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Product Management
Overview Product management module allows all Feed Establishments that were already registered using establishment registration service to register their products as well in SFDA. The registration is an important process that should be taken periodically for any Feed Product in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The process is considered as an official recognition of the product validity for consumption and usage. Through this module the user could benefit from the main product registration process. The user can start registering the product by filling the specified registration form and submitting it. Once the product registration request was submitted, it could be followed up by the responsible employee of SFDA who will take care of processing it as either an approved or rejected one. In case of rejecting the product registration request because of its need for update, the establishment who registered the product should make the desired updates in order to get their products registered correctly and legally. Any completed registration would be considered as a legal registration for a limited period of time. Once the product registration process has been expired, then it should be renewed using the renewal service which is available in this module. Moreover, the establishment could follow up the registration requests for its products using a specific search page in the module that was mainly designed for this purpose. In this part of the user manual we will take care of discussing the details of these services along the specified pages for them. The main registration, renewal and follow up services will be explained in details in the sections below. Product Registration Product Registration service is a significant provided service in Feed System. It can be accessed via its specified link on the Home Page of the system as shown in figure 22 below. The service requires from the user filling four different groups of information before submitting the registration request. In this section of the user guidance we will explain the registration groups along with its pages in the following paragraphs. Figu
ure 21 : Feeed Subsysteem Home Paage with Reegister Prod
duct link oduct Registration process req
quires from
m the useer insertin
ng some detailed d
ormation ab
bout the reegistered prroduct. Thiis informattion is divid
ded into fou
ur main cateegories thaat exist maiinly in the o
online regiistration reequest whicch we will discuss in this t
n. The userr has to sp
pecify initiaally the pro
oduct typee by selectiing that amo
ong the avaailable pro
oduct categories, and based on tthe productt group he should inseert the prod
duct detailss. I)
Producct Informa
ation Thee first grou
up of the product p
reggistration p
process con
ncerned wiith insertin
ng some detaailed inform
mation abou
ut the registtered produ
uct. These ggroup fieldss will changge based on tthe selected
d product grroup. The igures 23‐2
8 illustrate the differen
nt selected p
product grou
ups: ‐
Feed Sttuff Producct Group
If the user r selects “Feeed stuff” product p
oup as shown in the red rectanggle 1 in igure 23 below, then tthe user sho
ould insert the followin
ng informattion:
Feed grroup ƒ
Feed su
ubgroup Feed by
y product Arabic N
Name English
h Name Country
y of origin Factory
y Descrip
ption of feed
d stuff Processsing method
d Figu
ure 22 : Thee first group
p of Productt Registratio
on form (Feeed stuff) ‐
ound Feed P
Product Gro
If the user selects “Co
ompound Feeed” product Group ass in igure 2
24 below, tthen the user should
d insert the following in
n: ƒ
Product Name in A
Arabic and E
English of Origin Product Country o
factory The Faactory name for the foreign f
oduct or th
he Agency name of th
he local productt as shown in the red rrectangle 6.
A brief description
n of the com
mpound feed
d d Processsing method
Feed fro
om Figu
ure 23 : Th
he first group of Producct Registratiion form (C
Complementtary Feed P
Product) ‐ Non meedicated feeed additivees If the user selects “Non medicated feed addiitives ” prod
duct Group as shown in figure 25 below, tthen the useer should in
nsert the folllowing info
ormation: ƒ
Product Name in Arabic and
d English aas shown in
n the red rrectangles 2 2 and 3 respecttively. Product Country o
of Origin as sshown in th
he red rectaangle 4. Product Location ((i.e. a local o
or foreign on
ne) as show
wn in the red
d rectangle 5. The Faactory name for the foreign f
oduct or th
he Agency name of th
he local productt as shown in the red rrectangle 6.
A brief f description
n of the manufacturerr /compound feed as shown in the red rectanggle 7. A brief description
n of the proccessing metthod as show
wn in the reed rectanglee 8. ƒ
The naature of thee feed by selecting itt from the available list l or inseerting it explicittly if it doess not exist in
n the list by
y selecting the option “Others” ass shown in the red rectangle 9.
