Download Xedio Ingest Organizer User`s Manual

User’s Manual
Version 4.1 - December 2011
Xedio Ingest Organizer
From Xedio Suite
Xedio Suite Version 4.1 - User’s Manual – Ingest Organizer
EVS Broadcast Equipment – December 2011
Issue 4.1.A
EVS Br oadca st E quip men t – Co pyri ght © 20 10-2 01 1. Al l ri ghts res erved .
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Issue 4.1.A
Xedio Suite Version 4.1 – User’s Manual - Ingest Organizer
EVS Broadcast Equipment – December 2011
Xedio Suite Version 4.1 - User’s Manual – Ingest Organizer
EVS Broadcast Equipment – December 2011
Issue 4.1.A
Table of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS ................................................................................................. III
WHAT’S NEW? .............................................................................................................. IV
INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................... 1
XEDIO INGEST - SERVER ..................................................................................... 2
XEDIO INGEST ORGANIZER - CLIENT................................................................. 3
3.1 USER INTERFACE ......................................................................................................................3
3.1.1 Opening Ingest Organizer .......................................................................................................3
3.1.2 Overview of the Xedio Ingest Organizer Window ....................................................................3
3.2 ENCODER DEVICES...................................................................................................................5
3.2.1 Encoding .................................................................................................................................5
3.2.2 Encoder...................................................................................................................................8
3.3 VTR DEVICE................................................................................................................................9
3.4 SCHEDULER .............................................................................................................................11
3.4.1 Timeline View Settings ..........................................................................................................11
3.4.2 Timeline Content ...................................................................................................................13
3.5 RECORDING TC VERSUS MEDIA TC ......................................................................................15
Issue 4.1.A
Xedio Suite Version 4.1 – User’s Manual - Ingest Organizer
EVS Broadcast Equipment – December 2011
What’s New?
In the cu rren t Inge st Org anizer u ser ma nual r elat ed to Xed io Sui te 3.0 2 a nd 4.01 ,
change s h ave only bee n bro ught to the doc u ment layou t, not to the manua l
conten t.
Xedio Suite Version 4.1 - User’s Manual – Ingest Organizer
EVS Broadcast Equipment – December 2011
Issue 4.1.A
1. Introduction
The Xedi o Inge st ap plic a tion al lows a u ser to c on trol en coder chan nels t o digit ize
any inc oming vide o int o high re solu tion , low r eso lutio n or bo th sim ulta neo usly (a
panel of di ffer ent cod ec s is availab le). Th e Xedi o Ingest ap plic atio n can control
multip le in comin g fee ds simult aneo usly a nd of fer s a VGA mon itor ing f eed of the
incomi ng v ideo as it is b e ing e ncode d.
As a ful ly in tegr ated par t of th e Xedi o Sui te of a pplica tio ns th e fil es are entere d
into t he dat abas e as t hey are bein g inge sted and can b e use d by othe r
applic ati ons in t he S uite even b efor e t he e ncod ing proce ss h as b een comp l eted.
The Xed io Ing est i s a s erver/ clie nt ba sed sy ste m and the refo re co nsis t s of two
elemen ts:
Xedio Ing est (se rver ) – Softwa re whic h runs on t he hardwa re enc oder to enable
the c ontr ol o f th e in gest proces s.
Xedio In gest O rgan izer (clien t) – S oftwa re whi ch runs on a ny wor ksta tion within
the Xed io env iron ment a nd cont rols the in gest p rocess of al l enco ders t hat are
part of t he s ystem .
Issue 4.1.A
Xedio Suite Version 4.1 – User’s Manual - Ingest Organizer
EVS Broadcast Equipment – December 2011
2. Xedio Ingest - Server
The Xedio In gest (s erve r) applica tion ru nnin g on a hardwa re encod er is usu ally set
up to auto s tart wh en th e comput er is swit ched o n. If howe ver it is n ot se t up in
this way the p rogra m ca n be starte d manual ly. C lick on the Xe dio Inge st icon on
the d eskt op t o st art the a pplica tio n.
