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DVDlVCD`CD`MP3`MP4`JPEG support MPEG5FOrmat 7"∫9Ⅱ TFT LCD HEADREsT DVD PLAΥ ER UsER■ sⅢ ∷ UAL ^Ⅱ 邳 孑 镯麇 照甲 《亚≡壬亻Mm旺 slGnk CoⅡ te"ts A.Precautions 01 B.NotiCe before operation 02 PoWer 13 C.ACCesso"es 03 COver openIng 13 D.Features o4 Play/pause 13 E.Video disk type o4 Fast fo冂 Vard/fast backward 13 F.system conneCt1on and】 nstallauon 05 Prev丿 next n3 G.Key parts in front ofthe pIaVer 07 stop/return N.Function of keys 13 13 Ι 08 sIoW o9 Program 14 10 Repeat 14 K.AppⅡ Cation of remote controⅡ er 10 Root menu/PBC 14 L.Description for pressingˉ keys of remote contro"er 11 Display 15 M.Basic operations H.DisC loading 1.Battery:nsta"ation for remote controⅡ J,Precautions for remote contro"er er ∶ 14 12 Mute 勹5 POwer on/off 12 zoom 16 Disk loading 12 GOto 16 Disk removing 12 Audio 16 UsB and SD card reading 12 subUⅡ e 16 TiⅡ e menu 16 C● nteⅡ ts VOlume up/dovvn 17 Language setup 22 Menu setup 17 1 Display Ianguage 22 Diredion key 17 2Audio/Subtiue/Menu language 22 Angle 17 speaker setup 23 Number key and10+key UsB/sD card 17 18 Play MP3&JPEG disks TFT menu 18 Disks aVaⅡ abIe for this pIayer 25 25 DVD/AV 18 MPEG4decoding technOIOgy 26 TFT s/VV 18 Description for pIaying N门 R Description for pIaying of disks P5disks 24 26 o.Menu operation 19 19 Q.operation for game functions R.Troubleshooting 27 system setup 1 system AUTO pIay 3 PassWord 19 s,Technical speCifiCat∶ ons 29 20 2‘ ・ 20 4Ra刂 ng 21 、5Defau" 21 28 OF^UToⅢ oB[LE HEADREsT DVD PLAYER 〓 〓 VsER‘ s ⅢANU▲ L Pr00aⅡ tioⅡ o ^。 thank you to buy our product、 pIease read the operation instruction carefuⅡ v prior to operation so as to use the plaver correctly'and please keep it appropriately for future reference, W臼 |“ :"0 ・For the sake of your safety'do not watch the video image or open the displav in dr∶ vIng. ● Without the approval of authorized organization'anv changing or rebu1d;ng forthe plaver sha"cause troubIes for user, CaⅡ t:om ・ The product has dangerous high voltage ins:de'non-professional personnel sha"be not a"owed to dismantIe it and repair,lf anv troubIe is found'please turn to the professionaI personneI or our authorized maintenance center ● The plaveris θqu:pped、 ″kh TFT color LCD'it is frangibIe'to be carefulin deⅡ ˇering and insta"ing ● DO not clean the device bV corrosiˇ e chen1ical detergent'soft CIoth is recommended, ″orked abnorma"y or be ● The operating voltage is DC12V(+-2V)'the pIayer sha"be、 damaged if the voltage higher orlowerthan the a"owed range, ●The plaveris equ:pped with radium emitt:ng system/pIease read the instruCtions carefu"y for right operation and keep It、 ″e"for future reference,If1naintenanCe is needed、 pIθ ase contact the professionals'do rememberto operate it according the correct operating procedure to avoid the harmful Ⅱght beam'ln order to prevent the direct radium s0e羽 iu・ "ght beam'do not open the enclosure without permission, l;准濡f∶牒:{I扌 :勰 渊mll喉 舞拈沾甜扌 P挖 Ⅰ anV fault or troubIe, u岫 点常翮 :‖ 卜 ^NU^L OF^UtomOB:LE"E^DREsT Dˇ 〓 〓 UsER=sⅢ D PLAYER B."ot:ce before operat:o" safe圩 ● Before operating the produd'pIease oheck the voltage of Vour car amd it shouId be comsistent WⅡ h the workimg ˇoltage of the ρIaver. ● Do grasp the powerplug firmlv∶ n co""eCting or discomnect∶ ngt° the power、 do not pu"the power Ⅱne bV force ● The radium emitting Iight beam used by the productis harmfulto eyes'do not d∶ smantIe the encIosure Without permission and onIv the professionaItechn∶ cians are a"owed to conductthe repair or rna∶ ntenance PⅡ aceme"t ・ m^he st。 rage“ mperature shoⅢ l:稀 :l∶ ∶ l∶ 1I:岛 1描 Ir菇 :l:%m冒 锣 № -30° C to75℃ and the :∶ ● To preve"t dust fa"ing on the Iaser head'it shaⅡ a仟 ect the pIaying effect'ifthe head∶ s dusted'pIease used the Iaser head cIeaning disk to cIea"~Refe″ to the instruσtio"s of ρurchased cIeanimg dish for detaⅡ ed oρeration. ● It shouId be damp-pr° °△¢rash-ρ oof and ρressure-proof DeW ln the beIoW conditions`noisture shall be formed on the Iens(deW formation⒈ ● C臼 rry the pIayer fronn the Co】 d pIace to、 ″arm pIace; ● In the conditIon of big temperature diⅡ erence such as at the1noment of opening the heating device; ● Ifthe deW is formed'it shaⅡ affect the normaI work of the pIayer、 and pIease remoˇ e out the disk'lay the ρIayer on