Download TEMPPO 6.0 Update

TEMPPO 6.0 Update
TEMPPO 6.0.32
#6890264: TEMPPO creates new test packages and test cases IDs for an XML
import, if they already exist in test structure, although user selected “Keep IDs”
#6890262: Cancelling a test structure version change is not possible anymore,
since it has been started.
Analysis “Progress Charts -> Execution -> Filtered” provides now execution
attributes like “Test Result”, “Tested”, “Tester”… in filter.
#6113167: “Project -> Exit” doesn’t take 1-2 minutes anymore.
#6086282: Execution history can be stored to csv.
Version window: Double click in on version loads automatically test structure
Pressing “ESC” closes all windows with “Close” or “Cancel” button.
TEMPPO 6.0.31
Displaying images in test step cells for db schemas with 6.0.26 on MS SQL
TEMPPO 6.0.30
#6820783: Find/Replace: Replacing special characters e.g. “#” causes problems
Import of TCs from Excel: If attribute names are equal to Excel ones, they are
Uploading images allows now pngs and gifs.
TEMPPO Requirement Manager: Saving the Newsboard is now possible.
TEMPPO 6.0.29
# 6773288: Test result and steps result do not match collaboration under
certain conditions.
Resize of settings dialog
Step result can be set even when TC is not locked.
Filter shows doubled values of UDAs after Excel import
History exports only date without time
TEMPPO 6.0.28
#6772345: After selecting an attribute instead of requirement ID an error
Import TCs from Excel: See User Manual, page 22 ff.
TEMPPO 6.0.27
#6705259: Merge (message) is not done (shown) when multi merge is activated
by clicking to another TC
Find/Replace: 0 occurrences are show although TPs/TCs are there.
Uploads are not imported back from export db.
Multi merge: Recursive merge doesn’t work in all cases.
#6569945: Part of test structure can be updated via XML, although another user
has locks in another part of the test structure.
#6698117: Insert line in filter criterion
XML import: User is now asked to keep IDs for TPs/TCs. If merging is often
used, please let TEMPPO create new IDs.
XML import/update: Tree is refreshed before starting XML import/update
XML import: Progress bar is always shown.
Multi merge information: Existing window is improved. The results for all merges
are now shown.
Export Newsboard to csv
TEMPPO 6.0.26
#6613044: Some requirements appear twice in report
#6628825: Report generation fails
TEMPPO 6.0.25
#6132311: New icons for setting results of selected test steps. Depending
on the selected test steps, the icon changes its display.
#6274858: TEMPPO supports now DOORS 9.4
#6281171: Improve behavior for report generation for a structure with
image columns.
#6289283: The behavior of relative values in all analyses was updated.
#6416120: XML update provides now also the possibility to keep the “Test
Goal” information
Filter is extended by “TC ID”: Now it is possible to create use “IN” and “NOT
IN” operators and list of “TC IDs”.
#6519528: Extension of test suite creation “Based on an existing test
suite with restrictions to test result”: Options “Get Actual Result” and “Bug
ID” are added.
#5726150: Requirement structures with umlaut
#6152912: TP description is not saved when a TP is created on branch, merged
and description is changed.
#6341804: Error when creating test suite: Modal progress bar is introduced
right after clicking “Finish” in test suite wizard.
#6403941: DOORS import fails: UTF-8 problem when cutting attribute names
longer than 50 characters
#6411396: XML Test Structure import with requirement structures reduces now
information message number if lots of requirement structures are assigned.
#6425332: Update of test suite wizard introduction page.
#6452523: Test structure filter returns wrong result in test suite
#6454801: Report with “Planned test execution time” is not OK for a filtered
test suite.
#6454801: Empty project cannot be deleted
#6484896: Error received when creating a report for a test suite
#6505851: DOORS baseline couldn’t be imported
#6516968: Bold data in test steps is doubled in report
Report preview of “Report for several test suites” hangs in case of invalid filter.
TEMPPO 6.0.24
6488305: User defined ID is not changed when TP/TC is pasted after copy.
TEMPPO 6.0.23
Report on more than one test suite: Users can now create tabular reports based
on several test suites. Optionally a filter can be applied on the selected test suites
Requirement analysis of several test suites: Users can now create analysis of
several test suites based on several requirement structures
More than 1 chart in a report: Users can now add any number of charts to any
Requirement attribute selection is report: Users can now select singular
requirement attributes for reports.
