Download Windows Memory Analysis

Chapter 3
Windows Memory
Solutions in this chapter:
Collecting Process Memory
Dumping Physical Memory
Analyzing a Physical Memory Dump
˛ Summary
˛ Solutions Fast Track
˛ Frequently Asked Questions
Chapter 3 • Windows Memory Analysis
In Chapter 1, we discussed collecting volatile data from a live, running Windows system.
From the order of volatility listed in RFC 3227, we saw that one of the first items of volatile
data that should be collected during live-response activities is the contents of physical
memory, commonly referred to as RAM. Although the specifics of collecting particular parts
of volatile memory, such as network connections or running processes, have been known
for some time and discussed pretty extensively, the issue of collecting, parsing, and analyzing
the entire contents of physical memory is a relatively new endeavor, even today. This field
of research has really opened up in the past several years, beginning in summer 2005, at least
from a public perspective.
The most important question that needs to be answered at this point is “Why?”
Why would you want to collect the contents of RAM? How is doing this useful, how is it
important, and what would you miss if you didn’t collect and analyze the contents of
RAM? Until now, some investigators have collected the contents of RAM in the hope of
finding something they wouldn’t find on the hard drive during a postmortem analysis—
specifically, passwords. Programs will prompt the user for a password, and if the dialog box
has disappeared from view, the most likely place to find that password is in memory.
Malware analysts will look to memory in dealing with encrypted or obfuscated malware,
because when the malware is launched, it will be decrypted in memory. More and more,
malware is obfuscated in such a way that static, offline analysis is extremely difficult at best.
However, if the malware were allowed to execute, it would exist in memory in a decrypted
state, making it easier to analyze what the malware does. Finally, rootkits will hide processes,
files, Registry keys, and even network connections from view by the tools we usually use to
enumerate these items, but by analyzing the contents of RAM we can find what’s been
hidden. We can also find information about processes that have since exited.
In 2008, Greg Hoglund (perhaps best known for writing the first viable rootkit for
Windows systems and, but also as the CEO of HBGary, Inc.) wrote a short
paper titled “The Value of Physical Memory Analysis for Incident Response” (www.hbgary.
com/resources.html). In that paper, Greg describes what can be extracted from the contents
of physical memory, and perhaps most importantly, the value of that information with
respect to addressing issues in incident response and computer forensic analysis.
A Brief History
In the past, the “analysis” of physical memory dumps has consisted of running strings or grep
against the “image” file, looking for passwords, Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, e-mail
addresses, or other strings that could give the analyst an investigative lead. The drawback of
this method of “analysis” is that it is difficult to tie the information you find to a distinct
process. Was the IP address that was discovered part of the case, or was it actually used by
Windows Memory Analysis • Chapter 3
some other process? How about that word that looks like a password? Is it the password
an attacker uses to access a Trojan on the system, or is it part of an instant messaging (IM)
Being able to perform some kind of analysis of a dump of physical memory has been
high on the wish lists of many within the forensic community for some time. Others (such
as myself) have recognized the need for easily accessible tools and frameworks for retrieving
physical memory dumps and analyzing their contents.
In summer 2005, the Digital Forensic Research Workshop (DFRWS;
issued a “memory analysis challenge” in order “to motivate discourse, research, and tool
development” in this area. Anyone was invited to download the two files containing dumps
of physical memory (the dumps were obtained using a modified copy of dd.exe available
on the Helix 1.6 distribution) and answer questions based on the scenario provided at the
Web site. Chris Betz and the duo of George M. Garner, Jr., and Robert-Jan Mora were
selected as the joint winners of the challenge, providing excellent write-ups illustrating
their methodologies and displaying the results of the tools they developed. Unfortunately,
these tools were not made publicly available.
In the year following the challenge, others continued this research or conducted their
own, following their own avenues. Andreas Schuster (
topics/windows/memory_analysis) began releasing portions of his research on the English
version of his blog, together with the format of the EProcess and EThread structures from
various versions of Windows, including Windows 2000 and XP. Joe Stewart posted a Perl
script called as part of the Truman Project (
tools/truman.html), which allows you to extract the memory used by a process from a dump
of memory (important for malware analysis). Mariusz Burdach released information regarding
memory analysis (initially for Linux systems but then later specifically for Windows systems)
to include a presentation at the BlackHat Federal 2006 conference. Jesse Kornblum has
offered several insights in the area of memory analysis to include determining the original
operating system from the contents of the memory dump. During summer 2006, Tim Vidas,
(, a senior research fellow at Nebraska University, released, a Perl script to locate processes in RAM dumps as well as crash dumps.
Since then, the field of study with respect to collecting and analyzing memory dumps
has grown by leaps and bounds, and in many instances the key figures have risen to the
top. Perhaps the most notable individual in the field of memory analysis is Aaron Walters,
co-creator of the FATKit ( and the Volatility Framework (https://www. Although tools have been released to allow for
collecting the contents of physical memory from Windows XP and Vista systems (addressed
in detail in this chapter), Aaron and his co-developer, Nick L. Petroni Jr., have focused
primarily on providing a framework for analysis of memory dumps. Aaron and Nick have
been assisted by Brendan Dolan-Gavitt (you can find Brendan’s blog at, and his graduate research page is and others who
Chapter 3 • Windows Memory Analysis
have made significant contributions to the area of memory analysis and specifically to the
Volatility Framework. Matthieu Suiche ( has contributed a program for
dumping the contents of physical memory, and has also published information and tools
for parsing Windows hibernation files (which have been incorporated into the Volatility
Framework). Andreas Schuster ( has continued his
contributions to parsing of Windows memory dumps, including the release of a PTFinder
(discussed later in this chapter) for Vista in November 2008, which is included as part of
the PTFinder collection of Perl scripts.
In addition to free, open source tools for parsing Windows memory dumps, the security
company Mandiant (the company Web site is, and the company blog
is released its Memoryze memory collection and parsing tool,
along with the Audit Viewer tool for better presentation of the results of Memoryze.
In addition, the folks at HBGary ( have released their own memory
analysis application called Responder, which comes in Professional and Field editions.
The HBGary Web site includes a wealth of information about the tools, including videos
demonstrating how to use them.
Collecting Process Memory
During an investigation, you might be interested in only particular processes rather than a list
of all processes, and you’d like more than just the contents of process memory available in a
RAM dump file. For example, you might have quickly identified processes of interest that
required no additional extensive investigation. There are ways to collect all the memory used
by a process—not just what is in physical memory, but also what is in virtual memory or the
page file.
To do this, a couple of tools are available. One is pmdump.exe (
toolbox/pmdump/), written by Arne Vidstrom and available from However,
as the Web site states, pmdump.exe allows you to dump the contents of
process memory without stopping the process. As we discussed earlier, this allows the process
to continue and the contents of memory to change while being written to a file, thereby
creating a “smear” of process memory. Also, pmdump.exe does not create an output file
that can be analyzed with the Microsoft Debugging Tools.
Tobias Klein has come up with another method for dumping the contents of process
memory in the form of a free (albeit not open source) tool called Process Dumper (available
in both Linux and Windows versions from
html). Process Dumper (pd.exe) dumps the entire process space along with additional
metadata and the process environment to the console (STDOUT) so that the output can
be redirected to a file or a socket (via netcat or other tools; see Chapter 1 for a discussion
of some of those tools). A review of the documentation that Tobias makes available for
pd.exe provides no indication that the process is debugged, halted, or frozen prior to the
Windows Memory Analysis • Chapter 3
dumping process. Tobias also provides the Memory Parser graphical user interface (GUI)
utility for parsing the metadata and memory contents collected by the Process Dumper.
These tools appear to be an extension of Tobias’s work toward extracting RSA private keys
and certificates from process memory (
Jeff Bryner wrote pdgmail (you can find the pdgmail tool at www.jeffbryner.
com/code/pdgmail), a Python-based tool that uses the output of Tobias’s
Process Dumper program to search for Gmail artifacts (e.g., contacts, last
access records, account names, etc.). Jeff posted to the SANS Forensic blog
( regarding pdgmail, stating that he had
not tested it on the Windows platform. Jeff subsequently released pdymail
for extracting Yahoo! mail remnants (
from process memory, as well. In this section of the chapter, we discuss
dumping the contents of process memory, whereas later in the chapter we
discuss how an analyst can dump the contents of process memory for a full
dump of physical memory. You can use either method to retrieve data for use
with pdgmail or pdymail.
Another tool that is available and recommended by a number of sources is userdump.exe,
available from Microsoft. Userdump.exe will allow you to dump any process on the fly,
without attaching a debugger and without terminating the process once the dump has been
completed. Also, the dump file generated by userdump.exe can be read by the Microsoft
Debugging Tools. However, userdump.exe requires that a driver be installed for it to work,
and depending on the situation, this might not be something you’d want to do.
Based on conversations with Robert Hensing, formerly of the Microsoft PSS Security
team, the preferred method of dumping memory used by a process is to use the adplus.vbs
script that ships with the debugging tools, as this methodology attaches a debugger to the
process and suspends the process to dump it. Adplus stands for Autodumplus and was originally
written by Robert (the documentation for the script states that versions 1 through 5 were
written by Robert, and as of Version 6, Israel Burman has taken over). The help file
(debugger.chm) for the MS Debugging Tools contains a great deal of information about
the script as well as the cdb.exe debugging tool, which it uses to dump the processes you
designate. The MS Debugging Tools do not require that an additional driver be installed,
and they can be run from a CD. This means the tools (adplus.vbs and cdb.exe, as well as
Chapter 3 • Windows Memory Analysis
supporting dynamic link libraries, or DLLs) can be written to a CD (adplus.vbs uses the
Windows scripting host Version 5.6, also known as cscript.exe, which comes installed on
most systems) and used to dump processes to a shared drive or to a USB-connected storage
device. Once the dumps have been completed, you can use the freely available MS
Debugging Tools to analyze the dump files. In addition, you can use other tools, such as
BinText, to extract ASCII, Unicode, and resource strings from the dump file. Also, after
dumping the process, you can use still other tools (such as those discussed in Chapter 1)
to collect additional information about the process from the running system, which may
provide a quicker view into the details of the process itself. Handle.exe (which is available
from and requires that
you have Administrator rights on the system when running it) will provide you with a list
of handles (to files, directories, etc.) that have been opened by the process, and listdlls.exe
(Version 2.25 at the time of this writing, available from
en-us/sysinternals/bb896656.aspx) will show you the full path to and the version numbers
of the various modules loaded by a process.
Extensive help is available for using adplus.vbs, not only in the MS Debugging Tools
help file but also in Microsoft Knowledge Base article 286350 (
com/kb/286350). You can use adplus.vbs to hang the process while it is being dumped
(i.e., halt it, dump it, and then resume the process) or to crash the process (halt the process,
dump it, and then terminate). To run adplus.vbs in hang mode against a process, you would
use the following command line:
D:\debug>cscript adplus.vbs –quiet –hang –p <PID>
This command will create a series of files within the debug directory within a
subdirectory prefaced with the name Hang_mode_ that includes the date and time of the
dump. (You can change the location where the output is written using the –o switch.) You
will see an adplus.vbs report file, the dump file for the process (multiple processes can be
designated using multiple –p entries), a process list (generated by default using tlist.exe; you
can turn this off using the –noTList switch), and a text file showing all the loaded modules
(DLLs) used by the process.
Although all the information collected about processes using adplus.vbs can be
extremely useful during an investigation, you can use this tool only on processes that are
visible via the application program interface (API). If a process is not visible (say, if it’s hidden
by a rootkit), you cannot use these tools to collect information about the process.
You can use the volatility memdmp command (we discuss the Volatility Framework later in
the chapter) to dump the addressable memory for a process from a Windows XP memory
dump, as follows:
D:\Volatility>python volatility memdmp -f d:\hacking\xp-laptop1.img -p 4012
This command results in a 4012.dmp file that is 118,300,672 bytes in size.
Windows Memory Analysis • Chapter 3
Dumping Physical Memory
So, how do you go about collecting the full contents of physical memory, rather than just
dumping a process? Several methods are available, each with strengths and weaknesses. The
goal of this chapter is to provide an understanding of the various options available as well as
the technical aspects associated with each option. This way, as a first responder or investigator,
you’ll make educated choices regarding which option is most suitable, taking the business
needs of the client (or victim) into account along with infrastructure concerns.
DD ( is the short name given to a powerful tool from
the UNIX world which has a variety of uses, not the least of which is to copy files or even
entire hard drives. DD has long been considered a standard for producing forensic images, and
most major forensic imaging/acquisition tools as well as analysis tools support the dd format.
GMG Systems Inc. produced a modified version of dd that runs on Windows systems and can
be used to dump the contents of physical memory from Windows 2000 and XP systems. This
version of dd was part of the Forensic Acquisition Utilities, but is no longer available. This utility
was able to collect the contents of physical memory by accessing the \ Device\ PhysicalMemory
object from user mode. The following command line could be used to capture the contents of
RAM in the file ram.img on a network share or a USB thumb drive attached to the system:
D:\tools>dd if=\\.\PhysicalMemory of=F:\ram.img bs=4096 conv=noerror
In the preceding command line, the block size (bs value) is set to 4 kilobytes (KB) or
4096 bytes, as this is the default size for pages in memory. Therefore, the command tells
dd.exe to grab one page at a time. This version of dd.exe also allows compression and the
generation of cryptographic hashes for the content. Due to the volatile nature of RAM
(i.e., it continues to change throughout the process of dumping it), however, it is not advisable
to hash it until it is written from the disk, simply because there is no advantage in doing so.
If the user images memory twice, even with little delay, the contents of RAM and thus
the subsequent hashes will be different. In this case, it is only worthwhile to employ a
cryptographic hash to address the integrity of the collected memory dump.
