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,' Department of School & Mass Education, Govt. Of Odisha ,.i f i(iL lmplementation of e vidyalaya proiect in 4000 Govt. & Govt. aided schools of odisha This is to certify that the following items/Human Resources have been duly delivered and installed/deployed in our school and all equipment/items are in proper condition for implementation of ICT lab with following details. Please tick whichever is applicable lL&FS Education & Technology Services Ltd. Telecommunication Cosultants lndia Ltd School Name lmplementedon partner's School Codc L6, Desktop Acer Make X86 Architecture 3.2 Ghz or hither processor wlth 4 dedicated cores, RAM 4GB or hither expandable to 15G8, 500 GB HDD, tg-inch o, Hither LED Monitor, Buih-in audio, 3OO Watt Desktop Speaker, DVD w'iter,l0/1OO/1000BaseT Ethernet, 104 l(ey Keyboard and Optiel Mouse Wlth at least 2 Free .'. " .,....- li' D6*r6plsttnd byl Acer Make X86 Archhcctrr€ 3.2 Ghs or erg.ndrblc to lgcB, Serial no. Helght pcl slots, hlther proc.ssor whh 4 dedlcated cores, S00 cB HDD, RAM 4GB or lgtndr or Htlher ttD Monltor, Bulh-ln eudlo, Desktop Speaker, DVD Wrltcr,10/1{t0/llXxtBas.T Molls€ full yglth.t hlther Watt :!OO Eth€rnst,1O4 Key l(eytoard and Optical least 2 Frce Full Helght pcl 3lots SharedcomPutingoevicesperoesktoP-Multiboxdevicewhichallows6userstosh..ea sha.ed computint Devlce N<omputinB host PC throuBh a share comPuting kit (whlch includ€s one full heiaht PCI virtuallzation software, access devices wlth speaker output, P5/2 and PS/2 Keyboard ofrput. SVGA Monltor offput ahd RJ45 Connectioo Port' with 5 @btes (each ot 5 meteE lentth)!, Powet consumptlon of each acces device should nd more than l-zwatts. The acce.s device should be lnte8rated wlth Host PC vla CAT 6 wlth support up to L0]nl';rl?2ft- Ea.h user should have Independeht desktop U3ea experlence on shared termlnal should be aubstantlally the rame a3 on the \./ host Pc (B@t ttm€, Lotln Experlcnc€, Responslvcnes {Mousc, Keyboard, 3Ppll@tlon stad_uP Logoft ' and executlon), Graphl6/Multimedla, 19-inch or hlgher LED Monltorwlth statlc Gont,* l(XXr:1, rc$lutlon of 1'4o x 9d' and VGA connmlvlty Llth matt finlsh, brlShtne$ z5O cdlmz, vlewint anSlc 17o deE ees/ 15o de8rees (horltohtal/vertl@ll, wall mountlht pott VDl, wlth w|ndos C'frifi€tlon wlth EPEAT / Tco /Enerty Star ce.tlffcatlon Pls. Min sMP camera, Support for HO flll lhe erlal no.s of all the 12 MonltoE Vldeo calllnt (128{, x ?2O pixels), Eullt-in mic wlth nolse reduction L/ U DISE CODE i Proiection System: O[P Technoloty; Brightness: 2500-ANSI tumens (Short Throw] I Resolution: SVGA (800x5U)!; Contrast Ratio: 2500:1 Computer System : X85 architecture, 3.2GHz or higher with 4 dedicated Cores. Minimum 4MB lL3 cache, Compatible chipset with HD graphics, 4GB DDR3 RAM erprndable to 15 GB, I lntegrated Computer Projector x-YAr{ l-/- 500 GB Serial SATA ll 7Z0O RPM HDD, Optical Drive DVD RW, Wireless Xeyboard & optical Scroll Mouse. OS: DOs; lrput: P5/2 Mouse & Keyboard, Rf -in fo, W, USB ports, Microphone in; Output : lnternal 30 watts Audio Output, [AN: 