Download j:j_"Xt$l"j:]:":,lg]:"r/Human Resources have been duty - e
,lt{ir (&.&!+uh Department of School & Mass Education, Govt. Of Odisha in 4000 Govt. & Govt. aided Schools of Odisha Resources have been duty detivered and instailed/deptoyed in our schoot and alt equipment/items are in proper condition for implementation of lcT lab with following details. :::::'j:j_"Xt$l"j:]:":,lg]:"r/Human lL&FS Education & Technology Services Ltd. Please tick whichever is applicabte Telecommunication Cosultants lndia Ltd Breadth: I a , X85 Archftectuie 3.2 Ghz or higher proce$or whh 4 dedl*ted cor€s, RAM 468 or hlthe, ereandable to IOGB, s{to GB HDD, l}lnch o, Hither lfo Monltor, Bulh-ln audio, :tOO Watt Desktop Speaker, DVD Wrtter,lo/1m/1(mBas€T Erhernet, tO4 Xey rcyboard and Optlcal Mouse Wth at least 2 Free Full Helght pct slots, dffi ,(85 ArEhltectr. 3.2 Ghr or hEher prcccsco, wlth 4 coer, n M {GB a htgher erp.ndeble to 16G8, s00 cB HDD, 191n6 oi.Hlgher tED Monltor, Bulh.|,t ildo, :ltD Watt Desktop Speaker, DVD Wrhcr,lO[00/(XtOB$.T EthG]n.t, tO4 [Gy lhtrtoard and Optcal Morllc Wltlr at leest 2 Frce tull Helght prCt rlots shared computint Oevice N-computing tl q f) I U DISE COOE to share a Two Shared computing Devices Per DesktoP' Muttibox device which atlow' 6 use6 PCI single host PC through a share computing PC-SharinS kit (whl'h lncludes one full helght Crrd, Virtualization sofuare, acceis devices with sPeaker output, PS/2 5 Mouse and P5/2 KeYboard output. SVGA Monltor output and Rl45 Connectloh Port' wlth should not CAT5 cables (ea.h of 5 metets lengthl), Powet Gonsumptlon of ea'h ac@ss devlce 6 erceed more than l-2watts. The access devicc should be lntegrated wlth llost Pc vla caT cable wlth suppon up to lomtr/32ft. EaGh u*r should havG indePendent desktop the environment. Uset experlence on thared teminal should be substanttallY the same as on start_up host Pc (Boot tlme, Lo8ln ExperlGnce, ResPonsivcness (Mouse, Xeyboard' aPpllcatlon and executlon), GraPhi6/Multlmedia, LoSout' 2 ,.g-inch or hlgher LED Monltor wlth stattc Gontrast 1OOO:1, rcsolutlon of 1'14{' x 9(X' and VGA connestlvity wlth mafr black finlsh, brlShtness 2so Gd/m2, vlewlnt antl. 17o degrccs/ 160 with EPEAT degrees (horltontal/vefrl@ll, wall mountlnt Port VDl, wlth wlndos C€rtlfletton GoLo / rco /Energy stat certlflcatlon Monltor Pls. serlal no. 1.4 1 o l.rl 2 3 M Y 6 S M M e -S s f./) r9 I 6 o L v F ) F a v Y L q C Y 6 L 0 tl L I tl -l t x K A s g S .D M 6 Y A 7 c c M M O 7 ,t L of.ll the Ks s x I 3 I 11 no.s o I 4 L flll the serial s s 12 MonltoE o 0 o q I o I I o I o 8 6 I S t 5 o 8 tr q -? S s q I I s s 3 0 t t 0 S o 2. ; ) I 3 ? v 2 I 5 Y v v : Y 3 v 9 Y 3 t{ Z \, 3 Y s \ o t t{ 3 q w x K s o 8 .? E 3 Y o( 0 Y M m L Y 6 S S o \ Y L r+ €r A o 7 3 ? q t o M nl L 4 e s s o v 3 q o a c 5 tr 3 5 I 2 lrl l"l L v 6 S S O I \ 3 tl o D 1 DL G a5 M rY L v c S S o I q 3 Y l'1 7 8 M I ) 9 l 10 11 2 2 8 q o q M lvl L Y 6 S s o L o -j 8 s I o C t) I t2 5 3 Y Y 3 3 \ q web Cam 5 e,.r rpr.d4 lzeurontc l[;;--f--- | \-./ I reductlon 5 H€adphones 40 Headphone wlth Mlc 7 Headphone Sharer 10 s-Way 3.s-mm Headphone Splitter ; ""'v ,i ._ , i- )' o-l UDISEToDET) tl rffi slq llck Projection System: DLp Technology; Brightness: Z5q)-ANSt lumens (Short Throwl Resolution: SVGA (SmrGOO); Contrast Ratio: 25OO:1 lntegrated Computer Projector computer system : X86 architedure, 3.2GHz or higher with 4 dedicated cores, Minimum 4MB Ul Cache, Compatible chipset with HD graphics, 4GB DDR3 RAM eryandable to 16 