The version of dd.exe from George M. Garner, Jr., discussed earlier, is no longer
available or supported, but there may be responders out there who still have
a copy of the tool on a CD or hard drive someplace (I do!). Discussion of and
reference to the tool is provided here for completeness, as well as to recognize
George’s contributions to the field of memory acquisition and analysis.
Chapter 3 • Windows Memory Analysis
Other tools use a process similar to dd.exe to capture the contents of RAM. Nigilant32
(, from Matt Shannon of Agile Risk Management,
uses a graphical interface to allow the responder to acquire the contents of physical memory.
Figure 3.1 illustrates a portion of the Nigilant32 GUI, showing the option for imaging
physical memory.
Figure 3.1 Portion of the Nigilant32 GUI
Nigilant32 has the advantage of a GUI, which may be a friendlier tool for some
responders to use. You can deploy Nigilant32 on a CD or USB thumb drive along with
other tools, and use it to quickly collect the contents of physical memory (primarily from
Windows XP systems). As with dd.exe and other tools, Nigilant32 requires local access
to the system from which the responder wishes to dump memory. You also can deploy
Nigilant32 prior to an actual incident occurring, and responders can either run the tool
locally and dump physical memory to a thumb drive or network share, or access the system
remotely (via applications such as VNC or Remote Desktop Client) and perform the
memory dump.
ProDiscover IR (Version 4.8 was used in writing this book, and Version 5.0 was released
in summer 2008) also allows the investigator to collect the contents of physical memory
(as well as system BIOS) via a remote server applet that can be distributed to a system via
removable storage media (CD, thumb drive, etc.) or via the network. Figure 3.2 illustrates
the user interface for this capability.
Windows Memory Analysis • Chapter 3
Figure 3.2 Excerpt of the Capture Image Dialog Box from ProDiscover IR
The problem with using tools such as dd.exe or Nigilant32, however, is that as of
Windows 2003 SP1, access to the \Device\PhysicalMemory object has been restricted from
user mode ( That is, only
kernel drivers are allowed to access this object. As such, tools such as dd.exe, Nigilant32,
and ProDiscover (as previously mentioned, the Incident Response edition of ProDiscover
includes a servlet that will allow an analyst to access physical memory on a remote
Windows XP system) will not allow you to collect the contents of physical memory from
Windows 2003 SP1 and later systems, including Vista. To address this issue, George M.
Garner, Jr. (a.k.a. GMG Systems) produced a new utility called KnTDD, which is part of
the KnTTools set of utilities. According to the licensing for KnTTools, the utilities are
available for private sale to law enforcement personnel and bona fide security professionals.
KnTDD includes the following capabilities:
Able to acquire the contents of physical memory using multiple methods, including
via the \Device\PhysicalMemory object
Runs on Microsoft operating systems from Windows 2000 through Vista, including
AMD64 versions of the operating systems
Able to convert a raw memory “image” to Microsoft crash dump format so
that the resultant data can be analyzed using the Microsoft Debugging Tools
Able to acquire to a local removable (USB, FireWire) storage device as well
as via the network using Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
Designed specifically for forensic use, with audit logging and cryptographic
integrity checks
Chapter 3 • Windows Memory Analysis
The KnTTools Enterprise Edition includes the following capabilities:
Bulk encryption of output using X.509 certifications, AES-256 (default), and
downgrading to 3DES on Windows 2000
Memory acquisition using a KnTDDSvc service
A remote deployment module that is able to deploy the KnTDDSvc service by
either “pushing” it to a remote admin share or “pulling” it from a Web server over
Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), with cryptographic verification of the binaries before
they are executed
One of the aspects of using dd.exe, and tools like it, that you need to keep in mind is
Locard’s Exchange Principle. To use these tools to collect the contents of RAM, they must
be loaded into RAM as a running process. This means memory space is consumed and other
processes may have pages written out to the page file.
Another aspect of these tools to keep in mind is that they do not freeze the state of the
system, as occurs when a crash dump is generated. This means that while the tool is reading
through the contents of RAM, as the thirtieth “page” is being read the eleventh page could
change as the process using that page continues to run. The amount of time it ultimately
takes to complete the dump depends on factors such as processor speed and rates of bus and
disk I/O. The question then becomes, are these changes that occur in the limited amount of
time enough to affect the results of your analysis?
Under most incident response conditions, tools such as dd.exe might be the best method
for retrieving the contents of physical memory, particularly from Windows 2000 and XP
systems. Such tools do not require that the system be taken down, nor do they restrict how
and to where the contents of physical memory are written (e.g., using netcat, you can write
the contents of RAM out over a socket to another system rather than to the local hard
drive). Tools have been developed and made freely available (discussed later in this chapter)
to parse the contents of these RAM dumps to extract information about processes, network
connections, and the like. Further, development of the KnTTools and other similar tools
allows for continued support of this methodology beyond Windows 2003 SP1.
The primary issue with using a methodology such as the Forensic Acquisition
Utilities or KnTTools is that the system is still running when the contents of
physical memory are retrieved. This means that not only are memory pages
consumed simply by using the utilities (i.e., executable images are read and
loaded into memory), but as the tool enumerates through memory, pages
Windows Memory Analysis • Chapter 3
that have already been read can change. That is, the state of the system
and its memory are not frozen in time, as would be the case with acquiring
a forensic image of a hard drive via traditional “forensic” methodologies.
Interacting with a live system, however, may be the only manner with which
certain information can be retrieved. Keeping Locard’s Exchange Principle
in mind, responders must thoroughly and clearly document their actions
when performing live response. Issues such as the need for live response,
as well as the “footprint” of live-response tools, have been (and will likely
continue to be) the subject of discussion for some time.
The early part of 2008 saw the release of several new tools for collecting the contents of
physical memory from Windows systems, particularly Windows 2003 SP1 and Vista.
Fortunately, these tools work equally well on Windows XP systems, making them more
universal than previously available tools (e.g., dd.exe, Nigilant32, etc.). Perhaps the most
notable was mdd.exe which was released to the public by ManTech International
( Mdd.exe is a straightforward and simple commandline interface (CLI) tool, allowing a responder to dump the contents of physical memory
with a simple command line:
E:\response>mdd.exe –o F:\system1\memory.dmp
The preceding command line illustrates an example of mdd.exe run from a CD (E:\),
sending the output file (via the –o switch) to a USB external hard drive (F:\).You can also run
mdd.exe from a batch file, as I described in Chapter 1, using a command line such as:
mdd.exe –o %1\mdd-o.img
Alternatively, you can use the available variables from a live Windows environment to
segregate your collected volatile data by prepending the name of the system from which
you’re collecting data:
mdd.exe –o %1\%ComputerName%-mdd-o.img
Once mdd.exe completes the memory dump, it displays an MD5 checksum for the
resultant dump file:
took 108 seconds to write
MD5 is: 6fe975ee3ab878211d3be3279e948649
The analyst can save this information and use it to ensure the integrity of the memory
dump file later.
Not only is mdd.exe simple to use and deploy, but also the output of the tool is what
is referred to as a raw, dd-style memory dump file, similar to what is achieved using other
tools (dd.exe, VMware, etc.). However, prior to using mdd.exe, you should be aware that,
Chapter 3 • Windows Memory Analysis
according to the ManTech International Web site for the tool, mdd.exe is unable to collect
more than 4 GB of RAM. On systems with 8 GB or more of RAM, some users have
reported system crashes, so take this into account when considering whether to collect
the contents of RAM from a system.
If you intend to collect the contents of RAM from a live Windows system
as part of your response methodology using a batch file, I recommend that
you collect the contents of RAM first. This will provide you with as “clean”
a dump as possible, particularly if you’ve included other third-party (tlist.exe,
tcpvcon.exe) and native Windows tools (netstat.exe) in your batch file.
Matthieu Suiche released his own tool for dumping the contents of physical memory, called
win32dd ( Win32dd is described as a “free kernel land and 100%
open-source tool”; this means that like mdd.exe, win32dd.exe is free, but unlike ManTech’s
tool, win32dd.exe is open source. Win32dd.exe has some additional features, including the
ability to create a WinDbg-compatible “crash dump” (similar to a Windows crash dump) which
you can then analyze using the Microsoft Debugging Tools (
DevTools/Debugging/default.mspx). As with mdd.exe and other CLI tools, win32dd.exe can
be included in batch files.
Version of win32dd.exe was available at the time this chapter was being
written.You can view the syntax information available for win32dd.exe using the following
D:\tools\win32dd>win32dd -h
Win32dd - v1.2.1.20090106 - Kernel land physical memory acquisition
Copyright (c) 2007 - 2009, Matthieu Suiche <>
Copyright (c) 2008 - 2009, MoonSols <>
win32dd [option] [output path]
Create a raw memory dump/snapshot. (default)
Level for the mapping (with -r option only).
l 0
Open \\Device\\PhysicalMemory device (default).
l 1
Use Kernel API MmMapIoSpace()
Windows Memory Analysis • Chapter 3
Create a Microsoft full memory dump file (WinDbg compliant).
Type of MSFT dump file (with -d option only).
t 0
Original MmPhysicalMemoryBlock, like BSOD. (default).
t 1
MmPhysicalMemoryBlock (with PFN 0).
Display this help.
Usage: win32dd -d physmem.dmp
Usage: win32dd -l 1 -r C:\dump\physmem.bin
As you can see, win32dd.exe has a number of options available for dumping the contents
of physical memory. To create a raw, dd-style memory dump file, you can use the following
command line:
D:\tools\win32dd>win32dd -l 0 -r d:\tools\memtest\win32dd-l0-xp.img
Including the command-line options (such as –l 0) in the name of the output file serves
as a modicum of additional documentation for the analyst, to identify the command-line
switches used. As with other CLI tools, including such a command in a batch file is simple
and straightforward (besides being self-documenting).
The consulting company Mandiant released its own memory collection and analysis tool,
called Memoryze ( Memoryze finds its origins
in the Mandiant Intelligent Response (MIR) product, and has been made freely available
from the Mandiant Web site, along with examples of how to run the tool. Once you’ve
downloaded the Memoryze Microsoft installer (MSI) file to your system and installed it,
you can run Memoryze to collect a memory dump via the memorydd.bat batch file by
typing the following command:
This will create a memory dump file in a directory structure within the current
directory; running the command as is on my system created the directory structure
Audits\WINTERMUTE\20090103003442\, and within that final directory it created
several XML files and a memory image file. Running the batch file with the –output
switch will let you configure the location for the dump file.
Also, when run on a live system, Memoryze reportedly “makes use of the page file(s),”
incorporating memory contents from the page file into the collection process. This allows
for more complete collection of data, as memory contents that have been swapped out to
the page file are now available during the analysis process. In addition, Memoryze Version
1.3.0 (announced February 9, 2009) is capable of dumping memory that is accessible via
F-Response, which we’ll discuss later in this chapter.
Chapter 3 • Windows Memory Analysis
Guidance Software also released its own tool for collecting the contents of physical memory,
called winen.exe. Like some of the other tools, winen.exe is a CLI tool, but unlike the
other tools, the memory dump is not collected in raw, dd-style format; instead, it is collected
in the same proprietary imaging format used by the EnCase image acquisition tool,
commonly referred to as Expert Witness Format (or EWF, for short). Most available analysis
tools require that the memory dump be in a raw, dd-style format, so memory dumps
collected using winen.exe must be converted to a raw format prior to being parsed. As Lance
Mueller points out in his blog (, you can run winen.exe by simply providing various options at the
console (i.e., typing winen at the command prompt and then providing responses to the
queries) or by providing the path to a configuration file with the necessary information via
the –f switch. Winen.exe has a total of six required options, the settings for which can be
provided via the command line or in a configuration file: the path to the output file(s),
the compression level, the examiner’s name, the evidence name, the case number, and the
evidence number. An example configuration file is included in the home directory when
you download and install EnCase.
Richard McQuown provides additional information about the use of winen.exe in his
ForensicZone blog (, as well as a link to a user manual file for winen.exe (you must have
access to the EnCase User Forum and be logged in to obtain the PDF document at https://
You can then convert the resultant memory dump to a raw format by opening the
memory dump file in FTK Imager and choosing Create Disk Image from the menu
or by opening the memory dump in EnCase and choosing Copy/UnErase from the
EnCase menu.
Guidance also has a version of winen.exe for 64-bit versions of the Windows operating
system, called winen64.exe. As with the 32-bit version of the tool, winen64.exe allows a
responder to dump the contents of physical memory in an EWF format dump file.
Consulting company HBGary released a copy of its tool for collecting the contents of physical
memory, called fastdump ( Although fastdump.
exe (Version 1.2 is available at the time of this writing) is free, as with Nigilant32 and some
of the other available tools it is not able to collect memory contents from Windows 2003 SP1
and later systems, including Vista.You can use this tool only to collect the contents of physical
memory from Windows XP and Windows 2003 (no service packs installed) systems.
Windows Memory Analysis • Chapter 3
To address this issue, HBGary also released a commercial version of the tool, called
FastDump Pro (fdpro.exe), which is available from the same Web page as fastdump.exe, albeit
for a fee. The commercial version supports all versions of Windows, including 32- and 64-bit
versions, and will also reportedly dump memory from systems with more than 4 GB of
Besides being able to dump more than 4 GB of physical memory, FastDump Pro has
some other differences from and advantages over other tools. Typing fdpro at the command
prompt displays the syntax information for the tool:
-= FDPro v1.3.0.377 by HBGary, Inc =***** Usage Help *****
General Usage: fdpro output_dumpfile_path [options] [modifiers]
FDPro supports dumping .bin and .hpak format files
To dump physical memory only to literal .bin format:
fdpro mymemdump.bin [options] [modifiers]
To dump physical memory to an .hpak formatted file:
fdpro mysysdump.hpak [options] [modifiers]
*** Valid .bin [options] Are: ***
-probe [all|smart|pid|help]
Pre-Dump Memory Probing
*** Valid .bin [modifiers] Are: ***
Use old-style memory acquisition (XP/2k only)
Force driver based memory acquisition
*** Valid .hpak [options] Are: ***
-probe [all|smart|pid|help]
Pre-Dump Memory Probing
-hpak [list|extract]
HPAK archive management
*** Valid .hpak [modifiers] Are: ***
Use old-style memory acquisition (XP/2k only)
Force driver based memory acquisition
Create archive compressed
Create archive uncompressed
As you can see, fdpro.exe has essentially two modes in which it can be used. The first mode
is to dump the contents of physical memory in the usual raw, dd-style format, using either the
driver to access physical memory on versions of Windows that require it (i.e., Windows 2003
SP1,Vista, and later), or the –nodriver switch to perform “old-style memory acquisition.”
