Download Department of School & Mass Education, Govt. Of - e
Department of School & Mass Education, Govt. Of Odisha ilr 4dro Govt. & Govt, aided Schools of Odlsha This is to certify that the followina items/Human Resources have been duly delivered and installed/deployed in our school and all equipmenvitems are in proper condition for implementation of tCT lab with following details. Please tick whichever is applicable lL&FS Education & Technology Services Telecommunication Cosultants lndia Ltd lmd€ncdoi plltl./r sdEl cod. Dll'Errlon (h ,e.r) X86 Ardite.tuE 3.2 Glu oI hlgh€r Pro.G.sor wtth 4 d€dtc.tcd .orur, RAM tGB or httfu. oaendabl. to 15GB,5lx) G8 8DD, l+tndr or Htgh.r tEo uollhor, Su t-tn autio, 3trc wttt Dlsltop Sp..t€r, OVD Ulrlt€.,r0/1o0/1ul0tas.T Erhcn|et, l(x (!y K.ybo.d.nd Opdc.t Mo!r! Wfth:r 2 FIc tutt H.tght fG rbr' Xa5 Ard*.(allt 3.2 GIE E ftlh.r E!....or*Or a d.d..t d coft+ ,l r{ acr a HdEr ro $Gl, 3m G! HOO, tg#r o. r!h.r t @ lrodrd, !dr*r rdo, !O D..hoD Sp..rrr, DliD Wttrrr,lO^O/1mEET An toa L{ tcDo.d .nd Optc.t 'lrr, po jor. uqE t{ih a 2 Rrc Bl[ fi.ttn U DISE CODE Shared Computing Devi@ 2 N-computing \ \ 2_ 4 I GOLO LED I TCO lEnergy Star Pls. 2 fr rn L o qs I rn rn L 6 f,n ln E 2 I 3 o 4 rn crl ( 6 6 7 rn fl1 L F c Y 3 6 s I 5 I o I o t o s Y 6 s S e. 1 k 5 Y { D q 6 S r I o o S t^ 6 o S o L + F S e) [[ffi-f- q € rn fr^l I )- 6 s 1s s L Y e S S r b ct o v s n I I L tJ \ C) q 3 q 3 I q 4(, Headphore wlth Mic 7 Headphone Sharer 10 s-Way 3-5-mm He.dphone Splifrer 3 9 I e 3 q s q .r q I q 3 tI 3 rt e q 1 q Min sMP eme.a, Support for HD Vld@ @lllnA (1280 X 72O ptxels), Aullt-ln mlc wlth nolte redu€tion H€adphones s 3 q 3 1 6 q 3 3\ o S D 3 q ,- ) I{ a o o D + L o x { S s o L X L D I v q 3 q I o 1 € + o ( 2- o fn f('l L x A S s [ t ( 0 s + L 0^ I \-.ll lruuar t q q b q q L Y C S s o e 3 o s -s \ o G m L S S O ( q nn l^,eb Cam I I 3 q 3 q rq n o ? LZ 0 I o SC 1 1 S I g c> 6 {\^ 11 5 MonltoE t I 10 s ( ?- t 6 9 Y 0 n 9 L 2 no.s of all the 12 z v 5 t't L x I a o fill the rerial Y F rn 5 L2 k L w Certlfietioh Scrial ro. lzebronlc | H.r rd Monito. wlth *etlc contEst 1(XX):1, tesoluion of 1rl4o x 9(X, and VGA black tinlsh, b.lghtness 2SO cd/mz, viewtnt .ntle 17O degrees/ 1GO degrees (horizontal/venl6l), wall mountinS port VDl, wlth wlndos Cenlfietlon with EPEAT 1 L_ o Two Shared Computihg Oevices per Desktop. Multibox devic€ whiah allows 6 users to share a single host PC throuth a share compfring pc-sharing kit (which lncludes one full heiaht pcl Card, Vifrualization softwar€, accers device3 with speaker outpd, pS/2 Mouse and PS/2 Xeyboaid outpd- SVGA Monitor output ahd ru45 Connedton pon. wtth 5 CAT6 cables (earh of 5 meters lentth)), power consumptlon of each aee$ devlce should not exceed more than 1-2watts. The acces devlce should be intetrated with Hos pC via CAT 6 @ble with support up to 1omt./32ft, Each user should have indep€hdent desltop environment. User experience oh shared terminal should be substantially the sahe as on the host PC (Boot time, Login Experlence, Responsiwness (Mouse, Keyboa.4 appli€tlon san_up and cxecutlon), craphic/Multimedla, Logout. 