table for one hour under the co"ditiom of conmec刂 ng to ρoWerso asto vap° r the Inoisrure. Precauti● 貊 鼹 怡 "s keep fbr the d:skdisk clean'pIease take the edge of disk and do not touch its surface; ● In orderto ● Do not adhibit anv paster ortape on the disk; ● Keep the disk away from d∶ reσt sunsh∶ ne or heat source; ● Please pIaCe the disk in the disk boX aⅡ er be∶ ng used; ●Before pIaying the disk'if the disk is di"ed'pIease cIean it vVith soⅡ oIoth fron∩ the center to out; ● Do not use Voat"eo"and thinmer to cIean the disk o2 usER・ sm^"u^L … … OF^VToⅢ 0B:LE HE^DREsT DˇD PL^VER PIease check the|o"oWi"g aCCessoⅡ es after° pe"∶ "g the package, ^0 铫 犭iI ⅡⅡⅡ o± om0uⅡ sk∷ ∷ ● | "at踟 The connection Iine of air wire 臾 tho i“oa"dow"Ioad oΓ "ote the games "eti"totho VsB Or me NOte∶ the foⅡ owing three kinds of accessories(optional by customers》 o〓 恁 "ote:^c"12 usErs Ⅲ ^Nu^L OF^uToⅢ … oBILE HE^DREsT DVD PLAYER … 每鬻 ¤ 媾 ¤镶 蘑 瑷 奋 嚣酊 髑¤ 蠲谶巍 搬巍璩 醣 鬻 辍 搬 搬 嚣 裰 馋 搬辍t¤ ¤ 嚣 瑷 嚣 邋谶 搬 奋 瞰麟濠 罅 丨蹈 渖 裰 涵 渖 蝴¤ 各 巍 嚣 搬嚣搬鼗 豫 漓 |奋 |宵 :溷 :瑟 |奋 ● Easy to i"sta"a"d∶ t、″∶ II"ot damage the car a"d the user mighti"sta"it by h:o"soIf; ● No addit∶ o"aI pIayer∶ s"eoded forthe:"tegrat∶ o"of dispIay a"d pIayer; ・uⅡ th buⅡ t~∶ stereo e"Jtt∶ o",:t Co"Id be Co""ected by、 ″ireIessIy、 ″:th the orig∶ "FⅢ "gf""ct∶ FⅢ rad∶ o part a"de"joy tⅡe sou"d boX effeCt thro"gh the Io"dspeaker of radio; "a:car ●the∶ :deo aro pro"ded forthe co""ectio"、 ″ith CPs"aˇ :gatio"syste"・ "p"t ports of audio a"dˇ ● ideo output fu"ctio"a"d they are i"sta"ed atthe two s:de of carby pa∶ rto s"p卩 0rt ; ^udio a"dˇ the sy"chro"o"s eyjoymemt ofˇ :deo image; ●With UsB a"d cards reaJer fuctions,ca""se VsB OrsD`Ⅲ s`mⅢ c cards p:ay mP3n″ Ⅲn/Ⅲ P4,als° ca"doW"Ioa刂 Ⅲ P3几 ″Ⅲ A/Ⅲ P4∶ Ⅱt0UsB orsD`Ms`MⅢ C through PC。 Dow"Ioad the Ⅱat∶ ˇe Games for■ n th:s、 ″ebs∶ te: .^ppIyi"g Inore k∶ ⒈ ||啪 Ⅱ 0¤ 移愚 唧嚣嚣 躅饔夸鳓 TΥ PE DVD VCD CD Mp3 Mp4 WMA JPEG DIsκ sVⅢ BOL "ds of games for yo". :艹 IⅡ |喀 |。 峦 Ⅱ睽||I|I|● |1|¤ 搬镶攮 搬嚣 掇邋食 搬奋 搬攮 搬饔 搬巍魏黟嚣 搬变¤嚣¤奋 ¤嚣 馕 髑耱巍¤镞¤奋 RECORD FORⅢ AT MPEG2 ⅢPEG1 … 盔 黠 圃稽毽 Dig:ta: 渺 D:g:ta: 唾 MPEG4 z9 WMA JPG 捂 盅 g兑 HOR:zoⅡ TAL DEFI"ITIo" RECORD CoⅡ TEⅡ T )5oo LINEs >240凵 NEε ^"d:o+V:deo ^"d:o+V:deo o DIsK sIzE 12cm 12cm 12cm ^"d亏 )240LINEs ^ud:o A"d:o+V:deo 12cm 12cm 12cm D:gⅡ a1 ^udio )500LiNE‘ P:Ct"re 12cm usER・ sⅢ ^"u^L OF^UTOmoB:LE HE▲ … DREsT DVD PLAVER … ∷ Ⅱ∷ ∷ ∷ 莳 ∷ ∶∷ tⅡ ∷ ∵ ∷∵∷ ∵∵∷ ●∷ ∵∷∷ ∵∷∷ ∵ ∵∵∷∵∵ ∷ 0飞 缺缸礴¤Ⅱ雨洛0t|$∷斌 ∴ |“ 诶狎Ⅱ Check whetherthe shape and∶ nstaⅡ ation d∶ sassembⅡ ng and assembⅡ mg, size is su∶ tabIe'please seIect and empIov su∶tabIe accessories and tooIin t喃 酶舍嘲磙珈丬魉燕 Takes doWn the originalinsta"ation head rest,to select and match the steel pipe aocording to the originalinsta- ρipe "ation pole diameterforthe restthat DVD mon"or,then the the adjustment head pipe,and rest steel source and thehaVing audio the frequenCylines through ohair steel connected on the spacing,passed the p° wer head powersource,the sound and Video frequency system w"h the Vehicle simu"aneouslythe head rest W"l be fiXed, and wi"freeIy to adjustthe height,around size based on the front seat personnelrequest Red+12V WⅢ 鞯 … (Ye"olAl)Vide° nput (VVh"e)Aud° L inp凵 (Red)Audi。 R input The Antenna(connection the main ‖ 喵圃嘿 / 〓 〓 〓 〓 一 ∴∷ 〓 ≡ 一 一 〓 〓 〓 〓 Blaok grounding Fuse boX (Ye"° w)V洄 e° t °utput (Wh"e)A凵 d0L0utpu1 engine radio antenna with the automob"e, enhancementthe effects ofthe frequency (Red)Audi° R output modulauon Iaunches) Ⅱote:the shape a"d∶ "sta"at:o"size are"ot s"itabIe for a"cars, at∶ o"s∶ ze。 a"d∶ pIease se∶ ectthe s"itab:e shape |洒 ∷|Ι "staⅡ iI拶 ∷ usER・ sⅢ u^△ ^Ⅱ 0F^UToⅢ oB:LE HE^DREsT DˇD PLAVER … … usER9sⅢ 0・ ^"u^L oF^UT0Ⅲ Key汩 rts∶ 如 fro“ of … … 0B:LE HE^DREsT DVD PLAYER Ⅱe o90yeo 1.DVD ading entrance + Disc l° 9 10 1112 23456 1 Previous traok(L° ng press the key forthe Volume-) 7Disc elect 2 Menu 8 sD card reading slot 3Next track(Long press the key forthe Volume+) 9 UsB read丨 ng port 4 PoWeron/of 10AV in 5 AV sWitohing 11 Earphone jack 6Play/pause 12DC12V jack … … 2.