Download .Glothes h`look Camera J018 -
I .Glothes h'look Camera J018 ,ili iilr rl charoe for it. 2- Pi'wer / take i User Manual ,il safe{y and funs to your daily life. ,r1 Characters of Product a a a o . . o When vou shoot video without enouoh oower. flle will be automa'ticallv. then auto-oower off. Wh€n disk Soace of J018 is not enouohn. after indicator out lmmedlatoly, file will be saved Sutcimatically then Suto-oower off. 7, Thank you for purchasing Clothes hook Camera J018. lt has adopted unique! ultra-por6ble design, which makes it apply to every area. Clothes hook Camera brings more convenience, I a. saved b. goes lt has small contour desion, which does UV spray finishino for the whole boiiv. SuoooilAvl video format. lt cdn carry out high definition imag6 recording under low il'iuminatibn. Suooort 30 fDs for 1280*960. Subbort USB1.1Subbort 16GB T-flash mrd.(maximum) Build-in lithium batteru whilh can mdke a video more thdn 120 minute: Cbnnectlng computer It can connocE comouter under Dower off mode. after that whlch can be used as U disk, whb can copy, cut and paste, dsl€te flls. Wh€n vou connect it with USB oort. a oortable disk mark will be geEn aft€r 8ev€ral soconds. Grben iight is flashing constantly. Notlce: a.Wh6n you connect computer, if the machine cannot be ldentlfl€d; or not sso the portable U disk mark in 30 seconds, oleas€ ln8ert lt eoaln. lB b6tt€r coDV or cut video file into comouter hardware then olav. Vldeo flle vihich is saved in the machine is olaved directlv iivlll'cauee unsmooth olav. the reason is that'oi6antic data cennot b€ tran8mltted - iyn6hronously. 8. Relet Notice Suitable using situatlon: Please follow State's law. Do not use When machlne wolks abnormal for illegal operation or other unknown r6asons. lt needs to be reset. - it illeoallv. Push'oN/oFF', td'oFF". rhat's oK. ?irl"'5[f#"r befor€ charoino-maximuni' to charoe more rhan 12 houre mak6 the batterv to achiele efficiencv Softfiarb upgrado: ln order to make products have more function. manufacturer will oerfect oroduct software mntinuously. This product . . Stert charolno. Green indicator lioht is flashin'o slowlv. When on the object and the video will be charging lO. ll ODeratlon Guide l. Charoe The batferu is buillin lithium recharoeable batleru. so when vou use it the'first time, please charie firstly. Ttie method'for charoino as followinoi 1.) Cbniect computdr: use USB cable to connect the computer, then it can be charoed2.) Use adaptor: cbnnect charger plug with USB cable, then plug into electrical connector redeptiacle, it can be charged. When vou charoe il- oreen lioht will brioht simultaneouslv When the oreen lioht is iot flashino. the cha-rce is comoleted. ' Notice: whEn battEry power is not-6nough, J018 will dnter into protection mode, so it cannotlbe tum on. Now, please I :'2 hours continuo[sly fully chSrged indlc-ato7 llght are often bright. lnltallrtlon i ,I Green Cloth€r hook Camera can be used wlth e dedicated sidinE lnatalled ln rnv Dlace at random. hanolno olate can fixatioi lcttwr allo' be used doutile-sliled 'adhesive fixed. lntttllatlon dlagram below : ' is cbnvenienf for customer to upgrade by themselves, so please contact with local retailer for the latest software information and uoorade method Work temperature: Please use it iiider normal temperature and avoid usino under unsuitable bodv temDerature- Work humidily: Please use it atmosohere humiditv. Please not uhder' agreeable human to make oroduct wet or exposb in rain for which without waterproop funbtion. 