed or lost their certificate an
nd corresponding Private K
Key, you can re
eissue any issue
ed certificates directly. 1. Click O
Order History &
& Certificate R
Renewals unde
er SSL Certifica te Managemeent. 2. Search
h for the appro
opriate order and click the Ed
dit button. 3. Click the Reissue buttton located att the very top o
or very bottom
m of the page.
will be prompte
ed for a new Ce
ertificate Signing Request. N
Note: the reissu
ued certificate will only be vaalid for the 4. You w
d remaining on
n the initial certtificate. R
GlobalSign will begin sendingg Renewal Notiices 90 days prrior to the expiiration of the ccertificate. Wee will send thee notices to the contact asssociated with tthe order – wh
hich by default will be one off the Users asssociated with tthe Partner acccount, or if sspecified during the application, the end cu
ustomers themselves. FFor added convvenience, certificates within the renewal raange (90 days prior to expiraation) will be lissted on the ho
ome screen o
of the SSL for Partners & Re
etail tab. Simply click the R
Renew button next to the ap
ppropriate ord
der to begin th
he renewal p
process. You ccan also view u
upcoming Rene
ewals by goingg to the Order History & Upccoming Renew
wals link and running the U
Upcoming Renewals report o
on the Quick A
Access Reports tab. If you renew a custo
omer’s certificaate before it exxpires, we will add any remaiining time onto
o the new n of an extra 30
0 days free. certificate and give yyou the option
16 R
Revocation sho
ould only be ussed when key m
material (privatte key) has beeen compromised and the ideentity of the ceertificate h
holder could be
e stolen. Lost ccertificates nee
ed not be revo
oked. Revocatiion will add the serial numbeer of the certifiicate to the GlobalSign Certificate Revvocation Lists ((CRLs), and succh lists are dow
wnloaded by brrowsers and ap
pplications to w
warn users aabout the revocation of the ccertificate if the
ey encounter it – for examplee, a signed em
mail or document, or a https ssession w
with a website.. Revoking a ccertificate cannot be undo
one. Speak tto GlobalSign
n for advice iff you are unsu
ure. 
To revvoke an SSL Cerrtificate, log into your Partne
er account, locaate the order vvia the Reportiing facility, clicck Edit, and click R
Revoke. To revvoke a Client Ce
ertificate you m
must contact G
GlobalSign. Pa rtners are not permitted to d
directly revokee Client Certificates. GlobalSSign will need tto ascertain the reason for reevocation with
h the end custo
omer directly aand ment their conffirmed approvaal to revoke. docum
Partners have two methodss of ordering Client Certificates throughh their GCC aaccount – the Partner completes the aapplication on behalf of the ccustomer, or th
he customer co
ompletes his/hher own appliccation. M
Make sure thatt you are in the
e Client Certifiicates section by clicking thee Code Signingg, PersonalSign
n, PDF Signing for Adobe C
CDS tab on you
ur GCC landing page: B
Before placing an order, or allowing your customers to
o place an ordder, please be familiar with the ordering process as d
detailed below: 17 1
ORDER DIRECTLY TThis method allows your custtomers to place
e an order thro
ough your Acc ount directly vvia a unique orrdering URL. They do not n
need login acccess and may only complete the web orrdering forms. Partners mu
ust then authorize the ordeer prior to G
GlobalSign initiating vetting o
of the order, an
nd ultimately rreleasing the isssued certificatte to the custo
omer. 1.