1x 6bps LAN, lnteSrated analogue cable She: Mlnlmum w tuner. n' diagonal Arca: Minimum actiye araa 156 cm W x Pl€as Tiak ll7cm H R€solution: Dititirint resolution is Ratlo:4:3.goard Surface: Durable Hardroated steel surface, optlmhed tor proJection, free, compatible wlth dry-erase marker and .asily cleaned wlth whiteboard cleaner or alcohol (lPAl,OperatinS System; Windows XP SP3, Windos Vista. SP2 or Windos 7 system and Lirux,Writi4 T@ls: Both finger and pen touch wfthout any special tools, multi touch and use of non mechanical and batt€ry free objects. Power Optims: Power is l€ss than 0.5 W (1m mA at 5 Vl. Must obtain power from the computer throudl the for Windows' and Linux' computers. Techmlogy: Touch technology. No interference ftom sources/sunlight and other external lnf, Porb: 12 Mblt/s USB conneclon (full*peed U58 1.1 or USB 2,01. Storete:savi]lt offiles ln Must includc a complete veBion of th€ white boardlry softrarc appliation on a CD ot Softyar€ must also b€ mllable mline for download. Users must bc able to aces t re software heyiE to rcdsfpr for an onlim mmunity. Softurare must ba ayallablc for update yia a updating servlce that 6n automatically scan for nfl updates and alert usrs to thell Must support Wndo*st / unurt oper.tlnt systems,Should haye lnteractlve featurcs llte touch, image tallery lmage enlaEe; snap shots, recordlng lectures, rmal ofiioo focus to part of content, room etc. Must supply addldonal softxEr€ to collabohte extemal content facllitate teacheE to creat€ nes cofltant and manage ard deliwr odrcr content .Must supply en for rcmote collaboradon to wo* on the seme cotrtent slmultaneously and rrrlte dlrecdy documents. Mlnimum lm to mailmum 500 user can @norendy us€ the lnteractive White Board Smart : silus/ Pens, USB Cable, Softtxarc CD, user manual etc to be a part of standard Up to 18 ppm, Prlnt technoloty: Laser, P.lm quality black r 600 dpl (12m dpi effecttuel, Dlsplay: at least 2-llne [CD, speed: Minimum /O0 MHz, Connectivlty, standard: Hl-Speed USB 2.0 port, Ethernet network poG RJ-11 Telephone port, Duplex printing: Scanner type: tlatbed, ADF, Scan file format: JPEG, TIF (comprBs€d uncompressedl, PDF, GlF, BMP, Scan resolutlon, optical: Up to 1200 dpl, Certifed by lDC. Up to 600 ISO qx)l Certifted. Online UPS of 2KVA with 30 minutes power backup, Output Waye Form - Pure sine wave, Efficiency 90 On Line UPS D€lta Ph.errcr UPS ri or better on rated full loa4 lnput Power Factor > 0.!rO, type : Sealed. Maintenance Free, Mlcro Controller Based Double Conyersion Online and Cabling. With DG Set compatibilities, frequency rang€ 50{. 596 hertz, operating temperature: 0 to 50 degrees celcius,noise level: as per the tovemment norms. output: pure sine wave output 16 Port Unmanatable GIGABIT swltch wlth CAT-5 c.bllng (in caslng caplngl for all the nodes, Mutll fucntlon prlnters, prcrectlon system. Portable Carbon Dioxide Handheld fire extinguishers as per lS specification iJ DISC CODE r I | I I I seruo steuitrrer "'ott" f- s".irt r*ro I taairrt. ble), 1 I earthing tern ninals, or,erload cutoff, ou1lput p.otraction lhrouth MCB, Frequency range: 5 O+/- 3% hertz. opleratint irrmpeaatufe: 0 to I5O d€gre( :s celslus, q 0 no. 5 1 Serial no. !7 Earthing (ar pe. lS speclflcatlons) 18 Li8htlng (lSl ma.kl 19 20 0 3 1_ 0 1_ 1_ 7 2 7 \--'' q let wlth Safe l€ 0 o 000. 