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Department of School & Mass Education, Govt. Of Odisha in 4000 qovt. & Govt. aided Schools of Odisha This is to certify that the following items/Human Resources have been duly delivered and installed/deployed in our school and all equipment/items are in proper condition for implementation of lcT lab with following details. Please tick whichever is applicable lL&Fs Education & Technology Services Ltd. Room Dimension (in feet) tength: n \ ,( "( Breadth: {o x86 Architecture 3.2 Ghz or higher processor with 4 dedicated cores, RAM 4GB or higher expandable to 16G8, 500 GB HDo, 1g-inch or Higher LED Monitor, Built-in audio,3OO Watt Desktop Speaker, DVD Writer,10/100/1000BaseT Ethernet, 104 Key Keyboard and Optical Mouse With at least 2 Free Full Height pct slots. X86 Aichitecture 3.2 Ghz or higher Processor with 4 dedicated cores, RAM 4GB or higher expandable to 16GB, 500 cB HDD, 19-inch or Higher LED Monitoi Built-ln audio, 3OO Watt Desktop Speaker, DVD Writetl0/100/1000BaseT Ethernet, 104 Key Keyboard and Optical Mouse With at least 2 Free Full Height pcl slots _<DF sharad Comp{rtlna Ds{i.e f,-.ompuUnt device which allows 6 users to ehare a Two Shared Compuiint Devices p€r Desktop Multibox Pcr.card' computins Pc-sharins kit{which includes one rull h€i8ht lGvboard *.ess devices with speaker output' Py2 Mouse and PS/z ,'"o;iir",io" (each or 5 meter ;,tput and Rr45 connection Pon' wrth s cAr6 cable' !2w'ts rhe or each access devrce shourd not exceed more rhan fiil;;;;ffi;;;"re *rt*it", ;;i. ;;; ;";*., ;;;il. ;";;;;;,.dn u p to l0mt'/12 fi . o" ,",€Srated wth Host Pc vta cAT 6 cablP wrth luppon on shared terminal exp€rience User environment .aependent deshop ason the host Pc (Boottime Losin Eperi€nce' Responsiv€ness trin"',",V "";amestart'up a nd erccution)' 6raphics/Multimedia' Lotout' ie,vtorra, .ppri"ation .n.r,o -r""i-r."..'..Ji.rn" .i"rrJ t "* I.",a J ir'ro,,.", resolution of 1440 f+inch or trigher LtO tlonitor with static contrast 1mO:1' tiewins antre cdlm2' 2so brishtness rinish, i"" urack i"iir' , ""#"ti ;;i#'i;;j;;il"ir, x 900 and-VGA ']: i"::::'1"::9 with EPEAr *,ii.*"i"t *n'or' with windows certirication Pli.lill the rcrl.l no.. ol Mln sMP (zm€r., Support fot HD all ih. 12 Monliors vid€o Galllng (1280 r 720 Pirelsl, aulh_ln mic with noh€ reductlon 5-Way 3.5-mm HeadPhone SPlltter Specification : Projection System:DLP Technology:Brishtness: 2500-aNsl Lumens (Shortfhrow ) Resolution r SVGA(800I500); contrast Ratio :2500:1 computerSystem : x85 architecture, 3.2GH! or hiSherwith 4 dedicate;, Minrmum 4MB c..he, comp.tible chipset with HD Sraphlcs,4GB DDR3 MM erpandableto 16G8, 5oo GB Serial SATA ll 72oo RPM HDD, OpticalDrive DvD RW Wneless K€yboard & optical Scroll Mouse. 05: oO5; lnput: PS/2 Mouse & lGyboard, RF _inforry USa portg Microphone inj output: lnt€mal 30 watts Audio Output, tAN:1x Gbps tAN, 1.3 htelrrr.d Comput.r IGYAI{ lntetrated analotue cable TV tuner. Active Size: Minimum 77" diagonal AEtive Arca: Minimum active area 156 €m W x 117cm H Besolution: OigitirinS resolution is approximately 32767 x 32757 Arpe<t Ratio: 4:3.Board Surface: Dulabl€ Har+coated steelsurtuc€, oPtlmired for projedion, manitenance free, compatible with dry+lase ma*els and easalY cleaned with whitet'oard cleaner or isopropyl alcohol (lPA), OpeEling system: windows xP sP3, Wndows Vista+ sP2 or Windows 7 oper.tinS system and tinu(, Writing Tool5: Eoth nnger and p€n touch without anY special tools, supports muhi touch and use of don mechanical and battery free objects. Pow€r options: Power is less than 0.5 W (1(rc r,lA at S V). Must obtain power front lhe computer thmu8h the 8o.rd smat u58 (.bl€ for Windows' and Unux' computeE Technologyr Touch technolosv No interfercnce from Electomagnetac sources^unliSht and oth€r€rdelnal inf uences Data Ports: 12 Mbrt / s Uss conneEtion (full5peed UsB 1.1 or USg 2.0). stotase: Saving of files in Software: Must include a cofiplete version of the white boarding software application on a Co or DVo Sofrware must ako be avaihble online for download. uters mun be able to access the software without having to rcginer for an online community. mun be aYailable for update via a pmduct updatinS service that c.n automatically scin for new updates and alert users to their availability. Mun support Windo\,/s'/ Unux* ope6ting systems. Should have interadive feanrres lik€ palm touch, image gallery image enlalBe; snap shots, recording lectures, ra/eal option, focus to Pc, specific p3rt of content, .oom etc. Mun supPly additional