ustomers, eitheer directly or h
hooked into yo
our web pagess. You can Share the Customerr Ordering URL with your cu
n your unique U
URL by clickingg on the Custom
mer Ordering U
URL within thee Client Certificcates section o
of your GCC obtain
account (located on the Code Signing, PersonalSign, PDF Signinng for Adobe C
CDS tab). 18 A brief explanation o
of usage and th
he actual URL w
will be displayeed: W
When a custom
mer clicks on th
he Ordering UR
RL they will entter the below aapplication pro
ocess: 1. On the
e certificate type selection paage select the Client Certificaate type – PerssonalSign, Code Signing or PD
DF Signing Certificate. will then enterr the applicatio
on flow the spe
ecific product ttype. For this example we w
will follow the aapplication 2. They w
flow fo
or Code Signing: a.. Select the vvalidity period, 1‐3 years. No
o pricing will bee displayed unlike when you apply on theirr behalf. b.. Select if the
e customer has an externallyy generated CCSR. This is very rare and in most cases, th
hey should leave this b
blank. Please no
ote this option
n is only availabble when ordering CodeSigning for Multi‐platforms. c. Select if the customer wishes to use the PKCS#12 ooption. This o
option tells Glo
obalSign to generate the hic key pair on
n the customer’s behalf. Th is avoids havin
ng to use the browser to geenerate the cryptograph
key pair late
er in the proce
ess, or if your ccustomer is havving browser isssues. e Identity Detaails. These dettails will be vettted. They musst be the Subsccriber’s (end cu
ustomer to 3. Enter the Certificate
m GlobalSign isssues the certificate). This is tthe informatio n that will be included in thee Certificate. whom
a.. Complete the identity dettails. b.. Rememberr the pickup paassword. If the
e password is l ost or forgotteen, the application must be m
made again from the be
eginning. 4. Enter the Subscriber Details. The
e Subscriber is the person orr organization to which the ccertificate will be issued. etting and posssibly authorizattion purposes.. These details will be needed for ve
5. Confirrm the applicattion details and
d review the Su
ubscriber Agreeement. YYou, as the Partner, will be alerted via emaiil when a new order has bee n placed. You must now com
mplete the follo
owing: 1. Log intto your GCC acccount and go to the Code Signing, PersonaalSign, PDF Siggning for Adob
be CDS tab. 2. Click o
on Pending Cerrtificate Appro
ovals. 19 3.
Select the order, cho
oose to Approvve or Reject. a.. If you rejectt, the applicatiion will be canccelled. b.. If you accep
pt, you will be taken to the payment select ion method. Choosse your paymen
nt method: a..
Deposit – the fee for the Certificate willl be deducted ffrom your Dep
posit balance (ssee the Paymeent Options ers / Depositingg Funds into Account sectionn of this Quick Start Guide). – Bulk Orde
natively you maay use one of tthe Pay As You
u Go payment methods (see the Payment Options – Pay As You Go section of this Quickk Start Guide): a..
Bank Transfer ayment in Advance: Select fo
or an invoice tto automatically appear in th
he Accountingg / Billing > i. Pa
ew / Requesst Invoices se
ection that caan be printed
d and submittted to your purchasing de
epartment. GlobalSign will only o
issue the Certificate on
nce the funds are transferreed by your pu
urchasing department directlyy to the Globa lSign bank account. ii. Pa
ayment in Arre
ears: Select to request the deeposit amountt funds are setttled within the standard payment terms. At the end of o the calenda r month an in
nvoice will auto
omatically app
pear in the Once you havee settled the in
nvoice your Acccounting / Billing > View / Request Invoi ces section. O
edit limit will re
eturn to the prrevious limit leevel. b.. Credit Card
d – you will be asked to provvide credit cardd details to bee charged befo
ore the Certificcate can be issued. The
e credit card is charged autom
matically at thee point of issuaance. Note: dependin
ng on your terrritory and acco
ount type, not all payment tyypes will be avvailable. 1
R TThis method re
equires the Parrtner to comple
ete the require
ed web forms oon behalf of th
he customer. 1.
While on the Code Signing, PerssonalSign, PDFF Signing for A
Adobe CDS taab, click New Certificate in the Client of the left naviigation menu.
Certifiicates section o
e Certificate Tyype selection p
page select the
e Client Certificcate type – PerrsonalSign, Cod
de Signing or PDF Signing On the
Certificate. 20 3.
You will then enter the application flow the specific product type. For this example we will follow the application flow for Code Signing: a. Select the validity period, 1‐3 years. b. If you have any promotional codes from GlobalSign, enter them here. c. Select if the customer has provided you with an externally generated CSR. This is very rare and in most cases, you should leave this blank. Please note this option is only available when ordering Code Signing for Multi‐platforms. d. Select if you wish to use the PKCS#12 option. This option tells GlobalSign to generate the cryptographic key pair on your customer’s behalf. This avoids having to use the browser to generate the key pair later in the process, or if your customer is having browser issues. Enter the Certificate Identity Details. These details will be vetted. They must be the Subscriber’s (end customer to whom GlobalSign issues the certificate). This is the information that will be included in the Certificate. a. Complete the identity details. b. Remember the pickup password. This must be communicated by the Partner to the Subscriber out of bands (i.e. GlobalSign will never communicate this password to anyone, Partner or Subscriber). If the password is lost or forgotten, the application must be made again from the beginning. Enter the Subscriber Details. The Subscriber is the person or organization to which the certificate will be issued. These details will be needed for vetting and possibly authorization purposes. Choose your payment method: a.