19lnch or hlgher ma 1 -4 @nndivity with mat Monitor 5 \ 1 t/ "t2* I Projection System: DtP Technology; Brightness: z5OO-ANSI tumens (Short Throw) lntegrated Computer Projector K.YAN Resolution: SVGA (800x600); Contrast Ratio: Z5OO:1 System : X85 architecture, 3.ZGHz or higher with 4 dedicated Cores, Minimum 4MB Cache, Compatible chipset with HD traphics, 4GB ODR3 RAM expandable to 16 GB, GB Serial SATA il 7200 RpM HDD, Optical Drive OVD RW, Wireless Keyboard optical Scroll Mouse. OS: OO5; lnput: ps/z Mouse & Keyboard, RF -in for W, ports, Microphone.ln; Output : Intemal 30 watts Audio Output, IAN: lx Gbps lAil, grated analogue cable W tuner. Sire: Mlnlmum 77' diatonal Pba* Area: Minimum active area 156 cm W x 117cm H Resolution: Digltizing resolution rs Ratio: 4:3.8oard Surface: Durable Hardroated st€el surface, optimired for projection, maintenance free, compatible with dry€rase markers and easily clean€d with whiteboard cleaner or isopropyl alcohol {lPA),Operating System: Windows Xp Sp3, Windos Vista. Sp2 or Windows 7 system and Linux,Writing Tools: Both finter and pen touch without any special tools, muhi touch and use of non mechanical and battery free objects. power Options: power is les rhan 0.5 W (1(E mA et 5 Vl. Mu5t obtaln power trom the computer throuCh ? lnteractive White Board Smart for Windows. and Unux. computere. Technology: Touch technology. No interference from Electromagnetic sources/sunlitht and oth€r external influences Data Ports: 12 Mbit /s usB connection (fuil-speed usB 1.r or usB 2.0). storage: saving ot fires in Must include a compl€te version ofthe white boarding software application on a CD or software must also be available online for download. users must be able to access the software having to register for an online cmmunity. softwar€ must be ayairabre for update via a updating *ruice that en automati€lly scn for new updates and alert use6 to their opeBting synems.should haye interactlye features like palm touch, lmage gallery image enlarge; snap shots, recording lecuJres, r€veal option, focus to spslfic part of contem, rmm etc. Must supply addiuonal sfturarc to collaborate externat cont€nt teacheE to oeate new content and manage and deliver other content .Must supply an icatior for remote collaboration to work on the same content simurtaneousry and write directly €ach othe/s documents. Minimum IOO to maximum 5{rO user can conorrently use th€ Must support windows' SVus/ / linur' Pens, USB Cable, So{tware CD, user manual etc. to be a part of standard : Up to 18 ppm, print technology: Laser, print quality black Up to 500 x 6100 dpi (1200 dpi eftective), Display: at least 2-line tCD, sor speed: Minimum 400 MHz, Connectivity, standard: Hi-Speed USB 2.0 port, 10/100Base-T Ethernet network port, R -11 Telephone port, Duplex printing: Automatic Scanner type: Flatbed, ADF, Scan file format: JpEG. TIF (compressed and uncompressedl, pDf, GtF, BMp, 5.'n resolution, optical: Up