Download EMR User Guide - ENTSO-E Metadata Repository

European Network of
Transmission System Operators
for Electricity
ENTSO-E Metadata Repository
ENTSO-E D&I Department
December 2013
Revision Sheet
EMR User Guide
GENERAL INFORMATION .............................................................................................................. 3
1.1 Overview of the ENTSO-E Metadata Repository .......................................................................... 3
1.2 Points of Contact ............................................................................................................................... 3
1.3 Authorized Use Permission .............................................................................................................. 3
1.4 Create an Account............................................................................................................................. 4
BROWSING ......................................................................................................................................... 5
2.1 Home Page ......................................................................................................................................... 5
2.2 Vocabulary......................................................................................................................................... 5
2.3 Term ................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.3.1 Attributes of a term ..................................................................................................................................... 7
2.3.2 Comments ................................................................................................................................................... 8
2.3.3 History of a Term........................................................................................................................................ 8
2.3.4 Statistics ...................................................................................................................................................... 9
IMPROVING A DEFINITION......................................................................................................... 11
3.1 Definition Workflow ....................................................................................................................... 11
3.2 User Roles for the Definition Workflow........................................................................................ 12
3.3 Tasks of EMR Workflow ................................................................................................................ 12
3.3.1 Submiting a proposal ................................................................................................................................ 13
3.3.2 Assigning the Reviewers .......................................................................................................................... 14
3.3.3 Reviewing the proposed definition ........................................................................................................... 15
3.3.4 Consolidate the proposed definition ......................................................................................................... 15
3.3.5 Final Check ............................................................................................................................................... 16
1.1 Overview of the ENTSO-E Metadata Repository
ENTSO-E Metadata Repository is a browser-based application intended for hosting, maintaining and
updating all the definitions which are widely used in the European Network of Transmission System
Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E).
The main aims of the EMR Glossary are to provide a:
 highly visible and readily accessible source of definitions for use by ENTSO-E members or
stakeholders. The Glossary is intended to facilitate the collection of consistent terms between all
possible sources;
 set of target definitions based on existing international standards (ISO-11179);
 online process, which will help the harmonization of the definitions, which are included in the
development of the Network Codes;
 catalyst for the development of consistent and harmonized definitions between all sources. The
EMR glossary highlights areas of existing inconsistencies between various definitions and is
designed to help prevent similar occurrences events in the future.
The term name for each definition included in the Glossary is intended to be unique. In a relatively small
number of instances however, several definitions may exist for the same term. This occurs, for example,
when a definition has been prepared in the context of a Network Code while another definition is developed
The majority of these inconsistencies are negligible and appear due to the fact that one of the two existing
definitions has a more detailed/specific content. In the particular case when a term has more than one
definition, a version number follows the term name.
1.2 Points of Contact
ENTSO-E is responsible for the maintenance and administration support of the EME Glossary. For any
question or request, please contact us here:
EMR Team: [email protected]
Ioannis Daoutidis (Metadata Administrator): [email protected]
Phone : +32(0)490425697
1.3 Authorized Use Permission
EMR application is free for access to all members of ENTSO-E Community, who are able to query and
extract terms of various vocabularies, view related information (metadata) and visualize taxonomies.
An EMR account is required in order to leave comments and feedback on existing definitions.
Finally, in order to perform concrete application tasks, such as propose a new definition or help improve an
existing one, submitting rights must also be given by the EMR administration team (see 1.4).
1.4 Create an Account
Creating an account is free and straightforward. All you need to do is visit the EMR and select “Register”
from the top-right of the page. Then fill in your details, as required by the areas (username, password, email
Figure 1 Create An Account
Later on, you can visit your profile and add more information, useful to the rest of the EMR community
(TSO, Department, telephone etc.)
At the end of this section, all details concerning the home page, the EMR Glossary and the term pages will
be covered. For all the functions of the EMR described in this section, the access is free and requires no
2.1 Home Page
The following page appears after navigating to the EMR tool (
Figure 2: EMR Home Page
It includes
1. General Introduction;
2. Full Index of ENTSO-E terms (see 2.2);
3. Search bar for a fast search on a term or a vocabulary;
4. Recent changes on standardisation of definitions;
5. Personal dashboard for members who contribute to terms
6. User guide and methodology for establishing a correct definition.
The Search bar, which appears on the top-right of the home-page is also visible from any other page of
2.2 Vocabulary
All existing terms in the Association can be viewed by visiting the EMR Glossary. The link to the Glossary
can be found in the Home Page under “Full Index of Terms” or by selecting the link “Glossary” from the
top-right of each page you are currently on (Fig. 3).
Figure 3: ENTSO-E Glossary
In this vocabulary, one can immediately see the list of all existing terms, their current definition and the
corresponding source in a table format (Fig. 4). Since the number of terms is in principle very large,
searching areas above each column allows for a keyword or combination of keywords, in order to restrict
the length of the data shown (e.g. only terms with Source: Regulation 543/2013).
Figure 4 Filtering options in the glossary
A possibility exists to export the entire glossary or part of it into an Excel file, by simply selecting “Export”
on the right-hand side of the Glossary page.
A downloadable versions also exists here.
2.3 Term
By selecting a term, one can view all the information on this particular definition (Fig. 5).
Figure 5 Term Page
When available, the Source attribute is associated with a link to the original document/regulation, from
which the definition has been extracted.
2.3.1 Attributes of a term
The term page consists of all the attributes related to this term, such as
1) Definition;
2) Description;
3) Source;
4) Publication;
5) Notes;
6) Acronyms;
7) Status
8) etc.
The Status is a peculiar type of an attribute, as it provides information related to the progress of its
standardization. It indicates if the term
has been prior to submission for standardization (Candidate);
awaits for the final approval to become standard (Approval Pending);
is under the review process (Under Review);
is kept on hold, due to lack of resources or more info required from the term submitter (On
5. has been approved as part of a vocabulary (Standard);
6. Another definition exists for the same term being the preferred one (Superseded);
7. has been used in the past but not any longer (Retired).
The Glossary is still evolving with regards to both definitional content and facilities for its use. Comments
and suggestions are accepted at the bottom of the modification page of each term.
To visit this page, simply select “To leave a comment, click here.” at the bottom of the page (Fig. 6).
Figure 6 Visiting the Term modification page
Comments are particularly encouraged on the definitions currently included in the Glossary, in
cases where:
there may be more appropriate definitions that should be incorporated in preference to
those already listed;
definitions for other topics, concepts should also be included; or
reference/source information may not be sufficiently detailed.
2.3.3 History of a Term
Finally the history tab includes all previous versions of the term with metadata information, relevant to
these changes. This can also be found inside the term modification page. A Compare option is also possible
between two different versions.
Figure 7 Term History
2.3.4 Statistics
From the EMR homepage, one can also view key measures and statistics that highlight the current status of
the Glossary (Fig. 8).
Figure 8 EMR Metrics and statistics
The two links which best represent the status of the glossary are the “ENTSO-E Common Glossary” and
“Network Code Glossary” (Fig. 9).
Figure 9 Statistics on (a) Full Glossary (b) Network Codes
A correct and detailed definition is necessary in all aspects of the ENTSO-E Association, either it is related
to the drafting of a legislative document, e.g. Network Code, or to a type of data which is shared between
different European TSOs.
In addition, the importance of having common understanding between people from different countries,
different Working Groups or different Business Areas is unambiguous.
For this reason, when a term is discussed within a group of people (e.g. a Network Code drafting team), a
more formalised process is required in order to guarantee a harmonized definition. Only when the definition
passes through this process, it can be considered as a preferred definition of the Association.
This process is now offered by the EMR. It is called "Definition Workflow" and has been designed to
improve the quality of the definitions and remove the existing inconsistencies.
Figure 10 Facilitation of the definition improvement
3.1 Definition Workflow
During the life-cycle of a definition, several steps are required, in order to guarantee that a certain level of
quality is achieved. These steps are the proposal, validation, review, consolidation and approval.
Figure 11 Workflow Steps
Through these steps, the EMR workflow is designed to:
- Inform the Submitter if the definition is already under discussion;
- Distribute the tasks to the appropriate members;
Update certain attributes of the terms (e.g. Status);
Reminds involved members, when delays occur;
Informs the stakeholder with the outcome of the process.
3.2 User Roles for the Definition Workflow
ENTSO-E is responsible for the maintenance and administration support of the EMR Glossary. However,
the definition workflow is a process driven by members, with expertise on definitions. Their contribution to
the definition workflow varies, according to the role he/she is assigned to.
The Submitter is the person who starts the proposal workflow and submits the proposed definition.
