Download Tablet computer series
Tablet computer series The user manual Chapter One Overview M I D-android l-l Appearence Pichrre for reference only, Instruction Plese subject to specific products Pleme read the precautions and importmt tips in the imtructions before use. Catalog Chrnfer Onp fnvAwiewl t-t Buttm 14 1-3 t{ UDen upm &o snul ooM and shut doM stmdbv mode Lock md Unlock the screen Homepage infbrution column l-6 1-2 l'ext inDul Lnaprer mo (5rowseu B' 2-' ahdh+ar fhru/ t ngp* t" umo Gmd2-3 sm6bope6 Annli-.d^n"r 3-t (hllen 3-3 Video player 3{ 3{ Catende Calculator $7 H Applicahotr iNhllauon Md@ ourpd , Whm able! shofr p.* ttis I to *to me Ur" m of -{m ffi mal shofr p6s again to lighl upthe@. Volumc thistoadj*tthevolme Set up rnis rcy E-tMI I b set up the applications opm - 'Iongprctlrepowbumnl rhe G2 tss open rhe 1-3 Open and shut down 3-10 N-12 Buttons Power button Wirel* reMorts settim ,$pray semngs Shut sigtratrdpiffi wil slrcwupinmutilb dom tong pr"o itepo**bml, <sue> to shut doM, In chargiry 'chilgiB" l4 onthedghtside,Ag inErfse. tltin the scrm shows< would you lilie to shut alom>, press sht, whm the bbls is off, press tie right upper "power butun" it will shows figure, onc€ egain b click 'powq butbtr", the equipmmt wilt be opened. Open and ctose st{trdby Eode Open the standby mode In boot mode, you can ap the power buton I; will into the smd by mode which can save pow€r on the upper rigtrt side of the rablet, the system 1-6 Ilomepage information columns Close the statrdby mode ln the sand by mode, light tsp ofthe power bufion tromal state. 1-5 otr the right side to wake up the device, enttr the Lock and unlock the screen nott interfa))keent seach Lock You cm set up the sleep time in the system of<display>. The system will sleep automatically and lock the scrcen to the sbndby mode ifwithout imctivity when reaches the preset of shdby time. ay Wletr Ne th€ bble! you can se the vitual keybotrd b mEl texl, nmben, symbols dimtly by louching screeD. After *lecting the Android input metho4 the default keyboard show 6 below. To switch th€ To Dmg srn E ro unloclc shoo m beloo. = thi" E *" I 2-1 Bmwser b unlock *E smen ild trH be appbcauon Dl#e thi. please press Chapter fwo: Internet Unlock Move the lehs, nmbers md wirchthe€pibl mdlow@N lefiq plffipre". Require nefiorL suppod b€for€ Nitrg a web browsd, if thfr€ tre netuort suppofring problem, plese conhct you ne$dk opedor Tabld's w9b browser cm plme toul tul cmet b st or the seruice providtr to the up the salll Inmet via WIFI so thal cm Ee the to sdsry your business ed individual browsr nomally. See 6 picture: Camera cricr< ' rrris Etr ro gd soap sboL Ef"*o*", to."t.p ![*utbut*"",E***, I.""", A* . Mdeo foch hire I in the application list to mter the browsq pages; the alefault homepage is ihe <R@ently \.4eweD showing recendy viewed pag€s. ctick rhiJ ro vid@ Gts"rioe', sd 4hit" do the b"1-"" Browser sutr4Dfrs the following featues relev&t opemto,. ""tiog, &r"r, a"*. I ct;ct trris o sm,idm View photos atrd videos pic@s preview int€rface, click picms ro slides. In Enb the URl.-touch the itrput Book mark seech- click ilea to gd thitr the soft keyboad, th@ to add into the t*t the tlPL. on the screen to preview photos, also you cm set uP the 3-2 Photos boohrk Eb read the favorite webBite thd @I@ted ! to serchthe in&met Touch this I b aaldnewbrcwsef, Touch thisl b close the brcwser Touch this Touchtris Chapter three: Application 3-1 Camera I in ttre Touch this do the following appli€tion lis I piffi: to otq 0rc cm@ the views showed on the mm ed you cm :[i',Hm Click this lE :i:J:."fi"ii"ff: :l,l']"u:",i,1'*" "u"u b enter slides show when you enter the albm- *iE to "nt"' th" "*""' 3-3 Video rouch pl&yer thif to the vialeo player youcmseerhe\4deos in ff nandmd ry dcad fiks. E [email protected]*amov E E l5{"u le&tt&1.*,o.ror ro+or.r&-ilEH.@v Playinrc,tae: % rr"r, ffi mdomplay, @*" Artists In rhe <anisL > Daee. il is soflrd Mordins b the disl's itritials. click on me, vou will opm the disls rclated albfu md soDg list; Lhetr y-ou cd click smgs 10 play Album The will albm page shows all dblm itr the lis! slidiDg it ce browse all. Click od the albq gover ffifer to the atb@ back rutomtically, m@ dl ruic shows, click again q the s@gs begm to pley. I J ad@hrrB 3-5 Calendar rou*r tnt EE b Calmdd, the default Eg€ Date views: long pr6s b lh€ evsnB up new eveDts; long prcss the blmk day view. h shows the mmths, elick thiffi to th" dav. rebuilt, vieq edil md delete; Click oD lhe blank e9a you cm built new ev€trb or dkplay/not display the @ week views: Lotrg pr€ss the ev6i b lebuilt, vieE €dit, md deleb eventsi long prcss tbe @a you cm rebuild eveub or display/not display lhe llM weeks view. 3-4 Music t*o nJ M@t\.view: long pr6a ," *.wic ptaytr. Mosic cm be dlayed