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fi srurt arc[ ; This is to c6rtify that the following items/Human Resources have been duly derivered and insta[ed/deproyed in our schoor and equipment/items proper are in condition for implementation of ICT lab with following details. Er.Frr?^ MLE|Y|EN lAt trJN PAK I NtR a, llrhl Please tick whichever is applicable lL&FS Education & Tcchnalncw Telecommunication Cosultants lndia ttd U DISE CODE School Name Villate Block District Address Name of Head Master/ Mistress(HM) P A N H 1 Gt D A N R_ A g A R D E .T A C H L 1 a Y s c A T ll H o K o o G A P 0 A T I7 o 1 a(, Date o ? 0 & s L 0 0 L A M o o L + 6 I 0 L I T I A N R A D H A E R H D A N R. A P I N G o P A 4 3 7 3 q B A q Y A 6 5 T a T E 7 6 8 7 L B A N ID H 0 U P R A N HM Contact No. Name of School Coordinator q S o u N School Coordinator's Contact no. lmplementation partner,s School Code Room Dimension (in feet) 5r. no, A v A q G 6 8 o D Z 4 Lensth: H 4 e H A N I 6 d(' 8 5 o Qty. 1, G Breadth: A 7€ .3 Plaasa tral Pl..s! Tlck Specification & Serial No. x86 Architecture 3.2 Ghz or higher processor with 4 dedicated cores, RAM 4GB or higher expandabre to 16G8, 500 GB HDD, lg-inch or Higher LED Monitor, Built-in audio, 3oo watt Desktop Acer Make Desktop Speaket DVD writer,lo/1oo/loooBaseT Ethernet, 104 Key Keyboard and optical Mouse With at least 2 Free Full Height pct slots. 1 8 5 s U X Serial no. 7 L 1 B T 0 L I D 5 /- tt X86 Architecture 3.2 Ghz or higher processor with 4 dedicated cores, RAM 4GB or higher expandable to 16G8, 500 GB HDD, 19-inch or Higher LED Monitor, Built-ln audio, 3OO Watt Desktop(Stand by) Acer Make Plc.5. Tlck Desktop Speaket DVD Writer,10/100/lO00BaseT Ethernet, t04 Key Keyboard and Optical Mouse With at least 2 Free Full Height pcl slots 1 Serial no, D R K 23 Item Make & Model 5 a o 8 5 U X 7 d\ L o<, 0 s I 0 L g D 5 L t (lD d- oll ffi It rr Devicet oer Oe\ttoP Multlbor dev(e which allows :throuBh I I | 3 shared comPutlng oevice N-computina .:H::i:fi:'";';"il' "'i,"' s cAr6 w(h "r' :;;";:iion :ffi;:i:;;;;; 2 ;;":;;;;;*' eshouLdl :":;;;;;;il;" lensth)). Pov .1.a""'""0".r Itrou'",*"t a ' I mete^ I *,i(c \hourd not er'ecd nrore thrn r'Twatts rhF t. via cAr 6 cabte wrth support up to lomrr/3211 U\er experiente on shdred lerm'nal o"+top tc(Boottime' Losrn Erpenence' Responsiveaess n.u""vironment I Port. ,ti"1"ln" *ort* ,pric ar 6 u<ers to-\hare full heiCht P( I La rc I ns pC_Stra ing krt {whrch 'ncludes one Mouse and Ps/2 xevboard ] .r."- ..-.,r' ion *an _ro "nO.,ecutio r ). cabres {each or s Graphtrr/M ultrmed rd LosouL tonlrarr 10o0:1' resolunon o 19.r^ch or h,gher LED Monrtor wrlh:lanc vrewins ansre 1/o de8'ee'^r60 matt bra(k rin'sh bnthtnes5 2so cdlm2 ;;^;;;,t; ilt ;;;ii;,;;;i"["."ar], certification with EPEAr warr mouniins pon vDr' with windows 6Oto /TcO /Energrv starcertif ication th fillth MIMIL XI K 3T S 1 g 0 M M 2 ll 7 8 l 9 l 11 ** rPi, 6 7 Ii"u-ni. I Iw;;-r- "- S I d- + 6 o<- 4 M M L x ( s ") L 0 8 M M 0 ?- 6 5 (L Y 6 s 4 s aL, S B C Fl8 5 L x K S s A *lvl4 o<. L XIK s 7 4 7 4l2. L Y 6 s s 0 l) 0 1_ 4 3 4 6 0 4 0 L 4 3 4 6 0 4 4 0 1 4 a 4 6 0 0 4 L h 3 q L 0 0 L 4 314 oltt 0 L 0 4 0 M M 0 E AIB A 8ls 7 M M L Y 6 S S 0 0 h A 3 6 8 5 I M M L Y 6 S s 0 5 L A 3 A 0 L M M L X K s s 0 0 0 6 8 B 5 t1 I 10 t2 x K s S 0 L M M 0 1 M M 6 0 a<. a<, S O 5 E q 0 L x K 0 ol- 6 M M L 3 5 1 -01 L 4 3 4 6 -T M M L l 0 1 4 A Y 3 5 s s F 8 5 0 L L 0 L 4 40 Headphone with Mi. 10 5-Way 3.5'mm HeadPhon€ SPlitteI 6 sl4l6 lj 3 tt 4 3 5 4 l-l 0 1 4 3 4 5 0 L 4 3 4 6 4 L 4 5 q 5 0 