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i#%' Department of School & Mass Education, Govt. Of Odisha i'q!#f'',, oN(t lmplementation of e vidyalaya Project in 40fl) Govt. & Govt. aided schools of odisha This is to certify that the following items/Human Resources have been duly delivered and installed/deployed in our school and all equipment/items are in proper condition for implementation of ICT lab with following details. IMPLEMENTATION PARTNER Please tick whichever is applicable IL&FS Education & Technology Services [td. Telecommunication Cosultants !ndia Ltd {.n U DISE CODE Date School Name Village Block District Address Name of Head Master/ f Name of School Coordinator School Coordinator's Contact no, lmplementation partner's School Code Room Dimension (in feetl 5r. no. I v A N H I U L G L U At D A U L L U A0 o A 14 A s C H o 3 o o o U K Nr/ Fo V 1 0 L L U N D A A U L L (, Al D H l T A n A N L I Z I 1 g A U M A A s B I g ^{ ? A E A o r M 0 H A N J q 0 B 3 o + 7 9 s D o Lensth: A 5 Item Make & Model ^l qty. r + E Breadth: q a J q T .T s A H U I + L o ) 1 h { T v -s t ? L E ? e L A s C H C a o s o N Mistress(HM) HM Contact No. c x- A A I n el Pl..r. Tlck L 1b Pl..s.Tltl Specification & Serial No. X86 Architecture 3.2 Ghz or higher Processor with 4 dedicated cores, RAM 4GB or higher expandable to 16G8, 500 GB HDD, lg-inch or Higher LED Monitor, Built-in audio, 3OO Watt Desktop Speaker, DVD Writer,10/100/1000BaseT Ethernet, 104 Key Keyboard and Optical Desktop Acer Make Mouse With at least 2 Free Full Height PCI slots. 1, Serial no. U x v * & o s o I I s I o L 9 D s a X86 Architecture 3.2 Ghz or higher Processor with 4 dedicated cores, RAM 4GB or higher oesktop(stand by) Acer Make expandable to 16G8, 500 GB HDD, 19-inch or Higher LED Monitot Built-tn audio, 300 Watt Oesktop Speaker, DVD Writer,l0/100/1000BaseT Ethernet, 104 Key Keyboard and Optical Mouse With at least 2 Free Full Height 1 x v g 9 s 4 9 t 6 2 U Serial no. Phrie Ti.I T PCI slots o 7 g .D s <---f--)- 2 Shar€d computine to share a Two Shared Computing Devices per Desktop Multibox device whi'h allows 6 lse6 single host PCthrough a share computinB PC'Sharing kii lwhich includesonelullheiShtPClCad' virtualization software, access devices with speaker output, PS/2 Mouse and PS/2 Kevboard (each of 5 metets output. SVGA MonitoroutPut and tu45 connection Port, with 5 CATS cables lensth)). Power consumption of each access device should not exceed more than I 2watts' The acc;ss device should be integrated with Ho5t Pcvia CAT 6 cable with suPport!p to 10mtr/32ft' terminal Each user should have independent desktop environment. User experience on shared should be substantiallYthe same as on the host PC (Boot time. togin Experience, Responsiveness (Mouse, kyboard, application start-upande)Gcution),Graphics/Multimedia, Lo8out' 19'inch or higher LED Monitor with 'tatic contrast IOOO:1, resolution of 1440 x 900 and VGA connectivity ;ith matt black finish, brightnesq 250 €d/m2, viewing:n8le 170 degrees/ 150 EPEAT de8rees (horizontauvertical), wall mounting Port vDl, with windowt certification with Pls. Min 5MP camera,5upport for lillthe serial no.t ol all the 12 HO Video calllng (1260 x 720 r€duclion Mo.itort Plrcls),8uilt'in miG with noise Specification : Projection System: DLP Technology:Brightness: 2500-ANSI Lumens (Short Throw Resolution : SVGA(800x500); Contrast Ratio :2500:1 lntegrated Computer Projector K.YAN ) Computer System : X86 architecture, 3.2GHz or higher with 4 dedicated Cores, Minimum 4MB 1.3 Cache, Compatible chipset with HD graphics, 4GB DDR3 RAM expandable to 1GGB, 500 GB Serial SATA ll 7200 RPM HOD, Optical Drive DVD RW Wireless Keyboard & optical Scroll Mouse. OS: DOS; lnput: PS,/2 Mouse & Keyboard, RF -in forry USB ports, Microphone in; Output : lnternal 30 watts Audio Output, LAN: 1x Gbps LAN, lntegrated analogue cable ry tuner. Active Size: Minimum 77" diagonal Active Area: Minimum active area 156 cm W x 117cm H Resolution: Digitizing resolution is approximately 32767 x 327 67 Please Aspect Ratio: 4:3.Board Surface: Durable Hard-coated steel surface, optimized for projection, manitenance free, compatible with dry-erase markers and easily cleaned with whiteboard cleaner or isopropyl alcohol (lPA), OpeEting System: Windows XP SP3, Windows Vista* Sp2 or Windows 7 operating system and Linux, Writing Tools: Both finger and pen touch without any special tools, supports multi touch and use of non mechanical and battery free objects. power Options: power consumption is less than 0.5 W (100 mA at 5 V). Must obtain power from the computer through the USB lnteractive White Board Smart for Windows* and Linux+ computers. Technology: Touch technology. No interference from Electromagnetic sources/sunlight and other exte nal influences Data Ports: 12 Mbit / s USB connection (full-speerl USB 1.1 or USB 2.0). Storage: Saving of files in PC, Software: Must include a complete veBion of the white boarding software application on a CD or Software must also be available online for