Ⅲ 0N■ T0R 1UpWard 2 Menu 3 DOWnWard 4 PoWer on/o仟 5 PositiVe adjustment 6 AV sⅥ Ⅱ tching 7 NegatiVe adjustment 8AV in 9 Earphone jack 10DC12∨ 嚣嗨鬻鬻吝 奋 奋髑隅 :畲 8 9 10 〓 涵灬〓 1:l鹜 jack 婴③↓ sc D 蚋”咖咖螂”蚋咖蚋〓螂螂螂咖螂螂螂螂螂 〓螂蚋螂 螂 蚋螂”〓蚋〓蚋〓”呐螂蚋蚋”螂〓蚋〓〓”〓〓心〓〓〓〓””〓〓砷〓螂〓〓砷〓〓蚋螂蚋〓砷〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓蚋〓〓蚋蚋〓”蚋〓蚋蜂蚋螂 UsER=sⅢ ▲ⅡU^L OF^uT0Ⅲ 0B:LE HE^DREsT DVD PLAYER 丨 oading entrance UsER・ sⅢ ▲ "u^L OF^UToⅢ I.B犭 Ⅱ0rˇ ∶st0"at:oh … 0B:LE"E^DREsT DVD PLAYER … ofrem0t00ont00"0r "∷ 1.please open the baⅡ eη er on the back ofthe remote control beforθ `coˇusing it, 3.we cam begin t° use remote contr° Ⅱer after battery ready finish and cIose the batteη `coVe∴ 2,please loading three N0.7battery,pIease note haˇ e be"oWs side is negatiVe. Cautions: In orderto prevent the batterv Ieakage' ifthe remote contro"er sha"be not used forlong time(longerthan one month)' pIease take outthe batterv'if there is liq- "id fIowing o"t'wipe aWav carefu"y and then reIoad the neW batterv, 冖 骢 褶 嚅 黼 滟噙乩抄 J¨ stalled,s划 灬be exposed b△ cessⅡ 〓 〓 u^L OF^UT0Ⅲ 0B:LE HE▲ DREsT DVD PLAYER usER・ sⅢ ^Ⅱ J● PⅡ 00宙 u钔 ¤ho衤 。o:f0而 ¤tG0¤ ht00"J00 ■ FOrthe first use'please f∶ rst pu"offthe PVC sheet so as to eIeotrifV the remote oontro"er; ■Take notice to protectthe remote contro"erto avoid damaging; ■ Ifthere exists barrier betWee"the pIayer and the Contro"er'the remote contro"er m∶ ght be out of use; ■ Do not pIace the remote contro"er unde'the strong Iight'or∶ ty ofthe t might cause the unaVaⅡ abⅡ ∶ deVIOe; ■ Please operate the remote controⅡ erin the effective distance, (App” 0钔 on。 f始 瞒 Ⅱ 汹 浴|co0奋 Fol奋 杏 App"cation of remote contro"er∶ 1 HOrizontaⅡ ±30° 2VerticaⅡ ±30° 3Straighuine∶ 3meters 3n1eters) | Caution∶ The mostfunctions could be operated by 一. 〓〓〓 the remote controⅡ er and few functions only could be operated on the player `齐 礻 、 〓 〓 UsER・ sm^Ⅱ U^L OF^UToⅢ 0B:LE HE▲ DREsT DVD PLAVER 1PBC/MENU 0pen/c|Ose the PBC menuin p丨 aying VCD20and sVCD 2 POWER 3TFT/MENU POwer On/o矸 sW仕Ching the menus Of LCD bHghtness,cOntrast, defInⅢ On,COlOr and刂 nt 4 DlsPLAY 5DIec"On key(<▲ ˇ >) Disρ ay the disk丨 6 REPEAT 7 sETUP 8 0PEN 默 氵∶ ∶ ∶⒕ 押 狲 Disc eject 9Fast fOrward/ FastfOrward Or backward backward play 10卩 ay/Pause 11 stOp 12Number key 13 DVD/AV 14 sUBTlTLE 15 AUD丨 o laylng ume nfOrmatiOn and ρ ng key Direc‖ On seleC刂 sh剐 l∶ ;丨 :Jc{∶ ∞ ava aue 1 : ll}∶ 5 4 6 7 黼脯 n 毳 1№ DVD/AV swⅡ ching subtⅢ e sw"ching,used fOr sVCD,DVD and MP4disks w"h muⅡ iple subuUes Only Language swⅡ ching key,used fOr sVCD,DVD and MP4 ii 12 y,channel sW"ching disks W"h mu"iρ le languages O冂 丨 key fOr VCD 13 16sLOW 17ZOOM 糕l跚 18PreviOus/Next sdect the previOus Or nexttrack 19VOL/VOL+ Adjust the vO|ume 20UsB/sD sW"Ohing DVD/UsB/sD CARD mulllp e m刨 21 ENTER COn】 rmatiOn 22 PROGRAM Track prOgramming创 ay 0pen/dOse the sOund 23MUTE i ZI ∞ 24 TlTLE Press the key tO retum tO the tⅢ 25Wire怡 ss game COntrO key W|re ess game cOntrOl key area e menu m ρ 忪”ng DVD dsk 11 UsER’ sⅢ ▲Ⅱu▲ L OF▲ UToⅢ oBlLE"E^DREsT … Dˇ D PLAVER … (1)Press the POWer key and the indiCatorsha"beturned on,afterthe screen appearance the pIayer w"l beg∶ pear"NO Disk" the disk,if no disk inside,the LCD Wi"aρ (2)ln P° wer ON state,further press POwer key to poWer offthe player and the indicator sha"be turned on n read 婴 (1)Press Eject keyto open the disk door; (2)L° ad the disk(with the label side upwards) (3)CI° se the disk door (4)The playersha"play the disk automatiCa"y 婴 (1)Press stop key to stop playing; (2)Press Eject key to ejectthθ door; 鑫 (3)Take outthe disk; 麂 :翟 甘 贲 撤拒 ‖暴〖 摊 估 茕 乍 撂 泽 哪咖 ;茫 1咛 J普 ls a single-side disk; ● Please keep the sideˇ Vith labeI upward if Ⅱ ● Be carefulin playing two-side DVD diskforthe tWo sides ofthe disk are aVa"able for playing; e surfa∞ m hH"枷 d睐 (1)The external UsB memorizer(VsB disk)nnight be Connected by the attached UsB ConneCtion"ne Inthe state of PoWer ″er oFF and no diskis}oaded ihside,connectthe external memorizerto the corresponding usB port,and then press Po、 keyto poweron the player,the device sha"deteCtthe signal source automatica"y(including v丨 deo,audio and image), and the player sha"play automatica"y ifthe signal source formatthat compⅡ esˇ Vith the player,∶ s detected (2)ln the state of POWer OFF and no diskisloaded inside,connectthe external memo"zing card(Ms/sD/MMC card)to the corresponding port,and then press POwerkeyto poWer on the player,the deVice sha"detectthe signal source automatica"y(including video,audio and image),and the player sha"play∶ n order automatica"y ifthe signal sourCe format thatcompⅡ es w"h the player,is deteCted (3)The contents of Mρ 3,WMA,Mp4and JPEG formats could be doWnloaded from theinternetthrough PC and be saved in the UsB disk or eXternal memorizing card to play (4)Can d° wnload the NaJVe Gamesform this Website:htto丿 /WWW natlVe32com intO UsB oruse Memory Cards playthe 蹁 ° 1橇 I1:黼 牖 ll::嬲 抵甜帮 冒Ⅲ 舯 盥i憷 塬 ∶ l:J甘 :`f吉 ::∶ 12 e the exter闹 f岍砦 memmzeror … … usERis m^Nu^L OF▲ UT0Ⅲ oB1LE HE^DREsT DVD PLAVER 。 ∷ Ⅱ唧Ⅱ△黟 ∷ ∷ 铎 狮 髑潞i躅 鹦泅瑙髑泌1饔Ⅱ 醪卜lI黟 Ⅱ||I唧 ∶ ∶ 獬∷ 酊∵ 铮∷ ●饔 ∷ |嬲 ∴ ∶ ⅡI獬 :0l镡 卜● 黟 嘤 :蕃 I∶ KEY P0WER open key 丬I Play/Pause ||∷ II辑 |∴ I∷ |∷ 1∴ ||∷ |∶ Basic description PoWerON/0FF Pressthe"PoWer"key ofthθ paneIto turn ON/OFF the player,the po、 ″er key atthe top left ang丨 e ofthe remote contro"erjustforthestaying Open the disk door aying state,press the keyto pause to playimage/sound Further press the keyto resume to play norma"y ln normal p丨 Press Fast backWard key,theimage sha"be played backward quickly,atthe time,no sound << Fast backward sha"be outputted,press the key successively,the player sha"play the disk repeatedly as per the fo"oWing method; Press Fastfor、 Vard key,theimage sha"be played forˇ vard quickly,atthe time,no sound sha" be outputtθ d,press the key successiVe丨 y,the player sha"p|ay the disk repeatedly as perthe >> fo"oWing method; FastforWard(backward〉 丬 >× 2+X40>X8丬 >X20 FastforWard PIay(__」 ▲ κ<Previous Press the Previous key to selectthe >丬 N ext Press the Next key to seleCt the noxt track to play ■ stop/ Return ρrevious trackto play ln playing VCD and CD disk,press" ■ "(stop)keyt° disp丨 ay pre-stop state,atthe tirne,press Play keyto resume to play;furthθ r press stop key to stop playing and return to the bootinterfaoe state~ Return1n playing DVD Or\/CD20disk,it plays the role ofreturning rnenu,and of stopping p丨 aying in playing ofgame menu ln playing game,press 13 the key to return to the main menu usER,sⅢ u▲ L OF^uToⅢ oB∶ LE … HE^DREsT DV0PLAYER ¨ ^Ⅱ KEY Basic description `’ t Play by the lovver speed,press the key suCcessively to make the player play repea- ●Ⅰ Ⅰ ι ~ tedly,press" HI "(Play/Pause)keyt。 sL0VV resume to play norma"y ln pIaying DVD disk∶ s ow1/3→ s oW1fZl→ sIow彳 /5 -● )slow1/6 → slow1/7 Play Setup of programming play∶ arrange the p|aying order of disk and then the player sha"play the disks as perthe arranged order Note∶ the progranη key shaH not be ava"able unless PBC is c|osed,program is not a"owed for PR0GRAM time and VCD disks shou d be progrMP3disks;DVD disk shou|d be programmed foritstraCκ an"med for"s track number Fina"y,select Play key and the player sha"p|ay the disks automatica"y as perthe arranged order,atthe time,the numberkeys are not aVa"ab|e,only the prevantto cancelthe progralη nning function,press Program V∶ ous/neXt key oould be used lfyou、 key to enterthe menu interface and select Clear key and then press Enter key to confirm 一〓 ’ REPEAT Repeat play RepeatedIy play the selected title/chapter(DVD)ortrack/album(VCD/CD disk) ln playing DVD disk,press the key successively to seloctthe tⅡ le or chapter of DVD to pIay For othertypes of disks,press Repeat key successiVely to seleCt one track orthe album to play J repeatedly ・ 1IIjˇ ln playing VCD20or sVCD disk,the PBC menufunction could be achieVed by press PBC key, PBC/MENU the disks could only be playedin orderif PBC is closed ln playing DVD disk,press the key to stop p丨 aying and return to the root monu of disk,press direction key or number key to select your desired contents and press Enter key to confirm,the playersha"startto play as perthe title or contents you setup Note∶ PBC is not avaHablein playing Mp3,CD orVCD11disks UsER・ sⅢ ^NU^L OF^UtoⅢ … oBILE HE^DREsT DVD PLAVER KEY ¨ Basic description (DVD state) Press Display key forthe firsttime,the LCD sha"display∶ 1〉 Disk f° rmat,currenttitle number and total刂 ue number; 2)The Current Chapter and totalt"Ie number; 3)The playing of currenttiue Title 1/1 留 :1岁 莒 %d曲 l:J∶型 影%8瓦 {:点 早 e丨 Chapter〃 29 000:00"2 anguage numbersupported,channel pe,su⒍ 川 e ψ 2CH N° displaylanguage and angle type DlsPLAY ⊙ )))∷ 2/3EngI灬 h口 彐 。