Deposit – the fee for the certificate will be deducted from your Deposit balance (see the Payment Options – Bulk Orders / Depositing Funds into Account section of this Quick Start Guide). Alternatively you may use one of the Pay As You Go payment methods (see the Payment Options – Pay As You Go section of this Quick Start Guide): b.
Bank Transfer i. Payment in Advance: Select for an invoice to automatically appear in the Accounting / Billing > View / Request Invoices section that can be printed and submitted to your purchasing department. GlobalSign will only issue the certificate once the funds are transferred by your purchasing department directly to the GlobalSign bank account. ii. Payment in Arrears: Select to request the deposit amount funds are settled within the standard payment terms. At the end of the calendar month an invoice will automatically appear in the Accounting / Billing > View / Request Invoices section. Once you have settled the invoice your credit limit will return to the previous limit level. c. Credit Card – you will be asked to provide credit card details to be charged before the certificate can be issued. The credit card is charged automatically at the point of issuance. Note: depending on your territory and account type, not all payment types will be available. 7.
Confirm the application details. The customer’s email address you included in the application will receive an email the application has been placed. 21 8.
on included in the applicatio
on has been veerified by our V
Vetting Team, an email will be sent to Once the informatio
mail address yo
ou included in tthe application
n with instruct ions for picking up the certifficate. the em
n Approval If an e
email address h
has been entered into the Ce
ertificate Identtity Details secction, GlobalSign will send an
Email to the email address a
ed. Unless the Applicant appproves the order, the ordeer will not be processed. Clickin
web page conttaining an App
ng the link in th
he email will op
pen an Approvve Application w
prove or Rejectt button: If the Client Certificate requires vetting, v
such as PersonalSignn 2, PersonalSiign 2 Pro, PerssonalSign 2 Deepartment, S
Certificcate products, the certificatee will not be rreleased for pickup until Code Signing or anyy of the PDF Signing vettingg is complete. GlobalSign will automaticcally send a PPickup Email to
o the Subscrib
ber when the certificate application has been
n vetted. 
ertificate is isssued when the
e certificate pickup link, conntained within the Pickup Em
mail is followed, and the The ce
p Password is e
entered into th
he page. M
While on the C
Code Signing, P
PersonalSign, PDF Signing fo
or Adobe CDS tab in your G
GCC account, cclick Order History in the R
Reporting section to open th
he search funcction for viewing all certificaate application
ns. Use the Orrder Status dro
opdown to 22 sselect the Orde
er Status you w
want to use as a filter (e.g., U
Use the Order Status “Issue Completed” to
o view all completed and isssued orders. C
G AN ORDEER Iff you wish to ccancel a comp
pleted order yo
ou may do so automatically within the 7 d
day refund perriod. Depending on how yyou paid for th
he certificate, cancelled orde
ers automaticaally refund thee appropriate amount of creedit to depositt accounts, d
directly refund credit cards or cancel outstaanding invoicess. To cancel ann order: nalSign, PDF Siigning for Ado
obe CDS tab in your GCC acco
ount, click Ord
der History 1. While on the Code SSigning, Person
under Reporting. h for the appro
opriate order and click the Ed
dit button. 2. Search
3. Click the Cancellatio
on Request buttton located att both the veryy top and very bottom of the Certificate Edit screen. he correct application to canccel, scroll to thhe bottom of th
he page and click the Confirm
m button. 4. Check the order is th
mer has not re
eceived the Approver Emaill or has deletted / spam filltered the em
mail by mistakee, you can aautomatically rresend the App
prover Email. 1. While on the Code SSigning, Person
nalSign, PDF Siigning for Ado
obe CDS tab in your GCC acco
ount, click Ord
der History under Reporting. h for the appro
opriate order and click the Ed
dit button. 2. Search
3. Click the Resend App
proval Mail bu
utton located aat both the verry top and veryy bottom of thee Certificate Ed
dit screen. he correct application to rese
end the Appro ver email, scro
oll to the botto
om of the pagee again and 4. Check the order is th
click th
he Complete b
button. If your custom
mer cannot recceive the appro
over email at the address sel ected during tthe application
n, contact GlobalSign Su
upport. 23 R
A CLIENT CERTIFICATEE Iff your customer needs a cerrtificate reissue
ed because they have deleteed or lost their certificate an
nd corresponding Private K
Key, you can initiate a reissue
e for any issued