Chapter 3 • Windows Memory Analysis
Fdpro.exe also has an .hpak-style format, which is described as follows:
“HPAK is an HBGary proprietary format which is capable of several key
features, namely the ability to store and archive the RAM and Pagefile
in a single archive. HPAK format also supports compression using the
gzip format. This is useful during instances where space on the collecting
device/system is limited.”
One of the limitations of most of the available tools for dumping physical memory is
that they allow access only to physical memory, and do not incorporate the page file. Not
only does fdpro.exe provide access to a wide range of Windows operating systems (including
64-bit versions) and memory capacities (i.e., greater than 4 GB), but also (as with Mandiant’s
Memoryze tool) the tool will incorporate the page file in the collection process, which then
allows that data to be incorporated into the analysis process, as well (we will discuss the
HBGary Responder product later in this chapter). As you will see later in this chapter,
contents of memory that have been swapped out to the page file may contain information
pertinent to your response and analysis.
It is important to point out that proprietary formats for data collection
often lead to the requirement to use one particular tool for data analysis.
Memory dumped using winen.exe, for example, must be converted to a raw
format prior to being analyzed using other tools (although EnScripts are
available to perform some limited parsing of the dump file). The same holds
true with HBGary’s .hpak format, as well; at this point, only HBGary’s
Responder product can be used to analyze an .hpak format memory dump.
This is something you must keep in mind when deciding which tool to use.
Finally, 2008 heralded the coming of a new age in incident response with Matt Shannon’s
release of F-Response. F-Response is an acquisition-tool-agnostic framework that uses
the iSCSI protocol to provide raw access to disks over the network. Matt designed and
wrote F-Response so that the access is read-only; write operations to the remote disk are
buffered and silently dropped. The three editions of F-Response (Field Kit, Consultant,
and Enterprise) are all deployed differently, but all allow you to “see” drives on remote
Windows Memory Analysis • Chapter 3
systems (e.g., in another room, on another floor, or even in another building) as mounted
drives on your own system. F-Response is acquisition-tool-agnostic in the sense that
once you’re connected to the remote system and can “see” the drive, you can use any
tool you want (dd.exe, ProDiscover, FTK Imager, etc.) to acquire an image of that drive.
You can deploy F-Response on Mac OS X, Linux, and Windows systems, and on
Windows systems it has the added benefit of providing remote, read-only access to physical
memory. At the SANS Forensic Summit in October 2008, during his presentation with
Aaron Walters, Matt announced the release of F-Response 2.03, which provides remote,
real-time, read-only access to a Windows system’s physical memory, for all versions of
Windows, including XP and Vista. Once the connection to the remote system is set up,
a responder can then use tools such as dd.exe or FTK Imager to acquire a copy of physical
F-Response’s capability (Version 2.06 beta was used in this example) for obtaining
a copy of physical memory from a remote Windows system has tremendous implications
for incident response, particularly when deploying the Enterprise Edition (see the
“F-Response Enterprise Edition (EE)” sidebar for more information on deploying this
capability in an enterprise environment). Matt has several videos linked to the F-Response
blog (
Itemid=9) that demonstrate uses and aspects of the F-Response tool, such as illustrating
how to acquire specific data, for example, by accessing a live Microsoft Exchange server.
At the SANS Forensic Summit in October 2008, Matt announced that F-Response
would provide remote, read-only access to drives on Windows systems and to physical
memory. Upon a successful connection, remote drives appear on the responder’s system
with the familiar drive icon, as Figure 3.3 illustrates.
Chapter 3 • Windows Memory Analysis
Figure 3.3 Remote Windows System Drive Connected to As F:\
Tools & Traps…
F-Response Enterprise Edition (EE)
You can deploy F-Response Enterprise Edition (EE) agents in a proactive fashion.
Deploying the EE agents ahead of time can significantly speed response time, as the
agents install as a Windows service, but by default do not start automatically when
the system is booted.
Windows Memory Analysis • Chapter 3
You also can install the agent in a stealthy manner, using tools such as psexec.exe
( or xcmd.exe (http:// The PDF document “Remote (Stealth) Deployment of F-Response
EE on Windows Systems,” located in the ch3 directory on the media that accompanies
this book, clearly illustrates the necessary steps for deploying F-Response EE remotely
(or in a stealthy manner) over the network.
In spring 2009, Matt Shannon released the F-Response Enterprise Management
Console, or FEMC. The FEMC is a GUI-based tool that completely removes all of the
effort required to manually deploy the Enterprise Edition. Clicking through the user
interface, a responder (or consultant) can locate systems in the domain (or workgroup)
on which to install F-Response EE, as Figure 3.4 illustrates.
Figure 3.4 FEMC User Interface Populated with Systems
Once systems have been located and selected, deploying and starting the
F-Response service is nothing more than a couple of mouse clicks away, as illustrated
in part in Figure 3.5. This is the case whether you want to install it on one system or
on a dozen systems.
Chapter 3 • Windows Memory Analysis
Figure 3.5 Logging in to F-Response EE via the FEMC User Interface
All the responder needs to do is select the systems onto which she wishes to
deploy F-Response, and then with a couple of mouse clicks deploy the agent automatically. Even the configuration of the .ini file is handled automatically through the user
interface, as Figure 3.6 illustrates.
Figure 3.6 Configuring F-Response EE via the FEMC User Interface
Windows Memory Analysis • Chapter 3
Information entered into the Domain/Network Credentials section of the
Configuration dialog shown in Figure 3.6 is available throughout the duration of the
session, but is not saved or preserved in any way when the FEMC is closed.
Working with the FEMC, it actually took me more effort to play BrickBreaker on
my BlackBerry than it does to deploy F-Response EE across several systems, connect to
each, and then completely uninstall the agent. The FEMC pushes the functionality of
an extremely powerful and valuable tool forward by a quantum leap (not to take
anything away from Scott Bakula…).
As physical memory (RAM) does not contain a partition table, the responder’s system
will not recognize the connection to the remote system’s physical memory as a drive.
However, the connection can be seen through the Disk Management Microsoft
Management Console (MMC), as Figure 3.7 shows.
Figure 3.7 F-Response EE Connection to
Remote RAM Seen via Disk Management MMC
Once the connection to the remote system’s RAM has been verified, you can use tools
such as FTK Imager to perform a memory dump. Figure 3.8 illustrates selecting the remote
system’s RAM via FTK Imager.
Chapter 3 • Windows Memory Analysis
Figure 3.8 Selecting a Remote System’s RAM via FTK Imager
Figure 3.9 illustrates the selected RAM from Figure 3.8 as it appears in the FTK Imager
Evidence Tree.
Figure 3.9 Selected RAM in FTK Imager Evidence Tree
The RAM from the remote system can now be acquired using FTK Imager. Other tools
can also be used; F-Response is a tool-agnostic framework, as it does not require that you
use a specific tool. A responder can use EnCase, X-Ways Forensics, or even versions of dd.exe
to dump RAM from the remote system. Again, the connection is read-only, and as illustrated in Figures 3.8 and 3.9, the remote system’s RAM appears on the responder’s system
as a \\.\PhysicalDrive object (i.e., \\.\PhysicalDrive2 or \\.\PhysicalDrive3).
Windows Memory Analysis • Chapter 3
At the SANS Forensic Summit in October 2008, Aaron Walters and Matt
Shannon gave a presentation that incorporated the use of F-Response and
the Volatility Framework in something called “Voltage” (
Although not available at the time of this writing, Voltage is described as
providing an unprecedented level of real-time, read-only, remote access,
automation, and visualization to temporally relevant information that has
not been available to date. For all the fancy words, Voltage provides a
responder with the capability to quickly reach out to remote systems,
identify systems that may have malware installed and running, and then
collect a sample of physical memory, all without modifying the artifacts on
the remote system.
Section Summary
John Sawyer posted to the SANS Forensics blog (http://sansforensics.wordpress.
com/2008/12/13/windows-physical-memory-finding-the-right-tool-for-the-job/) on
December 13, 2008, listing some of the various tools available for collecting (as well as
analyzing) memory dumps from Windows systems, along with brief descriptions of each of
them. In addition to John’s blog post, other posts (to blogs and discussion lists) have made
comments and addressed concerns about the availability and use of the various tools for
dumping memory from Windows systems. In many ways, this chapter serves as an initial step
into this realm of tools, as I do not doubt that between the time I submit this chapter to the
publisher and the time the finished book is available the tools will have changed. This very
thing happened between the time I submitted this chapter for technical review and the time
I received the tech editor’s comments—in the ensuing time, HBGary had released FastDump
Pro and announced its availability to the public. I firmly believe that the landscape of memory
dumping (and analysis) tools will change, doing so in relatively short order.
So far in this section you’ve seen some of the tools available for dumping the contents of
physical memory from Windows systems, but little else. In an effort to provide more of a
side-by-side comparison of some of these tools, I ran some of my own limited testing. Using
the command lines (in the case of Memoryze, the memorydd.bat file) for each tool discussed
previously in this chapter that might be run from a CD or USB thumb drive, I ran each of
them (with the exception of winen.exe) on a Dell Latitude D820 system with 4 GB of
RAM installed, running Windows XP Service Pack 3. My testing process was to simply boot
the system, run one of the tools, and once the tool had completed its dump of memory,
Chapter 3 • Windows Memory Analysis
reboot the system to run the next tool. In doing so, I saved the memory dumps so that
I could see the sizes of each of them in relation to the dumps produced by other tools;
my final results appear as follows, listed by the size in bytes and the output filename:
3,210,854,400 win32dd-l0-xp.img
3,210,854,400 win32dd-l1-xp.img
3,210,854,400 mdd-xp-2.img
3,210,854,400 mdd-xp.img
3,211,329,536 dd_xp.img
3,211,329,536 nigilant_xp.img
3,211,333,632 fdpro-xp.bin
3,211,334,904 fdpro-xp.hpak
3,211,329,536 memory.1e1d2b07.img (Memoryze)
As you can see, I included the name of the tool and some additional identifying
information from the command line in the name of the output dump file. Also, it’s clear
that there are some variations in the sizes of the resultant dumps, likely due to the process
each tool used. As expected, the exception to this is the .hpak format dump file produced
by FastDump Pro, as the –page switch had been used to incorporate the page file in the
dump process. The file size would likely have been significantly larger had there been
greater activity on the system, and had the system been allowed to run longer.
It should be clear at this point that the tool you should use to collect the contents of
physical memory really depends on a number of factors, including the version of Windows
(not only Windows XP versus Vista, but also 32- versus 64-bit), the amount of physical
memory installed in the system, and your analysis tools.
As with using any tools that you’ve downloaded from the Internet, be sure
that you’ve tested the tools and you’ve read and that you understand the
license agreement regarding their use. Some tools, although extremely
powerful and useful, cannot be used by consultants. Also, you need to be
aware of the artifacts left by various tools. As discussed in Chapter 1, many
of the tools available from Microsoft (formerly Sysinternals) create Registry
entries when run. Winen.exe does something similar, in that it will write its
driver (winen_.sys) to the same directory from which the file is run, and will
create a Services subkey within the Registry. The key here, as with all liveresponse activities, is not to avoid using a tool because it leaves “footprints”
or artifacts of its use, but rather to understand this fact and incorporate that
understanding into your methodology and documentation.
Windows Memory Analysis • Chapter 3
Alternative Approaches
for Dumping Physical Memory
The software we’ve discussed so far aren’t the only means by which the contents of physical
memory can be dumped from a live system; several alternative methods have been put forth in
the past. Some of those methods use native functionality inherent to the operating system
(i.e., crash dumps) or to virtualization platforms (i.e., VMware). As we’ll see, other alternative
methods for dumping physical memory from a system take a more physical approach.
Hardware Devices
In February 2004, the Digital Investigation Journal published a paper by Brian Carrier and
Joe Grand titled “A Hardware-Based Memory Acquisition Procedure for Digital Investigations.”
In the paper, Brian and Joe presented the concept for a hardware expansion card dubbed
Tribble (possibly a reference to that memorable Star Trek episode) that could be used to
retrieve the contents of physical memory to an external storage device. This would allow an
investigator to retrieve the volatile memory from the system without introducing any new
code or relying on potentially untrusted code to perform the extraction. In the paper, the
authors stated that they had built a proof-of-concept Tribble device, designed as a Payment
Card Industry (PCI) expansion card that could be plugged into a PC bus. Other hardware
devices are available that allow you to capture the contents of physical memory and are largely
intended for debugging hardware systems. These devices may also be used for forensics.
As illustrated in the DFRWS 2005 Memory Challenge (referred to earlier in this chapter),
one of the limitations of a software-based approach to retrieving volatile memory is that the
program the investigator is using has to be loaded into memory. Subsequently, particularly on
Windows systems, the program may (depending on its design) rely on untrusted code or libraries
(DLLs) that the attacker has subverted. Let’s examine the pros and cons of such a device:
Hardware devices such as Tribble are unobtrusive and easily accessible. Dumping the
contents of physical memory in this manner introduces no new or additional software to
the system, minimizing the chances of data being obscured in some manner. However, the
primary limitation of using the hardware-based approach is that the hardware needs to
be installed prior to the incident. At this point, the Tribble devices are not widely available.