吊 早 膏 黾i::苜 早 :l;∫ :ε :}只 匚D oFF 巴 慨⒏ 氵 :眩 ℃ JT8品 寇 rCD TRAoK加 15cnll PBc OⅩ 000:00:12 ∶∶ 11衷 ∷ 刂 】龈樾 馘萏 ∶ 逗 嘏罹苫 ∶ 胥 多廿 f皆 MUTE First丨 y ;堪 1∶ jm山 i∶ pressthe Mute key,the pIayer sha"play the image Without sound output,further press the keyto cancelthe mute functlon and resume to play norma"y № UsER=sⅢ ^Nu▲ … L OF AUToⅢ oBILE HE^DREsT Dˇ D PLAYER KEY ¨ Basic description Press Zoom keyto zoom intheimage Z00M ln playing,press Zoom key,the zoom丨 mode sha"be cycled as perthe fo"ovVing order∶ Z0oM2+z00M3+z00M4-● >zo。 M1泛 +z00M1/3-十 >z。 °M1抑 +zo0M;0FF ▲ | lnlmage Zoom state,press direction key"< >"to movetheimage GOTO∶ startto playfrom the se ected t me be skipped out, Press GOTO key onthe remote contro"er and a time selection dialog box shaⅡ moVe the oursorto the ti丨 ηe number and inputthe time you wantto select and then the player sha"startto play from the selected tlme GOTO ∷ ∷ 汀-← 〃1 o冖 Ⅱ |8∷ 1″ 塑 ∷卞 NOte∶ t"η 0∷ Φ Q0∷ 。 00” ⒉ the setup of VCD diskis same With DVD^冖 disk,theinputtime couldn t eXceed the|ongest e ofthe disk DVD dlsk supports eightlanguages at most,ropeated|y press Language key to selectthe differentlanguage to p丨 ayⅡ fthe disk hasn tthelanguage menu,the user may also change thelang- AU Dl0 uage by menu ln playing VCD orindiVidual V p4disk,press audio key to channellmode Note∶ Audio function is not aVa"able for MP3,CD,W`田 A,JPEG andindiV丨 dual MP4disk sUBTlTLE TITLE Open/c丨 ose the subtitle,selectthe subtitle on DVD disk and it1s displayed on the TV screen, which is related to the format of disk Subtitle is aVaⅡ able only in the condition ofthe disk having subtitle function,the subtitle function is achieVed by the subttle key on the re丨 mote contro"er,press the key successiVely to select different subtitles Press TitIe key to stop playing and return to the t"le menu of disk,press direction key to select your desired t"le and press Enter keyto confirm to enterthe chapter menu … usER,sm^"u▲ L OF AuToⅢ oBlLE HE^DREsT Dˇ D PL^VER ¨ Basic description KEY Vol+ Vol- Vo ume adjustment key Adjustthe Volume bythe Vol+and Vo|-key on the remote contro"er sETUP Pressthe keyto enterthe setup menu t。 set up system,language,audi° ,video,|oudspeaker and dolby dig",in setup menu,pressthe keyto ex"the menu interface ▲ ( ) V Direction key Up/DoWn/Left/R丨 ght key Press the keys to seleCtthe disk contentto be p丨 ayed and ite丨m to be setup as we"as to selec1 the image partto be zooimed Changethe ang丨 e,DVD disk may record lη u"ip|e scenes that are recorded fronη different angIe, in playing,the user may select any one angle to Watch 1 Press Angle on remote controⅡ erto se丨 ect angIe1and the top right corner ofthe T、 /sha" display∶ ANGLE 2Further preβ s Angle on remote cOntro"erto select angle2and the top right corner ofthe T、 sha"disp丨 ay∶ Press any number keyto selectthe traok orchapterto be played and set up the p丨 1-0/10 aying ti丨 ηe The playerfeatures number key direct-selection function,press the your desired numberto select FOr example∶ selectthe386th track,first press number"3",and then press number"8", fina"y press number"6",the player sha"play the386h traok NOte∶ number key direct-select丨 on function is avaⅡ ab丨 e for^刀 10+ / p3,Mp4and DVD disks only Forthe track number biggerthan10,press the key first,the LCD wi"display10+and then press other number key to select,pressthe keyin turn to achieve mu"ip丨 17 e modes UsER:sⅢ ^NU^L OF▲ KEY UsB/sD … … uToⅢ oBILE HE^DREsT DVD PL^ˇ ER Basic description Press this key enterthe selecting menu of DlSC/USB/CARD,use d rection key and ENTER key seIect DISC、 UsB、 CARDto p|ay a丨 so can select丨 nSETUP MENU The seIecting key of TFT funCtion can coordinat on W"h the direct on key to adjustthe brightness‘ TFT/MENU contrast,color,definⅡ ion, hue and other modes,After adjusting the parameters,press TFT MENU keyt° return and the set parameters sha"be saved Video/AV sWitching key DVD/AV Press the key,the player sha"sˇ vitch DVD state丨 nto AV-lN state,the Video signalinputted by gnalinputted,it sha"be the Video terminalsha"be displayed on the TV screen lfthereis no s丨 blue screen Further press DVD/AV keyto sw"oh AV-lN state intO DVD state usER・ sⅢ ^Ⅱ … u^L OF^uToⅢ oB:LE HE^DREsT DˇD PL^VER … o.