to'UOd.Cll, Ccrtified by IDC. 9001 certified' online ups of 2(vA with 30 minutes power backup, output wave Form 96 or better on rated full load, lnput power Factor > 0.90, Battery type : sealed. Maintenance Free, Micro controller Based llouble conversion online Pure sine wave, Efftciency 90 On Une UPS Delta and Gbling. With DG Set compatibilities, frequency range 5(}}/- 896 hertz, operating 0 to 50 degrees celcius,noise level: as per the government noms. output: pure Port Unmanatable G|GABIT swttch wlth ,tli fucntion prlnte6, PrcJectlon system. CAT-6 Ebling (tn estnt eptnt) for all thc nodes, Portable Carbon Dioxide Handheld fire extinguishers as per tS specification Ikl l1 Phase Servo Motor Operated Li^e Voltage Co.rectorl, tnput R.nge: : SOV-27OV Phasel, Mountr'ng: On Wheels. Output .a^get 2ZOVl23oV/24OV single phase (adiustable), earthing terminals, @erload cutoff, output protection th.outh MCB, Frequency ran8e:5O+/- 3% hertz. Ope.atlhg temperature: O to SO degrees celsius. 9qrl Certlfled, Mlnlmum llnt .nd lnstallatlon 3 KVA pet.ol/Diesel based silent generator set with Safe lnitlal meter readlnt of the Sllent Genentoa Set earthlnt statlons maklnt earthlnt wlth copper earth plate Tub€ Light with Electrcntc Choke (tst ma.k) 48- blade wlth retulator, 3 Blade tndtetlve Bnndi: philtps / wiprc/ U5h5 3OOmm ileep, 45 Watts, Speed t33O RpM lndi€tive Bhnds: phtllps / wipro/ Usha/Crompton Greaves /Xhaltan /B.r.J / Havells 5 A- 24O V swttches 2 ln Swhches and soc*ets (tst I 5A .nd 15A SGtets Markl 15 A - 240 V io.tet wlth shstter Brands: - Anchor / HaElls / @btree /wlpro /phi[ip' / LeSEnd Swltch€s and eckets ls to be provided ,or all electronl6/IT equlpments lncluding p.inter .nd PreJectlon System to be plaed .t l,.b tqchniclen table. Computer Table Talpuria Dimensions Width lZOOmm x [r€pth Cogmm x Heigfit Z5Omm 18mm pre laminate{tartlcl€ board conrormlng tst 12823. pretreated & pilder coated stel fnme. God qualqFVC eage bendintto be provided on pra lamlnated b@rd. No Sharp @mcE, smooth edge3 ffa e$ential. LeSs frame made of 1.S inch squa.e plpe, 16 gauges. Table resG on tood q€llty glide *rews. Full len8th foqtten ls to be prcvlded. One 65mm diameter holc for dnwing: Is to bc provlded , thls hole ha5 to be c4Ed wlth steel @yer G@d gmlity tde@pic sllder along wlth ftrll wldth leyb€rd with 3ocm projected depth panel, kcybo.rd tree spae 13 10 m. must have a modesty paret of 2OOmm heldrt to ba provtded.End €ps to be provlded. BIFMA Ce.fllled Mouldcd ChaiE, CEam olour, BDandard Compllartt o.o surtace of Wall and Cetling to be palnted, 5hell be prcpared to the stisractlo of OXCL / iM and shall b€ :pplied wfth 2 coats ot prtmcr and th€n with 2 G@ts ot dinemp€r patit of standard make as approved by OXCL / OMSM. ling cloth, hand held vacuum cleaner, Dust cloth Govers tor all the F@t mat malntaln prcp€r dartnc$ ln the Lab r 3feet, P/F 15 thk Pinup / Oa$ffi ff equlpments and dudng prctecuon bolrd wtth fabric wEpp€d all around ,t!(3 ft mlolmum 18mm thlckne$ whlte board , I I aie mndetory on all the sheeG, I bdss"