by wat to listen md 8e! the soogs you Agenda: Click oo th€ <Bow pleying > under the page right. Eb selectd sute b build rew calendd iem or display/not display the lmo lrim blak month ffists or dbm classificaton. This page displays the sEgs alphabetically. Click date @ $d b play. will diBplay being played alhE pagei thtre will b€ lyrics shows In ey mnth Iiil a]] evelb click to read the dehils. views, whrn you switch b othd ilaE, now by bwhitrg <today> butuo. wek or maDth, all @ be bak to today oi w@k or Touci the bufton You can also click hereit to seilch hsk memo, edit, nohtion mtl shtre E"n"n t* to y"uor". you can ed[6e file. Edit Toucl 3-6 Calculator Copr Touch hse in the application list to gd inio the calculalor tt E rhen.rick Ddd€. 3-8 to edi rhe file including cufcopy/pdterdelete choose one fi le .r,os ft6 EI .ne file thd b de lst. clck to "noo," ilcr h.* E mh -lo" E ro copy when show the to put rhe fi le, and ihen ;;r"."8 nemory ild in fie applicatiotr SD crd. ljst it suppots the files muoal copy in this Mo places intemal puu, . urn . Application installation r",.h h.,EI in fre applicarior li{, tr w ll in{arl. unload rhe ryK rr.",.n"' u"ex ri" oo-ME6[ ., nilEHElil 3-7 Document browsers ! clickthtE,o ri e, aL6 nalcdl }. Toud fre seleded APK amlicadon dntrdy for tutdhdon md doadinS 3-9 Video ro,"t output n".El t fI,,*", E, tn" uplicadotr hsq chms se rsduim I,rI,I, of fre video output **, E1"",*,, E, "^ itr the same ,_:lT,::-:::"'''."retrt Click sysEm hs 20P ud 1080P n 6e app[catbn lht GBd FC APK file Diffsml quipmd click h 6e hJ in the application ljst; you cm preview &e downloding or done alocment Mo kind ofresoludotrs haIu Modn b cornmt 6e hmde to the gam. there dl be AC, PS, MD, Gme. iMlls ffia€rt simulad Click doMload file to siop or deiek the download coDten6. 3-12 E-mait Require the intemet suppof before using e-mil, ifthere fle problems in netuork supponing; pietre conbct you Detuork opemtor- Add accoutrt lf you e€ the 6ct lime b according e instucdon- If you wmt md thm b add more sl*t <dd ue emil, Mlbox6. accomt >. get inro a mailbox itrterface click <Setinge diectly to set up m accomt on the top of &e page to add more mailboxes, .a:;.,.:;:;,*:*:t:it?x,,:..!:8,:,;tr:i:f,rrrrfffig;,i{,fe#F,EffiEffi{ffit;: :WYli '-:> i'.. " ';t ' ':: fre$Yei*;M,*R*'o*sefritrss oED Email account riftl*s L$ Bftl< display ihe 1@@n*qmilb'*r,.Mri'jd'tu @* Asong if?i1l. *-j**-:- " ftis sip -- ihe system rbm if 6e lffil ma ne*o*s donl need a : sqrrch6. Ical &ea neso* in comdd. l}Nord wlr scm available wireress netuork auromatically and the lisr. have tle sip GI b"lina it. tt ut r"p."rmts tbe nenvdrkr cm be comected directlv. EI ry,*nts the ne*ork has bee. encmtio& it needs ro enter the p^sword to Draft e-mail In < inbox > page' you can clickGthis on tle right page top to dmft mail In the draft mail page, you Add mairrecipients quickly you cm: quick,r. kxt cont@r (the text aM ca click the neMork>; ydu cm arso serecr <add wireless rocar measemenlMAC address: to show the MAC address Adal amchmenb fiom the dGment mmagemml, whm it scceeds, the e-maiF page; you cm click b select to open o rcmove thm. nme will show otr<New t click connect direcily, also you Nenro* troiice: open the switch, it will notice ifthere ey open netuork. The \\iEl6s local trea neftork cedificate: rhe wireless local area neNo* loading md opmtion)' suppofr copn shes b wmq crick ii b of Add attachment Reply, frcm ihe list you to set up the ;1f;*;.tT]i;fjJffih:***d Enter the recipient addrcss in rsipient input box d click on the <cotrtePin the conbct list recipients to choose mail adalress; you cm copy/close b send input addrcss. Write email subject and m chs* de nesork th< adlald -pdon 4-3 Display setting fotrard mail the rigbt page preview area of the The basic opemtioo js sm€ with the bolbtr <repiy &aft > < ralv all > oi < fo*arding >choices @o*r,r, e-mail. a"n,ngs conrains: wallpaper settings, domancy time, bdghhess, automatic iohting Setings t Chapter four: Wallpaper settitrg In the wallpaper *dng. you ca System setting be chosen ftom click heJ 4-1 Sound to enter the system setting Statrdby setting rich can sd mor;deEiled settinqs if vou need. Click the <volume seting> cd set up ihe notice, the media and the alam of volme and cboose Se prompt operation somd and -- the bell and softwtre disk boot swilch ser up rhe wau paper and dlmamic waupaper; thewalpapercm salle4: interface. vorce. 4-2 Internet setting This sefting module includs: the wireless local dea neMork Sdings Scren whmthescreminli8I1shearidofnme.ilsiiIautomatica]lylocktosavefrepowerif *#,?i,ilHl"*** The user cm adjust brighbs meBll) to get dre lighhess you wani. You can set up the font size mcodng ro indi! ordinary big, hus€. idul's favorite, rhere were respectively: small,