'under Stiootino illumlnation: Please usri it enouoh lioht sources:-do not aim the camera at the sun and othei stro-no light soirrces in order not to damage optical parts of ai aDDaratus. Glaaning requiremenb: Please not use the product under too large dust density almosphere so as not to affect video effects for tainted lens and other oarts. Waste treatment: Please oav attention to orotect environment. not to throw the product opti6nally. ln ordei to avoid explosion, please not throw'product ihto ture. ,fl, &Hifi,fi# hook camera J018, tfft*lll Il{4$ft{Jffi Clothes hook Camera JOlS clothes I -.8@]SI6X &BEI}JEH46+sq, i,Efr{fitr l+ts*M*lHH+ifr. I llt t,eff*rru;-'[+.: i:t l FffiffiA . 4,t5ffitlV&.i+, rtFffirttiA+rl uv rrti , lt'l'WiliJl#, . tH Avr fiiilffiffirt . Er+fiH##&Bt*fi{ . E{ftflHtrT, ffiffitr 1280+960, 304f8ry) . 4+fg",l#tr . lf+usBl.l . EtElffil6GHtr-flashf 6EeEi&Ej6rylffi@)Lt2ohfr 3. ril&il!*fr tlfitlB{8 r-r frEAPfi+ 7:, r It t[&.{ oN {Vtr, .K&&ffi, .n;, QVqFF 4.t]r^l}+rui^.E K " )grf ki fI ffi n& #, R xt t^t*E- tR tr lHR.. ,L z\#,rJ,tll $ll fr ,f$&rt, f$ s h +4 H ARfr * +Mfi ttg. Effi ttfts, ffirffiH, )4^4+ir[{t#, xtpF.xt+. tltftt^ 4 *1lf,, ,l di t. I d. SD)EtEt&HBEt toc * EEIFf thl, n ERGW Er*& *fE€+' rtt+*+fi **lfil yl+l;EtEttJ1F^e, * &Efr6ir.{+T+18. Y'i+lFfr IREE il&fi ,EnR BE tA Bi4HT, NTJIX# socm rjltBlEEH, tiftK+'Rtliffi, RVLEW, EmIAEE!#{S. 4. xtil oN/oFF @A l. l+Af/l,r(t[+5 3. 2. frffLt&& ii5ffii\d& . ,f*F{ #. )tt*it{ilL" r-F +ffi^Fff+ I K&#fi*, &'fiIEMW E E, rt^r+ry1fi6" IBffi-) &fif, &fin.1fr-tkfrN,X, ft +-+ffi@" Etu&&ffi, #'IIHE. it^6d1,fr*, +fiFa , .E:+hH aaR E-iLw.ffi}.ft. tnmiE*mt*, r,jefr tsXfi :€&, IH, ffi rfE&itiEf, 4BIH 2010-bl-01 EifiEStsffij$*tt*, &U usB rS4. ftrf, Aft F!&tt*dltt6, 5. fr HfrilI, [[+ilr64rf E& EaEEtSAigktrt 4. IEJ. 6. ;lgoNlgFFffi&f oNOE, rime.rxr 16:12:10 I u fIff yt+, R E [&rEi* iErtJ, nt HE*Bh&ffi Tttfr+1" €itt, 9;r 418, tilL#W A{l16fr}-l+, + Ail*ill. tr tJt x ftffiEE^r, iffi +4l#ie- tE Ef=n.ffrHCtoiheshookCamerarf, i#.BPffirbits,H tFfits, *&tRRft;69.^E 124\Bf, earufiaat "*H2" ,r' E r-2 5firhffi-LiE{*i€r.f, *C,rE-,tT,lEt{, Ej4&fi 4.r'J, tsi&fiiffi, *jtHE r0. *# hook EJ&IHtHEiSt[ffiH*#+ElEILr.* Clothes Camera fiEIHffifJHE,UEIHXIffi&HE. s&*#, 4tlfft.ffi,HxIIfir& fiflfrmE&*irir I rUfinT, croth€s hook Camert W trdtRF;*i.@XW, )lltliljp.)il|' a. E&ffi@vt, IE€ET/E, A *ft,RF;&&frd., * F"fr41*1il1" b. * Ctothes hoor< Camera &ff?l4iffiFi, iFzs,tTffilf,l{ 30 flt _ E+dltr!{Fi*4tF4{ts+qEFtr, r{t,]iEH,rt, ffi4rtPIlitfiE,fn" F,& ON/OFF @, H&&4 OFF,fiE, AAWH, iH g+8.&*i,l HdJXftrrHE' /.ri *&. 8. €&, E-Xj oN,fiE, K&&e*fl" tE r ' .4S&fi#T, s. B.IIE&I rii &,IT1,11fr. NilNI tr dffi#ffiiF, G*Effi ffi fi b. eixfl Rffi ffi M ffi y.l+ F_fril*.E-}A ilrl" f rl Hrfi {E# + )ltht& tu, H"&ffiffi.E EtE.+*{x.il1fr E.ft l*#sE}h,fi fl,ffi )krtlB fr ffixt @, 5 &. A*, i, *Ei1A, ,Ezi: tt#4'ffiitfH+ Effi r-ltrsh (Mtcro SD)*, {lik lllf , Ctothes hook Camera &4 4 0 E H-dJ*.fi|, fr &trftBil*tfi r-F +, * A itE,friilLil* " b. T-flaeh (Micro . 4*tr1fi#r6&tsffr . r€&Hffi tr FI,Et u ft,ftH, EIH Hi4?l-t{+fitEft{, ryIA. ffitk" fl +dtffi HT& USB tr, &f}tr Effi BA'B I]J E#A&fi a. +4rri€& tsxfi ,E, c, 1 i$&Effi fifiK ,r&frrBn Ffl tflfikpifrrit&ffi] **mHEtrT: - -' -'- I Etsfi , triBP*&g+trA+Ei(i*e, 6?+8ftPffi H f,11{rJtEi*H6, Eqljtr* Hfi . 4fi.Hth6, V$rlrfr, P E taf,,.l+ | =,EEfH b r{€tff RAE WtrltLH?, r Xffi 6fifr.8 4F F, R fr fr EE p A , iH 6*1rEtrHft+fr .ttEifi=t+re.#.1+ff1++,fi .e4&.fi ,&.fi .* " I,Fffitrr iHA H f*EET1E H, iEh#.^tr4EEE&Et iEETrff I{t&tr, iBE/l*i6Beif;ffi4HetrT&H, i62{6 4,&*PffiiftzJ<d&ffi&mz&f fr E[RE, 1H&AfiEJtWffJSHT&H, l+hw&l&* H*rIEtrtFB +ffi lEJtW, D) h)t+.;s.f+E#i. Bi*E*, qB*[,f+ifi u& + ffi ,t, *[email protected] ffi&ffif^+, D)kft+R\E" l€h&ffi ,+M tultElrrHT&H, Df, ft48*