Figure 24 : The first grroup of Prod
duct Registrration form (Compoun
nd Feed Prod
duct) ‐ Non Meedical Feed
d Additives P
Product Grroup
If th
he user selects “Non Medical M
Feed Additivees” productt Group as shown in the red recttangle 1 in igure 26 beelow, then th
he user sho
ould insert tthe followin
ng informatiion: ƒ
Feed Ad
dditives cattegory Feed Ad
dditives sub
b category
Feed Ad
dditives thirrd category
y Arabic n
name English
h name Scientiffic name Country
y of origin Internaational codee Factory
y Concen
ntration Method
d of use Aim of u
use II)
Feed Specificatio
on oncerned w
with insertin
ng some Thee second grroup of the product reegistration process co
detaailed speciffications of tthe registerred Feed prroduct. Thiss would req
quire from tthe user to select amongg 11 differeent groups o
of speci icattions. Figure 25 : The secon
nd group of Product Registration fo
form III)
Supporting Documents The third group of the product registration process concerned with uploading ninth required supporting documents for the registered product. These documents are: Health Certificate, certificate of analysis, certificate of origin, GMO Feed Certificate, Test Methods, Photo Copy of Product Label ,free sale certificate and technical file . The user has to: 1) Browse the physical location of these documents on the personal computer. 2) Upload the documents using the upload button beside the browse button. 3) The user can insert some comments also beside each uploaded document. The last point which we need to give the user attention to regarding the uploading process is the format of the uploaded files; it should be non‐editable ones (i.e. either Images or PDF files). Figure 26
6 : The third
d group of P
Product Reggistration form IV)
Ratificcation Thee final grou
up of the reegistration service req
quires from
m the user tto affirm th
he truth of the t entered
d information, pledgee its availaability at th
he intended time and
d verify thatt by clickin
ng on the sspecified op
ption for th
hat. The neext requireed action frrom the user to be tak
ken is to click c
the “SSubmit” button in ord
der to send
d the regisstration ble employ
yee for pro
ocessing it.. Once the user click on the request to thee responsib
bmit button
n, a confirrmation meessage will be displaayed to in
nform the user of sub
sending the request r
forr processin
ng in addition to dissplaying an
n auto gen
nerated mber whicch is need
ded for thee cases off followingg up the product p
refeerence num
regiistration reequest.
Figure 27
7 : The fourrth group of f Product Reegistration ffor Producct Renew
wal By the end off the produ
uct registraation validiity period or o even a month beffore the expiration datee, the renewal processs becomes a necessity
ty on the user to be taken as quicckly as posssible. Prod
duct Registrration Reneewal page follow the same procedures described prev
viously in th
he product registration service. T
The service could be aaccessed ng the serv
vice link (Prroduct Renewal) that is located on o the systtem Home Page as usin
shown in Figurre 32 below
w. Once the u
user clicks o
on this link,, similar reggistration grroups of the product registration
n service will be diisplayed alongside th
he latest entered info
ormation in the registraation servicce. Thiss page will ggive the useer the abilitty to updatee any part o
of the registtration inforrmation befo
ore sendingg the renew
wal request. Once the en
nd user reviiew the info
ormation, m
make the desiired editingg on, and send the requ
uest to the rresponsiblee employee w
who will fo
ollow‐up the requests to t decide whether to
o approve or reject it, the useer will receive an app
propriate em
mail to kno
ow whetherr his request was app
proved or rrejected. In case or app
proving the renewal reequest, the registration
n period off the producct will be renewed for aanother new
w period. Thee user must take into acccount the ffact that this process of renewal caan be accesssed and utiliized only if f there is prre‐registratiion requestt of a produ
uct that wass approved
d and its validity was ab
bout to expiire or alread
dy expired sso it should
d be reneweed. Thus, if tthe user wal without having preecedent app
plications that t
has tries to make the process of renew
od, the systeem will disp
play an app
propriate meessage for tthe user expired registrration perio
nform him tthat this serrvice is not available du
ue to the reasons menttioned. to in
Figure 28
8 : Feed Sub
bsystem Ho
ome Page wiith Renew P
Product Reggistration link Follow
w up Prod
duct Reg
n Folllow up Prod
duct Registtration Requ
uests servicce could be accessed vvia its speciffied link in th
he Home Paage as can b
be noticed in
n igure 33 b
Figure 29
9 : Feed Sub
bsystem Ho
ome Page with Productt Requests F
Follow up link Thiss form wo
ould allow the user to t navigate out the product p
reggistration requests r
regaardless its status. Th
his would allow the user to view v
the created/sub
bmitted regiistration req
quests and review the entered infformation in
n. Thee page wo
ould allow its users to perforrm a speccific type o
of search on the creaated/submiitted requessts. The seaarch processs could be cconducted b
based on fou
ur main partts of requesst informattion as speccified in thee red rectan
ngles 1, 2, 3 and 4 in figure 34 belo
ow, these co
ontrols are: Request Reeference Nu
umber, Req
quest Status, Product Ty
ype and the duration du
uring which
h the requeest was creaated / subm
mitted. The p
page is desiigned to perfform the seearch based
d on insertiing any of tthese fieldss combinatiion. Its resu
ults grid wou
uld allow th
he user to view the retrieved r
match requeests and viewing the request com
mpletely by clicking on the underlined requesst referencee number as mentioneed in the red rectangle 5
5 below. 2
1 3 4 5 Figure 30 : Follow up Product Registration Requests