Other hardware devices are available and intended for hardware debugging, but they must
still be installed prior to an incident to be of use.
Due to technical specifics of FireWire devices and protocols, there is a possibility that
with the right software, an investigator can collect the contents of physical memory from
a system. FireWire devices use direct memory access (DMA), meaning they can access
system memory without having to go through the CPU. These devices can read from
Chapter 3 • Windows Memory Analysis
and/or write to memory at much faster rates than systems that do not use DMA. The investigator would need a controller device that contains the appropriate software and is capable
of writing a command into a specific area of the FireWire device’s memory space. Memory
mapping is performed in hardware without going through the host operating system, allowing
for high-speed low-latency data transfers.
Adam Boileau (see came up with a way to extract
physical memory from a system using Linux and Python. The software used for this collection
method runs on Linux and relies on support for the /dev/raw1394 device as well as Adam’s
pythonraw1394 library, the libraw1394 library, and Swig (software that makes C/C++ header
files accessible to other languages by generating wrapper code). In his demonstrations, Adam
even included the use of a tool that will collect the contents of RAM from a Windows
system with the screen locked, then parse out the password, after which Adam logs in to
the system.
Jon Evans, an officer with the Gwent police department in the United Kingdom, has
installed Adam’s tools and successfully collected the contents of physical memory from
Windows systems as well as from various versions of Linux. As part of his master’s thesis,
Jon wrote an overview on how to install, set up, and use Adam’s tools on several different
Linux platforms, including Knoppix v.5.01, Gentoo Linux 2.6.17, and BackTrack, from Once all the necessary packages (including Adam’s tools) have been
downloaded and installed, Jon walks through the process of identifying FireWire ports and
tricking the target Windows system into “thinking” the Linux system is an iPod by using the
Linux romtool command to load a data file containing the Control Status Register (CSR) for
an iPod (the CSR file is provided with Adam’s tools). Here are the pros and cons of this
Many systems available today have FireWire/IEEE 1394 interfaces built right into the
motherboards, increasing the potential accessibility of physical memory using this method.
However, Arne Vidstrom has pointed out some technical issues (see
onmymind/2006/2006-09-02.html) regarding the way dumping the contents of physical
memory over FireWire can result in a hang or in parts of memory being missed. George M.
Garner, Jr., noted in an e-mail exchange on a mailing list in October 2006 that in limited
testing, there were notable differences in important offsets between a RAM dump collected
using the FireWire technique and one collected using George’s own software. This difference
could only be explained as an error in the collection method. Furthermore, this method has
caused Blue Screens of Death (BSoDs, discussed further in a moment) on some target
Windows systems, possibly due to the nature of the FireWire hardware on the system.
Crash Dumps
We’ve all seen crash dumps at one point or another; in most cases they manifest themselves
as an infamous Blue Screen of Death (a.k.a. BSoD, with more descriptive information
available at In most cases they’re an
Windows Memory Analysis • Chapter 3
annoyance, if not indicative of a much larger issue. However, if you want to obtain a pristine,
untainted copy of the content of RAM from a Windows system, perhaps the only way to do
that is to generate a full crash dump. This is because when a crash dump occurs, the system
state is frozen and the contents of RAM (along with about 4 Kb of header information)
are written to the disk. This preserves the state of the system and ensures that no alterations
are made to the system, beginning at the time the crash dump was initiated.
This information can be extremely valuable to an investigator. First, the contents of the
crash dump are a snapshot of the system, frozen in time. I have been involved in several
investigations during which crash dumps have been found and used to determine root
causes, such as avenues of infection or compromise. Second, Microsoft provides tools for
analyzing crash dumps—not only in the Microsoft Debugging Tools (
whdc/devtools/debugging/default.mspx) but also in the Kernel Memory Space Analyzer
(a tool with a ridiculously long URL, so it’s best to do a search for it), which is based on
the Debugging Tools.
Sounds like a good deal, doesn’t it? After all, other than having a 1GB file written to the
hard drive, possibly overwriting evidence (and not really minimizing the impact of your
investigation on the system), there are no limitations to this approach, right? Under some
circumstances, this is true … or you might be willing to accept that condition, depending on
the circumstances. However, there are still a couple of stumbling blocks. First, not all systems
generate full crash dumps by default. Second, by default, Windows systems do not generate
crash dumps on command.
The first issue is relatively simple to deal with, according to Microsoft Knowledge
Base article Q254649 ( This article lists the
three types of crash dumps: small (64 KB), kernel, and complete crash dumps. We’re looking
for the complete crash dump because it contains the complete contents of RAM.
The article also states that Windows 2000 Pro and Windows XP (both Pro and Home)
will generate small crash dumps, and Windows 2003 (all versions) will generate full crash
dumps. My experience with Windows Vista RC1 is that it will generate small crash
dumps, by default.
Microsoft Knowledge Base article 235496 (
kb/235496) specifies the Registry entries that contain configuration information for Windows systems with respect to the memory.dmp file that is the
result of a crash dump. The default location for the memory.dmp file is
%SystemRoot%\memory.dmp, but the administrator can specify another
location via the DumpFile Registry value.
Chapter 3 • Windows Memory Analysis
Along the same lines, Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q274598 (http://support. states that complete crash dumps are not available on systems
with more than 2 GB of RAM. According to the article, this is largely due to the space
requirements (i.e., for systems with complete crash dumps enabled, the page file must be
as large as the contents of RAM + 1 MB) as well as the time it will take to complete the
crash dump process.
Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q307973 (
describes how to set the full range of system failure and recovery options. These settings are
more for system administrators and information technology (IT) managers who are setting
up and configuring systems before an incident occurs, but the Registry key settings can
provide some significant clues for an investigator. For example, if the system was configured
(by default or otherwise) to generate a complete crash dump and the administrator reported
seeing the BSoD, the investigator should expect to see a complete crash dump file on the
Investigators must be extremely careful when working with crash dump files,
particularly from systems that process but do not necessarily store sensitive
data. In some cases, crash dumps have occurred on systems that processed
information such as credit card numbers, Social Security numbers, or the like,
and these crash dumps have been found to contain that sensitive information.
Even though the programmers specifically wrote the application so that no
sensitive personal information was saved locally on the system, a crash dump
wrote the contents of memory to the hard drive.
So, let’s say the system failure and recovery configuration options on a system are set
ahead of time (as part of the configuration policies for the systems) to perform a full crash
dump. How does the investigator “encourage” a system to perform a crash dump on
command, when it’s needed? It turns out that there’s a Registry key (see Knowledge Base
article Q244139, available at that can be set to
cause a crash dump when the right Ctrl key is held down and the Scroll Lock key is pressed
twice. However, once this key is set, the system must be rebooted for the setting to take effect.
Let’s look at the pros and cons of this technique:
Dumping memory via a crash dump is perhaps the only technically accurate (albeit not
“forensically sound”) method for creating an image of the contents of RAM. This is
because when the KeBugCheck API function is called, the entire system is halted and the
contents of RAM are written to the page file, after which they are written to a file on the
Windows Memory Analysis • Chapter 3
system hard drive (overwriting data). Further, Microsoft provides debugging tools as well
as the Kernel Memory Space Analyzer (which consists of an engine, plug-ins, and user
interface) for analyzing crash dump files. Some Windows systems do not generate full
crash dumps by default (e.g., Vista RC1; I had an issue with a driver when I first installed
Vista RC1 and I would get BSoDs whenever I attempted to shut down the machine,
which resulted in mini dump files).
In addition, modifying a system to accept the keystroke sequence to create a crash
dump requires a reboot and must be done ahead of time to be used effectively for incident
response. Even if this configuration change has been made, the crash dump process will
still create a file equal in size to physical memory on the hard drive. To do so, as stated in
Knowledge Base article Q274598, the page file must be configured to be equal to at least
the size of physical memory plus 1 MB. This is an additional step that must be corrected
to use this method of capturing the contents of physical memory; it’s one that is not often
A support article available at the Citrix Web site (
article/CTX107717&parentCategoryID=617) provides a methodology for
using livekd.exe (
and the Microsoft Debugging Tools to generate a full kernel dump of physical
memory. Once livekd.exe is launched, the command .dump /f <filepath> is
used to generate the dump file. The support article does include the caveat
that RAM dumps generated in this manner can be inconsistent because the
dump can take a considerable amount of time and the system is live and
continues to run during the memory dump.
VMware is a popular virtualization product (VMware Workstation 5.5.2 was used extensively
in this book) that, for one thing, allows the creation of pseudo-networks utilizing the
hardware of a single system. This capability has many benefits. For example, you can set up
a guest operating system and create a snapshot of that system once you have it configured
to your needs. From there, you can perform all manner of testing, including installing
and monitoring malware, and you will always be able to revert to the snapshot, beginning
anew. I have even seen active production systems run from VMware sessions.
When you’re running a VMware session, you can suspend that session, freezing it
temporarily. Figure 3.10 illustrates the menu items for suspending a VMware session.
Chapter 3 • Windows Memory Analysis
Figure 3.10 Menu Items for Suspending a Session in VMware Workstation 6.5
When a VMware session is suspended, the contents of physical memory are contained
in a file with the .vmem extension. The format of this file is very similar to that of raw,
dd-style memory, and in fact, it can be parsed and analyzed with the same tools discussed
previously in the chapter.
VMware isn’t the only virtualization product available. Others include VirtualPC from
Microsoft, as well as the freeware Bochs ( None of these
virtualization products have been tested to determine whether they can generate dumps
of physical memory; however, if this is an option available to you, suspending a VMware
session to obtain a dump of physical memory is quick and easy and minimizes your interaction
with and impact on the system.
In May 2006, Brett Shavers wrote an excellent article for the ForensicFocus
Web site, titled “VMware as a forensic tool” (available at www.forensicfocus.
com/vmware-forensic-tool). Brett followed that article in 2008 with the paper
“Virtual Forensics: A Discussion of Virtual Machines Related to Forensics
Analysis” (, which is by far the best treatment of the topic that I’ve been
able to find anywhere.
Windows Memory Analysis • Chapter 3
Hibernation File
When a Windows (Windows 2000 or later) system “hibernates,” the Power Manager saves
the compressed contents of physical memory to a file called hiberfil.sys in the root directory
of the system volume. This file is large enough to hold the uncompressed contents of
physical memory, but compression is used to minimize disk I/O and to improve resumefrom-hibernation performance. During the boot process, if a valid hiberfil.sys file is
located, the NT Loader (NTLDR) will load the file’s contents into physical memory and
transfer control to code within the kernel that handles resuming system operation after
a hibernation (loading drivers, etc.). This functionality is most often found on laptop
systems. Here are the pros and cons:
Analyzing the contents of a hibernation file could give you a clue as to what was
happening on the system at some point in the past. Matthieu Suiche decoded the hibernation file format and presented his findings at the BlackHat USA 2008 conference
hibernation.pdf ). This presentation followed his earlier write-up on the subject from
February 2008 titled “Sandman Project” (
Project.pdf ), and his previous work from 2007 with Nicolas Ruff. The Sandman tool is
available from, and the functionality is incorporated
into the Volatility Framework (discussed later in this chapter).
Something else to consider about hibernation files is that this functionality may be the
only option available for capturing the full contents of physical memory. Some of the
available tools for collecting the contents of physical memory may have “issues” (more
specifically, they may have caused systems with more than 4 GB of physical memory—
including 64-bit systems—to crash) or may not be available or feasible for use in some
environments. Using powercfg.exe to enable hibernation mode (if it is not already
enabled) and then using some other mechanism or tool to force the system to hibernate
may be the only option for obtaining a memory dump. You can force a system with
hibernation enabled to hibernate using Microsoft’s psshutdown.exe (
com/en-us/sysinternals/bb897541.aspx) utility with the –h option, or by creating a batch
file that contains the line:
%windir%\System32\rundll32.exe powrprof.dll,SetSuspendState Hibernate
The hibernation file is compressed and in most cases will not contain the current contents
of memory. Thanks to the work performed by Matthieu and Nicolas, the hibernation file
can be accessed in the same manner as a live memory dump, so I can’t really think of any
“cons” to using it. In addition to dumping memory from a live system, having a hibernation
file available will give you memory contents from a previous point in time against which
to compare your memory dump.
Chapter 3 • Windows Memory Analysis
Analyzing a Physical Memory Dump
Now that you have seen ways to acquire the contents of RAM from a system (both local
and remote methods), what can you do with the memory dump? For the most part, prior to
summer 2005, the standard operating procedure for most folks who had bothered to collect
a memory dump (usually via the version of dd.exe available with George M. Garner, Jr.’s
Forensic Acquisition Utilities) was to run strings.exe against it, or run grep searches (for
e-mail addresses, IP addresses, etc.), or both. Although this would result in investigative leads
(finding what appeared to be a password geographically “close” to a username might give an
investigator a clue or something to examine further) that would often lead to something
definitive, it does not provide overall context to the information that is discovered. For example,
is that string that was located part of a word processing or text document, or was it copied
to the system Clipboard? What process was using the memory where that string or IP address
was located?
With the DFRWS 2005 Memory Challenge as a catalyst, steps have been taken in an
attempt to add context to the information found in RAM. By locating specific processes
(or other objects maintained in memory) and the memory pages used by those processes,
investigators can gain greater insight into the information they discover as well as perform
significant data reduction by filtering out “known good” processes and data and focusing on
the data that appears “unusual.” Several individuals have written tools that can be used to
parse through RAM dumps and retrieve detailed information about processes and other
In 2007, Aaron Walters released the Volatility Framework (https://www.volatilesystems.
com/), an open source, Python-based framework for parsing memory dumps from (at the
time of this writing) Windows XP systems. During summer 2008, Aaron held the first Open
Memory Forensics Workshop ( just prior to
the DFRWS 2008 conference, during which researchers, analysts, and practitioners could rub
elbows and discuss issues surrounding memory acquisition and analysis. Version 1.3 of the
Volatility Framework was available at the conference, and was even used during the DFRWS
Forensic Rodeo exercise.