GB, 1 500 GB Serial SATA [ 7200 RpM HDD, Optical Drive DVD RW, Wireless Keyboard &-optical Scroll Mouse, OS: DOS; tnput: pS/2 Mouse & Keyboard, RF _in for W, in;_o!rput : tnternat 30 watts Audio output, LAN:1x Gbps rAN, {:llthone rntegrated analogue cable W tuner. K.YAN llllf:Ilj Serlal no. I 3 L clclzlololrklo To Actlve Sire: Minlmum 7?" dlagonal Activ€ Area: Minlmum active ar€a 156 cm W r 117cm H Resolution: Digitizing resolution is approximately 32767 x 3276? Ratlo: 4:3.Board Surface: Ourabl€ Hard-coated steel surface, optimized for projection, nance free, compatible with dry€ras€ markerc and easily cleaned with whiteboard cleaner or alcohol (lPAl,Operating System: Wlndows Xp Sp3, Windows Vlsta. Sp2 or Windows 7 system and Linux,Writint Tools: Both finger and pen touch without any special tools, supports multi touch and use of non mechanrcar and battery free objects. power options: power 7l) Pleese I&k consumption is ress than 0'5 w [1oo mA at 5 vl. Must obtain power from the computer through the us8 for Windows. and Unux. computers. Technology: Touch technology. No interference from lcable Electromatnetic sources/sunlight and other external influences I lnteractive White Board It! l"*, 12 Mbit /s USB connection Pc,Software: Smart (fuil-speed USB 1.1 or USB 2.01. Storat€: Saving orfites in Must include a complete version ofthe white boarding software application on a CD or DvD. softwarc must arso be avairabre onrine for downroad, users must be able to access the softwarr I having to retister for an onrine community. software must be avairabre for updat€ via a lwithout product updatint seruice that can automatielly scan for new updates and alert users to their availabilitY. Must support windomt / linur'operatint systems.should have interactlve features lil€ palm touch, image tallery, image enlarge; snap shots, recording lectures, reyeal option, focus to speciflc part of aontent, room etc. Must supply additional software to collaborat€ external content and facilitate teache^ to create new content and manat€ and deriyer other content .Must suppry an applicatlon for remote collaboration to work on the sam€ content simultaneously and write dirertly lnto €ach othe/s documents. Mirimum r0o to maximum 5oo user can concurrentry use the facility'Accessories: stylus/ pens, usB cable, software cD, user manual etc. to be a part of standard supply. Warranty: 5 years warranty. I 1 _S Serial no. Multi Function Printer 10 Brand {Pls. HP I ti.k) Ricoh B c Delta 1 N n4 W g o o 7 tr 3 G ? At t 6 L2 A Serial no, Ph.e Tl* <PLu lkl sine waye output s I 3 C o 16 Port unmanagable crGABrr switch wrth car-E Mutll fucntlon prlnte6, ProJectlon system. Networklnt 9 UPS and Cabling. With DG Set compatibilities, frequency range S0+/_ 6% hertz, operating temp€rature: 0 to 50 degrees celcius,[oise level: as per the govemment norms. output: pure e 2 Serial no, Fire Extinguisher s5 H 6blint (rn 3 o 5 esint 6prngl for ar the t D B a o 3 Portable Carbon Oioxide Handheld fire extinguishers as per lS specification 1 Expiry Date s l5o 9001 certified. online ups of 2KvA with 30 minures power backup, output wave Form Pure sine waye, Efficiency 90 % or better on rated full load, lnput power Factor > 0,90, Battery type : sealed. Maintenance Free, Micro controller Based Double conversion online On Line UPS 13 a o Mode: Up to 18 ppm, print technology: Laser, print quality black (best): up to 600 x 6{rc dpi (1200 dpt effecive}, Disjlay, ,t 1"..i z-tin" rcq Processor speed: Minimum