software lo collabordte external content and hcilitate teache6 to create new content a and manage and deliver other content. Must suppv an applir.tion ior remote collabomtion to u/o* on the rame content simuh?neouslv and wrhe directt into €ach othert dc'cum€flts. Minimum 1m to maximum 5m us€r can concunentlY use the Accessones: Stylus/ Pens, USB Gble, Software Co, user manual etc to be a part of standad suppLy. Warranty: 5 t€als warmntY. Mode: Upto 18 ppm, Print technolotr l-aser, Print quality black (best): up to 5oo x 600 dpi (1200 dpi effective), oisplaYr al least 2-line tcD, Proc€ssor speed: Minimum 4OO MHr, Connectivity, standard: Hi-Speed USB 2.0 port, 1OllOOBase T Ethernet network Port, Rl'l1Tel€phone port, Duplex printing: automatic Scanner type: rlatbed, aot Scan fi le format: , PEG, TIF (compressed a nd uncomprersed), Po t G lt, SM P, scan resolution, optaca lr U p to 1200 dpi, Certified bY lDc .l l5O g0ol Certified. Online UPS of 2(VA with 30 minutes power backup, Output Wave Form ' Pure hput Power Fador > 0.9O, Battery tYpe : sine wave, Efficiency 90 % or better on rated tull load, On Llne UPS rreha Sealed. Maintenance Free, Mi€ro Conlrcller Eased OoubleCon\€rsion Online UPS and Gbling. DG 5€t compatibilities, frequency 6nge 5Or/' 6% heftz, operating tempe6ture:0 to 50 degrces celcius, nois€ level:as perthe 8ot€mment norms, output:pure sine wave output With 15 Port u rmanagade GIGABIT switch with CAT_5 cablinS (in casing capinB) for all the nodes, Portable Carbon Dao)dde Hafldheld fare extinguishers as per lS 5pecification U DIsE r) -l COOE ') Servo Stabili!er !4 1 1 SKVA (1 Phase Setuo Motor Operated Line Voltage Corector), input Range: I S0V'270V {sansle Phasej, Mounting:on wheeh Output ranse: 2 20V/230v/240V single phase {adjurtable), earihint termina ls, overload cutoff, output protection through MC8, Frequency ranSe:50+/ 3% hertz. Operating temperaturei0 to 50 degrees €elsius. \-/' 1 t G o \,1 I I 0 3 I C ISO 9001Certified, Minimum 3 KVA PetrouDiesel based silent Senerator setwith Safe CablinSand lnstallation 5 L z L I 15 !7 18 Earthinr (as per lS Copper p ate earthing nations making earthinB tighting {lSl mark) 40WIube Li8ht wth z (lslmarkl Erhaust fans (lslmark) 20 with copper earth o 3 a plate \-/wipro/ Usha 300mm sweep,45 Watts, Speed 1330 RPM lndicative Brands: Philips/Wapro/ Usha/crompton Greaver /Khaitan 2 'r.z^ Electronic Choke (lSlrnark) 48" blade with res!lator,3 slade lndicative Brands: Philips /crompton Greaves /Khaitan /8ajaj/ riavelk Ceilinr/ 19 a a 0 0000los lnitialmeter readint of the Silent GeneEto. S€t 16 L /Bajajl L'''1 Hav€lls l5 Switches and sockets z! 2 in 15A and 15 l5ASocket! \/ (lslmark) 15 A - 240 v socket with !hutter lndicative srandsr-Anchor/ Havells / crabtree /Wipro /Ph illips / Lesrand Switches and sockets is to be provided for all electronics/lT equipments includinB printerand Projection System to be placed at labtechnician table. OimensionsWidth 1200mm x Oepth 509mm x HeightT50mm 18mm pre laminated particleboard conformint lS:12823. Pretreated 8t powdercoated steelframe.Good quality PVCedgebendin8 raipuria chair 23 Uma Plastic/Mod€rna 24 lnitialreadint 13 4l to be provided on pre laminrted board. NoSharp corners, smooth edSesareessential. Legsframe made of 1.5 inch square pipe, 15 gauges. Table rests on Eood quality glide screws. Full len8lh footrest is to be provided. One 65 m m dia meter hole for drawing cables is to be provided , th s hole has to be covered with steelcover Good quality telescopic slider alon8 with fullwidth keyboard with 30€m proleded depth panel, keyboa rd free space is 10 cm. Table must have a modesty panel of 2OOmm hei8ht to be provided E nd ca ps to be provided. BIFMA Ce(ified Armless Moulded chairs, Cream coloui, d.ndard compliant o oo 116 / The surface ofwalland ceilingto bp painted, shallbe prepared to the satisfaction of O(CL OMSM and shallbe.pplied with 2 coats ofprimerand then with 2 coats ofdistemper paintof siandard make as approved by oKcL / oMSM. 25 Dustint cloth, hand held vacuum cleaner. Oun cloth.overs for allthe lT equipmentsand 26 rulllat z7 +'* \--/' To maintain properdarkness in the Lab / Classroom during Projection l5l Mark, WallClock 29 1 5 feet 30 1 4ftx3 ft minimum 18mm thicknesswhite board Pleas€ note that allthe three signatures are mandatory on areto b€ filled up mandatorily. r 3 feet, P/F 15 thk Pinup board with fabric wrapped all around allthe she€ts. '""allfields 3{aruarurswna 3\ \# /A signature of s.hool Head Master/Mistress with seal I - .'' t' €l ' ,, --4 l/' \-/- 28 I L-'-