Mln 5MP cam€ra, Suppodfor HO Vid€o calling(1280x 72Opi'Gls), Auih_in micwith noke reduction 5 U DISE L CODE 0 7 4 I o 6 0 7- 0 1 Ticl Ple.5e Projection System: DLp Technology:Brightness: 25OO_ANSt Lumens (Short Throw ) Resolution : SVGA(800xG00); Contrast Ratio :2500:1 lntetrated Computer Projector computer system :x86 architecture, 3.2GHz or higher with 4 dedicated cores, Minimum 4MB 1.3 Cache, Compatible chipset with HD graphics,4GB DDR3 RAM expandable to 16G8, 7 500 GB Serial SATA lt 7200 RpM HDD, Optical Drive DVD RW, Wireless Keyboard & optical Scroll Mouse. OS: DOS; tnput: pS/2 Mouse & Keyboard, _in RF K-YAN for ry USB ports, Microphone in; Output : lnternal 30 watts Audio Output, LAN: 1x cbps LAN, lntegrated analogue cable W tuner. Llz Serial no. 510 Minimum 77" diagonal Area: Minimum active area 156 cm W x 117cm H Resolution: Digitizing resolution is lActive approximately 32767 x32167 I Asped Ratio: 4:3.Board Surface: Durable Hard_coated steel surface, optimized prcjection, lActive Size: Please ficl for manitenance free, compatibre with dry-erase markers and easily cleaned with whiteboard cleaner or isopropyl alcohol (rPA), operating system: windows xp sp3, windows vista* sp2 or windows 7 I operating system and Linux, Writing Toors: Both finger and pen touch without any speciar toors, I supports multi touch and use of non mechanical and battery free objects. power options: power I consumption is ress than 0.5 w (100 mA at 5 v). Must obtain power from the computer through the I usB I I I cable for windows* and Linux* computers. Technorogy: Touch technorogy. No interference from Electromagnetic sources/sunlight and other exte nal influences Data Ports: 12 Mbit / s USB connection (full-speed usB 1.1 or usB 2.0). storage: saving offiles in lnteractive White Board Smart Software: Must include a comprete version of the white boarding software apprication on a cD or software must also be available online for download. Users must be able to access the software without having to register for an onrine community. software must be avairable for update via a product updating service that can automatically scan for new updates and alert users to their availability' Must support windows* / Linux* opemting systems. 5hould have interactive features like palm touch, image gallery image enlarge; snap shots, recording lectures, reveal option, focus to specific part of content, zoom etc. Must supply additional software to collaborate external content and facilitate teachers to create new content a and manage and deliver other content. Must supply PC, DVD. 1 an application for remote collaboration to work on the same content simultaneously and write directly into each other's documents. Minimum 100 to maximum 5oo user can concurrently use the facility. Accessories: stylus/ Pens, u5B cable, software cD, user manual etc. to be a part of standard supply. Warranty: 5 years warranty. S B 4 3 Serial no. Multi Function Printer 10 Brand HP I (Pls. tick) I c 0 0 6 5 a d,, a al. AL Mode: Up to L8 ppm, Print technology: Laser, print quality black (best): Up to 500 x 500 dpi (1200 dpi effective), Display: at least 2_line LCD, Processor speed: Minimum 400 MHz, Connectivity, standard: Hi-Speed USB 2.0 port, 10/100Base-T Ethernet network port, RJ-11 Telephone port, Duplex printing: Automatic Scanner type: Flatbed, ADF, Scan file format: lpEG, TIF (compressed and uncompressed), PDF, GlF, BMP, Scan resolution, optical: Up to 12OO dpi, Certified by lDC. Please TIck Ricoh C Serial no. N F 8 7 F P t-t 6 R ISO 9001 