Download User Manual - Realtyna WPL

For WPL)
| 1 Re
ealtyna I nc. nual are applicable to WP
PL MLS addon
n. Details of this manual may be diffeerent Contentts of this man
based on
n customizattions you mayy have or you
ur software. Introduction
This manual contains information about the MLS add-on, an extension for WPL plugin.
MLS add-on is a powerful extension that enables real estate WordPress websites to import properties,
agents, images etc. from the MLS server directly into their websites. By using the MLS addon of
WPL, you can sync your website with the MLS server properties. This means if a new property is
added on the MLS server, it will be imported into your website automatically. Also if a property data
was updated or deleted on the MLS server, it will be updated or deleted on your website as well.
To use the MLS addon you will need the following:
1- WPL PRO. (Don't install any addon on WPL basic)
2- At least one MLS server access. (MLS username, password and login URL)
If you have the installation package of the MLS addon, you can easily upload it from the following
path: WordPress->WPL dashboard->Install Addon form
Below are a list of terms used throughout this manual and their meanings.
MLS Server: A web server used for storing property data, property images and perhaps agent
information. MLS addon needs the login credentials to connect to MLS server for communicating.
MLS/RETS/IDX/VOW: These terms all mean "MLS server" as mentioned above. Normally you can
use the MLS addon for all of these data servers.
RETS Version: Used in WPL RETS library. It is commonly known as "RETS/1.5".
MLS Resource: MLS servers categorize the data into a different section called a resource section. For
syncing/importing the properties the resource is usually called "Property".
Mapping: For importing/syncing Property data from the MLS server to WPL, you need to sync the
MLS data fields to WPL data fields. This is called mapping.
Sample data: Having sample data of the MLS fields can help you to understand what the MLS field
is, and you can map it to the correct field of WPL.
MLS Class: The MLS properties are categorized in some sections called MLS class (Residential,
Commercial, Lots and Land, Multifamily etc.).
| 2 Sync Peeriod: The duuration time between eacch update reqquest. The MLS
M Addon calls a requesst to the
MLS serrver for adding new propperties or modifying existting properties. You can set its duration based
on days..
Query: You can creaate various tyypes of querries for imporrting/syncing
g the MLS properties to WPL.
For exam
mple, if yourr brokerage specializing
i commercial listings orr rental propeerties, you caan
import/ssync these typpes of propeerties to yourr WPL. Theree is also an amazing
interrface for creaating
advanceed queries onn the query wizard
of ML
LS Addon as well.
After thee installationn, you shouldd configure thhe MLS Adddon.
To add M
MLS servers please go to WPL‐>MLS A
Addon menu
u and click on "+" button
n on top of paage. -
Name: You can add yourr desired nam
URL: Enter login URL of
o MLS serveer.
Username: Your
MLS seerver usernam
Password: Your
MLS seerver passworrd
Unique Fieldd: Every property on ML
LS server hass a unique id,, you should find the nam
me of
unique id fieeld in MLS ffields and theen place it heere. Normallyy it is "ListinngID".
Sample Queery: Based onn MLS server structures it
i can be diffferent.
After fillling in the fo
orm click on save and reffresh the pagge to see the added
MLS server.
Note: Yoou can add many
MLS seervers as mu
uch as you likke.
After thaat you must check
the coonnection andd import ML
LS classes and MLS fields in order to map
with WP
PL fields. Foor this you caan simply clicck on "Imporrt fields" buttton.
| 3 | 4 You cann also update MLS classees and fields later if needeed by clickin
ng on "Updatte Fields" buutton.
Note: Iff the MLS Ad
ddon shows a connection
n error in thiss step, check your login credentials
annd insert
correct iinformation in
i order to prroceed to thee next step.
Click onn the "Map with
w WPL" linnk or Go to the
t WPL->M
MLS mapping
g to see the Mapping
inteerface of
WPL. Seelect MLS seerver and ML
LS class to see the MLS fields.
The Mappping functio
onality is dessigned in a way
w that helpps you map all the fields easily.
there aree a lot of fields in MLS servers, thereefore mappinng them one by
b one is a tiime consumiing
process. So if you map
m an MLS field
in a speecific MLS class, the ML
LS Addon will map the saame
fields onn the other MLS
M classes automatically
There is also a mass auto create field
in the bottom
of thee mapping tab
ble. You cann select somee fields
and thenn click on "C
Create All" buutton.