A dialo gue bo x wil l then appear and as k the u ser to star t the a ppli cati on. At this
point a pass word c an be set up a nd ti ckin g the c heck bo x can s et t he au t o start
optio n.
When the ap plic atio n is start ed the mes sage wi n dow shows th e prog ress of the
connec tion to th e Cl ient applic ati on a nd disp lays any p robl ems it m ay hav e in the
set u p.
Xedio Suite Version 4.1 - User’s Manual – Ingest Organizer
Issue 4.1.A
EVS Broadcast Equipment – December 2011
3. Xedio Ingest
Organizer - Client
To start t he Xed io Ing e st Organ izer a ppli cati on , click on the Xed io
Ingest Orga nize r ic on o n the desk top.
This wil l disp lay a l ogin screen w here y ou nee d t o enter y our us ernam e
and pa sswo rd.
The Xe dio Inges t Or ga nizer grap hica l in terf ac e cont ains thr ee ma in areas
highg ligh ted in t he s cree nshot bel ow:
Outlook Area (1)
Work Area (2)
Logbook Area (3)
Xedio Suite Version 4.1 – User’s Manual - Ingest Organizer
Issue 4.1.A
EVS Broadcast Equipment – December 2011
This d ispl ays the list o f the devi ces w hich ca n be c ontr olle d by the Inges t
Organi zer.
The Ou tloo k ba r pr esen ts at l east as many tab s as ther e ar e de vices to con t rol.
Each tab pro vide s a ccess to a s erie s o f i tems . O nc e a cate gory ta b i s s elec t ed, its
specif ic items are sho wn as ico ns. Sele ct a ny o f t h ese ic ons to disp lay its r elevan t
inter face in the W ork are a.
The set up of enc oder s and VTR de vice s is made in th e Xedi o Manage r
applic ati on.
The Wor k ar ea di spla ys a tim elin e wit h th e in g ests t hat are sche dule d or to ok
place over a p erio d o f tim e for eac h of the con trol l ed dev ices .
It in tera ctiv ely chan ges when a n i tem i s s elec ted in o ne c ateg ory from the Outl oo k
This lis ts the pro cesse s underta ken by th e softwar e and repo rts an y erro r
encoun tere d du ring the p rocess es.
Xedio Suite Version 4.1 - User’s Manual – Ingest Organizer
EVS Broadcast Equipment – December 2011
Issue 4.1.A
Severa l it ems are avai lab le in the ‘En code rs’ cate g ory. T hey are deta iled be low.
When you clic k the E nco ding bu tton f or an encod er devi ce, t he fo llowi ng Encode r
window is d ispl ayed in th e Work area , al lowi ng yo u to e nter dat a fo r th e e ncoded
file, to se lect th e me thod of reco rdin g t hat wil l be used an d t o s tart th e re cordin g
proces s.
Xedio Suite Version 4.1 – User’s Manual - Ingest Organizer
Issue 4.1.A
EVS Broadcast Equipment – December 2011
To cr eate an out put fil e, ente r t he r elev ant dat a into th e f ield s d ispl aye d in the
Genera l ta b:
Descri ption
Name yo u g ive to t he f ile that wil l be enc oded
Id Fee d
Ident ific atio n given t o a feed tha t coul d be provi d ed by a
press agen cy
Extern al Re f
Refere nce wh ich ca n hel p to ide ntif y the e ncod ed media,
such a s a barc ode from a VTR t ape.
Media C lass
Class cate gori zing th e m edia. The cla sses are de fined in
the Cl ass Mana ger of t he Xedio Man ager app lica ti on.
Shootin g Dat e
Date o n whic h th e med ia has be en f ilmed . To up date t he
date, pres s th e Sh ootin g Date butt on a nd s elec t a date in
the c alen dar disp layed fr om the dro p-dow n ar row.