Export task list to Excel
Change structure on branch: Users are now informed that order changes are not
merged, because structure in latest can be completely different.
#6439693: Faulty XML update creates new TST version
#5971982: F&R: 2 clicks for changing direction
#6005124 Renaming attribute values causes wrong filter and test suites
#6011738: NPE when switching between newsboard and test structure
Cut & paste of text with hyperlinks doesn’t lose hyperlink anymore
#6013733: Inherited requirements are not displayed in multi selection mode
Size of uploads is now displayed correctly in TEMPPO Administrator
Buttons Edit and View are enabled if more uploads are selected
#6115502: Task list shows changes, although nothing was changed in
#6115473: Progress chart still not OK (#5961663)
#6113371: History is not written on any TC operation
#6086332: F/R throws error if a filter is set.
#6082534: Performance problem when call in execution history
“Replace All in Test Case” is not enabled in all use cases if a TP is selected.
#6405162: Find Replace Direction Change
#6403534: 'Planned test execution time' wrong computed
#6389106: attribute not readable in combo box
#6374598: close report-setting dialog with Esc
#6367191: available requirement attributes displayed in Report settings are
not related to RS version that is being assigned to current TS version.
#6366904: Execution Progress - Requirement Only Window to small
#6364871: in Test Execution Progress - Requirement Only is unclear from
which RS a requirement attribute is
#6364836: unclear requirement attributes in several test suites report
#6364814: space before items in menu Report selected is bigger than the
initial one
#6364749: Sometimes “Summary options” is not reported
#6364642: Same requirement attribute is only displayed once although
selected twice
#6335178: "ORA-01000: maximum open cursors exceeded" error received
when creating an analysis via: Evaluation->Analyse selected->Project->Bug
#6327572: HTML Report not correct
Addition to #6091865: Test Cases are not sorted in Report
#6277095: Filter in Evaluation > Execution > Filtered is not editable
#6246384: Nr of hidden TPs is wrong in case of filter
#6231194: CR Change appearance of FR-Dialog
#6229053: Carriage returns of description are ignored
#6218502: Sum of TCs in report not correct
#6216393: Step nr over 100 not displayed correctly
TP merge: German message is now improved after merge if RS versions are
#6173646: Message is misspelled
#6172154: error received during XML Update
#6170975: Apply of filter is criterion is cut if "unknown" text is recognized
“Comment” of selected task is now always enabled
TEMPPO 6.0.19
Requirement and attribute tabs are split in multi selection view for TCs and TPs.
See user manual, page 136 ff.
TEMPPO Administrator: Serial loading of project data
#5972037: Find / replace for string beginning with blanks
#6013733: Display of inherited requirements in multi selection mode. See
#6039006: Planned execution time in test suites & sum of TCs not correct
#6043802: TEMPPO Administrator: Move ownership for requirement
structures doesn’t work
#6043853/#6107459: Edit uploads doesn’t work
#6067291: Result coverage not correct
#6071142: Limit depth of report not correct
#6075571: Error in filter for attribute values containing “use”
TEMPPO 6.0.17
Performance of reporting was improved.
CLI commands were corrected.
Export test suite to Microsoft Access works without errors.
Requirement analysis doesn't cause a problem anymore.
Import from Telelogic DOORS was improved.
TEMPPO 6.0.16
Test suite creation works correctly.
Export/Import test suites was improved.
TEMPPO 6.0.15
Linked uploads cannot be deleted anymore in test structure
Context menus for editing test steps are disabled in test suite
Filter window cannot be called in multi selection mode
History entry is written for "Move ownership"
Progress bar adapted for long taking report creation / previewing due to lots
of images.
Changing a test case in a branch version and exporting test suite doesn't
cause a problem anymore.
XML Import for test packages works now for existing test package IDs
TEMPPO 6.0.14
Correction for CLI - commands.
TEMPPO 6.0.13
Access-DB was corrected because version check-ins were not saved
TEMPPO 6.0.12
Problems with test case-template are corrected.
Corrections of interface to CM-Tool Telelogic Change were done.
TEMPPO 6.0.11
Filter with attribute 'Overall Result' doesn't throw an error anymore.
Filter import for test suites works correctly.
Filter is written correctly to report.
In Administrator, attributes are shown properly.
Interface for CM-Tool Telelogic Change was improved.