d certificates d
directly. nalSign, PDF Siigning for Ado
obe CDS tab in your GCC account, click Ord
der History 1. While on the Code SSigning, Person
under Reporting. h for the appro
opriate order and click the Ed
dit button. 2. Search
3. Click the Reissue buttton located att the very top aand very bottoom of the Certiificate Edit screen. w pickup link wiill be sent to th
he Subscriber. 4. A new
GlobalSign will begin sendingg Renewal Notiices 90 days prrior to the expiiration of the ccertificate. Wee will send thee notices to the contact asssociated with tthe order – wh
hich by default will be one off the Users asssociated with tthe Partner acccount, or if sspecified during the application, the end cu
ustomer themselves. FFor added convvenience, certificates within tthe renewal raange (90 days pprior to expirattion) will be lissted on the hom
me screen o
of the Code Siggning, PersonalSign, PDF Sign
ning for CDS taab. Simply clic k the Renew b
button next to the appropriatte order to b
begin the renew
wal process. YYou can also renew certificate
es by going to Order History under the Rep
porting section
n, ssearching for th
he appropriate
e order, and clicking on the R
Renew button. If you reneww a customer’ss certificate beefore it expirees, we will addd any remainiing time onto the new certificate and give you the option of an e
extra 30 days free. A
USER ROLES YYou may add additional a
ers to your GCC account. Depending on ttheir privilegess newly createed Users may place new ccertificate orde
ers, add Deposit funds, or perform reportin
ng. Users are ddefined in roless:  Accou
unt Administra
ator: Users who are the top level account owner can seee all menus, p
perform all fun
nctions and have tthe ability to crreate new Man
nagers and Staff in Charge.  Managger: Users who
o have their ad
dministration rrights defined by the Accoun
nt Administrato
or and can creaate Staff in Charge
e.  Staff in Charge: Use
ers who have ttheir administrration rights deefined by the A
Account Admin
nistrator or thee Manager. Unlike
e Account Adm
ministrators and
d Managers, Sttaff in Charge ccannot create aadditional Useers. 24 CREATING NEW USERS AND UNDERSTANDING USER ADMINISTRATION RIGHTS To add a new User click Manage Users under Account Management. Click New Registration. Complete the details of the new User and select their role by selecting either Manager or Staff in Charge in the User Permissions. Set their privileges as follows: 
Certificate Approval Permission o Set to True if you wish the User to be able to place orders that do not need approval and approve certificate orders placed by other Users who do not have Certificate Approval Permission. o Set to False if the User should not have approval permission, nor should be allowed to place certificate orders without the order being approved. Certificate orders that are placed by Users who do not have Certificate Approval Permission will be placed into the Pending Certificate Approvals section under Certificate Management. Note: all users can place orders; only users with Certificate Approval Permission can place orders that do not need to be approved by users with Certificate Approval Permission. 
Deposit Purchase Authority o Set to True if you wish the User to be able to deposit funds into the account. o Set to False if you do not wish the User to be able to deposit funds into the account. GLOBALSIGN SSL API Contact your Account Manager for further details on how to use the GlobalSign SSL APIs and web services. The XML based API allows you to place orders and reports on issued certificates. The API may be integrated into websites, control panels and third party web services and replaces the need for partners to conduct all SSL reselling through GCC. The AJAX API allows you to run a web based app to automate the application of SSL Certificates. CREATING SECOND TIER SUB‐RESELLERS GlobalSign Partners can create and manage their own set of second tier sub‐resellers (SSL only) – allowing a multi‐level reseller chain. You can sign up, set pricing, manage and report on your own sub‐resellers – giving them all the benefits you enjoy through partnering with GlobalSign. For further details on creating Sub‐Resellers, contact your Account Manager. GETTING HELP Every GlobalSign Partner has a dedicated Account Manager who is on hand to help with any commercial and technical queries you may have about reselling SSL. GlobalSign also provides technical support through our Client Service departments around the world. GlobalSign Americas Tel: 1‐877‐775‐4562 sales‐[email protected] GlobalSign EU Tel: +32 16 891900 [email protected] GlobalSign UK Tel: +44 1622 766766 [email protected] GlobalSign FR Tel: +33 1 82 88 01 24 [email protected] GlobalSign DE Tel: +49 30 8878 9310 [email protected] GlobalSign NL Tel: +31 20 8908021 [email protected] 25