Video R atio
Record ing vide o ra tio of the medi a. P ossi ble val ues a re:
16/9, 4/3 or unkn own.
Origin al s ourc e of the fe e d.
Free tex t to descr ibe h ow the feed wa s route d to the
system .
Descri ption
Option al text to desc ribe the e ncode d me dia.
Publis h
Allows to s ee t he e ncoded
workst atio ns d atab ase lis ts.
medi a
clien t
In the M etad ata t ab, the users c an se lect one o f t he avai labl e met adat a pr ofile s by
clicki ng in the Met adat a Profile fi eld. Th en, the y can enter met adat a va lues for
the e ncode d me dia.
Xedio Suite Version 4.1 - User’s Manual – Ingest Organizer
EVS Broadcast Equipment – December 2011
Issue 4.1.A
The recor ding on an en c oder from Xed io Ing est O rganiz er can be sta rted i n one of
the t hree fol lowi ng mo de s:
Manual : when you p ress the Sta rt Rec ord b utto n , a dia log b ox al lows y o u to
enter a re cord du rati on. The enco ding pr oces s st arts as so on as you pr es s the
Start with Limi ts b utto n.
On Trig ger: you can ente r a st art timec ode and a stop t imec ode. The enco ding
proces s wi ll s tart and sto p at the spec ifie d t imeco des.
On Time : you can ente r star t and sto p tim es and da tes f or t he en co ding
proces s. T his opti on i s d i mmed wh en t he s ched ule r int erfa ce i s av aila ble.
The Serv er st atus s hows if the Xe dio In gest O rga nizer a ppli cati on is c onn ected b y
IP to the cor respo ndin g X edio Inge st S erver .
The High and Low Bit rate sta tus sho w if Xedio Inge st Org anizer is
communi cati ng wi th t he encod er so ftwa re f or t he spe cifi ed e ncode r. R eady i s
displa yed w hen the e nc oder i s rea dy f or th e r ecordi ng. D urin g th e re cordin g
proces s, R ec i s di spla ye d.
The Conn ect bu tto n all o ws the u ser t o make the connec tion manu ally if th e stat us
curren tly show s a disc on necti on.
Xedio Suite Version 4.1 – User’s Manual - Ingest Organizer
Issue 4.1.A
EVS Broadcast Equipment – December 2011
The St art Reco rd b utto n become s ac tive to st art t he en codi ng proce ss as s oon a s
the s tatu s sh ows a con ne cted stat e.
Depend ing on the enc od er ty pe, a L ow B itRat e Encod er b utt on a nd/o r a Hi gh
BitRate Enc oder but ton are av aila ble .
When you c lick o ne of t he Encode r but tons f or an encod er dev ice, the f ollowi ng
Encode r wind ow is disp l ayed in the Wo rk ar ea, showin g inf ormat ion a b out th e
encode r an d a moni tori ng outp ut o f th e cu rren t en c oding fil e.
The vi deo show n wil l o nly be a t a rate
• defin ed by t he GOP s tr ucture w ith t he CDM[ 1] encode rs (MPE G2 I
frames onl y wi ll b e di spla yed: abou t 2 per seco nd) and
• defin ed b y th e se tup of th e syst em w ith the CDM[2 ] encod ers.
With the CDM[2 ], only o ne mo nito ring at a time can b e p erfor med by a
Xedio Suite Version 4.1 - User’s Manual – Ingest Organizer
EVS Broadcast Equipment – December 2011
Issue 4.1.A
When you cl ick th e Cont rol VTR but ton fr om the VTR categ ory ta b, the f o llowin g
VTR win dow i s dis play e d in t he Wor k ar ea, a llo wing yo u to def ine d ata for t he
record ed f ile , to con trol t he VTR and mark are as o f the tap e to be ing este d.