download. Users must be able to access the software having to register for an online community. Software must be available for update via a updating service that can automatically scan for new updates and alert use6 to their Must support Windows* / Linux+ operating systems. Should have interactive features like touch, image gallery image enlarge; snap shots, recording lectures, reveal option, focus to specific part of content, zoom etc. Must supply additional software to collaborate external content facilitate teacheE to create new content a and manage and deliver other content. Must supply an application for remote collaboration to work on the same content simultaneously and write directly into each othert documents. Minimum 100 to maximum 500 user can concurrently use the facility. Accessories: Stylus/ Pens, USB Cable, Software CD, user manual etc. to be a part of standard supply. warranty: 5 years warranty. Mode: Up to 18 ppm, Print technology: Laser, Print quality black (best): Up to 600 x 600 dpi (1200 dpi effective), Display: at least 2-line LcD, Processor speed: Minimum 400 MHz, Connectivity, standard: Hi-Speed USB 2.0 port, 10/100Base-T Ethernet network port, R -11 Telephone port, Duplex printing: Automatic Scanner type: Flatbed, ADF, Scan file format: JPEG, TIF (compressed and uncompressed), PDF, GlF, BMB Scan resolution, optical: Up to 1200 dpi, Certified by lDC. ISO 9001 Certifled. Online UPS of 2KVA with 30 minutes power backup, Output Wave Form - Pure sine wave, Efficiency 90 % or better on rated full load, lnput Power Factor > 0.90, Battery type On Line UPS Delta : Sealed. Maintenance Free, Micro Controller Based Double Conversion online UPS and Cabling. DG set compatibilities, frequency range 5Ot/' 6% hertz, operating temperature: 0 to 50 celcius, noise level: as per the government norms, output: pure sine wave output 16 Port Unmanagable GIGABIT switch with cAT-6 cabling (in casing caping) for all the nodes, Mutli fucntion printers, Projection system. Portable Carbon Dioxide Handheld fire extinguishers as per l5 specification Ii(k i"ai_rttult"l. "".tt,nc hertz OPe,atint lemperature: 0 lo ;an;e 50./- l% 1 L 1 L L Earthiry (as p€r lS Lirhtinr (lsl mark) 4owTube Lightwith Electronic choke (lslmark) g + with copper earth Safe a L plate z 48" blade with regulator,3 Elade lndicatave Srands: Philips / wipro/ Usha /crompton Greaves /Khaitan /8ajaj/ Havells 2 3OOmm sw€ep,45 Watts, Speed 1330 RPM lndicative Brands: Philips/ wipro/ Usha /crompton Greaves (lsl mark) Erh.ustfans (lsl mark) 4 s o 0 Copper plate earthing stations makinS earthing ceilinr/ 20 1 0. 2L reading of the Sil€nt 6€nemto. 5€t t9 3 L l.itialmeter 18 o 0 S 1 11 l1- 50 degrees celsiut' tso 90Ol certified, Minimum 3 KVA Petrol/Diesel based silentgen€rator set with Cablingand lnslallation Sllent G€h€rator Set champ 15 lr C 5rVA (1 Phase 5ervo Motor Operated Line Voltage Corrector), input Range: : S0V'270V is'n'te ptrase:. N4o'.rnrine:On Wheele Output range'22OV/230Vl240V sinBle phase tit.rnalt, overload cutoff, outpul protection through Mc8' F'equ€ncY Servo stabilircr t4 o ? U DISE CODE /(haitan/sajai/ Havells 15 Switches and 5ockete 2 in 15A and l5ASockets 15 (lsl mark) 15 A - 240 z v socket with shutter lnd icative Brands: ' Anchor / Havell, / crabtree /Wipro /Phillips / tegrand Switches and so€kets is to be provided for all electron icsllT eq! ipments including prinier and Projection system to be placed at lab technician table ComputerTable Tajpuria 13 chah 23 Uma Planic/Moderna 24 lnitial r€adint 41 Dimensionswidth l2oommx Depth 609mm xHeiShtT5omm 18mm prelaminated particle boad conforminS ls:12823. Pretreated 8t powdercoated sreelframe Good qualitY PvC edte bendinS to be provided on pre lamin3ted board. No Sharpcorners, smooth edgesareesseoti.l. LeSs frame mad€ of 1.5 inch rquare pipe, 16 Sauges. Table retts on Sood qualitv glide screws Full lenelh footrestisto be provaded. one 65mmdiameterholefordrawingcablesistobe provided,this hole hasto be covered with steelcover Good qualitY telescopic slider along with full width keYb@rd with 3ocm proiected depth panel, k€ybo.rdfre€ space is l0cm.Table must havea modestv panel of2oomm heightto beprovided-End capsto be provided. BlfMACertified Armless Moulded Chairs, Cream coloui, standard Compliant "v' bL / The surface ofwalland ceiling to be painted, shallbe prepared to the tatisfadion of O(CL OMSM and shallbe applied with 2 co.ts of primer and th€n with 2 coats ofdistemper paintof st.ndard make as approved by oKcL/ oMSM. Paintint 25 Dustingcloth, hand held vacuum cleaner.oust cloth cove6 forallthe lTequipments and 26 curtains 27 *+* Fulllat To maintain properd.rkness in the Lab / clasrroom 28 1 lslMark, WallClo€k 29 I 5 feet x 30 I 4 ftx3 ft minimum 18mm thickness white board Please note that allthe three '**'All fields A?TEII?lltr (M siSnatures are mandatory on allthe 3feet, P/F 15 thk Pinup board *w *'v with fabracwrapped ailaround "'v" sheets. mandatorily ,w 4 4) during Projection sitnature of oKcl Repr€sentativ€ with S€al