Throughout the rest of this chapter, we will look at these tools for performing analysis
of memory dumps. We will initially use the memory dumps from the DFRWS 2005
Memory Challenge as exemplars, for examples and demonstrations of tools and techniques
for parsing Windows 2000 memory dumps. You’re probably asking yourself, why even
bother with that? Windows 2000 is the new MS-DOS, right? Well, that’s probably not far
from the truth, but the dumps do provide an excellent basis for examples because they
have already been examined in great detail. Also, they’re freely available for download and
Windows Memory Analysis • Chapter 3
Determining the
Operating System of a Dump File
Have you ever been handed an image of a system, and when you asked what the operating
system is/was, you simply got “Windows” in response? Shakespeare doesn’t cut it here, my
friends, because a rose by any other name might not smell as sweet. When you’re working
with an image of a system, the version of Windows that you’re confronted with matters, and
depending on the issue you’re dealing with, it could matter a lot. The same is true when
you’re dealing with a RAM dump file; in fact, it could be even more so. As I’ve already
stated, the structures that are used to define threads and processes in memory vary not only
between major versions of the operating system but also within the same version with
different service packs installed.
So, when someone hands you a RAM dump and says “Windows,” you’d probably want
to know how to figure that out, wouldn’t you? After all, you don’t want to waste a lot of
time running the dump file through every known tool until one of them starts producing
valid hits on processes, right? Through personal correspondence (that’s a fancy term for
“e-mail”) awhile ago, Andreas Schuster suggested to me that the Windows kernel might
possibly be loaded into the same location in memory every time Windows boots. Now, that
location is likely to, and does, change for every version of Windows, but so far it seems to
be consistent for each version. The easiest way to find this location is to run LiveKD as we
did earlier in this chapter, but note in particular the information that’s displayed as it starts up
(shown here on a Windows XP SP2 system):
Windows XP Kernel Version 2600 (Service Pack 2) MP (2 procs) Free x86
Product: WinNt, suite: TerminalServer SingleUserTS
Built by: 2600.xpsp.050329-1536
Kernel base = 0x804d7000 PsLoadedModuleList = 0x8055c700
We’re most interested in the information that I’ve boldfaced—the address of the kernel
base. We subtract 0x80000000 from that address and then go to the resultant physical location
within the dump file. If the first two bytes located at that address are MZ, we could have
a full-blown Windows portable executable (PE) file at that location, and we might have the
kernel. From this point, we can use code similar to what’s in to parse apart the PE
header and locate the various sections within the PE file. Because the Windows kernel is
a legitimate Microsoft application file, we can be sure that there is a resource section within
the file that contains a VS_VERSION_INFO section. Following information provided by
Microsoft regarding the various structures that make up this section, we can then parse
through it looking for the file description string.
Chapter 3 • Windows Memory Analysis
On the accompanying DVD, you’ll find a file called that does just that.
began life as and found its way into Rick McQuown’s PTFinderFE utility. Rick
asked me via e-mail one day whether there was a way to shorten and clarify the output,
so I made some modifications to the file (changed the output, added some switches, etc.)
and renamed it.
In its simplest form, you can run from the command line, passing in the path to
the image file as the sole argument:
C:\Perl\memory> d:\hacking\xp-laptop1.img
Alternatively, you can designate a specific file using the –f switch:
C:\Perl\memory> –f d:\hacking\xp-laptop1.img
Both of these commands will give you the same output; in this case, the RAM dump
was collected from a Windows XP SP2 system, so the script returns XPSP2. If this isn’t quite
enough information and you’d like to see more, you can add the –v switch (for verbose), and
the script will return the following for the xp-laptop1.img file:
: Microsoft« Windows« Operating System ver 5.1.2600.2622
As you can see, the strings within the VS_VERSION_INFO structure that refer to the
product name and product version get concatenated to produce the additional output. If we
run the script with both the –v and the –f switches against the first RAM dump file from
the DFRWS 2005 Memory Challenge, we get:
: 2000
: Microsoft(R) Windows (R) 2000 Operating System ver 5.00.2195.1620
Running this script against other memory dumps mentioned previously in this
chapter illustrates how well it works across various versions of Windows. For example,
when run against the memory dump used in the Memoryze example, we see the
C:\Perl\memory> -f d:\hacking\boomer-win2003.img -v
: 2003
: Microsoft« Windows« Operating System ver 5.2.3790.0
Running the script against another Windows 2003 memory dump gives us slightly
different results:
C:\Perl\memory> -f d:\hacking\win2k3sp1_physmem.img -v
: 2003SP1
: Microsoft« Windows« Operating System ver 5.2.3790.1830
This script also works equally well against VMware .vmem files. I ran the script against a
.vmem file from a Windows 2000 VMware session and received the following output:
Windows Memory Analysis • Chapter 3
: 2000
: Microsoft(R) Windows (R) 2000 Operating System ver 5.00.2195.7071
I think that more than anything else, this demonstrates the utility of scripts or tools
such as this, as it provides an analyst with the ability to more completely document the
various items to be analyzed, particularly when such things may not have been completely
documented during the response activities when data was initially collected.
Most analysis tools, discussed later in this chapter, are capable of performing
the same function as was just discussed. For example, you can use the
Volatility ident command to identify the operating system of a memory
Process Basics
Throughout this chapter, we will focus primarily on parsing information regarding processes
from a memory dump. This is due, in part, to the fact that the majority of the publicly available
research and tools focus on processes as a source of forensic information. That is not to say
that other objects within memory should be excluded, but rather that most researchers seem
to be focusing on processes. We will discuss another means of retrieving information from
a RAM dump later in the chapter, but for now, we will focus our efforts on processes.
To that end, we need to have a pretty good idea of what a process “looks like” in memory.
The following section focuses on processes in Windows 2000 memory, but most of the
concepts remain the same for all versions of Windows. The biggest difference is in the
actual structure of the process itself, and going into the details of the process structures on
all versions of Windows is beyond the scope of this book.
EProcess Structure
Each process on a Windows system is represented as an executive process, or EProcess,
block. This EProcess block is a data structure in which various attributes of the process, as
well as pointers to a number of other attributes and data structures (threads, the process
environment block) relating to the process, are maintained. Because the data structure is a
sequence of bytes, with each sequence having a specific meaning and purpose, these structures
can be read and analyzed by an investigator. However, the one thing to keep in mind is that
the only thing consistent between versions of the Windows operating system regarding
these structures is that they aren’t consistent. You heard right: The size and even the values
of the structures change not only between operating system versions (e.g., Windows 2000
Chapter 3 • Windows Memory Analysis
to XP) but also between service packs of the same version of the operating system
(Windows XP to XP SP2).
Andreas Schuster has done a great job of documenting the EProcess block structures in
his blog ( However,
it is relatively easy to view the contents of the EProcess structure (or any other structure
available on Windows). First, download and install the Microsoft Debugging Tools and the
correct symbols for your operating system and Service Pack. Then download livekd.exe from (when you type into the address bar of your browser,
you will be automatically redirected to the Microsoft site, because by now, Mark
Russinovich has long since been in the employ of Microsoft), and for convenience copy it
into the same directory as the Debugging Tools. Once you’ve done this, open a command
prompt, change to the directory where you installed the Debugging Tools, and type the
following command:
D:\debug>livekd –w
This command will open WinDbg, the GUI interface to the debugger tools. To see
what the entire contents of an EProcess block “looks like” (with all the substructures
that make up the EProcess structure broken out), type dt –a –b –v _EPROCESS into
the command window and press Enter. The –a flag shows each array element on a new
line, with its index, and the –b switch displays blocks recursively. The –v flag creates
more verbose output, telling you the overall size of each structure, for example. In
some cases, it can be helpful to include the –r flag for recursive output. The following
illustrates a short excerpt from the results of this command, run on a Windows 2000
kd> dt -a -b -v _EPROCESS
struct _EPROCESS, 94 elements, 0x290 bytes
+0x000 Pcb
+0x000 Header
: struct _KPROCESS, 26 elements, 0x6c bytes
: struct _DISPATCHER_HEADER, 6 elements, 0x10 bytes
+0x000 Type
: UChar
+0x001 Absolute
: UChar
+0x002 Size
: UChar
+0x003 Inserted
: UChar
+0x004 SignalState
: Int4B
+0x008 WaitListHead
: struct _LIST_ENTRY, 2 elements, 0x8 bytes
+0x000 Flink
: Ptr32 to
+0x004 Blink
: Ptr32 to
+0x010 ProfileListHead
+0x000 Flink
+0x004 Blink
+0x018 DirectoryTableBase
: struct _LIST_ENTRY, 2 elements, 0x8 bytes
: Ptr32 to
: Ptr32 to
: (2 elements)Uint4B
Windows Memory Analysis • Chapter 3
The entire output is much longer (according to the header, the entire structure is 0x290
bytes long), but don’t worry, we will address important (from a forensic/investigative aspect)
elements of the structure as we progress through this chapter.
The Windows kernel keeps track of active processes by way of a doubly
linked list; this means that each process “points to” both the process after it
and the process before it, in a circular list. The operating system enumerates
a list of active processes by walking PsActiveProcessList and developing a list
of known active processes. Within the EProcess structure is a LIST_ENTRY item
named ActiveProcessLinks. This entry has two values, flink and blink, which
are pointers to the next and previous processes, respectively. Many memory
analysis tools will do the same thing (i.e., walk the list of active processes) in
a memory dump file, whereas others will perform a brute force enumeration
of process objects (e.g., and Volatility), enumerating even exited
processes. This is very important, as some rootkits (see Chapter 7) hide
processes by unlinking their processes from this doubly linked list.
An important element of a process that the EProcess structure points to is the process
environment block, or PEB. This structure contains a great deal of information, but the elements
that are important to us, as forensic investigators, are:
A pointer to the loader data (referred to as PPEB_LDR_DATA) structure that
includes pointers or references to modules (DLLs) used by the process
A pointer to the image base address, where we can expect to find the beginning
of the executable image file
A pointer to the process parameters structure, which itself maintains the DLL path,
the path to the executable image, and the command line used to launch the process
Extracting this information from a dump file can prove to be extremely useful to an
investigator, as you will see throughout the rest of this chapter.
Process Creation Mechanism
Now that you know a little bit about the various structures involved with processes, it
would be helpful to know something about how the operating system uses those structures,
particularly when it comes to creating an actual process.
Chapter 3 • Windows Memory Analysis
A number of steps are followed when a process is created. These steps can be broken
down into six stages (taken from Windows Internals, 4th Edition, Chapter 6, by Russinovich
and Solomon):
1. The image (.exe) file to be executed is opened. During this stage, the appropriate
subsystem (POSIX, MS-DOS, Win 16, etc.) is identified. Also, the Image File
Execution Options Registry key (see Chapter 4) is checked to see whether
there is a Debugger value, and if there is, the process starts over.
2. The EProcess object is created. The kernel process block (KProcess), the process
environment block, and the initial address space are also set up.
3. The initial thread is created.
4. The Windows subsystem is notified of the creation of the new process and thread,
along with the ID of the process’s creator and a flag to identify whether the process
belongs to a Windows process.
5. Execution of the initial thread starts. At this point, the process environment has
been set up and resources have been allocated for the process’s thread(s) to use.
6. The initialization of the address space is completed, in the context of the new
process and thread.
At this point, the process now consumes space in memory in accordance with the
EProcess structure (which includes the KProcess structure) and the PEB structure. The process
has at least one thread and may begin consuming additional memory resources as the process
itself executes. At this point, if the process or memory as a whole is halted and dumped,
there will at least be something to analyze.
Parsing Memory Dump Contents
The tools described in the DFRWS 2005 Memory Challenge used a methodology for
parsing memory contents of locating and enumerating the active process list, using specific
values/offsets (derived from system files) to identify the beginning of the list and then
walking through the doubly linked list until all the active processes had been identified.
The location of the offset for the beginning of the active process list was derived from one
of the important system files, ntoskrnl.exe.
Andreas Schuster took a different approach in his Perl script, called His idea
was to take a brute force approach to the problem—identifying specific characteristics of
processes in memory and then enumerating the EProcess blocks as well as other information
about the processes based on those characteristics. Andreas began his approach by enumerating
the structure of the DISPATCHER_HEADER, which is located at offset 0 for each EProcess
Windows Memory Analysis • Chapter 3
block (actually, it’s within the structure known as the KProcess block). Using LiveKD, we see
that the enumerated structure from a Windows 2000 system has the following elements:
+0x000 Header
: struct _DISPATCHER_HEADER, 6 elements, 0x10 bytes
+0x000 Type
: UChar
+0x001 Absolute
: UChar
+0x002 Size
: UChar
+0x003 Inserted
: UChar
+0x004 SignalState
: Int4B
In a nutshell, Andreas found that some of the elements for the DISPATCHER_
HEADER were consistent in all processes on the system. He examined the DISPATCHER_
HEADER elements for processes (and threads) on systems ranging from Windows 2000 up
through early betas of Vista and found that the Type value remained consistent across each
version of the operating system. He also found that the Size value remained consistent
within various versions of the operating system (e.g., all processes on Windows 2000 or XP
had the same Size value) but changed between those versions (e.g., for Windows 2000 the
Size value is 0x1b, but for early versions of Vista it was 0x20).
Using this information as well as the total size of the structure and the way the structure
itself could be broken down, Andreas wrote his Perl script, which would enumerate
processes and threads located in a memory dump. At the DFRWS 2006 conference he also
presented a paper, “Searching for processes and threads in Microsoft Windows memory
dumps” ( ), which addressed not only
the data structures that make up processes and threads but also various rules to determine
whether what was found was a legitimate structure or just a bunch of bytes in a file.