These a reas have the sa me fie lds a s the enco der contr ol wi ndow. Plea se refer to
sectio ns ‘Ge nera l Tab’ o n page 6 an d ‘Met adat a Tab’ on pa ge 6 fo r a des cript io n
of th ose area s.
Xedio Suite Version 4.1 – User’s Manual - Ingest Organizer
Issue 4.1.A
EVS Broadcast Equipment – December 2011
This par amet er all ows th e user to c onnec t to th e l ogica l chan nel th at ha s been
assign ed to in gest t he m edia fro m the ta pe in th e VTR. Choos e the ch an nel and
press the Conne ct b utto n to e stab lish the comm uni catio n.
The VTR ar ea pr ovid es tr anspor t but tons to con tro l the VTR as wel l as In a nd Out
butto ns t o mar k se ctio ns of th e ta pe t o i nges t.
The Recor d Timec ode area all ows th e user to choose be twee n the e xisti ng
timeco de on the t ape or t he exte rnal sour ce of tim ecode c onne cted to th e e ncoder
when t he e ncod ing is p er formed .
Each a rea of t ape can b e det ermin ed a nd a dded to a lis t us ing the Add In Lis t
butto n. W hen the se lect i on fr om the tap e is co mplete , t he inge st is st arted by
pressi ng t he S tart Batc h butto n.
Xedio Suite Version 4.1 - User’s Manual – Ingest Organizer
EVS Broadcast Equipment – December 2011
Issue 4.1.A
The Sche dule r tab d ispl a ys a time line w ith al l the records alre ady en code d, bein g
encode d or sch edul ed t o take plac e wit hin the dis p layed time win dow.
Each l ogic al e ncod er h as its own timel ine.
The gr een line is the n owline and ref lect s th e curren t ti me. The thin r ed li ne
corres pond s to th e ti me befo re wh ich no acti on can be p erfo rmed thr o ugh t he
schedu ler.
Pressi ng t he [ Time] bu tto n dis plays a cont extu al m enu:
This set ting s ets t he ra nge of tim e disp laye d o n the time line . The mo u se scrol l
butto n may also b e used to change th is ran ge an d zoom in or out t he dis played
Xedio Suite Version 4.1 – User’s Manual - Ingest Organizer
Issue 4.1.A
EVS Broadcast Equipment – December 2011
Pressi ng the Par amete r s button di spla ys a con textu al menu wit h the f ollowi ng
optio ns:
Menu It ems
Gives opt ions for th e a mount of enco ders di spl ayed on
screen and the ad justm e nt of the dis play ref resh r ates
Goto No w
Return s to the cur rent da te an d ti me.
Nowline Foc us
If thi s opt ion i s sel ecte d , the t imeli ne fo r all enc oders i s
displa yed in s uch a w ay tha t th e now line is always
center ed and on ly the ra nge of the dis play ed per iod can
be adju sted . If the o ptio n is not s elec ted, the d isp lay can
be se t to show any tim e p eriod at any date .
Block List Dia log
Displa ys t he l ist of bloc ks pre sent in the time li ne fo r a
specif ic perio d o f ti me:
Xedio Suite Version 4.1 - User’s Manual – Ingest Organizer
Issue 4.1.A
EVS Broadcast Equipment – December 2011
Menu It ems
Clip D ispl ay Se ttin gs
Allows t o sel ect t he inf ormati on to b e dis playe d in the
encode d bl ock :
Show Th umbna ils
Shows a th umbna il for th e enco ding bl ock.
Refres hes the grap hica l i nterf ace.
Gives info rmat ion abou t t he ver sion of Ing est Sche duler .
The Cu rrent Dat e fi eld allows to sel ect the dat e for the time line di spla y. This is
only ava ilab le if t he No wline Fo cus par amet er is disab led f rom the P ar ameter s
Inges t med ia i s d ispla yed in t he f orm of b lock s in t he tim elin e.