Importaant note: Th
he mapping process
is verry important. Wrong or inncomplete mapping
can create
serious numerous
isssues on yourr website.
For exam
mple, if you map the ML
LS bedrooms field to a wrrong field, thhe properties won't be ablle to find
the bedrrooms througgh WPL search widget. Iff a visitor loooks for 2 beddroom properrties, the WP
search widget
will seearch in the WPL
W bedroooms field. It won't
find thhe informatioon it is lookinng for
because the bedroom
m informationn of MLS prroperties is onn another fieeld.
me issue will happen for property
listinng/property show page. Depending
o your them
me, there
The sam
are somee fixed positiions for show
wing some basic informaation of the property
suchh as listing, property
type, priice, bedroom
ms, rooms, baathrooms, parrking spaces, property loocation etc. So
S if you mappped the
fields wrrongly WPL
L will show 0,
0 null or wroong informatiion on your theme.
So you m
must do the mapping
veryy carefully. Note
N the folllowing itemss during mappping:
Map the ML
LS fields to existing
L fields.
Avoid creatiing new fieldds using "Auuto Create" buutton unless really there is no relatedd field on
WPL for thoose fields.
It's better if you
y don't maap the fields which don't have any datta on samplee data. It can make
your websitee messy withh unnecessaryy information.
WPL's mostt important fiields are: listting type, prooperty type, price,
price unit,
price typpe (for
rental properrties), listingg ID, bedroom
ms, bathroom
ms, rooms, viiew, property
y descriptionn, built
up area, lot area,
images, location infformation, prroperty title (if exists). Map
M these fiellds with
Mapping som
me fields maay need to bee manually taailored based
d on customizzations you may
have on youur WPL, otheer Addons, orr the data struucture of youur MLS servver.
After thee mapping p
process, you sshould use the "MLS Queery" menu fo
or importingg properties tto your website. You could aalso sync theem to WPL byy using the M
MLS auto syn
nc feature. | 5 If you cllick on "+" button
for addding query or
o click on eddit icon of eaach Query, yoou will see thhe below
| 6 -
Default Userr: The properties will be assigned to the
t current user
u by defau
ult. You can select
any user/ageent you wantt by using thee dropdown menu.
Images: You
u can specifyy how many images you would
like too have downnloaded from
m the
MLS server and importeed to WPL. Depending
onn your serverr space and resources,
yoou can
increase thiss parameter. Do
D not set itt to unlimitedd (-1) if you don't
have a strong serveer.
Limit: Connnecting to thee MLS serverr, fetching thhe data and downloading
images are a
resource tak
king process. On some serrvers it can create
internaal server erroors. We havee created
an option to do the impoort/sync actioons step by sttep to reducee server load.. Please don't set to a
high numberr. This is anoother reason why you shoould have a dedicated
serrver for utilizzing
MLS integraations.
Sync Period
d: You can seet the sync peeriod if needeed. Set it to a higher num
mber if your MLS
server won'tt update dailyy, or you're not
n sure abouut your serveer resources. You can set it to 5
days (for exaample).
Query: MLS
S Addon has an amazing Query Wizaard, so you caan set the creedentials for the
import or syync process iff needed. Pleease leave thiis empty if you're
| 7 Enablin
After adding the que
eries you sho
ould enable//disable it forr sync processs if needed by clicking o
on "x" or tick icon
n on "Actionss" column. Importt
You can click on the "Import" link after creatting the querry for manuaally importingg the properrties. After cliccking on the "Import" lin
nk, you will b
be redirect to
o a new pagee. Click on the "Start" linkk for starting the import p
process. It m
may takes a se
everal minuttes based on your server load. Don't reefresh the page or navigaate to other p
pages while it's importing the listingss. ML
After creeating the qu
ueries, you ccan use the M
MLS Addon aauto sync feaature. You sh
hould enable your desired queries (whiich are explaained above), and also en
nable the "M
MLS auto syncc" feature fro
om the WPL setttings. Note: En
nabling the aauto sync feaature, you neeed a strong server becau
use it can maake your website speed slower duringg the sync pro
ocess. Also, yyou should sset the sync p
period to a h
high number if your MLS datta won't update daily or yyou're not su
ure about yo
our server peerformance.
Please fiind below a sscreenshot ffor enabling tthe MLS auto sync feature: | 8