3s L--' Copper plate eart-nlnt stations maklng earthlng wath copper eafth plate with Electrontc Chole (tst mark) 4 4OW Tube Light l^/all mounted fans (lsl marki 2 48" blade with retulator, 3 Blade lndlcatlve grands: phlllps /Crompton G.eaves /Khaitan /Bajar/ Haveltt Exhaust tans (lSt markl 2 Ceiling !_ cabling and lnstallation 15 lnitial meter .eadlng ot the Silent Gene.ator Set i1-i Lt ,5O 9OO1 Certlfied, Minimum 3 KVA petrouDiesel based sllent generator Sl!eht Generator Set Champ 15 3 o L o 1, Phase Servo Mot( ,r Operal ied Lirle Voltage C orrector) . lnput Ran8e: : 5OV-27OV rhasei, Mount:ng: On Whe. !lr. Output rahSe: 22OVl23tDVl24oV single pha* | (5in8'e r F-__- i l '2- I / Wipro/ Pbu ftl Usha (-' 3OOmm ryeep, 45 Watts, Speed 1330 RpM lndicative Brands: phlllps / Wipro/ Ush. /Crompton Greaves /Xhaitan /Bajaj / H.vells 15 5 15 Swltches and sockets (lsl r, 2 ln u-? A- 24O V switchej I 5A and 15A Sockets 1,,- Mart) 2 15 A - 24O V socket with shutter lndicatfve Brands: - Ahchor / Havells / c.ablree fw]lpto lphlllps / Legrand Swltches and sockets ls to b€ p@ided tor all electronlcs/tT equlpments lncludlng printer and P.ojectlon System to be placed at lab technlclen table, 22 Computer Table 2l Chel. Uma Pl.stlc/Modema 24 Electrlcal mete. lnitial readlnS 13 Dimensions Width 12OOmm x Deprh 6o9mm x Helght Z5Omm ltmm pre l.mlnated particle board.ontormln8 tS: 12a23. pretreaied & powder coated steel frame. Cod qualtty iVC .dgc bendintto be provlded on pre laminated boa.d- No Sha.p cotne6, smooth adges are essenlial- lets frame made of 1.5 inch square pipe, 18 taules. Table rest, on lood quality SliJe screws. Full rentth footrest is to be prwided. one 6smm drameter hore ior drawrng @bles is to be provlded , this hole has to be cove.ed wlth tteel cover Good qu.lity telescopic sllder alont with fqll wtdth keyboard wlth 3ocm p.ojected depth panel, keyboerd free space ls 10 cm. Table must have a modesty panel of 2OOmm heltht to be provlded.End caps to be provided. BIrMA Certlfied 4t Armless Moulded ChalE, Cream colour; llstandarcl Compllant \--' w_->- 0000 L, q wall and Ceiling to be palhted, shall be prepared to the sailsfacilon of OI(CL / OMSM and shall be applied with Z coais of primer and then with 2 coats ot dlstemper paint of stand.rd male aJ apprwed by OrCL / OMSM. The surface ot 25 Paintlnt Dusting clolh, hand held vacuum cleaher, Dust cloih covers to, all the lT equlpments and one Foot mat 26 Lab Cleanllness Kit 27 Cunains 2A Wall Clock 7 lSl Marlq Wall Cl6k 29 Notice 8oa.d I 5leet x 3feet. P/f 15 thk pinup bo.rd wlth fabrlc wrapped all around 30 White Board 1 0 1 set Full lab To m.intaln proper darknesr in the Lab / l--Plo* trd \,-r Classroom durlnt prolection r4 KH ftx3 ft minlmum Ltmm thickness whlte board a---- 'r'Please ate mandetoiy on all the sheets. -:=' ' Sltnature'of CXCL Rep.esentatlve with Seal Banpur, Khurda