The bl ock stat us is sh ow n by m eans of dif feren t c olor s as foll ows:
Block C olor
A blue blo ck to the rig h t of t he n owli ne is a S c heduled
inges t.
A curr entl y Re cordi ng i n gest is o range .
Xedio Suite Version 4.1 – User’s Manual - Ingest Organizer
Issue 4.1.A
EVS Broadcast Equipment – December 2011
Block C olor
A gree n bl ock to the left of th e now lin e is a s ucce ssful ly
Recorde d in gest .
A cont extu al m enu is a va ilabl e whe n yo u ri ght- clic k in the time line :
Menu It em
Descri ption
New Rec ords
Opens an Ed it Mod e window al lowi ng you t o enter
parame ters for a n ew f ile to e ncod e.
Modify Reco rds
Availa ble when rig ht-c lick ing o n a bloc k.
Opens an E dit Mo de win dow allo wing y ou to u pd ate the
parame ters of the enco di ng fi le.
View r ecord s
Opens a View Mode win dow sho wing you the p ar ameter s
of th e en codi ng f ile.
Provid es a su b-men u with the Lowbi trat e a nd th e
Highbit rate op tio ns. S elect ing one o ptio n op ens the
CleanE dit P laye r win do w from w hich you c an view t he
encode d/en codi ng b lock .
Some of th e meta data a s sociat ed to a n inge st can be easil y viewe d by pla c ing the
point er o ver the corre spo nding blo ck. A to olti p is d isplay ed:
Xedio Suite Version 4.1 - User’s Manual – Ingest Organizer
EVS Broadcast Equipment – December 2011
Issue 4.1.A
The Xed io I nges t ser ver usuall y pi lots two e ncod e rs: on e in hi -r es (E ncHi) and on e
in lo -res (Enc Low).
Each e ncod er c reat es o n e Medi a fi le: hi- res m edia file and lo- res m edia fi le .
Xedio In gest s ends th e record ing comm and to b oth enco ders a t the sam e time .
However , accor ding t o se veral pa ramet ers, su ch a s the codec , the rec ordi n g does
not star t at the sam e tim e on both enco ders . So, t he TC IN and TC OUT of the two
Media f iles w ill d iff er. Th i s is abs olut ely n ormal an d there can b e up to 10 s econds
betwee n bo th T C IN or b e tween both TC O UT i n so me cas es.
Once the rec ordi ng is fi nished , the Xed io Inge st analyses t he TC IN and the TC
OUT of each Medi a fi le and cr eat es a sing le Media file corr espo ndin g to t he
materi al c ommon to both lo-res and hi- res file s.
The Me dia TC IN wil l be t he hi ghes t va lue betwe en both TC I N.
The Me dia TC OUT wil l b e the lowe st v alue be twe en bo th TC OUT.
This d iff erenc e ca n be vi ewed i n a play er w hen T C Intr a i s dis play ed.
The reco rdin g exi sted f r om when th e fir st enc od er star ted un til t he la st encode r
stoppe d. S o, in t he s ched uler:
The Re cord ing T C IN val ue wil l be th e low est bet ween b oth TC IN .
The Me dia TC OUT val ue will be the high est betw e en bo th TC OUT.
In summa ry, th e dura tion of one rec ordi ng is a lw ays grea ter t han th e dur ation o f
the c orre spon ding Med ia and its Med ia fil es. The dura tion of on e Me dia is alwa ys
smalle r th at the dura tion of it s Med ia file s an d th e corres pond ing reco rdin g.
Addit iona lly, a cli p can b e creat ed fr om a me dia. It wil l the refo re alw ays h ave it s
TC IN and T C OUT wit hin the M edia TC IN a nd TC OUT lim its.
This i s ex plai ned in the f ollowi ng d iagr am.
Issue 4.1.A
Xedio Suite Version 4.1 – User’s Manual - Ingest Organizer
EVS Broadcast Equipment – December 2011
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