Prior to a member’s first submission, request is needed from the EMR support ([email protected]) for
submission rights.
Data Trustee is responsible for the overall quality of the definition. Prior to the review phase, he/she also
assigns the reviewers. After the end of the review phase, he/she is asked to consolidate the proposed
definition, based on the reviewers’ feedback.
The reviewer reviews the proposed definition.
The Data Custodian is used only when a term has two or more definitions. His task is to improve and
consolidate the proposed definition, while the Data Trustee has to agree upon. The role of the Data
Custodian is to avoid a conflict of interest in the case of duplicate terms.
Once the most appropriate experts are identified among their TSOs, they are assigned to one of the above
roles by the Convenor of the Data Expert Group (DEG). Their contribution begins when an automatic email from the EMR tool is sent to notify them.
The following table shows the rights of each of the above role:
Browse, search and download
Add comments and feedback
View Statistics and status of terms
Propose a new term or update
Modify or create attributes
3.3 Tasks of EMR Workflow
In the following, more details are given on each one of the tasks involved in the Definition Workflow. The
tasks in gray color correspond to the tasks assigned to the secretariat and the DEG (thus not to the
nominated experts)
Submit a proposal
Validate Proposal
Assign Reviewers
Review definition
Consolidate definition
Trustee or Custodian
3.3.1 Submiting a proposal
Visit the walkthrough page
A user must have an EMR account and issued submitter’s rights (see Points of Contact)
 Option 1: Propose a new term
From the home page, click on the Propose a Term link on the dashboard.
Figure 12 Propose a new term
 Option 2, Propose an update of an existing definition
1. Visit the Term you want to update its definition
2. Click on the link “Propose a new Definition” which appears only when you are signed
in (Fog. 11).
Figure 13 Select "Propose a new definition"
3. Once directed into the page for term editing, select “Workflows” from the contextual
menu (yellow bar) and choose the start the workflow “Propose New Definition” (fig.
Figure 14 Propose an update of a term
4. Open your task by clicking “Tasks” on the contextual menu. Select your task and follow
the instructions.
Figure 15 Workflow task: Make a proposal
3.3.2 Assigning the Reviewers
 The Data Trustee needs to assign the reviewers who will review the definition. The list of all
possible reviewers will be available to him at the time of his involvement.
 There is no limitation on the number of reviewers who will review the definition. However,
the minimum number of the reviewers should be sufficient enough to involve all different
Committees, i.e. system operations, system development, market, legal and R&D (Fig. 16).
This rule is important in order to guarantee that when the term finally becomes standard, it is
reviewed by all business areas, thus being properly harmonized.
Figure 16 Assignment of Reviewers
 After completing this task, the EMR admin will update the definition and the review phase
will begin.
3.3.3 Reviewing the proposed definition
 E-mail notification will be sent to all reviewers with the request to review the definition.
The time period for this task is 7 days. However, the task can be completed earlier, if all
assigned reviewers fulfil their task sooner.
Figure 17 Workflow task: Review definition
 The feedback of all reviewers will be used by the Data Trustee (next task) for a
consolidated version of the definition.
3.3.4 Consolidate the proposed definition
 The Trustee or the Custodian should analyse all the feedback from the reviewers. They are
available at the bottom of the task box (Fig. 18);
Figure 18 Consolidation of Definition
 If all reviewers agree with the proposed definition, the Trustee (or Custodian) proceeds with
simply completing the task (select “Submit”). However, if suggestions for improvement are
given, the Trustee (or Custodian) will have to give an updated version (Fig. 19).
Figure 19 Update definition
 Following this action, the Trustee (or Custodian) should complete the task by selecting
 After this step, the DEG will receive a task to approve the new definition.
3.3.5 Final Check
 If the Data Custodian is required, the trustee will receive a last task to check the consolidated
definition, done by the Data Custodian. If there is slight disagreement, Data Trustee and Data
Custodian discuss the best definition or the process needs a restarting (Fig. 20).
Figure 20 Final Check
 The Data Trustee, as the person responsible for the quality of the final definition, has the right to
fully disagree with the consolidated version, done by the Data Custodian. In this case, he selects
“Do not agree”, and the Definition Workflow starts again with the “Review” task. A change of
experts to review the definition is also possible.
 If the term is to supersede another term with similar definition, then the corresponding option is
selected in the task form;
 After this step, the task will be sent to the DEG who makes the final approval and the definition
becomes Standard.