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, ,,*:: .. i .t ' ) Department of School & Mass Education, Govt. Of Odisha CKCr lmplementation of e vidyalaya project in 4099 Govt. & Govt. aided schools of odisha is to certifythat the following items/Human Resources have been duly delivered a'nd installed/deployed in our school and all equipment/items are in proper condition for implementation of ICT lab with following details. IMP LEMENTATION PARTNER Please tick whichever is applicable lL&FS Education & Technology Services Ltd. \/ Telecommunication Cosultants lndia Ltd U DISE CODE School Name Village Elock District I O ^( Date 2_ K o N l+ U S <. 4 D o C !-/ ) o I I 3 n- R + o x 3lD la 1 o I + Fl 14 il T h H ( I o L N fr T H U p- 4 2 o L /+ s /+ & ll /V n T H P O n T 4 l-2 Address Name of Head lt}ster/ Mistress(HMl HM Csttact No. P R U School Cmrdlnator's Co[tact no. q lmplem6nteuon psrtner's School Code Room Dimension (ln feetl Sr. no. fr yl / b I 0 7 I S A/ /) K I I O 4 rY B 6 D z + K g K + 2 I o -7 q 4 /v 'I 6 u /vl fl a S ^1 s 4 # 2. 4Y s,4 (-) I L q T &a€uef Item Make & Model 7 6 Pln: 16 D tl /ee/ Tkt \-- qty. Pl.a,G fEl x86 Architecture 3.2 6hz or hither processor wrth 4 dedicated cores, RAM 4GB or hither expandable to 16G8, 500 GB HDD, l9-inch or Higher LED Monitor, Built_in audio, 3OO Watt Desktop Speaker, DVD Writer,lollqr/lfiroBaseT Erhernet, iol fey Xeyboard and Optical Desktop Acer Make Mouse wlth at least 2 Free Full Helght pcl slots, 1 U Y Serial no. D- ( V g _r I I *( J f 0 / 1 D X86 Anhltecur€ 3.2 Ghz or hlgher processo? wlth 4 dedlcated corcs, RAil 4GB o, higher etgandable to 16G8, 50O G8 HDD, 19lndt of HlSher tID Monltor, Bulh-ln aqdlo, :)oo watt Desktop[Stand by) Acer Make Desktop Speaker, DVD Wrhcr,10[0lt/lqr0Bas€T Eth€]net, 101 t(€y (eyboard and Mouse lMth at leart 2 Fi€e Full Hetght pcl 3lot3 1 () serlal no. I N 7 o V * 6 S lF- g- -r 3 f o "l Optiel D t- { Pl..E Ti.l l--- f L Shared Computing Device N{omputing Two shared Computing Devices per Oesktop. Multibor device which allows 6 usets to share e single hosl PC through a share computint PC-Sharint kit (which includes one full hei8ht PCI Virtuallzation software, acce$ devices wlth speaker output, PS/2 and PS/2 Keyboard output. SVGA Monitor output and RJ45 Connedlon Pon. wlth 5 cables (each of 5 meters leh8th)), Powe. conrumptlon of atces device should not more th.n 1-2war. The acess devi.e should be integrated wlth Host PC vla CAI 6 wlih support up to lomtr/32ft. Each user should have indep€ndent desktop Urer erpedehce on shared termlnal should be subslantlally the $me a3 on the Pc (Boot timc, Logln Expedence, Responslveness (Mous€, KeylEard, aPPli€tion stan-uP 19-lnch or hlgh€r LED Monltor wlth statlc contrast 1(XXt:1, reslutlon of 14/U) x 9(Xr.nd VGA wlth matt black flnlsh, brl8htncss 25o cd/mz, yiewtnS angle 17O deStees/ 160 (horlzontal/vertl@lr, wall mountlht port VDl, wlth lylndos Certllletlon wlth EPEAT / TCO /Eneray Star Certlflatlon Pls. f,ll the Min sMP @mera, Support for HD *rlal m,s of all the 12 Mnlto6 Vldeo callint (1280 X 72O plxels), Bullt-in mic wlth nolse redudlon U DISE CODE Projection System; OLP Technology; Brightness: ZsOO-ANSI Lumens (Short Throw) Resolution: SVGA (80&5OOl; Contrast Ratio: 2500:1 Computer System : X85 architecture, 3.2GHr or higher with 4 dedicated Cores, Minimum I i [3 Cache, Compatible chipset with HO graphics, 4GB DDR3 RAM expandable to 15 GB, 500 GB Serial SATA ll 7200 RPM HDD, Optical Drive OVD RW Wireless Keyboard optical Scroll Mouse. OS: DOS; lnput: pS/2 Mouse & (eyboard, RF -in ,or ry, USB ports, Microphone. in; Output : lnternal 30 watts Audio Output, LAN: lr Gbps LAN, lntegrated analogue cable W tuner. I I lntegrated Compute. Projector K.YAN Size: Mlnlmum 77" dlagonal Area: Mlnimum actlve area 156 cm W Ph.* Ikk I ll7cm H R€solutlon: Dltltizlng resolution ls Ratlo:4;3.Board Surface: Durable Hard{oated steel surface, optlmi:ed for projectlon, free, compatibl€ with dry-erase markers and easlly cleaned with whiteboard cleaner or alcohol (lPAt,Opeating Synem: Windows Xp Sp3, Windom Vlsta. Sp2 or Windos 7 syrtem and Linur,Writlng Tools: Both finger and p€n touch wlthout any special tools, u* of non mechanical and battery ftee objects. power options: power ls less than 0.5 W (100 mA at 5 V). Must obtaln power trom the computer ttrowh th€ supports muhi touch and lnteractive White Board Smart for Windowse and Linuxo computeB. Technology: Touch technoloty. No interference from Ports: 12 Mbit /s USB connection {fulFspeed USB t.l or USB 2,0r. Stmte: Savtng of files in Must include a complete veBion ofthe white boardlnt software application on a CD or DvD. must al$ be avarrable onlm for ddnload. users must b€ able to arres the without haviru to retister for an online community. soft*ar€ must be available for update via a product updadnt seillce that 6n automatically for new updates and alert us€6 to theil avallablllty' Must support wndows' / unux. operaflng systems.should haye lnteractlve featurcs touch, imate tallery, lmage enlarge; snap shots, recordlnt lacturei, res€al optlon, fuus to part of content, zoom ctc. Must supply addltlonel softwar€ to collaborate extemal sn content facilitate teachers to fieate n.w content and manege and dellver other content .Must supply an n for remote collabo,tlon to work on tie same content slmultaneously and $rrlte directly othe/3 documents. Mlnlmum lOOto marlmum 500 user can con@rrcntly us€ th€ SMus/ Pens, USB Cable, Sottware CD, User manual €tc to be a part of standard Up to 18 ppm, Print rechnolog.y: Las€r, print quality black Up to 6fl) x 500 dpl (12m dpi effecttve), Dlsplay: at least 2-llne LCD, Processor sp€ed: Minimum rl{t0 MHz, Connectivlty, standard: Hi-Speed USO Z.O port, 10/1008ase-T Ethemet network pol! U-11 Telephone po( Duplex printing: Automatlc Senner typ€: Flatbed, ADF, Scan file format: JPEG, TtF (compressed and uncompressedl, PDF, GtF, BMp, Scan resolutlon, optical: Up to 12Od dpi, Cedllled by tDC. On Une UPS Delta 9001 Certlfied. Online UPS of 2KVA with 30 minutes power backup, Ottput wave Fom sine wave, Efficlency 90 ,6 or better on rated full loa4 lnput power Factor > 0.90, type : Sealed. Maintenance Free, Mlcro Controller Based Double Conversion Online and cabling, With DG Set compatibilitles, frequency rante SO+/- C% hertr, operatint 0 to 50 degrees celcius,noise level: as per the tovemment noms. output: pure 16 Port Unmanatable G|GABIT swltch wlth CAT-6 €bllnt (in 6sing caplntl for all the nodes, Mutll fucntlon prlnteE, ProJectlon system. Portable Carbon Dioxide Handheld fire extinguishers as per lS specification \-/' U DISE CODE c I Seryo Stabilrzer P.otect i4 I o I Y 3 o 2 ftt 5KyA (l Phase seryo Motor Operet€d Lire Voltage Correctorl. lnput Range: :5OV-27OV (singre Phasei, Mounting: on wheels. output,et 22OVl23ovl24ov sin8le phase (adiurtable), earthing te.minals, overload cutoff, output Plotection through MCB, Frequency range: 5O+/- 3% hertr. Ope.atint te6pereture: O to 50 deg.ees celslus. 