In fall 2006, Richard McQuown ( put
together a GUI front end for Andreas Schuster’s PTFinder tools. The PTFinder
tools are Perl scripts and require that the Perl interpreter be installed on a
system to run them. (Perl is installed by default on many Linux distributions
and is freely available for Windows platforms from
Not only can Richard’s tool detect the operating system of the RAM dump
(rather than have the user enter it manually) using code I’ll discuss later in
this chapter, but it can also provide a graphical representation of the output.
PTFinderFE has some interesting applications, particularly with regard to
Chapter 3 • Windows Memory Analysis
In spring 2006, I wrote some of my own tools to assist in parsing through Windows
RAM dump files. Because the currently available exemplars at the time were the dumps for
Windows 2000 systems available from the DFRWS 2005 Memory Challenge, I focused my
initial efforts on producing code that worked for that platform. This allowed me to address
various issues in code development without getting too wrapped up in the myriad differences between the various versions of the Windows operating system. The result was four
separate Perl scripts, each run from the command line. All of these scripts are provided on
the accompanying DVD, and we’ll discuss them here.
The following tools (,,, and are designed to be
used solely with Windows 2000 memory dumps. As we’ve discussed so far,
there are significant changes in the EProcess structure format between the
various versions of Windows (2000, XP, 2003, Vista, etc.). As such, significant
work needs to be done to produce a single application that will allow you to
parse memory dumps from all versions.
LSproc, short for list processes, is similar to Andreas’s; however, locates
processes but not threads. takes a single argument, the path and name to a RAM
dump file:
c:\perl\memory> d:\dumps\drfws1-mem.dmp
The output of appears at the console (i.e., STDOUT) in six columns: the word
Proc (I was anticipating adding threads at a later date), the parent process identifier (PPID),
the process identifier (PID), the name of the process, the offset of the process structure
within the dump file, and the creation time of the process. Here is an excerpt of the lsproc.
pl output:
Jun 5
Jun 5
Jun 5
Jun 5
Jun 5
Jun 4
Windows Memory Analysis • Chapter 3
Jun 3
Jun 5
Jun 3
Jun 5
Jun 5
Jun 5
Jun 5
Jun 5
Jun 5
Jun 5
Jun 5
Jun 5
Jun 5
Jun 5
Jun 5
Jun 5
Jun 5
Jun 5
The first process listed in the output is helix.exe. According to the information
provided at the DFRWS 2005 Memory Challenge Web site, utilities on the Helix Live CD
were used to acquire the memory dump.
The preceding listing shows only an excerpt of the output. A total of 45
processes were located in the memory dump file. You’ll notice in the output that several of
the processes have (x) after the process name. This indicates that the processes have exited.
Looking closely, you’ll notice some interesting things about the
output. One is that the csrss.exe process (PID = 168) has a creation date that
appears to be a day or two earlier than the other listed processes. Looking
even more closely, you’ll see something similar for two winlogon.exe processes
(PID = 164 and 176). Andreas Schuster noticed these as well, and according
to an entry on data persistence in his blog (
en/2006/04/persistance_through_the_boot_process.html), the system boot
time for the dump file was determined to be Sunday, January 5, 2005, at
approximately 00:32:27. So, where do these processes come from?
Chapter 3 • Windows Memory Analysis
As Andreas points out in his blog, without having more definitive information about the state of the test system prior to collecting data for the
Memory Challenge, it is difficult to develop a complete understanding of this
issue. However, the specifications of the test system were known and documented, and it was noted that the system suffered a crash dump during data
It is entirely possible that the data survived the reboot. There don’t seem
to be any specifications that require that when a Windows system shuts
down or suffers a crash dump, the contents of physical memory are zeroed
out or wiped in some manner. It is possible, then, that contents of physical
memory remain in their previous state, and if they are not overwritten when
the system is restarted, the data is still available for analysis. Many BIOS
versions have a feature to overwrite memory during boot as part of a RAM
test, but this feature is usually disabled to speed up the boot process.
This is definitely an area that requires further study. As Andreas states
(, this area of
study has “a bright future.” is a Perl script that will allow you to list the details of the process. Like the other
tools we will be discussing, is a command-line Perl script that relies on the output of to obtain its information. Specifically, takes two arguments: the full path of
the dump file and the physical offset of the process that you’re interested in (the physical
offset of the process within memory is obtained from the output). Although lsproc.
pl takes some time to parse through the contents of the dump file, is much quicker,
because you’re telling it exactly where to go in the file to enumerate its information.
Let’s take a look at a specific process. In this case, we’ll look at dd.exe, the process with
PID 284. The command line to use to get detailed information about this process is:
c:\perl\memory> d:\dumps\dfrws1-mem.dmp 0x0414dd60
The output just shown is an excerpt of the entire output; I didn’t list
the entire output simply because the excerpt illustrates enough information
for me to make my point. However, the process referenced in the
command line (i.e., at offset 0x0414dd60) is not listed in that excerpt, although
it is visible in the full output of
Windows Memory Analysis • Chapter 3
Notice that with, we’re using two arguments: the name and path to the dump file
and the physical offset in the dump file where we found the process with We’ll take
a look at the output of in sections, starting with some useful information pulled
directly from the EProcess structure itself:
Process Name
Parent PID
Exit Status
Create Time
Sun Jun 5 14:53:42 2005
Exit Called
0xff158708 (0x00eb6708)
0x7ffdf000 (0x02c2d000)
Service Pack 1
Img Base Addr
0x00400000 (0x00fee000)
0x00131e90 (0x03a1ee90)
0x00020000 (0x03a11000)
Earlier in the chapter, I mentioned that the list of active processes on a live
system is maintained in a doubly linked list. The flink and blink values seen
in the preceding output are the values that point to the next and
previous processes, respectively. As displayed in the output of, these
pointers are to addresses in memory, not physical addresses or offsets within
the dump file.
Chapter 3 • Windows Memory Analysis also follows pointers provided by the EProcess structure to collect other data
as well. For example, we can also see the path to the executable image and the command
line used to launch the process (bold added for emphasis):
Current Directory Path
= E:\Shells\
= E:\Acquisition\FAU;.;C:\WINNT\System32;C:\WINNT\system;
= E:\Acquisition\FAU\dd.exe
Command Line
= ..\Acquisition\FAU\dd.exe if=\\.\PhysicalMemory of=F:\
intrusion2005\physicalmemory.dd conv=noerror --md5sum
--verifymd5 --md5out=F:\intrusion2005\physicalmemory.dd.
md5 --log=F:\intrusion2005\audit.log
Environment Offset
= 0x00000000 (0x00000000)
Window Title
= ..\Acquisition\FAU\dd.exe if=\\.\PhysicalMemory of=F:\
intrusion2005\physicalmemory.dd conv=noerror --md5sum
--verifymd5 --md5out=F:\intrusion2005\physicalmemory.dd.
md5 --log=F:\intrusion2005\audit.log
Desktop Name
= WinSta0\Default also retrieves a list of the names of various modules (DLLs) used by the process
and whatever available handles (file handles, etc.) it can find in memory. For example,
found that dd.exe had the following file handle open:
Type : File
Name = \intrusion2005\audit.log
As you can see from the preceding command line, the file \intrusion\audit.log is located
on the F:\ drive and is the output file for the log of activity generated by dd.exe, which
explains why it would be listed as an open file handle in use by the process. Using this information as derived from other processes, you can get an understanding of files you should be
concerned with during an investigation. In this particular instance, you can assume that the
E:\ drive listed in ImagePathName is a CD-ROM drive, because Helix can be run from a CD.
You can confirm this by checking Registry values in an image of the system in question
(a system image is not provided as part of the memory challenge, however). You can also
use similar information to find out a little bit more about the F:\ drive. I will cover this
information in Chapter 4.
Finally, one other thing that will do is go to the location pointed to by the Image
Base Addr value (once it has been translated from a virtual address to a physical offset within
the memory dump file) and check to see whether a valid executable image is located at that
address. This check is very simple; all it does is read the first two bytes starting at the translated
Windows Memory Analysis • Chapter 3
address to see whether they’re MZ. These two bytes are not a definitive check, but PE files
(files with .exe, .dll, .ocs, .sys, and similar extensions) start with the initials of Mark Zbikowski,
one of the early architects of MS-DOS and Windows NT. The format of the PE file and its
header is addressed in greater detail in Chapter 6.
If you dumped the contents of physical memory from a Windows 2000 or XP
system using winen.exe and you have a licensed EnCase dongle, you can parse
process information from a memory dump using EnScripts written by TK_Lane
and available through the “EDD and Forensics” blog (http://eddandforensics.
Volatility Framework
Aaron Walters provides some valuable information about the Volatility Framework in his
OMFW presentation, available from
The readme.txt file that is part of the Volatility distribution ( Version 1.3 beta at the time
of this writing) provides a great deal of information about how to use Volatility and what
types of commands and capabilities are available, as well as examples of how to launch the
various commands. Aaron designed Volatility to use some of the commands that are commonly used in incident response activities; for example, to get a list of running processes
from a memory dump, Volatility uses pslist. Before using Volatility, be sure to read through the
readme.txt file to see what type of information can be retrieved from a Windows XP SP2 or
SP3 memory dump.
To illustrate what type of information is available from a raw, dd-style memory dump,
let’s take a look at an example; in this case a 512MB memory dump from a Windows XP
SP2 laptop. We can start by getting some basic information about the memory dump using
the ident command:
D:\Volatility>python volatility ident -f d:\hacking\xp-laptop1.img
Image Name
: d:\hacking\xp-laptop1.img
Image Type
: Service Pack 2
VM Type
: nopae
: 0x39000
: Sat Jun 25 12:58:47 2005
This can be very useful information in documenting our analysis of the memory
dump, as in some instances, we may not have access to the ident information as part of our
Chapter 3 • Windows Memory Analysis
documentation. Using the pslist command, we can retrieve the active process list from the
memory dump in a format similar to what we’re used to seeing when running pslist.exe on
a live system:
D:\Volatility>python volatility pslist -f d:\hacking\xp-laptop1.img
Jan 01 00:00:00
Jun 25 16:47:28
Jun 25 16:47:30
Jun 25 16:47:31
Jun 25 16:47:31
Jun 25 16:47:31
Jun 25 16:47:32
Jun 25 16:47:33
Jun 25 16:47:33
Jun 25 16:47:33
Jun 25 16:47:35
Jun 25 16:47:35
Jun 25 16:47:39
Jun 25 16:47:46
Jun 25 16:47:47
Jun 25 16:47:48
Jun 25 16:47:48
Jun 25 16:47:48
Jun 25 16:47:49
Jun 25 16:47:49
Jun 25 16:47:49
Jun 25 16:47:50
Jun 25 16:47:55
Jun 25 16:47:55
Jun 25 16:47:55
Jun 25 16:47:55
Jun 25 16:47:58
Jun 25 16:47:58
Jun 25 16:47:58
Jun 25 16:47:59
Jun 25 16:47:59
Jun 25 16:48:01
Jun 25 16:48:02
Jun 25 16:48:05
Jun 25 16:48:11
Windows Memory Analysis • Chapter 3
Jun 25 16:49:21
Jun 25 16:49:22
Jun 25 16:51:00
Jun 25 16:51:02
Jun 25 16:51:10
Jun 25 16:51:15
Jun 25 16:51:40
Jun 25 16:54:28
Jun 25 16:57:36
Jun 25 16:57:53
Jun 25 16:57:59
Jun 25 16:58:46
We can run similar commands to retrieve information about all process objects in the
memory dump, including exited processes, using the psscan or psscan2 command. Commands
to retrieve information about all objects (network connections, processes, etc.) are slower, as
they use a linear scanning method to run completely through the memory dump file, examining all possible objects, rather than using specific offsets provided by the operating system
(see the discussion about LiveKD earlier in this chapter).
One of the more useful things most analysts look to when responding to an intrusion
or compromise is network connections. You can retrieve a list of active network connections
(similar to using the netstat –ano command) from a memory dump using the connections
command, as follows:
D:\Volatility>python volatility connections -f d:\hacking\xp-laptop1.img
Local Address
Remote Address
Taking this a step further, you can scan the entire memory dump file for indications of
network connection objects, specifically looking for network connections that may have
been closed at the time the memory dump was acquired:
D:\Volatility>python volatility connscan2 -f d:\hacking\xp-laptop1.img
Local Address
Remote Address
Chapter 3 • Windows Memory Analysis
Volatility is a powerful open source framework, allowing others to extend its capabilities by
developing additional modules (knowledge of Python programming is a significant requirement). Brendan Dolan-Gavitt (a.k.a. Moyix) created a Volatility module that looks for Windows
messages (,
which are various events generated by Windows GUI applications and handled by the message
queue. As Brendan points out, an application may be poorly written and may not handle its
own messages very well; if this is the case, you may be able to find remnants of those messages
still visible in the memory dump. This information may be useful during a forensic examination.
Brendan also produced several Volatility plug-ins for accessing Registry data
found in Windows memory dumps (his blog post is at http://moyix.blogspot.
com/2009/01/memory-registry-tools.html, and updates to the code are at In his own
blog (,
Richard McQuown demonstrated using these modules to extract passwords
from a Security Account Manager (SAM) hive file located in memory so that
he could crack those passwords using his tool of choice.
To use Volatility and Brendan’s modules to extract passwords from hive
files located in memory, you have to install the PyCrypto modules (available
as prebuilt Windows binaries from
Windows Memory Analysis • Chapter 3
In addition, Jesse Kornblum produced two modules: suspicious, which looks for suspicious
entries in process command lines, and cryptoscan, which looks for TrueCrypt passphrases.
This last module can be extremely beneficial to an analyst, as TrueCrypt (
is a powerful, albeit free, application that can be used to encrypt volumes and disks.