Ⅲ e""operat|oⅡ Press setup key andthe LCD w丨 "dispIay picture asdesigfigure1,press[(land[>]keyto move the Whitethebartothe nated position,press Enterto oonfirm to display"§ Figure1 submenu, or press[))key to enter"s submenu directly no matterin Which state,press"▲ "/“ V"/"(|1"and“ >" keyto movetheˇ vhite bar and press Enterkeyto makeit aVa"able,press【 <l keyt° ex"the submenu atthe right of LCD and at anytime press setup keyto eX"the setup system 匝 | NOte∶ special Tips∶ forthe company has many counterpart products, the figure is for reference on|y,a"丨 s subjeCtthe real ρroduct! The setup methods descr bed in thisinstruction are fortheir common parts,otherfunCtions are recommended to use the TV sΥ sTEⅢ AUTo PLAY TV TΥ PE PAssWORD RATING REsVⅢ E DEFAuLT defau"setup Figure2 T∨ system(see Ⅱgure2) (1)Press setup keyenterthe setup system,select TV system and press Enter key to oonfjrm,then the screen、 display the picture as figure2 (2)EnteΓ the submenu,ifyou Wantto setthe system to be PAL,select PAL and press Enter key to confi"η press Setup keyto eXitthe setup system ,then NOte△ he Video outputsystem of TX/set should be same With the Video output system of DVD p|ayer 回 ″H| TV sΥ sTEⅢ AuTo PLAΥ TV TΥ PE PAssWORD RATING REsUⅢ E DEFAVLT ⅡTsC PA△ AVTo 〓 〓 u^L● F^UT0Ⅲ 0B:LE HE^DREst0ˇ 0PLAVER usER・ sⅢ ^Ⅱ Figurθ 3 Figurθ 4 2.AUTo PL^V(see fIgure3) (1) Pross setuρ key0nter setup systθ m,sθ Iθ ct AurO PLAv then screen wi"dispIay the piCturθ 3 (2)Enterthe submθ nu Ifyou wantto opθ n That亻 unct∶ on,select(冫 N then press Entθ rkθ y,thθ n prθ ss setup keyto ex"the sθ tuρ system. 3、 PAssWORD(see figure4) li)Pross sotup koV ontorthe set"ρ svstθ m's0Iect TV sVstem and ρroBs=ntor kov to comf∶ rm,thon the screen wi"d:sρ Iav th● picture as f:g"re4. 20 UsER・ sⅢ ^Ⅱ … U^L OF^UToⅢ oB:LE HE▲ DREsT DVD PLAYER … Figure5 回 PIease check Figuer5for deta"s,use directions buttons to Choose whatto setup 4.RATlNG(see figure5) TV sΥ sTEⅢ AUTO PLAV 1 κ∶ D PAssWORD 2G 3PG 4PG13 REsvmE 6R TV TΥ PE RATlNG DEFAuLT∷ sAFE 5PGˉ R 7NCˉ 17 8ADVLT Figure6 5.Defaultˇ aIue(see figure6) lf you don,tWantto saVe the setup ofthe funCtioms by yourseIf ofthe picture and Voice ofthe ρIayer on the abnˉ ormaI cond"ion,pIease seIect Reset option and the DVD pIayer wi"resetto the eXˉ factory parameters 囤 tV sΥ sTEm TV TYPE ^uTo pLAv PAssWORD R^TING REsVⅢ E∷ DEFAVLT REsT0RE UsER’ sm^Nu^L … OF^UTOmOB:LE HE^DREsT Dˇ D PLAYER 黠躅鹬酴otup … Figure7 1 1rnage Display Language(see figure7) (1)Press setup key andthe TV screen Wi"display the system setup picture,se|eCt Language setup and then selectlmage Disp丨 ay Language option,press Enter key t° confirm, the TV screen sha"display the image as figure9 2)select your desired language option,mu"lple languages 〈 EngⅡ sh,Chinese, German,spanish,French and POrtuguese Select Enter are aVa"abIe for selection inCluding∶ keyto confirm and then press Setup keyto ex"the menu setup 2 AudiO Ianguage,subtitIe Ianguage and menu language (see figure8) Figure8 1)Press setup key andthe TV screen wi"display the system 〈 setupimage,select Language Setup and then selecty° desired language option,press Enter key to confirm,the TV screen sha"dispIay the image as figure8 (2)select your desired audio,subtitle or menu language option,the aVaⅡ able languages inc丨 ude Eng"sh,Chinese, German,spanish,French,Portuguese,Japanese and Latin Press Enter keyto confirm and then press Setup key to ex"menu setup 22 ur ⅢAⅡ U^L OF^Utom0B:LE HE^DREsT Dˇ D PLAVER sPEAκ ER sETuP Press凵 R key of remote control Note: LT`R△ ifthe disk has the PROLOGlC doIby stereo e仟 the disk signal could present Ⅱving cinema e仟 ect by decoded inside the playei eCt, stereo:for5,1channel output,the audio sha"output two roads of signaI(le】 channeI and right Chamnel);the common stereo signaI sha"be outputted. V:rtual surround:in playing5.1channel recorded disks, the main channeI shaⅡ outputthe Vi"ual surround efect. 凵〓≡ ≡ Note∶ A"setup option Could exitthe menu by pressing SETUP key The system setup menu sha" boa Ⅱttle differentfrom the actual operation due to the software updateⅡ t sha"be subjectto the real produCt! … … ∷〓 〓〓〓〓〓〓蛴 〓〓蛴 噼 〓〓 〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓 一 ∷ 〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓〓∷ 〓 〓 ∷ UsERls VsER:sⅢ ▲ "u^L oF^Ut0Ⅲ … … o0:LE HE^DREsT DVD PLAVER AfterIOading the MP4/MP3/WMA/JPEG disks,the pIayer sha"search the directories automatica"y,after searchod,Ⅱ ˇ ˇ i"enterthe dirθ ctory of MP3(forthese disks of nη ix fⅡ e placement),if ⅡIs the singlθ fiIe type° f disk,itˇˇ i"enterthe first dirθ ctory and play the firsttrack in this direCtory automatica"y(the cursoris ° stopped on thθ ion of"01: bθ ing posⅡ ) The screen w"l dispIay as foⅡ oWs: played currently is JPEG f"θ ,the f""the name of MP3/WMA/JPEG/MP4 θname sha"bθ ☆jpg sⅡ Directory arθ ding bIOck could be w"h the traCk. a∶ File area:display the MP3/WMA/ a"directo"θ s and names inside the disk sWitChing area: dispIay the typθ °f pIayed f"e and switch the dosire( file meanstne curren file is MP3or Ⅲ e~ f"e in current 二fT t means the currentIy ρlayed f"eis MP4f"e. means tne meansthe currenuy f"e is Ⅱle is JPEG Ⅱle 24 〓 〓 u^L0F^UToⅢ oB:LE HE^DREst DVD PLAVER usER,sⅢ ^Ⅱ EIectronic AIbum The p|ayerfeatures strong electron丨 c albu丨 ηfunction,the userlη ay record his/her photosin the V丨 deo disk or externallη emorizer and broWse the photos through the player,ˇ vhat s more,the user may zoolη in or outthe photo 1s unneCessary toˇ and turn it upˇ vard/downˇ Vard/leftˇ Vard/rightward,Ⅱ vorry aboutthe damage orloss of ph° t° s P丨 aying JPEG Disks 1 LOad JPEG disk,it shaH stop on the first picture ofthe first directory after being searched; 2 Usethe up/down keyto selectthe p丨 cture f"e,press P|ay key or confirm to startto play from the se|ected fHe; 3 1n playing pausing to play picture,you may press the direction key(up/doˇ vn"eft/right)to svvitch the disp|ay angle [▲ ]UP∶ turn the picture upward [<l LEFT∶ r° tate90degree IeftWard IVlDO、 ⅣN∶ turn the picture horizonta"y [>l RlGHT∶ rotate90degree rightWard PIaying MP3&JPEG Disks 1 1n playing MP3and JPEG lη ixing disk,ifthe userˇ vants to broWse the pictures丨 np|aying MP3,press direction keyto move the cursor on the picture to be broˇ vsed,press Enter keyto enterJPEG browse state 2 Further press direction key to enterthe pioture play menu,after selecting one picture in the image direotory menu,press Play key to play the ρicturesin order Press Left/Right key to switch the state between MP3andimage browse ● MP3disk VVithoutimage has audio signal° utput only; ● some JPEG pictures couldn∶ t be zoomed in forthe inconsistent picture format ,sE卩 sⅢ ▲ "V^L0F^utomoB:LE"E^0REsT Dˇ D PLnVER … … MPEG4is the wideIy-appⅡ ed Video image saving and transp° standardresource the DVD onisthe designed With file playing function sk"lfu"y,the user may not onIy enjoy the rich"ing video/audio internet but MPEG4 also breach thelinnit of Watching fⅡ m on Computer only The user may use PC to doWnload,record ortranscribe and producθ thθ MPEG4disks,the better pIcture and sound quaⅡ ty couId be achieved MPEG4is the fourth Version of audio/video standard by Moving Pictures Experts Group MPEG1is the Video image compression standard of VCD;MPEG2isthe video image oompression standard of DVD orsuper V; o/aud∶ of"e VVith MPEG4teChno丨 ogy MPEG4is one ofthe netˇ vork video image oompression standards,the vidθ features high compression rate and clearimage Generally,hundred or more OK songs or manyf"ms might be saved in one disk w"h be‖ θrimage qualitythan VCD or sVCD! 刂ote:in the current market,some disks marked with MPEG4is Real Video actua"y or otherformats〈 such as ★rm/★ Ja/★ ram/女 rmvb/★ wmv/★ ast),which couldnt be compatible wⅡ h the internationalstandard MPEG4, they couId be played by special softWare only and couldn(t be played by this player Do identifyitin buying disks The operation of MP3diskis same w"h playing MP4disk,MP4disk has video image and auto playis the defau"setup forthls player,prθ ss stop/Return key to return to the menu to fao""ate the userto seIectthe manufacturers to R&D and promote to market MPEGLayers hereinafterreferred to ast a MP5,"ls by our domest忆 ! MP5p丨 ayeris adopted with the hard and so△ mukirnedia processing technology to rnake products With high coⅡ aboratlve on and technical dimcuⅡ ies saVe eXpenses,l is also the ex and expansib"it%itis can Via relatiVely low power consump刂 rst to/\RM11 platform to be used in handˉ held multirnedia tern1inal,the highestfrequency up to1GHz,itis ab!e to player η ore video formats,such as AVl,DAT RM,RMVB etc, "is wⅢ give the Consumer b"ng beneΠ ts and make industry o廿 IeneCk be soIved t given a speci】 c de】 nition,but we can simply understand thatis hl P4With About MP5,most of dig"al manufacturers can’ Ⅱmes, MP3,MP4and other doWnload