0 1 Seria, no. ti I o a 7 ^ lso 9ool certlfled, Manlmum 3 KvA Petrol/Dlesel based silent tenerator set with Safe Slleht Generator 3et Champ cabling and lnstallataon 15 ,9 1 Se.ial no. 16 lnltial meter readinS of o I _r ?5 o( C--- { copper plat€ €art?rlng stations making earthlnt wlth copper earth plate Ea.thing (as per lS speclfi.ationr) l8 LiAhting (lsl markl 19 20 wllh Electronlc \:!r-'rt Choke (lSl mark) 4 4OW Tub€ Light Wall mounted tans (lsl marki 2 4E" blade wlth regulator, 3 Blade lndtetlve Brands: Philips /crompton Greaves /Khait.n /saJai/ Havells Exhaust fans (lsl mark) 2 3(rcmm sweep, 45 Watts, Sp€ed 1330 RPM lndicative Brands: Phillps / wip.o/ Usha /crompton Greaves /xhaitan /aajaj 15 5 Ceiling / Switches and rockets (l5l u--- o' I I Silent Generator Set 17 I 3 o I / Wlp.o/ Usha / Havells A- 2/U) V switcher 2 in 1 SA and 15A Sockets 15 Mark) 15 A 2 - 24O V socket with shutter lndlc.tive Brands: - Anchor / Havells / .rablree lwlpi.o lPhllllps / Legrand Switchds and sockets ls to b€ prwided tor all electronics/lT equlpments lncludlng printer and ProJectlon System to be placed at lab technlclan table. 22 23 24 25 13 Dimensions Width 12(Xlmm x D.pth 6o9mm x Heltht 75omm 18mm pre lamln.ted particle board conlo.ming lS: 12823. Pretreated & powde. coated gteel G@d quallty PVC edge bendint to be provided on pre laminated board- No Sha.p corne6, smooth edSes are essential. LEts freme made of 1.5 inch square pipe, 16 tauges. T.ble rests on good quality Slide screws. Full length footrest is to be provlded. One 65mm dlamete. hole foi drawlng @bles is to be provided , ihls hole hai to be cove.ed wlth steel cover Good quality tele*opic sllder alont wlth tull wldth keyboard with 3ocm proiected depth panel, keyboard free space is lO cm. Table must have a modesty panel of 2OOmm heltht to be provlded.End 6ps to be provided. BIFMA Ceftlfied 4t Armless Moulded ChaiE, Cream colouq lstandard compliant Computer Table T.lpurla Chalr Uma Pla3tlc/Modema Elect.lcal metei &o lnltlal.eadlnS .o The surf.ce ot Wall and Celllng to be painted, shall be prepared to the $tlsfaction of OKCL / OMSM and shall be ipplied with 2 coats of primer and then with 2 coats ot dlstempe. paint of standard make as approved by OI(CL / OMSM. Paintlng Dustlng cloth, hand held vacuum cleaner, Dust cloth covers for all the lT equlpments and one F@t mat \)D*frr 26 Lab Cleanllness Kit 27 Curtains 2A Wall Clock I lsl Marlf Wall Clock Vl,o'41* 29 Notice Board I Sleet x 3feet, P/F 15 thk Pinup board with fabric wrapped all around elEx 30 White Board 1 6 tt' Please note that all the ."'All fields are to ba filled up 1 set Full lab To maintaln proper darkness in the Lab / classroom durlnt Proiection ftx3 ft minimum 18mm thickness white board gignatures are mandetory on all the sheets, >f.s. n.l *d'* nck