Volatility works with much more than just simply raw memory dumps. Thanks to the
efforts of Matthieu Suiche (, Volatility includes the capability to parse
hibernation files, as well. This started out as the Sandman Project, and later became an
integral part of the Volatility Framework. In December 2008, Matthieu released a stand-alone,
closed source (alpha) version of the hibernation framework shell, called hibrshell (www.msuiche.
net/hibrshell/). This version of hibrshell reportedly works with hibernation files from
Windows XP, 2003, Vista, and 2008 systems.
Regardless of the framework used to analyze it, the hibernation file provides
a responder or analyst with several options that were not previously available.
First, the hibernation file can be used as historical data, providing information about the system’s live, running state at a previous point in time. This can
be extremely valuable in malware analysis, as well as to assist in determining
a timeline for an intrusion, particularly if the analyst also has a current memory dump to analyze. In circumstances where the previously mentioned tools
(e.g., mdd.exe, etc.) cannot be used to dump the contents of physical memory from a system, the responder may be able to force the system to hibernate
to create a memory dump that can then be analyzed.
Volatility can also parse crash dump files, as well as convert a raw, dd-style memory
dump to crash dump format so that the analyst can use Microsoft’s debugger tools.
By now it should be clear that the Volatility Framework provides some extremely
powerful capabilities, and just how much information the analyst can retrieve from a memory
dump. To help correlate some of the data that can be retrieved using Volatility, Jamie Levy
wrote a Perl script called ( The script takes the output of the Volatility pslist, files, and dlllist commands and
correlates them into an HTML report, an example of which you can see at http://venus.cs. Similar to the familiar listdlls.exe available from
Microsoft (Sysinternals), the Volatility dlllist command includes the process command line as
part of its output; this command line also appears in the HTML output of
Examples of Windows XP memory dump files are available as part of the DFRWS 2008
Forensic Rodeo (, as well as from the National Institute
of Standards and Technology (
Chapter 3 • Windows Memory Analysis
Michael Hale Ligh provides two blog posts that describe how he has used the Volatility
Framework to great effect, particularly with respect to malware analysis; see “Recovering
CoreFlood Binaries with Volatility” (, and “Locating Hidden Clampi DLLs (VAD-style)” (http://mnin. Both blog posts provide
excellent examples of how the Volatility Framework can maximize an analyst’s capabilities.
Mandiant’s Memoryze tool provides the analyst with the ability to parse and analyze memory
dumps from several versions of Windows. To install Memoryze, download the MSI file from the
Mandiant Web site (mentioned previously in this chapter) and install it. I chose to install it in the
D:\Mandiant directory. Then, to install Audit Viewer, download the zipped archive, and be sure
that you’ve downloaded the dependencies (i.e., Python 2.5 or 2.6, wxPython GUI extensions) as
described at the Mandiant Web site (if you’ve already installed and tried Volatility, you already have
Python installed). I chose to unzip the Audit Viewer files into the directory D:\Mandiant\AV.
To demonstrate the use of Memoryze and Audit Viewer, we’ll start by selecting a memory
dump from a Windows 2003 system: boomer-win2003.img. The first thing we’ll need to do
to analyze this memory dump is to run Memoryze against it to extract various data:
D:\mandiant>process.bat -input d:\hacking\boomer-win2003.img -ports true -handles
true -sections true
The preceding command tells Memoryze to parse the process information from the
memory dump, and get ports, handles, and memory sections (I’ve purposely opted not to get
the strings from each process) for the processes in the active process list. The full range of
usage options for process.bat includes the following:
Usage: process.bat
name of snapshot. Exclude for live memory.
PID of the process to inspect. Default: 4294967295 = All
optional name of the process to inspect. Default: Excluded
true|false inspect all the process handles. Default: false
true|false inspect all process memory ranges. Default: false
true|false inspect all the ports of a process. Default: false
true|false inspect all the strings of a process. Default: false
directory to write the results. Default .\Audits
By default, the preceding command line places its resultant XML files in the .\Audit
directory. In this case, the full path is D:\mandiant\Audits\WINTERMUTE\20090103134554.
Mandiant’s Audit Viewer is a GUI tool that provides the analyst with a graphical interface
into the XML files created by using Memoryze to parse memory dumps. To launch Audit
Viewer, double-click the file in the directory where you unzipped the
Windows Memory Analysis • Chapter 3
archive downloaded from the Mandiant site. As you’ve installed the wxPython modules, you
will see the Audit Viewer GUI open, at which point you will need to configure the tool by
changing the Memoryze Install Directory (if necessary), selecting the Running on
image checkbox, and providing the Path to image file, as Figure 3.11 illustrates.
Figure 3.11 Audit Viewer User Interface Showing Configuration Changes
Once you’ve made the necessary changes, click the Open Audit button at the top of
the Audit Viewer user interface, and navigate to the directory where the XML audit files
were created. Once the directory has been selected, Audit Viewer will parse the available files
and populate the Processes tree in the user interface, as shown in Figure 3.12.
Figure 3.12 Audit Viewer User Interface Showing Processes Tree
Chapter 3 • Windows Memory Analysis
Figure 3.12 also illustrates two processes expanded to show the PID, PPID, arguments
(or command line), as well as other information about each process. To dig deeper into each
process, double-click the process name in the Processes tree, and then view the contents of
the various tabs (Files, Directories, etc.) visible in the Audit Viewer user interface, as Figure 3.13
Figure 3.13 Audit Viewer User Interface Showing Process Detail Tabs
Memoryze and Audit Viewer provide a number of additional options to the analyst.
For example, based on your findings in Audit Viewer, you may decide that you’d like to
acquire an image of a process executable from the image file. To do so, use the processdd.bat
batch file as follows:
D:\mandiant\processdd.bat –pid PID –input d:\hacking\boomer-win2003.img
You can also use other batch files provided with Memoryze to perform rootkit and
hook detection, as well as search for drivers (
The Mandiant M-unition blog ( provides additional examples
of how to use Memoryze and Audit Viewer, such as how to integrate the two tools into
Guidance Software’s EnCase forensic analysis application.
HBGary Responder
HBGary’s Responder product is a commercial GUI memory dump analysis tool that is
described on the company Web site ( as a “live memory and runtime
analysis software suite used to detect, diagnose, and respond to today’s advanced computer
threats”. As with other analysis tools, the Responder products (Professional and Field editions)
allow a responder to parse and analyze a memory dump without having to utilize the
potentially compromised or infected system’s API. Although Responder was written with
malware analysis in mind, it is also a fast and capable tool that provides a great deal of
functionality with respect to incident response, and is very easy for responders to use to
get the information they need quickly.
Windows Memory Analysis • Chapter 3
An evaluation copy of Responder Professional Edition was used in
the examples listed in this section of the chapter. However, the functionality
presented and observed in this section is inherent to both the Professional
and Field Edition products. We will not conduct a comprehensive review of
the Responder Professional product (the Professional product includes binary
disassembly, control flow graphing, and reverse engineering capabilities), as
doing so is beyond the scope of this book and we are focusing on aspects of
the product that most directly pertain to the memory dump analysis pursuant
to incident response activities.
All you need to do to begin analyzing a memory dump with Responder Pro is to create
a case and then import a physical memory snapshot by selecting File from the menu bar,
then Import, and then Import a Physical Memory Snapshot. For this example, we’ll
use the first Windows 2000 memory dump from the DFRWS 2005 Memory Challenge;
however, like Memoryze, Responder works with memory dumps from Windows 2000, all
the way up through the latest versions of Windows.
When importing a memory dump “snapshot” file into a Responder case, an option
is available to “extract and analyze all suspicious binaries”. The rules that the Responder
product uses to determine what constitutes “suspicious” are in a text-based file that you can
open and review, and to which you can even add or remove comments, reducing false positives;
you also can add entries to the file based on experience, thereby increasing the product’s
Once the memory dump file has been imported and parsed, Responder will show in the
left-hand pane the memory dump file with two folders, Hardware and Operating System, as
Figure 3.14 illustrates.
Figure 3.14 Memory Dump File Imported into a Responder Project
Chapter 3 • Windows Memory Analysis
Expanding the folder beneath the Hardware folder will display the Interrupt Table.
Expanding the Operating System folder will display a great deal of additional information,
including Processes and All Open Network Sockets (in part, what responders may be most
interested in), as shown in Figure 3.15.
Figure 3.15 Expanded Operating System Folder in Responder User Interface
You can then expand the Processes folder to see all of the active processes extracted from
the memory dump, or double-click the Processes folder to have the processes and detailed
information about each process visible in the right-hand pane of the Responder user
interface, as shown in Figure 3.16.
Figure 3.16 Excerpt of Processes Listed with Details in Responder User Interface
Windows Memory Analysis • Chapter 3
The Responder user interface provides a good deal of information that is immediately
useful to you.You can also adjust the columns by selecting them and dragging them to a new
location within the same view pane. Also, you can export information (this functionality is
not supported in the evaluation version) from the view pane to various formats by clicking
the appropriate icon at the top of the view pane, as Figure 3.17 illustrates.
Figure 3.17 Selecting to Export Data in Responder User Interface
Double-clicking the All Open Network Sockets folder will open the Network tab in
the right-hand view pane, similar to the output of netstat.exe, as shown in Figure 3.18.
Figure 3.18 Open Network Sockets from
Memory Dump in Responder User Interface
You can also view the open file handles for all processes by double-clicking the
All Open Files folder, as Figure 3.19 illustrates.
Chapter 3 • Windows Memory Analysis
Figure 3.19 Partial Listing of Open Files from Responder User Interface
You can view open file handles for a specific process by expanding the tree for each
process and selecting Open Files. You can do the same for open network sockets and open
Registry keys.
In addition to being able to quickly view all of this information, both on a memory
dump-wide format as well as on a per-process format, you can parse executable images
(.exe and .dll files) for strings, as well as search for specific items within the memory dump
using substrings, regular expressions, or exact matches. Having the ability to sort items visible
in columns also allows you to identify suspicious processes or modules (i.e., DLLs) much
more quickly.
Parsing Process Memory
We discussed the need for context for evidence earlier in this chapter, and you can achieve
this, in part, by extracting the memory used by a process. In the past, investigators have used
tools such as strings.exe or grep searches to parse through the contents of a RAM dump and
look for interesting strings (passwords), IP or e-mail addresses, URLs, and the like. However,
when you’re parsing through a file that is about half a megabyte in size, there isn’t a great
deal of context to the information you find. Sometimes an investigator will open the dump
file in a hex editor and locate the interesting string, and if she saw what appeared to be a
username nearby, she might assume that the string is a password. However, investigating a
RAM dump file in this manner does not allow the investigator to correlate that string to a
particular process. Remember the example of Locard’s Exchange Principle from Chapter 1?
Had we collected the contents of physical memory during the example, we would have had
no way to definitively say that a particular IP address or other data, such as a directory listing,
was tied to a specific event or process. However, if we use the information provided in the
process structure within memory and locate all the pages the process used that were still in
memory when the contents were dumped, we could then run our searches and determine
which process was using that information.
The tool allows you to do this automatically when working with Windows 2000
memory dumps. takes the same arguments as (the name and path of the dump
Windows Memory Analysis • Chapter 3
file, and the physical offset within the file of the process structure) and extracts the available
pages from the dump file, writing them to a file within the current working directory. To run against the dd.exe process, use the following command line:
c:\perl\memory> d:\dumps\dfrws1-mem.dmp 0x0414dd60
The output looks like this:
Name : dd.exe -> 0x01d9e000
There are 372 pages (1523712 bytes) to process.
Dumping process memory to dd.dmp…
Now you have a file called dd.dmp that is 1,523,712 bytes in size and contains all the
memory pages (372 in total) for that process that were still available when the dump file was
created. You can run strings.exe or use BinText (illustrated in Figure 3.20) from Foundstone.
com to parse through the file looking for Unicode and ASCII strings, or run grep searches
for IP or e-mail addresses and credit card or Social Security numbers.
Figure 3.20 Contents of Process Memory in BinText
Chapter 3 • Windows Memory Analysis
In Figure 3.20, you can see some of the Unicode strings contained in the memory used
by the dd.exe process, including the name of the system and the name of the LogonServer
for the session. All of this information can help further your understanding of the case; an
important aspect of this capability is that now you can correlate what you find to a specific
Volatility incorporates this same functionality in the memdmp command. As mentioned
previously in the chapter, you can use the volatility memdmp command to dump the addressable
memory for a process from a Windows XP memory dump, as follows:
D:\Volatility>python volatility memdmp -f d:\hacking\xp-laptop1.img -p 4012
You can use Volatility to collect process memory for processes that are hidden
by rootkits, even those hidden using direct kernel object manipulation
(DKOM) techniques (see Chapter 7). Specifically, DKOM techniques “unlink”
the EProcess block for the hidden process from the doubly linked active process list that the operating system “sees.” However, using Volatility to examine a Windows XP raw memory dump or hibernation file, you can search for
processes that are not part of that doubly linked list (discussed later in the
chapter), and then use the memdmp command to retrieve the memory used
by the process from the memory dump file.
Extracting the Process Image
As you saw earlier in this chapter, when a process is launched the executable file is read
into memory. One of the pieces of information that you can get from the process details
(via is the offset within a Windows 2000 memory dump file to the Image Base Address.
As you saw, will do a quick check to see whether an executable image can be found
at that location. One of the things you can do to develop this information further is to parse
the PE file header (the contents of which we will cover in detail in Chapter 6) and see
whether you can extract the entire contents of the executable image from the Windows
2000 memory dump file. lets you do this automatically. is a Perl script that takes the same arguments as and and locates
the beginning of the executable image for that process. If the Image Base Address offset does
indeed lead to an executable image file, will parse the values contained in the PE
header to locate the pages that make up the rest of the executable image file.