audio-visual products already can1 ΓV functlon,With the deVelopment of The `atch leetthe needs ofindiVidua"zed and onⅡ ne consumption,MP5,its core function is the use ofthe ground and sate"ite digjtal V channels let We∞ n Watch TV on"ne or download digitaI video function inolude copy big memory DVD Or a"the photos u"tin to MP5p丨 aform 26 UsER・ sⅢ ^Ⅱ U^L0F^uToⅢ oB:LE HE^DREsT DVD PLAVER … … △卩 The p丨 ayerfeatures superiorinte"igent game function,Ⅱ w"I make you enjoythe、″onderfu丨 gamein spare time 魏 躐 鼷 沁i喈 漕 蛳e幻 nmm 嬲缁 1 Description for bu"tˉ in game operation 0n the no disk or stop playing status,press sETUP On the function contro"er or press M0DE on the game contro"er enterthe menu,use direction key seIed EMBEDED game or NATIVE game and press sTART onthe game contro"erto enterthe game 2,Description for playing the game disk operation (1)LOad game disk αhe disk forfree),the game main menu shall be disp丨 ayed ln seconds (2)Press direction key ofthe function contro"er or game contro"erto select the games then press sTART On the game controllerto enterthe game 3 DesCription for the Wireless game contro"er (1)Press MoDE to enterthe menu ofthe builtin games (2)Press direc刂 on key to selectthe games you"ke,then press the sTART to enterthe game (3)Enterthe game,press the direc刂 on key to select upward/downward"e仆 Ⅳard/ rightWard,A and B key to operate the functions. (4)Press Return key on the function contro"erto eXitthe game f enter EMBEDED game,press RETURN can return to the main menu,then use direc刂 on key select E× lT and press sTART On game contro"erto exitthe game 1Can not enterthe bu"t-in games vvhen reading disk 2For different games,the function keys might be different,the usercou丨 d getthe knoW-how by trying seVeraltimes 3You can doWnload games through PC from this website∶ http∶ 〃www native32com intothe UsB or Memory Cards 〓 〓 〓 〓 一 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 〓 ≡ 〓 一 〓 〓 〓 〓 Caution∶ ” 一 ● ∷ 〓 〓 螂 啷 绑 ∷ usErs Ⅲ u^△ oF▲ uTOmOB:LE … HE^DREsT Dˇ D PLAYER … ^Ⅱ TroubIes soIutions Chθ ck the poWer connection; Che。 kthe auto poweris opened; Chθ ckthe ooWeris ODened NO response 1CheCk Whetherthe volumeis on the Min posⅡ NO sound ion orin Mute state; 2VVhether atthe status of FM transn1intting or lR transnnitting?PIease sθ Iect and turn offlR Audjo outputfunction 3NO sound outputin the foⅡ owing states∶ Pause/Fast Forward/Fast BackWard/ FM0FF stop 4Resume the defau"via setup system。 "nage The disk couldnit be read 峥 蟀 lrnproper Irnage sIze The track couIdn t be selected The remote oontinuero"er ∷ |Ⅱ 奋Ⅱ ∶ ●∷ refuses to work 1CheCk Whetherthe p!ayeris in丨 ine input state,press DVD/AV to sW"ch itto be DVD state; 2CheCk Whetherthe bri¤ htness setuo is aoorooriate 1 Checkˇ vhetherthe disk has been loaded and the side with Iabelis plaoed upward; 2 The diskis damaged or dirtied,please load another disk orclean the disk; 3 Thθ regi° n codes of disk and player are different; 4 The disk formatis wrong 1 setupthe TV system onCe again; 2 selectthe correspondIng screen formatfrom the setup menu 1 some sections ofsome disks are not a"owed to interrupt"s set playing order 1 2 3 4 Check whetherthere exists any bar"er between the remote contro"er and player; The remote contro"θ r doesnjt aim atthe receiVing head of ρ丨 ayer; CheCk whetherthe ba⒒ ery is insta"ed correctly; Checkˇ Vhetherthe batterV has enough electric"v DO notdismanuet・ he device to repairvvithout permission! 28 s。 oF^Vt0Ⅲ oB:LE"E^DREsT Dˇ D PLAVER 〓 〓 VsER’ sm^"U^△ Tech":ca|s卩 eC:△ cat:o"sa"d parameters Product Name AUTOMOBILE NEADREsT DVD PLAYER Disk type (signal source) CD-R/CD-RVV(these tw° types of disk should be played by the aboVe cod|ng formats Display MP4/MP3/DVD/sVCD/VCD/DVCD/CD/CDG/WMA/JPEG □ 7hch□ 9mch Audio∶ stereo 0utput Porl Video:complex video signal output(AV) USB po"(for spare) MS/MMC/SD CARD PORT lforspare) Video system Video Characte"stict Audio Characteristics PAL/NTSC/AUTo VideO Characteristics∶ 1 0Vp-p(750hm) Frequency charaCteristics∶ SNR∶ )90dB Total harmonic distortion∶ POwerVo"age POWer COnsumption Working Temperature Working Humid"y 20-20KHZ(1dB) (001% DC: 12V/15A About: 12W -40° C ~+60° C 15~75%(Noˇ vaterdropis Coagu|ated) 16kg; M0NlTOR∶ 13kg Net VVeight DVD∶ DimensIOns (L)250xlW)140x(D'00mm