TEMPPO 6.0.10
Attributes for test packages are shown in assign dialog in multi-selection
mode of test packages.
User defined ID of test packages is written to continuous report.
In Administrator, projects can be copied: the project including assigned users plus
meta data except requirement structures is copied.
During test structure XML update, test case name and test steps can be retained.
GUI of analysis was improved and an additional test execution progress is available.
In new execution progress a filter can be applied.
TEMPPO 6.0.9
Opening project properties is improved.
History entries for attribute assignment changes are inserted correctly.
Progress Chart is removed from reporting. Word-Reports are generated
without any problems.
The differences after a check-in of requirement structures are computed
For loading test structure versions, a database connection pool is used reducing
login/logoffs on database.
TEMPPO 6.0.8
Applying a test suite filter and closing the test suite window is done correctly.
Exporting a test structure is now possible via context menu.
Creating a table report only with test case IDs instead of test case names is
now possible.
TEMPPO 6.0.7
Migration is corrected.
For search of strings, occurrences are counted correctly
TEMPPO 6.0.6
The text field width is adapted to the window size in test step assistant.
Requirement info for test structure shows all assigned requirement structures.
During import/update of IBM Telelogic DOORS resource usage was improved.
In TEMPPO Manager, roles for Oracle connection are set correctly.
TEMPPO 6.0.5
User-defined IDs for test packages are editable after setting activation.
Compare for test packages over versions is available now.
All changed data are saved correctly in multi-selection mode.
Filter can handle requirements and attribute values with comma.
Editing test cases after setting test result to "not executed" works without any
The width of columns in report is equal to report settings.
TEMPPO 6.0.4
Missing indices are created during migration to prevent deadlocks in database. Use
a SysDBA - user for migration.
TEMPPO 6.0.3
New license server is reachable through firewalls. The following settings are
No blocking of javaw.exe in installation directory of license server for
incoming and outgoing connections.
Enable ports for incoming connections: chosen port during installation (2000)
and port range 60000 – 61000
Enable ports for outgoing connections: all high-end ports
You have to install TEMPPO client V6.0.3 for usage of new license server.
It's possible to use TEMPPO client V6.0.3 with existing license server (before
For usage of Access databases, requirements with attributes can be assigned
without any problems.
TEMPPO 6.0.2
Integration of features and fixes in V5.8, e.g. improvement of opening test
structures, attributes are inserted correctly in reports, improvement of
loading projects in Administrator.
Checkbox "Hide empty sub-trees" for filter is available.
Apply requirement updates is corrected concerning SQL Server 2005.
TEMPPO 6.0.1
Rebranding to from SiTEMPPO to TEMPPO is done!
SiTEMPPO 5.9.17
Modifications of JDBC driver for PostgreSQL database has to be adapted on
SiTEMPPO side, too.
SiTEMPPO 5.9.16
A new JDBC driver for PostgreSQL database is now available.
SiTEMPPO 5.9.15
Creating a test structure based on a requirement structure works now free
from any error.
SiTEMPPO 5.9.14
View concept: SiTEMPPO Requirement Manager was extended by the so called
"View concept". When creating a baseline additionally a view can be created which
is represented by a filter. E.g., if not all requirements are planned for test, a view is
stored to the new version and in SiTEMPPO test cases can be tested against those
SiTEMPPO 5.9.13
Report generation works now fine again, since new feature "Evaluation->Progress
charts -> Execution progress..." caused side effects.
SiTEMPPO 5.9.12
"Evaluation->Progress charts -> Execution progress..." was extended by a new tab
"Detailed data" where test cases plus results are listed as table which can be stored
as csv file.
Creating a new test suite is supported by filter. Complex logical criteria are often
defined as filter which should later be used also for creating a test suite. Test suite
wizard provides now a filter selection instead of manual entering the criterion.
SiTEMPPO 5.9.11
A new lock type "Version" avoids creating new test structure versions by 2 or more
users at the same time.
User names can contain special characters like '-'.
SiTEMPPO Requirement Manager: Analysis works correctly for "Planned
During a XML import an overlong "Actual result" is shortened correctly and
causes no more problems.
Over all number of test cases is now correct in reports of filtered test
structures or test suites.
In multi-selection mode of test structure and multi-selected requirements
causes a click into any requirement cell no more problems.
SiTEMPPO 5.9.10
Uploading of files to the database in the course of creating a hyperlink works
now again correctly.