Okay, so you can run against the dd.exe process (with the PID of 284) using the
following command line:
c:\perl\memory> d:\dumps\dfrws1-mem.dmp 0x0414dd60
Windows Memory Analysis • Chapter 3
The output of the command appears as follows:
Process Name
: dd.exe
: 284
: 0x01d9e000
: 0x7ffdf000 (0x02c2d000)
: 0x00400000 (0x00fee000)
e_lfanew = 0xe8
NT Header = 0x4550
Reading the Image File Header
Sections = 4
Opt Header Size = 0x000000e0 (224 bytes)
Reading the Image Optional Header
Opt Header Magic = 0x10b
Entry Pt Addr
: 0x00006bda
Image Base
: 0x00400000
File Align
: 0x00001000
Reading the Image Data Directory information
Data Directory
Chapter 3 • Windows Memory Analysis
Reading Image Section Header Information
Virt Sz
Virt Addr
rData Ofs
rData Sz
Reassembling image file into dd.exe.img
Bytes written = 57344
New file size = 57344
As you can see, the output of is pretty verbose, and much of the information displayed
might not be readily useful to (or understood by) an investigator unless that investigator is
interested in malware analysis. Again, we will discuss this information in detail in Chapter 6.
For now, the important elements are the table that follows the words “Reading Image Section
Header Information” and the name of the file to which the executable image was reassembled.
The section header information provides you with a road map for reassembling the executable
image because it lets you know where to find the pages that make up that image file.
uses this road map and attempts to reassemble the executable image into a file. If it’s successful,
it writes the file out to the file based on the name of the process, with .img appended
(to prevent accidental execution of the file). will not reassemble the file if any of the
memory pages have been marked as invalid and are no longer located in memory (e.g., they
have been paged out to the swap file, pagefile.sys). Instead, will report that it could not
reassemble the complete file because some pages (even just one) were not available in memory.
Now, the file you extract from the memory dump will not be exactly the same as the
original executable file. This is because some of the file’s sections are writeable, and those
sections will change as the process is executing. As the process executes, various elements of
the executable code (addresses, variables, etc.) will change according to the environment and
the stage of execution. However, there are a couple of ways you can determine the nature of
a file and get some information about its purpose. One of those ways is to see whether the
file has any file version information compiled into it, as is done with most files created by
legitimate software companies. As you saw from the section headers of the image file, there
is a section named .rsrc, which is the name often used for a resource section of a PE file.
This section can contain a variety of resources, such as dialogs and version strings, and is
organized like a file system of sorts. Using BinText, you can look for the Unicode string
VS_VERSION_INFO and see whether any identifying information is available in the
executable image file. Figure 3.21 illustrates some of the strings found in the dd.exe.img file
using BinText.
Windows Memory Analysis • Chapter 3
Figure 3.21 Version Strings Found in dd.exe.img with BinText
Another method of determining the nature of the file is to use file hashing. You’re
probably thinking, “Hey, wait a minute! You just said the file created by isn’t exactly
the same as the original file, so how can we use hashing?” Well, you’re right … up to a point.
We can’t use MD5 hashes for comparison, because as we know, altering even a single bit—
flipping a 1 to a 0—will cause an entirely different hash to be computed. So, what can we do?
In summer 2006, Jesse Kornblum released a tool called ssdeep (http://ssdeep.sourceforge.
net) that implements something called context-triggered piecewise hashing, or fuzzy hashing.
For a detailed understanding of what this entails, be sure to read Jesse’s DFRWS 2006 paper
( ) on the subject. In a nutshell,
Jesse implemented an algorithm that will tell you a weighted percentage of the identical
sequences of bits the files have in common, based on their hashes, and computed by ssdeep.
Because we know that in this case, George Garner’s version of dd.exe was used to dump the
contents of RAM from a Windows 2000 system for the DFRWS 2005 Memory Challenge,
we can compare the dd.exe.img file to the original dd.exe file that we just happen to have
First, we start by using ssdeep.exe to compute a hash for our image file:
D:\tools>ssdeep c:\perl\memory\dd.exe.img > dd.sdp
Chapter 3 • Windows Memory Analysis
We’ve now generated the hash and saved the information to the dd.sdp file. Using
other switches available for ssdeep.exe, we can quickly compare the .img file to the original
executable image:
D:\tools>ssdeep -v -m dd.sdp d:\tools\dd\old\dd.exe
d:\tools\dd\old\dd.exe matches c:\perl\memory\dd.exe.img (97)
We can also do this in one command line using either the –d or the –p switch:
D:\tools\> ssdeep -d c:\perl\memory\dd.exe.img d:\tools\dd\old\dd.exe
C:\perl\memory\dd.exe.img matches d:\tools\dd\old\dd.exe (97)
We see that the image file generated by has a 97 percent likelihood of matching
the original dd.exe file.
Remember, for a hash comparison to work properly, we need something to which we can
compare the files created by Ssdeep.exe is a relatively new, albeit extremely powerful,
tool, and it will likely be awhile before hash sets either are generated using ssdeep.exe or
incorporate hashes calculated using ssdeep.exe.
We can use the Volatility Framework to attempt to extract the executable image from a
Windows XP memory dump file using the procdump command. The procdump command
syntax (from the Volatility readme.txt file) appears as follows:
-------For each process in the given image, extract an executable sample.
If -t and -b are not specified, Volatility will attempt to infer
reasonable values.
Image file to load
Hexadecimal physical offset of valid Directory Table Base
Image type (pae, nopae, auto)
Hexadecimal physical offset of EPROCESS object
Pid of process
Strategy to use when extracting executable sample.
Use "disk" to save using disk-based section sizes or "mem"
for memory based sections (default": "mem").
Continuing with the Volatility example from earlier in this chapter, we can extract the
executable image file for the dd.exe process (PID 4012 in the xp-laptop1.img memory
dump file) using this command:
D:\Volatility>python volatility procdump -f d:\hacking\xp-laptop1.img -p 4012
Dumping dd.exe, pid: 4012 output: executable.4012.exe
D:\Volatility>dir exe*.exe
Windows Memory Analysis • Chapter 3
Volume in drive D is Data
Volume Serial Number is 8049-F885
Directory of D:\Volatility
01/01/2009 12:45 PM
57,344 executable.4012.exe
1 File(s)
57,344 bytes
Although not as verbose as the Perl script for Windows 2000 memory dumps, the
volatility procdump command extracts the executable image file for the process. This can be
extremely useful during malware analysis, as a good deal of the current malware is obfuscated
(encrypted, compressed, or both) while on disk, making static analysis (see Chapter 6) difficult.
Also, some malware may be memory-resident only, never actually being written to the hard
drive; being able to extract an executable image file from a memory dump may be the only
way to get a copy of the file for analysis.
Responders may often be confronted with systems that employ some sort
of encryption of either a specific volume or the entire disk. I’ve acquired a
number of these systems, and when I have to conduct that acquisition with
the intention of performing analysis (as opposed to simply acquiring an
image), I’ve opted to perform a live acquisition of the hard drive. In May
2007, Brian Kaplan wrote a thesis paper titled “RAM is Key: Extracting Disk
Encryption Keys from Volatile Memory.” Along with that paper, Brian also
released a proof of concept tool for extracting Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)
Whole Disk Encryption (WDE) keys from a memory dump. The paper and
proof of concept tool are available from
Memory Dump Analysis and the Page File
So far, we’ve looked at parsing and analyzing the contents of a RAM dump in isolation—
that is, without the benefit of any additional information. This means tools such as
that rely solely on the contents of the RAM dump will provide an incomplete memory
dump, because memory pages that have been swapped out to the page file (pagefile.sys on
Windows systems) will not be incorporated in the resultant memory dump. To overcome
this deficiency, in spring 2006 Nicholas Paul Maclean published his thesis work, “Acquisition
and Analysis of Windows Memory” (at the time of this writing, I could not locate an active
link to the thesis), which explains the inner workings of the Windows memory management
system and provides an open source tool called vtop (written in Python) to reconstruct the
virtual address space of a process.
Chapter 3 • Windows Memory Analysis
In early 2007, Jesse Kornblum’s “Buffalo” paper was published in the Journal of Digital
Investigation (the full title of the paper is “Using Every Part of the Buffalo in Windows Memory
Analysis”), and the publisher of the Journal allowed Jesse to post a copy of this paper on his
Web site.
In this paper, Jesse demonstrates the nuances of page address translation and how the
page file can be incorporated into the memory analysis process to establish a more complete
(and accurate) view of the information that is available.
Pool Allocations
When the Windows memory manager allocates memory, it generally does so in 4 KB
(4096 bytes) pages. However, allocating an entire 4 KB page for, say, a sentence copied to
the Clipboard would be a waste of memory. So, the memory manager allocates several pages
ahead of time, keeping an available pool of memory. Andreas Schuster has done extensive
research in this area, and even though Microsoft provides a list of pool headers used to
designate commonly used pools, documentation for any meaningful analysis of these pools
is simply not available. Many of the commonly used pool headers are listed in the pooltag.
txt ( file provided with the Microsoft
Debugging Tools, and Microsoft provides a Knowledge Base article that describes how to
locate pool tags/headers used by third-party applications (
default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;298102). Andreas used a similar method to determine the format
of memory pools used to preserve information about network connections in Windows 2000
memory dumps (
activity_in_pools.html); he searched for the pool header in the tcpip.sys driver on a Windows
2000 system and was able to determine the format of network connection information
within the memory pool.
The downside to searching for memory pool allocations is that although the pool headers
do not seem to change between versions of Windows, the format of the data resident within
the memory pool changes, and there is no available documentation regarding the format of
these memory pools.
Windows Memory Analysis • Chapter 3
By now it should be clear that you have several options for collecting physical or process
memory from a system during incident response. In Chapter 1, we examined a number of
tools for collecting various portions of volatile memory during live response (processes,
network connections, and the like), keeping in mind that there’s always the potential for the
Windows API (on which the tools rely) being compromised by an attacker. This is true in
any case where live response is being performed, and therefore we might decide to use
multiple disparate means of collecting volatile information. A rootkit can hide the existence
of a process from most tools that enumerate the list of active processes (tlist.exe, pslist.exe),
but dumping the contents of RAM will allow the investigator to list active and exited
processes as well as processes hidden using kernel-mode rootkits (more about rootkits in
Chapter 7).
Solutions Fast Track
Collecting Process Memory
˛ A responder may be presented with a situation in which it is not necessary to collect
the entire contents of physical memory; rather, the contents of memory used by a
single process would be sufficient.
˛ Collecting the memory contents of a single process is an option that is available only
for processes that are seen in the active process list by both the operating system and
the investigator’s utilities. Processes hidden via some means (see Chapter 7) might
not be visible, and the investigator will not be able to provide the process identifier
to the tools he is using to collect the memory used by the process.
˛ Dumping process memory allows the investigator to collect not only the memory
used by the process that can be found in RAM, but also the memory located in the
page file.
˛ Once process memory has been collected, additional information about the process,
such as open handles and loaded modules, can then be collected.
Dumping Physical Memory
˛ Several methodologies are available for dumping the contents of physical memory.
The responder should be aware of the available options as well as their pros and
cons so that she can make an intelligent choice as to which methodology should
be used.
Chapter 3 • Windows Memory Analysis
˛ Dumping the contents of physical memory from a live system can present issues
with consistency because the system is still live and processing information while
the memory dump is being generated.
˛ When dumping the contents of physical memory, both the responder and the
analyst must keep Locard’s Exchange Principle in mind.
Analyzing a Physical Memory Dump
˛ Depending on the means used to collect the contents of physical memory, various
tools are available to extract useful information from the memory dump. The use
of strings.exe, BinText, and grep with various regular expressions has been popular,
and research conducted beginning in spring 2005 reveals how to extract specific
˛ Dumps of physical memory contain useful information and objects such as processes,
the contents of the Clipboard, and network connections.
˛ Continuing research in this area has demonstrated how the page file can be used in
conjunction with a RAM dump to develop a more complete set of information.
Windows Memory Analysis • Chapter 3
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Why should I dump the contents of RAM from a live system? What use does this have,
and what potentially useful or important information will be available to me?
A: As we discussed in Chapter 1, a significant amount of information available on a live
system can be extremely important to an investigation. This volatile information exists
in memory, or RAM, while the system is running. We can use various third-party tools
(discussed in Chapter 1) to collect this information, but it might be important to collect
the entire contents of memory so that we not only have a complete record of information available, but also can “see” things that might not be “visible” via traditional means
(e.g., things hidden by a rootkit; see Chapter 7 for more information regarding rootkits).
You might also find information regarding exited processes as well as process remnants
left over after the system was rebooted.
Q: Once I’ve dumped the contents of RAM, what can I then do to analyze them?
A: Investigators have historically used standard file-based search tools to “analyze” RAM
dumps. Strings.exe and grep searches have been used to locate passwords, e-mail addresses,
URLs, and the like within RAM dumps. Tools now exist to parse RAM dumps for processes,
process details (command lines, handles), threads, and other objects as well as extract executable images, which is extremely beneficial to malware analysis (see Chapter 6 for more
information on this topic) as well as more traditional computer forensic examinations.
Q: I have an issue in which a person is missing. On examination of a computer system in his
home, I found an active instant messaging (IM) application window open on the desktop.
When I scrolled back through the window and reviewed the conversation, it became clear
to me that useful information could be available from that process. What can I do?
A: If the issue you’re faced with is primarily one that centers around a single visible process,
dumping the entire contents of physical memory might not be necessary. One useful
approach would be to dump the contents of process memory, then use other tools to
extract specific information about the process, such as loaded modules, the command
line used to launch the process, or open handles. Once all the information is collected,
the next step could be to save the contents of the IM conversation. After all pertinent
information has been collected, searching the contents of process memory for remnants
of a previous conversation or other data might provide you with useful clues.