rO0 MHz, Connectivity, ;ta;dard: Hi_Speed USB2.0 port, 10/100Base-T Ethernet network po.t, Rt-11 Telejhone poa, Duplex printing: Automatic Scanner type: Flatbed, ADF, Scan file format: JpEG, TiF (comp.essed uncompressedl, pDF, GtF, BMp, Scan resolution, optical: Up to g(n {fli, Certified by IDC Serial no. 11 (.f 4 g o I I o ,0 t"1 J kt nodes, o Fq/ L ) ,) U DISE CODE 5KvA (1 Phase servo Motor Operated Llfle voltage cortectorl, lnPut Rante: :5oV-27OV (sinaie Phesei, Mounting: On wheelt. ootput rante: 22ov/23ov/24ov slntle pha* (adlusteble), eanhing terminals, overload cutoff, output proteEtion through MCB, FrequencY .ahge:50+/- 3% hertt. Oper.tinS temperature: 0 to 50 degrees celsius. Seruo Stablllrer Protcct glolli\ iYio 1 I Serial no. 9(xr1 Certlffed, Mlnlmum 3 xvA PetrouDlesel Silent Generato, Set linS and champ 1 15 serial no. 15 S lnstall.tlon 3 I q \/ '7 ba*d sllent generalor set with safe / I olxlq lelslo I t-| \-7 9 lnitlal meter readlng of the Sllent Generetor Set Ph.x ftl copper plate eaihlng statlons makln8 earthlng wlth copper earth plate Earthlng (as per lS L7 tzl-7 ql rla lOl6{ll ! speclflcatlontl 1A Llghtlnt (lsl m..kl 19 wall mounted t.ns (lsl ceillng ma*) z /tB- blade wlth reSulator, 3 Blade lndletlye Brands: PhlllPs /C.ompton Greaves /Khaltan /Bajal/ Havells 2 l(xrmm sweep, 45 Watts, Sp€ed 1330 RPM lndlcative B.ands: Phillps / Wipro/ Usha/C.ompton Greaver /Khaitan ,/Baiaj 15 5 / Exh.ust fant (lsl markl Swltch6 and iod(etr (lsl Choke (lsl 4Ow Tube Llght marki 20 wlth Electronlc 4 A- 2/Ul V 2 ln 1 5A 15 .nd / wlp.o/ Usha kftr / Havells \-/' flltches 15A Sckets M.rkl 15 A 2 - 24O V scket with dtuttcr lndlcative Brands: - Anchor / Havells / crabtree /wlPro /Phllllps ./ Legrand Switches and sockets is to be p.ovlded for all elect.onics/lT equlpments lncludlng printer and ProJectlon System to be placed at l.b technlcian t ble. 22 computer T.ble Tajpurla 13 Dimensions Width 12oomm x Depth 6O9mm x Height 75omm 18mm pre lamlnated particle board conforming lS: 12823. Prctteated & powder coated steel frsme. Good quality PVC edte bendlnt to be provlded on pre lamlnated boatd. No sharP Golne6, sm@th ed8es aae e$entl;|. L€geframe made of 1.5 lnch square pipe, 16 tauges. Table rests on tood qualitY glide screws. Full length footreit 15 to be provlded. One 65mm diameter hole for drawlng 6bles Is to be p.ovided , thls hole has to be coveied wlth tteel cover Good qualitY telescopic sllder along withfull width keyb@rd wlth 3ocm P.oleGted depth panel, keyboard tree space ls 10 cm. Table must have a modesty Panel of 2oomm helght to be provlded.End caps to be provlded. BIFMA cettlfl€d 23 Chalr Uma Pl.stlc/Moderna 41 Armless Moulded ChalB, CEam @louL lstandard compllant 24 Electrlcal meter lnltlal readinB \-? C wall and celllnt to be painted, shall be prepa.ed to the stlsfastlon of oKcL / OMSM and shall be applied with 2 coats ot pdmer and then wlth 2 coats of dlstemper paint of standard make as approved by OXCL / OMSM. The surtace of Palntlnt 25 Lab Cleanllnes 26 "' 27 Curtalns 2A Wall clock xlt 1 set Dusting cloth, hand held vacuum cleaner, Dust cloth cryers for all the lT equipments and one F@t mat Full lab To malntaln proper darkness in the Lab 1 lsl Mark, Wall Clck / Classrom durlng Prolectlon Notie Board I ileet 30 white Board I I ftx3 tt mlnlmum 18mm thickness whlte board Please note that all thre Ph.E ncl with fabrlc wEpp€d all around 29 x 3teet, P/F 15 thk Plnup board hefr slgnatures are mandetory on all the sheeB, l&msinthun Pb.eyh