Certified. Online UPS of 2KVA with 30 minutes power backup, Output Wave Form - pure sine wave, Efficiency 90 % or better on rated full load, tnput power Factor > 0.90, Battery type : On l-ine UPs sealed. Maintenance Free, Micro controller Based Double conversion online Ups and cabling. With DG set compatibilities, frequency range 5G/* G% hertz, operating temperature: O to 50 Delta degrees celcius, noise level: as per the government norms, output: pure sine wave output l1 1 a\ 8 & Serial no. L 3 C L6PortUnmanagable G|GAB|TswitchwithCAT-6 Mutli fucntion printers, Projection system. Networking a 12 Serial no, S 5 H I D 0 L 6 I B 0 0 0 1 Expiry Date L 7 0 a ,) a<- o 7w J cabling (incasingcaping) forall thenodes, Portable Carbon Dioxide Handheld fire extinguishers as per lS specification Fire Extinguisher 13 s o( q /--T--\ 3 Please Tick L 6 Pleare Tick U 0 OISE CODE i;;;:il::; ;:J;'i;;;"li-r."lr' )iil""'ii6-7 I 14 ilni "i llr,, -ffi;^tri"., Sllent Gen€rator Sci .,hl'nr and ChamP I I 15 serial o*rat'ne *"im;3 lnsldllalion 3 L rr I ushti4 (rsl mark) Ceiling 19 4 1 0 7 * safe KvA PetrouDiesel based silent s€nerator set with rtfr ro Z 6 L G s ,59 lnitial m€ter r€adiqof the 5ilent Gener3tor set l7 __--------.---T----1----1- 6 0 4 d- (a5 P€r ls *"i'' o,'p" l;l:'liof;,';aril;r,t!,-inars. Servo Stabllizer Earthiry 0 5Ov_270V Moror Ooerated t ine Voltage Corrector)' input Range: zzov/230v/240v s'nsre phase McB FrequencY overroad cutofl' outpu! protection.throu8h temperature: o to so desrees cersius' : $.u. l6 6 0 1 copper eann prdrc copper plate earthinS stations makinS earthingwth 4ow Tube Lithtwith Electronic choke (lslmark) / Philips/ wipro/ usna 48" blade with regulator,3 Blade lndicative Brands: Havell'5 /Bajaj/ Grcaves /(haitan /Crompton 2 {lsl mark) 3OOmm sweeP,45 Wans. SPeed 1330 RPM Exhaust fans (lsl mark) 20 '*"''"-, 2 '' ;;;'p; i ivroro/ usha /crompton creave'/Khanan /B'jar / Havells 5 A- 240 V switches 2 in 15A and 15A so.kets zl Swit.hes and sockete (lslmark) 1S A - 240 z v socket with shutter Tna*rt,""s,"ndt,-a*t'-/Havells/cabtree/wipro/Phitlips/tesrand includins ii,; u; Provrded fo' arrerectronts/rr equipments i*",lli"' pri.,".""0"J'Jii"i' t-l*,1"^ Syuemto be placed at lab le(hnician table r--r ^.ia, ^i-i.1, 6^, rd x nerBnr /J 8t powdercotted steellrame' Good qu'htv PVcedge bendinS (ram€ boa;d. iloshrrp corners tmooth edBes are essential' te$ ii'"..,'"r,?"" "" ",","-'"3ted re e''ieer' ratr" on sood quaritv 8ride screws' Furl hnsrh 'esrr provid€d this hor€ 6neLsm-m aiameter trote tor drawins cables is to be ' qualtv lerescoPic slrder alont w'th lull wrdth levboard cover Good *',n panel a modesrY have mud is 1'ble 10cm' wrrh l0cm projected depth panel. tevboard lree sPace DimensionsWidth 120Omm)( Deptn buYmm rs. ,zszl. pr",re.ted .".r...i"" 13 Tajpuria ;:,;l;il:",,;.;'p". i;;;; ;t;;";;'d; ,*l i"r'i"i" -,."4 t "iioor. "iitr. chak Uma Platti</Modema 24 41 t"p."ided.Endcapsto be provided BlFMAcertified Armless Moulded Chairs, Cream toloui, standard Compliant o '10 Initialreadint 1hesurlaceolWa|landcelllngtobepainted,shalIbepr€paledtothesatl'afllo 25 : 27 Lab Cleanliness Dustingcloth,handheldvacuumcteaner'DustclothcoverstoranrnerrequrplrrcrrL: Kt cun.ins 28 I 29 I 5feetx 1 4ftx3ft minimum 30 *** with 2 coatt of dEtemp€r parnt or OMSM and shallbe apPhed with 2 coats ot Prrmer and then OM5M bv oKcL / as approved make standard Paintint 3 feei, sheets' Please note that allthe three signatures are mandatory on allthe P/t 15 thk PinuP board with fabricwraPped allaround 18mm thickness white bo.rd lz"-